UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Complete Schedule of Classes for East Asian Languages, Literature & Culture - Spring 2025
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I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics
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 CHIN 1010Elementary Chinese
12149 001Lecture (4 Units)Open9 / 18Ju Min WangMoTuWeTh 12:00pm - 12:50pmNew Cabell Hall 036
13698 002Lecture (4 Units)Wait List (3 / 9)18 / 18Ju Min WangMoTuWeTh 11:00am - 11:50amNew Cabell Hall 036
 CHIN 1020Elementary Chinese
10623 001Lecture (4 Units)Open11 / 18Ying YueMoTuWeTh 1:00pm - 1:50pmNew Cabell Hall 036
10624 002Lecture (4 Units)Wait List (1 / 199)18 / 18Ying YueMoTuWeTh 2:00pm - 2:50pmNew Cabell Hall 036
10625 003Lecture (4 Units)Open15 / 18Ying GaoMoTuWeTh 12:00pm - 12:50pmNew Cabell Hall 283
11833 004Lecture (4 Units)Wait List (2 / 199)18 / 18Ying GaoMoTuWeTh 11:00am - 11:50amNew Cabell Hall 283
 CHIN 2010Intermediate Chinese
12265 001Lecture (4 Units)Open11 / 16Wen GuoMoTuWeTh 9:00am - 9:50amNew Cabell Hall 411
14662 002Lecture (4 Units)Wait List (1 / 10)14 / 14Wen GuoMoTuWeTh 10:00am - 10:50amNew Cabell Hall 038
 CHIN 2020Intermediate Chinese
12669 001Lecture (4 Units)Wait List (0 / 5) 16 / 16Jun WangMoTuWeTh 12:00pm - 12:50pmNew Cabell Hall 411
11626 002Lecture (4 Units)Wait List (1 / 5) 17 / 16Jun WangMoTuWeTh 11:00am - 11:50amNew Cabell Hall 411
11697 003Lecture (4 Units)Wait List (2 / 199) 16 / 16Shu-Chen ChenMoTuWeTh 2:00pm - 2:50pmNew Cabell Hall 411
13709 004Lecture (4 Units)Open 13 / 16Wen GuoMoTuWeTh 12:00pm - 12:50pmNew Cabell Hall 415
 CHIN 2060Accelerated Intermediate Chinese
10626 001Lecture (4 Units)Permission 16 / 16Ying GaoMoWeFr 10:00am - 10:50amNew Cabell Hall 107
14568 002Lecture (4 Units)Permission 16 / 16Ran ZhaoMoWeFr 11:00am - 11:50amNew Cabell Hall 315
 CHIN 3010Pre-Advanced Chinese I
19052 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 10 / 12Ying YueMoWeFr 11:00am - 11:50amNew Cabell Hall 395
 CHIN 3020Pre-Advanced Chinese II
12184 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 6 / 12Miao-Fen TsengMoWeFr 11:00am - 11:50amNew Cabell Hall 042
12266 002Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (0 / 199) 12 / 12Jun WangMoWeFr 2:00pm - 2:50pmShea House 211
13690 003Lecture (3 Units)Open 6 / 12Miao-Fen TsengMoWeFr 10:00am - 10:50amNew Cabell Hall 042
 CHIN 3025Language House Conversation
10627 001Lecture (1 Units)Permission10 / 18Ying YueTBATBA
 CHIN 4020Advanced Chinese II
10628 001Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (1 / 199) 14 / 12Ran ZhaoMoWeFr 10:00am - 10:50amNew Cabell Hall 315
 CHIN 4030Business Chinese
13962 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 10 / 12Miao-Fen TsengMoWeFr 1:00pm - 1:50pmNew Cabell Hall 042
 CHIN 4801Professional Chinese with Community Engagement
19053 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 9 / 12Shu-Chen ChenTuTh 11:00am - 12:15pmNew Cabell Hall 042
 CHIN 4840Introduction to Classical Chinese Poetry
12880 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 7 / 12Anne KinneyTuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pmWilson Hall 142
Chinese in Translation
 CHTR 3559New Course in Chinese in Translation
 The Once and Future (Monkey) King
18907 001Lecture (3 Units)Open18 / 25Canaan MorseMoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pmNew Cabell Hall 032
 CHTR 3840Writing Women in Modern China
18970 001SEM (3 Units)Wait List (8 / 10) 30 / 30Charles LaughlinTuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pmBryan Hall 235
 CHTR 3850Documentary Writing and Film in China
21425 001SEM (3 Units)Open 18 / 20Charles LaughlinFr 2:00pm - 4:30pmNew Cabell Hall 411
 CHTR 4010Legendary Women in Early China
19094 001SEM (3 Units)Wait List (0 / 10) 18 / 18Anne KinneyTuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pmBryan Hall 203
 CHTR 4991Chinese Capstone
11947 001SEM (1 Units)Permission 4 / 10Anne KinneyTBATBA
East Asian Studies
 EAST 1010East Asian Canons and Cultures
18903 100Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (12 / 15) 60 / 60Canaan MorseMoWe 4:00pm - 4:50pmClaude Moore Nursing Educ G120
18904 101Discussion (0 Units)Wait List (7 / 10) 20 / 20Luke XuTh 5:00pm - 5:50pmNew Cabell Hall 338
18905 102Discussion (0 Units)Wait List (3 / 10) 20 / 20Luke XuTh 6:00pm - 6:50pmNew Cabell Hall 338
18906 103Discussion (0 Units)Wait List (2 / 10) 20 / 20Luke XuTh 7:00pm - 7:50pmNew Cabell Hall 338
 EAST 1200East Asian Calligraphy
