These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time
Religion-Christianity |
RELC 2000 | The Bible and Its Interpreters |
Summer 2022 10594 | 1 | Lecture (3 Units) | Open | 0 / 20 | Carrie Cifers | 06/25 Sa 1:00pm - 3:15pm | Nau Hall 141 |
| Carrie Cifers | MoTuWeThFr 1:00pm - 3:15pm | Nau Hall 141 |
Religion-General Religion |
RELG 1040 | Introduction to Eastern Religious Traditions |
Summer 2022 10596 | 1 | Lecture (3 Units) | Open | 2 / 20 | Michael Allen | MoTuWeThFr 1:00pm - 3:15pm | Nau Hall 141 |
RELG 2495 | Religious Violence in the West: From the Crusades to #Charlottesville |
Summer 2022 10593 | 1 | SEM (3 Units) | Open | 9 / 20 | Rebekah Latour | 06/25 Sa 10:30am - 12:45pm | Nau Hall 141 |
| Rebekah Latour | MoTuWeThFr 10:30am - 12:45pm | Nau Hall 141 |
Religion-Hinduism |
RELH 2195 | Theory and Practice of Yoga |
Summer 2022 11348 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Open | 13 / 20 | Samuel Grimes | MoTuWeThFr 10:30am - 12:45pm | Gibson Hall 142 |