UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Complete Schedule for the Computer Science Program - Fall 2013
These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time

I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics
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Computer Science
 CS 1010 Introduction to Information Technology
18382 001Lecture (3)Open98 / 100David Edwards+1TuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMOlsson Hall 120
 CS 1110 Introduction to Programming
17663 001Lecture (3)Open150 / 157Mark SherriffMoWeFr 11:00AM - 11:50AMRice Hall 130
 For information on whether to take CS 1110, 1111, or 1112, see http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~sherriff/cs1110/placement/
18719 002Lecture (3)Open145 / 157Luther TychonievichMoWeFr 12:00PM - 12:50PMRice Hall 130
17664 101Laboratory (0)Open43 / 44Mark SherriffTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMOlsson Hall 001
17666 102Laboratory (0)Open41 / 44Mark SherriffTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMOlsson Hall 001
17667 103Laboratory (0)Open42 / 44Mark SherriffTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMOlsson Hall 001
17665 104Laboratory (0)Open40 / 44Mark SherriffTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMOlsson Hall 001
18569 105Laboratory (0)Closed44 / 44Mark SherriffTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMOlsson Hall 001
18579 106Laboratory (0)Open43 / 44Mark SherriffTh 5:00PM - 6:15PMOlsson Hall 001
18759 107Laboratory (0)Open42 / 44Mark SherriffTh 6:30PM - 7:45PMOlsson Hall 001
 CS 1111 Introduction to Programming
18384 001Lecture (3)Open64 / 82Hamed SoroushMoWe 3:30PM - 4:45PMOlsson Hall 009
 CS 1112 Introduction to Programming
17668 001Lecture (3)Closed104 / 95James CohoonMoWeFr 2:00PM - 3:15PMRice Hall 130
 CS 1501 Special Topics in Computer Science
 Graphics & Data Visualization
20796 001Lecture (1)Open58 / 60Thomas HortonTu 5:00PM - 5:50PMThornton Hall E303
 Graphics and Data Visualization: a student-led course. Contact kmm4ce@virginia.edu or see the website.
 CS 2102 Discrete Mathematics I
17872 001Lecture (3)Open88 / 90Hamed SoroushTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMRice Hall 130
17908 002Lecture (3)Open84 / 90Hamed SoroushTuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMRice Hall 130
20491 003Lecture (3)Open84 / 90John KnightTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMOlsson Hall 120
 CS 2110 Software Development Methods
17669 001Lecture (3)Open120 / 124Luther TychonievichMoWeFr 10:00AM - 10:50AMRice Hall 130
17670 002Lecture (3)Open108 / 124Nada BasitMoWeFr 12:00PM - 12:50PMOlsson Hall 120
20204 003Lecture (3)Open117 / 124Luther TychonievichMoWeFr 1:00PM - 1:50PMOlsson Hall 120
17673 100Laboratory (0)Open87 / 88Luther Tychonievich+1Mo 5:00PM - 6:45PMRice Hall 130
17674 101Laboratory (0)Open84 / 88Luther Tychonievich+1Mo 7:00PM - 8:45PMRice Hall 130
17675 102Laboratory (0)Open87 / 88Luther Tychonievich+1Tu 5:00PM - 6:45PMRice Hall 130
17672 103Laboratory (0)Open87 / 88Luther Tychonievich+1Tu 7:00PM - 8:45PMRice Hall 130
 CS 2150 Program and Data Representation
17676 001Lecture (3)Open120 / 125Aaron BloomfieldMoWeFr 11:00AM - 11:50AMOlsson Hall 120
18743 002Lecture (3)Open91 / 93Mark FloryanMoWeFr 12:00PM - 12:50PMThornton Hall E316
17677 101Laboratory (0)Closed42 / 35Aaron BloomfieldTu 9:00AM - 10:35AMOlsson Hall 001
18466 102Laboratory (0)Closed41 / 35Aaron BloomfieldTu 12:15PM - 1:50PMOlsson Hall 001
20205 103Laboratory (0)Closed45 / 35Aaron BloomfieldTu 3:50PM - 5:25PMOlsson Hall 001
18742 104Laboratory (0)Closed42 / 35Aaron BloomfieldTu 5:30PM - 7:05PMOlsson Hall 001
18655 105Laboratory (0)Closed41 / 35Aaron BloomfieldTu 7:30PM - 9:05PMOlsson Hall 001
 CS 2330 Digital Logic Design
17678 100Lecture (3)Open 128 / 130Joanne DuganMoWeFr 9:00AM - 9:50AMRice Hall 130
 StaffTh 5:30PM - 7:00PMRice Hall 130
 There are two lab sections scheduled at the same time. They meet on alternate weeks. If one is full sign up for the other one. The Thursday evening session is when we have tests. On non-test weeks it is a problem session.
