UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Complete Schedule for the East Asian Studies Program - Spring 2022
These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time
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I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics
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American Studies
 AMST 3180Introduction to Asian American Studies
Spring 2022  12997 100Lecture (3 Units)Permission 59 / 60 (59 / 60)Sylvia ChongMoWe 10:00am - 10:50amMonroe Hall 134
Spring 2022  19826 101Discussion (0 Units)Closed 15 / 15 (15 / 15)Eyal Handelsman KatzWe 1:00pm - 1:50pmShannon House 108
Spring 2022  19827 102Discussion (0 Units)Closed 15 / 15 (15 / 15)Jie ZhangWe 3:00pm - 3:50pmBryan Hall 203
Spring 2022  19828 103Discussion (0 Units)Closed 15 / 15 (15 / 15)Eyal Handelsman KatzFr 1:00pm - 1:50pmDawson's Row 1
Spring 2022  19829 104Discussion (0 Units)Open 14 / 15 (14 / 15)Jie ZhangFr 2:00pm - 2:50pmBryan Hall 310
 ANTH 3340Ecology and Society: An Introduction to the New Ecological Anthropology
Spring 2022  19359 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 24 / 30Frederick DamonMoWeFr 10:00am - 10:50amRouss Hall 403
History of Art
 ARTH 1507Art and Global Cultures
 Art and the Silk Road
Spring 2022  13352 100Lecture (3 Units)Open 43 / 60Dorothy WongMoWe 1:00pm - 1:50pmCampbell Hall 160
 Art and the Silk Road
Spring 2022  13353 101Discussion (0 Units)Open 19 / 20James RazumoffTu 4:00pm - 4:50pmFayerweather Hall 206
 Art and the Silk Road
Spring 2022  13354 102Discussion (0 Units)Open 11 / 20James RazumoffTu 5:00pm - 5:50pmFayerweather Hall 206
 Art and the Silk Road
Spring 2022  13355 103Discussion (0 Units)Open 13 / 15James RazumoffTh 10:00am - 10:50amFayerweather Hall 215
 ARTH 3863East Asian Art, Landscape, and Ecology
Spring 2022  19171 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 27 / 30 (27 / 30)Dorothy WongMoWe 5:00pm - 6:15pmMonroe Hall 118
 CHIN 1010Elementary Chinese
Spring 2022  12344 001Lecture (4 Units)Open17 / 20Rui WangMoTuWeThFr 9:00am - 9:50amNew Cabell Hall 183
 CHIN 1020Elementary Chinese
Spring 2022  10082 002Lecture (4 Units)Open9 / 16Jun WangMoTuWeThFr 10:00am - 10:50amNew Cabell Hall 036
Spring 2022  10083 003Lecture (4 Units)Open15 / 16Jun WangMoTuWeThFr 11:00am - 11:50amNew Cabell Hall 036
Spring 2022  10084 004Lecture (4 Units)Open10 / 16Ying GaoMoTuWeThFr 12:00pm - 12:50pmNew Cabell Hall 056
Spring 2022  11735 005Lecture (4 Units)Open15 / 16Ying GaoMoTuWeThFr 1:00pm - 1:50pmNew Cabell Hall 056
 CHIN 2010Intermediate Chinese
Spring 2022  12575 001Lecture (4 Units)Open15 / 16Rui WangMoTuWeThFr 11:00am - 11:50amNew Cabell Hall 068
 CHIN 2020Intermediate Chinese
Spring 2022  10085 001Lecture (4 Units)Open 10 / 16Ziyi GengMoTuWeThFr 9:00am - 9:50amNew Cabell Hall 044
Spring 2022  13874 002Lecture (4 Units)Open 15 / 16Ziyi GengMoTuWeThFr 10:00am - 10:50amNew Cabell Hall 044
Spring 2022  11435 003Lecture (4 Units)Closed 16 / 16Shu-Chen ChenMoTuWeThFr 11:00am - 11:50amNew Cabell Hall 044
Spring 2022  11538 004Lecture (4 Units)Open 15 / 16Shu-Chen ChenMoTuWeThFr 1:00pm - 1:50pmNew Cabell Hall 044
 CHIN 2060Accelerated Intermediate Chinese
Spring 2022  10086 001Lecture (4 Units)Permission 13 / 16Ying GaoMoWeFr 10:00am - 10:50amNew Cabell Hall 283
 CHIN 3010Pre-Advanced Chinese I
Spring 2022  13064 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 7 / 12Rui WangMoWeFr 1:00pm - 1:50pmShea House 211
 CHIN 3020Pre-Advanced Chinese II
