UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Complete Schedule for the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department - Spring 2024
These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time

I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics
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Computer Engineering
 CPE 7993 Independent Study
16522 001IND (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Barry JohnsonTBATBA
16556 002IND (1 - 3)Permission0 / 1Tariq IqbalTBATBA
16564 003IND (1 - 3)Permission0 / 30Keivan EsfarjaniTBATBA
16598 004IND (1 - 3)Permission0 / 30Majid Shafiee-JoodTBATBA
16620 005IND (1 - 3)Permission 0 / 30Aaron BloomfieldTBATBA
 CPE 9999 Non-Topical Research, Doctoral Dissertation
15908 001IND (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Laura BarnesTBATBA
16209 002IND (1 - 12)Open1 / 30Nicola BezzoTBATBA
16390 003IND (1 - 12)Open1 / 30Clint MillerTBATBA
Electrical and Computer Engineering
 ECE 1501 Special Topics in Electrical & Computer Engineering
 Frontiers in Electrical & Computer Engineering
20581 001Lecture (1)Open17 / 30Xu YiTh 4:00pm - 4:50pmMechanical Engr Bldg 215
 This course will feature weekly seminars by ECE guest speakers and student-led discussions on cutting-edge electrical and computer engineering research themes, including: IoT; artificial intelligence & machine learning; health & medical applications; modern devices (nanoelectronics, photonics, renewable energy); applications for astronomy; and emerging quantum technology. No prerequisite, no homework, and no exam.
 ECE 2200 Applied Physics
19336 001Lecture (4)Open 69 / 80Avik Ghosh+1TuTh 9:30am - 10:45amThornton Hall E303
19337 002Lecture (4)Open 120 / 150Avik Ghosh+1TuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pmRice Hall 130
 ECE 2300 Applied Circuits
19335 001STO (3)Open 48 / 93Adam BarnesMoWeFr 9:00am - 10:30amThornton Hall A120
 ECE 2330 Digital Logic Design
19329 001Lecture (3)Open44 / 48Nikhil ShuklaMoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pmThornton Hall E304
 ECE 2410 Intro to Machine Learning
19338 001Lecture (3)Open 41 / 50Caroline Crockett+1MoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pmThornton Hall A120
 ECE 2600 Electronics
19334 001STO (3)Open 59 / 75Steven BowersTuTh 11:00am - 1:30pmThornton Hall A120
 ECE 2700 Signals and Systems
19330 001Lecture (3)Open 62 / 70Nikolaos SidiropoulosTuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pmOlsson Hall 005
 ECE 3250 Electromagnetic Energy Conversion
15394 001Lecture (3)Open23 / 24Adam BarnesMoWeFr 11:00am - 11:50amThornton Hall D115
 ECE 3251 Electromagnetic Energy Conversion Lab
15702 001Laboratory (1.5)Closed 12 / 12Adam BarnesTBATBA
16205 002Laboratory (1.5)Open 11 / 14Adam BarnesTBATBA
 ECE 3430 Introduction to Embedded Computer Systems
15764 001STO (4)Open 39 / 48Todd DelongMoWeFr 9:00am - 10:15amMechanical Engr Bldg 213
 ECE 3502 Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
 Foundations of Data Analysis
20559 001Lecture (3)Open18 / 30Miaomiao ZhangMoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pmThornton Hall E316
 Student-Initiated Projects in ECE
21559 002IND (3)Permission2 / 30Keith WilliamsTBATBA
 ECE 4103 Solid State Devices for Renewable Energy Conversion
16291 001Lecture (3)Open3 / 10Mona ZebarjadiMoWeFr 11:00am - 11:50amJesser Hall 171
 This class has two distinct goals: The first goal is to provide a technical understanding of solid-state devices that are used for energy conversion and storage with emphasis on solar cells, thermoelectric (heat to electricity conversion), and batteries. The second goal is to appreciate the energy challenges that face humanity. We will try to achieve the latter goal in a series of student-led discussions.
