UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Complete Schedule of Classes for the Law School - Fall 2014
These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time
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I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics
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 LAW 6000Civil Procedure
Fall 2014  20888 1ABLecture (4 Units)Open65 / 70Paul MitchellTuThFr 10:00AM - 11:20AMWithers-Brown Hall 154
Fall 2014  20889 2CGLecture (4 Units)Open62 / 70Toby HeytensTuThFr 10:00AM - 11:20AMWithers-Brown Hall 101
Fall 2014  20891 3DELecture (4 Units)Open63 / 64Caleb NelsonMoTuWeTh 10:00AM - 11:00AMSlaughter Hall 258
Fall 2014  20892 4FLecture (4 Units)Open31 / 32Adam SpencerMoTuTh 10:00AM - 11:20AMSlaughter Hall 262
Fall 2014  20893 5HLecture (4 Units)Open31 / 32Kent SinclairMoTuTh 10:00AM - 11:20AMWithers-Brown Hall 103
Fall 2014  20894 6ILecture (4 Units)Open30 / 32Daniel OrtizMoWeTh 10:00AM - 11:20AMWithers-Brown Hall 104
Fall 2014  20895 7JLecture (4 Units)Open30 / 32George RutherglenMoTuTh 10:00AM - 11:20AMSlaughter Hall 294
 LAW 6002Contracts
Fall 2014  20896 1ALecture (4 Units)Open31 / 32Kevin KordanaTuWeFr 2:10PM - 3:30PMWithers-Brown Hall 103
Fall 2014  20897 2BLecture (4 Units)Open31 / 32Alex JohnsonTuThFr 2:10PM - 3:30PMWithers-Brown Hall 104
Fall 2014  20898 3CILecture (4 Units)Open71 / 75Paul MahoneyMoTuWeThFr 2:10PM - 3:10PMWithers-Brown Hall 128
Fall 2014  20899 4DFLecture (4 Units)Open70 / 75Albert ChoiTuThFr 2:10PM - 3:30PMWithers-Brown Hall 101
Fall 2014  20900 5ELecture (4 Units)Open31 / 32Jason JohnstonMoTuTh 2:10PM - 3:30PMSlaughter Hall 262
Fall 2014  20901 6GLecture (4 Units)Open31 / 32George CohenTuWeThFr 2:10PM - 3:10PMWithers-Brown Hall 105
Fall 2014  20902 7HJLecture (4 Units)Open71 / 75George GeisMoWeTh 2:10PM - 3:30PMSlaughter Hall 278
 LAW 6003Criminal Law
Fall 2014  20906 1AFLecture (3 Units)Open61 / 64John JeffriesMoTuWe 8:50AM - 9:50AMWithers-Brown Hall 102
Fall 2014  20907 2BGLecture (3 Units)Open63 / 64Rachel HarmonMoWe 8:30AM - 9:50AMSlaughter Hall 262
Fall 2014  20908 3CLecture (3 Units)Open31 / 32Richard BonnieMoTuWe 8:50AM - 9:50AMWithers-Brown Hall 103
Fall 2014  20909 4DLecture (3 Units)Open31 / 32Darryl BrownMoTuWe 8:50AM - 9:50AMWithers-Brown Hall 105
Fall 2014  20910 5EJLecture (3 Units)Open62 / 64Anne CoughlinTuWeFr 8:50AM - 9:50AMWithers-Brown Hall 101
Fall 2014  20911 6HILecture (3 Units)Open62 / 64Kimberly FerzanTuThFr 8:50AM - 9:50AMSlaughter Hall 294
 LAW 6004Legal Research and Writing (YR)
Fall 2014  20951 01ALecture (1 Units)Open31 / 32Donna BuckMo 10:00AM - 11:00AMWithers-Brown Hall 105
Fall 2014  20952 02BLecture (1 Units)Open31 / 32Donna BuckMo 2:10PM - 3:10PMWithers-Brown Hall 105
Fall 2014  20953 03CLecture (1 Units)Open31 / 32Donna BuckWe 10:00AM - 11:00AMWithers-Brown Hall 105
Fall 2014  20954 04DLecture (1 Units)Open31 / 32Sarah WareFr 10:00AM - 11:00AMSlaughter Hall 258
Fall 2014  20955 05ELecture (1 Units)Open31 / 32Karen MoranWe 2:10PM - 3:10PMSlaughter Hall 262
Fall 2014  20956 06FLecture (1 Units)Open30 / 32Sarah WareFr 1:00PM - 2:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 103
Fall 2014  20957 07GLecture (1 Units)Open31 / 32Karen MoranMo 10:00AM - 11:00AMSlaughter Hall 298
Fall 2014  20958 08HLecture (1 Units)Open31 / 32Karen MoranWe 10:00AM - 11:00AMWithers-Brown Hall 103
Fall 2014  20959 09ILecture (1 Units)Open30 / 32Sarah WareTu 10:00AM - 11:00AMWithers-Brown Hall 104
Fall 2014  20960 10JLecture (1 Units)Open30 / 32Sarah WareTu 2:10PM - 3:10PMSlaughter Hall 298
 LAW 6007Torts
Fall 2014  20920 1ADLecture (4 Units)Open62 / 64John HarrisonMoTuWeTh 3:40PM - 4:40PMSlaughter Hall 258
Fall 2014  20921 2BJLecture (4 Units)Open61 / 64Charles BarzunMoWeTh 3:40PM - 5:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 128
Fall 2014  20922 3CFLecture (4 Units)Open61 / 64Barbara ArmacostMoWeTh 3:40PM - 5:00PMSlaughter Hall 262
Fall 2014  20923 4EILecture (4 Units)Open61 / 64John DuffyMoWeTh 3:40PM - 5:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 101
Fall 2014  20924 5GHLecture (4 Units)Open62 / 64Kenneth AbrahamMoWeTh 3:40PM - 5:00PMSlaughter Hall 294