17888 101Laboratory (3)Open 35 / 40Joanne DuganMo 2:00PM - 4:00PMRice Hall 240
17889 102Laboratory (3)Closed 28 / 40Joanne DuganTu 2:00PM - 4:00PMRice Hall 240
17890 103Laboratory (3)Open 28 / 40Joanne DuganMo 4:00PM - 6:00PMRice Hall 240
17891 104Laboratory (3)Open 37 / 40Joanne DuganTu 4:00PM - 6:00PMRice Hall 240
17892 105Laboratory (3)Open 37 / 40Joanne DuganTu 4:00PM - 6:00PMRice Hall 240
18631 106Laboratory (3)Open 35 / 40Joanne DuganMo 2:00PM - 4:00PMRice Hall 240
18715 107Laboratory (3)Open 28 / 40Joanne DuganTu 2:00PM - 4:00PMRice Hall 240
18343 108Laboratory (3)Open 28 / 40Joanne DuganMo 4:00PM - 6:00PMRice Hall 240
18726 200Lecture (3)Open 0 / 30Joanne DuganMoWeFr 9:00AM - 9:50AMDesktop-Synchronous
 StaffTh 5:30PM - 7:00PMDesktop-Synchronous
 This section is for remote students in the PRODUCED program not for on-grounds students.
18727 201Laboratory (3)Open 0 / 11Joanne DuganTu 2:00PM - 4:00PMDesktop-Synchronous
 CS 2501 Special Topics in Computer Science
 CS Education Practicum
20762 001Practicum (1)Open26 / 30James Cohoon+2TBATBA
 CS 3102 Theory of Computation
17873 001Lecture (3)Closed71 / 65Worthy MartinTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMThornton Hall E316
 CS 3205 HCI in Software Development
20208 001Lecture (3)Open70 / 76Mark FloryanMoWe 5:00PM - 6:15PMOlsson Hall 120
21276 002Lecture (3)Closed37 / 30Mark FloryanTuTh 5:00PM - 6:15PMOlsson Hall 005
 CS 3240 Advanced Software Development Techniques
18656 001Lecture (3)Open80 / 124Thomas HortonTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMRice Hall 130
20206 101Laboratory (3)Open20 / 44Thomas HortonMo 2:00PM - 3:20PMOlsson Hall 001
20207 102Laboratory (3)Open60 / 80StaffMo 3:30PM - 4:50PMMechanical Engr Bldg 205
 CS 3330 Computer Architecture
17679 100Lecture (3)Closed129 / 123Eduardo SocolovskyMoWe 2:00PM - 3:15PMWilson Hall 301
17893 101Laboratory (3)Closed42 / 41Eduardo SocolovskyWe 3:30PM - 4:45PMOlsson Hall 001
17894 102Laboratory (3)Closed44 / 41Eduardo SocolovskyWe 5:00PM - 6:15PMOlsson Hall 001
17895 103Laboratory (3)Closed43 / 40Eduardo SocolovskyWe 6:30PM - 7:45PMOlsson Hall 001
20746 200Lecture (3)Closed80 / 72John StankovicMoWe 2:00PM - 3:15PMOlsson Hall 120
20747 201Laboratory (3)Closed40 / 36John StankovicMo 5:00PM - 6:15PMOlsson Hall 001
20748 202Laboratory (3)Closed40 / 36John StankovicMo 6:30PM - 7:45PMOlsson Hall 001
 CS 4102 Algorithms
18657 001Lecture (3)Open112 / 125Abhi ShelatTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMRice Hall 130
 CS 4240 Principles of Software Design
20488 001Lecture (3)Open59 / 60Thomas HortonTuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMOlsson Hall 011
 CS 4414 Operating Systems
17680 001Lecture (3)Open65 / 75David EvansTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMOlsson Hall 120
 CS 4457 Computer Networks
17682 001Lecture (3)Open44 / 80Malathi VeeraraghavanTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMThornton Hall E316
 CS 4620 Compilers
20210 001Lecture (3)Open26 / 70Mary SoffaTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMOlsson Hall 005
 CS 4630 Defense against the Dark Arts
20209 001Lecture (3)Open55 / 60Jack DavidsonMoWe 3:30PM - 4:45PMOlsson Hall 011
 CS 4720 Web and Mobile Systems
18598 001Lecture (3)Closed72 / 70Mark SherriffMoWeFr 9:00AM - 9:50AMMechanical Engr Bldg 339
 CS 4750 Database Systems
20645 001Lecture (3)Open59 / 70Nada BasitTuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMThornton Hall E316
20646 002Lecture (3)Closed 70 / 70Nada BasitTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMOlsson Hall 120
 CS 4753 Electronic Commerce Technologies
17681 001Lecture (3)Open53 / 60Alfred Weaver+1MoWe 2:00PM - 3:15PMOlsson Hall 011
 CS 4970 Capstone Practicum I
20341 001Practicum (3)Open43 / 48Aaron BloomfieldMoWeFr 10:00AM - 10:50AMThornton Hall D221
