UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Summary Information - Complete Schedule for the College of Arts & Sciences - Fall 2020
These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time
These pages present data mined from the University of Virginia's student information system (SIS). — Lou Bloomfield, Department of Physics

I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics

This summary information page is a new feature and your comments, suggestions, bug reports, and other constructive criticism are welcome. -- Lou (8/6/2014)
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1000-Level Classes

 Show/Hide Individual Classes
Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
AAS 1010 100 Kwame Otu Lecture 4 196 200 784
AAS 1010 101 Jean Herald Legagneur+1 Discussion 0 24 25 0
AAS 1010 102 Jason Evans+1 Discussion 0 23 25 0
AAS 1010 103 Kwame Otu+1 Discussion 0 25 25 0
AAS 1010 104 Kwame Otu+1 Discussion 0 22 25 0
AAS 1010 105 Kwame Otu+1 Discussion 0 22 25 0
AAS 1010 106 Kwame Otu+1 Discussion 0 23 25 0
AAS 1010 107 To be Announced Discussion 0 4 0 0
AAS 1010 108 Jean Herald Legagneur+1 Discussion 0 25 25 0
AAS 1010 109 Jason Evans+1 Discussion 0 26 25 0
AAS 1010 110 To be Announced Discussion 0 3 0 0
AMST 1050 001 Kirt von Daacke Lecture 3 62 68 186
ANTH 1010 100 Richard Handler Lecture 3 233 240 699
ANTH 1010 102 Miao Jiang Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 1010 104 Madeleine Jean Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 1010 106 Madeleine Jean Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 1010 107 Miao Jiang Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 1010 108 Madeleine Jean Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 1010 109 Eniola Afolayan Discussion 0 17 20 0
ANTH 1010 110 Eniola Afolayan Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 1010 111 Eniola Afolayan Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 1010 112 Miao Jiang Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 1010 113 Anderson Moss Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 1010 114 Anderson Moss Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 1010 115 Anderson Moss Discussion 0 19 20 0
ARAB 1010 002 Suad Mohamed Lecture 4 18 20 72
ARAB 1010 003 Suad Mohamed Lecture 4 16 20 64
ARAB 1010 004 Bilal Maanaki Lecture 4 15 20 60
ARAB 1010 005 Bilal Maanaki Lecture 4 18 20 72
ARTH 1500 027 Tyler Jo Smith Lecture 3 15 15 45
ARTH 1503 001 Eric Ramirez-Weaver Lecture 3 29 60 87
ARTH 1503 100 Dylan Rogers Lecture 3 44 60 132
ARTH 1503 101 James Razumoff Discussion 0 9 20 0
ARTH 1503 102 James Razumoff Discussion 0 16 20 0
ARTH 1503 103 James Razumoff Discussion 0 19 20 0
ARTH 1505 100 Lawrence Goedde Lecture 3 43 50 129
ARTH 1505 107 Karl-Magnus Brose Discussion 0 14 15 0
ARTH 1505 108 Karl-Magnus Brose Discussion 0 10 15 0
ARTH 1505 109 Karl-Magnus Brose Discussion 0 19 20 0
ASL 1010 001 Gregory Propp SEM 4 18 18 72
ASL 1010 002 Rocco Devito SEM 4 18 18 72
ASL 1010 003 Rocco Devito SEM 4 18 18 72
ASL 1010 004 Gregory Propp SEM 4 17 18 68
ASL 1010 100 Tammy Waddell DRL 0 21 18 0
ASL 1010 101 Tammy Waddell DRL 0 17 18 0
ASL 1010 102 Robert Strickler DRL 0 17 18 0
ASL 1010 103 Robert Strickler DRL 0 16 18 0
ASTR 1210 001 Edward Murphy Lecture 3 199 350 597
ASTR 1210 002 Aaron Evans Lecture 3 129 130 387
ASTR 1210 003 Ilse Cleeves Lecture 3 104 130 312
ASTR 1210 004 Zhi-Yun Li Lecture 3 110 130 330
ASTR 1210 005 Trinh Thuan Lecture 3 32 130 96
ASTR 1220 001 Nitya Kallivayalil Lecture 3 129 130 387
ASTR 1220 002 Bradley Johnson Lecture 3 67 130 201
ASTR 1220 003 Borja Anguiano Lecture 3 21 130 63
ASTR 1230 100 Steven Majewski Lecture 3 10 21 30
ASTR 1230 101 Steven Majewski Laboratory 0 7 10 0
ASTR 1230 102 Steven Majewski Laboratory 0 2 10 0
ASTR 1230 103 Steven Majewski Laboratory 0 0 10 0
ASTR 1230 104 Steven Majewski Laboratory 0 1 10 0
ASTR 1290 001 Shane Davis Lecture 3 205 210 615
BIOL 1040 001 Douglas Taylor Lecture 3 207 235 621
BIOL 1210 001 Sandra Seidel Lecture 3 60 60 180
CASS 1010 001 Dave Dalton SEM 1 23 20 23
CHEM 1410 083 Linda Columbus Lecture 3 99 99 297
CHEM 1410 084 Linda Columbus Lecture 3 99 99 297
CHEM 1410 085 Linda Columbus Lecture 3 99 99 297
CHEM 1410 086 Lisa Morkowchuk Lecture 3 97 99 291
CHEM 1410 087 Lisa Morkowchuk Lecture 3 92 99 276
CHEM 1410 088 Lisa Morkowchuk Lecture 3 46 99 138
CHEM 1410 089 Lisa Morkowchuk Lecture 3 59 99 177
CHEM 1410 090 Lisa Morkowchuk Lecture 3 26 99 78
CHEM 1410 091 Marilyne Stains Lecture 3 59 99 177
CHEM 1410 092 Marilyne Stains Lecture 3 89 99 267
CHEM 1410 093 Marilyne Stains Lecture 3 79 99 237
CHEM 1410 094 Kevin Welch Lecture 3 104 99 312
CHEM 1410 095 Kevin Welch Lecture 3 97 99 291
CHEM 1410 096 Kevin Welch Lecture 3 102 99 306
CHEM 1410 097 Kevin Welch Lecture 3 100 99 300
CHEM 1410 098 Kevin Welch Lecture 3 96 99 288
CHEM 1411 001 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 23 24 23
CHEM 1411 002 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 23 24 23
CHEM 1411 003 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 23 24 23
CHEM 1411 004 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 24 24
CHEM 1411 005 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 18 24 18
CHEM 1411 006 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 18 24 18
CHEM 1411 007 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 19 24 19
CHEM 1411 008 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 19 24 19
CHEM 1411 009 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 21 24 21
CHEM 1411 010 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 16 24 16
CHEM 1411 011 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 24 24
CHEM 1411 012 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 22 24 22
CHEM 1411 013 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 23 24 23
CHEM 1411 014 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 23 24 23
CHEM 1411 015 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 22 24 22
CHEM 1411 016 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 23 24 23
CHEM 1411 017 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 18 24 18
CHEM 1411 018 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 21 24 21
CHEM 1411 019 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 18 24 18
CHEM 1411 020 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 21 24 21
CHEM 1411 021 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 24 24
CHEM 1411 022 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 23 24 23
CHEM 1411 023 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 24 24
CHEM 1411 024 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 24 24
CHEM 1411 025 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 23 24 23
CHEM 1411 026 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 23 24 23
CHEM 1411 027 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 24 24
CHEM 1411 028 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 24 24
CHEM 1411 029 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 24 24
CHEM 1411 030 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 23 24 23
CHEM 1411 031 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 24 24
CHEM 1411 032 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 24 24
CHEM 1411 033 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 24 24
CHEM 1411 034 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 23 24 23
CHEM 1411 035 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 22 24 22
CHEM 1411 036 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 20 24 20
CHEM 1411 041 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 23 24 23
CHEM 1411 042 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 24 24
CHEM 1411 043 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 24 24
CHEM 1411 044 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 23 24 23
CHEM 1411 045 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 23 24 23
CHEM 1411 046 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 24 24
CHEM 1411 047 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 22 24 22
CHEM 1411 048 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 24 24
CHEM 1411 049 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 23 24 23
CHEM 1411 050 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 24 24
CHEM 1411 051 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 23 24 23
CHEM 1411 052 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 17 24 17
CHEM 1411 053 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 18 24 18
CHEM 1411 054 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 24 24
CHEM 1411 055 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 21 24 21
CHEM 1411 056 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 22 24 22
CHEM 1411 057 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 17 24 17
CHEM 1411 058 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 20 24 20
CHEM 1411 059 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 18 24 18
CHEM 1411 060 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 21 24 21
CHEM 1411 061 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 20 24 20
CHEM 1411 062 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 23 24 23
CHEM 1411 063 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 24 24 24
CHEM 1411 064 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 19 24 19
CHEM 1411 065 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 18 24 18
CHEM 1411 066 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 19 24 19
CHEM 1411 067 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 23 24 23
CHEM 1411 068 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 19 24 19
CHEM 1411 071 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 21 24 21
CHEM 1411 072 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 21 24 21
CHEM 1411 073 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 19 24 19
CHEM 1411 074 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 19 24 19
CHEM 1411 075 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 18 24 18
CHEM 1411 076 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 20 24 20
CHEM 1411 077 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 20 24 20
CHEM 1411 078 Lisa Morkowchuk Laboratory 1 19 24 19
CHEM 1500 001 Jelena Samonina Lecture 3 75 80 225
CHEM 1810 100 Walter Harman Lecture 3 71 100 213
CHEM 1810 101 Walter Harman Discussion 0 71 87 0
CHEM 1811 001 Kevin Welch Laboratory 2 18 24 36
CHEM 1811 002 Kevin Welch Laboratory 2 22 24 44
CHEM 1811 003 Kevin Welch Laboratory 2 20 24 40
CHIN 1010 001 Ying Gao Lecture 4 16 16 64
CHIN 1010 002 Ying Gao Lecture 4 13 16 52
CHIN 1010 003 Lizeng Huang Lecture 4 14 16 56
CHIN 1010 004 Ran Zhao Lecture 4 16 16 64
CHIN 1010 005 Ran Zhao Lecture 4 12 16 48
CHIN 1020 001 Lizeng Huang Lecture 4 13 16 52
CHIN 1060 001 Ying Gao Lecture 4 16 16 64
COLA 1500 001 Shawn Lyons SEM 1 15 18 15
COLA 1500 003 Staff SEM 1 0 0 0
COLA 1500 004 Francesca Calamita SEM 1 18 18 18
COLA 1500 005 Edward Murphy SEM 1 18 18 18
COLA 1500 009 Heather Warren SEM 1 18 18 18
COLA 1500 010 Sandra Seidel SEM 1 17 18 17
COLA 1500 011 Karl Shuve SEM 1 18 18 18
COLA 1500 013 Nichole Flores SEM 1 15 18 15
COLA 1500 014 Ari Blatt SEM 1 17 18 17
COLA 1500 016 David Kittlesen SEM 1 18 18 18
COLA 1500 018 Kirt von Daacke SEM 1 19 18 19
COLA 1500 020 Matthew Davis SEM 1 12 18 12
COLA 1500 021 Melissa Frost SEM 1 18 18 18
COLA 1500 022 Staff SEM 1 0 0 0
COLA 1500 023 Sandra Seidel SEM 1 18 18 18
COLA 1500 024 Armin Mattes SEM 1 16 18 16
COLA 1500 026 Daniel Lefkowitz SEM 1 17 18 17
COLA 1500 027 Jeffrey Holt SEM 1 18 18 18
COLA 1500 028 Connie Smith SEM 1 18 18 18
COLA 1500 029 Staff SEM 1 0 0 0
COLA 1500 031 Matthew Davis SEM 1 10 18 10
COLA 1500 035 Staff SEM 1 0 0 0
COLA 1500 036 Sarah Cole SEM 1 16 18 16
COLA 1500 038 Bradford Hays SEM 1 16 18 16
COLA 1500 042 Keith Driver SEM 1 17 18 17
COLA 1500 047 Bonnie Hagerman SEM 1 17 17 17
COLA 1500 050 Erik Braun SEM 1 17 18 17
COLA 1500 054 Dave Dalton SEM 1 16 18 16
COLA 1500 061 Lisa Shutt SEM 1 17 18 17
COLA 1500 065 Karlin Luedtke SEM 1 17 18 17
COLA 1500 068 John Mason SEM 1 12 18 12
COLA 1500 069 Ahmed al-Rahim SEM 1 16 18 16
COLA 1500 070 Elizabeth Ozment SEM 1 16 18 16
COLA 1500 074 Cliff Maxwell SEM 1 18 18 18
COLA 1500 076 Janet Spittler SEM 1 18 18 18
COLA 1500 083 Corin Fox SEM 1 18 18 18
COLA 1500 085 James Livingood SEM 1 18 18 18
COLA 1500 089 Zvi Gilboa SEM 1 16 18 16
COLA 1500 094 Staff SEM 1 0 0 0
COLA 1500 095 Staff SEM 1 0 0 0
COLA 1500 096 Bo Odom SEM 1 18 18 18
COLA 1500 098 Staff SEM 1 0 0 0
COLA 1500 099 Paul Freedman SEM 1 17 18 17
CREO 1010 001 Kandioura Drame WKS 3 3 20 9
DANC 1400 001 Kathryn Schetlick Lecture 3 22 30 66
DRAM 1010 001 Cady Garey Lecture 3 42 40 126
DRAM 1010 002 Cady Garey Lecture 3 55 50 165
DRAM 1020 001 Tovah Close Lecture 3 16 16 48
DRAM 1020 003 Jennifer Wales Lecture 3 16 16 48
DRAM 1020 004 Tovah Close Lecture 3 16 16 48
DRAM 1020 005 Tovah Close Lecture 3 16 16 48
DRAM 1020 006 Cady Garey Lecture 3 16 16 48
DRAM 1220 001 Steven Warner SEM 3 20 20 60
EAST 1010 100 Chad Diehl Lecture 3 66 60 198
EAST 1010 101 Franklin Xue Discussion 0 23 20 0
EAST 1010 102 Franklin Xue Discussion 0 21 20 0
EAST 1010 103 Franklin Xue Discussion 0 22 20 0
ENWR 1505 001 Claire Chantell SEM 3 11 12 33
ENWR 1505 002 Claire Chantell SEM 3 15 12 45