 LAW 6100Accounting: Understanding and Analyzing Financial Statements
Fall 2014  20890 1Lecture (2 Units)Open 62 / 64Oscar BroomeTuTh 11:30AM - 1:20PMSlaughter Hall 294
 LAW 6101Corporate Finance
Fall 2014  20904 1Lecture (2 Units)Closed 64 / 64Michal BarzuzaTuTh 11:30AM - 1:20PMSlaughter Hall 294
 LAW 6102Administrative Law
Fall 2014  21046 1Lecture (4 Units)Open 23 / 64Michael LivermoreTuThFr 2:10PM - 3:30PMSlaughter Hall 258
Fall 2014  21463 2Lecture (3 Units)Open 63 / 64Nettie WoolhandlerTuTh 10:00AM - 11:20AMSlaughter Hall 298
 LAW 6103Corporations
Fall 2014  20905 1Lecture (4 Units)Open 72 / 108John HarrisonTuThFr 11:30AM - 12:50PMSlaughter Hall 278
Fall 2014  21056 2Lecture (4 Units)Open 107 / 108Kevin KordanaTuThFr 10:00AM - 11:20AMSlaughter Hall 278
 LAW 6104Evidence
Fall 2014  20912 1Lecture (4 Units)Open88 / 96Paul MitchellTuThFr 8:30AM - 9:50AMWithers-Brown Hall 154
Fall 2014  21457 2Lecture (3 Units)Open35 / 96Frederick SchauerMoWe 10:00AM - 11:20AMWithers-Brown Hall 101
 LAW 6105Federal Courts
Fall 2014  20918 1Lecture (4 Units)Open 71 / 80John JeffriesMoTuWeTh 1:00PM - 2:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 102
 LAW 6106Federal Income Tax
Fall 2014  20913 1Lecture (4 Units)Open63 / 66Michael DoranTuThFr 2:10PM - 3:30PMWithers-Brown Hall 102
Fall 2014  21040 2Lecture (4 Units)Open61 / 64Andrew HayashiTuThFr 8:30AM - 9:50AMSlaughter Hall 258
 LAW 6107International Law
Fall 2014  20915 1Lecture (3 Units)Open28 / 44John SetearTuWeTh 1:00PM - 2:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 104
 LAW 6109Corporations (Law & Business)
Fall 2014  21438 1Lecture (4 Units)Open 41 / 64Quinn CurtisMoWeFr 2:10PM - 3:30PMSlaughter Hall 298
 LAW 7009Criminal Procedure Survey
Fall 2014  21013 1Lecture (4 Units)Open 45 / 64Josh BowersTuThFr 11:30AM - 12:50PMSlaughter Hall 262
 LAW 7016Constitutional History II: The Twentieth Century
Fall 2014  21441 1Lecture (3 Units)Open20 / 54Risa GoluboffWeFr 10:00AM - 11:20AMSlaughter Hall 294
 LAW 7017Constitutional Law II: Religious Liberty
Fall 2014  21051 1Lecture (3 Units)Open 41 / 64Micah SchwartzmanTuTh 2:10PM - 3:30PMSlaughter Hall 294
 LAW 7019Criminal Investigation
Fall 2014  21464 1Lecture (3 Units)Open 48 / 64Barbara ArmacostTuTh 11:30AM - 12:50PMSlaughter Hall 258
 LAW 7029European Union Law
Fall 2014  20940 1Lecture (2 Units)Open7 / 16Bernd Holznagel+1TuTh 4:00PM - 6:00PMSlaughter Hall 268
 LAW 7031Federal Criminal Law
Fall 2014  21440 1Lecture (3 Units)Open 24 / 44Brandon GarrettTuTh 10:00AM - 11:20AMWithers-Brown Hall 105
 LAW 7032Federal Taxation of Gratuitous Transfers
Fall 2014  21058 1Lecture (3 Units)Open14 / 25Mildred RobinsonTuTh 10:00AM - 11:20AMWithers-Brown Hall 121
 LAW 7042Immigration Law
Fall 2014  21061 1Lecture (3 Units)Open24 / 50David MartinMoWe 10:00AM - 11:20AMWithers-Brown Hall 128
 LAW 7044Survey of Patent, Copyright, Trademark
Fall 2014  21872 1Lecture (3 - 4 Units)Open 49 / 75Dotan OliarMoWe 10:00AM - 11:20AMSlaughter Hall 278
 LAW 7046International Patent Law and Policy
Fall 2014  21434 1Lecture (3 Units)Open6 / 44Margo BagleyTuTh 8:30AM - 9:50AMWithers-Brown Hall 104
 LAW 7047Trademark Law
Fall 2014  21465 1Lecture (3 Units)Open30 / 44Margo BagleyMoWe 2:10PM - 3:30PMSlaughter Hall 294
 LAW 7049Foundations of Climate Change Law and Policy
Fall 2014  21449 1Lecture (3 Units)Open7 / 44Jason JohnstonTuTh 11:30AM - 12:50PMWithers-Brown Hall 104
 LAW 7052International Civil Litigation
Fall 2014  21455 1Lecture (3 Units)Open33 / 44George RutherglenMoTh 2:10PM - 3:30PMWithers-Brown Hall 103
 LAW 7062Legislation
Fall 2014  21063 1Lecture (3 Units)Closed64 / 64Michael GilbertWeFr 11:30AM - 12:50PMSlaughter Hall 258
 LAW 7067National Security Law
Fall 2014  21064 1Lecture (3 Units)Open21 / 44John MooreMoWe 2:10PM - 3:30PMWithers-Brown Hall 104
 LAW 7070Presidential Powers
Fall 2014  21065 1Lecture (3 Units)Open11 / 44David MartinMoTuWe 1:00PM - 2:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 105
 LAW 7071Professional Responsibility
Fall 2014  20968 1Lecture (2 Units)Open 95 / 96Richard BalnaveTuTh 11:30AM - 12:30PMWithers-Brown Hall 128
Fall 2014  20969 2Lecture (3 Units)Open 49 / 80George CohenTuThFr 10:20AM - 11:20AMWithers-Brown Hall 102