 When registering, please include (in the instructor permission comments): graduation year and whether you plan to use this for your STS technical thesis (if in SEAS)
 CS 4980 Capstone Research
20506 001Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Kevin SkadronTBATBA
20507 002Independent Study (1 - 3)Open2 / 30Jack DavidsonTBATBA
20508 003Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Andrew GrimshawTBATBA
20509 004Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30John KnightTBATBA
20510 005Independent Study (1 - 3)Open1 / 30Gabriel RobinsTBATBA
20511 006Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Mary SoffaTBATBA
20512 007Independent Study (1 - 3)Open2 / 30John StankovicTBATBA
20513 008Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Alfred WeaverTBATBA
20514 009Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Aaron BloomfieldTBATBA
20515 010Independent Study (1 - 3)Open1 / 30James CohoonTBATBA
20516 011Independent Study (1 - 3)Open2 / 30David EvansTBATBA
20517 012Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Sudhanva GurumurthiTBATBA
20518 013Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Thomas HortonTBATBA
20519 014Independent Study (1 - 3)Open2 / 30Marty HumphreyTBATBA
20520 015Independent Study (1 - 3)Open1 / 30Jason LawrenceTBATBA
20521 016Independent Study (1 - 3)Open2 / 30Worthy MartinTBATBA
20522 017Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Kevin SullivanTBATBA
20523 018Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Westley WeimerTBATBA
20524 019Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Cameron WhitehouseTBATBA
20525 020Independent Study (1 - 3)Open1 / 30Abhi ShelatTBATBA
20526 021Independent Study (1 - 3)Open3 / 30Mark SherriffTBATBA
22067 022Independent Study (1 - 3)Open3 / 30Mark FloryanTBATBA
22087 023Independent Study (1 - 3)Open1 / 30Yanjun QiTBATBA
 CS 4993 Independent Study
18821 001Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Marty HumphreyTBATBA
17917 002Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Mark SherriffTBATBA
18480 003Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Thomas HortonTBATBA
18294 004Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Westley WeimerTBATBA
18317 005Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Andrew GrimshawTBATBA
18831 006Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 5James CohoonTBATBA
18340 007Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30John KnightTBATBA
18357 008Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Jason LawrenceTBATBA
18458 009Independent Study (1 - 3)Open8 / 30David EvansTBATBA
18461 010Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Kevin SkadronTBATBA
18473 011Independent Study (1 - 3)Open1 / 30Alfred WeaverTBATBA
18599 012Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Aaron BloomfieldTBATBA
18640 013Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Jack DavidsonTBATBA
18648 014Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Cameron WhitehouseTBATBA
18814 015Independent Study (1 - 3)Closed5 / 5Gabriel RobinsTBATBA
18824 016Independent Study (1 - 3)Open1 / 30John StankovicTBATBA
20736 017Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Worthy MartinTBATBA
22010 018Independent Study (1 - 3)Open0 / 30Yanjun QiTBATBA
22011 019Independent Study (1 - 3)Open1 / 30Connelly BarnesTBATBA
 CS 4998 Distinguished BA Majors Research
17913 001Independent Study (3)Open3 / 30Westley WeimerTBATBA
 CS 6160 Theory of Computation
18659 001Lecture (3)Open 24 / 30Gabriel RobinsTuTh 5:00PM - 6:15PMOlsson Hall 009
 CS 6190 Computer Science Perspectives
17848 001Lecture (1)Open 25 / 75Kevin SkadronMoWeFr 3:30PM - 4:45PMOlsson Hall 120
 CS 6456 Operating Systems
18661 001Lecture (3)Open 18 / 30Marty HumphreyMoWe 2:00PM - 3:15PMThornton Hall D222
 CS 6501 Special Topics in Computer Science
 Engineering Logic
