These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time
Public Health Sciences |
PHS 3050 | Fundamentals of Public Health |
Spring 2022 12541 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Permission | 71 / 70 | Paige Hornsby | TuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Old Medical School C001 |
PHS 3095 | Health Policy in the United States - An Economic Perspective |
Spring 2022 20727 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Permission | 24 / 30 | Tanya Wanchek | TuTh 8:00am - 9:15am | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3181 |
PHS 3104 | Introduction to Epidemiology: Methodological and Ethical Considerations |
Spring 2022 13255 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Permission | 31 / 20 | Jean Eby | TuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Old Medical School C001 |
PHS 3130 | Introduction to Health Research Methods |
Spring 2022 13887 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Permission | 19 / 22 | Aaron Pannone | TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am | Old Medical School C001 |
PHS 3825 | Global Public Health: Challenges and Innovations |
Spring 2022 12743 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Permission | 41 / 70 | Chris Colvin | TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am | Multistory (Old) Hospital 1777 |
PHS 4050 | Public Health Policy |
Spring 2022 12737 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Permission | 45 / 45 | Kathryn Quissell | TuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3181 |
Spring 2022 13886 | 002 | Lecture (3 Units) | Permission | 30 / 30 | Chris Colvin | TuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Rouss Hall 403 |
PHS 4991 | Global Public Health Capstone |
Spring 2022 12132 | 001 | SEM (3 Units) | Permission | 21 / 20 | Chris Colvin | We 1:00pm - 3:25pm | Multistory (Old) Hospital 1777 |
Spring 2022 19696 | 002 | SEM (3 Units) | Permission | 22 / 20 | Kathryn Quissell | We 1:00pm - 3:30pm | Multistory (Old) Hospital C1 |
Spring 2022 19697 | 003 | SEM (3 Units) | Permission | 18 / 20 | Paige Hornsby | We 1:00pm - 3:30pm | Contact Department |
Spring 2022 19699 | 005 | SEM (3 Units) | Permission | 20 / 20 | Rupa Valdez | We 1:00pm - 3:30pm | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3016 |
PHS 5100 | Health Care Policy & Management |
Spring 2022 20698 | 001 | SEM (3 Units) | Permission | 19 / 20 | Rajesh Balkrishnan | Tu 6:00pm - 8:30pm | Web-Based Course |
PHS 5621 | Health Impact Assessment |
Spring 2022 18241 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Permission | 12 / 15 | Schaeffer Somers | TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3016 |
PHS 5819 | Preparing for Engagement - South African History, Culture, and Language |
Spring 2022 21142 | 501 | SEM (1 Units) | Permission | 10 / 11 | Chris Colvin | Fr 8:30am - 10:00am | Bryan Hall 334 |
PHS 5825 | Global Public Health: Challenges and Innovations |
Spring 2022 21167 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Permission | 2 / 3 | Chris Colvin | TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am | Contact Department |
PHS 5960 | Supervised Independent Research |
Spring 2022 18273 | 002 | IND (1 - 6 Units) | Open | 0 / 30 | Chris Colvin | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2022 18275 | 003 | IND (1 - 6 Units) | Open | 0 / 30 | Jennifer Lobo | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2022 18277 | 004 | IND (1 - 6 Units) | Open | 2 / 30 | Rupa Valdez | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2022 18278 | 005 | IND (1 - 6 Units) | Open | 0 / 30 | Nathan Sheffield | TBA | TBA |
PHS 7001 | Introduction to Biostatistics II |
Spring 2022 18242 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Permission | 22 / 16 | Pavel Chernyavskiy | TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm | Old Medical School C001 |
PHS 7015 | Qualitative Methods for Community and Global Health |
