UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Complete Schedule of Classes for East Asian Languages, Literature & Culture - Fall 2015
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I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics
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 CHIN 1010Elementary Chinese
Fall 2015  10513 001Lecture (4 Units)Open18 / 20Ran ZhaoMoTuWeThFr 10:00AM - 10:50AMNew Cabell Hall 415
Fall 2015  10514 002Lecture (4 Units)Open12 / 20Hsiang-Ning WangMoTuWeThFr 12:00PM - 12:50PMNew Cabell Hall 068
Fall 2015  10516 004Lecture (4 Units)Open19 / 20Ran ZhaoMoTuWeThFr 11:00AM - 11:50AMNew Cabell Hall 415
Fall 2015  10515 005Lecture (4 Units)Open13 / 20Hsiang-Ning WangMoTuWeThFr 1:00PM - 1:50PMNew Cabell Hall 068
Fall 2015  14462 007Lecture (4 Units)Open17 / 20Shuishui LongMoTuWeThFr 2:00PM - 2:50PMNew Cabell Hall 068
 CHIN 1060Accelerated Elementary Chinese
Fall 2015  10517 001Lecture (4 Units)Open16 / 20Jie ZhuMoTuWeFr 12:00PM - 12:50PMNew Cabell Hall 044
 CHIN 2010Intermediate Chinese
Fall 2015  10518 001Lecture (4 Units)Open13 / 15Jie Zhu+2MoTuWeThFr 10:00AM - 10:50AMNew Cabell Hall 187
Fall 2015  10519 003Lecture (4 Units)Closed15 / 15Shuishui LongMoTuWeThFr 11:00AM - 11:50AMNew Cabell Hall 064
Fall 2015  14463 005Lecture (4 Units)Open10 / 15Shu-Chen ChenMoTuWeThFr 1:00PM - 1:50PMNew Cabell Hall 064
Fall 2015  16122 006Lecture (4 Units)Open11 / 15Shu-Chen ChenMoTuWeThFr 2:00PM - 2:50PMNew Cabell Hall 064
Fall 2015  21783 007Lecture (4 Units)Open10 / 15Jie ZhuMoWeFr 1:00PM - 1:50PMNew Cabell Hall 066
 StaffTuTh 1:00PM - 1:50PMNew Cabell Hall 038
 CHIN 3010Readings in Modern Chinese
Fall 2015  10521 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 8 / 15 (8 / 16)Shuishui LongMoWeFr 10:00AM - 10:50AMNew Cabell Hall 044
Fall 2015  10522 002Lecture (3 Units)Open 9 / 15 (9 / 18)Hsiang-Ning WangMoWeFr 11:00AM - 11:50AMNew Cabell Hall 395
Fall 2015  14992 003Lecture (3 Units)Closed 15 / 15 (15 / 18)Ran ZhaoMoWeFr 12:00PM - 12:50PMNew Cabell Hall 415
 CHIN 3015Language House Conversation
Fall 2015  10523 001Lecture (1 Units)Open5 / 20Ran ZhaoTBATBA
 CHIN 3050Accelerated Readings in Modern Chinese Literature
Fall 2015  11652 001Seminar (3 Units)Open 7 / 16Jie ZhuMoWeFr 2:00PM - 2:50PMNew Cabell Hall 209
 CHIN 4010Advanced Readings in Modern Chinese
Fall 2015  15052 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed 14 / 12 (14 / 15)Hsin LiangMoWeFr 10:00AM - 10:50AMNew Cabell Hall 315
 CHIN 4830Introduction to Classical Chinese Prose
Fall 2015  14466 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 15 / 25 (17 / 35)Anne KinneyTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMNew Cabell Hall 338
 CHIN 4993Independent Study in Chinese
Fall 2015  10525 001Independent Study (1 - 3 Units)Open 1 / 5Jie ZhuTBATBA
Fall 2015  14641 002Independent Study (1 - 3 Units)Open 0 / 5StaffTBATBA
 CHIN 5010Readings in Modern Chinese
Fall 2015  13402 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 0 / 3 (8 / 16)Shuishui LongMoWeFr 10:00AM - 10:50AMNew Cabell Hall 044
Fall 2015  10526 002Lecture (3 Units)Open 0 / 3 (9 / 18)Hsiang-Ning WangMoWeFr 11:00AM - 11:50AMNew Cabell Hall 395
Fall 2015  14464 003Lecture (3 Units)Open 0 / 3 (15 / 18)Ran ZhaoMoWeFr 12:00PM - 12:50PMNew Cabell Hall 415
 CHIN 5810Media Chinese I
Fall 2015  14465 001Lecture (3 Units)Open8 / 12Hsin LiangMoWeFr 1:00PM - 1:50PMNew Cabell Hall 415
Fall 2015  21974 002Lecture (3 Units)Open8 / 12Hsin LiangMoWeFr 11:00AM - 11:50AMNew Cabell Hall 315
 CHIN 5830Introduction to Classical Chinese
Fall 2015  10527 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 2 / 10 (17 / 35)Anne KinneyTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMNew Cabell Hall 338
 CHIN 7010Advanced Readings in Modern Chinese
