UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Schedule of Classes for Statistics - Spring 2025
These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time
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I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics
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 STAT 1100Chance: An Introduction to Statistics
11959 001Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (10 / 199) 30 / 30-MoWe 8:00am - 9:15amWilson Hall 214
11960 002Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (27 / 199) 30 / 30-TuTh 5:00pm - 6:15pmMonroe Hall 110
19736 003Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (26 / 199) 30 / 30-TuTh 9:30am - 10:45amWilson Hall 238
19737 004Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (27 / 199) 30 / 30-TuTh 9:30am - 10:45amWilson Hall 214
 STAT 1601Introduction to Data Science with R
12252 001Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (52 / 199) 90 / 90Kristen RolandTuTh 9:30am - 10:45amChemistry Bldg 217
12253 002Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (57 / 199) 90 / 90Kristen RolandTuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pmChemistry Bldg 217
12626 003Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (65 / 199) 90 / 90Kristen RolandTuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pmChemistry Bldg 217
 STAT 1602Introduction to Data Science with Python
13537 001Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (15 / 199) 30 / 30-MoWe 8:00am - 9:15amNew Cabell Hall 168
19738 003Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (29 / 199) 30 / 30-MoWe 5:00pm - 6:15pmWilson Hall 214
 STAT 2020Statistics for Biologists
11776 100Lecture (4 Units)Open, WL (1 / 199) 86 / 160Maria FerraraTuTh 9:30am - 10:45amWilson Hall 301
11912 101Laboratory (0 Units)Wait List (5 / 199) 80 / 80Maria FerraraTu 4:00pm - 4:50pmWilson Hall 325
11913 102Laboratory (0 Units)Wait List (2 / 199) 80 / 80Maria FerraraTu 5:00pm - 5:50pmWilson Hall 325
12041 103Laboratory (0 Units)Open 64 / 80Maria FerraraTu 6:00pm - 6:50pmWilson Hall 325
12904 104Laboratory (0 Units)Open 22 / 80Maria FerraraTu 7:00pm - 7:50pmWilson Hall 325
11777 200Lecture (4 Units)Wait List (6 / 199) 160 / 160Maria FerraraTuTh 11:00am - 12:15pmWilson Hall 301
 STAT 2120Introduction to Statistical Analysis
10939 100Lecture (4 Units)Open, WL (85 / 199) 140 / 180Jeffrey HoltMoWe 9:00am - 9:50amWilson Hall 301
10942 101Laboratory (0 Units)Wait List (53 / 199) 50 / 50To Be AnnouncedMoWe 5:00pm - 5:50pmMonroe Hall 110
10943 102Laboratory (0 Units)Wait List (33 / 199) 50 / 50To Be AnnouncedMoWe 5:00pm - 5:50pmMonroe Hall 134
10944 103Laboratory (0 Units)Wait List (37 / 199) 50 / 50To Be AnnouncedMoWe 5:00pm - 5:50pmGilmer Hall 257
13538 104Laboratory (0 Units)Wait List (16 / 199) 50 / 50To Be AnnouncedMoWe 6:00pm - 6:50pmMonroe Hall 110
14276 105Laboratory (0 Units)Wait List (13 / 199) 50 / 50To Be AnnouncedMoWe 6:00pm - 6:50pmMonroe Hall 134
14277 106Laboratory (0 Units)Wait List (13 / 199) 50 / 50To Be AnnouncedMoWe 6:00pm - 6:50pmGilmer Hall 257
14278 107Laboratory (0 Units)Wait List (17 / 199) 50 / 50To Be AnnouncedMoWe 7:00pm - 7:50pmChemistry Bldg 204
14279 108Laboratory (0 Units)Wait List (28 / 199) 49 / 50To Be AnnouncedMoWe 7:00pm - 7:50pmChemistry Bldg 206
14280 109Laboratory (0 Units)Wait List (21 / 199) 50 / 50To Be AnnouncedMoWe 8:00pm - 8:50pmChemistry Bldg 204
19739 110Laboratory (0 Units)Wait List (15 / 199) 50 / 50To Be AnnouncedMoWe 8:00pm - 8:50pmChemistry Bldg 206
10940 200Lecture (4 Units)Open, WL (85 / 199) 179 / 180Jeffrey HoltMoWe 10:00am - 10:50amWilson Hall 301
10941 300Lecture (4 Units)Wait List (85 / 199) 180 / 180Jeffrey HoltMoWe 11:00am - 11:50amWilson Hall 301
 STAT 3080From Data to Knowledge
11696 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 36 / 60Taylor BrownMoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pmMonroe Hall 134
13539 002Lecture (3 Units)Open 32 / 60Taylor BrownMoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pmMonroe Hall 134
 STAT 3110Foundations of Statistics
12623 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 29 / 60-TuTh 8:00am - 9:15amPhysics Bldg 242
12624 002Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (12 / 199) 60 / 60Justin WeinstockTuTh 9:30am - 10:45amPhysics Bldg 242
 STAT 3120Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
12625 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 21 / 80Harsimran SomalTuTh 5:00pm - 6:15pmCampbell Hall 160
19740 002Lecture (3 Units)Open 76 / 80Harsimran SomalTuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pmCampbell Hall 160
 STAT 3220Introduction to Regression Analysis