Spring 2022  12413 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 8 / 12Miao-Fen TsengMoWeFr 11:00am - 11:50amNew Cabell Hall 183
Spring 2022  12576 002Lecture (3 Units)Open 9 / 12Ziyi GengMoWeFr 12:00pm - 12:50pmShea House 211
Spring 2022  11922 003Lecture (3 Units)Open 7 / 12Jun WangMoWeFr 2:00pm - 2:50pmNew Cabell Hall 209
 CHIN 3025Language House Conversation
Spring 2022  10087 001Lecture (1 Units)Permission15 / 18Ying GaoTBATBA
 CHIN 4010Advanced Chinese I
Spring 2022  18306 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 7 / 12Ran ZhaoMoWeFr 10:00am - 10:50amNew Cabell Hall 066
 CHIN 4020Advanced Chinese II
Spring 2022  12449 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 10 / 12Hsin Hsin LiangMoWeFr 11:00am - 11:50amNew Cabell Hall 395
Spring 2022  10088 002Lecture (3 Units)Open 5 / 12Hsin Hsin LiangMoWeFr 2:00pm - 2:50pmBryan Hall 203
 CHIN 4030Business Chinese
Spring 2022  11734 002Lecture (3 Units)Open 10 / 12Hsin Hsin LiangMoWeFr 1:00pm - 1:50pmBryan Hall 203
 CHIN 4801Professional Chinese with Community Engagement
Spring 2022  21339 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 7 / 12Shu-Chen ChenTuTh 9:30am - 10:45amNew Cabell Hall 066
 CHIN 4840Introduction to Classical Chinese Poetry
Spring 2022  18308 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 8 / 20Anne KinneyTuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pmNew Cabell Hall 315
 CHIN 4993Independent Study in Chinese
Spring 2022  14003 009IND (1 - 3 Units)Permission 0 / 5To be AnnouncedTBATBA
Chinese in Translation
 CHTR 3020Survey of Modern Chinese Literature
Spring 2022  12577 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 36 / 40 (36 / 40)Charles LaughlinMoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pmNew Cabell Hall 309
 CHTR 4010Legendary Women in Early China
Spring 2022  18309 001SEM (3 Units)Open 18 / 20Anne KinneyTuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pmNew Cabell Hall 315
 CHTR 4991Chinese Capstone
Spring 2022  11917 001SEM (1 Units)Permission 2 / 10Anne KinneyTBATBA
 CHTR 5020Survey of Modern Chinese Literature
Spring 2022  12581 001Lecture (3 Units)Open36 / 40 (36 / 40)Charles LaughlinMoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pmNew Cabell Hall 309
East Asian Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
 EALC 4999Distinguished Majors Senior Thesis II
Spring 2022  14005 001IND (3 Units)Permission 0 / 3Anne KinneyTBATBA
East Asian Studies
 EAST 1010East Asian Canons and Cultures
Spring 2022  18311 100Lecture (3 Units)Closed 60 / 60Jack ChenMoWe 4:00pm - 4:50pmClaude Moore Nursing Educ G120
Spring 2022  18313 101Discussion (0 Units)Closed 21 / 20Chris RoweTh 7:00pm - 7:50pmNew Cabell Hall 485
Spring 2022  18314 102Discussion (0 Units)Closed 21 / 20Chris RoweFr 9:00am - 9:50amNew Cabell Hall 368
Spring 2022  18315 103Discussion (0 Units)Open 18 / 20Chris RoweTh 9:00am - 9:50amNew Cabell Hall 415
 EAST 2559New Course in East Asian Studies
 Unlocking the Treasure Box of Chinese Calligraphy
Spring 2022  21414 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed 20 / 20Ran ZhaoMo 5:30pm - 8:00pmNew Cabell Hall 407
 EAST 4991East Asian Studies Capstone
Spring 2022  11947 001SEM (1 Units)Permission10 / 15Gustav HeldtTBATBA
 EAST 4993Independent Study
Spring 2022  21421 001IND (1 Units)Permission1 / 2Jack ChenTBATBA
 EAST 4999Distinguished Majors Senior Thesis
Spring 2022  12890 001IND (3 Units)Permission 0 / 5Charles LaughlinTBATBA
 EAST 5111China to 1000