ENWR 1505 003 Patricia Sullivan SEM 3 15 12 45
ENWR 1505 004 Patricia Sullivan SEM 3 9 12 27
ENWR 1505 007 Kate Kostelnik SEM 3 12 12 36
ENWR 1505 008 Marcus Meade SEM 3 12 12 36
ENWR 1505 009 Kate Kostelnik SEM 3 12 12 36
ENWR 1507 001(CS) Mahmoud Abdi tabari SEM 3 3 6 9
ENWR 1510 001 Cassie Davies SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 002 Amber McBride SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 003 Keith Driver SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 004 Richard Milby SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 005 Elisabeth Blair SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 006 Kaylee Lamb SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 007 Staff SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 008 Zheng-liann Schuster SEM 3 16 18 48
ENWR 1510 009 Emelye Keyser SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 010 Cory Shaman SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 011 Indu Ohri SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 012 Jon D'Errico SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 013 Ankita Chakrabarti SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 014 Sarah Storti SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 015 Heidi Nobles SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 016 Anna Martin-Beecher SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 017 devin donovan SEM 3 17 18 51
ENWR 1510 018 Catherine Blume SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 019 Suzie Eckl SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 020 Andrew Chen SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 021 DeVan Ard SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 022 Robert Zenz SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 023 Mary Ruth Robinson SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 024 Ankita Chakrabarti SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 025 Matthew Davis SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 026 Cassie Davies SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 027 Katherine Churchill SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 028 Cassie Davies SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 029 Charity Fowler SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 030 Anne Marie Thompson SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 031 Indu Ohri SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 032 Lindgren Johnson SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 033 Annyston Pennington SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 034 Indu Ohri SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 035 Jon D'Errico SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 036 Piers Gelly SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 037 Jessica Walker SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 038 Thomas Berenato SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 039 Anna Martin-Beecher SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 040 Keith Driver SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 041 Andrew Eaton SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 042 Derek Cavens SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 043 Fina Mbabazi SEM 3 17 18 51
ENWR 1510 044 Jessica Walker SEM 3 17 18 51
ENWR 1510 045 DeVan Ard SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 046 DeVan Ard SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 047 Andrew Eaton SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 048 Hannah Loeb SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 049 Anne Persons SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 050 Eva Latterner SEM 3 17 18 51
ENWR 1510 051 Julianne McCobin SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 052 Lisa Aguirre SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 053 Staff SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 054 Lindgren Johnson SEM 3 16 18 48
ENWR 1510 055 Sean Marcolini SEM 3 16 18 48
ENWR 1510 056 Piers Gelly SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 057 Fina Mbabazi SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 058 Piers Gelly SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 059 Derek Cavens SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 061 Cory Shaman SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 062 David Coyoca SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 063 Anastatia Curley SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 064 Emelye Keyser SEM 3 17 18 51
ENWR 1510 065 Miriam Grossman SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 066 Anna Martin-Beecher SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 067 Sebastian Corrales SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 068 Stephanie Ceraso SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 069 Jessica Walker SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 070 Tarushi Sonthalia SEM 3 11 18 33
ENWR 1510 071 Mary Clare Agnew SEM 3 14 18 42
ENWR 1510 072 Zoe Kempf-Harris SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 074 Patricia Sullivan SEM 3 10 18 30
ENWR 1510 075 Katie Campbell SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 076 Thomas Berenato SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 077 Thomas Berenato SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 078 Sarah Berkowitz SEM 3 14 18 42
ENWR 1510 079 Hallie Richmond SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 080 Sarah Storti SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 081 Evan Cheney SEM 3 16 18 48
ENWR 1510 082 Sarah Storti SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 083 Grant King SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 084 Michael Reich SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 085 Samantha Wallace SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 086 Michelle Gottschlich SEM 3 8 18 24
ENWR 1510 087 Michelle Gottschlich SEM 3 17 18 51
ENWR 1510 088 James Ascher SEM 3 14 18 42
ENWR 1510 089 James Ascher SEM 3 16 18 48
ENWR 1510 090 Mahmoud Abdi tabari SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 091 Eyal Handelsman Katz SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1510 092(CS) Mahmoud Abdi tabari SEM 3 4 12 12
ENWR 1520 001 Sarah Stephenson SEM 3 18 18 54
ENWR 1520 002 Sarah Stephenson SEM 3 18 18 54
EVSC 1010 001 Thomas Smith Lecture 3 299 300 897
EVSC 1080 001 James Galloway Lecture 3 146 163 438
EVSC 1450 001 Deborah Lawrence Lecture 3 293 300 879
FREN 1010 001 Matthew Trumbo-tual Lecture 4 18 18 72
FREN 1010 002 Emily Marks Lecture 4 17 18 68
FREN 1010 003 Cecile Rey Lecture 4 18 18 72
FREN 1010 004 Nnenna Onyima Lecture 4 18 18 72
FREN 1020 001 Cecile Rey Lecture 4 16 18 64
FREN 1020 002 Loren Lee Lecture 4 17 18 68
FREN 1020 003 Ninon Bartz Lecture 4 18 18 72
FREN 1050 001 Mary Allen Lecture 4 15 18 60
FREN 1050 002 Mary Allen Lecture 4 17 18 68
FREN 1050 003 Nouha Gammar Lecture 4 18 18 72
GERM 1010 001 Christina Neuhaus Lecture 4 20 22 80
GERM 1010 003 Christina Neuhaus Lecture 4 16 22 64
GERM 1010 004 Ruth Trice Lecture 4 22 22 88
GERM 1020 001 Ruth Trice Lecture 4 9 18 36
GERM 1020 002 Cora Schenberg Lecture 4 15 18 60
GREE 1010 100 Coulter George Lecture 4 19 25 76
GREE 1010 101 Nina Raby Discussion 0 9 13 0
GREE 1010 102 Jovan Cvjeticanin Discussion 0 10 13 0
HEBR 1010 001 Zvi Gilboa Lecture 4 20 20 80
HEBR 1410 001(CS) Gregory Goering Lecture 3 5 20 15
HIAF 1501 001 James La Fleur SEM 3 15 15 45
HIEA 1501 001 Cong Zhang SEM 3 14 15 42
HIEA 1501 002 Xiaoyuan Liu SEM 3 11 15 33
HILA 1501 001 Lean Sweeney SEM 3 14 15 42
HIME 1501 001 Christopher Gratien SEM 3 14 15 42
HIND 1010 001 Griffith Chaussee Lecture 4 15 18 60
HIND 1010 002 Abdul Nasir Lecture 4 10 15 40
HIST 1501 001 John Mason SEM 3 15 15 45
HIST 1501 002 David Singerman SEM 3 17 15 51
HIUS 1501 001 Olivier Zunz SEM 3 10 12 30
HSCI 1010 001 Karen Schmidt Lecture 2 11 32 22
INST 1550 001 Jackson Appelt+1 SEM 2 11 20 22
INST 1550 002 Sarah Garzione+1 SEM 2 6 20 12
INST 1550 004 Jake Green+1 SEM 1 9 20 9
INST 1550 005 Sandra Seidel+1 SEM 1 6 20 6
INST 1550 006 Neah Lekan+1 SEM 2 6 20 12
INST 1550 007 Leela Shah+1 SEM 1 10 20 10
INST 1605 001 Benjamin Gustafson+3 Lecture 1 29 43 29
ITAL 1010 001 Sarah Annunziato Lecture 4 15 18 60
ITAL 1010 002 Hiromi Kaneda Lecture 4 18 18 72
ITAL 1010 003 Hiromi Kaneda Lecture 4 16 18 64
ITAL 1010 004 Stella Mattioli Lecture 4 16 18 64
ITAL 1010 005 Stella Mattioli Lecture 4 18 18 72
ITAL 1010 006 Sarah Annunziato Lecture 4 15 18 60
JAPN 1010 001 Tomoko Marshall Lecture 4 16 16 64
JAPN 1010 002 Tomoko Marshall Lecture 4 16 16 64
JAPN 1010 003 Takuya Ito Lecture 4 16 16 64
JAPN 1010 004 Takuya Ito Lecture 4 17 16 68
KICH 1010 001 Allison Bigelow Lecture 3 2 5 6
KOR 1010 001 Sunhee Woo Lecture 4 18 16 72
KOR 1010 002 Yuhjoo Byun Lecture 4 18 16 72
KOR 1010 003 Yuhjoo Byun Lecture 4 18 16 72
KOR 1060 001 Sunhee Woo Lecture 4 11 16 44
LATI 1010 100 John Miller Lecture 4 42 40 168
LATI 1010 101 Erica Krause Discussion 0 11 20 0
LATI 1010 102 Iam McClain Discussion 0 18 20 0
LATI 1010 103 Isabelle Cimala Discussion 0 13 20 0
LATI 1030 001 Giulio Celotto Lecture 4 23 25 92
LATI 1030 002 Giulio Celotto Lecture 4 17 20 68
MATH 1140 001 Peter Johnson Lecture 3 47 48 141
MATH 1140 002 Joseph Eisner Lecture 3 43 45 129
MATH 1150 001 Kyong Mi Choi Lecture 3 24 40 72
MATH 1190 100 Paul Bourdon Lecture 4 40 40 160
MATH 1190 101 Paul Bourdon Discussion 0 39 40 0
MATH 1190 200 Wendi Dass Lecture 4 37 40 148
MATH 1190 201 Eleanor Mcspirit Discussion 0 37 40 0
MATH 1210 001 Anna Ying Pun Lecture 3 33 36 99
MATH 1210 002 Neelav Dutta Lecture 3 36 36 108
MATH 1210 003 Tanner Carawan Lecture 3 35 36 105
MATH 1210 004 Wojciech Tralle Lecture 3 35 36 105
MATH 1210 005 Yaolong Shen Lecture 3 35 36 105
MATH 1210 006 Badri Pandey Lecture 3 36 36 108
MATH 1210 007 Aoran Wu Lecture 3 33 36 99
MATH 1210 008 Tyler Burger Lecture 3 34 36 102
MATH 1210 009 Jinbo Ren Lecture 3 24 36 72
MATH 1210 011 Donnelly Phillips Lecture 3 36 36 108
MATH 1210 012 William Craig Lecture 3 33 36 99
MATH 1210 014 Kristina Cernekova Lecture 3 33 36 99
MATH 1220 001 Matthew Gagne Lecture 3 35 34 105
MATH 1220 002 Nhan Nguyen Lecture 3 28 34 84
MATH 1220 003 Aron Daw Lecture 3 32 34 96
MATH 1220 004 Jim Rolf Lecture 3 30 34 90
MATH 1220 005 Matthew Gagne Lecture 3 30 34 90
MATH 1220 007 Yuan Zhang Lecture 3 24 34 72
MATH 1220 008 Matthew Feller Lecture 3 31 34 93
MATH 1310 100 Veronica Shalotenko Lecture 4 27 28 108
MATH 1310 101 Veronica Shalotenko Discussion 0 27 28 0
MATH 1310 200 Charlotte Ure Lecture 4 27 28 108
MATH 1310 201 Charlotte Ure Discussion 0 27 28 0
MATH 1310 300 Mark Schrecengost Lecture 4 27 28 108
MATH 1310 301 Mark Schrecengost Discussion 0 27 28 0
MATH 1310 400 Evangelos Dimou Lecture 4 25 28 100
MATH 1310 401 Evangelos Dimou Discussion 0 25 28 0
MATH 1310 500 Veronica Shalotenko Lecture 4 27 28 108
MATH 1310 501 Veronica Shalotenko Discussion 0 27 28 0
MATH 1310 600 Evangelos Dimou Lecture 4 27 28 108
MATH 1310 601 Evangelos Dimou Discussion 0 27 28 0
MATH 1310 700 Charlotte Ure Lecture 4 28 28 112
MATH 1310 701 Charlotte Ure Discussion 0 28 28 0
MATH 1310 800 Mark Schrecengost Lecture 4 27 28 108
MATH 1310 801 Mark Schrecengost Discussion 0 27 28 0
MATH 1310 900 Matthew McCarthy Lecture 4 24 28 96
MATH 1310 901 Matthew McCarthy Discussion 0 24 28 0
MATH 1320 100 Dmitriy Sonkin Lecture 4 26 28 104
MATH 1320 101 Dmitriy Sonkin Discussion 0 26 28 0
MATH 1320 200 Sarasij Maitra Lecture 4 25 28 100
MATH 1320 201 Sarasij Maitra Discussion 0 25 28 0
MATH 1320 300 David Will Lecture 4 23 28 92
MATH 1320 301 David Will Discussion 0 23 28 0
MATH 1320 400 Dmitriy Sonkin Lecture 4 22 28 88
MATH 1320 401 Dmitriy Sonkin Discussion 0 22 28 0
MATH 1320 500 Thomas Polstra Lecture 4 22 28 88
MATH 1320 501 Thomas Polstra Discussion 0 22 28 0
MATH 1320 600 Thomas Polstra Lecture 4 17 28 68
MATH 1320 601 Thomas Polstra Discussion 0 17 28 0
MUSI 1310 001 Justin Mueller Lecture 3 33 45 99
MUSI 1310 002 Benjamin Rous Lecture 3 38 45 114
MUSI 1310 003 Justin Mueller Lecture 3 43 45 129
PERS 1010 001 Mahshad Mohit Lecture 4 15 20 60
PHIL 1000 100 Brie Gertler Lecture 3 179 180 537
PHIL 1000 101 Nathan Frank Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 1000 102 Alana Wilde+1 Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 1000 103 Alana Wilde+1 Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 1000 104 James Reed Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 1000 105 James Reed Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 1000 106 James Reed Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 1000 107 Nathan Frank Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 1000 108 Nathan Frank Discussion 0 19 20 0
PHIL 1000 109 Alana Wilde+1 Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 1410 001 James Darcy Lecture 3 30 30 90
PHIL 1410 002 James Darcy Lecture 3 29 30 87
PHIL 1510 001 Yan Nok Fung Lecture 3 26 30 78
PHIL 1510 002 Yan Nok Fung Lecture 3 30 30 90
PHIL 1710 100 Harold Langsam Lecture 3 169 180 507
PHIL 1710 101 William Welchance Discussion 0 15 20 0
PHIL 1710 102 William Welchance Discussion 0 19 20 0
