These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time
Engagement |
EGMT 1510 Engaging Aesthetics |
| The Aesthetics of the Everyday |
19245 | 101 | SEM (2) | Permission  | 33 / 35 | Lydia Brown | MoWe 8:00am - 9:15am | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| The Aesthetics of the Everyday |
19246 | 102 | SEM (2) | Permission  | 34 / 35 | Lydia Brown | MoWe 9:30am - 10:45am | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| The Art of Illness |
19247 | 103 | SEM (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Bridget Reilly | MoWe 11:00am - 12:15pm | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| The Art of Illness |
19248 | 104 | SEM (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Bridget Reilly | MoWe 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| Living With Images |
19249 | 105 | SEM (2) | Permission  | 36 / 35 | Caleb Hendrickson | MoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| Living With Images |
19250 | 106 | SEM (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Caleb Hendrickson | MoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| In Sync |
19251 | 107 | SEM (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Jiajun Yan | TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am | Clark Hall 102 |
| The Art of Walking |
19253 | 110 | SEM (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | William Wylie | TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| The Art of Walking |
19254 | 111 | SEM (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | William Wylie | TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| Revolutions and Literature in Iran |
19255 | 112 | SEM (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Farzaneh Milani | TuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| Revolutions and Literature in Iran |
19256 | 113 | SEM (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Farzaneh Milani | TuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| Strange Sensations |
19257 | 114 | SEM (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Paul Dobryden | TuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| How to be Creative |
19258 | 115 | SEM (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Anastasia Dakouri-Hild | TuTh 5:00pm - 6:15pm | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| Feasting! The Culinary Side of Religion |
19259 | 116 | SEM (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Philip Tite | TuTh 6:30pm - 7:45pm | Monroe Hall 110 |
| Making the Invisible Visible |
19261 | 118 | SEM (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Laura Goldblatt | MoWe 9:30am - 10:45am | Clark Hall 101 |
| Aesthetics of Hunger |
19263 | 120 | SEM (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Eli Carter | MoWe 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Clark Hall 101 |
| Art In and Out of Place |
19264 | 121 | SEM (2) | Permission  | 33 / 35 | Christa Robbins | MoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Clark Hall 101 |
| Getting It: Art and Attunement |
19265 | 122 | SEM (2) | Permission  | 36 / 35 | Jessica Swoboda | MoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Clark Hall 101 |
| Getting It: Art and Attunement |
19266 | 123 | SEM (2) | Permission  | 34 / 35 | Jessica Swoboda | MoWe 5:00pm - 6:15pm | Clark Hall 101 |
| Aesthetics of Hunger |
19267 | 124 | SEM (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Eli Carter | MoWe 11:00am - 12:15pm | Monroe Hall 134 |
| The Aesthetics of the Everyday |
19268 | 201 | SEM (2) | Open  | 22 / 35 | Lydia Brown | MoWe 8:00am - 9:15am | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| The Sound of Physics |
19269 | 202 | SEM (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Israel Klich | MoWe 9:30am - 10:45am | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| How to be Creative |
19271 | 204 | SEM (2) | Open  | 34 / 35 | Anastasia Dakouri-Hild | MoWe 9:30am - 10:45am | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| The Art of Looking |
19272 | 205 | SEM (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Francesca Fiorani | MoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| The Art of Looking |
19273 | 206 | SEM (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Francesca Fiorani | MoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| Living Labyrinths |
19275 | 208 | SEM (2) | Open  | 33 / 35 | Michelle Kisliuk | MoWe 6:30pm - 7:45pm | Monroe Hall 110 |
| In Sync |
19502 | 209 | SEM (2) | Closed  | 36 / 36 | Jiajun Yan | TuTh 8:00am - 9:15am | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| In Sync |
19276 | 210 | SEM (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Jiajun Yan | TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| Poetry of Love |
19277 | 211 | SEM (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Mehr Farooqi | TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| Feasting! The Culinary Side of Religion |
19278 | 212 | SEM (2) | Closed  | 36 / 35 | Philip Tite | TuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| Poetry of Love |
19504 | 213 | SEM (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Mehr Farooqi | TuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| Strange Sensations |
19279 | 214 | SEM (2) | Open  | 34 / 35 | Paul Dobryden | TuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| Videogames and Videography |
19280 | 215 | SEM (2) | Closed  | 36 / 36 | Andrew Ferguson | TuTh 5:00pm - 6:15pm | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| Feasting! The Culinary Side of Religion |
19281 | 216 | SEM (2) | Open  | 34 / 35 | Philip Tite | TuTh 6:30pm - 7:45pm | Monroe Hall 110 |
| The Art and Politics of Dreaming |
19282 | 217 | SEM (2) | Open  | 10 / 35 | Kevin Duong | MoWe 8:00am - 9:15am | Clark Hall 101 |
