UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Summary Information - Complete Schedule of Classes at the University of Virginia - Spring 2025
These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time
These pages present data mined from the University of Virginia's student information system (SIS). — Lou Bloomfield, Department of Physics

I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics

This summary information page is a new feature and your comments, suggestions, bug reports, and other constructive criticism are welcome. -- Lou (8/6/2014)
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1000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
AAS 1020 100 Nemata Blyden+1 Lecture 4 156 180 624
AAS 1020 101 Guilherme Lemos Discussion 0 19 20 0
AAS 1020 102 Guilherme Lemos Discussion 0 20 20 0
AAS 1020 103 Nathan Frank Discussion 0 20 20 0
AAS 1020 104 Nathan Frank Discussion 0 17 20 0
AAS 1020 105 Guilherme Lemos Discussion 0 19 20 0
AAS 1020 106 Nathan Frank Discussion 0 14 20 0
AAS 1020 107 Chloe Porche Discussion 0 19 20 0
AAS 1020 108 Chloe Porche Discussion 0 19 20 0
AAS 1020 109 Chloe Porche Discussion 0 9 20 0
AIRS 100 001 Glen Gilson+1 Laboratory 0 62 100 0
AIRS 100 002 Glen Gilson+1 Laboratory 0 1 1 0
AIRS 1200 001 Kevin Bibb Lecture 1 17 50 17
AIRS 1200 002 Kevin Bibb Lecture 1 9 35 9
AMST 1050 001 Kirt von Daacke Lecture 3 20 20 60
ANTH 1010 002 Ernesto Benitez Lecture 3 25 25 75
ANTH 1010 100 Eve Danziger Lecture 3 108 120 324
ANTH 1010 101 David Ruiz Menjivar Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 1010 102 David Ruiz Menjivar Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 1010 103 David Ruiz Menjivar Discussion 0 12 20 0
ANTH 1010 104 Ntsieng Botsane Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 1010 105 Ntsieng Botsane Discussion 0 18 20 0
ANTH 1010 106 Ntsieng Botsane Discussion 0 19 20 0
APMA 1090 001 Julie Spencer Lecture 4 11 30 44
APMA 1110 001 Matthew McMillan Lecture 4 33 35 132
APMA 1110 002 Monika Abramenko Lecture 4 36 35 144
APMA 1110 003 Monika Abramenko Lecture 4 34 35 136
APMA 1110 004 Monika Abramenko Lecture 4 32 35 128
APMA 1110 005 Shirin Provat Lecture 4 27 35 108
ARAB 1020 001 Bilal Maanaki Lecture 4 14 18 56
ARAB 1020 002 Bilal Maanaki Lecture 4 16 19 64
ARAB 1020 003 Bilal Maanaki Lecture 4 14 17 56
ARCH 1030 001 Cesar Lopez Lecture 4 95 98 380
ARH 1020 100 Sheila Crane Lecture 3 123 135 369
ARH 1020 101 Sheila Crane+1 Discussion 0 13 15 0
ARH 1020 102 Sheila Crane+1 Discussion 0 12 15 0
ARH 1020 103 Sheila Crane+1 Discussion 0 14 15 0
ARH 1020 104 Sheila Crane+1 Discussion 0 15 15 0
ARH 1020 105 Sheila Crane+1 Discussion 0 15 15 0
ARH 1020 106 Sheila Crane+1 Discussion 0 11 15 0
ARH 1020 107 Sheila Crane+1 Discussion 0 15 15 0
ARH 1020 108 Sheila Crane+1 Discussion 0 14 15 0
ARH 1020 109 Sheila Crane+1 Discussion 0 14 15 0
ARTH 1507 100 Dorothy Wong Lecture 3 39 60 117
ARTH 1507 101 Claude Mohr Discussion 0 20 20 0
ARTH 1507 102 Claude Mohr Discussion 0 4 20 0
ARTH 1507 103 Claude Mohr Discussion 0 15 20 0
ASL 1020 001 Gregory Propp SEM 4 14 18 56
ASL 1020 002 Miranda Slusser SEM 4 18 18 72
ASL 1020 003 Miranda Slusser SEM 4 18 18 72
ASL 1020 004 Miranda Slusser SEM 4 15 18 60
ASL 1020 100 Robert Strickler DRL 0 17 18 0
ASL 1020 101 Robert Strickler DRL 0 18 18 0
ASL 1020 102 Tammy Waddell DRL 0 16 18 0
ASL 1020 103 Tammy Waddell DRL 0 14 18 0
ASTR 1210 001 Zhi-Yun Li Lecture 3 116 140 348
ASTR 1210 002 Ilse Cleeves Lecture 3 139 140 417
ASTR 1220 001 Matthew Pryal Lecture 3 26 99 78
ASTR 1220 002 Matthew Pryal Lecture 3 110 140 330
ASTR 1220 003 Shazrene Mohamed Lecture 3 117 140 351
ASTR 1220 004 Maryam Modjaz Lecture 3 137 140 411
ASTR 1250 001 Yifan Zhou Lecture 3 103 120 309
ASTR 1280 001 Paul Torrey Lecture 3 133 140 399
ASTR 1290 001 Matthew Pryal Lecture 3 136 140 408
ASTR 1610 001 Edward Murphy Lecture 1 22 34 22
BME 1501 001 Chris Highley Lecture 1 27 40 27
BME 1501 002 Mete Civelek Lecture 1 9 24 9
CASS 1011 001 Michael Rasbury Discussion 1 19 25 19
CHEM 1420 100 Kevin Welch Lecture 3 480 480 1440
CHEM 1420 101 Kevin Welch WKS 0 96 97 0
CHEM 1420 102 Kevin Welch WKS 0 98 90 0
CHEM 1420 103 Kevin Welch WKS 0 98 90 0
CHEM 1420 104 Kevin Welch WKS 0 98 90 0
CHEM 1420 105(CS) Kevin Welch WKS 0 50 50 0
CHEM 1420 106(CS) Kevin Welch WKS 0 40 40 0
CHEM 1420 200 Kevin Welch Lecture 3 339 480 1017
CHEM 1420 201(CS) Kevin Welch WKS 0 56 50 0
CHEM 1420 202(CS) Kevin Welch WKS 0 50 50 0
CHEM 1420 203 Kevin Welch WKS 0 47 99 0
CHEM 1420 204 Kevin Welch WKS 0 99 99 0
CHEM 1420 205 Kevin Welch WKS 0 87 99 0
CHEM 1421 001 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 002 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 003 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 24 24
CHEM 1421 004 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 005 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 006 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 007 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 22 20 22
CHEM 1421 008 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 20 20 20
CHEM 1421 009 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 20 20 20
CHEM 1421 010 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 20 20 20
CHEM 1421 011 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 18 20 18
CHEM 1421 012 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 20 20 20
CHEM 1421 013 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 014 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 015 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 016 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 017 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 018 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 24 24
CHEM 1421 019 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 020 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 021 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 022 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 023 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 024 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 025 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 026 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 23 20 23
CHEM 1421 027 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 028 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 029 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 030 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 031 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 032 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 033 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 034 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 035 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 036 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 23 20 23
CHEM 1421 037 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 038 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1421 039 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 20 24
CHEM 1500 001 Kamil Stelmach Lecture 3 38 45 114
CHEM 1820 100 Laura Serbulea Lecture 3 77 99 231
CHEM 1820 101 Laura Serbulea Discussion 0 77 99 0
CHEM 1821 100 Laura Serbulea Lecture 3 44 99 132
CHEM 1821 101 Laura Serbulea Laboratory 0 13 16 0
CHEM 1821 102 Laura Serbulea Laboratory 0 17 16 0
CHEM 1821 103 Laura Serbulea Laboratory 0 9 18 0
CHEM 1821 104 Laura Serbulea Laboratory 0 5 18 0
CHIN 1010 001 Ju Min Wang Lecture 4 9 18 36
CHIN 1010 002 Ju Min Wang Lecture 4 18 18 72
CHIN 1020 001 Ying Yue Lecture 4 13 18 52
CHIN 1020 002 Ying Yue Lecture 4 18 18 72
CHIN 1020 003 Ying Gao Lecture 4 16 18 64
CHIN 1020 004 Ying Gao Lecture 4 16 18 64
COMM 1800 001 Elaine Costa Lecture 3 151 160 453
COMM 1800 002 Elaine Costa Lecture 3 157 160 471
COMM 1800 003 David Costanza Lecture 3 152 160 456
COMM 1800 004 Elaine Costa Lecture 3 158 160 474
COMM 1800 005 Elaine Costa Lecture 3 78 160 234
CREO 1020 001 Karen James WKS 3 2 10 6
CS 1110 001 Arohi Khargonkar Lecture 3 149 250 447
CS 1110 002 Arohi Khargonkar Lecture 3 151 250 453
CS 1110 100 Arohi Khargonkar Laboratory 0 61 85 0
CS 1110 101 Arohi Khargonkar Laboratory 0 72 85 0
CS 1110 102 Arohi Khargonkar Laboratory 0 67 85 0
CS 1110 103 Arohi Khargonkar Laboratory 0 66 85 0
CS 1110 104 Arohi Khargonkar Laboratory 0 34 85 0
CS 1112 001 Nada Basit Lecture 3 89 85 267
CS 1112 002 Nada Basit Lecture 3 90 85 270
CS 1113 001 Cristina Mantilla Suarez Lecture 3 44 55 132
DANC 1200 001 Kim Mata STO 1 7 12 7
DRAM 1010 001 Cady Garey Lecture 3 51 50 153
DRAM 1010 002 Cady Garey Lecture 3 49 50 147
DRAM 1020 001 Jennifer Wales Lecture 3 16 16 48
DRAM 1020 002 Cortney Lowinski Lecture 3 16 16 48
DRAM 1020 003 Cady Garey Lecture 3 16 16 48
DRAM 1020 004 Tovah Close Lecture 3 16 16 48
DRAM 1220 001 Anne Temmink SEM 3 20 20 60
DS 1001 100 Loreto Alonzi Lecture 3 159 240 477
DS 1001 102 Ali Rivera Laboratory 0 36 40 0
DS 1001 103 Loreto Alonzi Laboratory 0 16 40 0
DS 1001 104 Ali Rivera Laboratory 0 31 40 0
DS 1001 105 Loreto Alonzi Laboratory 0 37 40 0
DS 1001 106 Ali Rivera Laboratory 0 39 40 0
DS 1002 001 Jianxin Xie Lecture 3 72 75 216
DS 1002 002 Mai Dahshan Lecture 3 69 75 207
DS 1002 003 Mai Dahshan Lecture 3 17 75 51
EAST 1010 100 Canaan Morse Lecture 3 60 60 180
EAST 1010 101 Luke Xu Discussion 0 21 20 0
EAST 1010 102 Luke Xu Discussion 0 20 20 0
EAST 1010 103 Luke Xu Discussion 0 19 20 0
EAST 1200 001 Shu-Chen Chen Lecture 3 20 20 60
EAST 1200 002 Ju Min Wang Lecture 3 20 20 60
EAST 1559 001 Ran Zhao Lecture 1 20 20 20
EAST 1559 002 Mieko Kawai Lecture 1 8 20 8
EAST 1559 003 YOON HWA CHOI Lecture 1 9 20 9
EBUS 1800 001 James Cheng Lecture 3 55 55 165
ECON 1100 001 Edwin Burton SEM 2 13 12 26
EDHS 1120 001 Melissa Levy Lecture 3 39 40 117
EDHS 1120 002 Sabrina Curtis Lecture 3 39 40 117
EGMT 1510 101 Kevin Duong SEM 2 29 35 58
EGMT 1510 102 Kevin Duong SEM 2 34 35 68
EGMT 1510 103 R. Kennedy SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 104 Elizabeth Harper SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 105 Matthew Martello SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 106 Laura Goldblatt SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 107 Anastasia Dakouri-Hild SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 108 Israel Klich SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 109 Michael Puri SEM 2 30 30 60
EGMT 1510 110 Andreja Siliunas SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 111 Mehr Farooqi SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 112 Dave Dalton SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 113 Michele Zaccagnini SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 114 Philip Tite SEM 2 36 35 72
EGMT 1510 115 Michele Zaccagnini SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 116 Mehr Farooqi SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 117 Elizabeth Harper SEM 2 12 35 24
EGMT 1510 118 Marc Santugini SEM 2 32 33 64
EGMT 1510 120 Eli Carter SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 121 Eli Carter SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 122 Matthew Martello SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 123 Meghan O'Donoghue SEM 2 31 35 62
EGMT 1510 124 Francesca Borrione SEM 2 34 35 68
EGMT 1510 201 Elizabeth Harper SEM 2 9 35 18
EGMT 1510 202 R. Kennedy SEM 2 34 35 68
EGMT 1510 203 Elizabeth Harper SEM 2 33 35 66
EGMT 1510 204 Dave Dalton SEM 2 34 35 68
EGMT 1510 205 Bridget Reilly SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 206 Meghan O'Donoghue SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 207 Meghan O'Donoghue SEM 2 12 35 24
EGMT 1510 208 Marc Santugini SEM 2 30 33 60
EGMT 1510 209 Michael Puri SEM 2 30 30 60
EGMT 1510 210 Andreja Siliunas SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 212 Matthew Martello SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 213 Anastasia Dakouri-Hild SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 214 Philip Tite SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 215 Matthew Martello SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 217 Liza Flood SEM 2 34 35 68
EGMT 1510 218 Justin Stec SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 219 Laura Goldblatt SEM 2 35 36 70
EGMT 1510 220 Justin Stec SEM 2 34 35 68
EGMT 1510 221 Francesca Borrione SEM 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1510 222 Rita Felski SEM 2 34 35 68
EGMT 1510 223 Rita Felski SEM 2 30 35 60
EGMT 1510 224 Justin Stec SEM 2 19 35 38
EGMT 1520 101 Claire Wrigley Lecture 2 17 36 34
EGMT 1520 102 Claire Wrigley Lecture 2 34 36 68
EGMT 1520 103 Ali Guler Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 104 Erin Clabough Lecture 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1520 105 Erin Clabough Lecture 2 35 35 70
EGMT 1520 108 Max Castorani Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 109 Lauren Simkins Lecture 2 32 36 64
EGMT 1520 110 Rebecca Bultman Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 111 Rebecca Bultman Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 112 Johanna Chajes Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 113 Lingyu Yang Lecture 2 34 36 68
EGMT 1520 114 Lingyu Yang Lecture 2 30 36 60
EGMT 1520 115 Lingyu Yang Lecture 2 23 36 46
EGMT 1520 116 Jennie Williams Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 117 Jennifer Morse Lecture 2 20 36 40
