These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time
Graduate Business |
GBUS 7500 | Innovation, Design, and Entrepreneurship in Action (IDEA) |
18064 | 001 | Lecture (1.5 Units) | Open | 40 / 120 | Rachel Brozenske | WeTh 11:45am - 1:10pm | Darden Classroom Bldg Room I-L |
18080 | 002 | Lecture (1.5 Units) | Open | 40 / 120 | Rachel Brozenske | WeTh 2:45pm - 4:10pm | Darden Classroom Bldg Room I-L |
GBUS 8520 | Darden Capital Management |
18049 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Closed | 28 / 28 | Pedro Matos | TBA | TBA |
German in Translation |
GETR 3562 | German New Wave Cinema: Reinvention, Remembrance Rebellion |
19813 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Open | 6 / 20 | Paul Dobryden | TuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Fayerweather Hall 215 |
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering |
MAE 4514 | Aerospace Engineering Special Projects |
21756 | 003 | IND (1.5 Units) | Permission | 1 / 30 | Haibo Dong | TBA | TBA |
21760 | 004 | IND (1.5 Units) | Permission | 2 / 30 | Frank Lagor | TBA | TBA |
MAE 7510 | Research Seminar, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering: Master's Students |
15302 | 001 | SEM (0 - 1 Units) | Open  | 21 / 29 (67 / 84) | Baoxing Xu | Th 3:30pm - 5:00pm | Mechanical Engr Bldg 341 |
16169 | 600 | SEM (0 - 1 Units) | Open  | 5 / 30 | Baoxing Xu | TBA | TBA |
MAE 7530 | Independent Study in Mechanical or Aerospace Engineering Science: Advanced |
15996 | 001 | IND (3 Units) | Permission | 0 / 0 | Roger Fittro | TBA | TBA |
MAE 8591 | Research Seminar, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering: Doctoral Students |
15357 | 001 | Lecture (0 - 1 Units) | Open  | 46 / 55 (67 / 84) | Baoxing Xu | Th 3:30pm - 5:00pm | Mechanical Engr Bldg 341 |
16380 | 600 | Lecture (0 - 1 Units) | Open  | 0 / 30 | Baoxing Xu | TBA | TBA |
Philosophy |
PHIL 7502 | Readings in Philosophy |
21684 | 001 | SEM (3 Units) | Permission | 1 / 5 | Trey Boone | TBA | TBA |
Sociology |
SOC 9510 | Advanced Topics in Culture |
13740 | 001 | SEM (3 Units) | Closed | 1 / 1 | Jeffrey Olick | TBA | TBA |
SOC 9530 | Advanced Topics in Race, Ethnicity and Migration |
21891 | 002 | SEM (3 Units) | Closed | 1 / 1 | B. Foster | TBA | TBA |
SOC 9540 | Advanced Topics in Economic Sociology and Organizations |
13708 | 001 | SEM (3 Units) | Closed | 1 / 1 | Simone Polillo | TBA | TBA |
21575 | 002 | SEM (3 Units) | Open | 0 / 1 | Angel Parham | TBA | TBA |
SOC 9570 | Advanced Topics in Gender and Sexuality |
21843 | 001 | SEM (3 Units) | Closed | 1 / 1 | Esra Sarioglu | TBA | TBA |