UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Summary Information - Complete Schedule of Classes for the Darden School of Business - Fall 2015
These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time
These pages present data mined from the University of Virginia's student information system (SIS). — Lou Bloomfield, Department of Physics

I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics

This summary information page is a new feature and your comments, suggestions, bug reports, and other constructive criticism are welcome. -- Lou (8/6/2014)
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1000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Overall 0 0 0 0

2000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Overall 0 0 0 0

3000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Overall 0 0 0 0

4000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Overall 0 0 0 0

5000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Overall 0 0 0 0

6000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Overall 0 0 0 0

7000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
GBUS 7100 001 Lynn Isabella Lecture 3 0 45 0
GBUS 7101 001 Lynn Isabella Lecture 3 28 40 84
GBUS 7104 14 Lynn Isabella Lecture 3 29 40 87
GBUS 7105 001 Andrew Wicks Lecture 1.5 0 45 0
GBUS 7106 001 George Allayannis Lecture 1.5 0 45 0
GBUS 7107 001 Elliott Weiss Lecture 1.5 0 45 0
GBUS 7210 001 Elizabeth Powell+4 Lecture 1.5 334 350 501
GBUS 7211 001 Alexis Megibow+4 Lecture 1.5 0 310 0
GBUS 7215 001 Elizabeth Powell Lecture 1.5 0 70 0
GBUS 7231 001 Daniel Murphy+2 Lecture 1.5 334 350 501
GBUS 7235 001 Peter Debaere Lecture 1.5 62 70 93
GBUS 7235 002 Peter Rodriguez Lecture 1.5 28 40 42
GBUS 7236 001 Peter Debaere Lecture 1.5 62 70 93
GBUS 7251 001 Marc Lipson+2 Lecture 1.5 334 350 501
GBUS 7255 001 George Allayannis Lecture 1.5 28 40 42
GBUS 7255 2 Catherine Smiley+1 Lecture 1.5 0 45 0
GBUS 7256 001 Robert Harris Lecture 1.5 0 70 0
GBUS 7257 1 George Allayannis Lecture 1.5 0 45 0
GBUS 7260 001 George Allayannis Lecture 1.5 29 40 43.5
GBUS 7272 001 Elizabeth Demers+4 Lecture 3 334 350 1002
GBUS 7275 001 Paul Simko Lecture 1.5 62 70 93
GBUS 7276 001 Staff Lecture 1.5 0 70 0
GBUS 7277 1 Paul Simko Lecture 1.5 28 40 42
GBUS 7291 001 Kimberly Whitler+1 Lecture 2 334 350 668
GBUS 7295 001 Paul Farris Lecture 1.5 29 40 43.5
GBUS 7296 14 Paul Farris Lecture 1.5 0 30 0
GBUS 7297 1 Rajkumar Venkatesan Lecture 0.75 0 30 0
GBUS 7311 001 Elliott Weiss+3 Lecture 1.5 334 350 501
GBUS 7312 001 Elliott Weiss+5 Lecture 3 0 310 0
GBUS 7316 14 Gal Raz Lecture 1.5 0 30 0
GBUS 7341 001 Kristin Behfar+3 Lecture 1.5 334 350 501
GBUS 7342 1 Joseph Harder+3 Lecture 3 0 350 0
GBUS 7344 1 James Clawson+4 Lecture 1.5 0 350 0
GBUS 7345 001 Lynn Isabella Lecture 1.5 62 70 93
GBUS 7347 1 Lynn Isabella Lecture 0.75 0 30 0
GBUS 7348 1 Lynn Isabella Lecture 1.5 28 40 42
GBUS 7351 001 Kenneth Lichtendahl+1 Lecture 1.5 334 350 501
GBUS 7353 001 Lynn Isabella Lecture 1.5 29 40 43.5
GBUS 7355 001 Robert Carraway Lecture 1.5 62 70 93
GBUS 7356 1 Robert Carraway Lecture 1.5 0 30 0
GBUS 7358 1 Samuel Bodily Lecture 1.5 0 45 0
GBUS 7359 14 Samuel Bodily Lecture 1.5 0 30 0
GBUS 7380 1 Andrew Wicks Lecture 1.5 62 70 93
GBUS 7380 002 Andrew Wicks Lecture 1.5 29 40 43.5
GBUS 7381 1 Andrew Wicks Lecture 1.5 0 45 0
GBUS 7385 001 Andrew Wicks Lecture 1.5 0 60 0
GBUS 7400 1 Gregory Fairchild+3 Lecture 1.5 334 350 501
GBUS 7400 13 Scott Snell Lecture 1.5 0 30 0
GBUS 7402 1 Scott Snell Lecture 0.75 0 45 0
GBUS 7600 1 Phillip Pfeifer Lecture 1.5 64 65 96
GBUS 7601 001 Brandt Allen Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 7602 1 Francis Warnock Lecture 1.5 64 65 96
GBUS 7603 001 Robert Harris Lecture 1.5 63 70 94.5
GBUS 7603 002 Robert Harris Lecture 1.5 56 70 84
GBUS 7603 003 Robert Conroy Lecture 1.5 26 70 39
GBUS 7603 13 Robert Conroy Lecture 1.5 20 65 30
GBUS 7604 13 Elizabeth Powell Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 7606 001 Kathryn Sharpe Lecture 1.5 0 45 0
GBUS 7608 001 Robert Landel Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 7609 001 Gregory Fairchild Lecture 1.5 41 65 61.5
GBUS 7609 2 Sankaran Venkataraman Lecture 1.5 26 65 39
GBUS 7611 001 Timothy Laseter Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 7612 1 June West Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 7616 001 Staff Lecture 1.5 35 40 52.5
GBUS 7805 001 Peter Debaere Lecture 1.5 62 70 93
GBUS 7806 001 Peter Debaere Lecture 1.5 62 70 93
GBUS 7807 001 Paul Simko Lecture 1.5 0 60 0
GBUS 7808 13 Ronald Wilcox Lecture 1.5 61 70 91.5
GBUS 7809 13 Ronald Wilcox Lecture 1.5 0 70 0
GBUS 7810 001 Ronald Wilcox Lecture 1.5 0 70 0
GBUS 7815 1 Ronald Wilcox Lecture 3 62 70 186
GBUS 7817 13 Paul Simko Lecture 3 61 70 183
GBUS 7818 1 Ronald Wilcox Lecture 3 0 70 0
GBUS 7900 1 Ronald Wilcox Lecture 3 0 70 0
GBUS 7901 001 Staff Lecture 0.5 61 70 30.5
GBUS 7901 002 Staff Lecture 0.5 62 70 31
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 76 4489 7950 7548.5 59.1 104.3 0 334 104.6 110.4 30 350
Overall 76 4489 7950 7548.5