Spring 2022 18243 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Permission | 18 / 20 | Jeanita Richardson | We 3:45pm - 6:15pm | Web-Based Course |
PHS 7020 | Epidemiological and Translational Research |
Spring 2022 18244 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Permission | 21 / 16 | Kristen Wells | We 12:30pm - 3:00pm | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3181 |
PHS 7050 | Public Health Law, Ethics, & Policy |
Spring 2022 18245 | 001 | Lecture (2 Units) | Permission | 22 / 15 | Ruth Bernheim | Th 9:30am - 10:50am | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3181 |
PHS 7051 | Policy Development, Analysis, & Advocacy |
Spring 2022 18264 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Permission | 21 / 25 | Chris Colvin | Th 3:30pm - 6:00pm | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3181 |
PHS 7090 | Health Care Economics |
Spring 2022 18247 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Permission | 25 / 25 | Tanya Wanchek | TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3181 |
PHS 7100 | Introduction to U.S. Health Care Policy & Systems |
Spring 2022 21281 | 001 | Lecture (2 Units) | Open | 4 / 5 | Rajesh Balkrishnan | Tu 6:00pm - 8:30pm | Web-Based Course |
PHS 7120 | Comparative Effectiveness and Outcomes |
Spring 2022 18261 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Permission | 10 / 5 | Jennifer Lobo | TuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3016 |
PHS 7200 | U.S. Healthcare: Policy, Organization, and Administration |
Spring 2022 18249 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Permission | 27 / 15 | Armando Bolmey | Mo 9:30am - 11:50am | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3181 |
PHS 7201 | Health Care Financial Management |
Spring 2022 18262 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Permission | 12 / 12 | Edward Howell | Mo 1:00pm - 3:30pm | Web-Based Course |
PHS 7214 | Applied Practice for Cancer Center Community Prevention |
Spring 2022 21435 | 001 | PRA (1 Units) | Permission | 5 / 5 | Melissa Little+1 | TBA | TBA |
PHS 7215 | Peer Health Education for Emerging Adults |
Spring 2022 20304 | 001 | PRA (1 Units) | Permission | 6 / 10 | Susan Bruce | TBA | TBA |
PHS 7216 | Workplace Health Promotion |
Spring 2022 20305 | 001 | Lecture (1 Units) | Permission | 4 / 10 | Victor Tringali | TBA | TBA |
PHS 7310 | Clinical Trials Methodology |
Spring 2022 20907 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Permission | 12 / 25 | Bethany Horton+1 | MoWe 3:45pm - 5:00pm | Web-Based Course |
PHS 7385 | Environmental Health: Epidemiologic Perspectives |
Spring 2022 18265 | 001 | SEM (3 Units) | Permission | 9 / 20 | Kristen Wells | Tu 8:30am - 10:50am | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3016 |
PHS 7410 | Database Management: Analyses with Secondary Data |
Spring 2022 18260 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Permission | 24 / 10 | Aaron Pannone | Mo 9:20am - 11:50am | Multistory (Old) Hospital C1 |
PHS 7411 | Health Policy Analysis with Secondary Data |
Spring 2022 18268 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Permission | 42 / 30 | Heather Zelle | Fr 1:00pm - 3:30pm | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3181 |
PHS 7470 | Management and Quality in Health Care Organizations |
Spring 2022 18250 | 001 | Lecture (2 Units) | Permission | 35 / 20 | Armando Bolmey | We 9:00am - 10:40am | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3181 |
PHS 7559 | Special Topics in Public Health Science |
Spring 2022 21130 | 001 | Lecture (1 - 4 Units) | Permission | 1 / 1 | Margaret Riley | Mo 3:40pm - 5:40pm | Contact Department |
PHS 7610 | Health Promotion and Health Behavior |
Spring 2022 18266 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Permission | 28 / 25 | Jeanita Richardson | Fr 9:30am - 12:15pm | Web-Based Course |
PHS 7615 | Population Health & Wellness |
Spring 2022 21217 | 001 | Lecture (1 Units) | Permission | 3 / 10 | Jean Eby | Th 12:30pm - 1:20pm | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3181 |