18660 001Lecture (3)Open 19 / 30Kevin SullivanTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMOlsson Hall 009
 Machine Learning
18775 002Lecture (3)Open 29 / 30Yanjun QiTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMRice Hall 120
 Computational Photography
 Computational Photography
21786 003Lecture (3)Open 17 / 21Connelly BarnesTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMRice Hall 120
 CS 6620 Compilers
20744 001Lecture (3)Open 26 / 70Mary SoffaTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMOlsson Hall 005
 CS 7457 Computer Networks
20290 001Lecture (3)Open 14 / 30Malathi VeeraraghavanTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMMechanical Engr Bldg 215
 CS 7993 Independent Study
22089 001Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30James CohoonTBATBA
22090 002Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Mark SherriffTBATBA
18299 003Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Kevin SkadronTBATBA
18477 004Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Sudhanva GurumurthiTBATBA
22088 005Independent Study (1 - 12)Open1 / 30Jack DavidsonTBATBA
22091 006Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30David EvansTBATBA
22092 007Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Marty HumphreyTBATBA
22093 008Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Mary SoffaTBATBA
22094 009Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30John StankovicTBATBA
22095 010Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30John KnightTBATBA
22096 011Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Abhi ShelatTBATBA
22097 012Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Jason LawrenceTBATBA
22098 013Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Aaron BloomfieldTBATBA
22099 014Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Andrew GrimshawTBATBA
22100 015Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Thomas HortonTBATBA
22101 016Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Worthy MartinTBATBA
22102 017Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Gabriel RobinsTBATBA
22103 018Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Kevin SullivanTBATBA
22104 019Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Alfred WeaverTBATBA
22105 020Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Westley WeimerTBATBA
22106 021Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Cameron WhitehouseTBATBA
22107 022Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Connelly BarnesTBATBA
22108 023Independent Study (1 - 12)Open1 / 30Yanjun QiTBATBA
22109 024Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Mark FloryanTBATBA
 CS 7995 Supervised Project Research
18234 001Independent Study (3)Open 0 / 30Jack DavidsonTBATBA
18235 002Independent Study (3)Open 1 / 30David EvansTBATBA
18238 005Independent Study (3)Open 0 / 30Marty HumphreyTBATBA
18239 006Independent Study (3)Open 0 / 30Kevin SkadronTBATBA
18240 007Independent Study (3)Open 1 / 30Mary SoffaTBATBA
18241 008Independent Study (3)Open 0 / 30John StankovicTBATBA
18300 009Independent Study (3)Open 0 / 30John KnightTBATBA
18441 010Independent Study (3)Open 0 / 30Abhi ShelatTBATBA
18476 011Independent Study (3)Open 0 / 30Jason LawrenceTBATBA
18524 012Independent Study (3)Open 0 / 30Aaron BloomfieldTBATBA
18526 014Independent Study (3)Open 0 / 30James CohoonTBATBA
18527 015Independent Study (3)Open 1 / 30Andrew GrimshawTBATBA
18528 016Independent Study (3)Open 0 / 30Sudhanva GurumurthiTBATBA
18529 017Independent Study (3)Open 0 / 30Thomas HortonTBATBA
18530 018Independent Study (3)Open 0 / 30Worthy MartinTBATBA
22174 019Independent Study (3)Open 2 / 30Malathi VeeraraghavanTBATBA
18532 020Independent Study (3)Open 1 / 30Gabriel RobinsTBATBA
18533 021Independent Study (3)Open 0 / 30Mark SherriffTBATBA
18535 023Independent Study (3)Open 0 / 30Kevin SullivanTBATBA
18536 024Independent Study (3)Open 0 / 30Alfred WeaverTBATBA