EGMT 1520 118 Sara Maloni Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 119 Sara Maloni Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 120 Max Castorani Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 121 Jelena Samonina Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 122 David Singerman Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 123 David Singerman Lecture 2 34 34 68
EGMT 1520 124 Angeline Lillard Lecture 2 6 36 12
EGMT 1520 125 Angeline Lillard Lecture 2 19 20 38
EGMT 1520 201 Claire Wrigley Lecture 2 27 36 54
EGMT 1520 202 Ken Ono Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 206 Dan Spitzner Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 207 Dan Spitzner Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 208 Bridget Reilly Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 209 Bridget Reilly Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 210 Ali Guler Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 211 Johanna Chajes Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 212 Johanna Chajes Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 213 Jelena Samonina Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 214 Evan Brubaker Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 215 Sean Reid Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 216 Sean Reid Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 217 Jennie Williams Lecture 2 27 36 54
EGMT 1520 218 Rebecca Bultman Lecture 2 34 36 68
EGMT 1520 219 Rebecca Bultman Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 220 Adria LaViolette Lecture 2 29 0 58
EGMT 1520 221 Michele Zaccagnini Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 222 Jennie Williams Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 223 Michele Zaccagnini Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1520 224 Gillet Rosenblith Lecture 2 29 36 58
EGMT 1530 101 Meaghan Walsh Lecture 2 25 33 50
EGMT 1530 102 Meaghan Walsh Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 103 Eben Yonnetti Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 104 Eben Yonnetti Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 105 Lauren Mehfoud Lecture 2 32 33 64
EGMT 1530 106 Alice King Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 107 Zvi Gilboa Lecture 2 30 33 60
EGMT 1530 108 Zvi Gilboa Lecture 2 10 33 20
EGMT 1530 109 Brandon Edwards Lecture 2 20 33 40
EGMT 1530 110 Lisa Shutt Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 111 Lisa Shutt Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 112 Brandon Edwards Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 113 Wendy Smith Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 114 Matthew Hedstrom Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 115 Ben Jameson-Ellsmore Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 116 Ben Jameson-Ellsmore Lecture 2 10 33 20
EGMT 1530 117 Tracey Wang Lecture 2 9 33 18
EGMT 1530 120 Eyleen O'Rourke Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 121 Sandhya Shukla Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 122 Vikram Jaswal Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 123 Sandhya Shukla Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 124 Kimberly Harris Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 125 Jennifer Greeson Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 126 Jennifer Greeson Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 127 Lisa Reilly Lecture 2 29 0 58
EGMT 1530 201 Ben Jameson-Ellsmore Lecture 2 9 33 18
EGMT 1530 202 Meaghan Walsh Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 203 Muhammad Tayyab Safdar Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 204 Muhammad Tayyab Safdar Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 206 Eben Yonnetti Lecture 2 31 33 62
EGMT 1530 207 Wendy Smith Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 209 Brandon Edwards Lecture 2 18 33 36
EGMT 1530 210 Lauren Mehfoud Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 211 Lauren Mehfoud Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 212 Wendy Smith Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 213 Lean Sweeney Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 214 Lean Sweeney Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 215 Matthew Hedstrom Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 217 Tracey Wang Lecture 2 16 33 32
EGMT 1530 218 Tracey Wang Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 220 Alice King Lecture 2 31 33 62
EGMT 1530 221 Alice King Lecture 2 32 33 64
EGMT 1530 222 David Walsh Lecture 2 33 33 66
EGMT 1530 223 Rachel Wahl Lecture 2 34 34 68
EGMT 1540 101 Cherrie Kwok Lecture 2 12 36 24
EGMT 1540 102 Cherrie Kwok Lecture 2 30 36 60
EGMT 1540 103 Jessica Swoboda Lecture 2 37 36 74
EGMT 1540 104 Walter Ott Lecture 2 35 36 70
EGMT 1540 105 Jason Evans Lecture 2 35 36 70
EGMT 1540 106 Evan Brubaker Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 107 Jason Evans Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 110 Erik Braun Lecture 2 35 36 70
EGMT 1540 112 Keith Driver Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 114 Evan Brubaker Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 115 Deborah McGrady Lecture 2 28 36 56
EGMT 1540 116 Tom Donahue-Ochoa Lecture 2 15 36 30
EGMT 1540 118 Eric Hilker Lecture 2 35 36 70
EGMT 1540 120 Erik Braun Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 122 Laura Goldblatt Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 123 Keith Driver Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 124 Andrew Ferguson Lecture 2 30 30 60
EGMT 1540 125 Creighton Coleman Lecture 2 26 30 52
EGMT 1540 126 Roberto Armengol Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 201 Cherrie Kwok Lecture 2 15 36 30
EGMT 1540 202 Cherrie Kwok Lecture 2 34 36 68
EGMT 1540 203 Jessica Swoboda Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 204 Caleb Hendrickson Lecture 2 37 36 74
EGMT 1540 205 Caleb Hendrickson Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 206 Evan Brubaker Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 207 Jason Evans Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 208 Christopher Choi Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 209 Ian Mullins Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 210 Ian Mullins Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 212 Gillet Rosenblith Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 213 Benjamin Bernard Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 214 Benjamin Bernard Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 215 Benjamin Bernard Lecture 2 35 36 70
EGMT 1540 216 Tom Donahue-Ochoa Lecture 2 16 36 32
EGMT 1540 217 Christopher Choi Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 218 Eric Hilker Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 219 Ian Mullins Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 220 Amanda Gibson Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 221 Amanda Gibson Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 222 Keith Driver Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 223 Andrew Ferguson+1 Lecture 2 60 60 120
EGMT 1540 224 Walter Ott Lecture 2 36 36 72
EGMT 1540 225 Christopher Choi Lecture 2 36 36 72
ENGL 1500 001 Stephen Hopkins Lecture 3 43 60 129
ENGR 1020 001 Jianghong Tian STO 3 39 38 117
ENGR 1020 002 Jianghong Tian STO 3 38 38 114
ENGR 1020 003 Benjamin Goldschneider STO 3 38 38 114
ENGR 1020 004 Benjamin Goldschneider STO 3 38 38 114
ENGR 1020 005 Benjamin Goldschneider STO 3 33 38 99
ENGR 1020 006 Jianghong Tian STO 3 38 38 114
ENGR 1020 007 Shaylin Williams STO 3 38 38 114
ENGR 1020 008 Shaylin Williams STO 3 37 38 111
ENGR 1020 009 Shaylin Williams STO 3 31 38 93
ENGR 1020 010 Anne Mcalister STO 3 27 38 81
ENGR 1020 011 Anna Leyf Starling STO 3 35 38 105
ENGR 1020 012 Anne Mcalister STO 3 33 38 99
ENGR 1020 013 David Gutierrez Serrano STO 3 38 38 114
ENGR 1020 014 David Gutierrez Serrano STO 3 23 38 69
ENGR 1020 015 Anne Mcalister STO 3 39 38 117
ENGR 1020 016 Anna Leyf Starling STO 3 39 38 117
ENGR 1020 017 David Gutierrez Serrano STO 3 32 38 96
ENGR 1020 018 Nicole Dufalla STO 3 38 38 114
ENGR 1020 019 Nicole Dufalla STO 3 38 38 114
ENGR 1020 020 Nicole Dufalla STO 3 21 38 63
ENGR 1420 001 Reid Bailey Lecture 3 22 48 66
ENGR 1501 001 Brian Helmke Lecture 1 6 40 6
ENGR 1501 002 David Green Lecture 1 15 20 15
ENTP 1010 001 Charles Ransler Lecture 3 45 48 135
ENTP 1010 002 Bevin Etienne Lecture 3 46 50 138
ENTP 1010 003 Charles Ransler Lecture 3 50 50 150
ENTP 1010 004 Adam Kerpelman Lecture 3 39 42 117
ENTP 1010 005 Bevin Etienne Lecture 3 50 50 150
ENTP 1501 002 Charles Ransler Lecture 0.5 43 120 21.5
ENTP 1501 003 Steven Johnson Lecture 0.5 43 100 21.5
ENTP 1501 005 Roger Martin Lecture 0.5 60 100 30
ENTP 1501 006 Adam Koch Lecture 0.5 74 100 37
ENTP 1501 007 Jeremy Marcel Lecture 0.5 65 100 32.5
ENTP 1501 008 Mark White Lecture 0.5 103 120 51.5
ENTP 1501 009 Peter Kaye Lecture 0.5 73 100 36.5
ENTP 1501 010 Kiera Allison Lecture 0.5 37 100 18.5
ENTP 1501 011 George Geis Lecture 0.5 35 100 17.5
ENTP 1501 012 Saras Sarasvathy+1 Lecture 0.5 18 100 9
ENTP 1501 013 Jingjing Li Lecture 0.5 12 100 6
ENTP 1501 014 Zack Kass+1 Lecture 0.5 21 100 10.5
ENWR 1506 001 Kate Kostelnik SEM 3 12 12 36
ENWR 1506 002 Claire Chantell SEM 3 12 12 36
ENWR 1506 003 Claire Chantell SEM 3 12 12 36
ENWR 1506 004 Patricia Sullivan SEM 3 11 12 33
ENWR 1506 005 Kate Natishan SEM 3 11 12 33
ENWR 1506 006 Kate Kostelnik SEM 3 14 12 42
ENWR 1506 007 Kate Natishan SEM 3 14 12 42
ENWR 1506 008 Patricia Sullivan SEM 3 10 12 30
ENWR 1510 001 Tyler Carter SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 002 Tyler Carter SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 003 John Modica SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 004 Caroline Erickson SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 005 Anna Gomboeva SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 006 Bella Lewis SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 007 Adnan Zarif SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 008 Jeddie Sophronius SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 009 M Stiffler SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 010 Keith Driver SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 011 John Casteen SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 012 Davy Tran SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 013 George Abry SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 014 Jon D'Errico SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 015 Cameron Berry SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 016 Alexa Luborsky SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 017 Spencer Grayson SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 018 Jessica Gomez SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 019 Anna Gomboeva SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 020 devin donovan SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 021 Sarah Richardson SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 022 Ethan Evans SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 024 Dana Little SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 025 Tanner Hansen SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 027 Hodges Adams SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 028 Jon D'Errico SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 029 Tanner Hansen SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 030 Cory Shaman SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 031 Henrietta Hadley SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 032 Jodie Childers SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 033 Kaitlyn Airy SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 034 Cory Shaman SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 035 Davy Tran SEM 3 17 18 51
ENWR 1510 036 Kate Stephenson SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 037 Zana Christjohn SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 038 Mack Gregg SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 039 John Modica SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 040 Aryeh Lieber SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 041 Gabby Kiser SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 042 George Abry SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 043 Hodges Adams SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 044 Lydia Brown SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 045 Jodie Childers SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 046 Zoe Kempf-Harris SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 047 Cristina Griffin SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 048 Rhiannon Goad SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 051 Rhiannon Goad SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 052 Sarah Richardson SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 053 Shalmi Barman SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 054 Piers Gelly SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 055 Derek Cavens SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 056 Kevin Smith SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 057 Caroline Erickson SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 058 Piers Gelly SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 059 Mason Robertson SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 060 Karthik Shankar SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 061 Bella Lewis SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 062 Dana Little SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 063 Courtney Watts SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 064 Tom Williams SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 065 Mack Gregg SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 066 Ethan Evans SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 067 devin donovan SEM 3 17 18 51
