UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Summary Information - Schedule of Classes for Media Studies - Fall 2014
These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time
These pages present data mined from the University of Virginia's student information system (SIS). — Lou Bloomfield, Department of Physics

I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics

This summary information page is a new feature and your comments, suggestions, bug reports, and other constructive criticism are welcome. -- Lou (8/6/2014)
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1000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Overall 0 0 0 0

2000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
MDST 2000 100 Andre Cavalcante+1 Lecture 4 247 244 988
MDST 2000 101 Jason Kirby Discussion 4 20 20 80
MDST 2000 102 Michael Wayne Discussion 4 21 21 84
MDST 2000 103 Michael Wayne Discussion 4 20 20 80
MDST 2000 104 Michael Wayne Discussion 4 22 20 88
MDST 2000 105 Jason Kirby Discussion 4 21 20 84
MDST 2000 106 Stephanie Doktor Discussion 4 21 20 84
MDST 2000 107 Stephanie Doktor Discussion 4 21 21 84
MDST 2000 108 Stephanie Doktor Discussion 4 21 21 84
MDST 2000 109 Jason Kirby Discussion 4 19 21 76
MDST 2000 110 Licheng Qian Discussion 4 21 20 84
MDST 2000 111 Licheng Qian Discussion 4 21 21 84
MDST 2000 112 Licheng Qian Discussion 4 19 20 76
MDST 2010 100 Francesca Tripodi Lecture 4 40 40 160
MDST 2010 101 Staff Discussion 4 20 20 80
MDST 2010 102 Staff Discussion 4 20 20 80
MDST 2100 001 Nicholas Rubin Lecture 3 40 40 120
MDST 2200 001 Joseph Arton Lecture 3 30 30 90
MDST 2700 001(CS) Charles Kelly Seminar 3 9 8 27
MDST 2700 002(CS) Charles Kelly Seminar 3 13 8 39
MDST 2810 100(CS) Walter Korte Lecture 3 5 5 15
MDST 2810 101(CS) Walter Korte Laboratory 3 5 5 15
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 5 362 359 1373 72.4 98.6 5 247 71.8 97.3 5 244
Discussion 14 287 285 1148 20.5 0.9 19 22 20.4 0.5 20 21
Laboratory 1 5 5 15 5.0 0.0 5 5 5.0 0.0 5 5
Seminar 2 22 16 66 11.0 2.8 9 13 8.0 0.0 8 8
Overall 22 676 665 2602

3000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
MDST 3000 001 Aniko Bodroghkozy Lecture 3 19 15 57
MDST 3050 001 Aniko Bodroghkozy Lecture 3 78 80 234
MDST 3104 001 Jennifer Petersen Seminar 3 29 30 87
MDST 3140 100(CS) Paul Freedman Lecture 3 16 12 48
MDST 3140 101(CS) John York Discussion 3 1 20 3
MDST 3140 102(CS) John York Discussion 3 1 20 3
MDST 3140 103(CS) John York Discussion 3 3 20 9
MDST 3140 104(CS) Charlotte Tidrick Discussion 3 1 20 3
MDST 3140 105(CS) John York Discussion 3 0 20 0
MDST 3140 106(CS) Charlotte Tidrick Discussion 3 3 20 9
MDST 3140 107(CS) Alexander Welch Discussion 3 3 20 9
MDST 3140 108(CS) Alexander Welch Discussion 3 1 20 3
MDST 3140 109(CS) Alexander Welch Discussion 3 1 20 3
MDST 3140 110(CS) Alexander Welch Discussion 3 1 20 3
MDST 3140 111(CS) Charlotte Tidrick Discussion 3 0 20 0
MDST 3140 112(CS) Charlotte Tidrick Discussion 3 1 20 3
MDST 3202 001 Jane Friedman Seminar 3 27 30 81
MDST 3206 001 Jennifer Petersen Seminar 3 32 30 96
MDST 3300 001 Christopher Ali Lecture 3 20 20 60
MDST 3405 001 Christopher Ali Seminar 3 77 80 231
MDST 3406 001 Bruce Williams Lecture 3 53 45 159
MDST 3502 001 Joseph Arton Seminar 3 30 30 90
MDST 3504 001(CS) Benedetta Lomi Seminar 3 5 5 15
MDST 3505 001(CS) John Hamilton Seminar 3 5 5 15
MDST 3559 002(CS) Michael Wellmon Seminar 3 29 30 87
MDST 3640 001 William Little Seminar 3 32 30 96
MDST 3650 001 William Little Seminar 3 31 30 93
MDST 3703 001(CS) Rafael Alvarado Seminar 3 20 20 60
MDST 3800 001 William Little Independent Study 1 12 10 12
MDST 3830 100(CS) Walter Korte Lecture 3 4 5 12
MDST 3830 101(CS) Walter Korte Laboratory 3 4 4 12
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 6 190 177 570 31.7 28.0 4 78 29.5 28.3 5 80
Discussion 12 16 240 48 1.3 1.1 0 3 20.0 0.0 20 20
Laboratory 1 4 4 12 4.0 0.0 4 4 4.0 0.0 4 4
Seminar 11 317 320 951 28.8 18.9 5 77 29.1 19.6 5 80
Independent Study 1 12 10 12 12.0 0.0 12 12 10.0 0.0 10 10
Overall 31 539 751 1593