18537 025Independent Study (3)Open 0 / 30Westley WeimerTBATBA
18538 026Independent Study (3)Open 2 / 30Cameron WhitehouseTBATBA
22176 027Independent Study (3)Open 1 / 30Malathi VeeraraghavanTBATBA
 CS 8524 Topics in Software Engineering
18387 001Lecture (1 - 3)Open 0 / 30Kevin SullivanTBATBA
 CS 8897 Graduate Teaching Instruction
18250 001Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Jack DavidsonTBATBA
18251 002Independent Study (1 - 12)Open1 / 30David EvansTBATBA
18252 003Independent Study (1 - 12)Open3 / 30James CohoonTBATBA
18253 005Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Marty HumphreyTBATBA
18254 006Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Kevin SkadronTBATBA
18255 007Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Mary SoffaTBATBA
18256 008Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30John StankovicTBATBA
18442 010Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Aaron BloomfieldTBATBA
18443 011Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Andrew GrimshawTBATBA
18444 012Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Sudhanva GurumurthiTBATBA
18445 013Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Thomas HortonTBATBA
18446 014Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Jason LawrenceTBATBA
18447 015Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30John KnightTBATBA
18448 016Independent Study (1 - 12)Open1 / 30Worthy MartinTBATBA
22048 017Independent Study (1 - 12)Open4 / 30Nada BasitTBATBA
18449 018Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Gabriel RobinsTBATBA
18450 019Independent Study (1 - 12)Open1 / 30Abhi ShelatTBATBA
18452 021Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Kevin SullivanTBATBA
18453 022Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Alfred WeaverTBATBA
18454 023Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Westley WeimerTBATBA
18455 024Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Cameron WhitehouseTBATBA
18459 025Independent Study (1 - 12)Open3 / 30Mark SherriffTBATBA
18818 028Independent Study (1 - 12)Open1 / 30David EdwardsTBATBA
22061 030Independent Study (1 - 12)Open1 / 30Mark FloryanTBATBA
22062 031Independent Study (1 - 12)Open1 / 30Luther TychonievichTBATBA
22063 032Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Yanjun QiTBATBA
 CS 8999 Thesis
17684 001Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 5 / 50Cameron WhitehouseTBATBA
18197 002Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30James CohoonTBATBA
18198 003Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 2 / 30Jack DavidsonTBATBA
18199 004Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 2 / 30David EvansTBATBA
18200 006Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 2 / 30Andrew GrimshawTBATBA
18201 007Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Sudhanva GurumurthiTBATBA
18203 009Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Thomas HortonTBATBA
18204 010Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 1 / 30Marty HumphreyTBATBA
18541 011Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Mark SherriffTBATBA
18205 012Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 1 / 30John KnightTBATBA
18206 013Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Jason LawrenceTBATBA
18207 014Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Worthy MartinTBATBA
18209 016Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Gabriel RobinsTBATBA
18210 017Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 1 / 30Abhi ShelatTBATBA
18211 018Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 2 / 30Kevin SkadronTBATBA
18212 019Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Mary SoffaTBATBA
22253 020Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 1 / 30Malathi VeeraraghavanTBATBA