ENWR 1510 068 Alexa Luborsky SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 069 Derek Cavens SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 070 Paola Mendez-Garcia SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 071 Cy March SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 073 River Robins SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 074 Jack Crouse SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 075 Cy March SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 076 Garrett Kim SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 078 Charity Fowler SEM 3 17 18 51
ENWR 1510 079 Alison Cotti-Lowell SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1520 001 Kate Stephenson SEM 3 18 18 54
EVSC 1010 001 Scott Doney Lecture 3 324 325 972
EVSC 1300 001 Robert Davis Lecture 3 55 140 165
FREN 1000 001 Michael Overstreet Lecture 0 4 15 0
FREN 1010 001 Anne Jurado Lecture 4 12 16 48
FREN 1010 002 Anne Jurado Lecture 4 12 16 48
FREN 1010 003 Guillaume Bisson+1 Lecture 4 10 16 40
FREN 1020 001 Cecile Rey Lecture 4 19 16 76
FREN 1020 002 Ndouba Zahui Lecture 4 13 16 52
FREN 1020 003 Gabriela Swic Lecture 4 14 16 56
FREN 1050 001 Roxanne Ewoudou Same+1 Lecture 4 13 16 52
GERM 1010 001 Cora Schenberg Lecture 4 15 15 60
GERM 1010 002 Cora Schenberg Lecture 4 15 15 60
GERM 1020 001 Klara Lahme Lecture 4 14 15 56
GERM 1020 002 Stefanie Parker Lecture 4 14 15 56
GERM 1020 003 Stefanie Parker Lecture 4 6 15 24
GREE 1020 100 Andrej Petrovic Lecture 4 17 30 68
GREE 1020 101 Samuel Green Discussion 0 9 15 0
GREE 1020 102 Mary Clare Young Discussion 0 8 15 0
HEBR 1020 001 Zvi Gilboa Lecture 4 6 18 24
HEBR 1420 001(CS) Gregory Goering Lecture 3 4 10 12
HIAF 1501 001 James La Fleur SEM 3 13 15 39
HIEA 1501 001 Xiaoyuan Liu SEM 3 14 15 42
HIEA 1501 002 Robert Stolz SEM 3 8 15 24
HIND 1020 001 Griffith Chaussee Lecture 4 12 20 48
HIND 1310 001 Abdul Nasir Lecture 3 9 15 27
HSCI 1011 001 Karen Schmidt Lecture 2 7 9 14
INST 1550 001 Shrinidhi Kittur+1 SEM 1 7 20 7
INST 1550 002 Vaidehi Bhardwaj+1 SEM 2 0 20 0
INST 1550 003 Desiree Ho+1 SEM 2 1 20 2
ITAL 1020 001 Stella Mattioli Lecture 4 19 18 76
ITAL 1020 002 Stella Mattioli Lecture 4 20 18 80
ITAL 1020 003 Sarah Annunziato Lecture 4 15 18 60
ITAL 1020 004 Sarah Annunziato Lecture 4 11 18 44
JAPN 1020 002 Tomoko Marshall Lecture 4 12 14 48
JAPN 1020 003 Tomomi Sato Lecture 4 7 18 28
JAPN 1020 004 Tomomi Sato Lecture 4 6 18 24
KICH 1020 001 Allison Bigelow Lecture 3 4 5 12
KLPA 1000 001 Nora Brookfield+1 Lecture 1 22 24 22
KLPA 1000 002 J. Albertson-Wren+1 Lecture 1 21 24 21
KLPA 1000 501 Joanne Cooner+1 Lecture 1 17 24 17
KLPA 1055 001 Abby Fines+1 Lecture 1 16 20 16
KLPA 1060 500 Nora Brookfield+1 Lecture 1 16 24 16
KLPA 1070 001 Abby Fines+1 Lecture 1 10 20 10
KLPA 1105 001 Abby Fines+1 Lecture 1 21 24 21
KLPA 1115 001 Abby Fines+1 Lecture 1 14 20 14
KLPA 1120 001 Mehak Ahmed+1 Lecture 1 23 24 23
KLPA 1150 001 Abby Fines+1 Lecture 1 23 24 23
KLPA 1155 001 Jin Dai+1 Lecture 1 9 24 9
KLPA 1170 001 Robert Failes+1 Lecture 1 24 24 24
KLPA 1170 002 Robert Failes+1 Lecture 1 22 24 22
KLPA 1170 003 Robert Failes+1 Lecture 1 23 24 23
KLPA 1200 001 Abby Fines+1 Lecture 1 18 24 18
KLPA 1300 001 Alison Bushey+1 Lecture 1 15 20 15
KLPA 1310 001 Alison Bushey+1 Lecture 1 19 24 19
KLPA 1320 001 Abby Fines+1 Lecture 1 20 24 20
KLPA 1400 001 Abby Fines+1 Lecture 1 21 24 21
KLPA 1400 002 Abby Fines+1 Lecture 1 24 24 24
KLPA 1400 003 Jillian Allen+1 Lecture 1 22 24 22
KLPA 1410 001 Jessie Carpenter+1 Lecture 1 22 24 22
KLPA 1410 002 Abby Fines+1 Lecture 1 20 24 20
KLPA 1410 003 John Bultman+1 Lecture 1 22 28 22
KLPA 1410 004 Abby Fines+1 Lecture 1 22 24 22
KLPA 1410 005 John Bultman+1 Lecture 1 23 28 23
KLPA 1410 500 Abby Fines+1 Lecture 1 20 24 20
KLPA 1425 001 Abby Fines+1 Lecture 1 19 24 19
KLPA 1425 002 Matthew Busch+1 Lecture 1 22 24 22
KLPA 1430 001 Abby Fines+1 Lecture 1 13 24 13
KLPA 1440 001 Abby Fines+1 Lecture 1 20 24 20
KLPA 1440 002 Abby Fines+1 Lecture 1 19 24 19
KLPA 1445 001 Abby Fines+1 Lecture 1 19 24 19
KLPA 1445 002 Abby Fines+1 Lecture 1 21 24 21
KLPA 1720 001 Em Berman+1 Lecture 1 15 24 15
KLPA 1725 001 Abby Fines+1 Lecture 1 27 27 27
KLPA 1730 001 Abby Fines+1 Lecture 1 11 20 11
KLPA 1735 001 Abby Fines+1 Lecture 1 18 24 18
KOR 1020 001 Juyeon Chung Lecture 4 10 18 40
KOR 1020 002 Juyeon Chung Lecture 4 9 18 36
KOR 1020 003 YOON HWA CHOI Lecture 4 11 18 44
KOR 1020 004 YOON HWA CHOI Lecture 4 19 18 76
LATI 1020 100 Anthony Corbeill Lecture 4 42 60 168
LATI 1020 101 Hope Ladd Discussion 0 19 20 0
LATI 1020 102 Elizabeth Dillon Discussion 0 20 20 0
LATI 1020 103 Eugenia Andreeva Discussion 0 4 20 0
LATI 1020 200 Anthony Corbeill Lecture 4 1 5 4
MAE 1501 001 Haibo Dong Lecture 1 11 12 11
MATH 1110 001 Wendi Dass Lecture 3 40 40 120
MATH 1140 001 Kristina Cernekova Lecture 3 36 36 108
MATH 1140 002 Kristina Cernekova Lecture 3 36 36 108
MATH 1140 004 Kristina Cernekova Lecture 3 34 36 102
MATH 1150 001 Kyong Mi Choi Lecture 3 34 35 102
MATH 1160 001 William Feeley Lecture 3 36 36 108
MATH 1190 100 Daniel James Lecture 4 33 34 132
MATH 1190 101 Brandon Sisler Discussion 0 33 34 0
MATH 1190 110 Daniel James SPS 0 33 34 0
MATH 1190 200 Petch Chueluecha+1 Lecture 4 34 34 136
MATH 1190 201 Brandon Sisler Discussion 0 34 34 0
MATH 1190 210 Petch Chueluecha SPS 0 34 34 0
MATH 1210 200 Joshua Turner Lecture 3 32 34 96
MATH 1210 210 Joshua Turner SPS 0 32 34 0
MATH 1210 300 James Bowling+1 Lecture 3 30 32 90
MATH 1210 310 James Bowling SPS 0 30 32 0
MATH 1210 400 Joshua Turner Lecture 3 32 32 96
MATH 1210 410 Joshua Turner SPS 0 32 32 0
MATH 1210 500 James Bowling+1 Lecture 3 32 32 96
MATH 1210 510 James Bowling SPS 0 32 32 0
MATH 1210 600 Jim Rolf Lecture 3 34 32 102
MATH 1210 610 Jim Rolf SPS 0 34 32 0
MATH 1210 700 Valentina Zapata Castro Lecture 3 32 32 96
MATH 1210 710 Valentina Zapata Castro SPS 0 32 32 0
MATH 1210 800 Jing Wang Lecture 3 29 32 87
MATH 1210 810 Jing Wang SPS 0 29 32 0
MATH 1210 900 Susan Mitchell Lecture 3 32 32 96
MATH 1210 910 Susan Mitchell SPS 0 32 32 0
MATH 1210 920 Susan Mitchell Lecture 3 30 32 90
MATH 1210 921 Susan Mitchell SPS 0 30 32 0
MATH 1210 930 Susan Mitchell Lecture 3 28 32 84
MATH 1210 931 Susan Mitchell SPS 0 28 32 0
MATH 1220 100 Aoran Wu Lecture 3 12 32 36
MATH 1220 110 Aoran Wu SPS 0 12 32 0
MATH 1220 400 Yangxiao Luo Lecture 3 21 32 63
MATH 1220 410 Yangxiao Luo SPS 0 21 32 0
MATH 1220 500 Maximiliano Sanchez Garza Lecture 3 30 32 90
MATH 1220 510 Maximiliano Sanchez Garza SPS 0 30 32 0
MATH 1220 600 Raul Hernandez+1 Lecture 3 23 32 69
MATH 1220 610 Raul Hernandez SPS 0 23 32 0
MATH 1220 800 Brianna Kurtz Lecture 3 27 28 81
MATH 1220 810 Brianna Kurtz SPS 0 27 28 0
MATH 1310 100 Ruiqi Zou Lecture 4 17 28 68
MATH 1310 101 Ruiqi Zou Discussion 0 17 28 0
MATH 1310 110 Ruiqi Zou SPS 0 17 28 0
MATH 1310 200 Caelan Wang Lecture 4 21 28 84
MATH 1310 201 Caelan Wang Discussion 0 21 28 0
MATH 1310 210 Caelan Wang SPS 0 21 28 0
MATH 1310 300 Caelan Wang Lecture 4 25 28 100
MATH 1310 301 Caelan Wang Discussion 0 25 28 0
MATH 1310 310 Caelan Wang SPS 0 25 28 0
MATH 1310 500 Micheal O Cobhthaigh+1 Lecture 4 23 28 92
MATH 1310 501 Micheal O Cobhthaigh Discussion 0 23 28 0
MATH 1310 510 Micheal O Cobhthaigh SPS 0 23 28 0
MATH 1310 600 Adam Friedman-Brown+1 Lecture 4 14 28 56
MATH 1310 601 Adam Friedman-Brown Discussion 0 14 28 0
MATH 1310 610 Adam Friedman-Brown SPS 0 14 28 0
MATH 1320 100 Shengkuan Yan Lecture 4 27 28 108
MATH 1320 101 Wojciech Tralle Discussion 0 27 28 0
MATH 1320 110 Shengkuan Yan SPS 0 27 28 0
MATH 1320 200 Bakhyt Aitzhanova+1 Lecture 4 26 28 104
MATH 1320 201 Wojciech Tralle Discussion 0 26 28 0
MATH 1320 210 Bakhyt Aitzhanova SPS 0 26 28 0
MATH 1320 300 Bakhyt Aitzhanova+1 Lecture 4 23 27 92
MATH 1320 301 Wojciech Tralle Discussion 0 23 27 0
MATH 1320 310 Bakhyt Aitzhanova SPS 0 23 27 0
MATH 1320 400 Alejandro De Las Penas Castano+1 Lecture 4 18 28 72
MATH 1320 401 Alejandro De Las Penas Castano Discussion 0 18 28 0
MATH 1320 410 Alejandro De Las Penas Castano SPS 0 18 28 0
MATH 1320 500 Oscar Arevalo Cordon+1 Lecture 4 21 28 84
MATH 1320 501 Oscar Arevalo Cordon Discussion 0 21 28 0
MATH 1320 510 Oscar Arevalo Cordon SPS 0 21 28 0
MATH 1320 600 Mikhail Tikhonov Lecture 4 17 28 68
MATH 1320 601 Mikhail Tikhonov Discussion 0 17 28 0
MATH 1320 610 Mikhail Tikhonov SPS 0 17 28 0
MISC 1020 001 Christian Barksdale+3 Lecture 1 9 29 9
MISC 1020 002 Christian Barksdale+3 Lecture 1 6 29 6
MISC 1020 003 Christian Barksdale+1 Lecture 1 0 10 0
MISC 1025 001 Christian Barksdale+3 Laboratory 1 14 36 14
MISC 1025 002 Christian Barksdale+3 Laboratory 1 0 10 0
MUSI 1310 001 Robert Hite Lecture 3 15 45 45
MUSI 1310 002(CS) Benjamin Rous Lecture 3 36 43 108
MUSI 1410 100 Benjamin Rous Lecture 3 45 45 135
MUSI 1410 101 Kathleen King Discussion 0 10 20 0
MUSI 1410 102 Kathleen King Discussion 0 15 20 0
MUSI 1410 103 Kathleen King Discussion 0 20 20 0
MUSI 1620 001 Andrew Koch Lecture 2 31 32 62
NASC 1100 001 Justin Ryan Lecture 3 6 20 18
PERS 1020 001 Mahshad Mohit Lecture 4 15 20 60
PHIL 1000 100 Jordan MacKenzie Lecture 3 57 60 171
PHIL 1000 101 John Mancini Discussion 0 19 20 0
PHIL 1000 102 John Mancini Discussion 0 19 19 0
PHIL 1000 103 John Mancini Discussion 0 19 20 0
PHIL 1330 100 Ross Cameron Lecture 3 115 120 345
PHIL 1330 101 Yucheng Li Discussion 0 19 20 0
PHIL 1330 102 Yucheng Li Discussion 0 19 20 0
PHIL 1330 103 Yucheng Li Discussion 0 18 20 0
PHIL 1330 104 Dakota Jones Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 1330 105 Dakota Jones Discussion 0 19 20 0
PHIL 1330 106 Dakota Jones Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 1410 001 Trey Boone Lecture 3 117 120 351
PHIL 1730 100 Nate Adams Lecture 3 52 60 156
PHIL 1730 102 Anna Morse Discussion 0 17 20 0
PHIL 1730 103 Anna Morse Discussion 0 17 20 0
PHIL 1730 105 Anna Morse Discussion 0 18 20 0
PHYS 1010 001 Robert Hirosky Lecture 3 40 99 120
PHYS 1060 001 Chris Neu Lecture 3 100 110 300
PHYS 1420 001 Stefan Baessler Lecture 3 33 60 99
PHYS 1425 001 E Dukes Lecture 3 82 125 246
PHYS 1425 002 Xiaochao Zheng Lecture 3 125 125 375
PHYS 1425 003 Bellave Shivaram Lecture 3 82 125 246
PHYS 1425 005 Atsushi Yoshida Lecture 3 124 125 372
PHYS 1425 006 Atsushi Yoshida Lecture 3 125 125 375
PHYS 1429 001 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 1429 002 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 1429 003 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 1429 004 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 1429 005 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 1429 006 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 1429 007 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 1429 008 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 1429 009 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 1429 010 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 1429 011 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 1429 012 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 1429 013 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 1429 014 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 1429 015 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 1429 016 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 1429 017 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 1429 018 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 1429 019 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 1429 020 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 1429 021 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 1429 022 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 1429 023 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 19 2 19
PHYS 1429 024 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 8 2 8
PHYS 1655 001 Cristina Mantilla Suarez Lecture 3 29 44 87
PHYS 1660 001 Bryan Wright Lecture 1 9 25 9
POL 1220 001 Stanley Stepanic Lecture 3 16 16 48
PSYC 1020 001 Alison Nagel SEM 1 135 200 135
PSYC 1020 002 Alison Nagel SEM 1 45 50 45
PSYC 1020 003 Alison Nagel SEM 1 119 170 119
RELC 1210 100(CS) Philip Tite Lecture 3 40 40 120
RELG 1000 001 Sam Shuman+1 SEM 3 20 20 60
RELG 1000 002 Jalane Schmidt SEM 3 12 12 36
RELG 1040 100 Michael Allen Lecture 3 237 240 711
RELG 1040 101 Blaine Patrick Werner Discussion 0 21 22 0
RELG 1040 102 Blaine Patrick Werner Discussion 0 19 20 0
RELG 1040 103 Blaine Patrick Werner Discussion 0 18 18 0
RELG 1040 104 Abhyudaya Mandal Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 1040 105 Abhyudaya Mandal Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 1040 106 Abhyudaya Mandal Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 1040 107 Anna Guterman Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 1040 108 Karma Rigzin Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 1040 109 Anna Guterman Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 1040 110 Anna Guterman Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 1040 111 Karma Rigzin Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 1040 112 Karma Rigzin Discussion 0 19 20 0
