UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Complete Schedule for the Public Health Sciences Department - Fall 2024
These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time

I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics
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Public Health Sciences
 PHS 3050 Fundamentals of Public Health
12986 001Lecture (3)Permission 72 / 70Paige HornsbyTuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pmMultistory (Old) Hospital C1
 PHS 3102 Introduction to Public Health Research: Population Data Analysis
12697 001Lecture (3)Permission 53 / 50Rajesh BalkrishnanTh 6:00pm - 8:30pmChemistry Bldg 204
 PHS 3104 Introduction to Epidemiology: Methodological and Ethical Considerations
19204 001Lecture (3)Permission 39 / 30Jean EbyMoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pmMultistory (Old) Hospital C1
 PHS 3130 Introduction to Health Research Methods
13193 001Lecture (3)Permission 33 / 30Aaron PannoneTuTh 9:30am - 10:45amMultistory (Old) Hospital C1
 PHS 3186 Comparative Health Care Systems
12698 001Lecture (3)Permission 20 / 20Kathryn QuissellMoWeFr 2:00pm - 2:50pmNew Cabell Hall 107
 PHS 3620 Built Environment & Health Impact
12885 001SEM (3)Permission 36 / 40Schaeffer SomersMoWeFr 10:00am - 10:50amNew Cabell Hall 323
 PHS 3825 Global Public Health: Challenges and Innovations
11854 001Lecture (3)Permission 38 / 37Chris ColvinTu 2:00pm - 4:30pmMultistory (Old) Hospital C1
 PHS 4050 Public Health Policy
11453 001Lecture (3)Permission 59 / 55Chris ColvinTuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pmChemistry Bldg 206
 PHS 5050 Environmental & Public Health Policy
19205 001Lecture (3)Permission11 / 30Ruth Bernheim+1Fr 11:00am - 1:30pmMultistory (Old) Hospital 3181
 PHS 5355 Place Matters: A Seminar in Health Equity
20392 001SEM (3)Permission13 / 20Marquita TaylorTuTh 11:00am - 12:15pmMultistory (Old) Hospital 3181
 PHS 5620 Built Environment & Health Impact
18632 001Lecture (3)Permission36 / 40Schaeffer SomersMoWeFr 10:00am - 10:50amNew Cabell Hall 323
 PHS 5825 Global Public Health: Challenges and Innovations
18648 001Lecture (3)Permission 3 / 5Chris ColvinTu 2:00am - 4:30amContact Department
 PHS 5960 Supervised Independent Research
18594 001IND (1 - 6)Permission2 / 30Rupa ValdezTBATBA
18692 002IND (1 - 6)Permission0 / 30Kathryn QuissellTBATBA
18597 003IND (1 - 6)Permission0 / 3Ruth BernheimTBATBA
18593 004IND (1 - 6)Permission0 / 30Nathan SheffieldTBATBA
18698 005IND (1 - 6)Permission 0 / 1Melissa LittleTBATBA
 PHS 7000 Introduction to Biostatistics
18341 001Lecture (3 - 4)Permission58 / 60Pavel ChernyavskiyTuTh 11:00am - 12:15pmMultistory (Old) Hospital C1
18715 002Lecture (3 - 4)Permission7 / 6Soutik GhosalWe 4:30pm - 7:00pmMultistory (Old) Hospital 3181
 PHS 7010 Fundamentals of Epidemiology
18338 001Lecture (3)Permission62 / 60Jean EbyMoWe 11:30am - 12:45pmMultistory (Old) Hospital C1
 PHS 7050 Public Health Law, Ethics, & Policy
18348 001Lecture (2)Permission33 / 20Ruth BernheimTu 9:00am - 10:40amMultistory (Old) Hospital 3181
 PHS 7051 Policy Development, Analysis, & Advocacy
18345 001Lecture (3)Permission 17 / 30Rajesh BalkrishnanTu 3:30pm - 6:00pmMultistory (Old) Hospital 3181
18350 002Lecture (3)Permission11 / 30Heather ZelleTh 4:30pm - 7:00pmMultistory (Old) Hospital 3181
 PHS 7060 Program Planning and Evaluation
18709 001Lecture (3)Permission35 / 36Aaron PannoneMo 9:00am - 11:30amMultistory (Old) Hospital 3181
 PHS 7090 Health Care Economics
18344 001Lecture (3)Permission16 / 30Tanya WanchekTuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pmMultistory (Old) Hospital 3181
 PHS 7100 Introduction to U.S. Health Care Policy & Systems
18343 001Lecture (2)Permission38 / 32Tanya WanchekTuTh 1:00pm - 1:50pmMultistory (Old) Hospital 3181
 PHS 7170 SAS and Data Management in Population Health
18347 001Lecture (1)Permission61 / 60Genevieve LyonsWe 1:00pm - 1:50pmMultistory (Old) Hospital C1