PHIL 1710 103 William Welchance Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 1710 104 Sanaa Abrahams Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 1710 105 Stephen Marrone Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 1710 106 Sanaa Abrahams Discussion 0 18 20 0
PHIL 1710 107 Stephen Marrone Discussion 0 19 20 0
PHIL 1710 108 Stephen Marrone Discussion 0 19 20 0
PHIL 1710 109 Sanaa Abrahams Discussion 0 19 20 0
PHIL 1730 100 Antonia LoLordo+1 Lecture 3 57 60 171
PHIL 1730 101 Scott Meyers Discussion 0 19 20 0
PHIL 1730 102 Scott Meyers Discussion 0 19 20 0
PHIL 1730 103 Scott Meyers Discussion 0 19 20 0
PHYS 1010 001 Olivier Pfister Lecture 3 31 99 93
PHYS 1050 001 Chris Neu Lecture 3 122 240 366
PHYS 1110 001 Kent Paschke Lecture 3 25 50 75
PHYS 1425 001 Xiaochao Zheng Lecture 3 100 120 300
PHYS 1429 001 Maksim Bychkov+2 Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 1429 002 Jessica Pascadlo+2 Laboratory 1 19 2 19
PHYS 1429 003 Jessica Pascadlo+2 Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 1429 004 Haritha Sindhu Rajeev+2 Laboratory 1 23 2 23
PHYS 1429 005 Maksim Bychkov+2 Laboratory 1 22 2 22
PHYS 1660 001 Bryan Wright Lecture 1 16 18 16
PHYS 1660 002 Bryan Wright Lecture 1 9 18 9
PHYS 1710 100 Cass Sackett Lecture 5 44 60 220
PHYS 1710 101 Cass Sackett Discussion 0 22 35 0
PHYS 1710 102 Cass Sackett Discussion 0 22 35 0
PHYS 1910 001 Cass Sackett Lecture 1 17 26 17
PLAP 1010 002 James Todd Lecture 3 37 40 111
PLAP 1010 100 James Ceaser Lecture 3 111 120 333
PLAP 1010 101 Jeffery Syck Discussion 0 18 20 0
PLAP 1010 102 Jeffery Syck Discussion 0 20 20 0
PLAP 1010 103 Harrison Weeks Discussion 0 17 20 0
PLAP 1010 104 Jeffery Syck Discussion 0 19 20 0
PLAP 1010 105 Harrison Weeks Discussion 0 20 20 0
PLAP 1010 106 Harrison Weeks Discussion 0 17 20 0
PLCP 1010 100 David Waldner Lecture 3 208 240 624
PLCP 1010 101 Sally Bonsall Discussion 0 19 20 0
PLCP 1010 102 Olyvia Christley Discussion 0 18 20 0
PLCP 1010 103 Simonas Cepenas Discussion 0 19 20 0
PLCP 1010 104 Olyvia Christley Discussion 0 16 20 0
PLCP 1010 105 Tolu Odukoya Discussion 0 16 20 0
PLCP 1010 106 Tolu Odukoya Discussion 0 18 20 0
PLCP 1010 107 Olyvia Christley Discussion 0 16 20 0
PLCP 1010 108 Simonas Cepenas Discussion 0 15 20 0
PLCP 1010 109 Tolu Odukoya Discussion 0 17 20 0
PLCP 1010 110 Simonas Cepenas Discussion 0 16 20 0
PLCP 1010 111 Sally Bonsall Discussion 0 19 20 0
PLCP 1010 112 Sally Bonsall Discussion 0 19 20 0
POL 1210 001 Stanley Stepanic Lecture 3 7 16 21
PORT 1110 001 Lilian Feitosa Lecture 4 19 18 76
PSYC 1010 001 Chad Dodson Lecture 3 393 400 1179
RELB 1559 100 Sonam Kachru Lecture 3 117 151 351
RELB 1559 101 Matthew Leveille Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELB 1559 102 Matthew Leveille Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELB 1559 104 Kyle Nicholas Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELB 1559 107 Matthew Leveille Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELB 1559 108 Kyle Nicholas Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELB 1559 109 Kyle Nicholas Discussion 0 19 20 0
RELC 1210 100(CS) Ashley Tate Lecture 3 64 140 192
RELC 1210 101 Jeannie Sellick Discussion 0 16 20 0
RELC 1210 102 Carrie Cifers Discussion 0 5 0 0
RELC 1210 103 Carrie Cifers Discussion 0 19 20 0
RELC 1210 104 Jeannie Sellick Discussion 0 13 20 0
RELC 1210 105 Carrie Cifers Discussion 0 11 20 0
RELG 1010 100 Heather Warren Lecture 3 237 240 711
RELG 1010 101 Lauren Wheeler Discussion 0 19 20 0
RELG 1010 102 Lauren Wheeler Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 1010 103 Lauren Wheeler Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 1010 104 Elizabeth Cable Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 1010 105 Elizabeth Cable Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 1010 106 Elizabeth Cable Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 1010 107 Kerwin Jr Holmes Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 1010 108 Kerwin Jr Holmes Discussion 0 19 20 0
RELG 1010 109 Kerwin Jr Holmes Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 1010 110 Essam Fahim Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 1010 111 Essam Fahim Discussion 0 19 20 0
RELG 1010 112 Essam Fahim Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 1400 100 Leslie Hubbard Lecture 3 46 50 138
RELG 1400 102 Leslie Hubbard Discussion 0 0 0 0
RELG 1400 103 Leslie Hubbard Discussion 0 25 25 0
RELG 1400 104 Leslie Hubbard Discussion 0 0 0 0
RELG 1400 105 Karolyn Kinane Discussion 0 21 25 0
RELG 1500 002 Ashley Tate SEM 3 5 30 15
RELJ 1210 100(CS) Ashley Tate Lecture 3 8 40 24
RELJ 1210 102 Jeannie Sellick Discussion 0 6 0 0
RELJ 1410 001(CS) Gregory Goering Lecture 3 9 20 27
RUSS 1010 001 Anna Borovskaya-Ellis Lecture 4 20 30 80
RUSS 1010 002 Anna Borovskaya-Ellis Lecture 4 20 30 80
RUSS 1010 100 Melissa Ivanco Discussion 0 16 20 0
RUSS 1010 101 Evangelina Demina Discussion 0 13 20 0
RUSS 1010 102 Sarah McEleney Discussion 0 11 18 0
SANS 1010 001 Robert Hueckstedt Lecture 3 5 14 15
SOC 1010 100 Ian Mullins Lecture 3 246 260 738
SOC 1010 101 Nia Baker Discussion 0 19 20 0
SOC 1010 102 Nia Baker Discussion 0 19 20 0
SOC 1010 103 Nia Baker Discussion 0 19 20 0
SOC 1010 104 William Boyce Discussion 0 19 20 0
SOC 1010 105 William Boyce Discussion 0 19 20 0
SOC 1010 106 William Boyce Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 1010 107 Olya Feldberg Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 1010 108 Olya Feldberg Discussion 0 17 20 0
SOC 1010 109 Olya Feldberg Discussion 0 19 20 0
SOC 1010 110 Alexander C Sutton Discussion 0 18 20 0
SOC 1010 111 Alexander C Sutton Discussion 0 17 20 0
SOC 1010 112 Alexander C Sutton Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 1010 113 Alexander C Sutton Discussion 0 20 20 0
SPAN 1060 001 Sara Young Lecture 4 18 18 72
SPAN 1060 002 Jennifer Hogg Lecture 4 16 18 64
SPAN 1060 003 Jennifer Hogg Lecture 4 18 18 72
SPAN 1060 004 Jennifer Hogg Lecture 4 18 18 72
SPAN 1060 005 Matthew Richey Lecture 4 17 18 68
SPAN 1060 006 Matthew Street Lecture 4 18 18 72
SPAN 1060 007 Matthew Street Lecture 4 17 18 68
SPAN 1060 008 Matthew Street Lecture 4 17 18 68
SPAN 1060 010 Adam Cohn Lecture 4 17 18 68
SPAN 1060 011 Sara Young Lecture 4 16 18 64
SPAN 1060 012 Sara Young Lecture 4 18 18 72
SPAN 1060 013 Emily Scida Lecture 4 18 18 72
STAT 1100 001 Tianyuan Zhou Lecture 3 48 50 144
STAT 1100 002 Jesse Helman Lecture 3 49 50 147
STAT 1601 001 Prince Afriyie Lecture 3 135 140 405
STAT 1601 002 Prince Afriyie Lecture 3 138 140 414
STAT 1601 003 Prince Afriyie Lecture 3 139 140 417
SWAH 1010 001 Anne Rotich Lecture 3 15 16 45
SWAH 1010 002 Anne Rotich Lecture 3 17 16 51
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 193 9716 11445 30807 50.3 60.8 2 393 59.3 67.6 5 400
Discussion 139 2691 2941 0 19.4 7.0 0 71 21.2 8.2 0 87
Laboratory 84 1733 1850 1783 20.6 4.7 0 25 22.0 5.9 2 24
Other 169 2629 2858 6426 15.6 4.7 0 23 16.9 4.1 0 30
Overall 585 16769 19094 39016

2000-Level Classes

 Show/Hide Individual Classes
Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
AAS 2224 001 Lisa Shutt SEM 3 17 18 51
AAS 2224 002 Lisa Shutt SEM 3 17 18 51
AAS 2559 001 Sabrina Pendergrass SEM 3 15 15 45
AAS 2559 003 Robert Vinson SEM 3 25 35 75
AAS 2559 004 Tony Perry SEM 3 63 80 189
AAS 2657 001(CS) Njelle Hamilton SEM 3 13 14 39
AMST 2001 100 Jack Hamilton+1 Lecture 3 229 240 687
AMST 2001 101 Meaghan Walsh Discussion 0 20 20 0
AMST 2001 102 Meaghan Walsh Discussion 0 19 20 0
AMST 2001 103 Bradley Kime Discussion 0 19 20 0
AMST 2001 104 Bradley Kime Discussion 0 20 20 0
AMST 2001 105 Meaghan Walsh Discussion 0 19 20 0
AMST 2001 106 Tanner Greene Discussion 0 19 20 0
AMST 2001 107 Tanner Greene Discussion 0 20 20 0
AMST 2001 108 Tanner Greene Discussion 0 19 20 0
AMST 2001 109 Stephen Betts Discussion 0 18 20 0
AMST 2001 110 Stephen Betts Discussion 0 19 20 0
AMST 2001 111 Stephen Betts Discussion 0 18 20 0
AMST 2001 112 Bradley Kime Discussion 0 19 20 0
AMST 2422 001(CS) Lisa Goff SEM 3 14 25 42
AMST 2559 003 Austyn James Lecture 3 11 20 33
AMST 2559 004(CS) JiaYuan Huang Lecture 3 11 18 33
AMST 2559 100(CS) Kasey Jernigan Lecture 3 27 30 81
AMST 2559 101(CS) Jeffrey Attridge Discussion 0 10 10 0
AMST 2559 102(CS) Jeffrey Attridge Discussion 0 8 10 0
AMST 2559 103(CS) Jeffrey Attridge Discussion 0 9 10 0
ANTH 2280 100 China Scherz Lecture 3 237 240 711
ANTH 2280 101 Uzma Zafar Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 2280 102 Ray Qu Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2280 103 Ray Qu Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2280 104 Uzma Zafar Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 2280 105 Ray Qu Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2280 106 Uzma Zafar Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 2280 107 Uzma Zafar Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2280 108 Ray Qu Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2280 109 Uzma Zafar Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2280 110 Ray Qu Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2280 111 Ray Qu Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2280 112 Uzma Zafar Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2400 001 Grace East Lecture 3 30 30 90
ANTH 2430 200 Armik Mirzayan Lecture 3 114 120 342
ANTH 2430 201 Fiona Balestrieri Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 2430 202 Fiona Balestrieri Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 2430 203 Taylor Gilliam Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 2430 204 Taylor Gilliam Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 2430 205 Taylor Gilliam Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 2430 206 Fiona Balestrieri Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 2440 100 Daniel Lefkowitz Lecture 3 111 120 333
ANTH 2440 101 Colleen Winkelman Discussion 0 16 20 0
ANTH 2440 102 Colleen Winkelman Discussion 0 18 20 0
ANTH 2440 103 Richard Karl Deang Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 2440 104 Colleen Winkelman Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2440 105 Richard Karl Deang Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 2440 106 Richard Karl Deang Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 2541 002 Anna Eisenstein Lecture 3 28 30 84
ANTH 2541 003 Anna Eisenstein Lecture 3 5 30 15
ANTH 2559 100(CS) Kasey Jernigan Lecture 3 30 30 90
ANTH 2559 101(CS) Jeffrey Attridge Discussion 0 10 10 0
ANTH 2559 102(CS) Jeffrey Attridge Discussion 0 10 10 0
ANTH 2559 103(CS) Jeffrey Attridge Discussion 0 10 10 0
ANTH 2589 100 Sonia Alconini Lecture 3 45 60 135
ANTH 2589 101 Jennifer Saunders Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2589 102 Jennifer Saunders Discussion 0 9 20 0
ANTH 2589 103 Jennifer Saunders Discussion 0 16 20 0
ANTH 2625 001 Erin Jordan Lecture 3 30 30 90
ANTH 2800 100 Adria LaViolette Lecture 3 56 60 168
ANTH 2800 101 Zach McKeeby Discussion 0 19 20 0
ANTH 2800 102 Zach McKeeby Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 2800 103 Zach McKeeby Discussion 0 17 20 0
ARAB 2010 001 Bilal Maanaki Lecture 4 19 20 76
ARAB 2010 002 Bilal Humeidan Lecture 4 15 18 60
ARAB 2010 003 Bilal Humeidan Lecture 4 14 20 56
ARAB 2250 001 Mohammed Sawaie Lecture 3 8 15 24
ARTH 2053 100 Tyler Jo Smith Lecture 4 46 60 184
ARTH 2053 101 Najee Olya Discussion 0 19 20 0
ARTH 2053 102 Najee Olya Discussion 0 15 20 0
ARTH 2053 103 Najee Olya Discussion 0 12 20 0
ARTH 2056 001 Anastasia Dakouri-Hild Lecture 3 46 50 138
ARTH 2251 100 Francesca Fiorani Lecture 4 34 55 136
ARTH 2251 101 Rosario Cornejo Discussion 0 9 20 0
ARTH 2251 102 Rosario Cornejo Discussion 0 10 20 0
ARTH 2251 103 Rosario Cornejo Discussion 0 15 15 0
ARTH 2271 001 Lawrence Goedde Lecture 3 56 60 168
ARTH 2471 100 Christa Robbins Lecture 4 95 120 380
ARTH 2471 101 Jennifer Marine Discussion 0 13 20 0
ARTH 2471 102 Jennifer Marine Discussion 0 16 20 0
ARTH 2471 103 Jennifer Marine Discussion 0 17 20 0
ARTH 2471 105 Ash Duhrkoop Discussion 0 18 20 0
ARTH 2471 106 Ash Duhrkoop Discussion 0 16 20 0
ARTH 2471 108 Ash Duhrkoop Discussion 0 15 15 0
ARTS 2000 001 Amy Chan STO 3 20 20 60
ARTS 2000 002 Amy Chan STO 3 19 20 57
ARTS 2000 003 Matthew Shelton STO 3 19 20 57
ARTS 2000 004 Matthew Shelton STO 3 22 24 66
ARTS 2000 005 Matthew Shelton STO 3 21 24 63
ARTS 2000 006 James Scheuren STO 3 19 20 57
ARTS 2110 001 James Scheuren STO 3 11 16 33
ARTS 2112 001 James Scheuren STO 3 15 16 45
ARTS 2220 001 Federico Cuatlacuatl STO 3 13 15 39
ARTS 2370 001 Kevin Everson STO 3 15 16 45
ARTS 2560 001(CS) Akemi Ohira STO 3 7 12 21
ARTS 2610 002 Elizabeth Schoyer STO 3 18 20 54
ARTS 2670 001 Akemi Ohira STO 3 12 20 36
ARTS 2710 001 Elizabeth Schoyer STO 3 8 16 24
ARTS 2712 001 Neal Rock STO 3 17 16 51
ARTS 2810 001 William Bennett STO 3 10 16 30
ARTS 2812 001(CS) William Bennett STO 3 3 15 9
ASL 2010 001 Azadeh Malekan SEM 3 18 18 54
ASL 2010 002 Corey Gember SEM 3 16 18 48
ASL 2010 003 Rhonda Jennings-arey SEM 3 18 18 54
ASL 2010 004 Rhonda Jennings-arey SEM 3 18 18 54
ASTR 2110 100 Michael Skrutskie Lecture 3 21 32 63
ASTR 2110 101 Staff Discussion 0 21 32 0
BIOL 2100 001 David Kittlesen Lecture 4 436 402 1744
BIOL 2100 002 David Kittlesen Lecture 4 434 402 1736
BIOL 2100 102 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
BIOL 2100 103 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
BIOL 2100 104 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
BIOL 2100 105 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