 ECE 4265 Microwave Engineering Laboratory
16485 001Laboratory (1.5)Open3 / 9Robert WeikleWe 9:00am - 10:50amThornton Hall E225
16487 002Laboratory (1.5)Closed13 / 13Robert WeikleTh 9:00am - 10:50amThornton Hall E225
 ECE 4332 Introduction to VLSI Design
15953 001Lecture (4.5)Open 21 / 25Benton CalhounTuTh 11:00am - 12:15pmMechanical Engr Bldg 213
 In this course, you will learn how to analyze, simulate, and design ready-to-fabricate digital integrated circuits (ICs). Topics include combinational circuits, sequential circuits, arithmetic blocks, and memories. We will discuss modern VLSI design issues including variation, power, leakage, and optimization. A semester-long design project will allow you (working in small groups) to apply your new knowledge to your own IC design. You will gain valuable experience by using industry-standard CAD tools for VLSI circuit design, simulation, and layout during the project. This course will expose you to the major circuit-related opportunities and challenges in the microelectronics industry and equip you to design custom digital ICs.
 ECE 4435 Computer Architecture & Design
15765 001Lecture (4.5)Closed 72 / 71Todd DelongMoWeFr 10:30am - 11:45amThornton Hall A120
 ECE 4440 Embedded System Design
20605 001Lecture (4.5)Open 9 / 30Adam Barnes+1MoWeFr 1:00pm - 1:50pmThornton Hall E304
 ECE 4457 Computer Networks
15848 001Lecture (3)Open29 / 40Hyojoon KimMoWeFr 1:00pm - 1:50pmOlsson Hall 120
 ECE 4501 Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
 Optical Communication Devices
16258 001Lecture (3)Open21 / 25Andreas BelingTuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pmThornton Hall E304
 Advanced Embedded Computing Systems
16742 002Lecture (3)Open 15 / 16Homa AlemzadehMoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pmRice Hall 340
 This course provides the foundational knowledge and hands-on experience in design and validation of embedded computing systems, with a focus on embedded C programming and real-time operating systems for ARM® Cortex-M Microcontrollers. Topics include: embedded system architectures, hardware software interfacing, memory management, multitasking, interrupt handling, and real-time scheduling.
 Internet of Things
 Wireless for the Internet of Things
16806 003Lecture (3)Open7 / 8Brad CampbellMoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pmThornton Hall A120
 Optical Quantum Electronics
20588 004Lecture (3)Open5 / 10Xu YiMoWe 9:30am - 10:45amThornton Hall D222
 Quantum electronics, the study of light and matter interaction, has become the cornerstone in many areas of optical science and technology. The course will start with reviewing the principle of lasers followed by introducing the generalized nonlinear wave equations. This course will cover typical nonlinear effects and their applications in telecommunication, ultrafast laser, quantum computing/information, and chemical/bio spectroscopy.
 ECE 4502 Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
 Human-Robot Interaction
16679 003Lecture (3)Open5 / 10Tariq IqbalTuTh 9:30am - 10:45amRice Hall 120
 Probabilistic Machine Learning
20788 004Lecture (3)Open9 / 15Farzad FarnoudTuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pmMechanical Engr Bldg 339
 The course both covers fundamental concepts in statistics and estimation (e.g., frequentist and Bayesian estimation, properties of estimators, and the bias-variance trade-off) and provides a rigorous treatment of machine learning topics from a probabilistic perspective (including regression, classification, clustering, graphical models, Markov models, and MCMCs). Fluency in basic probability and familiarity with linear algebra are prerequisites. Please visit the website (to be updated) for more information.
