UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Summary Information - Complete Schedule for the East Asian Studies Program - Fall 2017
These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time
These pages present data mined from the University of Virginia's student information system (SIS). — Lou Bloomfield, Department of Physics

I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics

This summary information page is a new feature and your comments, suggestions, bug reports, and other constructive criticism are welcome. -- Lou (8/6/2014)
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1000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
CHIN 1010 001 Ran Zhao Lecture 4 19 20 76
CHIN 1010 002 Ran Zhao+1 Lecture 4 20 20 80
CHIN 1010 003 Yupeng Kou Lecture 4 12 20 48
CHIN 1010 004 Xingguo Huang Lecture 4 14 20 56
CHIN 1010 005 Yupeng Kou Lecture 4 14 20 56
CHIN 1060 001 Ying Gao Lecture 4 17 20 68
EAST 1010 001 Jack Chen Lecture 3 100 100 300
HIEA 1501 001 Cong Zhang Seminar 3 14 15 42
HIEA 1501 002 Xiaoyuan Liu Seminar 3 13 15 39
JAPN 1010 001 Tomoko Marshall Lecture 4 15 20 60
JAPN 1010 002 Tomoko Marshall Lecture 4 17 20 68
JAPN 1010 003 Tomoko Marshall Lecture 4 17 20 68
JAPN 1010 004 Tomomi Sato Lecture 4 16 20 64
KOR 1010 001 Yoon Hwa Choi Lecture 4 21 20 84
KOR 1010 002 Yoon Hwa Choi Lecture 4 20 20 80
RELG 1040 100 Michael Allen Lecture 3 149 170 447
RELG 1040 101 Syed Moulvi Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 1040 102 Michael Nilon Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 1040 103 Michael Nilon Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 1040 104 Michael Nilon Discussion 0 19 20 0
RELG 1040 105 Michael Nilon Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 1040 106 Michael Nilon Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELG 1040 107 Syed Moulvi Discussion 0 10 20 0
RELG 1040 108 Syed Moulvi Discussion 0 20 20 0
TBTN 1010 001 Franziska Oertle Lecture 4 1 12 4
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 15 452 522 1559 30.1 39.7 1 149 34.8 42.8 12 170
Discussion 8 149 160 0 18.6 3.5 10 20 20.0 0.0 20 20
Seminar 2 27 30 81 13.5 0.7 13 14 15.0 0.0 15 15
Overall 25 628 712 1640

2000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
CHIN 2010 001 Ying Gao Lecture 4 12 15 48
CHIN 2010 002 Ying Gao Lecture 4 13 15 52
CHIN 2010 003 Xingguo Huang Lecture 4 9 15 36
CHIN 2010 004 Shu-Chen Chen Lecture 4 10 15 40
CHIN 2010 005 Shu-Chen Chen Lecture 4 9 15 36
HIEA 2011 001 Cong Zhang Lecture 3 40 40 120
HIEA 2031 100 Bradly Reed Lecture 3 180 180 540
HIEA 2031 101 Hannah Tucker Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIEA 2031 102 Hannah Tucker Discussion 0 22 20 0
HIEA 2031 103 Wu Qu Discussion 0 21 20 0
HIEA 2031 104 Wu Qu Discussion 0 19 19 0
HIEA 2031 105 Adele Mcinerney Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIEA 2031 106 Adele Mcinerney Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIEA 2031 107 Adele Mcinerney Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIEA 2031 108 Hannah Tucker Discussion 0 20 20 0
HIEA 2031 109 Wu Qu Discussion 0 18 20 0
JAPN 2010 001 Mieko Kawai Lecture 4 14 16 56
JAPN 2010 002 Mieko Kawai Lecture 4 16 16 64
JAPN 2010 003 Mieko Kawai Lecture 4 14 16 56
KOR 2010 001 Junghee Kim Lecture 4 12 15 48
KOR 2010 002 Junghee Kim Lecture 4 14 15 56
RELB 2054 100 Flavio Geisshuesler Lecture 3 121 120 363
RELB 2054 101 Adam Liddle Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELB 2054 102 Adam Liddle Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELB 2054 103 Devin Zuckerman Discussion 0 19 20 0
RELB 2054 104 Devin Zuckerman Discussion 0 22 20 0
RELB 2054 105 Adam Liddle Discussion 0 21 20 0
RELB 2054 106 Devin Zuckerman Discussion 0 19 20 0
RELB 2900 100 Erik Braun Lecture 3 58 60 174
RELB 2900 101 Miguel Sawaya Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELB 2900 102 Miguel Sawaya Discussion 0 20 20 0
RELB 2900 103 Miguel Sawaya Discussion 0 18 20 0
TBTN 2010 001(CS) Franziska Oertle Lecture 4 3 5 12
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 15 525 558 1701 35.0 50.1 3 180 37.2 49.0 5 180
Discussion 18 359 359 0 19.9 1.1 18 22 19.9 0.2 19 20
Overall 33 884 917 1701