18214 021Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 3 / 30John StankovicTBATBA
18215 022Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 2 / 30Kevin SullivanTBATBA
18216 023Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Alfred WeaverTBATBA
18217 024Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Westley WeimerTBATBA
18542 025Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Aaron BloomfieldTBATBA
 CS 9897 Graduate Teaching Instruction
18607 001Independent Study (1 - 12)Open1 / 30Aaron BloomfieldTBATBA
18609 003Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30James CohoonTBATBA
18610 004Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Jack DavidsonTBATBA
18611 005Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30David EvansTBATBA
18612 006Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Andrew GrimshawTBATBA
18613 007Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Sudhanva GurumurthiTBATBA
18614 008Independent Study (1 - 12)Open2 / 30Thomas HortonTBATBA
18615 009Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Marty HumphreyTBATBA
18616 010Independent Study (1 - 12)Open2 / 30John KnightTBATBA
18617 011Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Jason LawrenceTBATBA
18618 012Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Worthy MartinTBATBA
18620 014Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Abhi ShelatTBATBA
18621 015Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Mark SherriffTBATBA
18622 016Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Kevin SkadronTBATBA
18623 017Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Mary SoffaTBATBA
18625 019Independent Study (1 - 12)Open3 / 30John StankovicTBATBA
18626 020Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Kevin SullivanTBATBA
18627 021Independent Study (1 - 12)Open1 / 30Alfred WeaverTBATBA
18628 022Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Westley WeimerTBATBA
18629 023Independent Study (1 - 12)Open0 / 30Cameron WhitehouseTBATBA
 CS 9999 Dissertation
17685 001Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 1 / 50Marty HumphreyTBATBA
17918 002Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 1 / 50Cameron WhitehouseTBATBA
17919 003Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 1 / 50Alfred WeaverTBATBA
17920 004Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 4 / 50John StankovicTBATBA
18031 005Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Jason LawrenceTBATBA
18110 006Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30James CohoonTBATBA
18111 007Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 2 / 30Jack DavidsonTBATBA
18112 008Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 3 / 30David EvansTBATBA
18113 010Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 2 / 30Andrew GrimshawTBATBA
18114 011Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 1 / 30Sudhanva GurumurthiTBATBA
18545 013Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Aaron BloomfieldTBATBA
18116 015Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 2 / 30John KnightTBATBA
18117 016Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 1 / 30Worthy MartinTBATBA
18119 018Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 2 / 30Gabriel RobinsTBATBA
18120 019Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 2 / 30Abhi ShelatTBATBA
18121 020Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 3 / 30Kevin SkadronTBATBA
18122 021Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Mary SoffaTBATBA
18124 023Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Kevin SullivanTBATBA
18125 024Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 2 / 30Westley WeimerTBATBA
18547 025Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Thomas HortonTBATBA
18548 027Independent Study (1 - 12)Open 0 / 30Mark SherriffTBATBA

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