| The Art and Politics of Dreaming |
19283 | 218 | SEM (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Kevin Duong | MoWe 9:30am - 10:45am | Clark Hall 101 |
| The Art of Illness |
19505 | 220 | SEM (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Bridget Reilly | MoWe 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Clark Hall 101 |
| Art In and Out of Place |
19506 | 221 | SEM (2) | Open  | 34 / 35 | Christa Robbins | MoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Clark Hall 101 |
| Getting It: Art and Attunement |
19285 | 222 | SEM (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Jessica Swoboda | MoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Clark Hall 101 |
| How to be Creative |
19286 | 223 | SEM (2) | Open  | 33 / 35 | Anastasia Dakouri-Hild | MoWe 5:00pm - 6:15pm | Chemistry Bldg 204 |
| Living Labyrinths |
19500 | 224 | SEM (2) | Open  | 5 / 35 | Michelle Kisliuk | MoWe 8:00am - 9:15am | Monroe Hall 134 |
EGMT 1520 Empirical & Scientific Engagement |
| Our Neanderthal Future |
11887 | 101 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 28 / 35 | Fiona Greenland | MoWe 8:00am - 9:15am | Clark Hall 101 |
| Big Data is Coming For You |
11888 | 102 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Ken Ono | MoWe 9:30am - 10:45am | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| In-Consciousness: How We Know Who We Are |
11889 | 103 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Erin Clabough | MoWe 11:00am - 12:15pm | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| In-Consciousness: How We Know Who We Are |
11890 | 104 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 36 / 35 | Erin Clabough | MoWe 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| Bones and Burials |
11891 | 105 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Sean Reid | MoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| Elicitations: Drawing Things Out |
11892 | 106 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Ishani Saraf | MoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| Bones and Burials |
12821 | 107 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 33 / 35 | Sean Reid | MoWe 5:00pm - 6:15pm | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| Elicitations: Drawing Things Out |
19510 | 108 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Ishani Saraf | MoWe 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Monroe Hall 134 |
| What's the Matter? |
12822 | 109 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Jessica Niblo | MoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Monroe Hall 111 |
| From Language to Data |
12857 | 110 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 32 / 35 | Erik Fredner | TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| From Language to Data |
12858 | 111 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 36 / 35 | Erik Fredner | TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| From Language to Data |
13363 | 112 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Erik Fredner | TuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| Big Data and History: Problems and Possibilities |
11893 | 113 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Jennie Williams | TuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| What A Book Is |
11894 | 114 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Breanne Weber | TuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| Can a Pill Make You Happy? |
12281 | 115 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Kelly Dunham | TuTh 5:00pm - 6:15pm | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| Measuring Discrimination |
11895 | 116 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 11 / 35 | John Mclaren | TuTh 6:30pm - 7:45pm | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| Our Neanderthal Future |
19511 | 117 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 12 / 35 | Fiona Greenland | TuTh 8:00am - 9:15am | Clark Hall 101 |
| Humanizing Mathematics |
19513 | 118 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Sara Maloni | TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am | Clark Hall 101 |
| On These Grounds: UVA's Spatial History |
19516 | 121 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Gillet Rosenblith | TuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Clark Hall 101 |
| Obviously? |
19517 | 122 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Thomas Koberda | TuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Clark Hall 101 |
| On These Grounds: UVA's Spatial History |
19518 | 123 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 30 / 35 | Gillet Rosenblith | TuTh 5:00pm - 6:15pm | Clark Hall 101 |
| Making Knowledge |
12823 | 201 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Ohad Reiss Sorokin | MoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Monroe Hall 111 |
| What's the Matter? |
13364 | 203 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Jessica Niblo | MoWe 11:00am - 12:15pm | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| The Marketplace of Ideas |
13365 | 204 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 36 / 35 | Bo Odom | MoWe 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| What's the Matter? |
13366 | 205 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 36 / 35 | Jessica Niblo | MoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| Posessed: Objects & Empiricism |
13367 | 206 | Lecture (2) | Open  | 33 / 35 | Amanda Phillips | MoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| Can a Pill Make You Happy? |
13368 | 207 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 36 / 36 | Kelly Dunham | MoWe 5:00pm - 6:15pm | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| Can a Pill Make You Happy? |