PHS 7840 | Human Subjects Research: Methodology, Ethics & Regulations |
Spring 2022 18251 | 001 | SEM (1 Units) | Permission | 59 / 100 | Jean Eby | Tu 3:30pm - 5:00pm | Web-Based Course |
PHS 8880 | Integrative Learning RP Part 1 |
Spring 2022 21436 | 001 | PRA (1 - 3 Units) | Permission | 1 / 5 | Rajesh Balkrishnan | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2022 18252 | 002 | PRA (1 - 3 Units) | Permission | 2 / 5 | Aaron Pannone | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2022 18271 | 004 | PRA (1 - 3 Units) | Permission | 0 / 5 | Jeanita Richardson | TBA | TBA |
PHS 8881 | Integrative Learning HP Part 1 |
Spring 2022 18253 | 005 | PRA (1 - 3 Units) | Permission | 2 / 5 | Tanya Wanchek | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2022 18272 | 008 | PRA (1 - 3 Units) | Permission | 5 / 5 | Heather Zelle | TBA | TBA |
PHS 8900 | Applied Practice Experience I |
Spring 2022 18254 | 001 | PRA (2 Units) | Permission | 0 / 30 | Paige Hornsby | TBA | TBA |
PHS 8901 | Applied Practice Experience II |
Spring 2022 18255 | 001 | PRA (1 Units) | Permission | 6 / 15 | Paige Hornsby | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2022 21213 | 002 | PRA (1 Units) | Permission | 9 / 30 | Ruth Bernheim | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2022 21214 | 003 | PRA (1 Units) | Permission | 8 / 30 | Carolyn Engelhard | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2022 21215 | 004 | PRA (1 Units) | Permission | 9 / 30 | Aaron Pannone | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2022 21216 | 005 | PRA (1 Units) | Permission | 2 / 30 | Kristen Wells | TBA | TBA |
PHS 8902 | Applied Practice Experience III |
Spring 2022 18269 | 001 | PRA (1 Units) | Open | 0 / 30 | Paige Hornsby | TBA | TBA |
PHS 8930 | Integrative Learning Experience RP Part 2 |
Spring 2022 18256 | 001 | PRA (1 - 3 Units) | Permission | 4 / 10 | Aaron Pannone | We 11:00am - 12:00pm | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3181 |
Spring 2022 21135 | 002 | PRA (1 - 3 Units) | Permission | 4 / 10 | Kristen Wells | We 11:00am - 12:00pm | Contact Department |
Spring 2022 21203 | 003 | PRA (1 - 3 Units) | Permission | 1 / 5 | Schaeffer Somers | We 11:00am - 12:00pm | TBA |
Spring 2022 21437 | 004 | PRA (1 - 3 Units) | Permission | 1 / 30 | Rajesh Balkrishnan | We 11:00am - 12:00pm | Contact Department |
PHS 8931 | Integrative Learning Experience HP Part 2 |
Spring 2022 18267 | 001 | PRA (1 - 3 Units) | Permission | 5 / 10 | Heather Zelle | We 11:00am - 12:00pm | Contact Department |
Spring 2022 21068 | 002 | PRA (1 - 3 Units) | Permission | 9 / 5 | Tanya Wanchek | We 11:00am - 11:50am | Contact Department |
Spring 2022 21168 | 003 | PRA (1 - 3 Units) | Permission | 3 / 5 | Kristen Wells | We 11:00am - 11:50am | Contact Department |
Spring 2022 21204 | 004 | PRA (1 - 3 Units) | Permission | 2 / 5 | Schaeffer Somers | We 11:00am - 12:00pm | Contact Department |
Spring 2022 21248 | 005 | PRA (1 - 3 Units) | Permission | 3 / 10 | Chris Colvin | We 11:00am - 11:50am | Contact Department |
Spring 2022 21249 | 006 | PRA (1 - 3 Units) | Permission | 3 / 10 | Rajesh Balkrishnan | We 11:00am - 12:00pm | Contact Department |
Spring 2022 21859 | 007 | PRA (1 - 3 Units) | Permission | 1 / 30 | Aaron Pannone | We 11:00am - 12:00pm | Contact Department |
PHS 8950 | Supervised Clinical Research I |
Spring 2022 18259 | 001 | IND (1 - 3 Units) | Permission | 1 / 20 | Wendy Novicoff | TBA | TBA |
PHS 8951 | Supervised Clinical Research Using R |
Spring 2022 21448 | 001 | IND (1 - 3 Units) | Closed | 6 / 5 | Wendy Novicoff | TBA | TBA |
PHS 8960 | Supervised Independent Research I |
Spring 2022 18257 | 001 | Lecture (1 - 6 Units) | Permission | 1 / 10 | Ruth Bernheim | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2022 18276 | 002 | Lecture (1 - 6 Units) | Open | 0 / 30 | Armando Bolmey | TBA | TBA |
PHS 8999 | Non-Topical Research |
Spring 2022 18258 | 001 | IND (1 - 12 Units) | Permission | 0 / 20 | Ruth Bernheim | TBA | TBA |