 ECE 4550 Applied Research and Design Lab
 FPGA Design
15914 001Laboratory (1.5)Open 14 / 20Mircea StanTh 12:30pm - 1:45pmRice Hall 240
 ASIC/SOC Design
15956 002Laboratory (1.5)Open 3 / 20Mircea StanTu 12:30pm - 1:45pmRice Hall 240
 ECE 4660 Analog Integrated Circuits
21517 001Lecture (3)Permission 1 / 30Steven Bowers+1TBATBA
 ECE 4710 Communications
21325 001Lecture (3)Permission 1 / 1Cong ShenTBATBA
 ECE 4750 Digital Signal Processing
16705 001Lecture (3)Closed 21 / 20Tom FletcherTuTh 11:00am - 12:15pmThornton Hall E316
 ECE 4784 Machine Learning for Wireless Communications
 Machine Learning for Wireless Communications
20555 001Lecture (3)Open3 / 20Prof. Cong ShenTuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pmThornton Hall D115
 ECE 4907 Electrical Engineering Projects
21521 001IND (1 - 3)Permission1 / 30Xu YiTBATBA
 ECE 4908 Electrical Engineering Projects
21255 001IND (1 - 3)Permission1 / 10Adam BarnesTBATBA
21316 002IND (1 - 3)Permission2 / 30Mool GuptaTBATBA
21378 003IND (1 - 3)Permission1 / 30Kyusang LeeTBATBA
 ECE 4991 MDE - Capstone Design
16707 001Lecture (4.5)Open 4 / 18Adam Barnes+1MoWeFr 1:00pm - 1:50pmThornton Hall E304
 ECE 5260 Microwave Engineering I
16454 001Lecture (3)Open 22 / 25Robert WeikleTuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pmJesser Hall 171
 ECE 5502 Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
20612 001Lecture (3)Closed13 / 10Mool GuptaTuTh 5:00pm - 6:15pmMechanical Engineering 206
 ECE 6265 Microwave Engineering Laboratory
16486 001Laboratory (1.5)Open1 / 9Robert WeikleWe 9:00am - 10:50amThornton Hall E225
16488 002Laboratory (1.5)Open2 / 9Robert WeikleTh 9:00am - 10:50amThornton Hall E225
 ECE 6332 VLSI Design
15954 001Lecture (3)Open14 / 22Benton CalhounTuTh 11:00am - 12:15pmMechanical Engr Bldg 213
 In this course, you will learn how to analyze, simulate, and design ready-to-fabricate digital integrated circuits (ICs). We will cover a variety of types of circuits including combinational circuits, sequential circuits, arithmetic blocks, and memories. You will become familiar with cutting edge VLSI design issues including variation, power, leakage, and optimization. A semester-long research project will allow you (working in pairs) to investigate novel circuits or cutting edge circuits problems. You will gain valuable experience by using industry-standard CAD tools (e.g. Cadence) for VLSI circuit design, simulation, and layout. This course will expose you to the major circuit-related opportunities and challenges in the microelectronics industry and equip you to design custom digital ICs.
 ECE 6435 Computer Architecture and Design
15934 001Lecture (3)Closed9 / 10Todd DelongMoWeFr 10:30am - 11:45amThornton Hall A120
20607 600Lecture (3)Open 0 / 30Todd DelongTBATBA
 ECE 6465 Human-Robot Interaction
16676 001Lecture (3)Open9 / 10Tariq IqbalTuTh 9:30am - 10:45amRice Hall 120
 ECE 6501 Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
 Optical Communication Devices
16259 001Lecture (3)Open7 / 23Andreas BelingTuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pmThornton Hall E304
 Advanced Embedded Computing Systems
16743 002Lecture (3)Open8 / 10Homa AlemzadehMoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pmRice Hall 340
 This course provides the foundational knowledge and hands-on experience in design and validation of embedded computing systems, with a focus on embedded C programming and real-time operating systems for ARM® Cortex-M Microcontrollers. Topics include: embedded system architectures, hardware software interfacing, memory management, multitasking, interrupt handling, and real-time scheduling.
 Optical Quantum Electronics
20589 003Lecture (3)Open6 / 10Xu YiMoWe 9:30am - 10:45amThornton Hall D222
 Quantum electronics, the study of light and matter interaction, has become the cornerstone in many areas of optical science and technology. The course will start with reviewing the principle of lasers followed by introducing the generalized nonlinear wave equations. This course will cover typical nonlinear effects and their applications in telecommunication, ultrafast laser, quantum computing/information, and chemical/bio spectroscopy.
