UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Summary Information - Complete Schedule of Classes for the McIntire School of Commerce - Spring 2011
These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time
These pages present data mined from the University of Virginia's student information system (SIS). — Lou Bloomfield, Department of Physics

I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics

This summary information page is a new feature and your comments, suggestions, bug reports, and other constructive criticism are welcome. -- Lou (8/6/2014)
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1000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
COMM 1800 1(CS) Robert Kemp Lecture 3 312 300 936
COMM 1800 2(CS) Robert Kemp Lecture 3 308 300 924
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 2 620 600 1860 310.0 2.8 308 312 300.0 0.0 300 300
Overall 2 620 600 1860

2000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
COMM 2000 1(CS) Rebecca Leonard Lecture 1 30 20 30
COMM 2010 1(CS) Mary Erickson Lecture 3 115 140 345
COMM 2010 2(CS) Mary Erickson Lecture 3 120 140 360
COMM 2010 3(CS) Mary Erickson Lecture 3 110 140 330
COMM 2020 1(CS) Patrick Wilkie Lecture 3 99 140 297
COMM 2020 2(CS) Patrick Wilkie Lecture 3 141 140 423
COMM 2020 3(CS) Patrick Wilkie Lecture 3 131 140 393
COMM 2600 1(CS) Barbara Badman+2 Lecture 3 93 75 279
COMM 2730 1(CS) Karin Bonding Lecture 3 106 110 318
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 9 945 1045 2775 105.0 31.9 30 141 116.1 42.4 20 140
Overall 9 945 1045 2775

3000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
COMM 3040 1(CS) Gary Ballinger+2 Lecture 4.5 31 41 139.5
COMM 3040 2(CS) Gary Ballinger+2 Lecture 4.5 42 42 189
COMM 3040 3(CS) Jeremy Marcel+2 Lecture 4.5 37 41 166.5
COMM 3040 4(CS) Jeremy Marcel+2 Lecture 4.5 35 41 157.5
COMM 3040 5(CS) Adelaide King+2 Lecture 4.5 38 43 171
COMM 3040 6(CS) Adelaide King+2 Lecture 4.5 36 43 162
COMM 3040 7(CS) Andrew Hess+2 Lecture 4.5 35 40 157.5
COMM 3040 8(CS) Andrew Hess+2 Lecture 4.5 36 41 162
COMM 3050 1(CS) Gary Ballinger Lecture 3 31 41 93
COMM 3050 2(CS) Gary Ballinger Lecture 3 42 42 126
COMM 3050 3(CS) William Kehoe Lecture 3 37 41 111
COMM 3050 4(CS) William Kehoe Lecture 3 35 41 105
COMM 3050 5(CS) Gigi Kelly Lecture 3 37 43 111
COMM 3050 6(CS) Gigi Kelly Lecture 3 36 43 108
COMM 3050 7(CS) Gayle Erwin Lecture 3 35 40 105
COMM 3050 8(CS) Gayle Erwin Lecture 3 36 40 108
COMM 3060 1(CS) Anthony Baglioni Lecture 1.5 31 41 46.5
COMM 3060 2(CS) Anthony Baglioni Lecture 1.5 42 42 63
COMM 3060 3(CS) Anthony Baglioni Lecture 1.5 37 41 55.5
COMM 3060 4(CS) Anthony Baglioni Lecture 1.5 35 41 52.5
COMM 3060 5(CS) Cynthia Fraser Lecture 1.5 38 43 57
COMM 3060 6(CS) Cynthia Fraser Lecture 1.5 36 43 54
COMM 3060 7(CS) Cynthia Fraser Lecture 1.5 35 40 52.5
COMM 3060 8(CS) Cynthia Fraser Lecture 1.5 36 41 54
COMM 3120 2(CS) Craig Lefanowicz Lecture 3 39 35 117
COMM 3120 3(CS) Mary Middleton Lecture 3 26 35 78
COMM 3120 4(CS) Craig Lefanowicz Lecture 3 31 35 93
COMM 3330 1(CS) David Mick Lecture 3 30 30 90
COMM 3330 2(CS) David Mick Lecture 3 48 30 144
COMM 3330 3(CS) David Mick Lecture 3 37 30 111
COMM 3410 1(CS) John Wheeler Lecture 3 65 50 195
COMM 3410 2(CS) John Wheeler Lecture 3 186 100 558
COMM 3410 3(CS) John Wheeler Lecture 3 187 100 561
COMM 3420 1(CS) John Wheeler Lecture 3 126 169 378
COMM 3610 1(CS) Tom Bateman Lecture 3 30 30 90
COMM 3720 1(CS) Carola Schenone Lecture 3 20 38 60
COMM 3720 2(CS) Carola Schenone Lecture 3 34 38 102
COMM 3720 3(CS) David Smith Lecture 3 46 38 138
COMM 3720 4(CS) David Smith Lecture 3 48 38 144
COMM 3720 5(CS) David Smith Lecture 3 40 38 120
COMM 3720 6(CS) Carola Schenone Lecture 3 41 38 123
COMM 3721 1(CS) Patrick Dennis Laboratory 1 45 30 45
COMM 3721 2(CS) Patrick Dennis Laboratory 1 42 30 42
COMM 3721 3(CS) Patrick Dennis Laboratory 1 45 30 45
COMM 3721 4(CS) Patrick Dennis Laboratory 1 44 30 44
COMM 3721 5(CS) Patrick Dennis Laboratory 1 35 30 35
COMM 3721 6(CS) Patrick Dennis Laboratory 1 33 30 33
COMM 3790 1(CS) Brendan Richardson Lecture 3 31 25 93
COMM 3810 1(CS) Thomas Package Lecture 3 24 20 72
COMM 3845 1(CS) William Wilkerson Lecture 3 28 25 84
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 44 1986 1937 5958 45.1 34.7 20 187 44.0 23.9 20 169
Laboratory 6 244 180 244 40.7 5.3 33 45 30.0 0.0 30 30
Overall 50 2230 2117 6202

