UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Summary Information - Complete Schedule for the Computer Science Program - Spring 2014
These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time
These pages present data mined from the University of Virginia's student information system (SIS). — Lou Bloomfield, Department of Physics

I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics

This summary information page is a new feature and your comments, suggestions, bug reports, and other constructive criticism are welcome. -- Lou (8/6/2014)
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1000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
CS 1010 001 Andrew Frye+1 Lecture 3 141 138 423
CS 1110 001 Luther Tychonievich Lecture 3 183 275 549
CS 1110 002 Luther Tychonievich Lecture 3 317 315 951
CS 1110 100 Luther Tychonievich Laboratory 0 46 46 0
CS 1110 101 Luther Tychonievich Laboratory 0 46 46 0
CS 1110 102 Luther Tychonievich Laboratory 0 46 46 0
CS 1110 103 Luther Tychonievich Laboratory 0 46 46 0
CS 1110 104 Luther Tychonievich Laboratory 0 45 46 0
CS 1110 105 Luther Tychonievich Laboratory 0 46 46 0
CS 1110 106 Luther Tychonievich Laboratory 0 44 46 0
CS 1110 107 Luther Tychonievich Laboratory 0 45 46 0
CS 1110 108 Luther Tychonievich Laboratory 0 45 46 0
CS 1110 109 Luther Tychonievich Laboratory 0 46 46 0
CS 1110 110 Luther Tychonievich Laboratory 0 45 46 0
CS 1111 001 Nada Basit Lecture 3 78 80 234
CS 1112 001 James Cohoon Lecture 3 131 110 393
CS 1501 001 Abhi Shelat Lecture 1 38 60 38
CS 1501 002 Staff Lecture 1 0 30 0
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 7 888 1008 2588 126.9 104.8 0 317 144.0 109.3 30 315
Laboratory 11 500 506 0 45.5 0.7 44 46 46.0 0.0 46 46
Overall 18 1388 1514 2588

2000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
CS 2102 001 John Knight Lecture 3 92 94 276
CS 2102 002 David Edwards Lecture 3 74 75 222
CS 2110 001 Nada Basit Lecture 3 110 120 330
CS 2110 002 Nada Basit Lecture 3 107 120 321
CS 2110 101 Nada Basit Laboratory 0 38 40 0
CS 2110 102 Nada Basit Laboratory 0 35 40 0
CS 2110 103 Nada Basit Laboratory 0 76 80 0
CS 2110 104 Nada Basit Laboratory 0 68 80 0
CS 2150 001 Aaron Bloomfield Lecture 3 94 130 282
CS 2150 002 Aaron Bloomfield Lecture 3 119 130 357
CS 2150 101 Aaron Bloomfield Laboratory 0 44 45 0
CS 2150 102 Aaron Bloomfield Laboratory 0 41 45 0
CS 2150 103 Aaron Bloomfield Laboratory 0 36 45 0
CS 2150 104 Aaron Bloomfield Laboratory 0 40 45 0
CS 2150 105 Aaron Bloomfield Laboratory 0 38 45 0
CS 2150 106 Aaron Bloomfield Laboratory 0 14 14 0
CS 2190 001 Thomas Horton Lecture 1 143 132 143
CS 2330 001 Joanne Dugan Lecture 3 0 0 0
CS 2501 001 John Stankovic Lecture 1 - 3 1 30 1
CS 2501 002 Nada Basit Practicum 1 1 30 1
CS 2501 003 Aaron Bloomfield Practicum 1 3 30 3
CS 2501 004 James Cohoon Practicum 1 0 30 0
CS 2501 005 Mark Floryan Practicum 1 0 30 0
CS 2501 006 Thomas Horton Practicum 1 0 30 0
CS 2501 007 Luther Tychonievich Practicum 1 9 30 9
CS 2501 008 Mark Sherriff Practicum 1 - 3 2 30 2
CS 2501 009 Luther Tychonievich Practicum 1 - 3 1 30 1
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 9 740 831 1932 82.2 50.1 0 143 92.3 48.3 0 132
Laboratory 10 430 479 0 43.0 17.4 14 76 47.9 19.4 14 80
Practicum 8 16 240 16 2.0 3.0 0 9 30.0 0.0 30 30
Overall 27 1186 1550 1948