Fall 2014  21748 3Lecture (2 Units)Open 77 / 80Thatcher StoneMoWe 10:00AM - 11:00AMWithers-Brown Hall 102
 LAW 7078Remedies
Fall 2014  21451 1Lecture (3 Units)Open59 / 64H LaycockMoTuWe 1:00PM - 2:00PMSlaughter Hall 298
 LAW 7085Social Science in Law
Fall 2014  21022 1Lecture (3 Units)Open25 / 64John MonahanMoWe 8:30AM - 9:50AMSlaughter Hall 294
 LAW 7086Jurisprudence
Fall 2014  20992 1Lecture (3 Units)Open76 / 80Frederick SchauerMoWe 2:10PM - 3:30PMWithers-Brown Hall 102
 LAW 7089Race and Law
Fall 2014  21066 1Lecture (3 Units)Open 7 / 15Kim Forde-MazruiTuTh 11:30AM - 12:50PMWithers-Brown Hall 116
 LAW 7093Law and Economics Colloquium (YR)
Fall 2014  20993 1Lecture (0 Units)Open15 / 16Andrew Hayashi+1Th 11:30AM - 12:50PMScott Commons 001
 LAW 7106Law of the Police
Fall 2014  21754 1Lecture (3 Units)Open 35 / 64Rachel HarmonMoWe 2:10PM - 3:30PMSlaughter Hall 258
 LAW 7116Common Law I
Fall 2014  21732 1Lecture (3 Units)Open49 / 50Douglas LeslieTuWeTh 1:00PM - 2:00PMSlaughter Hall 258
 LAW 7125Practical Trust and Estate Administration
Fall 2014  21088 1Lecture (2 Units)Open12 / 16Stephen MurphyTu 4:00PM - 6:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 119
 LAW 7140Federalism
Fall 2014  21895 1Lecture (3 Units)Open8 / 20Cynthia NicolettiWeFr 10:00AM - 11:20AMWithers-Brown Hall 121
 LAW 7141Energy and the Environment
Fall 2014  21894 1Lecture (3 Units)Open31 / 44Jonathan CannonMoWeTh 1:00PM - 2:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 103
 LAW 7500JAG School Course
 Survey of Military Justice
Fall 2014  22240 1Lecture (1 Units)Closed4 / 4StaffMo 8:00AM - 9:50AMTBA
 Specl Tpcs Phys/Sex Abse Cases
Fall 2014  22241 2Lecture (1 Units)Open2 / 3StaffWe 3:30PM - 5:20PMTBA
 Law and Terrorism
Fall 2014  22251 3Lecture (1 Units)Closed4 / 4StaffMo 3:30PM - 5:20PMTBA
 LAW 7606Finance of Small Enterprise (SC)
Fall 2014  20991 1Lecture (2 Units)Open29 / 30Richard CrawfordTh 4:00PM - 6:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 105
 LAW 7612Genetics and the Law (SC)
Fall 2014  21458 1Lecture (2 Units)Open7 / 20Gil SiegalMoTuWeThFr 4:00PM - 5:50PMWithers-Brown Hall 103
 LAW 7613Globalization and International Civil Litigation (SC)
Fall 2014  21825 1Lecture (1 Units)Open5 / 14Timothy McEvoyMoTuWeThFr 2:05PM - 3:35PMWithers-Brown Hall 116
 LAW 7617International Banking Transactions (SC)
Fall 2014  20946 1Lecture (1 Units)Open18 / 20Christof FritzenMoTuWeTh 4:00PM - 5:30PMSlaughter Hall 298
 LAW 7619Start-Up of a Medtech Company (SC)
Fall 2014  21824 1Lecture (1 Units)Closed21 / 21Weaver GainesMoTuWeTh 8:20AM - 9:50AMWithers-Brown Hall 121
 LAW 7625Negotiation Institute (SC)
Fall 2014  20965 1Lecture (1 Units)Closed120 / 120Charles CraverSa 9:00AM - 5:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 152
 LAW 7641Corporate Strategy (SC)
Fall 2014  21757 1Lecture (1 Units)Open28 / 33Jim DonovanFr 12:20PM - 2:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 104
 LAW 7648Federal Sentencing (SC)
Fall 2014  21760 1Lecture (1 Units)Open19 / 20Stefan UnderhillMoTuWeTh 4:00PM - 5:30PMWithers-Brown Hall 103
 LAW 7651Responses to the Financial Crisis (SC)
Fall 2014  21784 1Lecture (1 Units)Open18 / 20Edward KellyMoTuWeTh 4:00PM - 5:30PMWithers-Brown Hall 103
 LAW 7693Energy Businesses and Transactions (SC)
Fall 2014  21758 1Lecture (1 Units)Closed30 / 30Thomas DenisonMoTuWeTh 6:15PM - 7:45PMWithers-Brown Hall 103
 LAW 7729International Trade Law (SC)
Fall 2014  21779 1Lecture (2 Units)Open12 / 44Paul Stephan+1MoWeTh 4:00PM - 5:30PMWithers-Brown Hall 104
 LAW 7732Shaping Legal Opinions (SC)
Fall 2014  21931 1Lecture (1 Units)Open13 / 15Lincoln CaplanMoTuWeTh 2:05PM - 3:35PMWithers-Brown Hall 114
 LAW 8000Advanced Legal Research
Fall 2014  20926 1Lecture (2 Units)Closed 20 / 20Leslie AshbrookTuTh 10:00AM - 11:20AMWithers-Brown Hall 129
Fall 2014  21024 2Lecture (2 Units)Open 18 / 20Benjamin DohertyMoWe 10:00AM - 11:20AMWithers-Brown Hall 129
Fall 2014  21047 3Lecture (2 Units)Closed 20 / 20John RoperTu 4:00PM - 6:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 114
 LAW 8002Bankruptcy (Law & Business)