RELJ 1210 001(CS) Philip Tite Lecture 3 40 40 120
RELJ 1420 001(CS) Gregory Goering Lecture 3 2 8 6
RUSS 1020 001 Mira Nikolova Lecture 4 6 30 24
RUSS 1020 002 Mira Nikolova Lecture 4 9 30 36
RUSS 1020 003 Anna Borovskaya-Ellis Lecture 4 14 30 56
SANS 1020 001 Robert Hueckstedt Lecture 3 4 10 12
SOC 1010 002 Baris Unlu Lecture 3 33 35 99
SOC 1010 100 Rose Buckelew Lecture 3 173 180 519
SOC 1010 101 Sena Kaplan Discussion 0 19 19 0
SOC 1010 102 Sena Kaplan Discussion 0 19 19 0
SOC 1010 103 Sena Kaplan Discussion 0 19 19 0
SOC 1010 104 Kenisha White Discussion 0 16 20 0
SOC 1010 105 Kenisha White Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 1010 106 Kenisha White Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 1010 107 Egor Makarov Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 1010 108 Egor Makarov Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 1010 109 Egor Makarov Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 1220 100 Todd Platts Lecture 3 55 60 165
SOC 1220 101 Piper Thomson Discussion 0 16 20 0
SOC 1220 102 Piper Thomson Discussion 0 19 20 0
SOC 1220 103 Piper Thomson Discussion 0 20 20 0
SPAN 1060 001 Daniel Colon Lecture 4 16 18 64
SPAN 1060 002 Matthew Street Lecture 4 14 18 56
SPAN 1060 003 Matthew Street Lecture 4 15 18 60
SPAN 1060 004 Matthew Street Lecture 4 17 18 68
STAT 1100 001 Chang Li Lecture 3 26 30 78
STAT 1100 002 Lei Zhang Lecture 3 29 30 87
STAT 1100 003 Kyle Peterson Lecture 3 30 30 90
STAT 1100 004 Hang Nguyen Lecture 3 29 30 87
STAT 1601 001 Kristen Roland Lecture 3 99 90 297
STAT 1601 002 Kristen Roland Lecture 3 99 90 297
STAT 1601 003 Kristen Roland Lecture 3 92 90 276
STAT 1602 001 Haowen Zhou Lecture 3 29 30 87
STAT 1602 003 Isabella Femia+1 Lecture 3 24 30 72
SWAH 1020 001 Leonora Anyango Lecture 3 2 10 6
SWAH 1020 002 Anne Rotich Lecture 3 11 16 33
TURK 1020 001 Daniel Lefkowitz Lecture 3 2 10 6
UNST 1220 001 Sarah Kucenas SEM 1 15 25 15
UNST 1410 001 Dreama Johnson Lecture 1 53 60 53
USEM 1570 001 Richard Steeves SEM 2 18 18 36
USEM 1570 002 Rebecca Schmidt SEM 2 17 18 34
USEM 1580 001 Dariusz Tolczyk SEM 2 12 18 24
USEM 1580 002 Siva Vaidhyanathan SEM 2 4 18 8
USEM 1580 003 JoVia Armstrong SEM 2 9 18 18
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 382 14936 18148 38528 39.1 45.1 0 480 47.5 52.0 0 480
Discussion 89 1675 1920 19 18.8 7.8 4 77 21.6 9.2 15 99
Laboratory 81 2078 1676 1512 25.7 12.1 0 72 20.7 21.8 1 100
Other 215 5727 6327 10249 26.6 18.3 0 135 29.4 21.6 10 200
Overall 767 24416 28071 50308

2000-Level Classes

 Show/Hide Individual Classes
Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
AAS 2500 001 Shelby Sinclair SEM 3 15 15 45
AAS 2500 002 Liana Richardson SEM 3 14 16 42
AAS 2500 004 Naseemah Mohamed SEM 3 13 18 39
AAS 2559 001(CS) Robin Means Coleman Lecture 3 15 15 45
AIRS 2200 001 Kevin Bibb+1 Lecture 1 15 35 15
AIRS 2200 002 Kevin Bibb+1 Lecture 1 7 35 7
AMST 2500 001 David Coyoca Lecture 3 25 20 75
AMST 2559 100(CS) David Getsy Lecture 4 0 15 0
AMST 2559 101(CS) Alex Del Dago Discussion 0 0 5 0
AMST 2559 102(CS) Alex Del Dago Discussion 0 0 5 0
AMST 2559 103(CS) Alex Del Dago Discussion 0 0 5 0
AMST 2660 100(CS) Matthew Hedstrom Lecture 3 293 300 879
AMST 2660 101(CS) Maria Trivino Discussion 0 20 20 0
AMST 2660 102(CS) Nicholas Shrum Discussion 0 19 20 0
AMST 2660 103(CS) Nicholas Shrum Discussion 0 20 20 0
AMST 2660 104(CS) Maria Trivino Discussion 0 20 20 0
AMST 2660 105(CS) Maria Trivino Discussion 0 18 20 0
AMST 2660 106(CS) Joshua Parks Discussion 0 20 20 0
AMST 2660 107(CS) Nicholas Shrum Discussion 0 20 20 0
AMST 2660 108(CS) Nicholas Shrum Discussion 0 20 20 0
AMST 2660 109(CS) Nicholas Shrum Discussion 0 20 20 0
AMST 2660 110(CS) Joshua Parks Discussion 0 20 20 0
AMST 2660 111(CS) Joshua Parks Discussion 0 20 20 0
AMST 2660 112(CS) Sarah Denne Discussion 0 20 20 0
AMST 2660 113(CS) Nicholas Shrum Discussion 0 17 20 0
AMST 2660 114(CS) Sarah Denne Discussion 0 20 20 0
AMST 2660 115(CS) Sarah Denne Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 2120 100 Ira Bashkow Lecture 3 177 180 531
ANTH 2120 101 Nazli Azergun Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 2120 102 Sofia Moira Sejas Pary Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2120 103 Jaran Rudd Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2120 104 Nazli Azergun Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 2120 105 Sofia Moira Sejas Pary Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 2120 106 Sofia Moira Sejas Pary Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2120 107 Jaran Rudd Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2120 108 Nazli Azergun Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2120 109 Jaran Rudd Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2190 001 George Mentore Lecture 3 30 35 90
ANTH 2250 001 Richard Handler Lecture 3 81 90 243
ANTH 2280 100 Jarrett Zigon Lecture 3 237 240 711
ANTH 2280 101 Brianna Doe Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2280 103 Rachel Apone Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2280 104 Brianna Doe Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 2280 106 Rachel Apone Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2280 107 Eunchae Kwon Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2280 108 Rachel Apone Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2280 109 Brianna Doe Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2280 110 John Rovin Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2280 111 Eunchae Kwon Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 2280 112 Eunchae Kwon Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2280 113 John Rovin Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2280 114 John Rovin Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 2450 100 Nathan Wendte Lecture 3 118 120 354
ANTH 2450 101 Taylor Gilliam Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2450 102 Taylor Gilliam Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2450 103 Taylor Gilliam Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 2450 104 Ian Kenworthy Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2450 105 Ian Kenworthy Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2450 106 Ian Kenworthy Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 2541 001 Nathan Wendte Lecture 3 30 30 90
ANTH 2590 001 Ernesto Benitez Lecture 3 32 35 96
ANTH 2820 100 Patricia Wattenmaker Lecture 3 60 60 180
ANTH 2820 101 Gabriel Oliveira Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2820 102 Gabriel Oliveira Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2820 103 Gabriel Oliveira Discussion 0 20 20 0
APMA 2120 001 Nethali Fernando Lecture 4 25 40 100
APMA 2120 002 Nethali Fernando Lecture 4 37 40 148
APMA 2120 003 Megan Ryals Lecture 4 39 40 156
APMA 2120 004 Megan Ryals Lecture 4 21 40 84
APMA 2120 005 Christian Hellings Lecture 4 43 40 172
APMA 2120 006 Christian Hellings Lecture 4 43 40 172
APMA 2120 007 Asif Mahmood Lecture 4 34 40 136
APMA 2130 001 Farzad Shafiei Dizaji Lecture 4 36 40 144
APMA 2130 002 Shirin Provat Lecture 4 8 40 32
APMA 2130 003 Julie Spencer Lecture 4 41 40 164
APMA 2130 004 Farzad Shafiei Dizaji Lecture 4 47 40 188
APMA 2130 005 Julie Spencer Lecture 4 33 40 132
APMA 2130 006 Shirin Provat Lecture 4 45 40 180
APMA 2130 007 Anne Fernando Lecture 4 41 40 164
APMA 2501 001 Heze Chen+1 Lecture 2 22 28 44
APMA 2501 002(CS) Keith Williams Lecture 3 29 38 87
ARAB 2020 001 Suad Mohamed Lecture 4 14 17 56
ARAB 2020 002 Suad Mohamed Lecture 4 17 20 68
ARAB 2060 001 Bilal Humeidan Lecture 4 15 15 60
ARCH 2020 001 Maria Gonzalez Aranguren STO 6 1 96 6
ARCH 2020 002 Robin Dripps STO 6 13 15 78
ARCH 2020 003 Esther Lorenz STO 6 14 15 84
ARCH 2020 004 Tithi Sanyal STO 6 13 15 78
ARCH 2020 005 Stacy Scott STO 6 14 15 84
ARCH 2020 006 Dhara Goradia STO 6 14 15 84
ARCH 2020 007 Maria Gonzalez Aranguren STO 6 13 15 78
ARCH 2070 100 Elgin Cleckley Lecture 3 37 60 111
ARCH 2114 001(CS) Leidy Klotz Lecture 3 81 86 243
ARCH 2715 100(CS) William Clark Lecture 3 86 81 258
ARH 2702 001(CS) Shaheen Alikhan+1 Lecture 3 45 50 135
ARTH 2054 100 Kate Kreindler Lecture 4 55 60 220
ARTH 2054 102 Slenka Botello Gil Discussion 0 20 20 0
ARTH 2054 104 Slenka Botello Gil Discussion 0 17 20 0
ARTH 2054 105 Slenka Botello Gil Discussion 0 18 20 0
ARTH 2153 100 Eric Ramirez-Weaver Lecture 4 55 60 220
ARTH 2153 101 Catherine Fan Discussion 0 20 20 0
ARTH 2153 102 Catherine Fan Discussion 0 18 20 0
ARTH 2153 103 Catherine Fan Discussion 0 17 20 0
ARTH 2559 200(CS) Anna Hogg+1 Lecture 3 19 20 57
ARTH 2559 300 Tatiana Flores Lecture 3 16 50 48
ARTH 2769 100(CS) David Getsy Lecture 4 35 45 140
ARTH 2769 103(CS) Alex Del Dago Discussion 0 13 15 0
ARTH 2769 104(CS) Alex Del Dago Discussion 0 15 15 0
ARTH 2769 106(CS) Alex Del Dago Discussion 0 7 15 0
ARTH 2882 100 Henry Skerritt Lecture 4 59 60 236
ARTH 2882 101 Barriane Franks Discussion 0 20 20 0
ARTH 2882 102 Barriane Franks Discussion 0 20 20 0
ARTH 2882 103 Barriane Franks Discussion 0 19 20 0
ARTH 2961 100 Amanda Phillips Lecture 4 31 60 124
ARTH 2961 101 Elnaz Latifpour Discussion 0 8 20 0
ARTH 2961 102 Elnaz Latifpour Discussion 0 4 20 0
ARTH 2961 103 Elnaz Latifpour Discussion 0 19 20 0
ARTS 2000 001 Conrad Cheung STO 3 15 16 45
ARTS 2000 002 Conrad Cheung STO 3 14 16 42
ARTS 2000 003 Conrad Cheung STO 3 12 16 36
ARTS 2000 004 Conrad Cheung STO 3 14 16 42
ARTS 2000 005 Marisa Williamson STO 3 15 16 45
ARTS 2112 001 Madeleine Morris STO 3 12 14 36
ARTS 2220 001 Maria Villanueva STO 3 14 14 42
ARTS 2222 001 Maria Villanueva STO 3 11 14 33
ARTS 2312 001 Marisa Williamson STO 3 7 15 21
ARTS 2372 001 Anna Hogg STO 3 10 16 30
ARTS 2559 001(CS) Anna Hogg+1 STO 3 19 20 57
ARTS 2610 001 Jackson Taylor STO 3 17 16 51
ARTS 2610 002 Amy Chan STO 3 16 16 48
ARTS 2610 003 Amy Chan STO 3 16 16 48
ARTS 2670 001 Akemi Ohira STO 3 13 15 39
ARTS 2672 001 Jackson Taylor STO 3 8 15 24
ARTS 2710 001 Amy Chan STO 3 14 15 42
ARTS 2712 001 Megan Marlatt STO 3 7 15 21
ARTS 2812 001 LaRissa Rogers STO 3 7 15 21
ASL 2020 001 Maher Eshgi SEM 3 9 16 27
ASL 2020 002 Maher Eshgi SEM 3 16 16 48
ASL 2020 003 Gregory Propp SEM 3 18 16 54
ASL 2020 004 Maher Eshgi SEM 3 15 16 45
ASTR 2120 100 Bradley Johnson Lecture 3 24 35 72
ASTR 2120 101 Mihika Rao Discussion 0 24 35 0
BIOL 2100 100 David Kittlesen Lecture 4 76 78 304
BIOL 2100 101 David Kittlesen Laboratory 0 26 26 0
BIOL 2100 102 David Kittlesen Laboratory 0 25 26 0
BIOL 2100 103 David Kittlesen Laboratory 0 25 26 0
BIOL 2200 001 Jessamyn Manson+1 Lecture 4 437 445 1748
BIOL 2200 002 Jessamyn Manson+1 Lecture 4 302 465 1208
BIOL 2200 101 Jingxuan Guo+1 Laboratory 0 26 26 0
BIOL 2200 102 Louis Bubrig+1 Laboratory 0 25 26 0
BIOL 2200 103 Megan Alderman+1 Laboratory 0 26 26 0
BIOL 2200 104 Jingxuan Guo+1 Laboratory 0 26 26 0
BIOL 2200 105 Kate Knight+1 Laboratory 0 25 26 0
BIOL 2200 106 Jessamyn Manson+1 Laboratory 0 25 26 0
BIOL 2200 107 Mehrael Atkins+1 Laboratory 0 24 26 0
BIOL 2200 108 Jessamyn Manson+1 Laboratory 0 19 26 0
BIOL 2200 109 Jessamyn Manson+1 Laboratory 0 17 26 0
BIOL 2200 110 Anna Grace Carns+1 Laboratory 0 25 26 0
BIOL 2200 111 Rachel Johnston+1 Laboratory 0 26 26 0
BIOL 2200 112 Emaan Kapadia+1 Laboratory 0 26 26 0
BIOL 2200 113 Jessamyn Manson+1 Laboratory 0 24 26 0
BIOL 2200 114 Louis Bubrig+1 Laboratory 0 23 26 0
BIOL 2200 115 Jessamyn Manson+1 Laboratory 0 26 26 0
BIOL 2200 116 Jessamyn Manson+1 Laboratory 0 22 26 0
BIOL 2200 117 Brianna Hang+1 Laboratory 0 25 26 0
BIOL 2200 118 Sarah Khan+1 Laboratory 0 14 26 0
BIOL 2200 119 Evelyn Gouldin+1 Laboratory 0 26 26 0
BIOL 2200 120 Jessamyn Manson+1 Laboratory 0 26 26 0
BIOL 2200 121 Lauren Bradshaw+1 Laboratory 0 26 26 0
BIOL 2200 122 Dylan Highland+1 Laboratory 0 25 26 0
BIOL 2200 123 Gopika Lekshmi+1 Laboratory 0 18 26 0
BIOL 2200 124 Jessamyn Manson+1 Laboratory 0 16 26 0
BIOL 2200 125 Mehrael Atkins+1 Laboratory 0 24 26 0
BIOL 2200 126 Jessamyn Manson+1 Laboratory 0 26 26 0
BIOL 2200 127 Megan Alderman+1 Laboratory 0 24 26 0
BIOL 2200 128 Jessamyn Manson+1 Laboratory 0 26 26 0
BIOL 2200 129 Ava Franklin+1 Laboratory 0 26 26 0
BIOL 2200 130 Jessamyn Manson+1 Laboratory 0 26 26 0
BIOL 2200 131 Dylan Highland+1 Laboratory 0 26 26 0
BME 2000 001 William Guilford Lecture 3 42 60 126
BME 2101 001 William Guilford Lecture 3 36 75 108
BME 2102 001 George Christ Lecture 3 22 70 66
BME 2104 001 Daniel Abebayehu Lecture 3 72 75 216
BME 2220 001 Xiao Hu Lecture 3 67 75 201
BME 2315 001 Sarah Groves+1 Lecture 3 56 70 168
CE 2001 001 Lisa Peterson Lecture 3 69 68 207
CE 2020 001 Lindsay Burden Lecture 1 31 60 31
CE 2100 001 Teresa Culver Lecture 3 45 68 135
CE 2110 001 Teresa Culver Laboratory 1 13 20 13
CE 2110 002 Teresa Culver Laboratory 1 20 20 20
CE 2110 003 Teresa Culver Laboratory 1 10 20 10
CE 2300 001(CS) Toni Tang Lecture 3 12 13 36
CE 2310 001(CS) Jose Gomez Lecture 3 33 40 99
CE 2310 002(CS) Natasha Smith Lecture 3 5 19 15
CGBM 2110 001 Harry Franks Lecture 1.5 35 55 52.5
CGBM 2210 001 David Schuff+1 Lecture 1.5 40 55 60
CGBM 2210 002 David Schuff+1 Lecture 1.5 38 55 57
CGBM 2210 003 Eric Martin+1 Lecture 1.5 45 55 67.5
CGBM 2210 004 Roman Lukyanenko+1 Lecture 1.5 9 55 13.5