3000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
CS 3102 001 Gabriel Robins Lecture 3 145 145 435
CS 3205 001 Mark Floryan Lecture 3 81 75 243
CS 3240 001 Thomas Horton Lecture 3 80 75 240
CS 3240 002 Thomas Horton Lecture 3 69 50 207
CS 3240 101 Thomas Horton Laboratory 0 47 42 0
CS 3240 102 Thomas Horton Laboratory 0 102 90 0
CS 3330 001 Eduardo Socolovsky Lecture 3 58 60 174
CS 3330 002 Eduardo Socolovsky Laboratory 3 31 30 93
CS 3330 003 Eduardo Socolovsky Laboratory 3 27 30 81
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 5 433 405 1299 86.6 34.0 58 145 81.0 37.3 50 145
Laboratory 4 207 192 174 51.8 34.6 27 102 48.0 28.6 30 90
Overall 9 640 597 1473

4000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
CS 4102 001 Mark Floryan Lecture 3 126 140 378
CS 4102 002 Mark Floryan Lecture 3 82 84 246
CS 4414 001 David Evans Lecture 3 110 115 330
CS 4501 001 Marty Humphrey Lecture 3 64 60 192
CS 4501 002 Kevin Sullivan Lecture 3 43 60 129
CS 4501 003 Mohammad Mahmoody Ghidary Lecture 3 21 70 63
CS 4501 004 Joanne Dugan+2 Lecture 3 20 32 60
CS 4501 005 Staff Lecture 1 - 3 0 40 0
CS 4501 006 Westley Weimer Lecture 2 9 30 18
CS 4610 001 Westley Weimer Lecture 3 46 68 138
CS 4630 001 Jack Davidson Lecture 3 74 80 222
CS 4710 001 Worthy Martin Lecture 3 55 68 165
CS 4720 001 Mark Sherriff Lecture 3 77 72 231
CS 4730 001 Mark Sherriff Lecture 3 61 56 183
CS 4730 100 Mark Sherriff Laboratory 3 30 30 90
CS 4730 101 Mark Sherriff Laboratory 3 31 30 93
CS 4810 001 Luther Tychonievich Lecture 3 53 72 159
CS 4971 001 Aaron Bloomfield Practicum 3 41 50 123
CS 4980 001 Aaron Bloomfield Independent Study 1 - 3 0 30 0
CS 4980 002 James Cohoon Independent Study 1 - 3 1 30 1
CS 4980 003 Jack Davidson Independent Study 1 - 3 1 30 1
CS 4980 004 David Evans Independent Study 1 - 3 2 30 2
CS 4980 005 Mark Floryan Independent Study 1 - 3 4 30 4
CS 4980 006 Andrew Grimshaw Independent Study 1 - 3 0 30 0
CS 4980 007 Sudhanva Gurumurthi Independent Study 1 - 3 0 30 0
CS 4980 008 Thomas Horton Independent Study 1 - 3 2 30 2
CS 4980 009 Marty Humphrey Independent Study 1 - 3 2 30 2
CS 4980 010 John Knight Independent Study 1 - 3 0 30 0
CS 4980 011 Jason Lawrence Independent Study 1 - 3 1 30 1
CS 4980 012 Mohammad Mahmoody Ghidary Independent Study 1 - 3 0 30 0
CS 4980 013 Worthy Martin Independent Study 1 - 3 1 30 1
CS 4980 014 Yanjun Qi Independent Study 1 - 3 1 30 1
CS 4980 015 Gabriel Robins Independent Study 1 - 3 3 30 3
CS 4980 016 Abhi Shelat Independent Study 1 - 3 1 30 1
CS 4980 017 Mark Sherriff Independent Study 1 - 3 3 30 3
CS 4980 018 Kevin Skadron Independent Study 1 - 3 0 30 0
CS 4980 019 Mary Soffa Independent Study 1 - 3 0 30 0
CS 4980 020 John Stankovic Independent Study 1 - 3 2 30 2
CS 4980 021 Kevin Sullivan Independent Study 1 - 3 1 30 1
CS 4980 022 Alfred Weaver Independent Study 1 - 3 0 30 0
CS 4980 023 Westley Weimer Independent Study 1 - 3 0 30 0
CS 4980 024 Cameron Whitehouse Independent Study 1 - 3 0 30 0
CS 4980 025 Connelly Barnes Independent Study 1 - 3 2 30 2
CS 4993 001 Westley Weimer Independent Study 1 - 3 0 10 0
CS 4993 002 Mary Soffa Independent Study 1 - 3 0 10 0
CS 4993 003 Andrew Grimshaw Independent Study 1 - 3 0 10 0
CS 4993 004 Jack Davidson Independent Study 1 - 3 1 10 1
CS 4993 005 John Knight Independent Study 1 - 3 0 10 0
CS 4993 006 Jason Lawrence Independent Study 1 - 3 0 10 0
CS 4993 007 Aaron Bloomfield Independent Study 1 - 3 7 10 7
CS 4993 008 James Cohoon Independent Study 1 - 3 0 10 0
CS 4993 009 Kevin Skadron Independent Study 1 - 3 0 10 0
CS 4993 010 Mark Sherriff Independent Study 1 - 3 0 10 0
CS 4993 011 Kevin Sullivan Independent Study 1 - 3 0 10 0
CS 4993 012 Alfred Weaver Independent Study 1 - 3 0 10 0
CS 4993 013 Thomas Horton Independent Study 1 - 3 1 10 1
CS 4993 014 Cameron Whitehouse Independent Study 1 - 3 0 10 0
CS 4993 015 Abhi Shelat Independent Study 1 - 3 0 10 0
CS 4993 016 Worthy Martin Independent Study 1 - 3 1 10 1
CS 4993 017 Gabriel Robins Independent Study 1 - 3 3 10 3
CS 4993 018 John Stankovic Independent Study 1 - 3 2 10 2
CS 4993 019 Mark Floryan Independent Study 1 - 3 6 10 6
CS 4993 020 Luther Tychonievich Independent Study 1 - 3 0 10 0
CS 4993 021 Nada Basit Independent Study 1 - 3 1 10 1
CS 4993 022 Yanjun Qi Independent Study 1 - 3 0 30 0
CS 4993 023 Marty Humphrey Independent Study 1 - 3 0 30 0
CS 4993 024 Mohammad Mahmoody Ghidary Independent Study 1 - 3 0 30 0
CS 4993 025 David Evans Independent Study 3 3 30 9
CS 4998 001 Westley Weimer Independent Study 3 2 50 6
CS 4998 002 Connelly Barnes Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 003 Nada Basit Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 004 Aaron Bloomfield Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 005 Michele Co Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 006 James Cohoon Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 007 Jack Davidson Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 008 David Evans Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 009 Mark Floryan Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 010 Andrew Grimshaw Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 011 Sudhanva Gurumurthi Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 012 Thomas Horton Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 013 Marty Humphrey Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 014 John Knight Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 015 Jason Lawrence Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 016 Mohammad Mahmoody Ghidary Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 017 Worthy Martin Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 018 Gabriel Robins Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 019 Abhi Shelat Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 020 Mark Sherriff Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 021 Kevin Skadron Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 022 Eduardo Socolovsky Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 023 Mary Soffa Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 024 John Stankovic Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 025 Kevin Sullivan Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 026 Luther Tychonievich Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 027 Alfred Weaver Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 028 Cameron Whitehouse Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 4998 029 Yanjun Qi Independent Study 3 0 30 0
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 15 841 1047 2514 56.1 35.3 0 126 69.8 28.8 30 140
Laboratory 2 61 60 183 30.5 0.7 30 31 30.0 0.0 30 30
Practicum 1 41 50 123 41.0 0.0 41 41 50.0 0.0 50 50
Independent Study 79 54 1970 64 0.7 1.3 0 7 24.9 9.3 10 50
Overall 97 997 3127 2884