BIOL 2100 106 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
BIOL 2100 107 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 25 24 0
BIOL 2100 108 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
BIOL 2100 109 Benedict Lenhart+1 Laboratory 0 25 24 0
BIOL 2100 110 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
BIOL 2100 111 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
BIOL 2100 112 Christopher Letai+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
BIOL 2100 113 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 25 24 0
BIOL 2100 114 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 25 24 0
BIOL 2100 115 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 25 24 0
BIOL 2100 116 Arman Ahmadiyar+1 Laboratory 0 25 24 0
BIOL 2100 117 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 25 24 0
BIOL 2100 118 Benedict Lenhart+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
BIOL 2100 119 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
BIOL 2100 120 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
BIOL 2100 121 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
BIOL 2100 122 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
BIOL 2100 123 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 24 24 0
BIOL 2100 124 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
BIOL 2100 125 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 25 24 0
BIOL 2100 126 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
BIOL 2100 127 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
BIOL 2100 128 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
BIOL 2100 129 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
BIOL 2100 130 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
BIOL 2100 131 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
BIOL 2100 132 Caroline Bush+1 Laboratory 0 23 24 0
BIOL 2100 133 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 25 24 0
BIOL 2100 134 David Kittlesen+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
BIOL 2100 135 Caroline Bush+1 Laboratory 0 26 24 0
CHEM 2311 001 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 43 48 43
CHEM 2311 002 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 44 48 44
CHEM 2311 003 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 45 48 45
CHEM 2311 004 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 45 48 45
CHEM 2311 005 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 36 48 36
CHEM 2311 006 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 47 48 47
CHEM 2311 007 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 41 48 41
CHEM 2311 008 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 43 48 43
CHEM 2311 010 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 44 48 44
CHEM 2311 012 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 37 48 37
CHEM 2311 013 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 34 48 34
CHEM 2311 014 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 26 48 26
CHEM 2311 015 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 15 48 15
CHEM 2311 016 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 46 48 46
CHEM 2311 017 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 47 48 47
CHEM 2311 018 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 31 48 31
CHEM 2311 019 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 20 48 20
CHEM 2311 020 Jason Chruma Laboratory 1 42 48 42
CHEM 2410 100 Alicia Frantz Lecture 3 226 230 678
CHEM 2410 101 Alicia Frantz Discussion 0 226 230 0
CHEM 2410 200 Ku-Lung Hsu Lecture 3 55 100 165
CHEM 2410 201 Ku-Lung Hsu Discussion 0 55 100 0
CHEM 2410 300 Jelena Samonina Lecture 3 161 150 483
CHEM 2410 301 Jelena Samonina Discussion 0 161 150 0
CHEM 2410 400 Jelena Samonina Lecture 3 156 150 468
CHEM 2410 401 Jelena Samonina Discussion 0 156 150 0
CHEM 2410 600 Alicia Frantz Lecture 3 221 230 663
CHEM 2410 601 Alicia Frantz Discussion 0 221 230 0
CHEM 2411 002 Jason Chruma Laboratory 3 17 17 51
CHEM 2411 003 Jason Chruma Laboratory 3 15 17 45
CHEM 2411 004 Jason Chruma Laboratory 3 18 18 54
CHEM 2411 006 Jason Chruma Laboratory 3 19 24 57
CHEM 2411 007 Jason Chruma Laboratory 3 12 18 36
CHEM 2411 008 Jason Chruma Laboratory 3 17 18 51
CHEM 2411 009 Jason Chruma Laboratory 3 12 18 36
CHEM 2411 010 Jason Chruma Laboratory 3 10 18 30
CHEM 2810 100 Laura Serbulea Lecture 3 40 52 120
CHEM 2810 101 Laura Serbulea Discussion 0 40 50 0
CHEM 2811 001 Laura Serbulea Lecture 3 32 54 96
CHEM 2811 101 Laura Serbulea Laboratory 0 17 18 0
CHEM 2811 102 Laura Serbulea Laboratory 0 15 18 0
CHIN 2010 001 Feng Gao Lecture 4 10 14 40
CHIN 2010 002 Ziyi Geng Lecture 4 16 14 64
CHIN 2010 003 Shu-Chen Chen Lecture 4 13 14 52
CHIN 2010 004 Shu-Chen Chen Lecture 4 14 14 56
CHIN 2010 005 Ziyi Geng Lecture 4 14 14 56
CHIN 2020 001 Feng Gao Lecture 4 14 14 56
CLAS 2010 100 John Dillery Lecture 3 97 120 291
CLAS 2010 101 Alison Newman Discussion 0 15 20 0
CLAS 2010 102 Camilla Basile Discussion 0 19 20 0
CLAS 2010 103 Kevin Woram Discussion 0 17 20 0
CLAS 2010 104 Alison Newman Discussion 0 17 20 0
CLAS 2010 105 Camilla Basile Discussion 0 12 20 0
CLAS 2010 106 Kevin Woram Discussion 0 17 20 0
CLAS 2300 001 Bradford Hays Lecture 3 23 25 69
CREO 2010 001 Kandioura Drame WKS 3 0 20 0
DANC 2220 001 Kim Mata STO 1 12 18 12
DANC 2230 001 Enya-kalia Jordan STO 1 19 20 19
DANC 2300 001 Kathryn Schetlick STO 2 15 12 30
DANC 2430 001 Kim Mata Laboratory 1 5 20 5
DRAM 2020 001 Colleen Kelly+1 SEM 3 6 10 18
DRAM 2020 002 Auntais Faulkner+1 SEM 3 6 10 18
DRAM 2020 003 Colleen Kelly+1 SEM 3 8 10 24
DRAM 2020 004 Christine Jacobs+1 SEM 3 7 10 21
DRAM 2020 005 Colleen Kelly+1 SEM 3 8 10 24
DRAM 2020 006 Christian O'Neill+1 SEM 3 8 10 24
DRAM 2020 007 Colleen Kelly+1 SEM 3 8 10 24
DRAM 2020 008 Brian Willis+1 SEM 3 8 10 24
DRAM 2050 001 Katelyn Wood Lecture 3 28 30 84
DRAM 2110 001 R. Kennedy Lecture 3 13 20 39
DRAM 2130 001 R. Kennedy Laboratory 1 0 5 0
DRAM 2130 002 R. Kennedy Laboratory 1 0 5 0
DRAM 2130 003 R. Kennedy Laboratory 1 0 5 0
DRAM 2130 004 R. Kennedy Laboratory 1 0 5 0
DRAM 2130 005 R. Kennedy Laboratory 1 1 5 1
DRAM 2210 001 Steven Warner Lecture 3 5 20 15
DRAM 2230 001 Steven Warner STO 1 4 5 4
DRAM 2230 002 Casey Horton+1 STO 1 1 5 1
DRAM 2230 003 James Nicholas+1 STO 1 0 5 0
DRAM 2230 004 Steven Warner STO 1 0 5 0
DRAM 2231 001 Holly McLeod Laboratory 1 0 15 0
DRAM 2310 002 Marcy Linton Lecture 3 3 15 9
DRAM 2330 007 Marcy Linton Laboratory 1 0 5 0
DRAM 2330 008 Marcy Linton Laboratory 1 0 5 0
DRAM 2330 009 Marcy Linton Laboratory 1 0 5 0
DRAM 2330 010 Marcy Linton Laboratory 1 1 5 1
DRAM 2330 011 Marcy Linton Laboratory 1 1 5 1
DRAM 2330 012 Marcy Linton Laboratory 1 1 5 1
DRAM 2430 001 Staff Laboratory 1 - 3 0 20 0
DRAM 2830 001 Mona Kasra Laboratory 1 - 3 2 5 2
DRAM 2840 001 Mona Kasra Laboratory 1 - 3 0 5 0
ECON 2010 090 Kenneth Elzinga Lecture 3 638 645 1914
ECON 2010 091 Kenneth Elzinga Lecture 3 629 645 1887
ECON 2010 100 Anderson Frailey Discussion 0 20 21 0
ECON 2010 101 Rachel Lee Discussion 0 19 21 0
ECON 2010 102 Abhi Shah Discussion 0 20 21 0
ECON 2010 103 Kevin Miner Discussion 0 20 21 0
ECON 2010 104 Yiduo Liu Discussion 0 20 21 0
ECON 2010 105 Paige Singer Discussion 0 21 21 0
ECON 2010 106 Noah Goldstein Discussion 0 21 21 0
ECON 2010 107 John Cooney Discussion 0 19 21 0
ECON 2010 108 Sam Lisner Discussion 0 20 21 0
ECON 2010 109 Danielle Parks Discussion 0 20 21 0
ECON 2010 110 Doug Schwartz Discussion 0 20 21 0
ECON 2010 111 Braedon Kehoe Discussion 0 21 21 0
ECON 2010 112 Craig Epstein Discussion 0 20 21 0
ECON 2010 113 Yiyu Xing Discussion 0 21 21 0
ECON 2010 114 Tarun Garg Discussion 0 19 21 0
ECON 2010 115 Abhi Shah Discussion 0 21 21 0
ECON 2010 116 Avantika Prabhakar Discussion 0 21 21 0
ECON 2010 117 Sophie Mastrangelo Discussion 0 23 21 0
ECON 2010 118 Andrew Farnsworth Discussion 0 19 21 0
ECON 2010 119 Anderson Frailey Discussion 0 19 21 0
ECON 2010 120 Madison Smither Discussion 0 23 21 0
ECON 2010 121 Neil Mathur Discussion 0 21 21 0
ECON 2010 122 Kevin Miner Discussion 0 18 21 0
ECON 2010 123 Paige Singer Discussion 0 16 21 0
ECON 2010 124 Diego Briones Discussion 0 19 21 0
ECON 2010 125 Avantika Prabhakar Discussion 0 13 21 0
ECON 2010 127 Craig Epstein Discussion 0 18 21 0
ECON 2010 128 Tristan Baird Discussion 0 21 21 0
ECON 2010 129 Daniel Nakasone Discussion 0 21 21 0
ECON 2010 130 Erica Sprott Discussion 0 21 21 0
ECON 2010 131 Tristan Baird Discussion 0 20 21 0
ECON 2010 132 Taylor DuPont Discussion 0 15 21 0
ECON 2010 133 Doug Schwartz Discussion 0 21 21 0
ECON 2010 135 Neil Mathur Discussion 0 21 21 0
ECON 2010 138 Yiyu Xing Discussion 0 12 21 0
ECON 2010 139 Rachel Lee Discussion 0 21 21 0
ECON 2010 140 Rutva Shah Discussion 0 22 21 0
ECON 2010 141 Taylor DuPont Discussion 0 18 21 0
ECON 2010 142 Madison Smither Discussion 0 19 21 0
ECON 2010 143 Daniel Harper Discussion 0 21 21 0
ECON 2010 144 Daniel Nakasone Discussion 0 22 21 0
ECON 2010 145 Braedon Kehoe Discussion 0 21 21 0
ECON 2010 146 Matthew Pinson Discussion 0 19 21 0
ECON 2010 147 Doug Schwartz Discussion 0 14 21 0
ECON 2010 148 Danielle Parks Discussion 0 21 21 0
ECON 2010 151 Avantika Prabhakar Discussion 0 14 21 0
ECON 2010 152 Sophie Mastrangelo Discussion 0 19 21 0
ECON 2010 153 Taylor DuPont Discussion 0 22 21 0
ECON 2010 154 Diego Briones Discussion 0 16 21 0
ECON 2010 155 Sam Lisner Discussion 0 21 21 0
ECON 2010 156 Danielle Parks Discussion 0 20 21 0
ECON 2010 157 Marissa Kaplan Discussion 0 21 21 0
ECON 2010 158 Noah Goldstein Discussion 0 20 21 0
ECON 2010 159 Erica Sprott Discussion 0 9 21 0
ECON 2010 160 Yiyu Xing Discussion 0 20 21 0
ECON 2010 161 Diego Briones Discussion 0 20 21 0
ECON 2010 162 Yiduo Liu Discussion 0 20 21 0
ECON 2010 163 Rutva Shah Discussion 0 20 21 0
ECON 2010 164 Marissa Kaplan Discussion 0 21 21 0
ECON 2010 165 Rachel Lee Discussion 0 21 21 0
ECON 2010 166 Tarun Garg Discussion 0 20 21 0
ECON 2010 167 Andrew Farnsworth Discussion 0 21 21 0
ECON 2010 168 John Cooney Discussion 0 20 21 0
ECON 2010 169 Matthew Pinson Discussion 0 21 21 0
ECON 2010 170 Anderson Frailey Discussion 0 19 21 0
ECON 2020 100 Carter Doyle Lecture 3 215 215 645
ECON 2020 101 Jaeki Jang Discussion 0 23 24 0
ECON 2020 102 Jaeki Jang Discussion 0 25 24 0
ECON 2020 103 Jaeki Jang Discussion 0 23 24 0
ECON 2020 104 Will Heslop Discussion 0 24 24 0
ECON 2020 105 Will Heslop Discussion 0 24 24 0
ECON 2020 106 Amanda Lee Discussion 0 23 24 0
ECON 2020 107 Carly Dotson Discussion 0 24 24 0
ECON 2020 108 Amanda Lee Discussion 0 24 24 0
ECON 2020 109 Carly Dotson Discussion 0 25 24 0
ECON 2060 001(CS) Mark Thomas Lecture 3 81 100 243
ECON 2559 001 Jessica Kripalani Lecture 3 39 35 117
ENCW 2300 002 Hodges Adams WKS 3 15 15 45
ENCW 2300 003 Kyle Marbut WKS 3 15 15 45
ENCW 2300 004 Raisa Tolchinsky WKS 3 15 15 45
ENCW 2300 005 Hannah Dierdorff WKS 3 14 15 42
ENCW 2300 007 Jeddie Sophronius WKS 3 15 15 45
ENCW 2300 008 Elisabeth Blair WKS 3 14 15 42
ENCW 2300 009 Mary Clare Agnew WKS 3 15 15 45
ENCW 2560 001 James Livingood WKS 3 15 15 45
ENCW 2600 002 Roberto Rodriguez WKS 3 16 15 48
ENCW 2600 003 Kate Severance WKS 3 15 15 45
ENCW 2600 004 Sahika Gurler WKS 3 15 15 45
ENCW 2600 007 Acacia Johnson WKS 3 16 15 48
ENCW 2600 008 Gahl Pratt pardes WKS 3 15 15 45
ENCW 2600 009 Miriam Grossman WKS 3 14 15 42
ENGL 2500 001 Tucker Kuman SEM 3 17 18 51
ENGL 2500 002 Sarah Berkowitz SEM 3 17 18 51
ENGL 2502 001 Brad Pasanek SEM 3 17 18 51
ENGL 2504 001 Josephine Adams SEM 3 18 18 54
ENGL 2506 001 Matthew Davis SEM 3 19 18 57
ENGL 2506 002 Bridget Reilly SEM 3 18 18 54
ENGL 2506 003 Walter Jost SEM 3 17 0 51
ENGL 2506 004 Jahan Ramazani SEM 3 15 18 45
ENGL 2508 001 Cristina Griffin SEM 3 20 18 60
ENGL 2508 002 Peter Baker SEM 3 18 19 54
ENGL 2508 004(CS) JiaYuan Huang SEM 3 7 18 21
ENGL 2560 001 Anastatia Curley Lecture 3 18 18 54
ENGL 2572 001 Lisa Woolfork SEM 3 17 18 51
ENGL 2592 001 Elizabeth Dickens SEM 3 19 18 57
ENGL 2599 001(CS) Njelle Hamilton SEM 3 10 10 30
ENGL 2599 002 Lindgren Johnson SEM 3 12 18 36
ENGL 2599 003 Lydia Brown SEM 3 17 18 51
ENGL 2599 004 Jon D'Errico SEM 3 17 18 51
ENGL 2599 005 Monica David SEM 3 16 18 48
ENGL 2599 006 Eva Latterner SEM 3 15 18 45
ENGL 2599 007 Courtney Watts SEM 3 17 18 51
ENGL 2910 001(CS) Lisa Goff SEM 3 11 25 33
ENWR 2510 001 James Seitz SEM 3 16 16 48
ENWR 2510 003 Tamika Carey SEM 3 16 16 48
ENWR 2510 005 Charity Fowler SEM 3 16 16 48
ENWR 2510 010 Stephen Parks SEM 3 16 16 48
ENWR 2510 011 devin donovan SEM 3 16 16 48
ENWR 2520 001 Heidi Nobles SEM 3 15 16 45
ENWR 2520 002 Marcus Meade SEM 3 16 16 48
ENWR 2520 005 Kate Kostelnik SEM 3 16 16 48
ENWR 2520 008 Kiera Allison SEM 3 10 12 30
ENWR 2610 001 Keith Driver WKS 3 16 16 48
ENWR 2700 001(CS) Charles Kelly Lecture 3 7 8 21
ENWR 2700 002(CS) Charles Kelly Lecture 3 7 8 21
ENWR 2800 001 Kiera Allison SEM 3 15 16 45
ENWR 2800 002 Kiera Allison SEM 3 16 16 48
EVSC 2220 001 Manuel Lerdau Lecture 3 77 160 231
EVSC 2800 001 Lauren Simkins Lecture 3 78 160 234
EVSC 2801 001 Lauren Simkins+1 Laboratory 1 15 14 15
EVSC 2801 002 Jacob Smith+1 Laboratory 1 11 14 11
EVSC 2801 003 Emilia Torrellas+1 Laboratory 1 14 14 14
EVSC 2801 004 Allison Lepp+1 Laboratory 1 10 14 10
EVSC 2801 005 Lauren Simkins+1 Laboratory 1 9 14 9
FREN 2010 002 Elizabeth Hall Lecture 3 12 18 36
FREN 2010 003 Meghan O'Donoghue Lecture 3 14 18 42