 Optical Communication Devices
20606 600Lecture (3)Open 8 / 30Andreas BelingTBATBA
 Advanced Embedded Computing Systems
20768 601Lecture (3)Open 3 / 30Homa AlemzadehTBATBA
 This course provides the foundational knowledge and hands-on experience in design and validation of embedded computing systems, with a focus on embedded C programming and real-time operating systems for ARM® Cortex-M Microcontrollers. Topics include: embedded system architectures, hardware software interfacing, memory management, multitasking, interrupt handling, and real-time scheduling.
 ECE 6502 Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
 Advanced Digital Design Laboratory
15957 002Laboratory (3)Open 8 / 10Mircea StanTuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pmContact Department
 Network Security and Privacy
16526 003Lecture (3)Open8 / 15Yixin SunMoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pmMechanical Engr Bldg 341
 Solid State Dev for Renewable Energy Conversion
20609 004Lecture (3)Open7 / 10Mona ZebarjadiMoWeFr 11:00am - 11:50amJesser Hall 171
 Computer Architecture: Hardware Accelerators
16777 005Lecture (3)Open5 / 10Kevin SkadronTuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pmOlsson Hall 011
20613 006Lecture (3)Open3 / 10Mool GuptaTuTh 5:00pm - 6:15pmMechanical Engineering 206
 Solid State Dev for Renewable Energy Conversion
20610 600Lecture (3)Open 3 / 5Mona ZebarjadiTBATBA
20614 601Lecture (3)Open 4 / 30Mool GuptaTBATBA
 ECE 6714 Probabilistic Machine Learning
20787 001Lecture (3)Open8 / 20Farzad FarnoudTuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pmMechanical Engr Bldg 339
 The course both covers fundamental concepts in statistics and estimation (e.g., frequentist and Bayesian estimation, properties of estimators, and the bias-variance trade-off) and provides a rigorous treatment of machine learning topics from a probabilistic perspective (including regression, classification, clustering, graphical models, Markov models, variational inference, and MCMCs). Fluency in basic probability and familiarity with linear algebra are prerequisites. Please visit the website (to be updated) for more information.
 ECE 6750 Digital Signal Processing
16706 001Lecture (3)Open 15 / 20Tom FletcherTuTh 11:00am - 12:15pmThornton Hall E316
 ECE 6784 Machine Learning for Wireless Communications
 Machine Learning for Wireless Communications
20556 001Lecture (3)Open6 / 15Cong ShenTuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pmThornton Hall D115
20608 600Lecture (3)Open 1 / 30Cong ShenTBATBA
 ECE 6993 Independent Study
21214 001IND (1 - 3)Permission2 / 30Robert WeikleTBATBA
21289 002IND (1 - 3)Permission2 / 30Zongli LinTBATBA
 ECE 6996 Supervised Graduate Teaching Experience
15854 001IND (3)Permission2 / 30Zongli LinTBATBA
 ECE 8897 Graduate Teaching Instruction
21206 001IND (1 - 6)Permission1 / 30Nikolaos SidiropoulosTBATBA
 ECE 8999 Thesis
15395 001IND (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Scott ActonTBATBA
15490 002IND (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Steven BowersTBATBA
16084 003IND (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Homa AlemzadehTBATBA
15491 004IND (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Maite Brandt-PearceTBATBA
15918 005IND (1 - 12)Open0 / 30N. BarkerTBATBA
15492 006IND (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Mool GuptaTBATBA
15667 007IND (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Mircea StanTBATBA