8000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
GBUS 8009 001 Staff Independent Study 0 0 30 0
GBUS 8010 001 Staff Independent Study 0 0 30 0
GBUS 8020 001 James Rubin Lecture 1.5 47 65 70.5
GBUS 8022 1 Francis Warnock Lecture 1.5 40 40 60
GBUS 8024 1 Scott Snell Lecture 1.5 20 65 30
GBUS 8030 1 Thomas Massaro Lecture 1.5 42 65 63
GBUS 8033 001 Meghan Murray Lecture 1.5 65 65 97.5
GBUS 8042 001 Joseph Harder Lecture 1.5 10 65 15
GBUS 8045 001 Anthony Smith Lecture 1.5 65 65 97.5
GBUS 8045 013 Anthony Smith Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8048 1 Scott Snell Lecture 1.5 0 30 0
GBUS 8060 001 Andrea Larson Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8070 001 Andrea Larson Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8090 001 Dabney Carr+3 Lecture 1.5 28 65 42
GBUS 8106 1 Robert Billingsly Lecture 1.5 65 69 97.5
GBUS 8130 001 Raul Chao Lecture 1.5 40 45 60
GBUS 8130 002 Jeremy Hutchison-Krupat Lecture 1.5 38 45 57
GBUS 8130 003 Jeremy Hutchison-Krupat Lecture 1.5 19 45 28.5
GBUS 8150 001 L Bourgeois Lecture 1.5 60 60 90
GBUS 8150 002 L Bourgeois Lecture 1.5 0 60 0
GBUS 8160 1 Mary Frank Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8190 001 Mary Frank Lecture 1.5 65 65 97.5
GBUS 8190 002 Mary Frank Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8203 001 Gregory Fairchild Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8210 001 Saras Sarasvathy Lecture 1.5 30 40 45
GBUS 8210 002 Saras Sarasvathy Lecture 1.5 17 40 25.5
GBUS 8240 001 John Colley Lecture 1.5 10 15 15
GBUS 8240 002 John Colley Lecture 1.5 8 15 12
GBUS 8240 003 John Colley Lecture 1.5 8 15 12
GBUS 8240 004 John Colley Lecture 1.5 0 15 0
GBUS 8250 001 John Colley Lecture 1.5 12 15 18
GBUS 8250 002 John Colley Lecture 1.5 12 15 18
GBUS 8250 003 John Colley Lecture 1.5 12 15 18
GBUS 8250 004 John Colley Lecture 1.5 12 15 18
GBUS 8260 001 Jacqueline Doyle+1 Lecture 3 38 69 114
GBUS 8270 001 John Colley Lecture 1.5 9 12 13.5
GBUS 8270 002 John Colley Lecture 1.5 9 12 13.5
GBUS 8270 003 John Colley Lecture 1.5 10 12 15
GBUS 8270 004 John Colley Lecture 1.5 10 12 15
GBUS 8280 001 Sherri Moore Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8290 001 John Glynn Lecture 1.5 71 90 106.5
GBUS 8301 001 Randall Smith Lecture 1.5 0 30 0
GBUS 8304 1 Staff Lecture 1.5 53 65 79.5
GBUS 8308 001 Alexander Horniman Lecture 1.5 37 65 55.5
GBUS 8401 001 Staff Lecture 1 68 300 68
GBUS 8404 001 George Barbee Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8410 001 Paul Simko Lecture 1.5 65 65 97.5
GBUS 8410 002 Paul Simko Lecture 1.5 59 65 88.5
GBUS 8414 001 June West Lecture 1.5 0 42 0
GBUS 8419 1 Staff Lecture 1.5 0 45 0
GBUS 8423 001 Kenneth Eades Lecture 1.5 57 65 85.5
GBUS 8423 002 Kenneth Eades Lecture 1.5 37 65 55.5
GBUS 8426 001 Staff Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8430 001 Robert Landel Lecture 1.5 48 48 72
GBUS 8434 001 Marc Lipson Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8435 001 Philippe Sommer Lecture 1.5 0 40 0
