UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Summary Information - Complete Schedule of Classes for the School of Architecture - Fall 2013
These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time
These pages present data mined from the University of Virginia's student information system (SIS). — Lou Bloomfield, Department of Physics

I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics

This summary information page is a new feature and your comments, suggestions, bug reports, and other constructive criticism are welcome. -- Lou (8/6/2014)
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1000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
ARCH 1020 100 Sanda Iliescu Lecture 4 107 120 428
ARCH 1020 101 Sanda Iliescu Discussion 4 14 15 56
ARCH 1020 102 Sanda Iliescu Discussion 4 15 15 60
ARCH 1020 103 Sanda Iliescu Discussion 4 14 15 56
ARCH 1020 104 Sanda Iliescu Discussion 4 15 15 60
ARCH 1020 105 Sanda Iliescu Discussion 4 11 15 44
ARCH 1020 106 Sanda Iliescu Discussion 4 1 15 4
ARCH 1020 107 Sanda Iliescu Discussion 4 14 15 56
ARCH 1020 108 Sanda Iliescu Discussion 4 12 15 48
ARCH 1020 109 Sanda Iliescu Discussion 4 4 15 16
ARCH 1020 110 Sanda Iliescu Discussion 4 4 15 16
ARCH 1020 111 Sanda Iliescu Discussion 4 1 15 4
ARCH 1020 112 Sanda Iliescu Discussion 4 0 15 0
ARCH 1020 113 Sanda Iliescu Discussion 4 2 15 8
ARH 1010 100 Lisa Reilly Lecture 4 98 150 392
ARH 1010 101 Elizabeth Dwyer Discussion 4 12 16 48
ARH 1010 102 Elizabeth Dwyer Discussion 4 15 16 60
ARH 1010 103 Elizabeth Dwyer Discussion 4 9 16 36
ARH 1010 104 Robert Gorham Discussion 4 8 16 32
ARH 1010 105 Robert Gorham Discussion 4 14 16 56
ARH 1010 106 Sean Tennant Discussion 4 7 16 28
ARH 1010 107 Sean Tennant Discussion 4 6 16 24
ARH 1010 108 Robert Gorham Discussion 4 12 16 48
ARH 1010 109 Sean Tennant Discussion 4 15 16 60
PLAN 1010 001 Timothy Beatley Lecture 3 261 300 783
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 3 466 570 1603 155.3 91.6 98 261 190.0 96.4 120 300
Discussion 22 205 339 820 9.3 5.3 0 15 15.4 0.5 15 16
Overall 25 671 909 2423

2000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
ARCH 2010 100 Lucia Phinney Lecture 6 0 96 0
ARCH 2010 101 Manuel Bailo Esteve Studio 6 16 30 96
ARCH 2010 102 Ghazal Abbasy-Asbagh Studio 6 15 30 90
ARCH 2010 103 Lucia Phinney Studio 6 14 30 84
ARCH 2010 104 Karen Van Lengen Studio 6 14 30 84
ARCH 2010 105 Andrew McDowell Studio 6 0 30 0
ARCH 2230 100 William Sherman Lecture 4 123 130 492
ARCH 2230 101 William Sherman Discussion 4 24 26 96
ARCH 2230 102 William Sherman Discussion 4 26 26 104
ARCH 2230 103 William Sherman Discussion 4 26 26 104
ARCH 2230 104 William Sherman Discussion 4 26 26 104
ARCH 2230 105 William Sherman Discussion 4 21 26 84
ARCH 2710 100 Earl Mark Lecture 3 134 150 402
ARCH 2710 101 Earl Mark Discussion 3 24 24 72
ARCH 2710 102 Earl Mark Discussion 3 25 24 75
ARCH 2710 103 Earl Mark Discussion 3 30 24 90
ARCH 2710 104 Earl Mark Discussion 3 15 24 45
ARCH 2710 105 Earl Mark Discussion 3 29 24 87
ARCH 2710 106 Earl Mark Discussion 3 0 24 0
ARH 2401 001 Sheila Crane Lecture 3 24 84 72
PLAN 2110 001 Guoping Huang Lecture 4 22 24 88
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 5 303 484 1054 60.6 62.8 0 134 96.8 48.5 24 150
Discussion 11 246 274 861 22.4 8.4 0 30 24.9 1.0 24 26
Studio 5 59 150 354 11.8 6.6 0 16 30.0 0.0 30 30
Overall 21 608 908 2269