15742 008IND (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Joe CampbellTBATBA
15715 009IND (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Nathan SwamiTBATBA
16324 010IND (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Gustavo RohdeTBATBA
15493 011IND (1 - 12)Open 2 / 30Arthur LichtenbergerTBATBA
15494 012IND (1 - 12)Open 1 / 30Zongli LinTBATBA
15786 013IND (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Andreas BelingTBATBA
15495 014IND (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Gang TaoTBATBA
16325 015IND (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Daniel QuinnTBATBA
15496 016IND (1 - 12)Open 2 / 30Robert WeikleTBATBA
16762 017IND (1 - 12)Open1 / 30Nikhil ShuklaTBATBA
16826 018IND (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Benton CalhounTBATBA
 ECE 9897 Graduate Teaching Instruction
21193 001IND (1 - 6)Permission1 / 30Benton CalhounTBATBA
21194 002IND (1 - 6)Permission1 / 30Mona ZebarjadiTBATBA
21195 003IND (1 - 6)Permission2 / 30Adam BarnesTBATBA
21196 004IND (1 - 6)Permission2 / 30Steven BowersTBATBA
21197 005IND (1 - 6)Permission1 / 30Mircea StanTBATBA
21198 006IND (1 - 6)Permission2 / 30Keith WilliamsTBATBA
21199 007IND (1 - 6)Permission1 / 30Todd DelongTBATBA
21200 008IND (1 - 6)Permission1 / 30Nikhil ShuklaTBATBA
21201 009IND (1 - 6)Permission2 / 30Miaomiao ZhangTBATBA
21202 010IND (1 - 6)Permission1 / 30Kyusang LeeTBATBA
21203 011IND (1 - 6)Permission1 / 30Tariq IqbalTBATBA
21204 012IND (1 - 6)Permission1 / 30Tom FletcherTBATBA
21205 013IND (1 - 6)Permission2 / 30Homa AlemzadehTBATBA
 ECE 9999 Dissertation
15396 001IND (1 - 12)Open 4 / 30Scott ActonTBATBA
15497 002IND (1 - 12)Open 3 / 30N. BarkerTBATBA
16041 003IND (1 - 12)Open5 / 30Homa AlemzadehTBATBA
15498 004IND (1 - 12)Open 3 / 30Tom FletcherTBATBA
16053 005IND (1 - 12)Open4 / 30Kyusang LeeTBATBA
15499 006IND (1 - 12)Open 1 / 30Richard BradleyTBATBA
15500 007IND (1 - 12)Open 2 / 30Maite Brandt-PearceTBATBA
15872 008IND (1 - 12)Open7 / 30Steven BowersTBATBA
15501 009IND (1 - 12)Open 3 / 30Joe CampbellTBATBA
16315 010IND (1 - 12)Open5 / 30Cong ShenTBATBA
15502 011IND (1 - 12)Open 6 / 30Avik GhoshTBATBA
16073 012IND (1 - 12)Open1 / 30Farzad HassanzadehTBATBA
16085 013IND (1 - 12)Open1 / 30Gustavo RohdeTBATBA
15503 014IND (1 - 12)Open 2 / 30Mool GuptaTBATBA
16157 015IND (1 - 12)Open5 / 30Xu YiTBATBA
16180 016IND (1 - 12)Open4 / 30Nikolaos SidiropoulosTBATBA
16323 017IND (1 - 12)Open9 / 30Jundong LiTBATBA
15504 018IND (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Arthur LichtenbergerTBATBA
15505 019IND (1 - 12)Open 4 / 30Zongli LinTBATBA
16051 020IND (1 - 12)Open3 / 30Nicola BezzoTBATBA
15977 021IND (1 - 12)Open5 / 30Mona ZebarjadiTBATBA
15506 022IND (1 - 12)Open 8 / 30Mircea StanTBATBA
15507 023IND (1 - 12)Open 3 / 30Nathan SwamiTBATBA
15508 024IND (1 - 12)Open 1 / 30Gang TaoTBATBA
16592 025IND (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Madhav MaratheTBATBA
15509 026IND (1 - 12)Open 3 / 30Robert WeikleTBATBA
16366 027IND (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Tomonari FurukawaTBATBA
16153 028IND (1 - 12)Open4 / 30Nikhil ShuklaTBATBA
15853 029IND (1 - 12)Open 5 / 30Andreas BelingTBATBA
16391 030IND (1 - 12)Open3 / 30Miaomiao ZhangTBATBA
16797 031IND (1 - 12)Open13 / 30Benton CalhounTBATBA
16831 032IND (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Afsaneh DoryabTBATBA
16903 033IND (1 - 12)Open0 / 30James SmithTBATBA
20922 034IND (1 - 12)Open1 / 30Amanda WatsonTBATBA

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