UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Schedule of Classes for Global Studies - Spring 2018
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I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics
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Global Development Studies
 GDS 3020Global Development, Theories and Case Studies, Part Two
Spring 2018  13718 001Seminar (3 Units)Open 13 / 30Tessa FarmerTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMNew Cabell Hall 368
 GDS 3110Engaged Learning for Global/Local Development
Spring 2018  21095 001Seminar (3 Units)Open 19 / 20 (19 / 30)David EdmundsMo 3:30PM - 6:00PMNew Cabell Hall 332
 GDS 3113A Buddhist Approach to Development
Spring 2018  14486 001Seminar (4 Units)Closed 21 / 20Clifford MaxwellMo 5:00PM - 6:45PMNew Cabell Hall 485
 Clifford MaxwellWe 5:00PM - 6:45PMThe Rotunda Room 150
 GDS 3114Science, Technology and Development
Spring 2018  21561 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed 30 / 30David EdmundsTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMBryan Hall 235
 GDS 4952University Museums Internship
Spring 2018  14174 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 1 / 2 (10 / 12)Melissa Love+1Fr 10:00AM - 12:30PMFayerweather Hall 206
 GDS 4991Fourth-Year Seminar
Spring 2018  13033 001Seminar (3 Units)Open 27 / 35Richard HandlerTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMNew Cabell Hall 032
 GDS 4993Independent Study
Spring 2018  12146 001Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open1 / 10Richard HandlerTBATBA
Spring 2018  12222 002Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open1 / 30Robert BrownTBATBA
Spring 2018  13223 004Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open0 / 30Rebecca DillinghamTBATBA
Spring 2018  13370 005Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open0 / 1Robert SwapTBATBA
Spring 2018  22572 006Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open1 / 5Bevin EtienneTBATBA
Spring 2018  13735 007Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open14 / 15David EdmundsTBATBA
Spring 2018  14298 008Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open0 / 15Clifford MaxwellTBATBA
Spring 2018  15946 009Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open0 / 15Sreerekha Mullassery SathiammaTBATBA
Global Studies-Global Studies
 GSGS 3030Global Cultural Studies
Spring 2018  14702 100Lecture (3 Units)Closed 43 / 38 (186 / 182)Michael LevensonMoWe 1:00PM - 1:50PMWilson Hall 301
Spring 2018  14703 101Discussion (0 Units)Closed 4 / 3 (19 / 15)Aaron ColtonWe 4:00PM - 4:50PMNew Cabell Hall 338
Spring 2018  14704 102Discussion (0 Units)Closed 4 / 3 (15 / 15)Aaron ColtonWe 5:00PM - 5:50PMNew Cabell Hall 338
Spring 2018  14705 103Discussion (0 Units)Closed 5 / 3 (15 / 15)Aaron ColtonWe 6:00PM - 6:50PMNew Cabell Hall 338
Spring 2018  14706 104Discussion (0 Units)Closed 3 / 3 (14 / 15)Elanna BellowsTh 4:00PM - 4:50PMNew Cabell Hall 191
Spring 2018  14707 105Discussion (0 Units)Closed 3 / 3 (16 / 15)Jordan BuysseTh 5:00PM - 5:50PMNew Cabell Hall 191
Spring 2018  14708 106Discussion (0 Units)Closed 4 / 3 (14 / 15)Jordan BuysseTh 6:00PM - 6:50PMNew Cabell Hall 191
Spring 2018  14806 107Discussion (0 Units)Closed 5 / 5 (17 / 15)Aaron ColtonWe 2:00PM - 2:50PMNew Cabell Hall 283
Spring 2018  14807 108Discussion (0 Units)Closed 3 / 3 (15 / 15)Samantha WallaceWe 3:00PM - 3:50PMShannon House 108
Spring 2018  15508 109Discussion (0 Units)Closed 3 / 3 (16 / 15)Samantha WallaceWe 5:00PM - 5:50PMNew Cabell Hall 058
Spring 2018  21298 110Discussion (0 Units)Closed 3 / 3 (15 / 15)Elanna BellowsTh 6:00PM - 6:50PMBryan Hall 332
Spring 2018  21964 111Discussion (0 Units)Closed 3 / 3 (14 / 15)Anne MorganWe 3:00PM - 3:50PMMaury Hall 110
Spring 2018  21965 112Discussion (0 Units)Closed 3 / 3 (16 / 15)Anne MorganWe 4:00PM - 4:50PMNew Cabell Hall 232
 GSGS 3111Global Studies Epistemology, Methodology & Methods
Spring 2018  21071 001Seminar (3 Units)Closed 32 / 30David EdmundsTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMNew Cabell Hall 389
 GSGS 3115Work, Women's Work and Women Workers in South Asia
Spring 2018  20478 001Seminar (3 Units)Closed 10 / 10 (21 / 20)Sreerekha Mullassery SathiammaWe 3:30PM - 6:00PMNew Cabell Hall 332
 GSGS 3116Social Movements and Development
Spring 2018  20482 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 22 / 25Sreerekha Mullassery SathiammaTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMNew Cabell Hall 168
 GSGS 3559New Course in Global Studies
 Theorizing Global Research
Spring 2018  20485 001Lecture (3 - 6 Units)Open 0 / 30Geeta PatelTBATBA
Spring 2018  20487 002Lecture (3 Units)Open 5 / 30Sevil Hatice Baltali TirpanTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMNew Cabell Hall 042
 Global Perspectives on Corrupt
Spring 2018  20490 003Lecture (3 Units)Open 8 / 30Sylvia TideyMoWeFr 3:00PM - 3:50PMNew Cabell Hall 338
 Co-design Practicum
 Co-design of a Culturally-inspired, Sustainable Arts Center for the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate
Spring 2018  22019 005Lecture (3 Units)Closed 8 / 8 (12 / 12)David Edmunds+1We 3:30PM - 6:00PMNew Cabell Hall 115
 Contact Profs Phoebe Crisman (crisman@virginia.edu) or David Edmunds (dse7r@virginia.edu)with questions.
 GSGS 4559New Course in Global Studies
 Topics in Global Research
Spring 2018  20491 001Lecture (3 - 6 Units)Open 0 / 30Geeta PatelTBATBA
 GSGS 4962Education Abroad Advising and Administration II
Spring 2018  13719 001Practicum (3 Units)Open 9 / 10Dudley DoaneFr 1:00PM - 2:50PMNew Cabell Hall 042
Global Studies-Security and Justice
 GSSJ 4991Capstone Seminar
Spring 2018  14487 001Seminar (3 Units)Closed 28 / 28Peter FuriaMo 6:00PM - 8:30PMNew Cabell Hall 315
 GSSJ 4993Independent Study
Spring 2018  14196 001Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open4 / 5Peter FuriaTBATBA
Global Studies-Environments and Sustainability
 GSVS 2050Sustainable Energy Systems
Syllabus  20678 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 17 / 27 (23 / 36)James GrovesTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMNew Cabell Hall 323
 GSVS 4991Capstone Seminar in Global Studies Environments and Sustainability
Spring 2018  14670 001Seminar (3 Units)Open31 / 32Phoebe CrismanMoWeFr 12:00PM - 12:50PMNew Cabell Hall 332
 GSVS 4993Independent Study in Environments and Sustainability
Spring 2018  14671 001Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open1 / 5Phoebe CrismanTBATBA
Spring 2018  21585 002Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open1 / 5William ShobeTBATBA
Spring 2018  21754 003Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open1 / 5Paul FreedmanTBATBA

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