UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Complete Schedule for the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department - Spring 2025
These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time

I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics
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Civil Engineering
 CE 2001 Sustainability Science
19609 001Lecture (3)Wait List (8 / 199) 68 / 68Lisa PetersonTuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pmMechanical Engr Bldg 339
 CE 2020 Engineering Economic Analysis
15497 001Lecture (1)Open20 / 60Lindsay BurdenTBATBA
 CE 2100 Introduction to Environmental Engineering
14968 001Lecture (3)Open50 / 68Teresa CulverTuTh 11:00am - 12:15pmOlsson Hall 009
 CE 2110 Environmental Engineering Laboratory
15059 001Laboratory (1)Open15 / 20Teresa CulverMo 10:00am - 11:50amThornton Hall D008
15060 002Laboratory (1)Open18 / 20Teresa CulverMo 12:00pm - 1:50pmThornton Hall D008
15807 003Laboratory (1)Open11 / 20Teresa CulverMo 3:00pm - 4:50pmThornton Hall D008
 CE 2300 Statics
15957 001Lecture (3)Open 12 / 13Toni TangTuTh 9:30am - 10:45amMechanical Engr Bldg 213
 CE 2310 Strength of Materials
15379 001Lecture (3)Open 33 / 40Jose GomezWe 6:00pm - 8:00pmOlsson Hall 009
 Jose GomezTuTh 9:30am - 10:45amOlsson Hall 009
15551 002Lecture (3)Open 5 / 19Natasha SmithWe 4:00pm - 6:00pmMechanical Engr Bldg 205
 Natasha SmithTuTh 11:00am - 12:15pmMechanical Engr Bldg 205
 CE 3000 Civil Engineering Systems Analysis
16271 001Lecture (3)Open 24 / 30Negin Alemazkoor+1TuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pmWilsdorf Hall 101
 CE 3010 Project Business Planning
16102 001Lecture (3)Open, WL (2 / 199) 49 / 51Diana Franco DuranMoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pmOlsson Hall 011
 CE 3050 Energy Systems and the Environment
19610 001Lecture (3)Open 23 / 40Andres ClarensMoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pmOlsson Hall 001
 CE 3120 Solid Waste Management
16272 001Lecture (3)Open15 / 36Lindsay BurdenMoWeFr 11:00am - 11:50amOlsson Hall 011
 CE 3220 Water Resources Engineering
15250 001Lecture (3)Open 25 / 36Lawrence BandTuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pmOlsson Hall 001
 CE 3222 Water Resources Engineering Workshop
15745 001WKS (1)Open 26 / 35Lawrence BandTu 2:00pm - 3:15pmMechanical Engr Bldg 213
 CE 3330 Introduction to Design of Structural Systems
15950 001Lecture (4)Open 24 / 30Devin HarrisMoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pmThornton Hall D223
15956 100Laboratory (0)Open24 / 30Devin HarrisWe 12:30pm - 1:45pmMechanical Engr Bldg 214
 CE 3400 Transportation Infrastructure Design
14969 001Lecture (3)Open 14 / 20Tong ChenTuTh 11:00am - 12:15pmMechanical Engr Bldg 214
 CE 3402 Transportation Infrastructure Design Workshop
15327 001Laboratory (1)Open 8 / 12Tong ChenTh 2:00pm - 3:15pmMechanical Engr Bldg 215
 CE 3500 Special Topics in Civil Engineering
 Construction Means & Methods
19611 001Lecture (3)Open5 / 32Somayeh ASADITuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pmRidley Hall 175
 CE 3800 Civil Engineering Undergraduate Seminar
16520 001SEM (1)Permission2 / 30Teresa CulverTBATBA
 CE 4025 Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) Coordination and Control
15922 001Lecture (3)Open22 / 25Arsalan HeydarianTu 3:30pm - 6:30pmMechanical Engr Bldg 214