FREN 2010 004 Miller McLean Lecture 3 12 18 36
FREN 2010 005 Saira Sohail Lecture 3 16 18 48
FREN 2010 006 Kelley Rose Lecture 3 17 18 51
FREN 2010 007 Claire Brisson Lecture 3 15 18 45
FREN 2010 008 Paige Tierney Lecture 3 14 18 42
FREN 2020 001 Andrew Rivard Hill Lecture 3 16 18 48
FREN 2020 002 Andrew Rivard Hill Lecture 3 15 18 45
FREN 2020 003 Spyridon Simotas Lecture 3 16 18 48
FREN 2020 004 Spyridon Simotas Lecture 3 18 18 54
FREN 2020 005 Sana Abdi Lecture 3 18 18 54
FREN 2020 006 Sana Abdi Lecture 3 18 18 54
FREN 2020 007 Mary Allen Lecture 3 15 18 45
FREN 2020 008 Pascale Hapgood Lecture 3 12 18 36
FREN 2320 002 Pascale Hapgood Lecture 3 13 18 39
GERM 2010 001 Cora Schenberg Lecture 3 18 18 54
GERM 2010 002 Cora Schenberg Lecture 3 18 18 54
GERM 2010 003 Kathryn Schroeder Lecture 3 15 18 45
GERM 2020 001 Stefanie Parker Lecture 3 19 22 57
GERM 2020 002 Stefanie Parker Lecture 3 20 22 60
GERM 2050 001 Christina Neuhaus Lecture 4 16 18 64
GREE 2010 001 Andrej Petrovic Lecture 3 5 10 15
HEBR 2010 001 Zvi Gilboa Lecture 4 9 18 36
HEBR 2410 001(CS) Avram Schwartz Lecture 3 2 15 6
HIEA 2031 100 Bradly Reed Lecture 3 163 180 489
HIEA 2031 101 John Calhoun Discussion 0 18 20 0
HIEA 2031 102 Stephanie Lawton Discussion 0 18 20 0
HIEA 2031 103 Stephanie Lawton Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIEA 2031 104 Stephanie Lawton Discussion 0 19 20 0
HIEA 2031 105 Yuchen Zhao Discussion 0 17 20 0
HIEA 2031 106 Yuchen Zhao Discussion 0 17 20 0
HIEA 2031 107 Yuchen Zhao Discussion 0 17 20 0
HIEA 2031 108 John Calhoun Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIEA 2031 109 John Calhoun Discussion 0 17 20 0
HIEA 2072 001 Chad Diehl Lecture 3 32 30 96
HIEA 2559 001 Cong Zhang Lecture 3 21 30 63
HIEU 2004 100 Kyrill Kunakhovich Lecture 3 58 60 174
HIEU 2004 101 Felix Zuber Discussion 0 19 20 0
HIEU 2004 102 Felix Zuber Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIEU 2004 103 Felix Zuber Discussion 0 19 20 0
HIEU 2031 100 Jon Lendon Lecture 3 34 40 102
HIEU 2031 101 Henry Lanphier Discussion 0 10 15 0
HIEU 2031 104 Henry Lanphier Discussion 0 12 15 0
HIEU 2031 105 Henry Lanphier Discussion 0 11 15 0
HIEU 2061 100 Paul Kershaw Lecture 3 49 60 147
HIEU 2061 102 Nadav Zadokya Discussion 0 14 20 0
HIEU 2061 103 Nadav Zadokya Discussion 0 16 20 0
HIEU 2061 105 Nadav Zadokya Discussion 0 19 20 0
HIEU 2071 100 Erin Lambert Lecture 3 57 60 171
HIEU 2071 101 Thomas Davidson Discussion 0 19 20 0
HIEU 2071 102 Thomas Davidson Discussion 0 18 20 0
HIEU 2071 103 Thomas Davidson Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIEU 2111 100 Paul Halliday Lecture 3 49 60 147
HIEU 2111 102 Thirumalai Achintya Discussion 0 12 20 0
HIEU 2111 103 Thirumalai Achintya Discussion 0 19 20 0
HIEU 2111 104 Thirumalai Achintya Discussion 0 18 20 0
HILA 2001 100 Thomas Klubock Lecture 3 52 60 156
HILA 2001 101 Chloe Porche Discussion 0 20 20 0
HILA 2001 102 Chloe Porche Discussion 0 16 20 0
HILA 2001 103 Chloe Porche Discussion 0 16 20 0
HIME 2001 001 Christopher Gratien Lecture 3 43 40 129
HIME 2003 100 Fahad Bishara Lecture 3 49 60 147
HIME 2003 101 Robyn Morse Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIME 2003 102 Robyn Morse Discussion 0 18 20 0
HIME 2003 103 Robyn Morse Discussion 0 11 20 0
HIND 2010 001 Abdul Nasir Lecture 4 17 18 68
HISA 2001 001 Spencer Leonard Lecture 3 17 20 51
HIST 2001 100 Brian Owensby Lecture 3 60 60 180
HIST 2001 102 Mercedes Haigler Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIST 2001 104 Mercedes Haigler Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIST 2001 105 Mercedes Haigler Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIUS 2001 100 Alan Taylor Lecture 4 53 60 212
HIUS 2001 101 Matthew Grace Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIUS 2001 102 Matthew Grace Discussion 0 13 20 0
HIUS 2001 103 Matthew Grace Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIUS 2061 001(CS) Mark Thomas Lecture 3 23 38 69
HIUS 2559 001 Justene Hill Edwards Lecture 3 34 40 102
INST 2550 002 Matthew Grason Lecture 1 2 10 2
INST 2550 004 Aida Barnes-May+2 Lecture 1 21 60 21
INST 2550 005 William Petri Lecture 1 - 3 3 8 3
INST 2570 001 John Casteen SEM 1 - 3 52 60 52
INST 2993 001 Michael Wellmon IND 1 0 30 0
ITAL 2010 002 Hiromi Kaneda Lecture 3 17 18 51
ITAL 2010 003 Sarah Annunziato Lecture 3 9 18 27
ITAL 2010 004 Francesca Calamita Lecture 3 15 18 45
ITAL 2010 005 Stella Mattioli Lecture 3 20 18 60
ITAL 2010 006 Francesca Calamita Lecture 3 7 18 21
JAPN 2010 001 Tomomi Sato Lecture 4 10 16 40
JAPN 2010 002 Tomomi Sato Lecture 4 17 16 68
JAPN 2010 003 Takuya Ito Lecture 4 13 16 52
JAPN 2100 001 Tomomi Sato Lecture 3 9 16 27
KICH 2010 001 Allison Bigelow Lecture 3 1 5 3
KOR 2010 001 YOON HWA CHOI Lecture 4 15 18 60
KOR 2010 002 YOON HWA CHOI Lecture 4 17 18 68
LATI 2010 001 Michael Fons Lecture 3 20 20 60
LATI 2010 002 Evan Brubaker Lecture 3 13 18 39
LATI 2010 003 Vergil Parson Lecture 3 14 18 42
LATI 2020 001 Stephen Hill Lecture 3 17 18 51
LATI 2020 002 Inger Neeltje Irene Kuin Lecture 3 12 18 36
LATI 2020 003 Brett Evans Lecture 3 11 12 33
MATH 2310 100 Walker Stern Lecture 4 32 34 128
MATH 2310 101 Filippo Mazzoli Discussion 0 32 34 0
MATH 2310 200 Gennady Uraltsev Lecture 4 27 34 108
MATH 2310 201 Filippo Mazzoli Discussion 0 27 34 0
MATH 2310 300 Wei-Lun Tsai Lecture 4 22 34 88
MATH 2310 301 Wei-Lun Tsai Discussion 0 22 34 0
MATH 2310 400 William Olsen Lecture 4 32 34 128
MATH 2310 401 Alejandro De Las Penas Castano Discussion 0 32 34 0
MATH 2310 500 Mouhamadou Sy Lecture 4 34 34 136
MATH 2310 501 Wei-Lun Tsai Discussion 0 34 34 0
MATH 2310 600 David Sherman Lecture 4 25 34 100
MATH 2310 601 Jiajun Yan Discussion 0 25 34 0
MATH 2315 100 Thomas Koberda Lecture 4 26 40 104
MATH 2315 101 Shunyu Wan Discussion 0 26 40 0
MDST 2000 100 Andre Cavalcante Lecture 4 197 240 788
MDST 2000 101 Mingyun Zhang Discussion 0 17 18 0
MDST 2000 102 Mingyun Zhang Discussion 0 16 18 0
MDST 2000 103 Mingyun Zhang Discussion 0 16 18 0
MDST 2000 104 Nouha Gammar Discussion 0 18 18 0
MDST 2000 105 Nouha Gammar Discussion 0 15 18 0
MDST 2000 106 Nouha Gammar Discussion 0 17 18 0
MDST 2000 110 Kyle Chattleton Discussion 0 17 18 0
MDST 2000 111 Kyle Chattleton Discussion 0 17 18 0
MDST 2000 112 Kyle Chattleton Discussion 0 18 18 0
MDST 2000 117 Creighton Coleman Discussion 0 17 18 0
MDST 2000 118 Creighton Coleman Discussion 0 15 18 0
MDST 2000 119 Creighton Coleman Discussion 0 14 18 0
MDST 2200 001 Matthew Marshall Lecture 3 83 80 249
MDST 2508 001 Anna Clay SEM 3 13 13 39
MDST 2690 001 Anna Clay SEM 3 30 30 90
MDST 2700 001(CS) Charles Kelly SEM 3 6 8 18
MDST 2700 002(CS) Charles Kelly SEM 3 1 8 3
MESA 2110 001(CS) Samhita Sunya Lecture 3 24 25 72
MESA 2300 100 Richard Cohen Lecture 3 35 35 105
MUPF 2110 001 Brenda Patterson IND 0.5 0 10 0
MUPF 2110 002 Pamela Beasley IND 0.5 0 10 0
MUPF 2110 003 Christian Owens IND 0.5 0 10 0
MUPF 2110 005 Patricia O'Brien IND 0.5 0 10 0
MUPF 2111 001 Pamela Beasley IND 1 6 10 6
MUPF 2111 002 Brenda Patterson IND 1 6 10 6
MUPF 2111 003 Christian Owens IND 1 2 10 2
MUPF 2111 005 Patricia O'Brien IND 1 4 10 4
MUPF 2120 002 Kelly Gross IND 0.5 - 1 3 10 1.5
MUPF 2120 004 John Mayhood IND 0.5 - 1 1 10 0.5
MUPF 2120 005 Barbara Moore IND 0.5 - 1 3 10 1.5
MUPF 2120 007 Clarence Taylor IND 0.5 - 1 0 10 0
MUPF 2121 002 Kelly Gross IND 1 1 10 1
MUPF 2121 004 John Mayhood IND 1 8 10 8
MUPF 2121 005 Barbara Moore IND 1 5 10 5
MUPF 2121 007 Clarence Taylor IND 1 0 10 0
MUPF 2131 001 Barbara Moore IND 1 0 10 0
MUPF 2140 001 Ayn Balija IND 0.5 1 10 0.5
MUPF 2140 002 Daniel Sender IND 0.5 1 10 0.5
MUPF 2140 003 Peter Spaar IND 0.5 1 10 0.5
MUPF 2140 005 Adam Carter IND 0.5 0 10 0
MUPF 2141 001 Ayn Balija IND 1 5 10 5
MUPF 2141 002 Adam Carter IND 1 2 10 2
MUPF 2141 003 David Sariti IND 1 5 10 5
MUPF 2141 004 Daniel Sender IND 1 3 10 3
MUPF 2141 005 Peter Spaar IND 1 4 10 4
MUPF 2150 001 Kelly Peral IND 0.5 3 10 1.5
MUPF 2150 002 Elizabeth Roberts IND 0.5 0 10 0
MUPF 2150 003 Kelly Sulick IND 0.5 0 10 0
MUPF 2150 004 Jiyeon Choi IND 0.5 2 10 1
MUPF 2150 005 Jeffrey Decker IND 0.5 0 10 0
MUPF 2151 002 Jeffrey Decker IND 1 0 10 0
MUPF 2151 003 Elizabeth Roberts IND 1 1 10 1
MUPF 2151 004 Jiyeon Choi IND 1 0 10 0
MUPF 2151 005 Kelly Sulick IND 1 4 10 4
MUPF 2151 006 Kelly Peral IND 1 1 10 1
MUPF 2160 001 Nathaniel Lee IND 0.5 2 10 1
MUPF 2160 002 Arthur Zanin IND 0.5 0 10 0
MUPF 2160 003 John Dearth IND 0.5 0 30 0
MUPF 2160 004 Mary Ambrose IND 0.5 2 10 1
MUPF 2161 001 Mary Ambrose IND 1 1 10 1
MUPF 2161 002 Nathaniel Lee IND 1 0 10 0
MUPF 2161 003 Arthur Zanin IND 1 1 10 1
MUPF 2161 004 John Dearth IND 1 0 30 0
MUPF 2170 001 I-Jen Fang IND 0.5 0 15 0
MUPF 2170 002 Robert Jospe IND 0.5 4 15 2
MUPF 2171 001 I-Jen Fang IND 1 0 10 0
MUPF 2171 002 Robert Jospe IND 1 1 10 1
MUPF 2180 002 Michael Rosensky IND 0.5 1 10 0.5
MUPF 2181 002 Michael Rosensky IND 1 17 10 17
MUPF 2210 001 Anastasia Jellison IND 0.5 1 10 0.5
MUPF 2211 001 Anastasia Jellison IND 1 3 10 3
MUSI 2120 100 Scott DeVeaux Lecture 3 114 180 342
MUSI 2120 101 Timothy Booth Discussion 0 18 20 0
MUSI 2120 102 Timothy Booth Discussion 0 20 20 0
MUSI 2120 103 Timothy Booth Discussion 0 20 21 0
MUSI 2120 107 Hannah Young Discussion 0 14 20 0
MUSI 2120 108 Hannah Young Discussion 0 23 23 0
MUSI 2120 109 Hannah Young Discussion 0 19 21 0
MUSI 2302 001 John Mayhood Lecture 2 9 10 18
MUSI 2302 002 John Mayhood Lecture 2 9 10 18
MUSI 2307 001 Michael Rosensky SEM 2 14 25 28
MUSI 2308 001 Pamela Beasley Laboratory 2 6 8 12
MUSI 2340 001 Robert Jospe Lecture 2 19 20 38
MUSI 2340 002 Robert Jospe Lecture 2 23 20 46
MUSI 2342 001 Robert Jospe Lecture 2 9 20 18
MUSI 2350 100 Luke Dahl Lecture 3 280 300 840
MUSI 2350 101 Basile Koechlin Discussion 0 17 20 0
MUSI 2350 102 Basile Koechlin Discussion 0 20 20 0
MUSI 2350 103 Daniel Fishkin Discussion 0 20 20 0
MUSI 2350 104 Benjamin Robertson Discussion 0 19 20 0
MUSI 2350 105 Benjamin Robertson Discussion 0 19 20 0
MUSI 2350 106 Benjamin Robertson Discussion 0 17 20 0
MUSI 2350 107 Becky Brown Discussion 0 19 20 0
MUSI 2350 108 Becky Brown Discussion 0 20 20 0
MUSI 2350 109 Becky Brown Discussion 0 20 20 0
MUSI 2350 110 Omar Fraire Discussion 0 18 20 0
MUSI 2350 111 Omar Fraire Discussion 0 20 20 0
MUSI 2350 112 Omar Fraire Discussion 0 19 20 0
MUSI 2350 113 Basile Koechlin Discussion 0 16 20 0
MUSI 2350 114 Daniel Fishkin Discussion 0 19 20 0
MUSI 2350 115 Daniel Fishkin Discussion 0 17 20 0
MUSI 2600 001 John Dearth Lecture 3 11 10 33
PERS 2010 001 Mahshad Mohit Lecture 4 13 15 52
PHIL 2110 100 Jorge Secada Lecture 3 46 60 138
PHIL 2110 101 Travis Tanner Discussion 0 17 20 0
PHIL 2110 102 Travis Tanner Discussion 0 18 20 0
PHIL 2110 103 Travis Tanner Discussion 0 11 20 0
PHIL 2500 004(CS) Jorge Secada Lecture 3 0 3 0
PHIL 2500 100 Zachary Irving Lecture 3 170 240 510
PHIL 2500 101 Elyse Oakley Discussion 0 19 20 0
PHIL 2500 102 Elyse Oakley Discussion 0 18 20 0
PHIL 2500 103 Elyse Oakley Discussion 0 10 20 0
PHIL 2500 104 Zachary Veroneau Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 2500 105 Zachary Veroneau Discussion 0 16 20 0
PHIL 2500 106 Zachary Veroneau Discussion 0 6 20 0
PHIL 2500 107 William Vincent Discussion 0 7 20 0
PHIL 2500 108 William Vincent Discussion 0 1 20 0
PHIL 2500 109 William Vincent Discussion 0 18 20 0
PHIL 2500 110 Zachary Puetz Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 2500 111 Zachary Puetz Discussion 0 16 20 0
PHIL 2500 112 Zachary Puetz Discussion 0 19 20 0
PHIL 2500 200 Nate Adams Lecture 3 31 60 93
PHIL 2500 201 Samuel Lundquist Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 2500 202 Samuel Lundquist Discussion 0 6 20 0
PHIL 2500 203 Samuel Lundquist Discussion 0 5 20 0
PHIL 2660 100 Trenton Merricks Lecture 3 38 40 114
PHIL 2660 101 Ethan Butt Discussion 0 7 20 0
PHIL 2660 102 Ethan Butt Discussion 0 19 20 0
PHIL 2660 103 Ethan Butt Discussion 0 12 20 0
PHIL 2760 100 Loren Lomasky Lecture 3 47 60 141
PHIL 2760 101 Nazim Adakli Discussion 0 20 20 0
PHIL 2760 102 Nazim Adakli Discussion 0 16 20 0
PHIL 2760 103 Nazim Adakli Discussion 0 11 20 0
PHYS 2010 001 Chi Yan Jeffrey Teo Lecture 3 172 180 516
PHYS 2010 002 Hung Pham Lecture 3 122 200 366
PHYS 2030 001 Cathryn Palmer+3 Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 2030 002 Jongsoo Yoon+3 Laboratory 1 23 2 23
PHYS 2030 003 Haritha Sindhu Rajeev+3 Laboratory 1 26 2 26
PHYS 2030 004 Maksim Bychkov+1 Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 2030 005 Hanqing Zhao+3 Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 2030 006 Hanqing Zhao+3 Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 2030 007 Hanqing Zhao+3 Laboratory 1 24 2 24
PHYS 2030 008 Hanqing Zhao+3 Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 2030 009 Cathryn Palmer+3 Laboratory 1 24 2 24
PHYS 2030 010 Haley Knowles+2 Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 2030 011 Jongsoo Yoon+3 Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 2030 012 Jongsoo Yoon+3 Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 2030 013 Jessica Pascadlo+3 Laboratory 1 24 2 24
PHYS 2030 014 Haritha Sindhu Rajeev+3 Laboratory 1 24 2 24
PHYS 2030 015 Jongsoo Yoon+3 Laboratory 1 25 2 25
PHYS 2030 016 Jongsoo Yoon+2 Laboratory 1 12 2 12
PHYS 2415 001 Blaine Norum Lecture 3 73 180 219
PHYS 2415 002 Dmytro Pesin Lecture 3 132 180 396
PHYS 2419 001 Hunter Presley+2 Laboratory 1 21 2 21
PHYS 2419 002 Amr Hossameldin+2 Laboratory 1 17 2 17