CGBM 2310 001 Polina Landgraf Lecture 1.5 22 55 33
CGBM 2310 002 Polina Landgraf Lecture 1.5 33 55 49.5
CGBM 2710 001 Gretchen Gamrat Lecture 1.5 42 55 63
CGBM 2710 002 Gretchen Gamrat Lecture 1.5 22 55 33
CGBM 2710 003 Larry Murphy Lecture 1.5 20 55 30
CGBM 2710 004 Larry Murphy Lecture 1.5 33 55 49.5
CHE 2202 001 Eric Anderson Lecture 3 40 70 120
CHE 2216 001 Camille Bilodeau Lecture 4 32 70 128
CHE 2595 001(CS) Roseanne Ford Lecture 3 7 25 21
CHEM 2120 001 Lisa Morkowchuk Lecture 3 21 20 63
CHEM 2321 001 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 20 32 20
CHEM 2321 002 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 26 32 26
CHEM 2321 003 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 28 32 28
CHEM 2321 004 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 32 32 32
CHEM 2321 005 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 24 32 24
CHEM 2321 006 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 14 32 14
CHEM 2321 007 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 30 34 30
CHEM 2321 008 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 32 32 32
CHEM 2321 009 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 17 18 17
CHEM 2321 010 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 15 18 15
CHEM 2321 011 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 31 32 31
CHEM 2321 012 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 32 32 32
CHEM 2321 013 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 30 32 30
CHEM 2321 014 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 29 32 29
CHEM 2321 015 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 32 32 32
CHEM 2321 016 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 30 32 30
CHEM 2321 017 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 11 32 11
CHEM 2321 019 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 28 32 28
CHEM 2321 020 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 29 32 29
CHEM 2420 100 Alicia Frantz Lecture 3 95 85 285
CHEM 2420 101 Alicia Frantz Discussion 0 94 85 0
CHEM 2420 200 Alicia Frantz Lecture 3 106 85 318
CHEM 2420 201 Alicia Frantz Discussion 0 105 85 0
CHEM 2420 300 Alicia Frantz Lecture 3 130 120 390
CHEM 2420 301 Alicia Frantz Discussion 0 129 120 0
CHEM 2420 400 Vlad Serbulea Lecture 3 122 110 366
CHEM 2420 401 Vlad Serbulea Discussion 0 122 110 0
CHEM 2420 800 Jason Chruma Lecture 3 123 100 369
CHEM 2420 801 Jason Chruma Discussion 0 123 100 0
CHEM 2421 100 Jason Chruma Lecture 3 95 151 285
CHEM 2421 101 Jason Chruma Laboratory 0 12 17 0
CHEM 2421 102 Jason Chruma Laboratory 0 17 18 0
CHEM 2421 103 Jason Chruma Laboratory 0 18 17 0
CHEM 2421 104 Jason Chruma Laboratory 0 9 18 0
CHEM 2421 105 Jason Chruma Laboratory 0 12 17 0
CHEM 2421 106 Jason Chruma Laboratory 0 10 17 0
CHEM 2421 107 Jason Chruma Laboratory 0 17 16 0
CHEM 2820 100 Walter Harman Lecture 3 60 99 180
CHEM 2820 101 Walter Harman Discussion 0 59 99 0
CHIN 2010 001 Wen Guo Lecture 4 10 16 40
CHIN 2010 002 Wen Guo Lecture 4 14 16 56
CHIN 2020 001 Jun Wang Lecture 4 17 16 68
CHIN 2020 002 Jun Wang Lecture 4 14 16 56
CHIN 2020 003 Shu-Chen Chen Lecture 4 17 16 68
CHIN 2020 004 Wen Guo Lecture 4 12 16 48
CHIN 2060 001 Ying Gao Lecture 4 15 16 60
CHIN 2060 002 Ran Zhao Lecture 4 18 16 72
CLAS 2020 100 Gregory Hays Lecture 3 21 60 63
CLAS 2020 101 Meredith Huff Discussion 0 10 20 0
CLAS 2020 102 Meredith Huff Discussion 0 11 20 0
CLAS 2040 100 John Miller Lecture 3 217 240 651
CLAS 2040 101 Kelly Freestone Discussion 0 20 20 0
CLAS 2040 102 Kelly Freestone Discussion 0 19 20 0
CLAS 2040 103 Morgan Amonett Discussion 0 16 18 0
CLAS 2040 104 Camilla Basile Discussion 0 20 20 0
CLAS 2040 105 Kelly Freestone Discussion 0 19 20 0
CLAS 2040 106 Camilla Basile Discussion 0 18 20 0
CLAS 2040 107 Camilla Basile Discussion 0 18 20 0
CLAS 2040 108 Morgan Amonett Discussion 0 17 20 0
CLAS 2040 109 Morgan Amonett Discussion 0 19 20 0
CLAS 2040 110 Carl Hamilton Discussion 0 19 20 0
CLAS 2040 111 Carl Hamilton Discussion 0 18 20 0
CLAS 2040 112 Carl Hamilton Discussion 0 14 20 0
CLAS 2559 001 David Williams Lecture 3 22 25 66
COMM 2000 001 Sharice Welch Lecture 1 27 0 27
COMM 2010 100 Jill Mitchell Lecture 3 63 400 189
COMM 2010 110 Jill Mitchell SPS 0 63 400 0
COMM 2020 100 Jill Mitchell Lecture 3 569 800 1707
COMM 2020 110 Jill Mitchell SPS 0 571 800 0
COMM 2600 001 Jeffrey Lovelace Lecture 3 66 80 198
COMM 2700 001 David Chapman Lecture 3 39 40 117
COMM 2700 002 David Chapman Lecture 3 42 40 126
COMM 2700 003 David Chapman Lecture 3 37 40 111
COMM 2730 001 Dorothy Kelly Lecture 3 47 54 141
COMM 2730 002 Dorothy Kelly Lecture 3 52 54 156
CREO 2020 001 Karen James WKS 3 2 10 6
CS 2100 001 Briana Morrison Lecture 4 265 300 1060
CS 2100 002 Briana Morrison Lecture 4 94 150 376
CS 2100 101 Briana Morrison Laboratory 0 121 125 0
CS 2100 102 Briana Morrison Laboratory 0 81 150 0
CS 2100 103 Briana Morrison Laboratory 0 40 150 0
CS 2100 104 Briana Morrison Laboratory 0 117 125 0
CS 2120 001 David Evans+1 Lecture 3 134 135 402
CS 2120 003 David Evans Lecture 3 129 135 387
CS 2130 001 Daniel Graham Lecture 4 154 225 616
CS 2130 002 Todd Delong Lecture 4 177 225 708
CS 2130 101 Daniel Graham Laboratory 0 30 85 0
CS 2130 102 Daniel Graham Laboratory 0 74 85 0
CS 2130 103 Daniel Graham Laboratory 0 81 85 0
CS 2130 104 Daniel Graham Laboratory 0 35 85 0
CS 2130 105 Daniel Graham Laboratory 0 84 85 0
CS 2130 106 Daniel Graham Laboratory 0 27 85 0
CS 2501 001 Briana Morrison Lecture 1 72 80 72
CS 2910 001 Nada Basit+1 PRA 1 57 120 57
CS 2993 001 Mark Sherriff IND 1 - 3 1 30 1
DANC 2210 001 Kathryn Schetlick STO 1 11 12 11
DANC 2230 001 Demetia Hopkins STO 1 10 12 10
DANC 2430 001 Kim Mata Laboratory 1 - 3 23 25 23
DRAM 2010 001 Yi-Hsuan Ma Lecture 3 20 20 60
DRAM 2020 001 Tovah Close SEM 3 13 14 39
DRAM 2020 002 Karim Chebli SEM 3 14 14 42
DRAM 2020 003 Tovah Close SEM 3 14 14 42
DRAM 2020 004 Cortney Lowinski SEM 3 13 14 39
DRAM 2020 005 Cortney Lowinski SEM 3 14 14 42
DRAM 2020 006 Karen Dabney SEM 3 14 14 42
DRAM 2020 007 Karim Chebli SEM 3 13 14 39
DRAM 2060 001 Kathryn Schetlick STO 3 20 20 60
DRAM 2130 0001 R. Kennedy Laboratory 1 - 3 4 10 4
DRAM 2211 0001 Yi-Hsuan Ma STO 3 16 20 48
DRAM 2310 001 Marcy Linton Lecture 3 14 13 42
DRAM 2430 001 Dave Dalton Laboratory 1 - 3 12 20 12
DRAM 2620 001 Michael Rasbury Lecture 3 12 12 36
DRAM 2620 002 Michael Rasbury Lecture 3 12 12 36
DRAM 2630 001 Michael Rasbury Laboratory 1 0 10 0
DS 2002 001 Jon Tupitza Lecture 3 61 65 183
DS 2002 002 Jason Williamson Lecture 3 70 65 210
DS 2002 003 Neal Magee Lecture 3 65 65 195
DS 2002 004 Austin Rivera Lecture 3 41 45 123
DS 2003 001 Farhana Faruqe Lecture 3 64 65 192
DS 2003 002 Nur Yildirim Lecture 3 62 65 186
DS 2004 001 Jess Reia Lecture 3 61 65 183
DS 2023 001 Natalie Kupperman Lecture 3 35 38 105
DS 2023 002 Prince Afriyie Lecture 3 38 38 114
EBUS 2830 001 Doug Garland+1 Lecture 3 43 45 129
EBUS 2850 001 James Lark Lecture 3 10 40 30
ECE 2066 001(CS) Keith Williams Lecture 3 9 10 27
ECE 2200 001 Avik Ghosh+2 Lecture 4 145 150 580
ECE 2200 002 Avik Ghosh+2 Lecture 4 60 150 240
ECE 2300 001 Caroline Crockett STO 3 53 93 159
ECE 2330 001 Caroline Crockett+1 Lecture 3 87 90 261
ECE 2410 001 Mathews Jacob Lecture 3 44 60 132
ECE 2600 001 Caroline Crockett+1 STO 3 73 75 219
ECE 2700 001 Nikolaos Sidiropoulos Lecture 3 73 76 219
ECON 2010 100 Carter Doyle Lecture 3 262 268 786
ECON 2010 101 Dawis Kim Discussion 0 22 23 0
ECON 2010 102 Dawis Kim Discussion 0 22 22 0
ECON 2010 103 Dawis Kim Discussion 0 22 22 0
ECON 2010 104 Jiong Wu Discussion 0 21 23 0
ECON 2010 105 Jiong Wu Discussion 0 21 22 0
ECON 2010 106 Jiong Wu Discussion 0 20 22 0
ECON 2010 107 Yen Ling Tan Discussion 0 23 23 0
ECON 2010 108 Yen Ling Tan Discussion 0 23 23 0
ECON 2010 109 Yen Ling Tan Discussion 0 22 22 0
ECON 2010 110 Tyler Ruvolo Discussion 0 22 22 0
ECON 2010 111 Ethan Schwartz Discussion 0 22 22 0
ECON 2010 112 Ethan Schwartz Discussion 0 22 22 0
ECON 2010 200 Carter Doyle Lecture 3 265 268 795
ECON 2010 201 Calvin Roe Discussion 0 22 23 0
ECON 2010 202 Calvin Roe Discussion 0 22 22 0
ECON 2010 203 Istiak Ahmed Discussion 0 22 22 0
ECON 2010 204 Istiak Ahmed Discussion 0 22 23 0
ECON 2010 205 Istiak Ahmed Discussion 0 21 22 0
ECON 2010 206 Saira Licht Discussion 0 22 22 0
ECON 2010 207 Julia Madureira Discussion 0 23 23 0
ECON 2010 208 Saira Licht Discussion 0 22 22 0
ECON 2010 209 Kate Bachman Discussion 0 22 22 0
ECON 2010 210 Tyler Ruvolo Discussion 0 22 22 0
ECON 2010 211 Kate Bachman Discussion 0 22 22 0
ECON 2010 212 Julia Madureira Discussion 0 23 23 0
ECON 2020 001 Lee Coppock Lecture 3 316 320 948
ECON 2020 002 Lee Coppock Lecture 3 316 325 948
ECON 2020 101 Jane Yi Discussion 0 21 14 0
ECON 2020 102 Diego Briones Discussion 0 16 16 0
ECON 2020 103 Samson McCune Discussion 0 15 15 0
ECON 2020 104 Colin Williams Discussion 0 16 16 0
ECON 2020 105 Joseph Thoburn Discussion 0 14 15 0
ECON 2020 106 Joseph Chambers Discussion 0 14 14 0
ECON 2020 107 Joseph Chambers Discussion 0 16 16 0
ECON 2020 108 Richard Karpynskyi Discussion 0 15 15 0
ECON 2020 109 JP Hoffman Discussion 0 16 16 0
ECON 2020 110 Saahir Rattani Discussion 0 16 16 0
ECON 2020 111 Marco Pina Discussion 0 16 16 0
ECON 2020 112 Ritvik Thakur Discussion 0 16 16 0
ECON 2020 113 Anna Murray Discussion 0 16 16 0
ECON 2020 114 Zoe Freedman Discussion 0 16 16 0
ECON 2020 116 Joseph Thoburn Discussion 0 6 18 0
ECON 2020 117 Evan Bauer Discussion 0 14 14 0
ECON 2020 118 Aviva Teller Discussion 0 15 15 0
ECON 2020 119 Marco Pina Discussion 0 19 14 0
ECON 2020 120 Zoe Freedman Discussion 0 16 16 0
ECON 2020 121 Benjamin Kim Discussion 0 17 17 0
ECON 2020 122 Marco Pina Discussion 0 17 17 0
ECON 2020 123 Juliette Sellgren Discussion 0 16 17 0
ECON 2020 126 Anna Murray Discussion 0 19 14 0
ECON 2020 128 Benjamin Kim Discussion 0 14 14 0
ECON 2020 129 Diego Briones Discussion 0 16 16 0
ECON 2020 130 Charlie Rosenzweig Discussion 0 16 16 0
ECON 2020 131 Juliette Sellgren Discussion 0 16 16 0
ECON 2020 132 Aviva Teller Discussion 0 14 14 0
ECON 2020 133 Richard Karpynskyi Discussion 0 14 14 0
ECON 2020 134 Ben Willoughby Discussion 0 14 14 0
ECON 2020 136 JP Hoffman Discussion 0 13 14 0
ECON 2020 137 Charlie Rosenzweig Discussion 0 16 16 0
ECON 2020 139 Jane Yi Discussion 0 13 14 0
ECON 2020 140 Ben Willoughby Discussion 0 14 14 0
ECON 2020 141 Natasha Swindle Discussion 0 17 14 0
ECON 2020 143 Natasha Swindle Discussion 0 16 16 0
ECON 2020 144 Diego Briones Discussion 0 16 16 0
ECON 2020 147 Ritvik Thakur Discussion 0 14 14 0
ECON 2020 148 Saahir Rattani Discussion 0 16 16 0
ECON 2020 150 Evan Bauer Discussion 0 16 18 0
ECON 2020 152 Samson McCune Discussion 0 15 16 0
EDHS 2230 001 Elisabeth Pleszkoch Lecture 3 79 80 237
EDHS 2240 001 Elisabeth Pleszkoch Lecture 3 33 80 99
EDHS 2250 001 Courtney Framel Lecture 3 59 60 177
EDHS 2250 002 To Be Announced Lecture 3 45 60 135
EDHS 2250 500 Erin Knape Lecture 3 28 30 84
EDHS 2250 501 Erin Knape Lecture 3 28 30 84
EDHS 2450 001 Amber Handon Lecture 3 36 50 108
EDHS 2460 001 Rebecca Rehm Lecture 3 14 20 42
EDHS 2895 001 Scott Gest Lecture 3 39 50 117
EDHS 2900 001 Melissa Levy PRA 1 25 25 25
EDHS 2900 002 Sarah Jenkins PRA 1 0 30 0
EDIS 2010 100 Stanley Trent Lecture 4 11 24 44
EDIS 2010 101 Stanley Trent PRA 0 11 24 0
EDIS 2010 300 Eleanor Wilson Lecture 4 18 24 72
EDIS 2010 301 Eleanor Wilson PRA 0 18 24 0
EDIS 2010 500 Vivien Chabalengula Lecture 4 40 40 160
EDIS 2010 501 Vivien Chabalengula PRA 0 40 40 0
EDIS 2010 600 Stephen Plaskon Lecture 4 40 40 160
EDIS 2010 601 Stephen Plaskon PRA 0 40 40 0
EDIS 2010 700 Vivien Chabalengula Lecture 4 40 40 160
EDIS 2010 701 Vivien Chabalengula PRA 0 40 40 0
EDIS 2013 001 Jennifer Pease Lecture 3 14 30 42
EDIS 2020 001 Lysandra Cook Lecture 3 30 30 90
EDIS 2022 001 Lysandra Cook Lecture 3 15 30 45
EDIS 2200 001 Glen Bull PRA 3 16 15 48
EDIS 2600 001 Youjia Hua Lecture 3 6 30 18
EDIS 2650 500 Sara Cranford Lecture 3 24 24 72
EDIS 2895 001 Cody Lloyd Lecture 1 5 20 5
EDIS 2920 002 Jennifer Maeng+1 Lecture 3 22 30 66
EDLF 2050 001 Benjamin Castleman Lecture 3 71 100 213
EDLF 2080 001 Michael Hull Lecture 3 38 40 114
EDLF 2080 002 Michael Hull Lecture 3 22 45 66
EGMT 2500 001 Gillet Rosenblith Lecture 2 3 5 6
ENCW 2300 002 Kamau Walker WKS 3 15 15 45
ENCW 2300 003 Samuel Nnadi WKS 3 15 15 45
ENCW 2300 004 Jack Grimes WKS 3 14 15 42
ENCW 2300 005 Lyd Havens WKS 3 15 15 45
ENCW 2300 007 Gabriel Costello WKS 3 15 15 45
ENCW 2300 008 Desiree Hensley WKS 3 15 15 45
ENCW 2300 009 Holly Zhou WKS 3 15 15 45
ENCW 2300 010 Nicole Shearon WKS 3 12 15 36
ENCW 2600 001 Robert Yates WKS 3 14 15 42
ENCW 2600 003 Stefan Bindley-Taylor WKS 3 12 15 36
ENCW 2600 004 Danny Eisenberg WKS 3 15 15 45
ENCW 2600 005 Vincent Perrone WKS 3 15 15 45
ENCW 2600 006 Tayler Bunge WKS 3 15 15 45
ENCW 2600 007 Aryeh Lieber WKS 3 15 15 45
ENCW 2600 008 Opeyemi Rasak-Oyadiran WKS 3 13 15 39
ENCW 2600 010 Seonah Kim WKS 3 15 15 45
ENGL 2500 001 Victor Luftig SEM 3 19 20 57
ENGL 2502 001 John O'Brien SEM 3 20 20 60
ENGL 2502 002 Alison Hurley SEM 3 18 20 54
ENGL 2502 003 Viola Cozzio SEM 3 19 20 57
ENGL 2506 001 Henrietta Hadley SEM 3 20 20 60
ENGL 2506 002 Taylor Schey SEM 3 18 18 54
ENGL 2506 003 Jeddie Sophronius SEM 3 17 20 51
ENGL 2506 005 Kaitlyn Airy SEM 3 20 20 60
ENGL 2507 001 Clare Kinney SEM 3 16 0 48
ENGL 2508 001 Debjani Ganguly SEM 3 18 18 54
ENGL 2508 002 Patricia Sullivan SEM 3 17 18 51
ENGL 2508 003 Charity Fowler SEM 3 19 20 57