Fall 2014  21448 1Lecture (3 Units)Open 33 / 44Richard HynesTuTh 11:30AM - 12:50PMWithers-Brown Hall 105
 LAW 8003Civil Rights Litigation
Fall 2014  21437 1Lecture (3 Units)Open62 / 80Michael CollinsTuTh 11:30AM - 12:50PMWithers-Brown Hall 102
 LAW 8004Constitutional Law II: Freedom of Speech and Press
Fall 2014  21052 1Lecture (3 Units)Open 13 / 20Leslie KendrickTuWeThFr 11:30AM - 12:50PMWithers-Brown Hall 129
 LAW 8010Patent Law
Fall 2014  20947 1Lecture (3 Units)Open 20 / 64John DuffyMoWeTh 1:00PM - 2:00PMSlaughter Hall 262
 LAW 8015Partnership Tax
Fall 2014  20916 1Lecture (3 Units)Open 21 / 22Thomas WhiteTuTh 2:10PM - 3:30PMWithers-Brown Hall 121
 LAW 8016Securities Regulation
Fall 2014  21462 1Lecture (3 Units)Open 74 / 75Andrew VollmerMoTu 10:00AM - 11:20AMWithers-Brown Hall 126
 LAW 8018Trusts and Estates
Fall 2014  20925 1Lecture (3 Units)Open 71 / 96Barry CushmanTuWeTh 1:00PM - 2:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 128
 LAW 8505Clinical Topics
 Immigration Law Clinic
Fall 2014  22094 1Clinical (2 Units)Closed1 / 1Douglas FordTBATBA
 Litigation/Housing Law
Fall 2014  22101 2Clinical (2 Units)Open0 / 1Kimberly RollaTBATBA
 Innocence Project Clinic
Fall 2014  22422 3Clinical (2 Units)Closed3 / 2Deirdre EnrightTBATBA
 Litigation/Housing Law
Fall 2014  22512 4Clinical (3 Units)Closed1 / 1Kimberly RollaTBATBA
 LAW 8602Appellate Litigation Clinic (YR)
Fall 2014  20931 1Clinical (4 Units)Closed 12 / 12Stephen BragaWe 2:10PM - 3:30PMSlaughter Hall 131
 LAW 8606Child Advocacy Clinic (YR)
Fall 2014  20932 1Clinical (4 Units)Open 10 / 12Amy Walters+2Tu 3:40PM - 5:00PMSlaughter Hall 276
 LAW 8608Criminal Defense Clinic
Fall 2014  20935 1Clinical (5 Units)Open 12 / 16Bonnie Lepold+4MoTh 4:30PM - 6:00PMSlaughter Hall 290
 LAW 8609Employment Law Clinic (YR)
Fall 2014  20939 1Clinical (0 Units)Open9 / 10Carolyn Kalantari+3Th 10:00AM - 12:30PMLegal Aid and Justice Center
 LAW 8614Litigation and Housing Law Clinic (YR)
Fall 2014  20944 1Clinical (0 Units)Open6 / 8Brenda Castaneda+3We 4:30PM - 6:00PMSlaughter Hall 276
 StaffTh 4:30PM - 6:30PMLegal Aid and Justice Center
 LAW 8616Immigration Law Clinic
Fall 2014  20990 1Clinical (4 Units)Open3 / 6Douglas FordWe 11:30AM - 1:30PMSlaughter Hall 276
 LAW 8620Patent and Licensing Clinic I
Fall 2014  20966 1Clinical (3 Units)Open 1 / 6Robert Decker+1TBATBA
 LAW 8621Patent and Licensing Clinic II
Fall 2014  20967 1Clinical (2 Units)Open 2 / 6Robert Decker+1TBATBA
 LAW 8622Prosecution Clinic (YR)
Fall 2014  20970 1Clinical (0 Units)Open18 / 30Joseph Platania+1Tu 7:00PM - 9:30PMWithers-Brown Hall 104
 LAW 8624Supreme Court Litigation Clinic (YR)
Fall 2014  20984 1Clinical (4 Units)Closed 17 / 17Daniel Ortiz+4We 4:00PM - 6:00PMSlaughter Hall 366
 LAW 8628Innocence Project Clinic (YR)
Fall 2014  20945 1Clinical (4 Units)Closed 12 / 12Claire Cardwell+1Tu 3:00PM - 5:00PMSlaughter Hall 366
 LAW 8630Family Alternative Dispute Resolution Clinic (YR)
Fall 2014  21041 1Clinical (0 Units)Closed 8 / 8Kimberly Emery+1We 11:30AM - 12:50PMWithers-Brown Hall 127
 LAW 8632Nonprofit Clinic (YR)
Fall 2014  20995 1Clinical (0 Units)Closed 8 / 8Camilyn Leone+1Tu 3:40PM - 5:40PMSlaughter Hall 131
 LAW 8634First Amendment Clinic (YR)
Fall 2014  21025 1Clinical (0 Units)Closed 7 / 7Bruce Brown+1Tu 4:00PM - 6:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 104A
 LAW 8641First Amendment and the Scholarly Process (YR)
Fall 2014  21733 1Seminar (0 Units)Open9 / 14Micah Schwartzman+1We 3:40PM - 5:40PMSlaughter Hall 131
 LAW 8643Consumer Law Clinic (YR)
Fall 2014  21461 1Clinical (0 Units)Open7 / 8Angela Ciolfi+3Mo 3:40PM - 5:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 104A
 LAW 8645Health Law Clinic (YR)
Fall 2014  21738 1Clinical (0 Units)Open5 / 10Amy Walters+1Th 3:00PM - 5:00PMSlaughter Hall 276
 LAW 8651Emerging Growth Companies and Venture Capital Financing: Principles and Practice
Fall 2014  20938 1Lecture (2 Units)Open39 / 40Michael LincolnTuTh 6:15PM - 8:15PMWithers-Brown Hall 105
 LAW 8659Drug Product Liability Litigation: Principles and Practice
Fall 2014  20937 1Seminar (3 Units)Closed34 / 34Peter GrossiMo 4:00PM - 6:00PMSlaughter Hall 292
 LAW 8800Dillard Fellow (YR)