PHYS 2419 003 Amr Hossameldin+2 Laboratory 1 19 2 19
PHYS 2419 004 Benjamin Wade+2 Laboratory 1 21 2 21
PHYS 2419 005 Hunter Presley+2 Laboratory 1 22 2 22
PHYS 2419 006 Hunter Presley+2 Laboratory 1 17 2 17
PHYS 2419 007 Benjamin Wade+2 Laboratory 1 18 2 18
PHYS 2419 008 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 0 0 0
PHYS 2419 009 Amr Hossameldin+2 Laboratory 1 21 2 21
PHYS 2419 010 Dayne Coveyou+2 Laboratory 1 20 2 20
PHYS 2419 011 Amr Hossameldin+2 Laboratory 1 16 2 16
PHYS 2419 012 Benjamin Wade+2 Laboratory 1 17 2 17
PHYS 2419 013 Dayne Coveyou+2 Laboratory 1 17 2 17
PHYS 2419 014 Dayne Coveyou+2 Laboratory 1 21 2 21
PHYS 2419 015 Maksim Bychkov Laboratory 1 0 2 0
PHYS 2620 100 Robert Group Lecture 4 69 85 276
PHYS 2620 101 Robert Group Discussion 0 33 45 0
PHYS 2620 102 Robert Group Discussion 0 36 45 0
PHYS 2630 100 Rick Marshall Lecture 3 29 40 87
PHYS 2630 101 Ephraiem Sarabamoun+1 Laboratory 0 7 9 0
PHYS 2630 102 Brian Khor+1 Laboratory 0 10 11 0
PHYS 2630 103 Albert Bryant+1 Laboratory 0 6 9 0
PHYS 2630 104 Rick Marshall+1 Laboratory 0 6 9 0
PLAP 2250 003 Lynn Uzzell Lecture 3 18 18 54
PLAP 2250 004 Rachel Alexander Lecture 3 17 18 51
PLAP 2250 005 Rita Koganzon Lecture 3 16 18 48
PLIR 2030 100 Len Schoppa Lecture 3 114 120 342
PLIR 2030 101 Ruixing Cao Discussion 0 19 20 0
PLIR 2030 102 Ruixing Cao Discussion 0 20 20 0
PLIR 2030 103 Ruixing Cao Discussion 0 20 20 0
PLIR 2030 104 Alexis Jihye Yang Discussion 0 18 20 0
PLIR 2030 105 Alexis Jihye Yang Discussion 0 19 20 0
PLIR 2030 106 Alexis Jihye Yang Discussion 0 18 20 0
PLIR 2050 001 Benjamin Helms Lecture 3 18 20 54
POL 2210 001 Dariusz Tolczyk Lecture 3 7 10 21
PORT 2050 001 Lilian Feitosa Lecture 3 17 18 51
PPL 2010 001 Colin Bird Lecture 3 25 30 75
PSYC 2005 100 Frederick Smyth Lecture 3 180 240 540
PSYC 2005 200 James Morris Lecture 3 174 180 522
PSYC 2150 001 Mariana Golino Lecture 3 291 300 873
PSYC 2160 001 Nicole Long Lecture 3 86 299 258
PSYC 2200 001 Erin Clabough Lecture 3 272 300 816
PSYC 2410 001 Robert Emery Lecture 3 335 350 1005
PSYC 2600 100 Christopher Mazurek Lecture 3 345 350 1035
PSYC 2600 200 Adrienne Wood Lecture 3 237 240 711
PSYC 2700 001 Jessie Stern Lecture 3 349 350 1047
RELB 2054 100 Andrew Taylor Lecture 3 185 240 555
RELB 2054 101 Ngawang Sonam Discussion 0 17 20 0
RELB 2054 102 Christopher Brugh Discussion 0 16 20 0
RELB 2054 103 Christopher Brugh Discussion 0 17 20 0
RELB 2054 104 Ngawang Sonam Discussion 0 17 20 0
RELB 2054 105 Christopher Brugh Discussion 0 15 20 0
RELB 2054 106 Ngawang Sonam Discussion 0 12 20 0
RELB 2054 107 Matthew Drew Discussion 0 15 20 0
RELB 2054 108 Matthew Drew Discussion 0 12 20 0
RELB 2054 109 Matthew Drew Discussion 0 14 20 0
RELB 2054 110 Eben Yonnetti Discussion 0 19 20 0
RELB 2054 111 Eben Yonnetti Discussion 0 14 20 0
RELB 2054 112 Eben Yonnetti Discussion 0 17 20 0
RELC 2050 100 Karl Shuve Lecture 3 59 60 177
RELC 2050 101 Brittany Acors Discussion 0 30 30 0
RELC 2050 102 Brittany Acors Discussion 0 28 30 0
RELC 2050 103 Brittany Acors Discussion 0 1 0 0
RELC 2245 001 James Henry Lecture 3 37 40 111
RELC 2360 100 Paul Jones Lecture 3 88 180 264
RELC 2360 101 Rebekah Latour Discussion 0 19 20 0
RELC 2360 102 Rebekah Latour Discussion 0 18 20 0
RELC 2360 103 Rebekah Latour Discussion 0 3 20 0
RELC 2360 104 Addison Wilner Discussion 0 17 20 0
RELC 2360 107 Addison Wilner Discussion 0 19 20 0
RELC 2360 108 Addison Wilner Discussion 0 12 20 0
RELG 2190 001 Larry Bouchard Lecture 3 17 30 51
RELG 2559 001 Kai Parker Lecture 3 20 20 60
RELG 2630 001 Petra Turner SEM 3 15 20 45
RELG 2630 002 Petra Turner SEM 3 13 20 39
RELG 2630 003 Charles Mathewes SEM 3 16 20 48
RELG 2650 100 James Henry Lecture 3 141 180 423
RELG 2650 101 Adam Liddle Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 2650 102 Adam Liddle Discussion 0 17 20 0
RELG 2650 103 Adam Liddle Discussion 0 10 20 0
RELG 2650 104 Amna irfan Tarar Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 2650 105 Amna irfan Tarar Discussion 0 10 20 0
RELG 2650 108 Amna irfan Tarar Discussion 0 17 20 0
RELG 2650 109 Adam Liddle Discussion 0 17 20 0
RELG 2650 111 Adam Liddle Discussion 0 18 20 0
RELG 2650 112 Adam Liddle Discussion 0 12 20 0
RELH 2090 100 John Nemec Lecture 3 217 240 651
RELH 2090 101 Eliot Davenport Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELH 2090 102 Eliot Davenport Discussion 0 15 20 0
RELH 2090 103 Courtney Averkamp Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELH 2090 104 Erin Burke Discussion 0 19 20 0
RELH 2090 105 Erin Burke Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELH 2090 106 Erin Burke Discussion 0 6 20 0
RELH 2090 107 Eliot Davenport Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELH 2090 108 Courtney Averkamp Discussion 0 18 20 0
RELH 2090 109 Courtney Averkamp Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELH 2090 110 James MacNee Discussion 0 19 20 0
RELH 2090 111 James MacNee Discussion 0 19 20 0
RELH 2090 112 James MacNee Discussion 0 21 20 0
RELI 2070 100 Shankar Nair Lecture 3 57 120 171
RELI 2070 102 Zarif Rahman Discussion 0 19 20 0
RELI 2070 103 Zarif Rahman Discussion 0 7 20 0
RELI 2070 104 Ilma Qureshi Discussion 0 18 20 0
RELI 2070 105 Ilma Qureshi Discussion 0 13 20 0
RELJ 2410 001(CS) Avram Schwartz Lecture 3 7 15 21
RUSS 2010 001 Yuliya Walsh Lecture 4 16 17 64
RUSS 2010 002 Yuliya Walsh Lecture 4 9 20 36
RUSS 2010 100 Hilary Brownell Discussion 0 13 20 0
RUSS 2010 101 Alex Misbach Discussion 0 12 20 0
RUTR 2350 001 Stanley Stepanic Lecture 3 48 50 144
RUTR 2370 001 Valeria Provotorova Lecture 3 26 26 78
RUTR 2460 001 Madelyn Stuart Lecture 3 32 60 96
RUTR 2740 001 David Herman Lecture 3 16 40 48
SAST 2050 001 Richard Cohen Lecture 3 33 35 99
SLAV 2360 001 Stanley Stepanic Lecture 3 201 200 603
SOC 2052 002 Elissa Zeno Lecture 3 35 35 105
SOC 2052 100 William Wilcox Lecture 3 194 200 582
SOC 2052 101 Salih Tosun Discussion 0 19 20 0
SOC 2052 102 Salih Tosun Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2052 103 Xian Qu Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2052 104 Xian Qu Discussion 0 17 19 0
SOC 2052 105 Michael Krieger Discussion 0 18 20 0
SOC 2052 107 Michael Krieger Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2052 108 Salih Tosun Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2052 109 Michael Krieger Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2052 110 Xian Qu Discussion 0 22 20 0
SOC 2052 113 Xian Qu Discussion 0 18 20 0
SOC 2056 001 Ian Mullins Lecture 3 36 35 108
SOC 2230 100 Rose Buckelew Lecture 3 177 180 531
SOC 2230 101 Su Yeone Jeon Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2230 102 Su Yeone Jeon Discussion 0 19 20 0
SOC 2230 103 Moriah West Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2230 104 Moriah West Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2230 105 Su Yeone Jeon Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2230 106 Jingjie Ji Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2230 107 Moriah West Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2230 108 Jingjie Ji Discussion 0 19 20 0
SOC 2230 109 Jingjie Ji Discussion 0 19 20 0
SOC 2280 100 Natalie Aviles Lecture 3 59 60 177
SOC 2280 101 Patrice Wright Discussion 0 19 20 0
SOC 2280 102 Patrice Wright Discussion 0 19 20 0
SOC 2280 103 Patrice Wright Discussion 0 21 20 0
SOC 2320 100 Jennifer Bair Lecture 3 109 120 327
SOC 2320 101 Shayne Zaslow Discussion 0 17 20 0
SOC 2320 102 Shayne Zaslow Discussion 0 18 20 0
SOC 2320 103 Shayne Zaslow Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2320 104 Julia Stein Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2320 105 Julia Stein Discussion 0 18 20 0
SOC 2320 106 Julia Stein Discussion 0 16 20 0
SOC 2442 001 Johanna O'Loughlin Lecture 3 30 35 90
SOC 2559 001 Teresa Sullivan Lecture 3 25 30 75
SOC 2595 100 Milton Vickerman Lecture 3 51 60 153
SOC 2595 101 Colin Arnold Discussion 0 15 20 0
SOC 2595 102 Colin Arnold Discussion 0 20 20 0
SOC 2595 103 Colin Arnold Discussion 0 16 20 0
SOC 2900 001 Yingyao Wang Lecture 3 31 35 93
SPAN 2010 001 Jesus Galindo Benitez Lecture 3 15 18 45
SPAN 2010 002 Bania Sinai Garcia Sanchez Lecture 3 14 18 42
SPAN 2010 003 Sergio Silva Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2010 004 Sergio Silva Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2010 005 Kate Neff Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2010 006 Jesus Galindo Benitez Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2010 007 Zaida Villanueva Garcia Lecture 3 16 18 48
SPAN 2010 008 Maria Esparza Rodriguez Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2010 009 Julianna Beveridge Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2010 010 Kate Neff Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2010 011 Julianna Beveridge Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2010 014 Esperanza Gorriz Jarque Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2010 015 Kate Neff Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2010 016 Esperanza Gorriz Jarque Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2010 017 Zaida Villanueva Garcia Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2010 018 Esperanza Gorriz Jarque Lecture 3 14 18 42
SPAN 2010 019 Nieves Garcia Prados Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2010 020 Oscar Ruiz Hernandez Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2010 021 Jesus Jativa Fernandez Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2010 022 Zaida Villanueva Garcia Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2010 023 Julianna Beveridge Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2010 024 Olivia Barrera Gutierrez Lecture 3 11 18 33
SPAN 2010 025 Nieves Garcia Prados Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2010 026 Maria Esparza Rodriguez Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2010 027 Olivia Barrera Gutierrez Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2010 030 Oscar Ruiz Hernandez Lecture 3 14 18 42
SPAN 2010 031 Susan Abraham Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2010 032 Olivia Barrera Gutierrez Lecture 3 16 19 48
SPAN 2020 001 Marina Escamez Ballesta Lecture 3 16 18 48
SPAN 2020 002 Marina Escamez Ballesta Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2020 003 Ana Piriz Moguel Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2020 004 Ana Piriz Moguel Lecture 3 16 18 48
SPAN 2020 005 Maria Jose Jorquera Hervas Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2020 006 Maria Jose Jorquera Hervas Lecture 3 16 18 48
SPAN 2020 007 Laura Aguilar Garcia Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2020 008 Marina Escamez Ballesta Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2020 009 Maria Jose Jorquera Hervas Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2020 010 Karlina Young Lecture 3 16 18 48
SPAN 2020 011 Maria Monteros-Freeman Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2020 012 Karlina Young Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2020 013 Karlina Young Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2020 014 David Florez-Murillo Lecture 3 15 18 45
SPAN 2020 015 Laura Aguilar Garcia Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2020 016 Laura Aguilar Garcia Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2020 017 David Florez-Murillo Lecture 3 16 18 48
SPAN 2020 018 David Florez-Murillo Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2020 019 David Korfhagen Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2020 021 Maria Monteros-Freeman Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2020 022 Loreto Romero Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2020 023 David Korfhagen Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2020 026 Rachel West Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2020 027 Loreto Romero Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2020 028 Rachel West Lecture 3 18 18 54
SPAN 2020 035 David Korfhagen Lecture 3 17 18 51
SPAN 2020 036 Loreto Romero Lecture 3 16 18 48
STAT 2020 001 Maria Ferrara Lecture 4 111 115 444
STAT 2020 002 Maria Ferrara Lecture 4 115 115 460
STAT 2020 003 Maria Ferrara Lecture 4 110 115 440
STAT 2020 102 Maria Ferrara Laboratory 0 113 115 0
STAT 2020 103 Maria Ferrara Laboratory 0 113 115 0
STAT 2020 104 Maria Ferrara Laboratory 0 110 115 0
STAT 2120 001 Richard Ross Lecture 4 243 260 972
STAT 2120 002 Richard Ross Lecture 4 154 170 616
STAT 2120 003 Richard Ross Lecture 4 156 170 624
STAT 2120 101 Richard Ross Laboratory 0 88 100 0
STAT 2120 102 Richard Ross Laboratory 0 90 100 0
STAT 2120 103 Richard Ross Laboratory 0 98 100 0
STAT 2120 104 Richard Ross Laboratory 0 97 100 0
STAT 2120 105 Richard Ross Laboratory 0 93 100 0
STAT 2120 106 Richard Ross Laboratory 0 89 100 0
SWAH 2010 001 Anne Rotich SEM 3 15 18 45
URDU 2010 001 Griffith Chaussee Lecture 4 4 10 16
WGS 2100 100 Bonnie Hagerman Lecture 3 116 120 348
WGS 2100 101 Bailey Troia Discussion 0 20 20 0
WGS 2100 102 Laura Ornee Discussion 0 20 20 0
WGS 2100 103 Laura Ornee Discussion 0 20 20 0
WGS 2100 104 Bailey Troia Discussion 0 19 20 0
WGS 2100 105 Bailey Troia Discussion 0 17 20 0
WGS 2100 106 Laura Ornee Discussion 0 20 20 0
WGS 2600 001 Lisa Speidel Lecture 3 32 30 96
WGS 2897 001 Claire Kaplan Lecture 3 32 30 96
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 260 14972 17213 47531 57.6 90.5 0 638 66.2 95.2 3 645
