UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Summary Information - Schedule of Classes for Statistics - Fall 2018
These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time
These pages present data mined from the University of Virginia's student information system (SIS). — Lou Bloomfield, Department of Physics

I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics

This summary information page is a new feature and your comments, suggestions, bug reports, and other constructive criticism are welcome. -- Lou (8/6/2014)
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1000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
STAT 1100 001 Karen Kafadar+1 Lecture 3 32 45 96
STAT 1100 002 Jianhui Sun+1 Lecture 3 45 45 135
STAT 1100 003 Heather Cook+1 Lecture 3 89 90 267
STAT 1601 001 Evan Bagley Lecture 3 59 60 177
STAT 1601 002 Evan Bagley Lecture 3 90 90 270
STAT 1601 003 Evan Bagley Lecture 3 48 48 144
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 6 363 378 1089 60.5 24.1 32 90 63.0 21.6 45 90
Overall 6 363 378 1089

2000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
STAT 2020 001 Rebecca Hehn Lecture 4 83 85 332
STAT 2020 002 Maria Ferrara Lecture 4 83 85 332
STAT 2020 003 Rebecca Hehn Lecture 4 90 85 360
STAT 2020 004 Rebecca Hehn Lecture 4 85 85 340
STAT 2020 101 Maria Ferrara+1 Laboratory 0 86 85 0
STAT 2020 102 Maria Ferrara+1 Laboratory 0 84 85 0
STAT 2020 103 Maria Ferrara+1 Laboratory 0 85 85 0
STAT 2020 104 Maria Ferrara+1 Laboratory 0 86 85 0
STAT 2120 001 Jeffrey Woo Lecture 4 231 234 924
STAT 2120 002 Jeffrey Woo Lecture 4 146 165 584
STAT 2120 003 Jeffrey Woo Lecture 4 167 165 668
STAT 2120 101 Jeffrey Woo Laboratory 0 93 94 0
STAT 2120 102 Jeffrey Woo Laboratory 0 93 94 0
STAT 2120 103 Jeffrey Woo Laboratory 0 94 94 0
STAT 2120 104 Jeffrey Woo Laboratory 0 94 94 0
STAT 2120 105 Jeffrey Woo Laboratory 0 93 94 0
STAT 2120 106 Jeffrey Woo Laboratory 0 77 94 0
STAT 2559 001 Gretchen Martinet Lecture 1 11 16 11
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 8 896 920 3551 112.0 67.0 11 231 115.0 68.2 16 234
Laboratory 10 885 904 0 88.5 5.8 77 94 90.4 4.6 85 94
Overall 18 1781 1824 3551

3000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
STAT 3080 001 Gretchen Martinet Lecture 3 90 90 270
STAT 3080 002 Gretchen Martinet Lecture 3 90 90 270
STAT 3080 003 Gretchen Martinet Lecture 3 86 90 258
STAT 3120 001 Taylor Brown Lecture 3 60 60 180
STAT 3120 002 Taylor Brown Lecture 3 55 60 165
STAT 3220 001 Krista Varanyak Lecture 3 52 60 156
STAT 3220 002 Krista Varanyak Lecture 3 54 60 162
STAT 3220 003 Krista Varanyak Lecture 3 32 60 96
STAT 3480 001 Justin Weinstock+1 Lecture 3 29 45 87
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 9 548 615 1644 60.9 23.3 29 90 68.3 17.0 45 90
Overall 9 548 615 1644

4000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
STAT 4220 001 Caitlin Steiner Lecture 3 38 50 114
STAT 4220 002 Maria Ferrara Lecture 3 30 40 90
STAT 4220 003 Maria Ferrara Lecture 3 26 40 78
STAT 4310 001 Jordan Rodu Lecture 3 61 45 183
STAT 4559 001 Jeffrey Holt Lecture 3 13 15 39
STAT 4993 003 Jeffrey Holt Independent Study 1 - 4 1 30 1
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 5 168 190 504 33.6 17.8 13 61 38.0 13.5 15 50
Independent Study 1 1 30 1 1.0 0.0 1 1 30.0 0.0 30 30
Overall 6 169 220 505

5000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
STAT 5120 001 Chao Du Lecture 3 39 40 117
STAT 5140 001 Jianhui Zhou Lecture 3 32 35 96
STAT 5170 001 Daniel Keenan Lecture 3 50 55 150
STAT 5330 001 Xiwei Tang Lecture 3 49 60 147
STAT 5430 001 Taylor Brown Lecture 3 40 55 120
STAT 5630 001 Jordan Rodu Lecture 3 84 95 252
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 6 294 340 882 49.0 18.4 32 84 56.7 21.1 35 95
Overall 6 294 340 882

6000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
STAT 6021 001 Dan Spitzner Lecture 3 47 50 141
STAT 6021 002 Dan Spitzner Lecture 3 20 30 60
STAT 6120 001 Tianxi Li Lecture 3 41 45 123
STAT 6190 001 Chao Du Lecture 3 43 45 129
STAT 6510 001 Jianhui Zhou Lecture 1 5 10 5
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 5 156 180 458 31.2 18.0 5 47 36.0 16.4 10 50
Overall 5 156 180 458

7000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
STAT 7995 001 Karen Kafadar Lecture 3 19 35 57
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 1 19 35 57 19.0 0.0 19 19 35.0 0.0 35 35
Overall 1 19 35 57

8000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Overall 0 0 0 0

9000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
STAT 9999 001 Jeffrey Holt Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
STAT 9999 003 Dan Spitzner Independent Study 1 - 12 2 30 2
STAT 9999 004 Tingting Zhang Independent Study 1 - 12 8 30 8
STAT 9999 005 Jianhui Zhou Independent Study 1 - 12 4 30 4
STAT 9999 006 Daniel Keenan Independent Study 1 - 12 2 30 2
STAT 9999 007 Karen Kafadar Independent Study 1 - 12 3 30 3
STAT 9999 008 Chao Du Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Independent Study 7 20 210 20 2.9 2.6 0 8 30.0 0.0 30 30
Overall 7 20 210 20

1000-2999 Classes (All Lower Division Undergraduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 14 1259 1298 4640 89.9 57.8 11 231 92.7 58.3 16 234
Laboratory 10 885 904 0 88.5 5.8 77 94 90.4 4.6 85 94
Total 24 2144 2202 4640

3000-4999 Classes (All Upper Division Undergraduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 14 716 805 2148 51.1 24.8 13 90 57.5 21.5 15 90
Independent Study 1 1 30 1 1.0 0.0 1 1 30.0 0.0 30 30
Total 15 717 835 2149

5000-9999 Classes (All Graduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 12 469 555 1397 39.1 19.8 5 84 46.2 20.5 10 95
Independent Study 7 20 210 20 2.9 2.6 0 8 30.0 0.0 30 30
Total 19 489 765 1417

1000-9999 Classes (All Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 40 2444 2658 8185 61.1 43.7 5 231 66.5 42.5 10 234
Laboratory 10 885 904 0 88.5 5.8 77 94 90.4 4.6 85 94
Independent Study 8 21 240 21 2.6 2.5 0 8 30.0 0.0 30 30
Total 58 3350 3802 8206