3000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
ARCH 3010 001 Staff Studio 6 1 80 6
ARCH 3010 002 Matthew Jull Studio 6 8 30 48
ARCH 3010 003 Charles Menefee Studio 6 3 30 18
ARCH 3010 004 Shiqiao Li Studio 6 4 30 24
ARCH 3010 005 Peter Waldman Studio 6 10 30 60
ARCH 3010 006 Schaeffer Somers Studio 6 8 30 48
ARCH 3010 008 Karolin Irmgard Elisabeth Moellmann Studio 6 11 30 66
ARCH 3010 009 Jordi Nebot Roca Studio 6 8 30 48
ARCH 3010 010 Megan Suau Studio 6 10 15 60
ARCH 3120 100 Nana Last Lecture 3 90 96 270
ARCH 3120 101 Nana Last Discussion 3 20 22 60
ARCH 3120 103 Nana Last Discussion 3 22 22 66
ARCH 3120 104 Nana Last Discussion 3 21 22 63
ARH 3500 001 Jacqueline Taylor Lecture 3 28 30 84
ARH 3591 001 Susan Johnson-Roehr Lecture 3 4 15 12
ARH 3601 001 Yunsheng Huang Lecture 3 18 18 54
ARH 3603 001 Fraser Neiman Workshop 3 8 24 24
ARH 3607 001 Shiqiao Li Lecture 3 13 40 39
ARH 3701 001 Louis Nelson Lecture 3 24 60 72
PLAN 3060 001 Staff Lecture 3 39 35 117
PLAN 3310 001 Daphne Spain Lecture 3 33 35 99
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 8 249 329 747 31.1 26.3 4 90 41.1 26.1 15 96
Discussion 3 63 66 189 21.0 1.0 20 22 22.0 0.0 22 22
Studio 9 63 305 378 7.0 3.5 1 11 33.9 18.0 15 80
Workshop 1 8 24 24 8.0 0.0 8 8 24.0 0.0 24 24
Overall 21 383 724 1338

4000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
ARCH 4010 001 Staff Studio 6 0 80 0
ARCH 4010 002 Megan Suau Studio 6 4 30 24
ARCH 4010 003 Matthew Jull Studio 6 7 30 42
ARCH 4010 004 Charles Menefee Studio 6 11 30 66
ARCH 4010 005 Peter Waldman Studio 6 4 30 24
ARCH 4010 006 Shiqiao Li Studio 6 9 30 54
ARCH 4010 008 Schaeffer Somers Studio 6 4 30 24
ARCH 4010 009 Karolin Irmgard Elisabeth Moellmann Studio 6 4 30 24
ARCH 4010 010 Jordi Nebot Roca Studio 6 5 30 30
ARCH 4100 001 Nana Last Seminar 3 11 24 33
ARCH 4500 503 Michael Petrus Independent Study 3 21 30 63
ARCH 4820 001 Sanda Iliescu Independent Study 3 8 20 24
ARCH 4820 004 Earl Mark Independent Study 3 7 10 21
ARCH 4821 0001 Sanda Iliescu Independent Study 3 0 10 0
ARCH 4821 0002 John Quale Independent Study 3 0 5 0
ARCH 4821 0003 Ignacio Alday Sanz Independent Study 3 0 10 0
ARCH 4821 0004 Earl Mark Independent Study 3 1 2 3
ARCH 4821 0005 Alexander Kitchin Independent Study 3 1 2 3
ARCH 4993 001 John Quale Independent Study 1 - 4 0 1 0
ARCH 4993 002 Anselmo Canfora Independent Study 1 - 4 0 6 0
ARCH 4993 003 Elizabeth Roettger Independent Study 1 - 4 1 5 1
ARCH 4993 004 Earl Mark Independent Study 1 - 4 0 7 0
ARCH 4993 005 Peter Waldman Independent Study 1 - 4 0 5 0
ARCH 4993 006 Robin Dripps Independent Study 1 - 4 0 3 0
ARCH 4993 007 Megan Suau Independent Study 1 - 4 0 2 0
ARCH 4993 008 William Sherman Independent Study 1 - 4 1 2 1
ARH 4591 001 Lisa Reilly Seminar 3 5 12 15
ARH 4993 001 Richard Wilson Independent Study 1 - 4 0 10 0
ARH 4993 002 Yunsheng Huang Independent Study 1 - 4 1 30 1
ARH 4999 001 Richard Wilson Independent Study 3 1 10 3
LAR 4120 001 Michael Lee Lecture 3 37 154 111
PLAC 4010 001 Suzanne Moomaw Workshop 3 33 24 99
PLAC 4993 001 Tanya Denckla Cobb Independent Study 1 - 4 0 10 0
PLAN 4800 001 Daphne Spain Practicum 1 - 3 0 5 0
PLAN 4993 001 Tanya Denckla Cobb Independent Study 1 - 4 0 5 0
PLAN 4993 002 Timothy Beatley Independent Study 1 - 4 0 5 0
PLAN 4993 003 Richard Collins Independent Study 1 - 4 0 5 0
PLAN 4993 005 E Dukes Independent Study 1 - 4 0 5 0
PLAN 4993 006 Karen Firehock Independent Study 1 - 4 0 5 0
PLAN 4993 007 William Lucy Independent Study 1 - 4 0 5 0
PLAN 4993 008 Daphne Spain Independent Study 1 - 4 0 5 0
PLAN 4993 009 Suzanne Moomaw Independent Study 1 - 4 0 2 0
PLAN 4999 001 Timothy Beatley Independent Study 3 2 10 6
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 1 37 154 111 37.0 0.0 37 37 154.0 0.0 154 154
Studio 9 48 320 288 5.3 3.2 0 11 35.6 16.7 30 80
Seminar 2 16 36 48 8.0 4.2 5 11 18.0 8.5 12 24
Practicum 1 0 5 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 5.0 0.0 5 5
Workshop 1 33 24 99 33.0 0.0 33 33 24.0 0.0 24 24
Independent Study 29 44 227 126 1.5 4.2 0 21 7.8 7.3 1 30
Overall 43 178 766 672