Discussion 340 6888 7752 0 20.3 19.6 1 226 22.8 19.7 0 230
Laboratory 128 3333 3105 1757 26.0 23.4 0 113 24.3 26.9 0 115
Other 154 1600 2333 4372.5 10.4 9.1 0 63 15.1 8.4 0 80
Overall 882 26793 30403 53660.5

3000-Level Classes

 Show/Hide Individual Classes
Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
AAS 3000 001(CS) Cynthia Hoehler-Fatton SEM 3 19 20 57
AAS 3500 001 Talitha LeFlouria SEM 3 20 20 60
AAS 3500 002 Talitha LeFlouria SEM 3 19 20 57
AAS 3500 003 Tony Perry SEM 3 12 20 36
AAS 3500 004(CS) Ashon Crawley SEM 3 13 15 39
AAS 3500 005(CS) Ashon Crawley SEM 3 7 10 21
AAS 3500 006 Kimberly Fields SEM 3 13 20 39
AAS 3500 009 Kimberly Fields SEM 3 11 20 33
AAS 3671 001(CS) Kevin Gaines Lecture 3 21 20 63
AAS 3710 001 Lisa Shutt SEM 3 12 16 36
AAS 3810 001 Sabrina Pendergrass SEM 3 16 20 48
AAS 3853 100(CS) Andrew Kahrl Lecture 3 50 60 150
AAS 3853 101(CS) Thomas Storrs Discussion 0 17 20 0
AAS 3853 102(CS) Thomas Storrs Discussion 0 19 20 0
AAS 3853 103(CS) Thomas Storrs Discussion 0 15 20 0
AAS 3853 104(CS) Allison Mitchell Discussion 0 17 20 0
AAS 3853 105(CS) Allison Mitchell Discussion 0 19 20 0
AAS 3853 106(CS) Allison Mitchell Discussion 0 20 20 0
AMST 3001 001 Sandhya Shukla SEM 3 15 15 45
AMST 3001 002 Penny Von Eschen SEM 3 14 15 42
AMST 3001 003 Gillian Frank SEM 3 14 15 42
AMST 3001 004 Isaac May SEM 3 14 15 42
AMST 3221 001 Lisa Goff SEM 3 12 0 36
AMST 3300 001 Lisa Cacho Lecture 3 20 20 60
AMST 3559 001(CS) K. Ian Grandison+1 Lecture 3 11 30 33
AMST 3559 002(CS) Marlon Ross Lecture 3 9 10 27
AMST 3880 100(CS) Jennifer Greeson Lecture 3 23 90 69
AMST 3880 102(CS) Wei Liu Discussion 0 5 15 0
AMST 3880 103(CS) Lloyd Sy Discussion 0 2 15 0
AMST 3880 105(CS) Tracey Wang Discussion 0 4 15 0
AMST 3880 107(CS) Lloyd Sy Discussion 0 2 15 0
AMST 3880 109(CS) Wei Liu Discussion 0 4 15 0
AMST 3880 110(CS) Tracey Wang Discussion 0 5 15 0
ANTH 3010 001 Jim Igoe Lecture 3 43 60 129
ANTH 3240 100 Kasey Jernigan Lecture 3 60 60 180
ANTH 3240 101 Jeffrey Attridge Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 3240 102 Jeffrey Attridge Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 3240 103 Jeffrey Attridge Discussion 0 20 20 0
ANTH 3275 100 Ira Bashkow Lecture 3 43 60 129
ANTH 3275 101 Nazli Azergun Discussion 0 13 20 0
ANTH 3275 102 Nazli Azergun Discussion 0 13 20 0
ANTH 3275 103 Nazli Azergun Discussion 0 17 20 0
ANTH 3290 001 Aidan Seale-Feldman Lecture 3 29 30 87
ANTH 3480 100(CS) Eve Danziger Lecture 3 29 60 87
ANTH 3480 101 Zach McKeeby Discussion 0 6 20 0
ANTH 3480 102 Zach McKeeby Discussion 0 8 20 0
ANTH 3480 103 Zach McKeeby Discussion 0 15 20 0
ANTH 3541 002 Ida Hoequist Lecture 3 30 30 90
ANTH 3559 100 Aidan Seale-Feldman Lecture 3 24 60 72
ANTH 3559 101 Soha Tariq Discussion 0 5 20 0
ANTH 3559 102 Soha Tariq Discussion 0 10 20 0
ANTH 3559 103 Soha Tariq Discussion 0 9 20 0
ANTH 3590 001 Bremen Donovan Lecture 3 13 30 39
ANTH 3590 002(CS) Adriana Greci Green Lecture 3 3 4 9
ANTH 3705 001 Patricia Wattenmaker Lecture 3 23 30 69
ARAB 3010 001 Bilal Humeidan Lecture 3 11 15 33
ARAB 3010 002 Suad Mohamed Lecture 3 8 15 24
ARAB 3810 001(CS) Hanadi Al-Samman Lecture 3 2 10 6
ARTH 3062 001 Dylan Rogers Lecture 3 58 60 174
ARTH 3591 002 Eric Ramirez-Weaver Lecture 3 11 15 33
ARTH 3591 028 Elizabeth Turner Lecture 3 15 15 45
ARTH 3595 001(CS) Adriana Greci Green PRA 3 4 4 12
ARTH 3595 002 Janet Dunkelbarger PRA 3 8 18 24
ARTH 3861 001(CS) Dorothy Wong Lecture 3 38 45 114
ARTR 3350 001(CS) Hanadi Al-Samman Lecture 3 13 27 39
ARTS 3110 001(CS) William Wylie STO 3 7 8 21
ARTS 3220 001(CS) Federico Cuatlacuatl STO 3 9 10 27
ARTS 3220 002 Lydia Moyer STO 3 12 15 36
ARTS 3370 001(CS) Kevin Everson STO 3 6 10 18
ARTS 3670 001(CS) Akemi Ohira STO 3 2 10 6
ARTS 3710 001(CS) Neal Rock STO 3 7 15 21
ARTS 3810 001(CS) William Bennett Lecture 3 4 15 12
ASL 3010 001 Gregory Propp SEM 3 14 16 42
ASL 3015 001 Gregory Propp PRA 1 0 6 0
ASL 3400 001(CS) Christopher Krentz Lecture 3 9 9 27
ASL 3450 001 Rhonda Jennings-arey Lecture 3 17 15 51
ASTR 3410 001 Roger Chevalier Lecture 3 24 45 72
ASTR 3880 001(CS) Ajay Limaye Lecture 3 21 23 63
BIOL 3000 001 Mike Wormington Lecture 3 395 400 1185
BIOL 3010 001 David Parichy+1 Lecture 3 309 400 927
BIOL 3030 100 Dorothy Schafer Lecture 3 133 200 399
BIOL 3030 101 Staff Discussion 0 133 200 0
BIOL 3050 001 Barry Condron Lecture 3 232 250 696
BIOL 3410 100 David McLeod Lecture 4 388 360 1552
BIOL 3410 101 David McLeod+2 Laboratory 0 22 20 0
BIOL 3410 102 David McLeod+2 Laboratory 0 22 20 0
BIOL 3410 103 Christopher Robinson+2 Laboratory 0 21 20 0
BIOL 3410 104 Daniel Nondorf+2 Laboratory 0 22 20 0
BIOL 3410 105 David McLeod+2 Laboratory 0 22 20 0
BIOL 3410 108 David McLeod+2 Laboratory 0 21 20 0
BIOL 3410 109 David McLeod+2 Laboratory 0 22 20 0
BIOL 3410 110 David McLeod+2 Laboratory 0 22 20 0
BIOL 3410 111 Connor Murray+2 Laboratory 0 19 20 0
BIOL 3410 113 Christopher Robinson+2 Laboratory 0 22 20 0
BIOL 3410 114 Danhua Zhang+2 Laboratory 0 22 20 0
BIOL 3410 115 David McLeod+2 Laboratory 0 21 20 0
BIOL 3410 116 Danhua Zhang+2 Laboratory 0 22 20 0
BIOL 3410 117 David McLeod+2 Laboratory 0 21 20 0
BIOL 3410 118 David McLeod+2 Laboratory 0 22 20 0
BIOL 3410 119 Connor Murray+2 Laboratory 0 22 20 0
BIOL 3410 121 David McLeod+2 Laboratory 0 21 20 0
BIOL 3410 122 Daniel Nondorf+2 Laboratory 0 22 20 0
BIOL 3450 001 Jessamyn Manson+1 Lecture 3 100 100 300
BIOL 3900 002 Fred Diehl SEM 1 - 3 5 15 5
CHEM 3410 100 Andreas Gahlmann Lecture 3 82 100 246
CHEM 3410 101 Andreas Gahlmann Discussion 0 82 100 0
CHEM 3410 200(CS) Allan Harrison Lecture 3 24 130 72
CHEM 3410 201 Allan Harrison Discussion 0 24 100 0
CHEM 3559 100 Cassandra Fraser Lecture 1 - 4 11 15 11
CHEM 3610 001(CS) Allan Harrison Lecture 3 26 130 78
CHEM 3811 100 Brooks Pate Lecture 3 53 60 159
CHEM 3811 101 Brooks Pate Laboratory 0 15 12 0
CHEM 3811 102 Brooks Pate Laboratory 0 14 12 0
CHEM 3811 103 Brooks Pate Laboratory 0 14 12 0
CHEM 3811 104 Brooks Pate Laboratory 0 10 12 0
CHEM 3951 001 Laura Serbulea IND 1 - 3 31 100 31
CHEM 3961 001 Laura Serbulea IND 3 18 100 54
CHEM 3993 001 Brooks Pate IND 1 - 3 8 30 8
CHEM 3993 002 Charles Grisham IND 1 - 3 8 30 8
CHIN 3010 001 Miao-Fen Tseng Lecture 3 11 15 33
CHIN 3010 002 Shu-Chen Chen Lecture 3 15 15 45
CHIN 3010 003 Lizeng Huang Lecture 3 16 15 48
CHIN 3015 001 Ying Gao Lecture 1 5 20 5
CHIN 3020 001 Ziyi Geng Lecture 3 13 12 39
CHTR 3010 001(CS) Anne Kinney Lecture 3 18 25 54
CHTR 3850 001 Charles Laughlin SEM 3 28 31 84
CLAS 3350 001 Coulter George SEM 3 23 25 69
CLAS 3559 001 Inger Neeltje Irene Kuin Lecture 3 12 25 36
COGS 3960 001 William Levy IND 3 4 30 12
COGS 3960 002 James Morris IND 3 0 20 0
COGS 3960 003 Jaideep Kapur IND 3 0 20 0
COGS 3960 004 Meghan Puglia IND 3 0 20 0
COGS 3960 005 Li Jin IND 3 1 20 3
COGS 3960 006 Daniel Meliza IND 3 1 20 3
COGS 3960 007 Wendy Lynch IND 3 1 20 3
COGS 3960 012 Nicole Long IND 3 0 20 0
COGS 3960 013 Chad Dodson IND 3 0 20 0
COGS 3960 014 Jessica Connelly IND 3 1 20 3
COGS 3960 015 James Coan IND 3 0 20 0
COGS 3960 016 Kelly Shaffer IND 3 1 20 3
COGS 3960 017 Daniel Cox IND 3 0 20 0
COGS 3960 018 William Elias IND 3 0 20 0
COGS 3960 019 Filip Loncke IND 3 2 20 6
DANC 3210 001 Kathryn Schetlick STO 1 11 20 11
DANC 3620 001 Kim Mata STO 1 - 3 0 4 0
DANC 3640 001 Kim Mata STO 3 4 12 12
DRAM 3070 001 Theresa Davis Lecture 3 19 30 57
DRAM 3410 001 Marianne Kubik STO 3 6 12 18
DRAM 3651 001 Dave Dalton Lecture 3 8 12 24
DRAM 3652 001 Holly McLeod Lecture 3 15 20 45
DRAM 3653 001 Holly McLeod Laboratory 1 - 3 3 10 3
DRAM 3710 001 Doug Grissom SEM 3 10 10 30
DRAM 3730 001 Doug Grissom+1 WKS 3 12 12 36
DRAM 3820 001 Mona Kasra STO 3 10 12 30
ECON 3010 100 David Mills Lecture 4 179 192 716
ECON 3010 101 Yang Yu Discussion 0 32 32 0
ECON 3010 102 Yang Yu Discussion 0 28 32 0
ECON 3010 103 Yuyao Song Discussion 0 32 32 0
ECON 3010 104 Yuyao Song Discussion 0 27 32 0
ECON 3010 105 Jiafeng Wu Discussion 0 30 32 0
ECON 3010 106 Jiafeng Wu Discussion 0 30 32 0
ECON 3010 200 Marc Santugini Repiquet Lecture 4 162 180 648
ECON 3010 204 Ishita Gambhir Discussion 0 25 30 0
ECON 3010 205 Eutteum Lee Discussion 0 23 30 0
ECON 3010 206 Eutteum Lee Discussion 0 28 30 0
ECON 3010 207 Alex Sheng Discussion 0 30 30 0
ECON 3010 208 Alex Sheng Discussion 0 30 30 0
ECON 3010 209 Ishita Gambhir Discussion 0 26 30 0
ECON 3020 300 Jae Won Lee Lecture 3 69 100 207
ECON 3020 301 Jae Won Lee Lecture 3 87 90 261
ECON 3020 310 Fiorella Maria Pizzolon Niero Discussion 0 23 25 0
ECON 3020 311 Fiorella Maria Pizzolon Niero Discussion 0 25 25 0
ECON 3020 312 Joe Anderson Discussion 0 24 25 0
ECON 3020 313 Joe Anderson Discussion 0 23 25 0
ECON 3020 314 Yoonah Baek Discussion 0 25 25 0
ECON 3020 315 Yoonah Baek Discussion 0 22 25 0
ECON 3020 316 Joaquin Saldain Discussion 0 7 25 0
ECON 3020 317 Joaquin Saldain Discussion 0 7 25 0
ECON 3020 500 Maria Westerfield Lecture 3 100 95 300
ECON 3020 501 Yan Chen Discussion 0 25 25 0
ECON 3020 502 Yan Chen Discussion 0 25 25 0
ECON 3020 503 Seunghyeon Lee Discussion 0 26 25 0
ECON 3020 504 Seunghyeon Lee Discussion 0 24 25 0
ECON 3030 100 Carter Doyle Lecture 3 90 90 270
ECON 3030 200 Carter Doyle Lecture 3 86 90 258
ECON 3030 201 Dengli Yang Discussion 0 31 30 0
ECON 3030 202 Geoffrey Carr Discussion 0 30 30 0
ECON 3030 203 Geoffrey Carr Discussion 0 28 30 0
ECON 3030 207 Dengli Yang Discussion 0 30 30 0
ECON 3030 208 Jaeho Lee Discussion 0 30 30 0
ECON 3030 212 Jaeho Lee Discussion 0 28 30 0
ECON 3040 100 Sarah Turner Lecture 3 64 68 192
ECON 3040 101 Suchitra Akmanchi Discussion 0 21 23 0
ECON 3040 102 Suchitra Akmanchi Discussion 0 22 23 0
ECON 3040 103 Suchitra Akmanchi Discussion 0 21 23 0
ECON 3110 100 Maxim Engers Lecture 4 27 25 108
ECON 3110 101 William Chenault Discussion 0 15 20 0
ECON 3110 102 William Chenault Discussion 0 12 20 0
ECON 3330 002 Lee Coppock Lecture 3 29 35 87
ECON 3430 100 William Shobe Lecture 3 172 180 516
ECON 3430 101 Brennan Williams Discussion 0 30 30 0
ECON 3430 102 Tyler Ludwig Discussion 0 30 30 0
ECON 3430 103 Tyler Ludwig Discussion 0 29 30 0
ECON 3430 104 Anirban Chattopadhyaya Discussion 0 22 30 0
ECON 3430 105 Anirban Chattopadhyaya Discussion 0 30 30 0
ECON 3430 106 Brennan Williams Discussion 0 31 30 0
ECON 3559 001 Julia Devlin Lecture 3 26 40 78
ECON 3720 100 Ronald Michener Lecture 4 31 76 124
ECON 3720 101 Ronald Michener Lecture 4 59 76 236
ECON 3720 110 Luan Falcao Daniel Santos Discussion 0 10 14 0
ECON 3720 111 Luan Falcao Daniel Santos Discussion 0 13 14 0
ECON 3720 112 Luan Falcao Daniel Santos Discussion 0 11 14 0
ECON 3720 113 Lingmin Bao Discussion 0 12 14 0
ECON 3720 114 Lingmin Bao Discussion 0 6 14 0
ECON 3720 115 Daniel Kwiatkowski Discussion 0 4 14 0
ECON 3720 116 Daniel Kwiatkowski Discussion 0 13 14 0
ECON 3720 117 Lingmin Bao Discussion 0 10 14 0
ECON 3720 118 Daniel Kwiatkowski Discussion 0 11 14 0
ECON 3720 300 Jonathan Colmer Lecture 4 77 80 308
ECON 3720 301 Jonathan Colmer Lecture 4 80 80 320
ECON 3720 310 Max Schnidman Discussion 0 18 22 0
ECON 3720 311 Max Schnidman Discussion 0 15 22 0
ECON 3720 312 Tingrui Feng Discussion 0 22 22 0
ECON 3720 313 Ramiro Burga Villanueva Discussion 0 18 22 0
ECON 3720 314 Ramiro Burga Villanueva Discussion 0 18 22 0
ECON 3720 315 Tingrui Feng Discussion 0 18 22 0
ECON 3720 316 Yooseon Hwang Discussion 0 11 22 0
ECON 3720 317 Yooseon Hwang Discussion 0 22 22 0
ECON 3720 318 Yooseon Hwang Discussion 0 17 22 0
ENCW 3310 001 Debra Nystrom WKS 3 12 12 36
ENCW 3310 002 Kiki Petrosino WKS 3 12 12 36
ENCW 3610 001 Micheline Marcom WKS 3 12 12 36
ENCW 3610 002 Elizabeth Denton WKS 3 12 12 36
ENGL 3001 100 Clare Kinney Lecture 3 215 240 645
ENGL 3001 101 Justin Stec Discussion 0 15 15 0
ENGL 3001 102 Valerie Voight Discussion 0 10 15 0
ENGL 3001 103 Justin Stec Discussion 0 13 15 0
ENGL 3001 104 Andie Waterman Discussion 0 15 15 0
ENGL 3001 105 John Modica Discussion 0 14 15 0
ENGL 3001 106 Samuel Walker Discussion 0 15 15 0
ENGL 3001 107 Andie Waterman Discussion 0 12 15 0
ENGL 3001 108 Shalmi Barman Discussion 0 15 15 0
ENGL 3001 109 Alex Buckley Discussion 0 15 15 0
ENGL 3001 110 Shalmi Barman Discussion 0 13 15 0
ENGL 3001 111 Alex Buckley Discussion 0 11 15 0
ENGL 3001 112 Samuel Walker Discussion 0 15 15 0
ENGL 3001 113 Alexandra Kennedy Discussion 0 15 15 0
ENGL 3001 114 Valerie Voight Discussion 0 2 15 0
ENGL 3001 115 John Modica Discussion 0 7 15 0
ENGL 3001 116 Alexandra Kennedy Discussion 0 12 15 0
ENGL 3001 117 Clare Kinney Discussion 0 16 15 0
ENGL 3100 001 John Casteen Lecture 3 26 30 78
ENGL 3220 001 Rebecca Rush Lecture 3 28 30 84
ENGL 3271 100 John Parker Lecture 3 59 90 177
ENGL 3271 102 Matthew Martello Discussion 0 15 15 0
ENGL 3271 103 Matthew Martello Discussion 0 15 15 0
ENGL 3271 104 Lucia Alden Discussion 0 14 15 0
ENGL 3271 106 Lucia Alden Discussion 0 15 14 0
ENGL 3470 001 Cristina Griffin Lecture 3 60 60 180
ENGL 3500 001 Casey Ireland Lecture 3 58 60 174
ENGL 3540 002 Paul Cantor Lecture 3 30 30 90
ENGL 3545 001 Victoria Olwell Lecture 3 31 30 93
ENGL 3559 001 T. Kenny Fountain Lecture 3 60 67 180
ENGL 3559 002 James Kinney Lecture 3 8 30 24
ENGL 3559 004 James Seitz Lecture 3 29 30 87
ENGL 3559 005(CS) Lorna Martens Lecture 3 8 20 24
ENGL 3560 002 Victor Luftig Lecture 3 25 40 75
ENGL 3560 003(CS) Lorna Martens Lecture 3 9 16 27
ENGL 3570 001(CS) K. Ian Grandison+1 Lecture 3 19 30 57
ENGL 3572 001 Tamika Carey Lecture 3 21 30 63