Fall 2014  21032 1Practicum (0 Units)Closed6 / 6Donna BuckTBATBA
Fall 2014  21030 2Practicum (0 Units)Closed6 / 6Karen MoranTBATBA
Fall 2014  21031 3Practicum (0 Units)Closed8 / 8Sarah WareTBATBA
 LAW 8802Graduate Legal Research and Writing I
Fall 2014  20943 1Lecture (1 Units)Open35 / 44Xinh LuuMo 1:00PM - 2:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 104
 LAW 8803FT Externship: Field Experience
Fall 2014  21095 1Practicum (9 Units)Closed 12 / 12A. RyanTBATBA
 LAW 8804FT Externship: Directed Study
Fall 2014  21456 1Independent Study (3 Units)Open 1 / 30Richard SchraggerTBATBA
Fall 2014  21984 2Independent Study (3 Units)Open 1 / 30Andrew VollmerTBATBA
Fall 2014  21985 3Independent Study (3 Units)Open 1 / 30J VerkerkeTBATBA
Fall 2014  21986 4Independent Study (3 Units)Open 2 / 30Stephen BragaTBATBA
Fall 2014  21987 5Independent Study (3 Units)Open 2 / 30Emiliana VersteegTBATBA
Fall 2014  21988 6Independent Study (3 Units)Open 1 / 30Josh BowersTBATBA
Fall 2014  21989 7Independent Study (3 Units)Open 1 / 30Darryl BrownTBATBA
Fall 2014  21990 8Independent Study (3 Units)Open 1 / 30Richard HynesTBATBA
Fall 2014  21991 9Independent Study (3 Units)Open 1 / 30Joseph HyltonTBATBA
Fall 2014  21992 10Independent Study (3 Units)Open 1 / 30Deborah HellmanTBATBA
 LAW 8806PT Externship: Field Experience
Fall 2014  21092 1Practicum (2 Units)Open 7 / 15A. RyanTBATBA
 LAW 8807PT Externship: Directed Study
Fall 2014  21093 1Independent Study (1 Units)Open 7 / 15A. RyanTBATBA
 LAW 8808DC Externship: Field Experience
Fall 2014  21096 1Practicum (9 Units)Closed13 / 12A. RyanTBATBA
 LAW 8809DC Externship: Directed Study
Fall 2014  21097 1Seminar (3 Units)Closed13 / 13A. RyanMo 6:00PM - 8:00PMTBA
 LAW 8810Directed Research
Fall 2014  20997 1APracticum (1 Units)Open19 / 50A HowardTBATBA
Fall 2014  22459 1BPracticum (1 Units)Open1 / 30Michael LivermoreTBATBA
Fall 2014  22460 1CPracticum (1 Units)Open1 / 30Quinn CurtisTBATBA
Fall 2014  22461 1DPracticum (1 Units)Open3 / 30Saikrishna PrakashTBATBA
Fall 2014  22462 1EPracticum (1 Units)Open1 / 30Micah SchwartzmanTBATBA
Fall 2014  22463 1FPracticum (1 Units)Open1 / 30John MooreTBATBA
Fall 2014  22464 1GPracticum (1 Units)Open1 / 30Anne CoughlinTBATBA
Fall 2014  22465 1HPracticum (1 Units)Open1 / 30Michael GilbertTBATBA
Fall 2014  22466 1IPracticum (1 Units)Open1 / 30Jason JohnstonTBATBA
Fall 2014  22467 1JPracticum (1 Units)Open2 / 30J VerkerkeTBATBA
Fall 2014  22468 1KPracticum (1 Units)Open1 / 30Ruth MasonTBATBA
Fall 2014  21034 2APracticum (1 Units)Open3 / 10A HowardTBATBA
Fall 2014  22471 2BPracticum (1 Units)Open1 / 30Michael GilbertTBATBA
Fall 2014  21069 3VSPracticum (1 Units)Open5 / 8StaffTBATBA
 LAW 8811Independent Research
Fall 2014  22425 1BIndependent Study (1 Units)Open2 / 30Jonathan CannonTBATBA
Fall 2014  20999 1AIndependent Study (1 Units)Open2 / 50Brandon GarrettTBATBA
Fall 2014  22426 1CIndependent Study (1 Units)Open1 / 30John DuffyTBATBA
Fall 2014  22427 1DIndependent Study (1 Units)Open4 / 30Margaret RileyTBATBA
Fall 2014  22428 1EIndependent Study (1 Units)Open1 / 30Paul StephanTBATBA
Fall 2014  22429 1FIndependent Study (1 Units)Open1 / 30Richard SchraggerTBATBA
 LAW 8812Independent Research
Fall 2014  21000 2AIndependent Study (2 Units)Open1 / 30David MartinTBATBA
Fall 2014  22430 2BIndependent Study (2 Units)Open1 / 30Karen AbramsTBATBA
Fall 2014  22431 2CIndependent Study (2 Units)Open1 / 30Saikrishna PrakashTBATBA
Fall 2014  22432 2DIndependent Study (2 Units)Open1 / 30Joseph HyltonTBATBA
Fall 2014  22433 2EIndependent Study (2 Units)Open1 / 30Kevin KordanaTBATBA
Fall 2014  22434 2FIndependent Study (2 Units)Open1 / 30Pierre-Hugues VerdierTBATBA
Fall 2014  22435 2GIndependent Study (2 Units)Open1 / 30Steven WaltTBATBA
Fall 2014  22436 2HIndependent Study (2 Units)Open1 / 30Jessica LoweTBATBA
Fall 2014  22437 2IIndependent Study (2 Units)Open2 / 30Josh BowersTBATBA
Fall 2014  22438 2JIndependent Study (2 Units)Open1 / 30Richard SchraggerTBATBA
Fall 2014  22439 2KIndependent Study (2 Units)Open1 / 30Albert ChoiTBATBA
Fall 2014  22440 2LIndependent Study (2 Units)Open0 / 30George RutherglenTBATBA
 LAW 8813Independent Research