5000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
ARAH 5585 001 Dorothy Wong Lecture 3 7 15 21
ARCH 5130 001 Ghazal Abbasy-Asbagh+4 Seminar 3 5 15 15
ARCH 5301 001 John Quale Lecture 3 17 12 51
ARCH 5420 001 Earl Mark Lecture 3 14 12 42
ARCH 5470 001 Eric Field Lecture 3 12 11 36
ARCH 5500 002 Robin Dripps Lecture 3 6 10 18
ARCH 5500 006 Andrew McDowell+2 Lecture 3 18 16 54
ARCH 5590 001 Ignacio Alday Sanz Independent Study 1 - 4 0 4 0
ARCH 5590 002 Eric Field Independent Study 1 - 4 3 10 3
ARCH 5610 001 Manuel Bailo Esteve Lecture 3 3 15 9
ARCH 5750 001 Charlotte Black Lecture 3 16 15 48
ARCH 5993 001 John Quale Independent Study 1 - 6 0 5 0
ARCH 5993 003 Robin Dripps Independent Study 1 - 6 0 3 0
ARCH 5993 004 Sanda Iliescu Independent Study 1 - 6 0 5 0
ARCH 5993 005 Earl Mark Independent Study 1 - 6 1 7 1
ARCH 5993 006 Gwenedd Murray Independent Study 1 - 6 0 1 0
ARCH 5993 007 Charlotte Black Independent Study 1 - 6 0 1 0
ARCH 5993 008 Ghazal Abbasy-Asbagh Independent Study 1 - 6 0 3 0
ARCH 5993 009 Megan Suau Independent Study 1 - 6 1 2 1
ARCH 5993 010 Anselmo Canfora Independent Study 1 - 6 3 2 3
ARH 5001 1 Rebecca Cooper Seminar 1 7 20 7
ARH 5602 001 Robert Carter Lecture 3 7 15 21
ARH 5993 001 Richard Wilson Independent Study 1 - 4 1 1 1
ARH 5993 002 Yunsheng Huang Independent Study 1 - 4 1 2 1
ARH 5993 003 Lisa Reilly Independent Study 1 - 4 1 2 1
ARH 5993 004 Shiqiao Li Independent Study 1 - 4 2 2 2
LAR 5120 001 Michael Lee Lecture 3 37 154 111
LAR 5290 001 Karen Firehock Workshop 3 14 20 42
LAR 5590 003 Julie Bargmann Seminar 3 10 10 30
LAR 5993 001 Teresa Gali Izard Independent Study 1 - 4 0 10 0
LAR 5993 002 Leena Cho Independent Study 1 - 4 3 3 3
LAR 5993 003 Charles Burrell Independent Study 1 - 4 0 5 0
LAR 5993 004 Nancy Takahashi Independent Study 1 - 4 0 3 0
LAR 5993 006 Joerg Sieweke Independent Study 1 - 4 0 30 0
LAR 5993 007 Brian Osborn Independent Study 1 - 4 0 2 0
LAR 5993 008 Julie Bargmann Independent Study 1 - 4 1 2 1
PLAC 5240 001 E Dukes Workshop 3 13 20 39
PLAC 5430 001 Frederick Missel Workshop 3 14 25 42
PLAC 5610 001 Suzanne Moomaw Workshop 3 33 24 99
PLAC 5800 001 Karen Firehock Workshop 3 14 20 42
PLAC 5993 001 Tanya Denckla Cobb Independent Study 1 - 6 0 5 0
PLAC 5993 002 Timothy Beatley Independent Study 1 - 6 0 3 0
PLAN 5110 001 Guoping Huang Workshop 4 22 24 88
PLAN 5120 001 Guoping Huang Lecture 3 29 36 87
PLAN 5120 101 Staff Discussion 3 17 18 51
PLAN 5120 102 Staff Discussion 3 12 18 36
PLAN 5300 001 Richard Collins Lecture 3 13 30 39
PLAN 5310 001 Daphne Spain Lecture 3 33 35 99
PLAN 5420 001 Suzanne Moomaw Lecture 3 21 25 63
PLAN 5450 001 Carla Jones Lecture 3 18 20 54
PLAN 5580 001 Satyendra Huja Workshop 1 5 20 5
PLAN 5580 002 Tanya Denckla Cobb Workshop 1 5 20 5
PLAN 5580 003 Carla Jones Workshop 1 14 96 14
PLAN 5580 004 Richard Walker+1 Workshop 1 10 12 10
PLAN 5580 005 Leena Cho Workshop 1 12 15 12
PLAN 5601 001 Jeffrey Walker Seminar 3 10 30 30
PLAN 5740 001 Andrew Mondschein Lecture 3 17 15 51
PLAN 5993 001 Daphne Spain Independent Study 1 - 4 0 15 0
PLAN 5993 002 Timothy Beatley Independent Study 1 - 4 2 5 2
PLAN 5993 003 Tanya Denckla Cobb Independent Study 1 - 4 0 30 0
PLAN 5993 004 Andrew Mondschein Independent Study 1 - 4 2 2 2
PLAN 5993 005 Guoping Huang Independent Study 1 - 4 1 2 1
PLAN 5993 006 Richard Collins Independent Study 1 - 4 0 5 0
PLAN 5993 007 E Dukes Independent Study 1 - 4 0 5 0
PLAN 5993 010 William Lucy Independent Study 1 - 4 0 5 0
PLAN 5993 011 Karen Firehock Independent Study 1 - 4 0 5 0
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 16 268 436 804 16.8 9.6 3 37 27.2 34.8 10 154
Discussion 2 29 36 87 14.5 3.5 12 17 18.0 0.0 18 18
Seminar 4 32 75 82 8.0 2.4 5 10 18.8 8.5 10 30
Workshop 11 156 296 398 14.2 7.8 5 33 26.9 23.2 12 96
Independent Study 33 22 187 22 0.7 1.0 0 3 5.7 6.9 1 30
Overall 66 507 1030 1393