ENGL 2508 004 James Kinney SEM 3 18 20 54
ENGL 2508 005 Victoria Olwell SEM 3 16 0 48
ENGL 2508 006 Caroline Rody SEM 3 19 0 57
ENGL 2508 007 James Kinney SEM 3 8 16 24
ENGL 2527 001 Katharine Maus SEM 3 19 20 57
ENGL 2560 001 Christopher Krentz SEM 3 19 20 57
ENGL 2599 001 Cynthia Wall SEM 3 17 18 51
ENGL 2599 002 Courtney Watts SEM 3 20 20 60
ENGL 2599 003 Lydia Brown SEM 3 19 20 57
ENGL 2599 004 John Casteen SEM 3 19 20 57
ENGL 2599 005 Nasrin Olla SEM 3 18 20 54
ENGL 2599 006 Shalmi Barman SEM 3 16 20 48
ENGR 2500 001 Kyusang Lee Lecture 3 22 24 66
ENGR 2595 001 James Fitz-Gerald IND 1 66 150 66
ENGR 2595 002 Nicole Dufalla WKS 1 8 10 8
ENGR 2595 003(CS) Roseanne Ford Lecture 3 7 25 21
ENGR 2595 004 Lakeshia Taite+1 Lecture 1 14 30 14
ENGR 2993 001 Caroline Crockett IND 1 - 3 0 30 0
ENGR 2995 001 Anne Mcalister IND 1 - 6 2 30 2
ENWR 2510 001 Tyler Carter SEM 3 16 16 48
ENWR 2510 003 John Modica SEM 3 16 16 48
ENWR 2510 004 Charity Fowler SEM 3 13 16 39
ENWR 2510 005 James Seitz SEM 3 16 16 48
ENWR 2520 001 Jodie Childers SEM 3 16 16 48
ENWR 2520 002 Stephen Parks SEM 3 15 16 45
ENWR 2520 003 Stephen Parks SEM 3 16 16 48
ENWR 2520 005 Jon D'Errico SEM 3 16 16 48
ENWR 2520 006 Rhiannon Goad SEM 3 16 16 48
ENWR 2520 007 Sarah Richardson SEM 3 15 16 45
ENWR 2520 008 James Seitz SEM 3 15 16 45
ENWR 2520 010 Kate Natishan SEM 3 15 15 45
ENWR 2700 001(CS) Kate Sweeney Lecture 3 8 8 24
ENWR 2800 001 devin donovan SEM 3 16 16 48
ETP 2030 001(CS) Stephen Cushman+2 Lecture 3 60 60 180
EVSC 2050 001(CS) Stephen Macko Lecture 3 55 113 165
EVSC 2800 001 Justin Richardson Lecture 3 94 100 282
EVSC 2801 001 Nischal Acharya+1 Laboratory 1 8 14 8
EVSC 2801 002 Abigail Ackerman+1 Laboratory 1 14 15 14
EVSC 2801 003 Stephanie Petrovick+1 Laboratory 1 10 14 10
EVSC 2801 004 Tyler Barnes+1 Laboratory 1 8 14 8
EVSC 2801 110 Justin Richardson SPS 0 40 70 0
FREN 2010 001 Wanda Brunel+1 Lecture 3 13 16 39
FREN 2010 002 Wanda Brunel+1 Lecture 3 11 16 33
FREN 2010 003 Ninon Bartz+1 Lecture 3 13 16 39
FREN 2010 004 Elizabeth Hall Lecture 3 14 16 42
FREN 2020 001 Rachel Geer Lecture 3 15 16 45
FREN 2020 002 Rachel Geer Lecture 3 15 15 45
FREN 2020 003 Spyridon Simotas Lecture 3 14 15 42
FREN 2020 004 Spyridon Simotas Lecture 3 13 16 39
FREN 2020 005 Lila Belahlou+1 Lecture 3 13 16 39
FREN 2020 006 Christopher Ice Lecture 3 13 16 39
FREN 2020 007 Lila Belahlou+1 Lecture 3 14 16 42
FREN 2020 008 Christopher Ice Lecture 3 13 16 39
GERM 2010 002 Chrisann Zuerner Lecture 3 13 18 39
GERM 2020 001 Stefanie Parker Lecture 3 13 15 39
GERM 2020 002 Julia Gutterman Lecture 3 17 17 51
GERM 2020 003 Julia Gutterman Lecture 3 5 15 15
GERM 2559 001 Cora Schenberg Lecture 3 5 15 15
GREE 2020 001 Inger Neeltje Irene Kuin Lecture 3 7 15 21
GREE 2230 001 Janet Spittler Lecture 3 4 10 12
GSGS 2400 001 Levi Vonk Lecture 3 61 60 183
GSGS 2400 002 Levi Vonk Lecture 3 60 60 180
GSVS 2050 001 James Groves Lecture 3 27 100 81
HEBR 2020 001 Zvi Gilboa Lecture 4 5 10 20
HEBR 2420 001(CS) Gregory Goering Lecture 3 0 5 0
HIAF 2002 001 Emily Burrill+1 Lecture 4 55 60 220
HIEA 2011 001 Cong Zhang Lecture 3 28 30 84
HIEA 2031 100 Xiaoyuan Liu Lecture 3 55 60 165
HIEA 2031 101 Zejun Wang Discussion 0 19 20 0
HIEA 2031 102 Zejun Wang Discussion 0 19 20 0
HIEA 2031 103 Zejun Wang Discussion 0 17 20 0
HIEA 2101 100 Joseph Seeley Lecture 3 120 120 360
HIEA 2101 101 Emily Needham Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIEA 2101 102 Emily Needham Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIEA 2101 103 Emily Needham Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIEA 2101 104 Abby Lovett Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIEA 2101 105 Abby Lovett Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIEA 2101 106 Abby Lovett Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIEU 2041 100 Elizabeth Meyer Lecture 3 25 60 75
HIEU 2041 101 Kayla Snider Discussion 0 8 20 0
HIEU 2041 102 Kayla Snider Discussion 0 12 20 0
HIEU 2041 103 Kayla Snider Discussion 0 5 20 0
HIEU 2721 100 Erin Lambert Lecture 3 59 60 177
HIEU 2721 101 Isabel Bielat Discussion 0 19 20 0
HIEU 2721 102 Isabel Bielat Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIEU 2721 103 Isabel Bielat Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIME 2001 001 Kristina Richardson Lecture 4 34 35 136
HIND 2020 001 Abdul Nasir Lecture 4 7 15 28
HIST 2014 100 Manuela Achilles+1 Lecture 3 119 120 357
HIST 2014 101 Musa Azimli Discussion 0 19 20 0
HIST 2014 102 Musa Azimli Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIST 2014 103 Musa Azimli Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIST 2014 104 Cleo Boyd Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIST 2014 105 Cleo Boyd Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIST 2014 106 Cleo Boyd Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIST 2152 100 Christopher Gratien+1 Lecture 3 82 80 246
HIST 2559 100 Jeffrey Rossman Lecture 3 57 60 171
HIST 2559 101 Felix Zuber Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIST 2559 102 Felix Zuber Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIST 2559 103 Felix Zuber Discussion 0 17 20 0
HIUS 2002 100 Andrew Kahrl Lecture 3 39 60 117
HIUS 2002 101 Laura OBrion Discussion 0 18 20 0
HIUS 2002 102 Laura OBrion Discussion 0 12 20 0
HIUS 2002 103 Laura OBrion Discussion 0 9 20 0
HIUS 2051 100 Elizabeth Varon Lecture 3 53 60 159
HIUS 2051 101 Aoife Hufford Discussion 0 13 20 0
HIUS 2051 102 Aoife Hufford Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIUS 2051 103 Aoife Hufford Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIUS 2053 100 Justene Hill Edwards Lecture 3 26 40 78
HIUS 2201 001 S. Deborah Kang Lecture 3 48 48 144
INST 2550 002 Michelle Maggiore SEM 1 2 12 2
INST 2570 001 Nathan Moore+1 SEM 1 4 15 4
ITAL 2020 001 Francesca Calamita Lecture 3 12 18 36
ITAL 2020 002 Francesca Calamita Lecture 3 15 18 45
ITAL 2030 001 Stella Mattioli Lecture 3 19 18 57
JAPN 2020 001 Mieko Kawai Lecture 4 14 16 56
JAPN 2020 002 Mieko Kawai Lecture 4 9 16 36
JAPN 2020 003 Yoko Hasegawa Lecture 4 12 16 48
JAPN 2100 001 Tomomi Sato Lecture 3 9 12 27
KICH 2020 001 Allison Bigelow Lecture 3 0 5 0
KINE 2200 001 Martin Block Lecture 3 200 200 600
KINE 2420 001 Jason Davis+1 Lecture 3 22 22 66
KINE 2850 500 George Sikoryak Lecture 1 99 100 99
KINE 2850 501 George Sikoryak Lecture 1 50 50 50
KINE 2850 502 George Sikoryak Lecture 1 98 100 98
KOR 2020 001 Rosa Han Lecture 4 17 18 68
KOR 2020 002 Rosa Han Lecture 4 16 18 64
KOR 2060 001 Juyeon Chung Lecture 4 19 18 76
LASE 2400 001 Justin Mueller+1 SEM 1 99 100 99
LASE 2510 002 Justin Mueller SEM 2 20 20 40
LASE 2515 001 Anna Clay WKS 2 15 15 30
LASE 2515 002 Matthew Burtner WKS 2 3 15 6
LASE 2515 003 Jennifer Stertzer WKS 2 15 15 30
LASE 2515 004 Charlie Gleek WKS 2 14 15 28
LASE 2515 005 Brandon Walsh WKS 2 13 15 26
LASE 2559 001 Sandra Seidel Lecture 1 20 20 20
LAST 2050 001 Nicholas Scott SEM 4 22 25 88
LATI 2010 001 Zachary Haines+1 Lecture 3 11 20 33
LATI 2010 002 Inger Neeltje Irene Kuin Lecture 3 8 20 24
LATI 2020 001 Giulio Celotto Lecture 3 21 20 63
LATI 2020 002 Sarah Herbert Lecture 3 19 20 57
LING 2430 100 Armik Mirzayan Lecture 3 56 60 168
LING 2430 101 Zhiyu Zhou Discussion 0 18 20 0
LING 2430 102 Zhiyu Zhou Discussion 0 18 20 0
LING 2430 103 Zhiyu Zhou Discussion 0 20 20 0
LPPL 2100 100 Timothy Davis Lecture 3 116 135 348
LPPL 2100 101 Esme Merrill Discussion 0 15 15 0
LPPL 2100 102 Lidya Niguse Discussion 0 14 15 0
LPPL 2100 103 Zoe Jenkins Discussion 0 14 15 0
LPPL 2100 104 Terrell Pittman Discussion 0 15 15 0
LPPL 2100 105 Katherine Hill Discussion 0 14 15 0
LPPL 2100 106 Claire Haley Discussion 0 14 15 0
LPPL 2100 107 Ivy Reynolds Discussion 0 15 15 0
LPPL 2100 109 Mary Elizabeth Luzar Discussion 0 15 15 0
LPPL 2600 001 Phuong Le Lecture 3 47 47 141
LPPL 2750 001 Matthew Busch Lecture 3 14 30 42
LPPP 2050 001 Anne Carter Mulligan+1 SEM 1 32 25 32
LPPP 2200 100 Peter Johannessen Lecture 3 235 240 705
LPPP 2200 101 Elizabeth Miles Discussion 0 20 20 0
LPPP 2200 102 Kaitlyn Matthews Discussion 0 20 20 0
LPPP 2200 103 Cooper Strauss Discussion 0 19 19 0
LPPP 2200 104 Elizabeth Miles Discussion 0 17 19 0
LPPP 2200 105 Cooper Strauss Discussion 0 21 21 0
LPPP 2200 106 Jack Malo Discussion 0 20 20 0
LPPP 2200 107 Kaitlyn Matthews Discussion 0 20 20 0
LPPP 2200 108 Mikayla Havison Discussion 0 19 20 0
LPPP 2200 109 Nathan Gregory Discussion 0 22 21 0
LPPP 2200 110 Nathan Gregory Discussion 0 18 18 0
LPPP 2200 111 Jack Malo Discussion 0 19 19 0
LPPP 2200 112 Mikayla Havison Discussion 0 20 20 0
MAE 2040 001 Dwight Dart WKS 1 110 150 110
MAE 2100 001 Peter Griffiths Lecture 3 115 145 345
MAE 2300 001(CS) Toni Tang Lecture 3 35 36 105
MAE 2310 001(CS) Natasha Smith Lecture 3 124 145 372
MAE 2310 002(CS) Jose Gomez Lecture 3 35 42 105
MAE 2320 001 Sarah Sun Lecture 3 136 150 408
MAE 2330 001 Natasha Smith Lecture 2 139 150 278
MAE 2330 002 Natasha Smith Lecture 2 43 50 86
MAE 2330 101 Natasha Smith Laboratory 0 24 24 0
MAE 2330 102 Natasha Smith Laboratory 0 24 24 0
MAE 2330 103 Natasha Smith Laboratory 0 24 24 0
MAE 2330 104 Natasha Smith Laboratory 0 24 24 0
MAE 2330 105 Natasha Smith Laboratory 0 24 24 0
MAE 2330 106 Natasha Smith Laboratory 0 24 24 0
MAE 2330 107 Natasha Smith Laboratory 0 14 24 0
MAE 2330 108 Natasha Smith Laboratory 0 24 24 0
MATH 2310 100 David Chasteen-Boyd+1 Lecture 4 32 36 128
MATH 2310 101 Astrid Lilly Discussion 0 32 36 0
MATH 2310 200 Zachary Beamer+1 Lecture 4 36 36 144
MATH 2310 201 Astrid Lilly Discussion 0 36 36 0
MATH 2310 300 Evangelos Dimou Lecture 4 24 36 96
MATH 2310 301 Suren Kyurumyan Discussion 0 24 36 0
MATH 2310 400 You Qi Lecture 4 35 36 140
MATH 2310 401 Suren Kyurumyan Discussion 0 35 36 0
MDST 2000 100 Siva Vaidhyanathan Lecture 4 235 240 940
MDST 2000 101 James Brennan Discussion 0 20 20 0
MDST 2000 102 James Brennan Discussion 0 19 20 0
MDST 2000 103 James Brennan Discussion 0 19 20 0
MDST 2000 104 Alex Buckley Discussion 0 20 20 0
MDST 2000 105 Alex Buckley Discussion 0 19 20 0
MDST 2000 106 Alex Buckley Discussion 0 20 20 0
MDST 2000 107 Skyler Tolzien-Orr Discussion 0 19 20 0
MDST 2000 108 Skyler Tolzien-Orr Discussion 0 20 20 0
MDST 2000 109 Skyler Tolzien-Orr Discussion 0 20 20 0
MDST 2000 110 Alex Buckley Discussion 0 20 20 0
MDST 2000 111 Alex Buckley Discussion 0 19 20 0
MDST 2000 112 Alex Buckley Discussion 0 20 20 0
MDST 2305 001 Elliot Majerczyk Laboratory 3 12 12 36
MDST 2508 001 Kate Sweeney SEM 3 20 20 60
MDST 2559 001(CS) Robin Means Coleman SEM 3 14 15 42
MDST 2690 001 Anna Clay SEM 3 20 20 60
MDST 2690 002 Anna Clay SEM 3 20 20 60
MDST 2700 001(CS) Kate Sweeney SEM 3 8 8 24
MDST 2810 001 Matthew Marshall Lecture 3 229 230 687
MESA 2110 001(CS) Samhita Sunya Lecture 3 28 30 84
MESA 2300 001 Richard Cohen Lecture 3 55 60 165
MESA 2559 001 Adrienne Resha Lecture 3 20 20 60
MEST 2280 001 Kristina Richardson Lecture 3 19 25 57
MISC 2020 001 Evan Davis+2 Lecture 2 5 29 10
MISC 2020 002 Evan Davis+2 Lecture 2 7 29 14
MISC 2020 003 Evan Davis+2 Lecture 2 0 10 0
MISC 2025 001 Evan Davis+2 Laboratory 1 11 36 11
MISC 2025 002 Nicholas Hassell+1 Laboratory 1 0 10 0
MSE 2090 001 Robert Kelly Lecture 3 54 80 162
MSE 2090 002 Stephen McDonnell Lecture 3 47 72 141
MSE 2090 003 Liheng Cai Lecture 3 29 80 87
MSE 2200 001 Ji Ma Lecture 3 43 50 129
MSE 2500 001 Lynn Mandeltort Lecture 2 8 20 16
MUBD 2601 001 Andrew Koch Lecture 1 80 150 80
MUEN 2600 001 Andrew Koch Lecture 1 89 100 89
MUPF 2110 001 Pamela Beasley IND 0.5 0 30 0
MUPF 2110 002 Brenda Patterson IND 0.5 0 30 0
MUPF 2110 003 Patricia O'Brien IND 0.5 4 20 2
MUPF 2110 004 Bridgid Eversole IND 0.5 2 20 1
MUPF 2110 005 William Ferguson IND 0.5 0 20 0
MUPF 2111 001 Pamela Beasley IND 1 6 20 6
MUPF 2111 002 Bridgid Eversole IND 1 4 20 4
MUPF 2111 003 Patricia O'Brien IND 1 10 20 10
MUPF 2111 004 Brenda Patterson IND 1 8 20 8
MUPF 2111 005 William Ferguson IND 1 5 20 5
MUPF 2120 001 Kelly Gross IND 0.5 0 20 0
MUPF 2120 002 John Mayhood IND 0.5 0 20 0
MUPF 2120 003 Calvin Brown IND 0.5 3 20 1.5
MUPF 2120 004 Barbara Moore IND 0.5 3 20 1.5
MUPF 2120 005 Francesca Hurst IND 0.5 4 20 2
MUPF 2120 006 Shelby Sender IND 0.5 1 20 0.5
MUPF 2121 001 Kelly Gross IND 1 4 20 4
MUPF 2121 002 Calvin Brown IND 1 2 20 2
MUPF 2121 003 John Mayhood IND 1 2 20 2
MUPF 2121 004 Barbara Moore IND 1 0 20 0
MUPF 2121 005 Francesca Hurst IND 1 7 20 7
MUPF 2121 006 Shelby Sender IND 1 1 20 1
MUPF 2131 001 Barbara Moore IND 1 1 8 1
MUPF 2140 001 Ayn Balija IND 0.5 0 20 0
MUPF 2140 002 Adam Carter IND 0.5 0 20 0
MUPF 2140 003 David Sariti IND 0.5 0 20 0
MUPF 2140 004 Daniel Sender IND 0.5 4 20 2
MUPF 2140 005 Peter Spaar IND 0.5 1 20 0.5
MUPF 2141 001 Ayn Balija IND 1 4 20 4
MUPF 2141 002 Adam Carter IND 1 7 20 7
MUPF 2141 003 David Sariti IND 1 6 20 6
MUPF 2141 004 Daniel Sender IND 1 7 20 7
MUPF 2141 005 Peter Spaar IND 1 4 20 4
MUPF 2150 001 Kelly Peral IND 0.5 1 20 0.5
MUPF 2150 002 Elizabeth Roberts IND 0.5 0 5 0
MUPF 2150 003 Jiyeon Choi IND 0.5 4 20 2
MUPF 2150 004 Colin Killalea IND 0.5 1 10 0.5
MUPF 2150 005 Kelly Sulick IND 0.5 2 20 1
MUPF 2151 001 Colin Killalea IND 1 3 10 3
MUPF 2151 002 Kelly Sulick IND 1 4 20 4
MUPF 2151 003 Jiyeon Choi IND 1 8 20 8
MUPF 2151 004 Elizabeth Roberts IND 1 2 20 2
MUPF 2151 005 Kelly Peral IND 1 3 20 3
MUPF 2160 001 Edmond Wang IND 0.5 0 10 0
MUPF 2160 003 Cody Halquist IND 0.5 0 10 0
MUPF 2160 004 Nathaniel Lee IND 0.5 0 10 0
MUPF 2161 001 Cody Halquist IND 1 1 10 1