 CE 4040 Sustainability and Systems in the Built Environment
15746 001Lecture (3)Open43 / 45Leidy KlotzTh 6:00pm - 8:30pmPhysics Bldg 338
 CE 4050 Risk Analysis
16126 001Lecture (3)Open 14 / 15James LambertMoWe 5:00pm - 6:15pmOlsson Hall 120
 CE 4500 Special Topics in Civil Engineering
 Artificial Intelligence for Engineers
19612 001Lecture (3)Open3 / 25Leo LiuMo 6:00pm - 9:00pmThornton Hall E304
 World Building with Virtual and Augmented Reality
20513 002Lecture (3)Open2 / 15To Be AnnouncedWe 5:30pm - 8:00pmMechanical Engr Bldg 213
 CE 4990 Civil Engineering Design and Practice I
20879 001Lecture (3)Open 45 / 48Diana Franco DuranWe 12:00pm - 12:50pmContact Department
 Diana Franco DuranMo 12:00pm - 12:50pmMechanical Engr Bldg 341
 CE 4995 Civil Engineering Research
15700 001IND (1 - 4)Permission1 / 30James SmithTBATBA
15597 002IND (1 - 4)Permission0 / 10Leidy KlotzTBATBA
15328 003IND (1 - 4)Permission0 / 10Jonathan GoodallTBATBA
15712 004IND (1 - 4)Permission0 / 1Leo LiuTBATBA
15260 005IND (1 - 4)Permission0 / 10Brian SmithTBATBA
16485 006IND (1 - 4)Permission0 / 30Devin HarrisTBATBA
15367 007IND (1 - 4)Permission1 / 10B. Brian ParkTBATBA
15790 008IND (1 - 4)Permission4 / 30Jose GomezTBATBA
15795 009IND (1 - 4)Permission0 / 30Teresa CulverTBATBA
16050 010IND (1 - 4)Permission0 / 30Andres ClarensTBATBA
15984 011IND (1 - 4)Permission1 / 30Venkataraman LakshmiTBATBA
 CE 5035 Construction Estimating and Bidding
15923 001Lecture (3)Open13 / 24Matthew O'malleyTuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pmRice Hall 011
15924 600Lecture (3)Open 9 / 30Matthew O'malleyTBATBA
 CE 5240 Ground-Water Hydrology and Contaminant Transport
20868 001Lecture (3)Open18 / 24James SmithMoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pmOlsson Hall 005
20882 600Lecture (3)Open 2 / 30James SmithTBATBA
 CE 5300 Advanced Design of Metal Structures
15747 001Lecture (3)Open11 / 15Jose GomezMoWe 8:30am - 9:45amMechanical Engineering 206
15748 600Lecture (3)Open 2 / 15Jose Gomez+1TBATBA
 CE 5410 Introduction to Transportation Planning
15557 001Lecture (3)Open11 / 15John MillerMoWe 8:30am - 9:45amThornton Hall D222
15749 600Lecture (3)Open 4 / 8John MillerTBATBA
 CE 5500 Special Topics in Civil Engineering
 Engineering Design and Practice II
16127 600Lecture (3)Permission 5 / 15Lindsay Burden+1TBATBA
 CE 6000 Forefronts of Civil Engineering
19614 001Lecture (3)Open8 / 14Venkataraman LakshmiTh 1:00pm - 3:30pmOlsson Hall 104
 CE 6015 Project Management
15946 001Lecture (3)Open10 / 30Cody PennettiFr 8:30am - 11:00amRice Hall 032
15947 600Lecture (3)Open 10 / 30Cody PennettiTBATBA
 CE 6025 Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) Coordination and Control
16077 001Lecture (3)Open1 / 5Arsalan HeydarianTu 3:30pm - 6:30pmMechanical Engr Bldg 214
20992 600Lecture (3)Open 3 / 30Arsalan HeydarianTBATBA
 CE 6280 Stochastic Hydrology
19615 001Lecture (3)Open 5 / 12Julianne QuinnMoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pmMechanical Engineering 206
19616 600Lecture (3)Open 1 / 12Julianne QuinnTBATBA
 CE 6370 Dynamics of Structures
19687 001Lecture (3)Open3 / 10Osman OzbulutMoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pmJesser Hall 171
19688 600Lecture (3)Open 3 / 30Osman OzbulutTBATBA
 CE 6440 Advanced Transportation Systems
21118 001Lecture (3)Open2 / 12Brian SmithTuTh 9:30am - 10:45amRice Hall 011