GBUS 8443 001 Edward Yu Lecture 0 0 69 0
GBUS 8444 001 Richard Evans Lecture 1.5 65 65 97.5
GBUS 8444 002 Richard Evans Lecture 1.5 64 65 96
GBUS 8447 001 Stylianos Kavadias Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8452 001 William Sihler Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8453 001 Susan Chaplinsky Lecture 1.5 47 60 70.5
GBUS 8453 002 Susan Chaplinsky Lecture 1.5 48 60 72
GBUS 8453 003 Elena Loutskina Lecture 1.5 50 60 75
GBUS 8456 013 Ryan Quinn Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8458 001 Dabney Carr+3 Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8459 1 Jeanne Liedtka Lecture 0 0 40 0
GBUS 8461 1 Jacqueline Doyle+1 Lecture 1.5 0 70 0
GBUS 8463 001 Earl Brownlee+1 Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8464 001 Ronald Wilcox Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8465 001 Luann Lynch Lecture 1.5 60 69 90
GBUS 8470 001 Susan Chaplinsky Lecture 1.5 65 69 97.5
GBUS 8470 002 Susan Chaplinsky Lecture 1.5 43 69 64.5
GBUS 8473 001 Teresa De Guzman Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8480 13 Scott Snell Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8481 001 Alan Beckenstein Lecture 1.5 65 65 97.5
GBUS 8482 001 Morela Hernandez Lecture 1.5 59 65 88.5
GBUS 8483 001 Robert Spekman Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8483 013 Robert Spekman Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8491 1 Francis Warnock Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8493 1 Staff Lecture 1.5 0 30 0
GBUS 8494 1 Jacqueline Doyle Lecture 0 0 70 0
GBUS 8496 001 Kenneth Lichtendahl Lecture 3 65 65 195
GBUS 8500 001 Robert Bruner Lecture 1.5 11 30 16.5
GBUS 8500 002 Alexander Horniman Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8500 003 John Colley Lecture 1.5 10 10 15
GBUS 8500 004 Edward Yu Lecture 1.5 58 70 87
GBUS 8500 005 John Colley Lecture 1.5 3 10 4.5
GBUS 8500 006 Edward Hess+1 Lecture 1.5 0 45 0
GBUS 8500 7 Teresa De Guzman Lecture 1.5 0 30 0
GBUS 8520 001 Robert Conroy Lecture 4.5 0 400 0
GBUS 8520 002 Robert Conroy Lecture 4.5 0 400 0
GBUS 8520 013 Philippe Sommer Lecture 4.5 0 100 0
GBUS 8520 014 Philippe Sommer Lecture 4.5 0 100 0
GBUS 8520 016 Tihamer Von Ghyczy Lecture 4.5 0 100 0
GBUS 8610 001 Robert Spekman Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8610 002 Robert Spekman Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8611 001 William Sihler Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8612 001 Timothy Laseter Lecture 1.5 38 65 57
GBUS 8618 001 Staff Lecture 1.5 0 60 0
GBUS 8619 001 Joseph Harder+1 Lecture 3 0 65 0
GBUS 8620 001 Marian Moore Lecture 1.5 0 69 0
GBUS 8621 001 Yael Grushka-Cockayne Lecture 1.5 65 65 97.5
GBUS 8622 001 Kenneth Lichtendahl Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8625 001 Michael Ho Lecture 1.5 0 69 0
GBUS 8625 002 Michael Ho Lecture 1.5 40 65 60