4000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
COMM 4160 1(CS) Susan Porter Lecture 3 7 30 21
COMM 4200 1(CS) Gigi Kelly Lecture 3 28 25 84
COMM 4200 2(CS) Gigi Kelly Lecture 3 21 25 63
COMM 4220 1(CS) Gigi Kelly Lecture 3 22 25 66
COMM 4230 1(CS) Stefano Grazioli Lecture 3 28 30 84
COMM 4250 1(CS) Glenn Browne Lecture 3 23 30 69
COMM 4300 1(CS) Carrie Heilman Lecture 3 33 25 99
COMM 4310 1(CS) Lucien Bass+1 Lecture 3 34 37 102
COMM 4330 1(CS) Lucien Bass Lecture 3 36 30 108
COMM 4330 2(CS) Lucien Bass Lecture 3 36 30 108
COMM 4360 1(CS) Richard Netemeyer Lecture 3 6 5 18
COMM 4372 1(CS) John Lindgren Lecture 4 22 36 88
COMM 4602 1(CS) Ira Harris Lecture 3 21 20 63
COMM 4621 1(CS) Gary Ballinger Lecture 3 54 40 162
COMM 4640 1(CS) Lynn Hamilton Lecture 3 17 18 51
COMM 4641 1(CS) Robert Patterson Lecture 3 16 16 48
COMM 4642 1(CS) Janette Martin Lecture 3 10 10 30
COMM 4681 1(CS) Eric Martin+1 Lecture 3 18 15 54
COMM 4681 2(CS) Eric Martin+1 Lecture 3 9 15 27
COMM 4690 1(CS) William Wilkerson Lecture 3 36 25 108
COMM 4690 2(CS) William Wilkerson Lecture 3 33 25 99
COMM 4720 1(CS) William Wilhelm Lecture 3 48 30 144
COMM 4730 1(CS) Michael Gallmeyer Lecture 3 46 40 138
COMM 4730 2(CS) Michael Gallmeyer Lecture 3 41 40 123
COMM 4741 1(CS) Peter Maillet Lecture 3 37 35 111
COMM 4741 2(CS) Peter Maillet Lecture 3 38 35 114
COMM 4760 1(CS) William Wilhelm Lecture 3 24 20 72
COMM 4791 1(CS) George Overstreet Lecture 3 16 30 48
COMM 4792 1(CS) George Overstreet Lecture 3 12 15 36
COMM 4822 1(CS) Mark White Lecture 3 16 30 48
COMM 4830 1(CS) Marcia Pentz-Harris Lecture 3 20 18 60
COMM 4881 1(CS) Robert Brown Independent Study 3 26 30 78
COMM 4993 01(CS) Janette Martin Independent Study 1 1 1 1
COMM 4993 02 Mark White Independent Study 1 1 1 1
COMM 4993 03 William Wilkerson Independent Study 1 1 1 1
COMM 4993 04 Michael Gallmeyer Independent Study 1 1 1 1
COMM 4995 1(CS) Richard Netemeyer Independent Study 3 0 1 0
COMM 4995 2 William Kehoe Independent Study 3 1 1 3
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 31 808 805 2446 26.1 12.5 6 54 26.0 9.1 5 40
Independent Study 7 31 36 85 4.4 9.5 0 26 5.1 11.0 1 30
Overall 38 839 841 2531