6000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
ARCH 6010 001 Esther Lorenz Studio 6 13 20 78
ARCH 6140 001 W Clark Lecture 3 29 80 87
ARCH 6231 001 John Quale Workshop 4 13 13 52
ARCH 6232 001 William Sherman Workshop 4 7 12 28
ARCH 6710 100 Earl Mark Lecture 3 134 150 402
ARCH 6710 101 Earl Mark Discussion 3 24 24 72
ARCH 6710 102 Earl Mark Discussion 3 25 24 75
ARCH 6710 103 Earl Mark Discussion 3 30 24 90
ARCH 6710 104 Earl Mark Discussion 3 15 24 45
ARCH 6710 105 Earl Mark Discussion 3 29 24 87
ARCH 6710 106 Earl Mark Discussion 3 0 24 0
ARCH 6710 108 Earl Mark Discussion 3 11 15 33
LAR 6010 001 Brian Osborn Studio 6 11 15 66
LAR 6211 001 Nancy Takahashi Lecture 3 10 24 30
LAR 6221 001 Charles Burrell Lecture 3 14 24 42
LAR 6411 001 Chloe Hawkins Lecture 1 10 15 10
PLAN 6010 001 Timothy Beatley Studio 3 15 20 45
PLAN 6070 001 Daphne Spain Lecture 3 19 35 57
PLAN 6090 001 William Lucy Lecture 3 21 25 63
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 7 237 353 691 33.9 44.7 10 134 50.4 48.9 15 150
Discussion 7 134 159 402 19.1 11.0 0 30 22.7 3.4 15 24
Studio 3 39 55 189 13.0 2.0 11 15 18.3 2.9 15 20
Workshop 2 20 25 80 10.0 4.2 7 13 12.5 0.7 12 13
Overall 19 430 592 1362