Fall 2015  15506 001Lecture (3 Units)Open0 / 3 (14 / 15)Hsin LiangMoWeFr 10:00AM - 10:50AMNew Cabell Hall 315
Fall 2015  10528 002Lecture (3 Units)Open0 / 3StaffTBATBA
 CHIN 8993Independent Study in Chinese
Fall 2015  10529 001Independent Study (1 - 4 Units)Open0 / 5StaffTBATBA
Chinese in Translation
 CHTR 2800Chinese Calligraphy
Fall 2015  19333 001Lecture (1 Units)Open57 / 60Shu-Chen ChenWe 3:30PM - 4:20PMMonroe Hall 124
Fall 2015  21809 002Lecture (1 Units)Closed54 / 40Shu-Chen ChenMo 3:30PM - 4:20PMMonroe Hall 124
 CHTR 3010Survey of Traditional Chinese Literature
Syllabus  13901 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed 29 / 30 (30 / 30)Charles LaughlinTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMMonroe Hall 122
 CHTR 3850Documentary Writing and Film in China
Syllabus  20167 001Seminar (3 Units)Open 15 / 20 (18 / 30)Charles LaughlinWe 3:30PM - 6:00PMCocke Hall 101
 CHTR 5010Survey of Traditional Chinese Literature
Syllabus  13902 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed1 / 1 (30 / 30)Charles LaughlinTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMMonroe Hall 122
 CHTR 5850Documentary Writing and Film in China
Syllabus  20168 001Seminar (3 Units)Open 3 / 10 (18 / 30)Charles LaughlinWe 3:30PM - 6:00PMCocke Hall 101
East Asian Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
 EALC 4998Distinguished Majors Senior Thesis I
Fall 2015  14534 001Independent Study (3 Units)Open1 / 30Michiko WilsonTBATBA
East Asian Studies
 EAST 1010East Asian Canons and Cultures
Syllabus  19334 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed 60 / 60Benedetta LomiTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMMaury Hall 104
 EAST 4993Independent Study
Fall 2015  13003 001Independent Study (1 - 3 Units)Open0 / 30StaffTBATBA
 EAST 4998Distinguished Majors Senior Thesis I
Fall 2015  14310 001Independent Study (3 Units)Open0 / 30StaffTBATBA
 EAST 8998Non-Topical Research: Prepaation for Research
Fall 2015  20509 001Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open4 / 10Charles LaughlinTBATBA
Fall 2015  22102 002Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open1 / 10Anne KinneyTBATBA
 JAPN 1010First-Year Japanese
Fall 2015  10850 001Lecture (4 Units)Open18 / 20Mieko KawaiMoTuWeThFr 10:00AM - 10:50AMNew Cabell Hall 056
Fall 2015  10851 002Lecture (4 Units)Open18 / 20Mieko KawaiMoTuWeThFr 11:00AM - 11:50AMNew Cabell Hall 056
Fall 2015  10852 003Lecture (4 Units)Open19 / 20Mieko KawaiMoTuWeThFr 1:00PM - 1:50PMNew Cabell Hall 056
Fall 2015  10853 004Lecture (4 Units)Open14 / 20Tomomi SatoMoTuWeThFr 10:00AM - 10:50AMNew Cabell Hall 036
 JAPN 2010Second-Year Japanese
Fall 2015  10854 001Lecture (4 Units)Open12 / 15Tomoko MarshallMoTuWeThFr 10:00AM - 10:50AMNew Cabell Hall 038
Fall 2015  10855 002Lecture (4 Units)Closed15 / 15Tomoko MarshallMoTuWeThFr 11:00AM - 11:50AMNew Cabell Hall 038
Fall 2015  10856 003Lecture (4 Units)Closed15 / 15Tomoko MarshallMoTuWeThFr 12:00PM - 12:50PMNew Cabell Hall 038
 JAPN 3010Third-Year Japanese I
Fall 2015  10857 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 8 / 15Tomomi SatoMoWeFr 11:00AM - 11:50AMNew Cabell Hall 066
Fall 2015  10858 002Lecture (3 Units)Open 6 / 15Tomomi SatoMoWeFr 12:00PM - 12:50PMNew Cabell Hall 115
 JAPN 3015Language House Conversation
Fall 2015  10859 001Lecture (1 Units)Open3 / 20Tomoko MarshallTBATBA
 JAPN 4840Japan's Two Nobel Laureates: Kawabate and Oe
Fall 2015  19060 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 8 / 15Michiko WilsonTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMNew Cabell Hall 187
 JAPN 4993Independent Study in Japanese
Fall 2015  10860 001Independent Study (1 - 3 Units)Open 0 / 10StaffTBATBA
Japanese in Translation
 JPTR 3010Survey of Traditional Japanese Literature
Syllabus  19337 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 10 / 25Benedetta LomiTuTh 4:00PM - 5:15PMNew Cabell Hall 207