5000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
COMM 5130 1(CS) Susan Williams Lecture 3 33 30 99
COMM 5130 2(CS) Susan Williams Lecture 3 7 30 21
COMM 5130 3(CS) Susan Williams Lecture 3 36 30 108
COMM 5130 4(CS) Susan Williams Lecture 3 13 30 39
COMM 5150 1(CS) Paul Walker Lecture 3 26 35 78
COMM 5150 2(CS) Paul Walker Lecture 3 36 35 108
COMM 5460 1(CS) David Maloney Lecture 3 22 25 66
COMM 5460 2(CS) David Maloney Lecture 3 14 14 42
COMM 5460 3(CS) David Maloney Lecture 3 27 27 81
COMM 5460 4(CS) David Maloney Lecture 3 15 16 45
COMM 5700 1(CS) Robert Webb Lecture 3 31 30 93
COMM 5700 2(CS) Robert Webb Lecture 3 8 10 24
GCOM 5871 1(CS) Janette Martin Lecture 3 8 10 24
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 13 276 322 828 21.2 10.9 7 36 24.8 9.0 10 35
Overall 13 276 322 828

6000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Overall 0 0 0 0

7000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
GCOM 7120 1(CS) James Maxham Lecture 3 51 100 153
GCOM 7130 1(CS) Carrie Heilman Lecture 3 50 100 150
GCOM 7220 001(CS) Peter Maillet Lecture 3 0 5 0
GCOM 7220 002(CS) Peter Maillet Lecture 3 2 5 6
GCOM 7250 0001(CS) Russell Nelson Lecture 3 51 100 153
GCOM 7320 1(CS) Craig Lefanowicz Lecture 3 30 100 90
GCOM 7350 1(CS) Roger Martin Lecture 3 52 100 156
GCOM 7351 001(CS) Susan Porter Lecture 3 10 100 30
GCOM 7370 1(CS) Robert Kemp Lecture 3 38 38 114
GCOM 7371 1(CS) Mary Erickson Lecture 3 45 100 135
GCOM 7390 1(CS) Sherri Moore Lecture 3 34 100 102
GCOM 7420 001(CS) Patrick Wilkie Lecture 3 31 100 93
GCOM 7600 1(CS) Benjamin Jamieson+1 Lecture 3 51 100 153
GCOM 7610 1(CS) Gary Ballinger+1 Lecture 2 41 100 82
GCOM 7610 2(CS) Gary Ballinger+1 Lecture 2 43 100 86
GCOM 7710 1(CS) Felicia Marston Lecture 3 33 100 99
GCOM 7720 1(CS) Stefano Grazioli Lecture 3 33 100 99
GCOM 7730 1(CS) William Wilhelm Lecture 3 33 100 99
GCOM 7750 1(CS) Michael Gallmeyer Lecture 3 33 100 99
GCOM 7760 1(CS) George Overstreet Lecture 3 2 10 6
GCOM 7770 1(CS) Stefano Grazioli Lecture 3 12 15 36
GCOM 7780 1(CS) Gigi Kelly Lecture 3 5 6 15
GCOM 7780 2(CS) Gigi Kelly Lecture 3 1 6 3
GCOM 7810 1(CS) Peter Gray Lecture 3 32 32 96
GCOM 7810 2(CS) Peter Gray Lecture 3 34 34 102
GCOM 7820 1(CS) Peter Gray Lecture 3 32 32 96
GCOM 7840 1(CS) Peter Gray Lecture 3 32 32 96
GCOM 7850 2(CS) Glenn Browne Lecture 3 34 34 102
GCOM 7860 2(CS) Glenn Browne Lecture 3 34 34 102
GCOM 7870 1(CS) Peter Maillet Lecture 0 83 100 0
GCOM 7993 001(CS) Susan Williams Lecture 1 - 9 38 38 38
GCOM 7993 002(CS) Staff Lecture 1 - 9 0 30 0
GCOM 7993 003(CS) Ira Harris Lecture 1 - 9 3 30 3
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 33 1003 2081 2594 30.4 19.4 0 83 63.1 39.7 5 100
Overall 33 1003 2081 2594

8000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Overall 0 0 0 0

9000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Overall 0 0 0 0

1000-2999 Classes (All Lower Division Undergraduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 11 1565 1645 4635 142.3 87.7 30 312 149.5 83.5 20 300
Total 11 1565 1645 4635

3000-4999 Classes (All Upper Division Undergraduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 75 2794 2742 8404 37.3 29.2 6 187 36.6 21.1 5 169
Laboratory 6 244 180 244 40.7 5.3 33 45 30.0 0.0 30 30
Independent Study 7 31 36 85 4.4 9.5 0 26 5.1 11.0 1 30
Total 88 3069 2958 8733

5000-9999 Classes (All Graduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 46 1279 2403 3422 27.8 17.8 0 83 52.2 38.0 5 100
Total 46 1279 2403 3422

1000-9999 Classes (All Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 132 5638 6790 16461 42.7 45.9 0 312 51.4 47.1 5 300
Laboratory 6 244 180 244 40.7 5.3 33 45 30.0 0.0 30 30
Independent Study 7 31 36 85 4.4 9.5 0 26 5.1 11.0 1 30
Total 145 5913 7006 16790