MUPF 2161 002 Nathaniel Lee IND 1 0 10 0
MUPF 2161 003 Edmond Wang IND 1 0 10 0
MUPF 2170 001 I-Jen Fang IND 0.5 2 10 1
MUPF 2170 002 Robert Jospe IND 0.5 8 10 4
MUPF 2171 001 I-Jen Fang IND 1 3 10 3
MUPF 2171 002 Robert Jospe IND 1 0 10 0
MUPF 2180 001 Michael Rosensky IND 0.5 11 20 5.5
MUPF 2181 001 Michael Rosensky IND 1 8 25 8
MUPF 2210 001 Anastasia Jellison IND 0.5 6 10 3
MUPF 2211 001 Anastasia Jellison IND 1 2 10 2
MUSI 2021 001 Elliott Tackitt SEM 3 20 20 60
MUSI 2120 100 Scott DeVeaux Lecture 3 59 60 177
MUSI 2120 102 Dilshan Weerasinghe Discussion 0 19 20 0
MUSI 2120 103 Dilshan Weerasinghe Discussion 0 20 20 0
MUSI 2120 104 Dilshan Weerasinghe Discussion 0 20 20 0
MUSI 2302 001 Shelby Sender Lecture 2 10 10 20
MUSI 2302 002 Shelby Sender Lecture 2 8 10 16
MUSI 2304 001 John Mayhood Lecture 2 9 10 18
MUSI 2307 001 Michael Rosensky SEM 2 20 20 40
MUSI 2311 001 Pamela Beasley+1 Discussion 2 8 10 16
MUSI 2340 001 Robert Jospe Lecture 2 19 20 38
MUSI 2340 002 Robert Jospe Lecture 2 20 20 40
MUSI 2342 001 Robert Jospe Lecture 2 18 20 36
MUSI 2559 001 Mary Beth Bauermann+1 Lecture 3 24 25 72
MUSI 2600 001 Michael Rosensky Lecture 3 15 15 45
MUSI 2993 001 Andrew Koch IND 1 - 3 0 30 0
NASC 2200 001 Sarah Crews Lecture 3 7 20 21
NUCO 2220 001 Cathy Campbell SEM 2 32 32 64
NUCO 2220 002 Melissa Gomes SEM 2 32 32 64
NUCO 2220 003 Jennifer Kastello SEM 2 23 32 46
NUCO 2440 100 Sarah Craig SEM 2 94 91 188
NUCO 2440 102 Alexandra Brenner CLN 0 8 8 0
NUCO 2440 103 Mandisa Anderson CLN 0 8 8 0
NUCO 2440 104 Laurel Geis CLN 0 8 8 0
NUCO 2440 105 Taralyn Wear CLN 0 8 8 0
NUCO 2440 106 Michelle Miller CLN 0 7 8 0
NUCO 2440 107 Keith Jackson CLN 0 7 8 0
NUCO 2440 108 Curtis Cooke CLN 0 8 8 0
NUCO 2440 109 Mousumi Franks CLN 0 8 8 0
NUCO 2440 110 Laurel Geis CLN 0 8 8 0
NUCO 2440 111 Leslie Bergin CLN 0 8 8 0
NUCO 2440 112 Megan Flick CLN 0 8 8 0
NUCO 2440 113 Cynthia Southard CLN 0 8 8 0
NUIP 2070 100 Christine Connelly Lecture 4 82 84 328
NUIP 2070 101 Christine Connelly Laboratory 0 21 21 0
NUIP 2070 102 Christine Connelly Laboratory 0 21 21 0
NUIP 2070 103 Christine Connelly Laboratory 0 21 21 0
NUIP 2070 104 Christine Connelly Laboratory 0 19 21 0
NUIP 2080 001 Julie Haizlip Lecture 3 69 70 207
NUIP 2250 001 Angie Hasemann Bayliss Lecture 3 27 45 81
NUIP 2311 001 Ashley Hurst Lecture 2 30 30 60
NUIP 2311 002 Paula Sherwood Lecture 2 31 30 62
NUIP 2311 003 Lee Moore Lecture 2 26 25 52
NUIP 2311 004 Cathy Campbell Lecture 2 33 30 66
NUIP 2430 001 Jennifer Kastello Lecture 3 94 93 282
PERS 2020 001 Mahshad Mohit Lecture 4 5 15 20
PHIL 2060 100 Alexander Motchoulski Lecture 3 114 120 342
PHIL 2060 101 Blake Harris Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 2060 102 Blake Harris Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 2060 103 Blake Harris Discussion 0 19 20 0
PHIL 2060 104 Mario Sergio Sheing Temoche Discussion 0 17 20 0
PHIL 2060 105 Mario Sergio Sheing Temoche Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 2060 106 Mario Sergio Sheing Temoche Discussion 0 18 20 0
PHIL 2120 100 Robert Ziegler Lecture 3 46 60 138
PHIL 2120 101 Gabriel Kim Discussion 0 19 20 0
PHIL 2120 102 Gabriel Kim Discussion 0 17 20 0
PHIL 2120 103 Gabriel Kim Discussion 0 10 20 0
PHIL 2350 100 Zachary Irving Lecture 3 151 180 453
PHIL 2350 101 Zachary Veroneau Discussion 0 19 20 0
PHIL 2350 102 Zachary Veroneau Discussion 0 17 20 0
PHIL 2350 103 Zachary Veroneau Discussion 0 18 20 0
PHIL 2350 104 William Welchance Discussion 0 3 20 0
PHIL 2350 105 William Welchance Discussion 0 17 20 0
PHIL 2350 106 William Welchance Discussion 0 19 20 0
PHIL 2350 107 James Reed Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 2350 108 James Reed Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 2350 109 James Reed Discussion 0 18 20 0
PHIL 2640 100 Elizabeth Barnes Lecture 3 119 120 357
PHIL 2640 101 Charles Oswald Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 2640 102 Charles Oswald Discussion 0 19 20 0
PHIL 2640 103 Charles Oswald Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 2640 104 Zhengping Zhang Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 2640 105 Zhengping Zhang Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 2640 106 Zhengping Zhang Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHYS 2020 001 Rebecca Grouchy Lecture 3 104 115 312
PHYS 2020 002 Rebecca Grouchy Lecture 3 114 115 342
PHYS 2020 003 Rebecca Grouchy Lecture 3 61 115 183
PHYS 2020 004 Jency Sundararajan Lecture 3 115 115 345
PHYS 2020 005 Jency Sundararajan Lecture 3 115 116 345
PHYS 2020 006 Jency Sundararajan Lecture 3 114 115 342
PHYS 2040 001 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 2040 002 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 24 2 24
PHYS 2040 003 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 24 2 24
PHYS 2040 004 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 2040 005 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 2040 006 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 22 2 22
PHYS 2040 007 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 2040 008 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 2040 009 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 2040 010 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 23 2 23
PHYS 2040 011 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 2040 012 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 2040 013 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 2040 014 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 24 2 24
PHYS 2040 015 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 2040 016 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 2040 017 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 2040 018 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 13 2 13
PHYS 2040 021 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 2040 022 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 2040 023 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 24 2 24
PHYS 2040 024 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 22 2 22
PHYS 2040 025 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 2040 026 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 21 2 21
PHYS 2415 001 Utpal Chatterjee Lecture 3 37 99 111
PHYS 2419 001 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 24 2 24
PHYS 2419 002 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 21 2 21
PHYS 2419 003 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 22 2 22
PHYS 2620 100 Kento Yagi Lecture 4 74 100 296
PHYS 2620 101 Kento Yagi Discussion 0 59 65 0
PHYS 2620 102 Kento Yagi Discussion 0 15 50 0
PHYS 2720 001 Robert Jones WKS 2 61 80 122
PLAD 2500 001 David Leblang SEM 3 200 200 600
PLAN 2020 001 Vanessa Guerra STO 4 21 20 84
PLAN 2111 001 Richard Walker WKS 3 26 25 78
PLAP 2030 001(CS) Stephen Cushman+2 Lecture 3 20 20 60
PLAP 2250 001 Calvin TerBeek Lecture 3 19 20 57
PLAP 2250 002 Kennon Keiser Lecture 3 18 20 54
PLCP 2420 001 John Echeverri-Gent Lecture 3 63 75 189
PLIR 2030 100 Len Schoppa Lecture 3 119 120 357
PLIR 2030 101 Ghita Chraibi Discussion 0 20 20 0
PLIR 2030 102 Ghita Chraibi Discussion 0 20 20 0
PLIR 2030 103 Ghita Chraibi Discussion 0 20 20 0
PLIR 2030 104 Audrey Wood Discussion 0 20 20 0
PLIR 2030 105 Audrey Wood Discussion 0 20 20 0
PLIR 2030 106 Audrey Wood Discussion 0 19 20 0
POL 2220 001 Dariusz Tolczyk Lecture 3 10 10 30
PORT 2050 001 Lilian Feitosa Lecture 4 17 18 68
PORT 2120 001 Lilian Feitosa Lecture 4 20 18 80
PSYC 2005 001 Elise Clerkin Lecture 3 181 180 543
PSYC 2150 100 Mariana Golino Lecture 3 196 198 588
PSYC 2150 101 Mariana Golino Laboratory 0 98 99 0
PSYC 2150 102 Mariana Golino Laboratory 0 98 99 0
PSYC 2410 001 Elise Clerkin Lecture 3 348 350 1044
PSYC 2600 001 Christopher Mazurek Lecture 3 320 325 960
PSYC 2600 002 Adrienne Wood Lecture 3 337 338 1011
PSYC 2700 001 Zoe Robertson Lecture 3 335 338 1005
RELA 2748 001(CS) Oludamini Ogunnaike Lecture 3 25 25 75
RELA 2850 100 Jalane Schmidt Lecture 3 11 20 33
RELB 2200 001 James MacNee Lecture 3 24 24 72
RELB 2450 100 Natasha Heller Lecture 3 31 35 93
RELB 2450 101 Natasha Heller Discussion 0 9 20 0
RELB 2450 102 Natasha Heller Discussion 0 5 20 0
RELB 2450 103 Natasha Heller Discussion 0 17 17 0
RELC 2360 100 Paul Jones Lecture 3 59 60 177
RELC 2360 101 Rebekah Latour Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELC 2360 102 Rebekah Latour Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELC 2360 103 Rebekah Latour Discussion 0 19 20 0
RELC 2401 001 James Henry SEM 3 20 20 60
RELC 2850 001(CS) Charles Marsh Lecture 3 31 30 93
RELG 2160 100 Heather Warren Lecture 3 60 60 180
RELG 2160 101 Lauren Wheeler Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 2160 102 Lauren Wheeler Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 2160 103 Lauren Wheeler Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 2210 100 Willis Jenkins Lecture 3 295 300 885
RELG 2210 101 Sana Azmat+1 Discussion 0 9 10 0
RELG 2210 102 ALEXANDRA DALEY+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 103 Willis Jenkins+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 104 Willis Jenkins+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 105 Willis Jenkins+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 106 Sana Azmat+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 107 Sana Azmat+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 108 Sana Azmat+1 Discussion 0 9 10 0
RELG 2210 109 Sana Azmat+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 110 Sana Azmat+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 111 ALEXANDRA DALEY+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 112 ALEXANDRA DALEY+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 113 ALEXANDRA DALEY+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 114 ALEXANDRA DALEY+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 115 ALEXANDRA DALEY+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 116 Willis Jenkins+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 117 Willis Jenkins+1 Discussion 0 9 10 0
RELG 2210 118 Willis Jenkins+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 119 Willis Jenkins+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 120 Willis Jenkins+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 121 Willis Jenkins+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 122 Willis Jenkins+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 123 Willis Jenkins+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 124 Willis Jenkins+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 125 Willis Jenkins+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 126 Willis Jenkins+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 127 Willis Jenkins+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 128 Willis Jenkins+1 Discussion 0 8 10 0
RELG 2210 129 Willis Jenkins+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2210 130 Willis Jenkins+1 Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2285 001 Laurie Maffly-Kipp Lecture 3 17 18 51
RELG 2630 100 Charles Mathewes SEM 3 56 60 168
RELG 2630 101 Ignatius Nti-Abankoro Discussion 0 16 20 0
RELG 2630 102 Ignatius Nti-Abankoro Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 2630 103 Ignatius Nti-Abankoro Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 2660 100(CS) Matthew Hedstrom Lecture 3 293 300 879
RELG 2660 101(CS) Maria Trivino Discussion 0 5 10 0
RELG 2660 102(CS) Nicholas Shrum Discussion 0 4 10 0
RELG 2660 103(CS) Nicholas Shrum Discussion 0 7 10 0
RELG 2660 104(CS) Maria Trivino Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 2660 105(CS) Maria Trivino Discussion 0 18 20 0
RELG 2660 106(CS) Joshua Parks Discussion 0 4 10 0
RELG 2660 107(CS) Nicholas Shrum Discussion 0 6 10 0
RELG 2660 108(CS) Nicholas Shrum Discussion 0 6 10 0
RELG 2660 109(CS) Nicholas Shrum Discussion 0 2 10 0
RELG 2660 110(CS) Joshua Parks Discussion 0 1 10 0
RELG 2660 111(CS) Joshua Parks Discussion 0 10 10 0
RELG 2660 112(CS) Sarah Denne Discussion 0 7 10 0
RELG 2660 113(CS) Nicholas Shrum Discussion 0 17 20 0
RELG 2660 114(CS) Sarah Denne Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 2660 115(CS) Sarah Denne Discussion 0 19 20 0
RELI 2080 001 Ahmed al-Rahim Lecture 3 36 40 108
RELJ 2030 001 Elizabeth Alexander Lecture 3 11 20 33
RELJ 2420 001(CS) Gregory Goering Lecture 3 4 7 12
RUSS 2020 001 Bryant Beadles+1 Lecture 4 4 20 16
RUSS 2020 002 Mira Nikolova+1 Lecture 4 14 20 56
RUTR 2470 001 Yuri Urbanovich Lecture 3 35 35 105
RUTR 2500 001 Madelyn Stuart Lecture 3 25 25 75
RUTR 2730 001 Katia Dianina Lecture 3 22 25 66
RUTR 2740 001 Jason Schultz Lecture 3 0 20 0
SLAV 2360 001 Stanley Stepanic Lecture 3 197 200 591
SLAV 2500 001 Mark Sherriff+1 Lecture 3 149 150 447
SOC 2010 001 Baris Unlu Lecture 3 26 35 78
SOC 2052 100 William Wilcox Lecture 3 257 260 771
SOC 2052 101 Lana Park Discussion 0 20 19 0
SOC 2052 102 Lana Park Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2052 103 Lana Park Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2052 104 Michael Krieger Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2052 105 Michael Krieger Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2052 106 Michael Krieger Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2052 107 Wenhao Song Discussion 0 20 19 0