13369 | 208 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Kelly Dunham | MoWe 6:30pm - 7:45pm | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| Measuring Discrimination |
19520 | 210 | Lecture (2) | Open  | 33 / 35 | John Mclaren | TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| What A Book Is |
13371 | 211 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Breanne Weber | TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| What A Book Is |
13372 | 212 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Breanne Weber | TuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| Big Data and History: Problems and Possibilities |
13373 | 213 | Lecture (2) | Open  | 30 / 35 | Jennie Williams | TuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| Big Data and History: Problems and Possibilities |
19522 | 214 | Lecture (2) | Open  | 25 / 35 | Jennie Williams | TuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| Sounds of the Digital Jungle |
13374 | 215 | Lecture (2) | Open  | 26 / 35 | Michele Zaccagnini | TuTh 5:00pm - 6:15pm | Clark Hall 102 |
| Memes on Earth |
19524 | 217 | Lecture (2) | Open  | 19 / 35 | Lauren Simkins | TuTh 8:00am - 9:15am | Clark Hall 101 |
| Memes on Earth |
19525 | 218 | Lecture (2) | Open  | 32 / 35 | Lauren Simkins | TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am | Clark Hall 101 |
| Why We Hold Hands |
19526 | 219 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | James Coan | MoWe 11:00am - 12:15pm | Clark Hall 101 |
| Embracing the Question Mark |
19528 | 221 | Lecture (2) | Open  | 34 / 35 | Olivier Pfister | TuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Clark Hall 101 |
| On These Grounds: UVA's Spatial History |
19529 | 222 | Lecture (2) | Open  | 32 / 35 | Gillet Rosenblith | TuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Clark Hall 101 |
| On These Grounds: UVA's Spatial History |
19530 | 223 | Lecture (2) | Open  | 20 / 35 | Gillet Rosenblith | TuTh 5:00pm - 6:15pm | Clark Hall 101 |
| Exploring Your Genome |
19531 | 224 | Lecture (2) | Open  | 50 / 60 | Jessica Connelly | TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am | Monroe Hall 134 |
EGMT 1530 Engaging Differences |
| Sovereignty in a Time of Slavery |
11896 | 101 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 4 / 35 | Allison Bigelow | MoWe 8:00am - 9:15am | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Sovereignty in a Time of Slavery |
11897 | 102 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 28 / 35 | Allison Bigelow | MoWe 9:30am - 10:45am | Monroe Hall 111 |
| The Public University |
11898 | 103 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Sandhya Shukla | MoWe 11:00am - 12:15pm | Monroe Hall 111 |
| The Public University |
11899 | 104 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Sandhya Shukla | MoWe 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Passages of Hope and Survival |
12271 | 105 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 31 / 35 | Zvi Gilboa | MoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Talking Trash |
11901 | 106 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Lean Sweeney | MoWe 11:00am - 12:15pm | Clark Hall 101 |
| Taboo and Transgression |
12825 | 107 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Alexander Wolfson | MoWe 5:00pm - 6:15pm | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Passages of Hope and Survival |
19547 | 108 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 19 / 35 | Zvi Gilboa | MoWe 6:30pm - 7:45pm | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Town & Gown |
12826 | 109 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 12 / 35 | Jalane Schmidt | TuTh 8:00am - 9:15am | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Encountering the World Through Collected Objects |
19548 | 110 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Wendy Smith | TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Encountering the World Through Collected Objects |
12272 | 111 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Wendy Smith | TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Who Dressed You? |
11900 | 112 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 36 / 35 | Marcy Linton | TuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Town & Gown |
11902 | 113 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 34 / 35 | Jalane Schmidt | TuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Selective Memory |
19551 | 114 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Rebecca Bultman | TuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Town & Gown |
11903 | 115 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 28 / 35 | Jalane Schmidt | TuTh 5:00pm - 6:15pm | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Selective Memory |
19553 | 116 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 34 / 35 | Rebecca Bultman | TuTh 5:00pm - 6:15pm | Monroe Hall 110 |
| Reading UVA |
19554 | 117 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 25 / 35 | Jennifer Greeson | MoWe 8:00am - 9:15am | Clark Hall 102 |
| Reading UVA |
19555 | 118 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Jennifer Greeson | MoWe 9:30am - 10:45am | Clark Hall 102 |
| Depictions of Difference |
19556 | 119 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 36 / 36 | James Seitz | TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm | Clark Hall 101 |
| Depictions of Difference |
19557 | 120 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 36 / 36 | James Seitz | TuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Clark Hall 101 |
| Enacting Difference |
19558 | 121 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Matthew Skwiat | MoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Clark Hall 102 |