Spring 2022  20814 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 27 / 30 (27 / 30)Cong ZhangTuTh 9:30am - 10:45amGibson Hall 141
 EAST 5180Asian American Studies
Spring 2022  20922 001SEM (3 Units)Permission3 / 5Sylvia ChongMoWe 10:00am - 10:50amContact Department
 EAST 5304Media in China: Technology, Policy, and Commerce
Spring 2022  21602 001SEM (3 Units)Open2 / 5 (28 / 30)Aynne KokasTu 3:30pm - 6:00pmNew Cabell Hall 485
 EAST 5323China and the United States
Spring 2022  18987 001Lecture (3 Units)Permission54 / 59 (54 / 59)Xiaoyuan LiuTuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pmGibson Hall 211
 EAST 5863East Asian Art, Landscape, and Ecology
Spring 2022  20127 001Lecture (3 Units)Open27 / 30 (27 / 30)Dorothy WongMoWe 5:00pm - 6:15pmMonroe Hall 118
 EAST 8999Non-Topical Research
Spring 2022  12582 001IND (1 - 12 Units)Open2 / 10Bradly ReedTBATBA
 ECON 5559New Course in Economics
 The International Economy since 1850
Spring 2022  21156 001Lecture (3 Units)Open9 / 15 (9 / 15)Mark ThomasTu 3:30pm - 6:00pmMonroe Hall 114
 Gender and Economics
Spring 2022  21706 002Lecture (3 Units)Closed18 / 12 (18 / 12)Amalia MillerMoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pmMonroe Hall 114
 Mathematical Microeconomics
Spring 2022  21862 300Lecture (4 Units)Open14 / 20 (14 / 20)Maxim EngersTuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pmMonroe Hall 134
 Mathematical Microeconomics
Spring 2022  21876 301Discussion (0 Units)Open14 / 20 (14 / 20)Yang YuTh 5:00pm - 5:50pmCocke Hall 115
History-East Asian History
 HIEA 1501Introductory Seminar in East Asian History
 Thought and Religion in Early China
Spring 2022  12273 001SEM (3 Units)Open 12 / 15Cong ZhangMo 2:00pm - 4:30pmNau Hall 142
 Japan's Fukushima Disaster
Spring 2022  13358 002SEM (3 Units)Closed 15 / 15Robert StolzTu 3:30pm - 6:00pmNau Hall 241
 HIEA 2101Modern Korean History: One Peninsula, Two Paths
Spring 2022  18709 100Lecture (3 Units)Open 59 / 60Joseph SeeleyMoWe 1:00pm - 1:50pmNau Hall 211
Spring 2022  18710 101Discussion (0 Units)Closed 20 / 20Wu QuWe 4:00pm - 4:50pmNew Cabell Hall 211
Spring 2022  18711 102Discussion (0 Units)Closed 20 / 20Wu QuWe 5:00pm - 5:50pmNew Cabell Hall 209
Spring 2022  18712 103Discussion (0 Units)Open 19 / 20Wu QuWe 6:00pm - 6:50pmNew Cabell Hall 209
 HIEA 3111China to the Tenth Century
Spring 2022  13868 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 27 / 30 (27 / 30)Cong ZhangTuTh 9:30am - 10:45amGibson Hall 141
 HIEA 3172The Japanese Empire
Spring 2022  13840 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 26 / 30Robert StolzTuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pmGibson Hall 242
 HIEA 3321China and the Cold War
Spring 2022  21287 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 24 / 25Xiaoyuan LiuTuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pmMaury Hall 113
 HIEA 3323China and the United States
Spring 2022  18689 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 54 / 59 (54 / 59)Xiaoyuan LiuTuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pmGibson Hall 211
 HIEA 4501Seminar in East Asian History
 North Korea
Spring 2022  13436 001SEM (4 Units)Permission 14 / 15Joseph SeeleyMo 2:00pm - 4:30pmGibson Hall 141
 Cultural Revolution in China
Spring 2022  18799 002SEM (4 Units)Permission 12 / 12Bradly ReedTh 3:30pm - 6:00pmNew Cabell Hall 111
 HIEA 4993Independent Study in East Asia
Spring 2022  21776 001IND (1 - 3 Units)Closed 1 / 1Xiaoyuan LiuTBATBA
 HIEA 9021Tutorial in 'China in Hot and Cold Wars in Modern Times'. . .