Fall 2014  21001 3AIndependent Study (3 Units)Open1 / 10Emiliana VersteegTBATBA
Fall 2014  22443 3BIndependent Study (3 Units)Open1 / 30Julia MahoneyTBATBA
Fall 2014  22444 3CIndependent Study (3 Units)Open1 / 30John DuffyTBATBA
Fall 2014  22445 3DIndependent Study (3 Units)Open1 / 30Josh BowersTBATBA
Fall 2014  22446 3EIndependent Study (3 Units)Open1 / 30Karen AbramsTBATBA
Fall 2014  22447 3FIndependent Study (3 Units)Open1 / 30Ethan YaleTBATBA
Fall 2014  22448 3GIndependent Study (3 Units)Open1 / 30John SetearTBATBA
Fall 2014  22449 3HIndependent Study (3 Units)Open1 / 30Cynthia NicolettiTBATBA
 LAW 8814Independent Research (YR)
Fall 2014  21002 011AIndependent Study (0 Units)Open1 / 30Karen AbramsTBATBA
Fall 2014  22551 011IIndependent Study (0 Units)Open1 / 30George RutherglenTBATBA
Fall 2014  22450 011BIndependent Study (0 Units)Open1 / 30Charles BarzunTBATBA
Fall 2014  22451 011CIndependent Study (0 Units)Open1 / 30A HowardTBATBA
Fall 2014  22452 011DIndependent Study (0 Units)Open1 / 30Thomas NachbarTBATBA
Fall 2014  22453 011EIndependent Study (0 Units)Open2 / 30J VerkerkeTBATBA
Fall 2014  22454 011FIndependent Study (0 Units)Open1 / 30H LaycockTBATBA
Fall 2014  22455 011GIndependent Study (0 Units)Open1 / 30Toby HeytensTBATBA
Fall 2014  22456 011HIndependent Study (0 Units)Open1 / 30George GeisTBATBA
 LAW 8815Independent Research (YR)
Fall 2014  21005 SF1IIndependent Study (2 Units)Open2 / 15George RutherglenTBATBA
Fall 2014  22151 SF1AIndependent Study (2 Units)Open2 / 30Josh BowersTBATBA
Fall 2014  22146 SF1BIndependent Study (2 Units)Open1 / 10Richard HynesTBATBA
Fall 2014  22147 SF1CIndependent Study (2 Units)Open1 / 10Michael LivermoreTBATBA
Fall 2014  22153 SF1DIndependent Study (2 Units)Open1 / 30Thomas NachbarTBATBA
Fall 2014  22148 SF1EIndependent Study (2 Units)Open1 / 10Richard SchraggerTBATBA
Fall 2014  22152 SF1FIndependent Study (2 Units)Open1 / 30Barbara SpellmanTBATBA
Fall 2014  22150 SF1GIndependent Study (2 Units)Open1 / 10Michael CollinsTBATBA
Fall 2014  22149 SF1HIndependent Study (2 Units)Open1 / 10Leslie KendrickTBATBA
 LAW 8816Independent Research (YR)
Fall 2014  21003 012Independent Study (0 Units)Open1 / 20Micah SchwartzmanTBATBA
 LAW 8817Independent Research (YR)
Fall 2014  21006 SF12Independent Study (3 Units)Open0 / 10StaffTBATBA
 LAW 8818Independent Research (YR)
Fall 2014  21004 021AIndependent Study (0 Units)Open1 / 10Jessica LoweTBATBA
Fall 2014  22458 021BIndependent Study (0 Units)Open0 / 30John MonahanTBATBA
 LAW 8819Independent Research (YR)
Fall 2014  21007 SF21Independent Study (3 Units)Open1 / 10Deborah HellmanTBATBA
 LAW 8821Exchange: Bucerius Law School
Fall 2014  21909 1Independent Study (12 Units)Closed1 / 1Paul StephanTBATBA
 LAW 8825Exchange: Waseda University
Fall 2014  20996 1Independent Study (12 Units)Open1 / 2Paul StephanTBATBA
 LAW 8827Exchange: Instituto de Empresa (IE)
Fall 2014  21027 1Independent Study (12 Units)Open1 / 2Paul StephanTBATBA
 LAW 8828Exchange: Seoul National University
Fall 2014  21036 1Independent Study (12 Units)Closed2 / 2Paul StephanTBATBA
 LAW 8844Dual Degree: Sciences Po (YR)
Fall 2014  20998 1Independent Study (0 Units)Closed2 / 2Paul StephanTBATBA
 LAW 9004International Investment Law
Fall 2014  21009 1Seminar (3 Units)Open14 / 16Christopher RyanMo 4:00PM - 6:00PMSlaughter Hall 268
 LAW 9007An American Half-Century
Fall 2014  21071 1Seminar (3 Units)Open14 / 16John SetearWe 3:40PM - 5:40PMSlaughter Hall 284
 LAW 9009Cybercrime
Fall 2014  21019 1BSeminar (3 Units)Open7 / 16Jonathan RuschFr 4:30PM - 6:40PMWithers-Brown Hall 129
 StaffSa 9:00AM - 11:10AMWithers-Brown Hall 129
 LAW 9015Franchise Law
Fall 2014  20941 1Seminar (2 Units)Open14 / 16John DieneltMo 1:00PM - 3:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 127
 LAW 9019Constitutionalism: History and Jurisprudence
Fall 2014  20934 1Seminar (3 Units)Closed 16 / 16A HowardTu 6:30PM - 8:30PMWithers-Brown Hall 127
 LAW 9023Gender and Legal Theory
Fall 2014  21731 1Seminar (3 Units)Open17 / 18Anne CoughlinTh 3:40PM - 5:40PMWithers-Brown Hall 129
 LAW 9028Lochner Era
Fall 2014  21855 1Seminar (3 Units)Open10 / 12Barry CushmanTu 3:40PM - 5:40PMSlaughter Hall 284