 PHS 7180 The Practice of Public Health I
18674 001Lecture (1)Permission54 / 60Ruth BernheimWe 9:30am - 10:20amMultistory (Old) Hospital C1
 PHS 7200 Strategic Planning & Leadership in Public Health
18711 001Lecture (3)Permission21 / 15M OliverMo 3:00pm - 5:30pmMultistory (Old) Hospital 3181
 PHS 7385 Environmental Health: Epidemiologic Perspectives
18349 001SEM (3)Permission16 / 19Kristen WellsTh 2:00pm - 4:30pmMultistory (Old) Hospital 3016
 PHS 7450 Biomedical & Health Informatics: Databases & Data Life Cycle
18346 001Lecture (3)Permission11 / 19Jason LymanWe 8:30am - 10:50amMultistory (Old) Hospital 3016
 PHS 7470 Management and Quality in Health Care Organizations
18339 001Lecture (2)Permission29 / 30M OliverMo 1:30pm - 2:50pmMultistory (Old) Hospital 3181
 PHS 8880 Integrative Learning RP Part 1
18351 001PRA (1 - 3)Permission4 / 10Aaron PannoneTBATBA
18352 002PRA (1 - 3)Permission4 / 10Kristen WellsTBATBA
18595 003PRA (1 - 3)Permission0 / 5Wendy NovicoffTBATBA
18596 005PRA (1 - 3)Permission2 / 5Jean EbyTBATBA
18605 006PRA (1 - 3)Permission 1 / 1Rajesh BalkrishnanTBATBA
18606 007PRA (1 - 3)Permission2 / 2Schaeffer SomersTBATBA
18651 008PRA (1 - 3)Permission 0 / 30Chris ColvinTBATBA
18678 009PRA (1 - 3)Permission0 / 1Heather ZelleTBATBA
 PHS 8881 Integrative Learning HP Part 1
18353 001PRA (1 - 3)Permission3 / 10Heather ZelleTBATBA
18354 002PRA (1 - 3)Permission2 / 10Tanya WanchekTBATBA
18583 003PRA (1 - 3)Permission 5 / 5Rajesh BalkrishnanTBATBA
18584 004PRA (1 - 3)Permission2 / 5Aaron PannoneTBATBA
18585 005PRA (1 - 3)Permission0 / 5Wendy NovicoffTBATBA
18586 006PRA (1 - 3)Permission2 / 5Kristen WellsTBATBA
18587 007PRA (1 - 3)Permission0 / 5Heather ZelleTBATBA
18588 008PRA (1 - 3)Permission0 / 5Rupa ValdezTBATBA
18589 010PRA (1 - 3)Permission0 / 30Schaeffer SomersTBATBA
18590 011PRA (1 - 3)Permission0 / 30Wendy CohnTBATBA
18591 012PRA (1 - 3)Permission0 / 30Jean EbyTBATBA
18607 013PRA (1 - 3)Permission0 / 2Kelsie KellyTBATBA
18652 014PRA (1 - 3)Permission 0 / 30Chris ColvinTBATBA
 PHS 8900 Applied Practice Experience I
18355 001PRA (2)Permission 0 / 10Paige HornsbyTBATBA
18598 002PRA (2)Permission0 / 10Aaron PannoneTBATBA
 PHS 8901 Applied Practice Experience II
18356 001PRA (1)Permission 0 / 10Paige HornsbyTBATBA
18599 002PRA (1)Permission0 / 10Ruth BernheimTBATBA
 PHS 8902 Applied Practice Experience III
18357 001PRA (1)Open 0 / 10Paige HornsbyTBATBA
18600 002PRA (1)Open1 / 10Aaron PannoneTBATBA
 PHS 8930 Integrative Learning Experience RP Part 2
18358 001PRA (1 - 3)Permission1 / 10Aaron PannoneWe 11:30am - 12:20pmTBA
18359 002PRA (1 - 3)Permission5 / 10Kristen WellsWe 11:30am - 12:20pmTBA
18602 003PRA (1 - 3)Permission1 / 5Jean EbyWe 11:30am - 12:20pmTBA
 PHS 8931 Integrative Learning Experience HP Part 2
18360 001PRA (1 - 3)Permission3 / 10Heather ZelleWe 11:30am - 12:20pmTBA
18361 002PRA (1 - 3)Permission1 / 10Tanya WanchekWe 11:30am - 12:20pmTBA
18603 003PRA (1 - 3)Permission0 / 0Kristen WellsWe 11:30am - 12:20pmTBA
18673 005PRA (1 - 3)Permission 1 / 30Rajesh BalkrishnanWe 11:30am - 12:20pmTBA
18729 006PRA (1 - 3)Permission0 / 1Heather ZelleWe 11:30am - 12:20pmTBA
 PHS 8950 Supervised Clinical Research I
18342 001IND (1 - 3)Open7 / 20Wendy NovicoffTu 9:30am - 10:20amContact Department
 PHS 8951 Supervised Clinical Research Using R
21504 001IND (1 - 3)Permission1 / 1Wendy NovicoffTBATBA
 PHS 8960 Supervised Independent Research I
18362 001Lecture (1 - 6)Open0 / 5Ruth BernheimTBATBA
18601 004Lecture (1 - 6)Permission0 / 3Jean EbyTBATBA
18592 005Lecture (1 - 6)Open0 / 30Armando BolmeyTBATBA
18604 006Lecture (1 - 6)Open0 / 3Aaron PannoneTBATBA
18655 007Lecture (1 - 6)Permission1 / 30Wendy NovicoffTBATBA
 PHS 8999 Non-Topical Research
18581 001IND (1 - 12)Open0 / 20Ruth BernheimTBATBA
18582 002IND (1 - 12)Open0 / 20Sarah RatcliffeTBATBA

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