21119 600Lecture (3)Open 0 / 8Brian SmithTBATBA
 CE 6500 Special Topics in Civil Engineering
 Introduction to Bridge Engineering and Design
19617 001Lecture (3)Permission4 / 12Jose GomezTuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pmMechanical Engineering 206
 Artificial Intelligence for Engineers
19618 002Lecture (3)Open10 / 25Leo LiuMo 6:00pm - 9:00pmThornton Hall E304
 Sustainability & Systems in the Built Environment
15986 003Lecture (3)Open5 / 15Leidy KlotzTh 6:00pm - 8:30pmPhysics Bldg 338
 World Building with Virtual and Augmented Reality
20514 004Lecture (3)Open3 / 15To Be AnnouncedWe 5:30pm - 8:00pmMechanical Engr Bldg 213
 Introduction to Bridge Engineering and Design
16460 600Lecture (3)Permission 4 / 6Jose Gomez+1TBATBA
 Artificial Intelligence for Engineers
19619 601Lecture (3)Open 5 / 25Leo Liu+1TBATBA
 World Building with Virtual and Augmented Reality
20515 602Lecture (3)Open 1 / 30To Be AnnouncedTBATBA
 CE 6993 Independent Study
16372 001IND (1 - 12)Permission0 / 30Venkataraman LakshmiTBATBA
16504 002IND (1 - 12)Permission0 / 30Majid Shafiee-JoodTBATBA
 CE 6995 Supervised Project Research
15698 001IND (1 - 12)Permission0 / 30Jose GomezTBATBA
15724 002IND (1 - 12)Permission0 / 30John MillerTBATBA
15816 003IND (1 - 12)Permission0 / 30Jonathan GoodallTBATBA
15870 004IND (1 - 12)Permission0 / 30Lisa PetersonTBATBA
15875 005IND (1 - 12)Permission0 / 30Lindsay BurdenTBATBA
16477 006IND (1 - 12)Permission0 / 30Teresa CulverTBATBA
16524 007IND (1 - 12)Permission0 / 30Tong ChenTBATBA
 CE 7001 Graduate Seminar
14970 001Lecture (0)Open 5 / 48Majid Shafiee-JoodTh 3:30pm - 5:00pmOlsson Hall 001
 CE 7993 Independent Research in CE
15498 001IND (1 - 12)Permission0 / 30Leidy KlotzTBATBA
 CE 8001 Graduate Teaching Instruction
14971 001IND (1 - 6)Permission 0 / 10Lawrence BandTBATBA
15245 002IND (1 - 6)Permission 0 / 10Leidy KlotzTBATBA
15246 003IND (1 - 6)Permission 0 / 10James SmithTBATBA
15247 004IND (1 - 6)Permission 0 / 10Tong ChenTBATBA
15248 006IND (1 - 6)Permission 0 / 10Andres ClarensTBATBA
15249 007IND (1 - 6)Permission 0 / 10Michael FontaineTBATBA
15261 008IND (1 - 6)Permission 0 / 10Arsalan HeydarianTBATBA
15989 009IND (1 - 6)Permission 0 / 10Diana Franco DuranTBATBA
15262 010IND (1 - 6)Permission 0 / 10Teresa CulverTBATBA
15268 011IND (1 - 6)Permission 1 / 10Lisa PetersonTBATBA
15269 012IND (1 - 6)Permission 0 / 10Jose GomezTBATBA
15270 013IND (1 - 6)Permission 0 / 10B. Brian ParkTBATBA
15271 014IND (1 - 6)Permission 0 / 10Brian SmithTBATBA
15292 015IND (1 - 6)Permission 0 / 10Lindsay BurdenTBATBA
15295 016IND (1 - 6)Permission 0 / 30Osman OzbulutTBATBA
15296 017IND (1 - 6)Permission 0 / 30Devin HarrisTBATBA
15329 018IND (1 - 6)Permission 0 / 30Jonathan GoodallTBATBA
15330 019IND (1 - 6)Permission 0 / 30John MillerTBATBA
15341 020IND (1 - 6)Permission 0 / 30Marek-Jerzy PinderaTBATBA
15993 021IND (1 - 6)Permission0 / 30Cody PennettiTBATBA
 CE 8999 Thesis
15161 001IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Lawrence BandTBATBA
15162 002IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Arsalan HeydarianTBATBA
15163 003IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Diana Franco DuranTBATBA
15164 004IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Andres ClarensTBATBA
15165 005IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Lisa PetersonTBATBA