13641 001Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (14 / 20) 20 / 20Shu-Chen ChenTuTh 9:30am - 10:45amNew Cabell Hall 368
21325 002Lecture (3 Units)Closed 20 / 20Ju Min WangTuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pmNew Cabell Hall 187
 EAST 1559New Course in East Asian Studies
 Practicum in Teaching East Asian Languages
19055 001Lecture (1 Units)Permission 14 / 20Ran ZhaoMo 9:00am - 9:50amNew Cabell Hall 183
 Practicum in Teaching East Asian Languages
19056 002Lecture (1 Units)Permission7 / 20Mieko KawaiMo 9:00am - 9:50amNew Cabell Hall 415
 Practicum in Teaching East Asian Languages
19057 003Lecture (1 Units)Permission 9 / 20YOON HWA CHOIMo 9:00am - 9:50amNew Cabell Hall 115
 EAST 4991East Asian Studies Capstone
11961 001SEM (1 Units)Permission2 / 15Charles LaughlinTBATBA
 EAST 4999Distinguished Majors Senior Thesis
20973 001IND (3 Units)Permission 1 / 1Anri YasudaTBATBA
20974 002IND (3 Units)Permission 1 / 1Robert StolzTBATBA
 EAST 8999Non-Topical Research
19516 001IND (1 - 12 Units)Permission0 / 1Len SchoppaTBATBA
 JAPN 1020First-Year Japanese
10721 002Lecture (4 Units)Open12 / 18Tomoko MarshallMoTuWeTh 10:00am - 10:50amNew Cabell Hall 036
11911 003Lecture (4 Units)Open9 / 18Tomomi SatoMoTuWeTh 11:00am - 11:50amNew Cabell Hall 044
10722 004Lecture (4 Units)Open7 / 18Tomomi SatoMoTuWeTh 12:00pm - 12:50pmNew Cabell Hall 044
 JAPN 2020Second-Year Japanese
10723 001Lecture (4 Units)Open 15 / 16Mieko KawaiMoTuWeTh 11:00am - 11:50amNew Cabell Hall 056
11775 002Lecture (4 Units)Open 9 / 16Mieko KawaiMoTuWeTh 12:00pm - 12:50pmNew Cabell Hall 056
20942 003Lecture (4 Units)Open 12 / 16Yoko HasegawaMoTuWeTh 1:00pm - 1:50pmNew Cabell Hall 044
 JAPN 2100Cultural Conversation in Japanese
19061 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 8 / 12Tomomi SatoMoWeFr 10:00am - 10:50amNew Cabell Hall 066
 JAPN 3020Third-Year Japanese II
10724 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 7 / 12Yoko HasegawaMoWeFr 10:00am - 10:50amShea House 211
12267 002Lecture (3 Units)Open 6 / 12Yoko HasegawaMoWeFr 11:00am - 11:50amShea House 211
 JAPN 3025Language House Conversation
10725 001Lecture (1 Units)Permission 13 / 17Tomoko MarshallTBATBA
 JAPN 3300Japanese Food for Thought
19062 001SEM (3 Units)Open 7 / 12Tomoko MarshallTuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pmNew Cabell Hall 042
Japanese in Translation
 JPTR 3020Survey of Modern Japanese Literature
13952 001Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (7 / 10) 23 / 23Anri YasudaTuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pmNew Cabell Hall 332
 JPTR 3100Myths and Legends of Japan
19097 001SEM (3 Units)Wait List (0 / 10) 20 / 20Gustav HeldtTuTh 5:00pm - 6:15pmNew Cabell Hall 395
 JPTR 3290Feminine Fictions in Japanese Court Literature
21301 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 3 / 18Gustav HeldtTuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pmShea House 211
 JPTR 3391Women in Modern Japanese Literature
18831 001SEM (3 Units)Wait List (1 / 10) 18 / 18Anri YasudaWe 2:00pm - 4:30pmBryan Hall 203
 JPTR 4991Japanese Capstone
12268 001SEM (1 Units)Permission0 / 12Gustav HeldtTBATBA
 KOR 1020Elementary Korean II
10726 001Lecture (4 Units)Open10 / 18Juyeon ChungMoTuWeTh 10:00am - 10:50amNew Cabell Hall 287
11994 002Lecture (4 Units)Open10 / 18Juyeon ChungMoTuWeTh 11:00am - 11:50amNew Cabell Hall 287
13357 003Lecture (4 Units)Open11 / 18YOON HWA CHOIMoTuWeTh 12:00pm - 12:50pmNew Cabell Hall 287
13944 004Lecture (4 Units)Wait List (2 / 10)18 / 18YOON HWA CHOIMoTuWeTh 1:00pm - 1:50pmNew Cabell Hall 287
 KOR 2020Intermediate Korean II
10956 001Lecture (4 Units)Open 17 / 18Rosa HanMoTuWeTh 11:00am - 11:50amNew Cabell Hall 107
11995 002Lecture (4 Units)Open 16 / 18Rosa HanMoTuWeTh 12:00pm - 12:50pmNew Cabell Hall 115
 KOR 2060Accelerated Intermediate Korean
13945 001Lecture (4 Units)Permission 19 / 18Juyeon ChungMoWeFr 9:00am - 9:50amNew Cabell Hall 287
 KOR 3015Language House Conversation
11676 001Lecture (1 Units)Permission 4 / 15Rosa HanTBATBA
 KOR 3020Advanced Korean II
10727 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 8 / 12Rosa HanTuTh 9:30am - 10:45amCocke Hall 101
Korean in Translation
 KRTR 3030Survey of Korean Cinema
13948 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed 20 / 20HeeJin LeeTuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pmCocke Hall 115
 KRTR 3700Survey of Contemporary South Korean Popular Culture
21312 001Lecture (3 Units)Wait List (0 / 5) 18 / 18HeeJin LeeMoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pmNew Cabell Hall 064

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