GBUS 8625 13 Michael Ho Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8626 001 Peter Debaere Lecture 1.5 35 45 52.5
GBUS 8626 002 Peter Debaere Lecture 1.5 35 45 52.5
GBUS 8630 001 Rajkumar Venkatesan Lecture 1.5 65 69 97.5
GBUS 8630 013 Rajkumar Venkatesan Lecture 1.5 14 65 21
GBUS 8632 001 Staff Lecture 1.5 45 45 67.5
GBUS 8633 001 Staff Lecture 1.5 30 30 45
GBUS 8690 001 Phillip Pfeifer Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8699 1 Timothy Laseter Independent Study 1.5 0 100 0
GBUS 8699 2 Tihamer Von Ghyczy Independent Study 1.5 - 4.5 0 400 0
GBUS 8699 3 Tihamer Von Ghyczy Independent Study 1.5 - 4.5 0 400 0
GBUS 8700 001 Philippe Sommer Independent Study 3 19 400 57
GBUS 8700 2 George Allayannis Independent Study 1.5 - 3 0 40 0
GBUS 8701 001 Alexander Horniman Lecture 1.5 65 69 97.5
GBUS 8701 002 Alexander Horniman Lecture 1.5 41 69 61.5
GBUS 8701 013 Alexander Horniman+1 Lecture 1.5 17 65 25.5
GBUS 8703 001 James Clawson Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8730 001 Melissa Thomas - Hunt Lecture 3 0 65 0
GBUS 8800 001 Timothy Laseter Lecture 1.5 36 65 54
GBUS 8800 002 Timothy Laseter Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8830 001 Gal Raz Lecture 1.5 0 55 0
GBUS 8830 002 Gal Raz Lecture 1.5 0 55 0
GBUS 8840 1 Timothy Laseter Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8850 001 Randall Smith Lecture 1.5 0 30 0
GBUS 8870 001 L Bourgeois Lecture 1.5 26 60 39
GBUS 8870 002 L Bourgeois Lecture 1.5 19 60 28.5
GBUS 8900 001 Samuel Bodily Lecture 1.5 38 65 57
GBUS 8910 001 Phillip Pfeifer Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8930 001 Marc Modica Lecture 1.5 52 52 78
GBUS 8930 002 Marc Modica Lecture 1.5 0 52 0
GBUS 8930 003 Marc Modica Lecture 1.5 52 52 78
GBUS 8930 004 Marc Modica+1 Lecture 1.5 42 70 63
GBUS 8930 013 Marc Modica Lecture 1.5 0 65 0
GBUS 8995 001 Staff Independent Study 1.5 - 3 0 100 0
GBUS 8995 002 Staff Independent Study 1.5 - 3 0 100 0
GBUS 8995 003 William Sihler Independent Study 1.5 - 3 0 100 0
GBUS 8995 004 Staff Independent Study 1.5 - 3 0 100 0
GBUS 8995 005 Staff Independent Study 1.5 - 3 0 30 0
GBUS 8995 007 Staff Independent Study 1.5 - 3 0 100 0
GBUS 8999 001 Marc Lipson Independent Study 1.5 1 300 1.5
GBUS 8999 002 Ronald Wilcox Independent Study 1.5 18 30 27
GBUS 8999 003 Ronald Wilcox Independent Study 1.5 1 300 1.5
GBUS 8999 004 Marc Lipson Independent Study 1.5 - 3 0 300 0
GBUS 8999 005 Robert Conroy Independent Study 1.5 - 3 0 300 0
GBUS 8999 006 Robert Conroy Independent Study 1.5 - 3 0 300 0
GBUS 8999 007 Ronald Wilcox Independent Study 1.5 - 3 0 30 0
GBUS 8999 008 Robert Conroy Independent Study 1.5 - 3 0 30 0
GBUS 8999 009 Marc Lipson Independent Study 1.5 - 3 0 300 0
GBUS 8999 10 Marc Lipson Independent Study 3 2 300 6
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 132 2764 8288 4266.5 20.9 24.7 0 71 62.8 50.8 10 400
Independent Study 23 41 4120 93 1.8 5.3 0 19 179.1 141.3 30 400
Overall 155 2805 12408 4359.5