15166 006IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Teresa CulverTBATBA
15167 007IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Tong ChenTBATBA
15168 008IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Jonathan GoodallTBATBA
15513 009IND (1 - 12)Permission0 / 30Leo LiuTBATBA
15169 010IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Michael FontaineTBATBA
15499 011IND (1 - 12)Permission0 / 30Leidy KlotzTBATBA
15170 012IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Jose GomezTBATBA
15176 013IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30James SmithTBATBA
15356 014IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 5Lindsay BurdenTBATBA
15837 015IND (1 - 12)Permission0 / 30Julianne QuinnTBATBA
15171 016IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Negin AlemazkoorTBATBA
15172 017IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30John MillerTBATBA
15925 018IND (1 - 12)Permission0 / 30Venkataraman LakshmiTBATBA
15173 019IND (1 - 12)Permission 1 / 30B. Brian ParkTBATBA
15174 020IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Marek-Jerzy PinderaTBATBA
15175 021IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Brian SmithTBATBA
15297 022IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Osman OzbulutTBATBA
15298 023IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Devin HarrisTBATBA
15926 024IND (1 - 12)Permission0 / 30Majid Shafiee-JoodTBATBA
16052 025IND (1 - 12)Permission0 / 30James LambertTBATBA
 CE 9999 Dissertation
15562 001IND (1 - 12)Permission 3 / 30Arsalan HeydarianTBATBA
15588 002IND (1 - 12)Permission 2 / 30Leo LiuTBATBA
15177 003IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Leidy KlotzTBATBA
15331 004IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Michael FontaineTBATBA
15332 005IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30John MillerTBATBA
15687 006IND (1 - 12)Permission6 / 30Venkataraman LakshmiTBATBA
15178 007IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Diana Franco DuranTBATBA
15179 008IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Andres ClarensTBATBA
15180 009IND (1 - 12)Permission 3 / 30Lisa PetersonTBATBA
15181 010IND (1 - 12)Permission 1 / 30Teresa CulverTBATBA
15182 011IND (1 - 12)Permission 1 / 30Tong ChenTBATBA
15183 012IND (1 - 12)Permission 2 / 30Jonathan GoodallTBATBA
15184 013IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Lawrence BandTBATBA
15836 014IND (1 - 12)Permission1 / 30Julianne QuinnTBATBA
15431 015IND (1 - 12)Permission0 / 1Garrick LouisTBATBA
15300 016IND (1 - 12)Permission3 / 30Devin HarrisTBATBA
15185 017IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Jose GomezTBATBA
15186 018IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Majid Shafiee-JoodTBATBA
15187 019IND (1 - 12)Permission 1 / 30B. Brian ParkTBATBA
15188 020IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 30Marek-Jerzy PinderaTBATBA
15299 021IND (1 - 12)Permission2 / 30Osman OzbulutTBATBA
15189 022IND (1 - 12)Permission 1 / 30James SmithTBATBA
15190 023IND (1 - 12)Permission 1 / 30Brian SmithTBATBA
15265 024IND (1 - 12)Permission 0 / 5Lindsay BurdenTBATBA
15964 025IND (1 - 12)Permission1 / 30Negin AlemazkoorTBATBA
16487 026IND (1 - 12)Permission1 / 30Mami TaniuchiTBATBA
16168 027IND (1 - 12)Permission0 / 30James LambertTBATBA

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