ENGL 3572 002(CS) Marlon Ross Lecture 3 18 20 54
ENGL 3612 001 Christopher Krentz Lecture 3 16 30 48
ENGL 3660 001 Mark Edmundson Lecture 3 20 20 60
ENGL 3710 100(CS) Jennifer Greeson Lecture 3 54 90 162
ENGL 3710 102(CS) Wei Liu Discussion 0 9 15 0
ENGL 3710 103(CS) Lloyd Sy Discussion 0 6 15 0
ENGL 3710 105(CS) Tracey Wang Discussion 0 12 15 0
ENGL 3710 107(CS) Lloyd Sy Discussion 0 10 15 0
ENGL 3710 109(CS) Wei Liu Discussion 0 9 15 0
ENGL 3710 110(CS) Tracey Wang Discussion 0 8 15 0
ENGL 3900 001 Anna Brickhouse Lecture 3 38 40 114
ENGL 3922 001(CS) Christopher Krentz Lecture 3 7 9 21
ENWR 3640 001 Stephanie Ceraso WKS 3 16 16 48
ENWR 3665 001 Cory Shaman SEM 3 13 16 39
ENWR 3900 002 John Casteen Lecture 3 16 16 48
EVSC 3020 100(CS) John Porter Lecture 4 38 45 152
EVSC 3020 101(CS) TBA Laboratory 0 17 22 0
EVSC 3020 102(CS) TBA Laboratory 0 21 23 0
EVSC 3200 001 Michael Pace Lecture 3 118 163 354
EVSC 3201 001 Michael Pace+1 Laboratory 1 13 14 13
EVSC 3201 002 Michael Pace+1 Laboratory 1 14 14 14
EVSC 3201 003 Carly LaRoche+1 Laboratory 1 12 14 12
EVSC 3201 004 Kelcy Kent+1 Laboratory 1 7 14 7
EVSC 3201 005 Jemima Elsherbini+1 Laboratory 1 11 14 11
EVSC 3201 006 Elise Heffernan+1 Laboratory 1 10 14 10
EVSC 3300 001 Megan Mcauliffe+1 Lecture 3 28 33 84
EVSC 3300 002 Robert Davis Lecture 3 18 0 54
EVSC 3300 003 Robert Davis Lecture 3 18 0 54
EVSC 3301 001 Hannah Mast+1 Laboratory 1 14 14 14
EVSC 3301 002 Mitchell Kelleher Laboratory 1 9 18 9
EVSC 3301 003 Xinhuiyu (Monica) Liu Laboratory 1 10 18 10
EVSC 3301 004 Kelsey Schoenemann Laboratory 1 11 18 11
EVSC 3301 005 Hannah Mast+1 Laboratory 1 11 14 11
EVSC 3600 001 Aaron Mills Lecture 3 60 160 180
EVSC 3601 001 Aaron Mills Laboratory 1 15 14 15
EVSC 3601 002 Aaron Mills Laboratory 1 11 14 11
EVSC 3601 003 Aaron Mills Laboratory 1 13 14 13
EVSC 3601 004 Aaron Mills Laboratory 1 13 14 13
EVSC 3860 100(CS) Stephen Macko Lecture 4 9 10 36
EVSC 3860 101(CS) Stephen Macko Laboratory 0 9 10 0
FREN 3028 001 Katia Bellal Discussion 1 7 30 7
FREN 3030 001 Gladys Saunders Lecture 3 16 18 48
FREN 3031 001 Rachel Geer SEM 3 13 18 39
FREN 3031 002 Rachel Geer SEM 3 17 18 51
FREN 3031 003 Nicolas Lombart SEM 3 16 18 48
FREN 3031 004 Nicolas Lombart SEM 3 18 18 54
FREN 3032 001 Deborah McGrady SEM 3 18 18 54
FREN 3032 002 Jennifer Tsien SEM 3 18 18 54
FREN 3032 003 Elizabeth Hall SEM 3 20 18 60
FREN 3032 004 Kandioura Drame SEM 3 18 18 54
FREN 3034 001 Gladys Saunders Lecture 3 9 18 27
FREN 3035 001 Spyridon Simotas Lecture 3 17 18 51
FREN 3036 001 Elizabeth Hall SEM 3 22 18 66
FREN 3041 001 Amy Ogden Lecture 3 16 18 48
FREN 3042 001 John Lyons Lecture 3 14 18 42
FREN 3043 001 Ari Blatt SEM 3 21 18 63
FREN 3559 001 Karen James Lecture 1 - 4 6 5 6
FREN 3585 001 Nicolas Lombart Lecture 3 14 15 42
FRTR 3559 001 John Lyons SEM 1 20 25 20
GERM 3000 001 Julia Gutterman SEM 3 21 22 63
GERM 3010 001 Julia Gutterman Lecture 3 6 15 18
GERM 3230 001 William McDonald Lecture 3 8 15 24
GERM 3250 001 Stefanie Parker Lecture 3 8 18 24
GERM 3290 001 Issabella Colon Discussion 1 9 15 9
GERM 3300 001 Christina Neuhaus Lecture 1 0 10 0
GERM 3510 001 Paul Dobryden Lecture 3 8 15 24
GETR 3372 002(CS) Gabriel Finder+1 Lecture 3 20 20 60
GETR 3464 001 William McDonald SEM 3 17 21 51
GETR 3505 001(CS) Manuela Achilles SEM 3 9 30 27
GETR 3562 001 Paul Dobryden Lecture 3 9 20 27
GETR 3590 002 Marcel Schmid Lecture 3 18 20 54
GETR 3590 003 Marcel Schmid Lecture 3 30 30 90
GETR 3590 005 Marcel Schmid Lecture 3 14 15 42
GETR 3692 002(CS) Gabriel Finder Lecture 3 15 15 45
GETR 3692 003(CS) Gabriel Finder Lecture 3 15 15 45
GETR 3710 001(CS) Lorna Martens SEM 3 2 16 6
GETR 3720 001(CS) Lorna Martens Lecture 3 2 20 6
GREE 3010 001 Andrej Petrovic Lecture 3 4 6 12
HEBR 3010 001 Zvi Gilboa Lecture 3 3 10 9
HIAF 3021 001 John Mason Lecture 3 31 40 93
HIAF 3051 001 James La Fleur Lecture 3 29 27 87
HIEA 3323 001(CS) Xiaoyuan Liu Lecture 3 53 55 159
HIEU 3041 001 Elizabeth Meyer Lecture 3 25 34 75
HIEU 3152 100 Erik Linstrum Lecture 3 51 60 153
HIEU 3152 101 Jennifer Levin Discussion 0 17 20 0
HIEU 3152 102 Jennifer Levin Discussion 0 18 20 0
HIEU 3152 103 Jennifer Levin Discussion 0 16 20 0
HIEU 3321 001 Karen Parshall Lecture 3 22 30 66
HIEU 3352 100 Manuela Achilles Lecture 3 33 60 99
HIEU 3352 101 Joshua MacKay Discussion 0 17 20 0
HIEU 3352 102 Joshua MacKay Discussion 0 10 20 0
HIEU 3352 103 Joshua MacKay Discussion 0 6 20 0
HIEU 3372 002(CS) Gabriel Finder+1 Lecture 3 16 20 48
HIEU 3505 001(CS) Manuela Achilles SEM 3 20 30 60
HIEU 3692 002(CS) Gabriel Finder Lecture 3 15 15 45
HIEU 3692 003(CS) Gabriel Finder Lecture 3 15 15 45
HIEU 3802 001 Allan Megill Lecture 3 29 70 87
HILA 3051 001 Lean Sweeney Lecture 3 37 40 111
HIND 3010 001 Abdul Nasir Lecture 3 3 12 9
HIST 3281 100 Jeffrey Rossman Lecture 3 116 119 348
HIST 3281 101 Stefan Lund Discussion 0 19 20 0
HIST 3281 102 Stefan Lund Discussion 0 19 20 0
HIST 3281 103 Stefan Lund Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIST 3281 104 Lily van Diepen Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIST 3281 105 Lily van Diepen Discussion 0 19 20 0
HIST 3281 106 Lily van Diepen Discussion 0 19 19 0
HIST 3452 100 Philip Zelikow Lecture 3 97 120 291
HIST 3452 101 Brianna Kirk Discussion 0 18 20 0
HIST 3452 102 Brianna Kirk Discussion 0 16 20 0
HIST 3452 103 Donovan Fifield Discussion 0 16 20 0
HIST 3452 104 Donovan Fifield Discussion 0 14 20 0
HIST 3452 105 Brianna Kirk Discussion 0 19 20 0
HIST 3452 106 Donovan Fifield Discussion 0 14 20 0
HIST 3559 001 Jessica Levy Lecture 3 10 30 30
HIUS 3071 100 Elizabeth Varon Lecture 3 52 60 156
HIUS 3071 101 Ian Iverson Discussion 0 17 20 0
HIUS 3071 102 Ian Iverson Discussion 0 17 20 0
HIUS 3071 103 Ian Iverson Discussion 0 18 20 0
HIUS 3131 001 Olivier Zunz Lecture 3 28 35 84
HIUS 3191 100 James Loeffler Lecture 3 28 60 84
HIUS 3191 101 Amy Fedeski Discussion 0 14 20 0
HIUS 3191 102 Amy Fedeski Discussion 0 11 20 0
HIUS 3191 103 Amy Fedeski Discussion 0 3 20 0
HIUS 3281 001 George Gilliam Lecture 3 57 60 171
HIUS 3456 100 Philip Zelikow Lecture 3 44 60 132
HIUS 3456 101 Elena Symmes Discussion 0 16 20 0
HIUS 3456 102 Elena Symmes Discussion 0 16 20 0
HIUS 3456 103 Elena Symmes Discussion 0 12 20 0
HIUS 3490 001 Claudrena Harold Lecture 3 136 140 408
HIUS 3671 001(CS) Kevin Gaines Lecture 3 19 20 57
HIUS 3853 100(CS) Andrew Kahrl Lecture 3 57 60 171
HIUS 3853 101(CS) Thomas Storrs Discussion 0 13 20 0
HIUS 3853 102(CS) Thomas Storrs Discussion 0 9 20 0
HIUS 3853 103(CS) Thomas Storrs Discussion 0 8 20 0
HIUS 3853 104(CS) Allison Mitchell Discussion 0 8 20 0
HIUS 3853 105(CS) Allison Mitchell Discussion 0 12 20 0
HIUS 3853 106(CS) Allison Mitchell Discussion 0 7 20 0
INST 3150 001 Michael Palmer SEM 1 5 18 5
INST 3600 001 Barry Condron Lecture 1 53 120 53
ITAL 3010 002 Deborah Parker Lecture 3 13 18 39
ITAL 3110 001 Deborah Parker Lecture 3 5 18 15
ITTR 3685 001 Francesca Calamita SEM 3 20 20 60
JAPN 3010 001 Mieko Kawai Lecture 3 10 12 30
JAPN 3010 002 Mieko Kawai Lecture 3 13 12 39
JAPN 3015 001 Takuya Ito Lecture 1 5 20 5
JAPN 3050 001 Mieko Kawai Lecture 3 12 12 36
JPTR 3600 001 Anri Yasuda SEM 3 24 23 72
KOR 3010 001 Sunhee Woo Lecture 3 13 12 39
LASE 3110 100 Jennifer LaFleur SEM 3 79 90 237
LASE 3110 101 Naomi Worth Discussion 0 14 18 0
LASE 3110 102 Peter Moench Discussion 0 12 18 0
LASE 3110 103 Naomi Worth Discussion 0 15 18 0
LASE 3110 104 Peter Moench Discussion 0 15 18 0
LASE 3110 105 Naomi Worth Discussion 0 11 18 0
LASE 3110 106 Peter Moench Discussion 0 12 18 0
LATI 3080 001 Inger Neeltje Irene Kuin Lecture 3 7 15 21
LATI 3090 001 Bradford Hays Lecture 3 15 15 45
LATI 3270 001 Giulio Celotto Lecture 3 18 18 54
LING 3101 001(CS) Janay Crabtree PRA 1 4 15 4
LING 3102 001(CS) Janay Crabtree PRA 1 5 15 5
LING 3103 001(CS) Janay Crabtree PRA 1 5 15 5
LING 3400 100(CS) Janay Crabtree Lecture 3 35 55 105
LING 3400 101 Eric Dynarski Discussion 0 16 20 0
LING 3400 102 Eric Dynarski Discussion 0 13 20 0
LING 3400 103 Eric Dynarski Discussion 0 6 20 0
LING 3559 001(CS) Armik Mirzayan Lecture 3 9 15 27
LNGS 3250 001(CS) Mark Elson Lecture 3 44 45 132
MATH 3000 100 Julie Bergner Lecture 4 22 35 88
MATH 3000 101 Louisa Liles Discussion 0 22 35 0
MATH 3100 001 Yen Do Lecture 3 43 43 129
MATH 3100 002 Leonid Petrov Lecture 3 42 45 126
MATH 3100 003 Leonid Petrov Lecture 3 39 40 117
MATH 3250 100 Abdelmalek Abdesselam Lecture 4 37 40 148
MATH 3250 101 Liaosha Xu Discussion 0 37 40 0
MATH 3250 200 Abdelmalek Abdesselam Lecture 4 38 40 152
MATH 3250 201 Liaosha Xu Discussion 0 38 40 0
MATH 3310 100 Bruno Braga Lecture 4 7 40 28
MATH 3310 101 Bruno Braga Discussion 0 7 40 0
MATH 3310 200 Benjamin Hayes Lecture 4 17 40 68
MATH 3310 201 Bruno Braga Discussion 0 17 40 0
MATH 3340 001 John Imbrie Lecture 3 25 40 75
MATH 3350 001 Jeffrey Holt Lecture 3 47 48 141
MATH 3350 002 Jeffrey Holt Lecture 3 50 48 150
MATH 3350 003 Matthew Gagne Lecture 3 35 35 105
MATH 3351 001 Jennifer Morse Lecture 3 29 40 87
MATH 3351 002 Jennifer Morse Lecture 3 25 40 75
MATH 3351 004 Craig Huneke Lecture 3 36 40 108
MATH 3354 001 Anna Ying Pun Lecture 3 35 40 105
MATH 3354 003 Ken Ono Lecture 3 37 40 111
MATH 3559 001 Juraj Foldes Lecture 1 13 15 13
MDST 3000 001(CS) Elizabeth Ellcessor Lecture 3 8 15 24
MDST 3000 002 Elizabeth Ellcessor Lecture 3 2 3 6
MDST 3050 001 Aswin Punathambekar SEM 3 77 88 231
MDST 3105 001 Keara Goin SEM 3 31 30 93
MDST 3110 001 Lori Morimoto SEM 3 31 32 93
MDST 3230 001 Wyatt Andrews Lecture 4 14 15 56
MDST 3502 001 Matthew Marshall SEM 3 32 30 96
MDST 3510 001 Camilla Fojas SEM 3 28 30 84
MDST 3510 002 David Nemer SEM 3 29 30 87
MDST 3510 003 Christopher Ali SEM 3 27 30 81
MDST 3559 001 William Little SEM 3 26 30 78
MDST 3559 003 Aidyn Mills SEM 3 12 30 36
MDST 3559 004 Siva Vaidhyanathan SEM 3 77 100 231
MDST 3584 001 Keara Goin Lecture 3 29 30 87
MDST 3680 001 Wyatt Andrews Lecture 3 57 60 171
MDST 3704 001 Sean Duncan SEM 3 18 30 54
MDST 3710 001 Sean Duncan WKS 3 17 30 51
MDST 3720 001 David Nemer Lecture 3 30 30 90
MDST 3800 001 William Little IND 1 3 10 3
MDST 3840 001 Matthew Marshall Lecture 3 18 30 54
MESA 3110 001 Tessa Farmer SEM 3 22 28 66
MESA 3111 001 Samhita Sunya SEM 3 30 30 90
MSP 3501 001 Deborah McGrady SEM 3 10 15 30
MUEN 3600 001 John Dearth Lecture 2 20 20 40
MUEN 3610 100(CS) Benjamin Rous Lecture 2 14 30 28
MUEN 3610 101 Peter Spaar Discussion 0 1 5 0
MUEN 3610 102 Adam Carter Discussion 0 4 5 0
MUEN 3610 103 Ayn Balija Discussion 0 3 5 0
MUEN 3610 104 Daniel Sender Discussion 0 3 5 0
MUEN 3610 105 David Sariti Discussion 0 3 5 0
MUEN 3610 200(CS) Benjamin Rous Lecture 2 11 30 22
MUEN 3610 201 Elizabeth Roberts Discussion 0 0 5 0
MUEN 3610 202 Mary Ambrose Discussion 0 0 5 0
MUEN 3610 203 Kelly Peral Discussion 0 0 5 0
MUEN 3610 204 Jiyeon Choi Discussion 0 3 5 0
MUEN 3610 205 Kelly Sulick Discussion 0 4 5 0
MUEN 3610 206 Nathaniel Lee Discussion 0 0 5 0
MUEN 3610 207 Arthur Zanin Discussion 0 1 5 0
MUEN 3610 208 I-Jen Fang Discussion 0 3 5 0
MUEN 3620 001 Andrew Koch Lecture 2 7 0 14
MUEN 3630 002 Jiyeon Choi Lecture 1 - 2 2 5 2
MUEN 3630 003 Kelly Sulick Lecture 1 - 2 8 10 8
MUEN 3630 004 Elizabeth Roberts Lecture 1 - 2 0 5 0
MUEN 3630 005 Nathaniel Lee Lecture 1 - 2 0 5 0
MUEN 3630 006 Arthur Zanin Lecture 1 - 2 0 5 0
MUEN 3630 007 Peter Spaar Lecture 1 - 2 3 10 3
MUEN 3630 008 Mary Ambrose Lecture 1 - 2 3 5 3
MUEN 3630 009 Daniel Sender Lecture 1 - 2 3 30 3
MUEN 3630 010 I-Jen Fang Lecture 1 - 2 4 5 4
MUEN 3630 012 Michael Rosensky Lecture 1 - 2 5 10 5
MUEN 3630 016 Kelly Peral Lecture 1 - 2 1 5 1
MUEN 3630 017 Ayn Balija Lecture 1 - 2 3 5 3
MUEN 3630 018 David Sariti Lecture 1 - 2 5 10 5
MUEN 3630 020 Adam Carter Lecture 1 - 2 4 10 4
MUEN 3630 021 Peter Spaar Lecture 1 - 2 4 10 4
MUEN 3630 022 Jeffrey Decker Lecture 1 - 2 7 10 7
MUEN 3630 025 John Mayhood Lecture 1 - 2 0 20 0
MUEN 3640 001 Joel Rubin Lecture 2 3 15 6
MUEN 3645 001 Richard Will Laboratory 1 11 15 11
MUEN 3646 001 Richard Will STO 1 5 10 5
MUEN 3650 001 Michael Slon Lecture 2 68 100 136
MUEN 3651 001 Michael Slon Lecture 2 22 25 44
MUEN 3660 001 John Mayhood STO 2 0 5 0
MUEN 3670 001 David Sariti Lecture 2 4 10 8
MUEN 3680 001 I-Jen Fang Lecture 2 4 15 8
MUPF 3110 001 Brenda Patterson IND 2 1 10 2
MUPF 3110 002 Pamela Beasley IND 2 6 10 12
MUPF 3110 004 Christian Owens IND 2 1 10 2
MUPF 3110 005 Patricia O'Brien IND 2 3 10 6
MUPF 3120 001 Clarence Taylor IND 2 0 10 0
MUPF 3120 002 Kelly Gross IND 2 0 10 0
MUPF 3120 003 John Mayhood IND 2 1 10 2
MUPF 3140 001 Daniel Sender IND 2 6 10 12
MUPF 3140 002 Adam Carter IND 2 3 10 6
MUPF 3140 003 Peter Spaar IND 2 2 10 4
MUPF 3140 004 David Sariti IND 2 4 10 8
MUPF 3140 005 Ayn Balija IND 2 3 10 6
MUPF 3150 001 Kelly Sulick IND 2 4 10 8
MUPF 3150 002 Kelly Peral IND 2 1 10 2
MUPF 3150 003 Elizabeth Roberts IND 2 0 10 0
MUPF 3150 004 Jeffrey Decker IND 2 0 10 0
MUPF 3150 005 Jiyeon Choi IND 2 4 10 8
MUPF 3160 001 Nathaniel Lee IND 2 1 10 2
MUPF 3160 002 Arthur Zanin IND 2 1 10 2
MUPF 3160 003 John Dearth IND 2 1 5 2
MUPF 3160 004 Mary Ambrose IND 2 2 10 4
MUPF 3170 001 I-Jen Fang IND 2 0 10 0
MUPF 3170 002 Robert Jospe IND 2 1 10 2
MUPF 3180 001 Michael Rosensky IND 2 2 15 4
MUPF 3950 001 John Mayhood IND 2 1 10 2
MUPF 3950 002 David Sariti IND 2 0 10 0
MUSI 3010 001 Bonnie Gordon+1 Lecture 3 19 25 57
MUSI 3040 001 Joel Rubin Lecture 3 13 25 39
MUSI 3050 001 Scott DeVeaux Lecture 3 22 22 66
MUSI 3070 001 Nomi Dave<