12003 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 50 / 80Krista VaranyakTuTh 8:00am - 9:15amWilson Hall 325
12083 002Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (13 / 199) 80 / 80Krista VaranyakTuTh 9:30am - 10:45amWilson Hall 325
14250 003Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (31 / 199) 80 / 80Krista VaranyakTuTh 11:00am - 12:15pmWilson Hall 325
 STAT 3250Data Analysis with Python
12251 001Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (15 / 199) 91 / 90Harsimran SomalTuTh 6:30pm - 7:45pmCampbell Hall 160
 STAT 3280Data Visualization and Management
12937 001Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (10 / 199) 60 / 60Richard RossMoWeFr 11:00am - 11:50amGilmer Hall 257
13676 002Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (2 / 199) 61 / 60Richard RossMoWeFr 12:00pm - 12:50pmGilmer Hall 257
 STAT 3480Nonparametric and Rank-Based Statistics
14712 001Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (59 / 199) 60 / 60Justin WeinstockTuTh 11:00am - 12:15pmNau Hall 211
 STAT 4120Applied Linear Models
13549 001Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (11 / 199) 60 / 60Jeffrey WooMoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pmPhysics Bldg 220
 STAT 4160Experimental Design
19741 001Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (28 / 199) 60 / 60Maria FerraraMoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pmMonroe Hall 110
 STAT 4220Applied Analytics for Business
12894 001Lecture (3 Units)Permission 47 / 40Gretchen MartinetTuTh 9:30am - 10:45amMonroe Hall 110
12895 002Lecture (3 Units)Permission 52 / 40Gretchen MartinetTuTh 11:00am - 12:15pmMonroe Hall 110
 STAT 4800Advanced Sports Analytics I
19742 001Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (17 / 199) 40 / 40Jordan RoduMoWeFr 10:00am - 10:50amMonroe Hall 134
 STAT 4993Independent Study
12370 001IND (1 - 4 Units)Permission0 / 5Ken OnoTBATBA
14725 002IND (1 - 4 Units)Permission0 / 5Jordan RoduTBATBA
 STAT 4996Capstone
13062 001Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (14 / 199) 35 / 32Richard RossMoWeFr 1:00pm - 1:50pmWilson Hall 238
13550 002Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (19 / 199) 32 / 32Jeffrey WooMoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pmNew Cabell Hall 332
14236 003Lecture (3 Units)Permission 21 / 32Jordan RoduMoWeFr 1:00pm - 1:50pmNew Cabell Hall 232
 STAT 5180Design and Analysis of Sample Surveys
19743 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 33 / 50Lingxiao WangTuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pmMonroe Hall 134
 STAT 5630Statistical Machine Learning
12896 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 37 / 50Zach LubbertsMoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pmChemistry Bldg 217
 STAT 5993Directed Reading
13067 001IND (1 - 3 Units)Permission0 / 10Zach LubbertsTBATBA
14867 002IND (1 - 3 Units)Permission0 / 10Ken OnoTBATBA
 STAT 6021Linear Models for Data Science
18753 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed 69 / 60Jeffrey WooTu 8:30pm - 9:30pm Web-Based Course
 STAT 6130Applied Multivariate Statistics
14240 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 17 / 40Shan YuTuTh 9:30am - 10:45amNew Cabell Hall 389
 STAT 6160Experimental Design
19744 001Lecture (3 Units)Open13 / 40Martin SlawskiTuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pmNew Cabell Hall 309
 STAT 7100Introduction to Advanced Statistical Inference
11621 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 31 / 40Jingming WangTuTh 5:00pm - 6:15pmNew Cabell Hall 232
 STAT 7995Statistical Consulting
14263 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 27 / 40Karen KafadarTuTh 11:00am - 12:15pmNew Cabell Hall 389
 STAT 9120Statistics Seminar
19746 001SEM (1 - 3 Units)Open 9 / 40Jeffrey HoltTuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pmClark Hall G004
 STAT 9998Non-Topical Research, Preparation for Doctoral Research
11112 001IND (1 - 12 Units)Permission0 / 15Jianhui ZhouTBA TBA
 STAT 9999Non-Topical Research
10945 001IND (1 - 12 Units)Permission0 / 15Karen KafadarTBA TBA
11699 002IND (1 - 12 Units)Permission0 / 15Dan SpitznerTBA TBA
11964 003IND (1 - 12 Units)Permission0 / 15Jianhui ZhouTBA TBA
13137 004IND (1 - 12 Units)Permission0 / 15Jordan RoduTBA TBA
13673 005IND (1 - 12 Units)Permission0 / 15-TBA TBA
13776 006IND (1 - 12 Units)Permission0 / 15Shan YuTBA TBA
13801 007IND (1 - 12 Units)Permission0 / 15Xiwei TangTBA TBA
14667 008IND (1 - 12 Units)Permission0 / 15Zach LubbertsTBA TBA
14757 009IND (1 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Ken OnoTBA TBA

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