5000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Overall 0 0 0 0

6000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
CS 6014 001 Jacalyn Huband+1 Lecture 3 35 48 105
CS 6014 002 Jacalyn Huband Lecture 3 22 30 66
CS 6014 003 Jacalyn Huband+1 Lecture 3 17 32 51
CS 6190 001 Kevin Skadron Lecture 1 0 100 0
CS 6190 002 Staff Lecture 1 0 40 0
CS 6316 001 Laura Barnes Lecture 3 29 40 87
CS 6354 001 John Stankovic+1 Lecture 3 24 30 72
CS 6501 001 Yanjun Qi Lecture 3 11 10 33
CS 6501 002 Connelly Barnes Lecture 3 9 25 27
CS 6501 003 Mary Soffa Lecture 3 16 25 48
CS 6501 004 Abhi Shelat Lecture 3 10 25 30
CS 6501 005 Joanne Dugan+2 Lecture 3 20 32 60
CS 6501 006 Mohammad Mahmoody Ghidary Lecture 3 21 70 63
CS 6993 001 Thomas Horton Independent Study 1 - 12 0 10 0
CS 6993 002 Kevin Skadron Independent Study 1 - 12 0 10 0
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 13 214 507 642 16.5 10.4 0 35 39.0 23.2 10 100
Independent Study 2 0 20 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 10.0 0.0 10 10
Overall 15 214 527 642