 LAW 9031Rhetoric Seminar
Fall 2014  21079 1Seminar (2 Units)Open 12 / 16Robert SaylerMo 1:30PM - 3:30PMWithers-Brown Hall 129
 LAW 9039Supreme Court: October Term
Fall 2014  21443 1Seminar (3 Units)Open 15 / 16Daniel Ortiz+1Mo 3:40PM - 5:40PMWithers-Brown Hall 121
 LAW 9040Animal Law
Fall 2014  20928 1Seminar (3 Units)Closed17 / 17Margaret RileyTh 3:40PM - 5:40PMWithers-Brown Hall 114
 LAW 9048Legal and Policy Issues of the Indochina War
Fall 2014  21452 1Seminar (3 Units)Open7 / 16John Moore+1We 7:00PM - 9:00PMSlaughter Hall 366
 LAW 9053Hallmarks of Distinguished Advocacy
Fall 2014  20914 1Seminar (3 Units)Open 17 / 20Molly Shadel+1Tu 10:00AM - 12:30PMSlaughter Hall 290
 LAW 9057Civil Liberties Seminar
Fall 2014  21460 1BSeminar (2 Units)Open 9 / 16Christopher SipesFr 4:00PM - 6:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 127
 StaffSa 9:00AM - 11:00AMWithers-Brown Hall 127
 LAW 9059Airline Industry and Aviation Law
Fall 2014  21070 1ASeminar (3 Units)Open3 / 16David Kirstein+1Fr 4:00PM - 6:10PMWithers-Brown Hall 121
 StaffSa 9:00AM - 11:10AMWithers-Brown Hall 121
 LAW 9062Supreme Court from Warren to Roberts
Fall 2014  20919 1Seminar (3 Units)Open 9 / 16A HowardMo 3:40PM - 5:40PMWithers-Brown Hall 127
 LAW 9063Criminal Procedure
Fall 2014  20936 1Seminar (3 Units)Open8 / 16Robert WeinbergFr 10:00AM - 12:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 127
 LAW 9067Anti-Terrorism, Law and the Role of Intelligence
Fall 2014  20929 1Seminar (3 Units)Open11 / 16Frederick HitzWe 4:00PM - 6:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 116
 LAW 9068Historic Preservation Law
Fall 2014  21020 1Seminar (3 Units)Open15 / 16Larry WengerMo 4:00PM - 6:00PMSlaughter Hall 284
 LAW 9069Antitrust Review Mergers in a Global Environment
Fall 2014  21016 1Seminar (3 Units)Open12 / 16Lawrence FullertonTu 4:00PM - 6:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 129
 LAW 9071Law and Higher Education
Fall 2014  20949 1Seminar (3 Units)Open6 / 16Richard KastTu 4:00PM - 6:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 116
 LAW 9074Legislative Drafting and Public Policy
Fall 2014  20963 1Seminar (3 Units)Open6 / 12Edward Mullen+1WeTh 7:30PM - 10:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 127
 LAW 9081Trial Advocacy
Fall 2014  20985 1Seminar (3 Units)Open 8 / 16David Thomas+1Tu 6:30PM - 9:30PMSlaughter Hall 292
Fall 2014  20986 2Seminar (3 Units)Open 7 / 16John DavidsonTu 12:55PM - 3:55PMSlaughter Hall 292
Fall 2014  20987 3Seminar (3 Units)Open 8 / 16Jean HudsonWe 7:00PM - 10:00PMSlaughter Hall 290
Fall 2014  20988 4Seminar (3 Units)Open15 / 16Ronald LivingstonMo 6:15PM - 9:15PMSlaughter Hall 290
Fall 2014  20989 5Seminar (3 Units)Open 12 / 16Rhonda QuaglianaMo 6:15PM - 9:15PMSlaughter Hall 292
 LAW 9083Mental Health Issues in Juvenile Justice
Fall 2014  21021 1Seminar (3 Units)Open10 / 16Daniel Murrie+1We 4:00PM - 6:00PMInst of Law for Psych & PubPol
 LAW 9089Seminar in Ethical Values (YR)
Fall 2014  20971 01Seminar (0 Units)Open6 / 12Margo BagleyTBATBA
Fall 2014  20972 02Seminar (0 Units)Closed13 / 13Charles Barzun+1TBATBA
Fall 2014  20973 03Seminar (0 Units)Closed13 / 13Darryl BrownTBATBA
Fall 2014  20974 04Seminar (0 Units)Closed12 / 12George CohenTBATBA
Fall 2014  21033 05Seminar (0 Units)Closed12 / 12Kim Forde-MazruiTBATBA
Fall 2014  20975 06Seminar (0 Units)Closed12 / 12Micah Schwartzman+1TBATBA
Fall 2014  20976 07Seminar (0 Units)Closed12 / 12Richard Schragger+1TBATBA
Fall 2014  20978 09Seminar (0 Units)Open7 / 12Michael LivermoreTBATBA
Fall 2014  20979 10Seminar (0 Units)Open4 / 6Julia Mahoney+1TBATBA
Fall 2014  20980 11Seminar (0 Units)Closed12 / 12Thomas NachbarTBATBA
Fall 2014  20981 12Seminar (0 Units)Closed6 / 6Daniel Ortiz+1TBATBA
Fall 2014  20982 13Seminar (0 Units)Closed12 / 12John SetearTBATBA
Fall 2014  20983 14Seminar (0 Units)Closed6 / 6Bradford Worrall+1TBATBA
Fall 2014  21029 15Seminar (0 Units)Closed12 / 12J VerkerkeTBATBA
Fall 2014  21749 16Seminar (0 Units)Open12 / 14Anne CoughlinTBATBA
 LAW 9090Seminar in Ethical Values (YR)
Fall 2014  22297 1Seminar (1 Units)Closed1 / 1Daniel OrtizTBATBA
 LAW 9094Issues in State and Local Taxation and Fiscal Policy
