UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Schedule of Classes for Slavic - Summer 2024
These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time

I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics
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 RUSS 1016 Intensive Introductory Russian
10041 1Lecture (3)Permission5 / 20Mark Elson 06/22 Sa 8:30am - 11:30amNew Cabell Hall 332
 Mark ElsonMoTuWeThFr 8:30am - 11:30amNew Cabell Hall 332
 RUSS 1026 Intensive Introductory Russian
10042 1Lecture (3)Permission5 / 20Bryant Beadles+1 06/22 Sa 12:30pm - 5:30pmNew Cabell Hall 332
 Bryant Beadles+1MoTuWeThFr 12:30pm - 5:30pmNew Cabell Hall 332
 RUSS 116 Intensive Introductory Russian
10045 1Lecture (0)Permission2 / 20Mark Elson 06/22 Sa 8:30am - 11:30amNew Cabell Hall 332
 Mark ElsonMoTuWeThFr 8:30am - 11:30amNew Cabell Hall 332
 RUSS 126 Intensive Introductory Russian
10046 1Lecture (0)Permission2 / 20Bryant Beadles+1 06/22 Sa 12:30pm - 5:30pmNew Cabell Hall 332
 Bryant Beadles+1MoTuWeThFr 12:30pm - 5:30pmNew Cabell Hall 332
 RUSS 2016 Intensive Intermediate Russian
10043 1Lecture (3)Permission6 / 20Mark Elson MoTuWeThFr 8:30am - 11:30amNew Cabell Hall 332
 RUSS 2026 Intensive Intermediate Russian
10044 1Lecture (3)Permission 6 / 20Bryant Beadles+1 MoTuWeThFr 12:30pm - 5:30pmNew Cabell Hall 332
 RUSS 216 Intensive Intermediate Russian
10047 1Lecture (0)Permission1 / 20Mark Elson MoTuWeThFr 8:30am - 11:30amNew Cabell Hall 332
 RUSS 226 Intensive Intermediate Russian
10048 1Lecture (0)Permission1 / 20Bryant Beadles+1 MoTuWeThFr 12:30pm - 5:30pmNew Cabell Hall 332
 RUSS 9999 Non-Topical Research, Doctoral
12535 001IND (1 - 12)Closed1 / 1Edith ClowesTBATBA
 SLAV 2360 Dracula
10103 001Lecture (3)Open 18 / 54Stanley Stepanic MoTuWeThFr 10:30am - 12:45pmRidley Hall G006
10104 002Lecture (3)Open 23 / 54Stanley Stepanic 06/22 Sa 10:30am - 12:45pmRidley Hall G006
 Stanley StepanicMoTuWeThFr 10:30am - 12:45pmRidley Hall G006
10105 003Lecture (3)Open 35 / 54Stanley Stepanic MoTuWeThFr 10:30am - 12:45pmRidley Hall G006

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