4000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
MDST 4000 001 William Little Seminar 3 5 15 15
MDST 4108 001 Hector Amaya Seminar 3 21 20 63
MDST 4200 001(CS) Andrea Press Seminar 3 19 16 57
MDST 4280 001(CS) Douglas Blackmon Seminar 3 9 16 27
MDST 4290 001(CS) Douglas Blackmon Seminar 3 1 3 3
MDST 4559 001 Aynne Kokas Seminar 3 14 20 42
MDST 4559 002 Aynne Kokas Seminar 3 19 20 57
MDST 4559 004(CS) Claire Raymond Seminar 3 7 5 21
MDST 4801 001 William Reifenberger Lecture 3 12 12 36
MDST 4900 001 William Little Seminar 1 - 4 3 20 3
MDST 4960 001 Bruce Williams Seminar 3 2 3 6
MDST 4960 002 Christopher Ali Seminar 3 0 10 0
MDST 4960 003 Hector Amaya Seminar 3 0 3 0
MDST 4960 004 Aniko Bodroghkozy Seminar 3 0 3 0
MDST 4960 005 Andrea Press Seminar 3 1 3 3
MDST 4960 006 Jennifer Petersen Seminar 3 0 3 0
MDST 4960 007 William Little Seminar 3 0 3 0
MDST 4960 008 Andre Cavalcante Seminar 3 1 3 3
MDST 4970 001 Bruce Williams+1 Independent Study 3 0 30 0
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 1 12 12 36 12.0 0.0 12 12 12.0 0.0 12 12
Seminar 17 102 166 300 6.0 7.6 0 21 9.8 7.6 3 20
Independent Study 1 0 30 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 30.0 0.0 30 30
Overall 19 114 208 336

5000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
MDST 5501 001(CS) Staff Lecture 1 - 4 0 5 0
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 1 0 5 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 5.0 0.0 5 5
Overall 1 0 5 0

6000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Overall 0 0 0 0

7000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
MDST 7703 001(CS) Rafael Alvarado Seminar 3 1 5 3
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Seminar 1 1 5 3 1.0 0.0 1 1 5.0 0.0 5 5
Overall 1 1 5 3

8000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Overall 0 0 0 0

9000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Overall 0 0 0 0

1000-2999 Classes (All Lower Division Undergraduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 5 362 359 1373 72.4 98.6 5 247 71.8 97.3 5 244
Discussion 14 287 285 1148 20.5 0.9 19 22 20.4 0.5 20 21
Laboratory 1 5 5 15 5.0 0.0 5 5 5.0 0.0 5 5
Seminar 2 22 16 66 11.0 2.8 9 13 8.0 0.0 8 8
Total 22 676 665 2602

3000-4999 Classes (All Upper Division Undergraduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 7 202 189 606 28.9 26.6 4 78 27.0 26.6 5 80
Discussion 12 16 240 48 1.3 1.1 0 3 20.0 0.0 20 20
Laboratory 1 4 4 12 4.0 0.0 4 4 4.0 0.0 4 4
Seminar 28 419 486 1251 15.0 17.2 0 77 17.4 16.4 3 80
Independent Study 2 12 40 12 6.0 8.5 0 12 20.0 14.1 10 30
Total 50 653 959 1929

5000-9999 Classes (All Graduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 1 0 5 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 5.0 0.0 5 5
Seminar 1 1 5 3 1.0 0.0 1 1 5.0 0.0 5 5
Total 2 1 10 3

1000-9999 Classes (All Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 13 564 553 1979 43.4 65.0 0 247 42.5 64.2 5 244
Discussion 26 303 525 1196 11.7 9.8 0 22 20.2 0.4 20 21
Laboratory 2 9 9 27 4.5 0.7 4 5 4.5 0.7 4 5
Seminar 31 442 507 1320 14.3 16.5 0 77 16.4 15.9 3 80
Independent Study 2 12 40 12 6.0 8.5 0 12 20.0 14.1 10 30
Total 74 1330 1634 4534