Fall 2014  21039 1Seminar (3 Units)Open9 / 16Mildred RobinsonTh 3:40PM - 5:40PMWithers-Brown Hall 121
 LAW 9098Retirement Security
Fall 2014  20917 1Seminar (3 Units)Open6 / 16Frank Cummings+1Mo 4:00PM - 6:00PMSlaughter Hall 131
 LAW 9104Regulation of U.S. Industries
Fall 2014  21436 1Seminar (2 Units)Open10 / 16Mark ChristieTh 5:30PM - 7:30PMWithers-Brown Hall 116
 LAW 9106Cultural Property
Fall 2014  21862 1Lecture (3 Units)Open15 / 16Julia MahoneyTh 3:40PM - 5:40PMWithers-Brown Hall 127
 LAW 9108Urban Law and Policy
Fall 2014  21081 1Seminar (3 Units)Open14 / 16Richard SchraggerMo 3:40PM - 5:40PMWithers-Brown Hall 119
 LAW 9127Current Issues in Corporate Law and Governance
Fall 2014  21871 1Seminar (3 Units)Open 13 / 16Michal BarzuzaTh 3:40PM - 5:40PMSlaughter Hall 284
 LAW 9142Contemporary Debates in Criminal Law
Fall 2014  21073 1Seminar (3 Units)Closed13 / 12Josh BowersMo 3:40PM - 5:40PMWithers-Brown Hall 116
 LAW 9152African-American Lawyers from the Civil War to the Present
Fall 2014  21042 1Seminar (3 Units)Open13 / 16Joseph HyltonMo 3:40PM - 5:40PMWithers-Brown Hall 129
 LAW 9154Money and Rights
Fall 2014  21442 1Seminar (3 Units)Open16 / 18Deborah HellmanWe 3:40PM - 5:40PMWithers-Brown Hall 127
 LAW 9159Constitutional Theory
Fall 2014  21072 1Seminar (3 Units)Open11 / 16Saikrishna Prakash+1Th 3:40PM - 5:40PMSlaughter Hall 366
 LAW 9160Evidence Law: Psychological Bases
Fall 2014  21075 1Seminar (3 Units)Open 15 / 19Barbara SpellmanWe 3:40PM - 5:40PMWithers-Brown Hall 114
 LAW 9170International Tax Policy
Fall 2014  21076 1Seminar (3 Units)Open16 / 17Ruth MasonWe 3:40PM - 5:40PMWithers-Brown Hall 119
 LAW 9171Law and Business Management in the Healthcare Sector
Fall 2014  21454 1Seminar (3 Units)Open20 / 21Margaret Riley+2Tu 4:00PM - 6:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 121
 LAW 9182International Law and the Use of Force
Fall 2014  21780 1Seminar (3 Units)Open13 / 16Ashley DeeksTh 3:40PM - 5:40PMWithers-Brown Hall 119
 LAW 9185Oral Presentations In and Out of the Courtroom Seminar
Fall 2014  21043 1Seminar (3 Units)Open 18 / 20Molly Shadel+1We 10:00AM - 12:30PMSlaughter Hall 290
 LAW 9200Federal Pretrial Litigation
Fall 2014  21089 1Seminar (3 Units)Closed18 / 16John RottenbornTu 6:15PM - 8:15PMWithers-Brown Hall 129
 LAW 9208Monetary Constitution Seminar
Fall 2014  21102 1Seminar (3 Units)Closed16 / 16Edmund Kitch+1We 3:40PM - 5:40PMWithers-Brown Hall 129
 LAW 9221Cyber Law and Policy
Fall 2014  21439 1ASeminar (3 Units)Open4 / 16Albert Rees+1Fr 4:30PM - 6:40PMSlaughter Hall 131
 StaffSa 9:00AM - 11:10AMSlaughter Hall 131
 LAW 9222International Arbitration
Fall 2014  21459 1Seminar (3 Units)Closed18 / 18Joshua SimmonsTh 6:15PM - 8:15PMWithers-Brown Hall 129
 LAW 9224Advanced Criminal Law
Fall 2014  21755 1Seminar (3 Units)Open12 / 16Kimberly FerzanFr 1:00PM - 3:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 127
 LAW 9227Age of Majority
Fall 2014  21729 1Seminar (3 Units)Open13 / 16Richard BonnieMo 3:40PM - 5:40PMWithers-Brown Hall 114
 LAW 9228Advanced Topics in Law and Public Service (YR)
Fall 2014  21730 1Seminar (0 Units)Open 11 / 30Josh BowersTBATBA
Fall 2014  21734 2Seminar (0 Units)Open 11 / 30Anne CoughlinTBATBA
 LAW 9231Constitution-Making
Fall 2014  21897 1Seminar (3 Units)Open6 / 16Emiliana VersteegWe 3:40PM - 5:40PMWithers-Brown Hall 121
 LAW 9232Bioethics and the Law Seminar
Fall 2014  21896 1Seminar (3 Units)Open 13 / 16Lois ShepherdTu 3:40PM - 5:40PMWithers-Brown Hall 127
 LAW 9234Human Rights Study Project
Fall 2014  22374 1Seminar (1 Units)Closed8 / 8Emiliana VersteegFr 1:00PM - 3:00PMWithers-Brown Hall 129
 LAW 9999Dissertation Research
Fall 2014  20994 1Independent Study (15 Units)Closed1 / 1Barbara SpellmanTBATBA
Fall 2014  22088 2Independent Study (15 Units)Closed1 / 1John SetearTBATBA
Fall 2014  22089 3Independent Study (15 Units)Closed2 / 1John MooreTBATBA
Fall 2014  22091 4Independent Study (15 Units)Closed1 / 1Frederick SchauerTBATBA
Fall 2014  22099 5Independent Study (15 Units)Closed1 / 1Paul StephanTBATBA
Fall 2014  22226 6Independent Study (15 Units)Closed1 / 1George CohenTBATBA

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