9000-Level Classes

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Class Instructor Type Units Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units
GBUS 9020 001 Andrew Wicks Seminar 3 0 30 0
GBUS 9130 001 Kristin Behfar Seminar 3 0 30 0
GBUS 9330 001 Gregory Fairchild+1 Seminar 3 0 30 0
GBUS 9350 1 Sankaran Venkataraman Lecture 3 0 15 0
GBUS 9852 001 Andrew Wicks Independent Study 3 0 30 0
GBUS 9853 001 Alexander Horniman Lecture 3 0 30 0
GBUS 9854 001 Robert Freeman Lecture 3 9 30 27
GBUS 9856 001 Michael Lenox Lecture 3 9 30 27
GBUS 9858 001 Staff Lecture 3 6 30 18
GBUS 9859 1 Melissa Thomas - Hunt Independent Study 3 1 30 3
GBUS 9860 001 Robert Freeman Lecture 3 0 30 0
GBUS 9999 001 Andrew Wicks Independent Study 6 3 25 18
GBUS 9999 002 Andrew Wicks Independent Study 1 - 12 0 30 0
Totals Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 6 24 165 72 4.0 4.5 0 9 27.5 6.1 15 30
Seminar 3 0 90 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 30.0 0.0 30 30
Independent Study 4 4 115 21 1.0 1.4 0 3 28.8 2.5 25 30
Overall 13 28 370 93

1000-2999 Classes (All Lower Division Undergraduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Total 0 0 0 0

3000-4999 Classes (All Upper Division Undergraduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Total 0 0 0 0

5000-9999 Classes (All Graduate Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 214 7277 16403 11887 34.0 67.6 0 334 76.6 79.7 10 400
Seminar 3 0 90 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 30.0 0.0 30 30
Independent Study 27 45 4235 114 1.7 4.9 0 19 156.9 140.9 25 400
Total 244 7322 20728 12001

1000-9999 Classes (All Classes)

  Enrolled Limit
Type Classes Enrolled Limit Enrolled-Units Ave Std Min Max Ave Std Min Max
Lecture 214 7277 16403 11887 34.0 67.6 0 334 76.6 79.7 10 400
Seminar 3 0 90 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 30.0 0.0 30 30
Independent Study 27 45 4235 114 1.7 4.9 0 19 156.9 140.9 25 400
Total 244 7322 20728 12001