7000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
ALAR 7010 001 W Clark Studio 6 5 15 30
ALAR 7010 002 Robin Dripps Studio 6 9 10 54
ALAR 7010 003 Margarita Jover Biboum Studio 6 1 15 6
ALAR 7010 004 Leena Cho+1 Studio 6 6 15 36
ALAR 7010 005 Edward Ford Studio 6 10 15 60
ARAH 7500 001 Staff Seminar 3 0 10 0
ARAH 7505 001 Anastasia Ntakouri Hild Independent Study 3 0 10 0
ARAH 7505 002 Tyler Smith Independent Study 3 0 10 0
ARAH 7510 001 Staff Seminar 3 0 10 0
ARAH 7515 001 Lisa Reilly Independent Study 3 0 10 0
ARAH 7520 001 Staff Seminar 3 0 10 0
ARAH 7525 001 Francesca Fiorani Seminar 3 0 10 0
ARAH 7530 001 Staff Seminar 3 0 10 0
ARAH 7535 001 Staff Seminar 3 0 10 0
ARAH 7540 001 Staff Lecture 3 0 10 0
ARAH 7545 001 Staff Seminar 3 0 10 0
ARAH 7560 001 Staff Lecture 3 0 10 0
ARAH 7565 001 Rebecca Schoenthal Seminar 3 0 10 0
ARAH 7570 001 Staff Seminar 3 0 10 0
ARAH 7575 001 Staff Seminar 3 0 10 0
ARAH 7580 001 Staff Seminar 3 0 10 0
ARAH 7590 001 Staff Seminar 3 0 10 0
ARCH 7120 001 Nana Last Lecture 3 90 96 270
ARCH 7210 001 Kirk Martini Lecture 3 32 35 96
ARCH 7993 001 Eric Field Independent Study 1 - 3 0 2 0
ARCH 7993 002 William Sherman Independent Study 1 - 3 0 2 0
ARCH 7993 003 Sanda Iliescu Independent Study 1 - 3 0 1 0
ARCH 7993 004 John Quale Independent Study 1 - 3 0 2 0
ARCH 7993 005 W Clark Independent Study 1 - 3 0 1 0
ARCH 7993 007 Elizabeth Roettger Independent Study 1 - 3 0 2 0
ARCH 7993 008 Margarita Jover Biboum Independent Study 1 - 3 0 2 0
ARCH 7993 009 Earl Mark Independent Study 1 - 3 0 7 0
ARH 7010 001 Lisa Reilly Lecture 3 98 150 294
ARH 7401 001 Sheila Crane Lecture 3 24 84 72
ARH 7601 001 Yunsheng Huang Lecture 3 18 18 54
ARH 7603 001 Fraser Neiman Workshop 3 8 24 24
ARH 7607 001 Shiqiao Li Lecture 3 13 40 39
ARH 7701 001 Louis Nelson Lecture 3 24 60 72
ARH 7993 001 Richard Wilson Independent Study 1 - 3 0 15 0
LAR 7180 001 Michael Lee Seminar 3 5 20 15
LAR 7213 002 Joerg Sieweke Lecture 3 12 24 36
LAR 7320 001 Joerg Sieweke Lecture 3 12 24 36
LAR 7415 001 Brian Osborn Lecture 3 12 15 36
LAR 7993 001 Nancy Takahashi Independent Study 1 - 4 0 5 0
LAR 7993 005 Teresa Gali Izard Independent Study 1 - 4 0 5 0
LAR 7993 006 Michael Lee Independent Study 1 - 4 1 5 1
PLAN 7993 002 William Lucy Independent Study 1 - 4 0 1 0
PLAN 7993 003 Timothy Beatley Independent Study 1 - 4 1 3 1
PLAN 7993 004 Schaeffer Somers Independent Study 1 - 4 0 1 0
PLAN 7993 005 Daphne Spain Independent Study 1 - 4 0 2 0
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 12 335 566 1005 27.9 32.3 0 98 47.2 43.1 10 150
Studio 5 31 70 186 6.2 3.6 1 10 14.0 2.2 10 15
Seminar 13 5 140 15 0.4 1.4 0 5 10.8 2.8 10 20
Workshop 1 8 24 24 8.0 0.0 8 8 24.0 0.0 24 24
Independent Study 19 2 86 2 0.1 0.3 0 1 4.5 4.1 1 15
Overall 50 381 886 1232

