UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Summary Information - Complete Schedule for the Applied Mathematics Department - Fall 2014
These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time
These pages present data mined from the University of Virginia's student information system (SIS). — Lou Bloomfield, Department of Physics

I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics

This summary information page is a new feature and your comments, suggestions, bug reports, and other constructive criticism are welcome. -- Lou (8/6/2014)
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1000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
APMA 1090 001 William Johnson Lecture 4 52 55 208
APMA 1090 002 Hui Ma Lecture 4 57 55 228
APMA 1110 001 Eduardo Socolovsky Lecture 4 37 55 148
APMA 1110 002 Monika Abramenko Lecture 4 53 55 212
APMA 1110 003 Stacie Pisano Lecture 4 55 55 220
APMA 1110 004 Stacie Pisano Lecture 4 54 55 216
APMA 1110 005 Eduardo Socolovsky Lecture 4 52 55 208
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 7 360 385 1440 51.4 6.6 37 57 55.0 0.0 55 55
Overall 7 360 385 1440

2000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
APMA 2120 001 Manouchehr Mohajeri Lecture 4 63 55 252
APMA 2120 002 Bernard Fulgham Lecture 4 54 55 216
APMA 2120 003 Bernard Fulgham Lecture 4 44 55 176
APMA 2120 004 Hui Ma Lecture 4 53 55 212
APMA 2120 005 Manouchehr Mohajeri Lecture 4 58 55 232
APMA 2120 006 Hui Ma Lecture 4 50 55 200
APMA 2120 007 Paul Bourdon Lecture 4 34 55 136
APMA 2130 001 Diana Morris Lecture 4 60 55 240
APMA 2130 002 Zongli Lin Lecture 4 52 55 208
APMA 2130 003 Diana Morris Lecture 4 60 55 240
APMA 2130 004 John Dorning Lecture 4 46 48 184
APMA 2130 005 John Dorning Lecture 4 37 48 148
APMA 2130 006 Bernard Fulgham Lecture 4 53 55 212
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 13 664 701 2656 51.1 8.8 34 63 53.9 2.6 48 55
Overall 13 664 701 2656

3000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
APMA 3080 001 Monika Abramenko Lecture 3 52 55 156
APMA 3080 002 Wu-Seng Lung Lecture 3 49 55 147
APMA 3080 003 Monika Abramenko Lecture 3 57 55 171
APMA 3100 001 Daria Snider Lecture 3 45 48 135
APMA 3100 002 Daria Snider Lecture 3 44 48 132
APMA 3100 003 Daria Snider Lecture 3 41 48 123
APMA 3110 001 Diana Morris Lecture 3 55 55 165
APMA 3110 002 Stacie Pisano Lecture 3 54 55 162
APMA 3110 003 Gianluca Guadagni Lecture 3 48 55 144
APMA 3110 004 Gianluca Guadagni Lecture 3 48 55 144
APMA 3110 005 Gianluca Guadagni Lecture 3 13 55 39
APMA 3120 001 James Lark Lecture 3 45 55 135
APMA 3120 002 James Lark Lecture 3 54 55 162
APMA 3140 001 Ryan Johnson Lecture 3 65 48 195
APMA 3340 001 Rajinder Mavi Lecture 3 6 0 18
APMA 3501 001(CS) Malathi Veeraraghavan Lecture 4 4 10 16
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 16 680 752 2044 42.5 18.3 4 65 47.0 16.8 0 55
Overall 16 680 752 2044

4000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Overall 0 0 0 0

5000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Overall 0 0 0 0

6000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
APMA 6410 001(CS) Gianluca Guadagni Lecture 3 18 20 54
APMA 6548 001(CS) John Dorning Lecture 3 16 20 48
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 2 34 40 102 17.0 1.4 16 18 20.0 0.0 20 20
Overall 2 34 40 102

7000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Overall 0 0 0 0

8000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
APMA 8897 001 Houston Wood Independent Study 1 - 12 4 30 4
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Independent Study 1 4 30 4 4.0 0.0 4 4 30.0 0.0 30 30
Overall 1 4 30 4

9000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
APMA 9897 001 Houston Wood Independent Study 1 - 12 9 20 9
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Independent Study 1 9 20 9 9.0 0.0 9 9 20.0 0.0 20 20
Overall 1 9 20 9

1000-2999 Classes (All Lower Division Undergraduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 20 1024 1086 4096 51.2 7.9 34 63 54.3 2.2 48 55
Total 20 1024 1086 4096

3000-4999 Classes (All Upper Division Undergraduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 16 680 752 2044 42.5 18.3 4 65 47.0 16.8 0 55
Total 16 680 752 2044

5000-9999 Classes (All Graduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 2 34 40 102 17.0 1.4 16 18 20.0 0.0 20 20
Independent Study 2 13 50 13 6.5 3.5 4 9 25.0 7.1 20 30
Total 4 47 90 115

1000-9999 Classes (All Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 38 1738 1878 6242 45.7 15.3 4 65 49.4 13.4 0 55
Independent Study 2 13 50 13 6.5 3.5 4 9 25.0 7.1 20 30
Total 40 1751 1928 6255