3000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
AMST 3180 001(CS) Sylvia Chong Lecture 3 26 23 78
ANTH 3630 001(CS) John Shepherd Lecture 3 9 30 27
ARH 3601 001(CS) Yunsheng Huang Lecture 3 10 25 30
CHIN 3010 001 Shu-Chen Chen Lecture 3 13 15 39
CHIN 3010 002 Yupeng Kou Lecture 3 9 15 27
CHIN 3010 003 Miao-Fen Tseng Lecture 3 7 15 21
CHIN 3015 001 Yupeng Kou Lecture 1 13 20 13
CHIN 3050 001 Ran Zhao Seminar 3 16 16 48
CHTR 3020 001(CS) Charles Laughlin Lecture 3 20 28 60
CHTR 3122 001(CS) Mark Metcalf Seminar 3 17 19 51
HIEA 3321 001 Xiaoyuan Liu Lecture 3 46 48 138
JAPN 3010 001 Tomomi Sato Lecture 3 8 15 24
JAPN 3010 002 Tomomi Sato Lecture 3 6 15 18
JAPN 3015 001 Tomomi Sato Lecture 1 10 20 10
JPTR 3010 001(CS) Gustav Heldt Lecture 3 21 28 63
JPTR 3100 001(CS) Gustav Heldt Seminar 3 18 18 54
JPTR 3559 001(CS) Miyabi Goto Seminar 3 5 15 15
KOR 3010 001 Junghee Kim Lecture 3 10 15 30
KOR 3015 001 Yoon Hwa Choi Lecture 1 10 30 10
RELB 3408 001 Franziska Oertle Seminar 3 12 18 36
RELB 3559 001 Natasha Heller Seminar 3 26 40 78
RELB 3655 001 Erik Braun Seminar 3 30 30 90
TBTN 3010 001(CS) Franziska Oertle Lecture 3 0 2 0
TBTN 3030 001(CS) Franziska Oertle Lecture 3 3 7 9
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 17 221 351 597 13.0 10.7 0 46 20.6 10.6 2 48
Seminar 7 124 156 372 17.7 8.3 5 30 22.3 9.3 15 40
Overall 24 345 507 969

4000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
CHIN 4010 001 Hsin Liang Lecture 3 10 12 30
CHIN 4010 002 Hsin Liang Lecture 3 8 12 24
CHIN 4830 001 Jack Chen Lecture 3 8 12 24
CHTR 4991 001 Charles Laughlin Seminar 1 1 10 1
EAST 4991 001 Jack Chen Seminar 1 1 10 1
HIEA 4501 001 Bradly Reed Seminar 4 13 15 52
JAPN 4800 001 Miyabi Goto Lecture 3 5 10 15
JPTR 4991 001 Gustav Heldt Seminar 1 1 30 1
KOR 4010 001 Yoon Hwa Choi Lecture 3 8 12 24
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 5 39 58 117 7.8 1.8 5 10 11.6 0.9 10 12
Seminar 4 16 65 55 4.0 6.0 1 13 16.2 9.5 10 30
Overall 9 55 123 172

5000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
CHIN 5810 001 Hsin Liang Lecture 3 10 12 30
CHTR 5020 001(CS) Charles Laughlin Lecture 3 2 2 6
CHTR 5122 001(CS) Mark Metcalf Seminar 3 1 1 3
JPTR 5010 001(CS) Gustav Heldt Lecture 3 2 2 6
JPTR 5100 001(CS) Gustav Heldt Seminar 3 1 2 3
JPTR 5559 001(CS) Miyabi Goto Seminar 1 - 4 1 1 1
RELB 5470 001(CS) Steven Weinberger Seminar 3 2 3 6
RELB 5800 001(CS) Steven Weinberger Seminar 3 2 3 6
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 3 14 16 42 4.7 4.6 2 10 5.3 5.8 2 12
Seminar 5 7 10 19 1.4 0.5 1 2 2.0 1.0 1 3
Overall 8 21 26 61

6000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Overall 0 0 0 0

7000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
ANTH 7630 001(CS) John Shepherd Lecture 3 2 5 6
ARH 7601 001(CS) Yunsheng Huang Lecture 3 9 5 27
ARH 7602 001(CS) Yunsheng Huang Lecture 3 8 4 24
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 3 19 14 57 6.3 3.8 2 9 4.7 0.6 4 5
Overall 3 19 14 57

8000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
RELB 8230 003 Steven Weinberger Seminar 3 1 2 3
RELB 8706 001 Kurtis Schaeffer Seminar 3 6 20 18
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Seminar 2 7 22 21 3.5 3.5 1 6 11.0 12.7 2 20
Overall 2 7 22 21

9000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Overall 0 0 0 0

1000-2999 Classes (All Lower Division Undergraduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 30 977 1080 3260 32.6 44.5 1 180 36.0 45.2 5 180
Discussion 26 508 519 0 19.5 2.2 10 22 20.0 0.2 19 20
Seminar 2 27 30 81 13.5 0.7 13 14 15.0 0.0 15 15
Total 58 1512 1629 3341

3000-4999 Classes (All Upper Division Undergraduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 22 260 409 714 11.8 9.6 0 46 18.6 10.0 2 48
Seminar 11 140 221 427 12.7 10.0 1 30 20.1 9.4 10 40
Total 33 400 630 1141

5000-9999 Classes (All Graduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 6 33 30 99 5.5 3.9 2 10 5.0 3.7 2 12
Seminar 7 14 32 40 2.0 1.8 1 6 4.6 6.9 1 20
Total 13 47 62 139

1000-9999 Classes (All Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 58 1270 1519 4073 21.9 34.2 0 180 26.2 34.6 2 180
Discussion 26 508 519 0 19.5 2.2 10 22 20.0 0.2 19 20
Seminar 20 181 283 548 9.1 9.1 1 30 14.2 10.7 1 40
Total 104 1959 2321 4621