8000-Level Classes

 Show/Hide Individual Classes
Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
ALAR 8010 001 W Clark Studio 6 9 10 54
ALAR 8010 002 Robin Dripps Studio 6 1 10 6
ALAR 8010 003 Edward Ford Studio 6 3 10 18
ALAR 8010 004 Margarita Jover Biboum Studio 6 13 15 78
ALAR 8010 005 Julie Bargmann Studio 6 12 15 72
ALAR 8010 008 Leena Cho+1 Studio 6 5 15 30
ALAR 8100 001 Matthew Jull Seminar 3 16 20 48
ALAR 8100 002 Joerg Sieweke Seminar 3 6 20 18
ALAR 8995 001 Staff Studio 6 0 15 0
ARAH 8051 001 Sarah Betzer Seminar 3 7 12 21
ARAH 8091 001 Cammy Brothers Independent Study 3 0 15 0
ARAH 8091 002 John Dobbins Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8091 003 Daniel Ehnbom Independent Study 3 1 30 3
ARAH 8091 004 Sheila Crane Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8091 005 Daniel Bluestone Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8091 006 Lisa Reilly Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8091 007 Louis Nelson Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8091 008 Richard Wilson Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8091 009 Yunsheng Huang Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8091 010 Paul Barolsky Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8091 011 Francesca Fiorani Independent Study 3 1 30 3
ARAH 8091 012 Lawrence Goedde Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8091 013 John Summers Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8091 015 Sarah Betzer Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8091 016 Anastasia Ntakouri Hild Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8091 017 Douglas Fordham Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8091 018 Carmenita Higginbotham Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8091 019 Maurie McInnis Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8091 020 Eric Ramirez-Weaver Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8091 022 Elizabeth Turner Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8091 023 Dorothy Wong Independent Study 3 1 30 3
ARAH 8091 024 Tyler Smith Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8095 001 Louis Nelson Independent Study 3 0 10 0
ARAH 8095 002 Tyler Smith Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8095 003 Daniel Ehnbom Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8095 004 John Dobbins Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8095 005 Cammy Brothers Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8095 006 Sheila Crane Independent Study 3 1 30 3
ARAH 8095 007 Daniel Bluestone Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8095 008 Lisa Reilly Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8095 009 Richard Wilson Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8095 010 Yunsheng Huang Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8095 011 Paul Barolsky Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8095 012 Francesca Fiorani Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8095 013 Lawrence Goedde Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8095 014 John Summers Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8095 016 Sarah Betzer Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8095 017 Anastasia Ntakouri Hild Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8095 018 Douglas Fordham Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8095 019 Carmenita Higginbotham Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8095 020 Maurie McInnis Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8095 021 Eric Ramirez-Weaver Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8095 023 Elizabeth Turner Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8095 024 Dorothy Wong Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARAH 8695 001 John Summers Independent Study 3 - 12 0 10 0
ARAH 8940 001 Staff Lecture 1 - 3 0 10 0
ARAH 8950 001 Bruce Boucher Independent Study 1 - 12 0 10 0
ARAH 8998 001 Daniel Ehnbom Independent Study 1 - 12 1 50 1
ARAH 8998 002 John Dobbins Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8998 003 Cammy Brothers Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8998 004 Sheila Crane Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8998 005 Daniel Bluestone Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8998 006 Lisa Reilly Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8998 007 Louis Nelson Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8998 008 Richard Wilson Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8998 009 Yunsheng Huang Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8998 010 Paul Barolsky Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8998 011 Francesca Fiorani Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8998 012 Lawrence Goedde Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8998 013 John Summers Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8998 015 Sarah Betzer Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8998 016 Anastasia Ntakouri Hild Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8998 017 Douglas Fordham Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8998 018 Carmenita Higginbotham Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8998 019 Maurie McInnis Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8998 020 Eric Ramirez-Weaver Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8998 022 Elizabeth Turner Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8998 023 Dorothy Wong Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8998 024 Tyler Smith Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8999 001 Daniel Ehnbom Independent Study 1 - 12 0 15 0
ARAH 8999 002 Cammy Brothers Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8999 003 Lisa Reilly Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8999 004 Louis Nelson Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8999 005 Daniel Bluestone Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8999 006 Richard Wilson Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8999 007 Yunsheng Huang Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8999 008 Sheila Crane Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8999 009 John Dobbins Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8999 010 Paul Barolsky Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8999 011 Francesca Fiorani Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8999 012 Lawrence Goedde Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8999 013 John Summers Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8999 015 Sarah Betzer Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8999 016 Anastasia Ntakouri Hild Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8999 017 Douglas Fordham Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8999 018 Carmenita Higginbotham Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8999 019 Maurie McInnis Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8999 020 Eric Ramirez-Weaver Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8999 022 Elizabeth Turner Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8999 023 Dorothy Wong Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
ARAH 8999 024 Tyler Smith Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 8999 025 Douglas Fordham Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARCH 8480 001 Karen Van Lengen Lecture 3 24 24 72
ARCH 8800 001 John Quale Independent Study 3 4 5 12
ARCH 8800 002 William Sherman Independent Study 3 1 5 3
ARCH 8800 004 Sanda Iliescu Independent Study 3 2 5 6
ARCH 8800 006 Robin Dripps Independent Study 3 0 5 0
ARCH 8800 007 Anselmo Canfora Independent Study 3 0 5 0
ARCH 8800 008 Earl Mark Independent Study 3 1 10 3
ARCH 8800 009 Elizabeth Roettger Independent Study 3 0 1 0
ARCH 8800 010 Nana Last Independent Study 3 0 5 0
ARCH 8800 011 Andrew McDowell Independent Study 3 1 2 3
ARCH 8801 001 Ignacio Alday Sanz Independent Study 3 0 5 0
ARCH 8801 002 Nana Last Independent Study 3 0 5 0
ARCH 8801 003 Earl Mark Independent Study 3 0 5 0
ARCH 8801 004 Sanda Iliescu Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARCH 8801 005 John Quale Independent Study 3 0 5 0
ARCH 8801 006 William Sherman Independent Study 3 0 6 0
ARCH 8801 008 Andrew McDowell Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARCH 8801 009 Jeana Ripple Independent Study 3 0 30 0
ARCH 8801 010 Matthew Jull Independent Study 3 1 5 3
ARCH 8801 011 Margarita Jover Biboum Independent Study 3 0 5 0
ARCH 8801 012 Elizabeth Roettger Independent Study 3 0 1 0
ARCH 8993 001 Staff Independent Study 1 - 3 0 3 0
ARCH 8993 002 Charlotte Black Independent Study 1 - 3 1 2 1
ARCH 8999 001 Staff Independent Study 1 - 12 0 10 0
ARH 8001 001 Sheila Crane Seminar 3 8 14 24
ARH 8994 001 Louis Nelson Independent Study 3 1 2 3
ARH 8994 002 Shiqiao Li Independent Study 3 1 2 3
ARH 8995 001 Richard Wilson Independent Study 3 0 2 0
ARH 8995 002 Yunsheng Huang Independent Study 3 1 2 3
ARH 8999 001 Richard Wilson Independent Study 3 - 6 0 10 0
ARH 8999 002 Sheila Crane Independent Study 3 - 6 1 2 3
LAR 8320 001 Jane Jacobs Lecture 3 13 20 39
LAR 8800 002 Nancy Takahashi Independent Study 3 1 2 3
LAR 8800 003 Charles Burrell Independent Study 3 0 5 0
LAR 8800 005 Michael Lee Independent Study 3 0 10 0
LAR 8801 001 Nancy Takahashi Independent Study 3 0 2 0
LAR 8801 002 Charles Burrell Independent Study 3 0 5 0
LAR 8801 003 Julie Bargmann Independent Study 3 0 5 0
LAR 8801 004 Michael Lee Independent Study 3 0 5 0
LAR 8993 001 Teresa Gali Izard Independent Study 1 - 4 0 5 0
LAR 8999 001 Staff Independent Study 3 - 12 0 10 0
PLAN 8800 001 Timothy Beatley Independent Study 3 1 1 3
PLAN 8999 001 Timothy Beatley Independent Study 3 - 6 1 5 3
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 3 37 54 111 12.3 12.0 0 24 18.0 7.2 10 24
Studio 7 43 90 258 6.1 5.2 0 13 12.9 2.7 10 15
Seminar 4 37 66 111 9.2 4.6 6 16 16.5 4.1 12 20
Independent Study 131 24 2920 66 0.2 0.5 0 4 22.3 11.9 1 50
Overall 145 141 3130 546