Spring 2022  14085 001IND (3 Units)Open1 / 5Xiaoyuan LiuTBATBA
 HIEA 9024An Introduction to the Historiography of Modern Korea
Spring 2022  21393 001IND (3 Units)Open1 / 9Joseph SeeleyTBATBA
 JAPN 1020First-Year Japanese
Spring 2022  10222 001Lecture (4 Units)Open13 / 16Tomoko MarshallMoTuWeThFr 10:00am - 10:50amNew Cabell Hall 187
Spring 2022  10223 002Lecture (4 Units)Open12 / 16Tomoko MarshallMoTuWeThFr 11:00am - 11:50amNew Cabell Hall 187
Spring 2022  11870 003Lecture (4 Units)Open11 / 16Takuya ItoMoTuWeThFr 11:00am - 11:50amNew Cabell Hall 283
Spring 2022  10224 004Lecture (4 Units)Open9 / 16Takuya ItoMoTuWeThFr 12:00pm - 12:50pmNew Cabell Hall 283
 JAPN 2020Second-Year Japanese
Spring 2022  10225 001Lecture (4 Units)Open 9 / 16Tomomi SatoMoTuWeThFr 10:00am - 10:50amNew Cabell Hall 064
Spring 2022  11640 002Lecture (4 Units)Open 15 / 16Tomomi SatoMoTuWeThFr 11:00am - 11:50amNew Cabell Hall 064
Spring 2022  18316 003Lecture (4 Units)Open 13 / 16Takuya ItoMoTuWeThFr 2:00pm - 2:50pmNew Cabell Hall 183
 JAPN 2100Cultural Conversation in Japanese
Spring 2022  18317 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 7 / 15Tomomi SatoMoWeFr 9:00am - 9:50amGibson Hall 142
 JAPN 3020Third-Year Japanese II
Spring 2022  10226 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed 12 / 12Mieko KawaiMoWeFr 10:00am - 10:50amNew Cabell Hall 042
Spring 2022  12578 002Lecture (3 Units)Open 9 / 12Mieko KawaiMoWeFr 11:00am - 11:50amNew Cabell Hall 042
 JAPN 3025Language House Conversation
Spring 2022  10227 001Lecture (1 Units)Permission7 / 15Takuya ItoTBATBA
 JAPN 4710Introduction to Literary Japanese (Bungo)
Spring 2022  11871 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 14 / 15Gustav HeldtWe 3:30pm - 6:00pmNau Hall 241
 JAPN 4801Japanese for Professionals
Spring 2022  13081 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed 12 / 12Mieko KawaiTuTh 11:00am - 12:15pmNau Hall 142
Japanese in Translation
 JPTR 3020Survey of Modern Japanese Literature
Spring 2022  11273 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed 21 / 20 (21 / 20)Anri YasudaTuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pmNew Cabell Hall 027
 JPTR 3100Myths and Legends of Japan
Spring 2022  18318 001SEM (3 Units)Open 18 / 20 (18 / 20)Gustav HeldtTu 3:30pm - 6:00pmNew Cabell Hall 309
 JPTR 3559New Course in Japanese in Translation
 Experiences and Expressions Beyond Japan
Spring 2022  18320 001SEM (3 Units)Open 12 / 20Anri YasudaWe 2:00pm - 4:30pmNew Cabell Hall 338
 Requirement Designation: SWNW Class Attributes: ASUD-CSW,ASUR-R21C2
 JPTR 4991Japanese Capstone
Spring 2022  12579 001SEM (1 Units)Permission5 / 20Anri YasudaTBATBA
 JPTR 5020Survey of Modern Japanese Literature
Spring 2022  11274 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed21 / 20 (21 / 20)Anri YasudaTuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pmNew Cabell Hall 027
 JPTR 5100Myths and Legends of Japan
Spring 2022  18319 001SEM (3 Units)Open18 / 20 (18 / 20)Gustav HeldtTu 3:30pm - 6:00pmNew Cabell Hall 309
 KOR 1020Elementary Korean II
Spring 2022  10228 001Lecture (4 Units)Open14 / 18YOON HWA CHOIMoTuWeThFr 9:00am - 9:50amNew Cabell Hall 207
Spring 2022  12017 002Lecture (4 Units)Closed19 / 18YOON HWA CHOIMoTuWeThFr 10:00am - 10:50amNew Cabell Hall 207
Spring 2022  13088 003Lecture (4 Units)Closed18 / 18YOON HWA CHOITuTh 12:00pm - 12:50pmNew Cabell Hall 068
 YOON HWA CHOIMoWeFr 12:00pm - 12:50pmNew Cabell Hall 315
 KOR 2020Intermediate Korean II
Spring 2022  10541 001Lecture (4 Units)Open 15 / 18Rosa HanMoTuWeThFr 10:00am - 10:50amNew Cabell Hall 115
Spring 2022  12018 002Lecture (4 Units)Closed 19 / 18Rosa HanMoTuWeThFr 11:00am - 11:50amNew Cabell Hall 115
 KOR 3015Language House Conversation
Spring 2022  11504 001Lecture (1 Units)Permission 9 / 15Rosa HanTBATBA
 KOR 3020Advanced Korean II
Spring 2022  10229 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed 13 / 12Rosa HanMoWeFr 12:00pm - 12:50pmNew Cabell Hall 303
 KOR 4020Advanced Readings in Modern Korean II
Spring 2022  12019 001Lecture (3 Units)Permission 13 / 12YOON HWA CHOIMoWeFr 1:00pm - 1:50pmNew Cabell Hall 303
Leadership and Public Policy - Leadership
 LPPL 3480Leadership in American Policy toward China
Spring 2022  17044 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 12 / 15Harry HardingTu 3:30pm - 6:00pmPavilion VIII 102
Media Studies
 MDST 3504Topics in Global Media
 Japanese Cinema in Global Context
Website  17760 004SEM (3 Units)Open28 / 30Lori MorimotoWe 5:00pm - 7:30pmPhysics Bldg 210
 For more information, click on the left-hand link. There are a limited number of seats available for non-majors. No knowledge of Japanese is necessary.