 JPTR 3300Love in Modern Japanese Fiction
Fall 2015  19066 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed 18 / 17 (18 / 20)Michiko WilsonWe 3:30PM - 6:00PMNew Cabell Hall 187
 JPTR 5300Love in Modern Japanese Literature
Fall 2015  19067 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 0 / 3 (18 / 20)Michiko WilsonWe 3:30PM - 6:00PMNew Cabell Hall 187
 KOR 1010Elementary Korean I
Fall 2015  11616 001Lecture (4 Units)Closed24 / 24Yoon Hwa ChoiMoTuWeThFr 10:00AM - 10:50AMNew Cabell Hall 107
 KOR 2010Intermediate Korean I
Fall 2015  11885 002Lecture (4 Units)Closed24 / 20Yoon Hwa ChoiMoTuWeThFr 11:00AM - 11:50AMNew Cabell Hall 107
 KOR 3010Advanced Korean I
Fall 2015  11619 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 9 / 15Yoon Hwa ChoiMoWeFr 1:00PM - 1:50PMNew Cabell Hall 411
 KOR 3015Language House Conversation
Fall 2015  14317 001Lecture (1 Units)Open2 / 30Yoon Hwa ChoiTBATBA
 KOR 4010Advanced Readings in Modern Korean I
Fall 2015  19344 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 0 / 10StaffMoWeFr 1:00PM - 1:50PMNew Cabell Hall 042
 KOR 4993Independent Study in Korean
Fall 2015  14054 001Independent Study (1 - 3 Units)Open 0 / 10StaffTBATBA
Korean in Translation
 KRTR 3020Survey of Modern Korean Literature
Fall 2015  19068 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 7 / 20Susie KimTu 3:30PM - 6:00PMNew Cabell Hall 291
 KRTR 3030Survey of Korean Cinema
Fall 2015  19070 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 6 / 20 (6 / 30)Susie KimMo 3:30PM - 6:00PMNew Cabell Hall 132
 KRTR 5020Survey of Modern Korean Literature
Fall 2015  19071 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 0 / 10Susie KimTu 3:30PM - 6:00PMNew Cabell Hall 411
 KRTR 5030Survey of Korean Cinema
Fall 2015  19072 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 0 / 10 (6 / 30)Susie KimMo 3:30PM - 6:00PMNew Cabell Hall 132
 TBTN 1010Elementary Tibetan I
Fall 2015  11691 001Lecture (4 Units)Open4 / 6 (6 / 12)Tsetan NepaliMoWe 10:00AM - 11:15AMClemons Library 320
 Tsetan NepaliTuTh 11:00AM - 11:50AMClemons Library 320
 TBTN 2010Intermediate Tibetan I
Fall 2015  11692 001Lecture (4 Units)Open0 / 5 (0 / 7)Tsetan NepaliMo 9:00AM - 10:00AMClemons Library 320
 Tsetan NepaliTuTh 1:10PM - 2:25PMClemons Library 320
 Tsetan NepaliFr 1:10PM - 2:00PMClemons Library 320
 TBTN 3010Advanced Modern Tibetan I
Fall 2015  11693 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 1 / 2 (5 / 13)Tsetan NepaliMoWe 2:20PM - 3:10PMMonroe Hall 113
 Tsetan NepaliFr 3:30PM - 4:20PMMonroe Hall 113
 TBTN 3030Advanced Modern Tibetan III
Fall 2015  11694 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 1 / 7 (5 / 13)Tsetan NepaliMoWe 2:20PM - 3:10PMMonroe Hall 113
 Tsetan NepaliFr 3:30PM - 4:20PMMonroe Hall 113
 TBTN 8010Elementary Tibetan I
Fall 2015  14503 001Lecture (4 Units)Open2 / 6 (6 / 12)Tsetan NepaliMoWe 10:00AM - 11:15AMClemons Library 320
 Tsetan NepaliTuTh 11:00AM - 11:50AMClemons Library 320
 TBTN 8011Intermediate Tibetan I
Fall 2015  14508 001Lecture (4 Units)Open0 / 3 (0 / 7)Tsetan NepaliMo 9:00AM - 10:00AMClemons Library 320
 Tsetan NepaliTuTh 1:10PM - 2:25PMClemons Library 320
 Tsetan NepaliFr 1:10PM - 2:00PMClemons Library 320
 TBTN 8012Advanced Modern Tibetan I
Fall 2015  14509 001Lecture (3 Units)Open1 / 5 (5 / 13)Tsetan NepaliMoWe 2:20PM - 3:10PMMonroe Hall 113
 Tsetan NepaliFr 3:30PM - 4:20PMMonroe Hall 113
 TBTN 8030Advanced Modern Tibetan III
Fall 2015  14504 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed 2 / 2 (5 / 13)Tsetan NepaliMoWe 2:20PM - 3:10PMMonroe Hall 113
 Tsetan NepaliFr 3:30PM - 4:20PMMonroe Hall 113
 TBTN 8993Independent Study in Tibetan
Fall 2015  21896 001Independent Study (3 Units)Closed 1 / 1Tsetan NepaliTh 3:30PM - 6:00PMTBA

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