9000-Level Classes

 Show/Hide Individual Classes
Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
ARAH 9505 001 Tyler Smith Seminar 3 5 12 15
ARAH 9520 001 Cammy Brothers Seminar 3 12 15 36
ARAH 9525 001 Francesca Fiorani Seminar 3 5 12 15
ARAH 9570 001 Richard Wilson Seminar 3 7 17 21
ARAH 9995 001 Lisa Reilly Independent Study 3 - 12 0 10 0
ARAH 9995 002 John Dobbins Independent Study 3 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9995 003 Paul Barolsky Independent Study 3 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9995 004 Francesca Fiorani Independent Study 3 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9995 005 Lawrence Goedde Independent Study 3 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9995 006 John Summers Independent Study 3 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9995 007 Matthew Affron Independent Study 3 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9995 008 Sarah Betzer Independent Study 3 - 12 1 30 3
ARAH 9995 009 Anastasia Ntakouri Hild Independent Study 3 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9995 010 Daniel Ehnbom Independent Study 3 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9995 011 Douglas Fordham Independent Study 3 - 12 1 30 3
ARAH 9995 012 Carmenita Higginbotham Independent Study 3 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9995 013 Maurie McInnis Independent Study 3 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9995 014 Eric Ramirez-Weaver Independent Study 3 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9995 016 Elizabeth Turner Independent Study 3 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9995 017 Dorothy Wong Independent Study 3 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9995 018 Tyler Smith Independent Study 3 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9995 019 Cammy Brothers Independent Study 3 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9995 020 Sheila Crane Independent Study 3 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9995 021 Louis Nelson Independent Study 3 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9995 022 Daniel Bluestone Independent Study 3 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9995 023 Richard Wilson Independent Study 3 - 12 1 30 3
ARAH 9995 024 Yunsheng Huang Independent Study 3 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9998 001 Tyler Smith Independent Study 1 - 12 0 50 0
ARAH 9998 002 Sarah Betzer Independent Study 1 - 12 2 50 2
ARAH 9998 003 John Dobbins Independent Study 1 - 12 3 50 3
ARAH 9998 004 Daniel Ehnbom Independent Study 1 - 12 0 50 0
ARAH 9998 005 Cammy Brothers Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9998 006 Lisa Reilly Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9998 007 Louis Nelson Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9998 008 Daniel Bluestone Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9998 009 Richard Wilson Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
ARAH 9998 010 Yunsheng Huang Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9998 011 Sheila Crane Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
ARAH 9998 012 Paul Barolsky Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9998 013 Francesca Fiorani Independent Study 1 - 12 3 30 3
ARAH 9998 014 Lawrence Goedde Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
ARAH 9998 015 John Summers Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9998 017 Anastasia Ntakouri Hild Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9998 018 Douglas Fordham Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
ARAH 9998 019 Carmenita Higginbotham Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9998 020 Maurie McInnis Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
ARAH 9998 021 Eric Ramirez-Weaver Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9998 023 Elizabeth Turner Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9998 024 Dorothy Wong Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9998 025 Douglas Fordham Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9999 001 John Dobbins Independent Study 1 - 12 3 15 3
ARAH 9999 002 Paul Barolsky Independent Study 1 - 12 0 15 0
ARAH 9999 003 Francesca Fiorani Independent Study 1 - 12 1 15 1
ARAH 9999 004 Lawrence Goedde Independent Study 1 - 12 3 15 3
ARAH 9999 005 John Summers Independent Study 1 - 12 3 15 3
ARAH 9999 007 Sarah Betzer Independent Study 1 - 12 0 15 0
ARAH 9999 008 Anastasia Ntakouri Hild Independent Study 1 - 12 0 15 0
ARAH 9999 009 Daniel Ehnbom Independent Study 1 - 12 0 15 0
ARAH 9999 010 Douglas Fordham Independent Study 1 - 12 2 15 2
ARAH 9999 011 Carmenita Higginbotham Independent Study 1 - 12 0 15 0
ARAH 9999 012 Maurie McInnis Independent Study 1 - 12 1 15 1
ARAH 9999 013 Eric Ramirez-Weaver Independent Study 1 - 12 1 15 1
ARAH 9999 015 Elizabeth Turner Independent Study 1 - 12 2 15 2
ARAH 9999 016 Dorothy Wong Independent Study 1 - 12 0 15 0
ARAH 9999 017 Tyler Smith Independent Study 1 - 12 3 15 3
ARAH 9999 019 Cammy Brothers Independent Study 1 - 12 2 30 2
ARAH 9999 020 Lisa Reilly Independent Study 1 - 12 3 30 3
ARAH 9999 021 Louis Nelson Independent Study 1 - 12 2 30 2
ARAH 9999 022 Daniel Bluestone Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
ARAH 9999 023 Richard Wilson Independent Study 1 - 12 3 30 3
ARAH 9999 024 Yunsheng Huang Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
ARAH 9999 025 Sheila Crane Independent Study 1 - 12 1 30 1
ARH 9520 001 Cammy Brothers Seminar 3 12 15 36
ARH 9560 001 Louis Nelson Seminar 3 10 15 30
ARH 9570 001 Richard Wilson Seminar 3 7 17 21
ARH 9999 001 Richard Wilson Independent Study 3 - 12 0 2 0
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Seminar 7 58 103 174 8.3 3.0 5 12 14.7 2.1 12 17
Independent Study 69 47 1877 53 0.7 1.0 0 3 27.2 9.1 2 50
Overall 76 105 1980 227