SOC 2052 108 Wenhao Song Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2052 109 Wenhao Song Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2052 110 Jasmine Piescik Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2052 111 Wenhao Song Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2052 112 Wenhao Song Discussion 0 21 20 0
SOC 2052 113 Wenhao Song Discussion 0 16 19 0
SOC 2442 001 Di Shao Lecture 3 34 35 102
SOC 2520 100 Natalie Aviles Lecture 3 56 60 168
SOC 2520 101 Nya Uberman Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2520 102 Nya Uberman Discussion 0 19 20 0
SOC 2520 103 Nya Uberman Discussion 0 17 20 0
SOC 2595 002 David Skubby Lecture 3 28 35 84
SOC 2595 100 Milton Vickerman Lecture 3 25 35 75
SOC 2680 001 Yifeng Wan Lecture 3 17 20 51
SPAN 2010 001 Sara Young Lecture 3 14 18 42
SPAN 2010 002 Kate Neff Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2010 003 Sara Young Lecture 3 16 18 48
SPAN 2010 004 Kate Neff Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2010 005 Sara Young Lecture 3 14 18 42
SPAN 2010 006 Ciara Raczyk Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2010 007 Esperanza Gorriz Jarque Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2010 008 Esperanza Gorriz Jarque Lecture 3 14 18 42
SPAN 2010 009 Maria Monteros-Freeman Lecture 3 15 18 45
SPAN 2010 010 Esperanza Gorriz Jarque Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2010 011 Daniel Colon Lecture 3 5 18 15
SPAN 2010 012 Daniel Colon Lecture 3 15 18 45
SPAN 2020 001 Jennifer Hogg Lecture 3 16 18 48
SPAN 2020 002 Sara Park Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2020 003 Sara Park Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2020 004 Gabriela Dongo Arevalo Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2020 005 Rachel West Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2020 006 David Florez-Murillo Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2020 007 David Florez-Murillo Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2020 009 Jennifer Barlow Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2020 010 Jennifer Hogg Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2020 011 David Florez-Murillo Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2020 012 Gabriela Dongo Arevalo Lecture 3 13 18 39
SPAN 2020 013 Jennifer Barlow Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2020 014 Jennifer Barlow Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2020 015 Ana Piriz Moguel Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2020 016 Gabriela Dongo Arevalo Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2020 018 Germain Badang Lecture 3 19 18 57
SPAN 2020 019 Jennifer Hogg Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2020 020 Germain Badang Lecture 3 16 18 48
SPAN 2020 021 Germain Badang Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2020 022 Sara Park Lecture 3 11 18 33
SPAN 2020 023 Rachel West Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2020 024 Ana Piriz Moguel Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2020 025 Rachel West Lecture 3 15 18 45
STAT 2020 100 Maria Ferrara Lecture 4 136 160 544
STAT 2020 101 Maria Ferrara Laboratory 0 79 80 0
STAT 2020 102 Maria Ferrara Laboratory 0 79 80 0
STAT 2020 103 Maria Ferrara Laboratory 0 78 80 0
STAT 2020 104 Maria Ferrara Laboratory 0 59 80 0
STAT 2020 200 Maria Ferrara Lecture 4 159 160 636
STAT 2120 100 Jeffrey Holt Lecture 4 183 175 732
STAT 2120 101 To Be Announced Laboratory 0 58 50 0
STAT 2120 102 To Be Announced Laboratory 0 58 50 0
STAT 2120 103 To Be Announced Laboratory 0 61 50 0
STAT 2120 104 To Be Announced Laboratory 0 58 50 0
STAT 2120 105 To Be Announced Laboratory 0 57 50 0
STAT 2120 106 To Be Announced Laboratory 0 61 50 0
STAT 2120 107 To Be Announced Laboratory 0 52 50 0
STAT 2120 108 To Be Announced Laboratory 0 56 50 0
STAT 2120 109 To Be Announced Laboratory 0 51 50 0
STAT 2120 110 To Be Announced Laboratory 0 59 50 0
STAT 2120 200 Jeffrey Holt Lecture 4 195 175 780
STAT 2120 300 Jeffrey Holt Lecture 4 193 175 772
STS 2050 001 James Groves Lecture 3 7 50 21
STS 2600 001 Bryn Seabrook Lecture 3 29 28 87
STS 2600 002 William Davis Lecture 3 28 28 84
STS 2600 003 William Davis Lecture 3 28 28 84
STS 2600 004 James Groves Lecture 3 24 28 72
STS 2600 005 Jesse Pappas Lecture 3 28 28 84
STS 2600 006 Jesse Pappas Lecture 3 28 28 84
STS 2600 007 Jesse Pappas Lecture 3 26 28 78
STS 2600 008 Sergio Guillen Lecture 3 26 28 78
STS 2600 009 Sergio Guillen Lecture 3 28 28 84
STS 2600 010 Sergio Guillen Lecture 3 28 28 84
STS 2600 011 Rosalyn Berne Lecture 3 25 28 75
STS 2600 012 Kathryn Webb-Destefano Lecture 3 26 28 78
STS 2600 013 Kathryn Webb-Destefano Lecture 3 28 28 84
STS 2620 001(CS) Garrick Louis Lecture 3 9 15 27
STS 2993 001 Rider Foley IND 1 - 3 2 5 2
SWAH 2020 001 Anne Rotich SEM 3 6 15 18
SYS 2001 001 Nicola Bezzo+1 Lecture 3 55 55 165
SYS 2202 001 Afsaneh Doryab+1 Lecture 3 86 90 258
SYS 2620 001(CS) Garrick Louis Lecture 3 2 15 6
TURK 2020 001 Daniel Lefkowitz Lecture 3 3 10 9
UNST 2811 001 Andrus Ashoo SEM 1 11 12 11
UNST 2811 002 Steve Gump SEM 1 11 12 11
UNST 2811 003 Andrus Ashoo SEM 1 10 12 10
UNST 2811 004 Jennifer Schnelle SEM 1 12 12 12
UNST 2811 005 Jennifer Schnelle SEM 1 12 12 12
URDU 2020 001 Griffith Chaussee Lecture 4 3 10 12
USEM 2570 001 Matt Banfield SEM 1 5 18 5
WGS 2100 100 Lisa Speidel Lecture 3 119 120 357
WGS 2100 101 Charles Brown Discussion 0 20 20 0
WGS 2100 102 Charles Brown Discussion 0 20 20 0
WGS 2100 103 Charles Brown Discussion 0 19 20 0
WGS 2100 104 Layla Picard Discussion 0 20 20 0
WGS 2100 105 Layla Picard Discussion 0 20 20 0
WGS 2100 106 Layla Picard Discussion 0 20 20 0
WGS 2125 100 Sarah Orsak Lecture 3 48 60 144
WGS 2125 101 Cathryn Perini Discussion 0 20 20 0
WGS 2125 102 Cathryn Perini Discussion 0 13 20 0
WGS 2125 103 Cathryn Perini Discussion 0 15 20 0
WGS 2600 001 Lisa Speidel Lecture 3 60 60 180
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 394 22037 25781 68374.5 55.9 72.9 0 569 65.4 82.0 0 800
Discussion 336 6286 6699 16 18.7 13.3 0 129 19.9 12.2 5 120
Laboratory 139 4212 4234 1310 30.3 21.4 0 121 30.5 28.9 2 150
Other 224 3929 6027 7636.5 17.5 42.1 0 571 26.9 62.2 0 800
Overall 1093 36464 42741 77337

3000-Level Classes

 Show/Hide Individual Classes
Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
AAS 3113 001(CS) Robin Means Coleman Lecture 3 12 14 36
AAS 3157 001 FATIMA SIWAJU SEM 3 18 20 54
AAS 3500 001(CS) Kache Claytor SEM 3 15 16 45
AAS 3500 002 Nasrin Olla SEM 3 3 20 9
AAS 3500 003 Ashon Crawley SEM 3 17 20 51
AAS 3500 005 Kimberly Fields SEM 3 25 30 75
AAS 3500 006 Kimberly Fields SEM 3 15 20 45
AAS 3500 007(CS) Lisa Shutt+1 SEM 3 23 25 69
AAS 3500 008 Liana Richardson SEM 3 15 16 45
AAS 3559 001(CS) Darren Kelly SEM 3 19 17 57
AAS 3559 002 Salma Mutwafy SEM 3 16 16 48
AAS 3559 004 Shelby Sinclair SEM 3 18 25 54
AAS 3559 005 Guy Emerson Mount SEM 3 7 16 21
AAS 3830 001(CS) Njelle Hamilton SEM 3 14 16 42
ACCT 3010 701 Nammy Lee+1 Lecture 3 19 24 57
ACCT 3020 701 Rich Lahijani+1 Lecture 3 13 24 39
AIRS 3200 001 Kevin Bibb+1 Lecture 3 8 25 24
AIRS 3200 002 Kevin Bibb+1 Lecture 3 5 15 15
AMST 3001 001 Karl Miller SEM 3 9 18 27
AMST 3001 002 Ruby Tapia SEM 3 12 18 36
AMST 3180 100(CS) Sylvia Chong Lecture 3 59 60 177
AMST 3180 101(CS) Xiwen Wang Discussion 0 15 15 0
AMST 3180 102(CS) Xiwen Wang Discussion 0 14 15 0
AMST 3180 103(CS) Katie Wu Discussion 0 15 15 0
AMST 3180 104(CS) Katie Wu Discussion 0 15 15 0
AMST 3280 001(CS) Kasey Jernigan SEM 3 30 30 90
AMST 3471 001(CS) Sylvia Chong SEM 3 38 40 114
AMST 3559 001 Anneleise Azua Lecture 3 25 25 75
AMST 3559 002(CS) Lisa Goff Lecture 3 15 0 45
AMST 3559 003 Fiona Ngo Lecture 3 19 20 57
AMST 3559 004 Fiona Ngo Lecture 3 25 25 75
AMST 3559 005(CS) Daisy Guzman Nunez Lecture 3 13 15 39
ANTH 3020 001 Roberto Rosado-Ramirez Lecture 3 30 35 90
ANTH 3240 100 Kasey Jernigan Lecture 3 58 60 174
ANTH 3240 101 Trishita Shandilya Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 3240 102 Trishita Shandilya Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 3240 103 Trishita Shandilya Discussion 0 18 20 0
ANTH 3280 001(CS) Kasey Jernigan SEM 3 30 30 90
ANTH 3290 001 Sylvia Tidey Lecture 3 88 90 264
ANTH 3344 001(CS) Mark Sicoli Lecture 3 15 18 45
ANTH 3390 001 Gertrude Fraser Lecture 3 57 60 171
ANTH 3590 001 George Mentore Lecture 3 25 25 75
ANTH 3590 002 Randall Puckett Lecture 3 22 25 66
ANTH 3590 003 Sebastian Jackson Lecture 3 28 30 84
ANTH 3875 001 Christian Cancho Ruiz SEM 3 4 25 12
ANTH 3880 001 Adria LaViolette Lecture 3 29 35 87
APMA 3080 001 Meiqin Li Lecture 3 38 40 114
APMA 3080 002 Meiqin Li Lecture 3 27 40 81
APMA 3080 003 Heze Chen Lecture 3 40 40 120
APMA 3080 004 Asif Mahmood Lecture 3 7 40 21
APMA 3080 005 Asif Mahmood Lecture 3 21 40 63
APMA 3080 006 Heze Chen Lecture 3 37 40 111
APMA 3100 001 Deepyaman Maiti Lecture 3 39 40 117
APMA 3100 002 Farzad Shafiei Dizaji Lecture 3 31 40 93
APMA 3100 003 Matthew McMillan Lecture 3 28 40 84
APMA 3100 004 Matthew McMillan Lecture 3 13 40 39
APMA 3100 005 Hui Ma Lecture 3 45 40 135
APMA 3100 006 Christian Hellings Lecture 3 33 35 99
APMA 3100 007 Deepyaman Maiti Lecture 3 26 40 78
APMA 3110 001 Gary Koenig Lecture 3 33 40 99
APMA 3110 002 Hui Ma Lecture 3 41 40 123
APMA 3110 003 Md Arafatur Rahman Lecture 3 38 40 114
APMA 3110 004 Hui Ma Lecture 3 41 40 123
APMA 3110 005 Md Arafatur Rahman Lecture 3 37 40 111
APMA 3120 001 James Lark Lecture 3 25 48 75
APMA 3120 002 James Lark Lecture 3 43 48 129
APMA 3140 001 Diana Morris Lecture 3 37 40 111
APMA 3140 002 Diana Morris Lecture 3 41 40 123
APMA 3140 003 Nethali Fernando Lecture 3 33 40 99
APMA 3140 004 Diana Morris Lecture 3 30 40 90
APMA 3150 001 Heze Chen Lecture 3 37 35 111
APMA 3340 001 Anne Fernando Lecture 3 27 35 81
APMA 3501 001(CS) Megan Ryals Lecture 1 - 4 29 25 29
ARAB 3020 001 Suad Mohamed Lecture 3 6 14 18
ARAB 3259 001 Bilal Humeidan Lecture 3 9 15 27
ARAD 3559 001 Robin Garcia Lecture 3 19 30 57
ARCH 3020 001(CS) JT Bachman STO 6 15 90 90
ARCH 3020 002(CS) Katie MacDonald STO 6 13 15 78
ARCH 3020 003(CS) Schaeffer Somers STO 6 14 15 84
ARCH 3020 004(CS) Isaac Mangual Martinez STO 6 13 15 78
ARCH 3020 005(CS) Cameron Fullmer STO 6 14 15 84
ARCH 3020 006(CS) Lindsay Duddy STO 6 14 15 84
ARCH 3021 001(CS) JT Bachman STO 6 15 90 90
ARCH 3260 001 Seth McDowell+1 Lecture 3 77 96 231
ARCY 3993 001 Foteini Kondyli IND 3 0 10 0
ARCY 3993 002 Tyler Jo Smith IND 3 2 30 6
ARH 3500 001(CS) Rina Priyani Lecture 3 3 4 9
ARH 3500 002(CS) will rourk Lecture 3 3 3 9
ARH 3604 001(CS) Andrew Johnston Lecture 3 5 10 15
ARTH 3151 001 Eric Ramirez-Weaver Lecture 3 32 50 96
ARTH 3591 001 Tyler Jo Smith Lecture 3 20 20 60
ARTH 3591 003 Kate Kreindler Lecture 3 18 18 54
ARTH 3591 004 Ganiyu Jimoh Lecture 3 11 15 33
ARTH 3595 001 Anastasia Dakouri-Hild PRA 3 6 5 18
ARTR 3245 001(CS) Nizar Hermes Lecture 3 11 20 33
ARTR 3350 001(CS) Hanadi Al-Samman Lecture 3 10 18 30
ARTS 3112 001(CS) Madeleine Morris STO 3 4 15 12
ARTS 3222 001(CS) Federico Cuatlacuatl STO 3 10 15 30
ARTS 3372 001(CS) Anna Hogg STO 3 6 15 18
ARTS 3672 001(CS) Jackson Taylor STO 3 16 15 48
ARTS 3712 001(CS) Neal Rock STO 3 16 16 48
ARTS 3812 001(CS) LaRissa Rogers STO 3 4 15 12
ASL 3015 001 Gregory Propp PRA 1 7 12 7
ASL 3410 001(CS) Christopher Krentz SEM 3 18 28 54
ASL 3559 001 Bruce Sofinski Lecture 3 11 18 33
ASL 3559 002 Aron Marie Lecture 3 14 20 42
ASL 3559 003 Erin Moriarty Lecture 3 18 18 54
ASTR 3130 100 Steven Majewski Lecture 4 29 25 116
ASTR 3130 101 Steven Majewski Laboratory 0 29 25 0
ASTR 3450 001 Edward Murphy Lecture 3 146 170 438
ASTR 3490 001 Mark Whittle Lecture 3 38 40 114
BIOL 3000 100 Keith Kozminski Lecture 3 246 338 738
BIOL 3000 101 Keith Kozminski Discussion 0 246 338 0
BIOL 3010 100 Alan Bergland+1 Lecture 3 330 330 990
BIOL 3010 101 Alan Bergland+1 Discussion 0 330 330 0
BIOL 3020 100 Edmund Brodie+1 Lecture 3 326 476 978
BIOL 3020 101 Edmund Brodie Discussion 0 326 476 0
BIOL 3040 100 Sarah Kucenas Lecture 3 92 99 276
BIOL 3040 101 Sarah Kucenas Discussion 0 92 99 0
BIOL 3090 001 Jennifer Guler Lecture 3 95 96 285
BIOL 3180 001 Michael Timko Lecture 3 31 54 93
BIOL 3240 001 David Kittlesen Lecture 3 165 170 495
BIOL 3250 001 Masashi Kawasaki Lecture 3 151 150 453
BIOL 3260 001 Jay Hirsh Lecture 3 27 40 81
BIOL 3270 100 Ahmed Abdullah+1 Lecture 4 158 162 632
BIOL 3270 101 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 17 18 0
BIOL 3270 102 Kendall Branham+1 Laboratory 0 18 18 0
BIOL 3270 103 Yuheng Geng+1 Laboratory 0 17 18 0
BIOL 3270 104 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 18 18 0
BIOL 3270 105 Yuheng Geng+1 Laboratory 0 18 18 0
BIOL 3270 106 Kendall Branham+1 Laboratory 0 18 18 0
BIOL 3270 107 John Butler+1 Laboratory 0 16 18 0
BIOL 3270 108 John Butler+1 Laboratory 0 18 18 0
BIOL 3270 109 Yuheng Geng+1 Laboratory 0 18 18 0
BIOL 3420 100 Ann Massey Lecture 4 228 231 912
BIOL 3420 101 Maryam Chowdary+1 Laboratory 0 20 20 0
BIOL 3420 102 Ariana Craft+1 Laboratory 0 20 20 0
BIOL 3420 103 Sagar Kasar+1 Laboratory 0 20 20 0
BIOL 3420 104 Ann Massey+1 Laboratory 0 21 20 0
BIOL 3420 105 Ann Massey+1 Laboratory 0 22 20 0
BIOL 3420 106 Ann Massey+1 Laboratory 0 21 20 0
BIOL 3420 107 Ann Massey+1 Laboratory 0 22 20 0
BIOL 3420 108 Maryam Chowdary+1 Laboratory 0 22 20 0
BIOL 3420 109 Ann Massey+1 Laboratory 0 19 20 0
BIOL 3420 110 Carly Diamond+1 Laboratory 0 21 20 0
BIOL 3420 111 Ariana Craft+1 Laboratory 0 20 20 0
BIOL 3430 001 Ann Massey Lecture 3 32 35 96
BME 3030 001(CS) Tom Barker+1 Lecture 3 44 45 132
BME 3090 100 Timo