| Enacting Difference |
19559 | 122 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Matthew Skwiat | MoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Clark Hall 102 |
| Treaties, Power, and Time |
19560 | 123 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 33 / 35 | Christian McMillen | MoWe 5:00pm - 6:15pm | Clark Hall 102 |
| Origin Stories: Identity, Migration, and Homeland |
19561 | 124 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 35 | Shilpa Dave | MoWe 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Clark Hall 102 |
| Talking Trash |
11904 | 201 | Lecture (2) | Open  | 34 / 35 | Lean Sweeney | MoWe 8:00am - 9:15am | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Other People's Music |
12827 | 202 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Liza Flood | MoWe 9:30am - 10:45am | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Other People's Music |
13375 | 203 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 36 / 35 | Liza Flood | MoWe 11:00am - 12:15pm | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Enacting Difference |
13376 | 204 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Matthew Skwiat | MoWe 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Taboo and Transgression |
13377 | 205 | Lecture (2) | Open  | 34 / 35 | Alexander Wolfson | MoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Taboo and Transgression |
13379 | 207 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Alexander Wolfson | MoWe 5:00pm - 6:15pm | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Global "Development": Great, Good, and Ugly |
19564 | 209 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Muhammad Tayyab Safdar | TuTh 8:00am - 9:15am | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Encountering the World Through Collected Objects |
13380 | 210 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Wendy Smith | TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Encountering the World Through Collected Objects |
13381 | 211 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 36 / 35 | Wendy Smith | TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Making Enemies |
13382 | 212 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Josephine Adams | TuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Clark Hall 101 |
| Making Enemies |
13384 | 214 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Josephine Adams | TuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Global "Development": Great, Good, and Ugly |
13385 | 215 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Muhammad Tayyab Safdar | TuTh 5:00pm - 6:15pm | Monroe Hall 111 |
| Africa Is Not a Country |
19569 | 216 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Sean Reid | TuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Monroe Hall 110 |
| Solidarity Beyond the Hashtag |
19571 | 218 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Anne Mahler | MoWe 9:30am - 10:45am | Clark Hall 102 |
| Making Enemies |
19572 | 219 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 36 / 35 | Josephine Adams | TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm | Clark Hall 101 |
| Selective Memory |
19573 | 220 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 36 / 35 | Rebecca Bultman | MoWe 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Clark Hall 102 |
| Selective Memory |
19574 | 221 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Rebecca Bultman | MoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Clark Hall 102 |
| Planetary Discards |
19575 | 222 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 36 / 35 | Ishani Saraf | MoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Clark Hall 102 |
| Solidarity Beyond the Hashtag |
19577 | 224 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 36 / 35 | Anne Mahler | MoWe 11:00am - 12:15pm | Monroe Hall 134 |
EGMT 1540 Ethical Engagement |
| Evil Tunes |
19590 | 101 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 36 / 36 | Emily Mellen | MoWe 11:00am - 12:15pm | Clark Hall 102 |
| Seven Great Questions |
12828 | 102 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 36 | Angel Parham | MoWe 9:30am - 10:45am | Bond House 106 |
| How Do We Remember? |
11906 | 103 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 36 / 36 | Evan Brubaker | MoWe 11:00am - 12:15pm | Bond House 106 |
| Seven Great Questions |
11905 | 104 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 36 / 36 | Angel Parham | MoWe 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Bond House 106 |
| Is it Cheating to Use Chat GPT? |
12829 | 105 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 36 / 36 | Michael Wellmon | MoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Bond House 106 |
| Is it Cheating to Use Chat GPT? |
13386 | 106 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 36 / 36 | Michael Wellmon | MoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Bond House 106 |
| Paranoia, Conspiracies, and Fake News |
13389 | 110 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 36 / 36 | Andrew Ferguson | TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am | Bond House 106 |
| Sci-Fi Ethics |
13390 | 111 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 36 / 36 | Eric Hilker | TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm | Bond House 106 |
| Sci-Fi Ethics |
13391 | 112 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 36 / 36 | Eric Hilker | TuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Bond House 106 |
| How Do We Remember? |
13392 | 113 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 36 | Evan Brubaker | TuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Bond House 106 |
| Reality Film (v 1) |