 Media in China: Technology, Policy and Commerce
Spring 2022  20405 005SEM (3 Units)Open28 / 30 (28 / 30)Aynne KokasTu 3:30pm - 6:00pmNew Cabell Hall 485
 RELB 2054Tibetan Buddhism Introduction
Spring 2022  19043 100Lecture (3 Units)Open 109 / 120Adam LiddleMoWe 2:00pm - 2:50pmClark Hall 107
Spring 2022  19044 101Discussion (0 Units)Open 19 / 20Aik Sai GohWe 5:00pm - 5:50pmNew Cabell Hall 287
Spring 2022  19045 102Discussion (0 Units)Open 19 / 20Aik Sai GohWe 6:00pm - 6:50pmNau Hall 142
Spring 2022  19046 103Discussion (0 Units)Open 17 / 20Aik Sai GohWe 7:00pm - 7:50pmNau Hall 142
Spring 2022  19047 104Discussion (0 Units)Closed 20 / 20Christopher BrughTh 5:00pm - 5:50pmNew Cabell Hall 032
Spring 2022  19048 105Discussion (0 Units)Open 19 / 20Christopher BrughTh 6:00pm - 6:50pmNew Cabell Hall 211
Spring 2022  19049 106Discussion (0 Units)Open 15 / 20Christopher BrughTh 7:00pm - 7:50pmGibson Hall 242
 RELB 2559New Course in Buddhism
 Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy
 Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy (will become RELB2200)
Spring 2022  19036 100Lecture (3 Units)Open 59 / 65Sonam KachruTuTh 9:30am - 10:45amWilson Hall 301
 Currently, the course is listed as offering between 1-4 credits. This is a mistake. It is a 3 credit class (consisting in lectures + discussions). We are trying to fix the error.
 Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy
Spring 2022  19037 101Discussion (0 Units)Closed20 / 20Eliot DavenportWe 5:00pm - 5:50pmNew Cabell Hall 291
 Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy
Spring 2022  19038 102Discussion (0 Units)Open20 / 25Eliot DavenportWe 6:00pm - 6:50pmNau Hall 242
 Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy
Spring 2022  19039 103Discussion (0 Units)Open18 / 20Eliot DavenportWe 7:00pm - 7:50pmNau Hall 241
 RELB 2715Introduction to Chinese Religion
Spring 2022  20923 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 26 / 30 (26 / 30)Natasha HellerMoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pmWilson Hall 214
 RELB 5480Literary Tibetan VI
Spring 2022  12435 001SEM (3 Units)Open 3 / 6 (3 / 6)Steven WeinbergerMoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pmPavilion VIII 105
 RELB 5810Literary Tibetan VIII
Spring 2022  12436 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 3 / 6 (3 / 6)Steven WeinbergerMoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pmPavilion VIII 105
Religion-General Religion
 RELG 2715Introduction to Chinese Religion
Spring 2022  18963 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 26 / 30 (26 / 30)Natasha HellerMoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pmWilson Hall 214
Regional Studies Consortium
 RSC 6000Research Methods in Regional Studies
Spring 2022  20613 001SEM (3 Units)Open6 / 30Jack ChenTh 3:30pm - 6:00pmNew Cabell Hall 485
 SOC 4559New Course in Sociology
 Sociology of Empire
Spring 2022  18351 001SEM (3 Units)Open 17 / 19 (19 / 20)Krishan KumarTuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pmNew Cabell Hall 415

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