7000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
CS 7993 001 Kevin Skadron Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 7993 002 John Stankovic Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 7993 003 Yanjun Qi Independent Study 1 - 12 0 5 0
CS 7995 001 Jack Davidson Independent Study 3 0 10 0
CS 7995 002 David Evans Independent Study 3 1 30 3
CS 7995 004 Connelly Barnes Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 7995 005 Marty Humphrey Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 7995 006 Kevin Skadron Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 7995 007 Mary Soffa Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 7995 008 John Stankovic Independent Study 3 1 30 3
CS 7995 009 John Knight Independent Study 3 1 30 3
CS 7995 010 Westley Weimer Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 7995 011 Sudhanva Gurumurthi Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 7995 012 Jason Lawrence Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 7995 013 Alfred Weaver Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 7995 014 Kevin Sullivan Independent Study 3 2 30 6
CS 7995 015 Abhi Shelat Independent Study 3 0 30 0
CS 7995 016 Andrew Grimshaw Independent Study 3 0 30 0
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Independent Study 18 5 495 15 0.3 0.6 0 2 27.5 7.3 5 30
Overall 18 5 495 15

8000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
CS 8501 001 Abhi Shelat Lecture 3 0 30 0
CS 8524 001 Kevin Sullivan Lecture 1 - 3 0 30 0
CS 8897 001 Jack Davidson Independent Study 1 - 12 1 20 1
CS 8897 002 David Evans Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
CS 8897 003 Mohammad Mahmoody Ghidary Independent Study 1 - 12 0 10 0
CS 8897 004 Connelly Barnes Independent Study 1 - 12 0 10 0
CS 8897 005 Marty Humphrey Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
CS 8897 006 Kevin Skadron Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
CS 8897 007 Mary Soffa Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 8897 008 John Stankovic Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 8897 009 Westley Weimer Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 8897 010 Thomas Horton Independent Study 1 - 12 3 30 3
CS 8897 011 James Cohoon Independent Study 1 - 12 2 30 2
CS 8897 012 Mark Sherriff Independent Study 1 - 12 2 30 2
CS 8897 013 Aaron Bloomfield Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
CS 8897 014 Gabriel Robins Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 8897 015 Yanjun Qi Independent Study 1 - 12 0 10 0
CS 8897 016 Worthy Martin Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 8897 017 John Knight Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 8897 018 Sudhanva Gurumurthi Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 8897 019 Cameron Whitehouse Independent Study 1 - 12 0 10 0
CS 8897 020 Nada Basit Independent Study 1 - 12 5 5 5
CS 8897 021 Eduardo Socolovsky Independent Study 1 - 12 2 5 2
CS 8897 022 Mark Floryan Independent Study 1 - 12 3 5 3
CS 8897 023 Luther Tychonievich Independent Study 1 - 12 0 5 0
CS 8999 001 Cameron Whitehouse Independent Study 1 - 12 4 50 4
CS 8999 002 James Cohoon Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 8999 003 Jack Davidson Independent Study 1 - 12 3 30 3
CS 8999 004 David Evans Independent Study 1 - 12 2 30 2
CS 8999 005 James French Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 8999 006 Andrew Grimshaw Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 8999 007 Sudhanva Gurumurthi Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 8999 009 Thomas Horton Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 8999 010 Marty Humphrey Independent Study 1 - 12 2 30 2
CS 8999 012 John Knight Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 8999 013 Jason Lawrence Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 8999 014 Worthy Martin Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 8999 015 Mohammad Mahmoody Ghidary Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 8999 016 Gabriel Robins Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
CS 8999 017 Abhi Shelat Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 8999 018 Kevin Skadron Independent Study 1 - 12 4 30 4
CS 8999 019 Mary Soffa Independent Study 1 - 12 3 30 3
CS 8999 020 Connelly Barnes Independent Study 1 - 12 2 30 2
CS 8999 021 John Stankovic Independent Study 1 - 12 4 30 4
CS 8999 022 Kevin Sullivan Independent Study 1 - 12 3 30 3
CS 8999 023 Alfred Weaver Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 8999 024 Westley Weimer Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 8999 025 Yanjun Qi Independent Study 1 - 12 2 30 2
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 2 0 60 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 30.0 0.0 30 30
Independent Study 46 52 1210 52 1.1 1.4 0 5 26.3 9.4 5 50
Overall 48 52 1270 52