13393 | 114 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 36 / 36 | Roberto Armengol | TuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Bond House 106 |
| Mindful Decision-Making |
13394 | 116 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 36 / 36 | Sandra Seidel | TuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Monroe Hall 110 |
| Making Medicines Good |
19594 | 117 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 36 / 36 | Brooks Pate | TuTh 8:00am - 9:15am | Clark Hall 102 |
| Do We Still have Faith In Democracy? |
19596 | 119 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 36 / 36 | Bruce Williams | TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm | Clark Hall 102 |
| Evil Tunes |
19597 | 120 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 36 / 36 | Emily Mellen | TuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Clark Hall 102 |
| The Traveler's Dilemma |
19598 | 121 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 36 / 36 | Erin Eaker | TuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Clark Hall 102 |
| Should you chain yourself to a tree? |
19599 | 122 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 36 / 36 | Kevin Rose | TuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Clark Hall 102 |
| The Data Ethics of TikTok |
19600 | 123 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 35 / 36 | Aynne Kokas | TuTh 5:00pm - 6:15pm | Clark Hall 102 |
| You Are Who You Meet: The Ethics of Friendship |
19601 | 124 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 36 / 36 | Benjamin Bernard | TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am | Monroe Hall 134 |
| God Told Me To |
19602 | 201 | Lecture (2) | Open  | 18 / 35 | Creighton Coleman | MoWe 8:00am - 9:15am | Bond House 106 |
| The Way We Play |
11907 | 202 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 36 / 35 | Caleb Hendrickson | MoWe 9:30am - 10:45am | Bond House 106 |
| God Told Me To |
11908 | 203 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 36 / 35 | Creighton Coleman | MoWe 11:00am - 12:15pm | Bond House 106 |
| The Way We Play |
11909 | 204 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 36 / 35 | Caleb Hendrickson | MoWe 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Bond House 106 |
| You Are Who You Meet: The Ethics of Friendship |
11910 | 205 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 36 / 36 | Benjamin Bernard | MoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Bond House 106 |
| You Are Who You Meet: The Ethics of Friendship |
13387 | 206 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Benjamin Bernard | MoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Bond House 106 |
| God Told Me To |
12329 | 207 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 36 / 35 | Creighton Coleman | MoWe 5:00pm - 6:15pm | Bond House 106 |
| Evil Tunes |
19603 | 208 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 36 / 35 | Emily Mellen | MoWe 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Monroe Hall 134 |
| Sci-Fi Ethics |
12330 | 209 | Lecture (2) | Open  | 20 / 35 | Eric Hilker | TuTh 8:00am - 9:15am | Bond House 106 |
| Paranoia, Conspiracies, and Fake News |
13395 | 210 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 36 / 35 | Andrew Ferguson | TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am | Bond House 106 |
| Political Myths: Then and Now |
13396 | 211 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Vasfiye Toprak | TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm | Bond House 106 |
| Political Myths: Then and Now |
13397 | 212 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Vasfiye Toprak | TuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Bond House 106 |
| Political Myths: Then and Now |
13398 | 213 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Vasfiye Toprak | TuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Bond House 106 |
| Reality Film (v 1) |
13399 | 214 | Lecture (2) | Open  | 34 / 35 | Roberto Armengol | TuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Bond House 106 |
| In the Public Eye/I: Memorials, Histories, Ethics |
13401 | 216 | Lecture (2) | Permission  | 34 / 34 | Brian Owensby | TuTh 5:00pm - 6:15pm | Monroe Hall 110 |
| Evil Tunes |
19606 | 217 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 36 / 35 | Emily Mellen | MoWe 11:00am - 12:15pm | Clark Hall 102 |
| Are You a Stoic? |
19607 | 218 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Inger Neeltje Irene Kuin | TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am | Clark Hall 102 |
| Do We Still have Faith In Democracy? |
19608 | 219 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 36 / 36 | Bruce Williams | TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm | Clark Hall 102 |
| Are You a Stoic? |
19609 | 220 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 36 / 35 | Inger Neeltje Irene Kuin | TuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Clark Hall 102 |
| The Traveler's Dilemma |
19610 | 221 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 36 / 35 | Erin Eaker | TuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Clark Hall 102 |
| Should you chain yourself to a tree? |
19611 | 222 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 36 / 36 | Kevin Rose | TuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Clark Hall 102 |
| How Do We Remember? |
19612 | 223 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Evan Brubaker | TuTh 5:00pm - 6:15pm | Gilmer Hall 247 |
| The Ethics of Representation |
19613 | 224 | Lecture (2) | Closed  | 35 / 35 | Laura Goldblatt | TuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pm | Monroe Hall 111 |
| The Ethics of Representation |
20546 | 225 | Lecture (2) | Open  | 35 / 36 | Laura Goldblatt | TuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Monroe Hall 111 |