1000-2999 Classes (All Lower Division Undergraduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 8 769 1054 2657 96.1 84.0 0 261 131.8 79.5 24 300
Discussion 33 451 613 1681 13.7 8.9 0 30 18.6 4.6 15 26
Studio 5 59 150 354 11.8 6.6 0 16 30.0 0.0 30 30
Total 46 1279 1817 4692

3000-4999 Classes (All Upper Division Undergraduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 9 286 483 858 31.8 24.6 4 90 53.7 44.9 15 154
Discussion 3 63 66 189 21.0 1.0 20 22 22.0 0.0 22 22
Studio 18 111 625 666 6.2 3.4 0 11 34.7 16.8 15 80
Seminar 2 16 36 48 8.0 4.2 5 11 18.0 8.5 12 24
Practicum 1 0 5 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 5.0 0.0 5 5
Workshop 2 41 48 123 20.5 17.7 8 33 24.0 0.0 24 24
Independent Study 29 44 227 126 1.5 4.2 0 21 7.8 7.3 1 30
Total 64 561 1490 2010

5000-9999 Classes (All Graduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 38 877 1409 2611 23.1 27.1 0 134 37.1 39.6 10 154
Discussion 9 163 195 489 18.1 9.8 0 30 21.7 3.6 15 24
Studio 15 113 215 633 7.5 4.9 0 15 14.3 3.2 10 20
Seminar 28 132 384 382 4.7 4.8 0 16 13.7 4.9 10 30
Workshop 14 184 345 502 13.1 7.3 5 33 24.6 21.0 12 96
Independent Study 252 95 5070 143 0.4 0.8 0 4 20.1 12.8 1 50
Total 356 1564 7618 4760

1000-9999 Classes (All Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 55 1932 2946 6126 35.1 46.5 0 261 53.6 57.4 10 300
Discussion 45 677 874 2359 15.0 9.0 0 30 19.4 4.4 15 26
Studio 38 283 990 1653 7.4 4.7 0 16 26.1 15.1 10 80
Seminar 30 148 420 430 4.9 4.8 0 16 14.0 5.1 10 30
Practicum 1 0 5 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 5.0 0.0 5 5
Workshop 16 225 393 625 14.1 8.5 5 33 24.6 19.6 12 96
Independent Study 281 139 5297 269 0.5 1.6 0 21 18.9 12.9 1 50
Total 466 3404 10925 11462