9000-Level Classes

 Show/Hide Individual Classes
Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
CS 9897 001 James Cohoon Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
CS 9897 002 Aaron Bloomfield Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9897 003 Matthew Cettei Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9897 005 Jack Davidson Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
CS 9897 006 David Evans Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9897 007 James French Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9897 008 Andrew Grimshaw Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9897 009 Worthy Martin Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9897 010 Sudhanva Gurumurthi Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9897 011 Mark Floryan Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9897 012 Thomas Horton Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9897 013 Marty Humphrey Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9897 014 Mohammad Mahmoody Ghidary Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9897 015 John Knight Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
CS 9897 016 Jason Lawrence Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9897 017 Connelly Barnes Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9897 018 Abhi Shelat Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9897 019 Mark Sherriff Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9897 020 Kevin Skadron Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9897 021 Mary Soffa Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9897 022 Yanjun Qi Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9897 023 John Stankovic Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9897 024 Kevin Sullivan Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
CS 9897 025 Alfred Weaver Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9897 026 Westley Weimer Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9897 027 Gabriel Robins Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9897 028 Cameron Whitehouse Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9999 001 Marty Humphrey Independent Study 1 - 12 1 50 1
CS 9999 002 Cameron Whitehouse Independent Study 1 - 12 2 30 2
CS 9999 003 Alfred Weaver Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
CS 9999 004 John Stankovic Independent Study 1 - 12 4 30 4
CS 9999 005 Jason Lawrence Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9999 006 James Cohoon Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9999 007 Jack Davidson Independent Study 1 - 12 4 30 4
CS 9999 008 David Evans Independent Study 1 - 12 3 30 3
CS 9999 009 James French Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9999 010 Andrew Grimshaw Independent Study 1 - 12 4 30 4
CS 9999 011 Sudhanva Gurumurthi Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
CS 9999 012 Mohammad Mahmoody Ghidary Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
CS 9999 013 Connelly Barnes Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9999 014 John Knight Independent Study 1 - 12 2 30 2
CS 9999 015 Worthy Martin Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
CS 9999 016 Yanjun Qi Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9999 017 Gabriel Robins Independent Study 1 - 12 2 30 2
CS 9999 018 Abhi Shelat Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
CS 9999 019 Kevin Skadron Independent Study 1 - 12 3 30 3
CS 9999 020 Mary Soffa Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9999 022 Kevin Sullivan Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
CS 9999 023 Westley Weimer Independent Study 1 - 12 2 30 2
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Independent Study 49 36 1490 36 0.7 1.2 0 4 30.4 2.9 30 50
Overall 49 36 1490 36

1000-2999 Classes (All Lower Division Undergraduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 16 1628 1839 4520 101.8 79.1 0 317 114.9 82.0 0 315
Laboratory 21 930 985 0 44.3 11.8 14 76 46.9 13.0 14 80
Practicum 8 16 240 16 2.0 3.0 0 9 30.0 0.0 30 30
Total 45 2574 3064 4536

3000-4999 Classes (All Upper Division Undergraduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 20 1274 1452 3813 63.7 36.7 0 145 72.6 30.4 30 145
Laboratory 6 268 252 357 44.7 29.0 27 102 42.0 24.0 30 90
Practicum 1 41 50 123 41.0 0.0 41 41 50.0 0.0 50 50
Independent Study 79 54 1970 64 0.7 1.3 0 7 24.9 9.3 10 50
Total 106 1637 3724 4357

5000-9999 Classes (All Graduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 15 214 567 642 14.3 11.2 0 35 37.8 21.7 10 100
Independent Study 115 93 3215 103 0.8 1.2 0 5 28.0 7.5 5 50
Total 130 307 3782 745

1000-9999 Classes (All Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 51 3116 3858 8975 61.1 60.1 0 317 75.6 58.6 0 315
Laboratory 27 1198 1237 357 44.4 16.4 14 102 45.8 15.7 14 90
Practicum 9 57 290 139 6.3 13.3 0 41 32.2 6.7 30 50
Independent Study 194 147 5185 167 0.8 1.3 0 7 26.7 8.4 5 50
Total 281 4518 10570 9638