UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Complete Schedule for the Public Health Sciences Department - Spring 2012
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I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics
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Public Health Sciences
 PHS 2050Introduction to Public Health
Spring 2012  20463 001Lecture (3 Units)Open42 / 45Jeanita Richardson+1TuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMBiomed Engr & Med Sci 1041
 PHS 2291Global Culture and Public Health
Spring 2012  20464 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed11 / 5 (49 / 50)Christopher ColvinMoWe 3:30PM - 4:45PMGibson 211
 PHS 5015Qualitative Methods for Community and Global Health
Spring 2012  15089 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed5 / 5 (14 / 25)Jeanita RichardsonFr 12:00PM - 2:30PMMultistory (Old) Hospital
 PHS 5050Public Health Law, Ethics, & Policy
Spring 2012  20975 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed5 / 5Ruth BernheimWe 8:00AM - 10:40AMMultistory (Old) Hospital
 PHS 5100Health Care Policy & Management
Spring 2012  21016 001Seminar (3 Units)Open16 / 30 (30 / 45)Carolyn EngelhardMo 9:00AM - 11:30AMMultistory (Old) Hospital
 PHS 5200U.S. Healthcare: Policy, Organization, and Administration
Spring 2012  11418 001Lecture (3 Units)Open3 / 10 (14 / 20)R HowellMo 2:30PM - 5:00PMMultistory (Old) Hospital
 PHS 5213Community Health Assessment and Strategic Planning II
Spring 2012  20314 001Lecture (2 Units)Open1 / 10 (5 / 20)Wendy NovicoffTu 3:30PM - 5:00PMMultistory (Old) Hospital
 PHS 5559New Course in Public Health Sciences
 HIV S. Africa: Cause/Imp/Resp
Spring 2012  21018 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed15 / 15Christopher ColvinTh 3:30PM - 6:00PMMultistory (Old) Hospital
 Ecology of Pathogens
Spring 2012  21119 002Lecture (3 Units)Open5 / 10 (6 / 30)Aaron MillsTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMClark Hall 101
 Secondary Data Analysis (SAS)
Spring 2012  21674 003Lecture (2 Units)Closed5 / 5Aaron PannoneTh 9:30AM - 11:00AMHealth Science Tolleson 1227
 PHS 5630Healthy Appalachia: A Community-based Participatory Research Partnership
Spring 2012  21015 001Seminar (3 Units)Closed26 / 25David Cattell-Gordon+1Tu 5:00PM - 7:00PMMultistory (Old) Hospital
 PHS 5640Advanced Management Communication
Spring 2012  21218 001Seminar (3 Units)Open1 / 2 (17 / 20)Lynn HamiltonMoWe 12:30PM - 1:45PMRobertson Hall 227
 PHS 5960Supervised Independent Research
Spring 2012  16512 001Independent Study (1 - 3 Units)Open1 / 30Ruth BernheimTBATBA
Spring 2012  21790 002Independent Study (1 - 3 Units)Open1 / 30Aaron PannoneTBATBA
 PHS 7001Introduction to Biostatistics II
Spring 2012  11427 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed22 / 20Timothy McMurryTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMMultistory (Old) Hospital
 PHS 7015Qualitative Methods for Community and Global Health
Spring 2012  12218 001Lecture (3 Units)Open9 / 20 (14 / 25)Jeanita RichardsonFr 12:00PM - 2:30PMMultistory (Old) Hospital
 PHS 7020Epidemiological and Translational Research
Spring 2012  11420 001Lecture (3 Units)Open16 / 20Kristen WellsWe 1:30PM - 4:10PMMultistory (Old) Hospital
 PHS 7050Public Health Law, Ethics, & Policy
Spring 2012  11421 001Lecture (2 Units)Closed10 / 10Ruth BernheimWe 9:00AM - 10:40AMMultistory (Old) Hospital
 PHS 7060Program Planning and Evaluation
Spring 2012  11422 001Lecture (3 Units)Open15 / 20Wendy NovicoffWe 10:45AM - 1:25PMMultistory (Old) Hospital
 PHS 7100Health Care Policy and Management
Spring 2012  11423 001Lecture (3 Units)Open14 / 15 (30 / 45)Carolyn EngelhardMo 9:00AM - 11:30AMMultistory (Old) Hospital
 PHS 7110Health Survey Methods
Spring 2012  16114 001Lecture (3 Units)Open5 / 10 (9 / 20)Thomas GuterbockTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMMultistory (Old) Hospital
 PHS 7120Comparative Effectiveness and Outcomes
Spring 2012  11424 001Lecture (3 Units)Open18 / 20George StukenborgTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMMultistory (Old) Hospital
 PHS 7146Global Health Law & Policy
Spring 2012  21222 001Seminar (3 Units)Open1 / 2 (5 / 18)Thomas MassaroTuTh 8:50AM - 9:50AMWithers-Brown Hall 105
 PHS 7170Introduction to SAS
Spring 2012  16112 001Lecture (1 Units)Closed23 / 20Aaron PannoneTh 8:30AM - 9:20AMTBA
 PHS 7180The Practice of Public Health I
Spring 2012  20316 001Lecture (1 Units)Open18 / 20Ruth BernheimMo 1:30PM - 2:20PMMultistory (Old) Hospital
 PHS 7200U.S. Healthcare: Policy, Organization, and Administration
Spring 2012  11425 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed11 / 10 (14 / 20)R HowellMo 2:30PM - 5:00PMMultistory (Old) Hospital
 PHS 7213Community Health Assessment and Strategic Planning II
Spring 2012  20315 001Lecture (2 Units)Open4 / 10 (5 / 20)Wendy NovicoffTu 3:30PM - 5:00PMMultistory (Old) Hospital
 PHS 7310Clinical Trials Methodology
Spring 2012  11426 001Lecture (3 Units)Open10 / 20Denise BondsFr 8:30AM - 11:30AMMultistory (Old) Hospital
 PHS 7470Management and Quality in Health Organizations
Spring 2012  16115 001Lecture (2 Units)Closed18 / 15Armando BolmeyTh 12:15PM - 1:55PMMultistory (Old) Hospital
 PHS 7559Special Topics in Public Health Science
 Research Grant Writing NIH
Spring 2012  21278 001Lecture (3 Units)Open5 / 10Mary RopkaWe 4:30PM - 6:15PMMultistory (Old) Hospital
 PHS 8900Practicum/Field Placement
Spring 2012  11429 001Practicum (3 Units)Open7 / 30Paige HornsbyTBATBA
 PHS 8930Integrative/Culminating Experience
Spring 2012  13506 001Practicum (3 Units)Open14 / 30Paige HornsbyTu 12:30PM - 1:30PMMultistory (Old) Hospital
 PHS 8950Supervised Clinical Research I
Spring 2012  11430 001Independent Study (3 Units)Open6 / 20Wendy CohnTBATBA
 PHS 8960Supervised Independent Research I
Spring 2012  11431 001Lecture (1 - 6 Units)Open2 / 20Ruth BernheimTBATBA
Spring 2012  21240 003Lecture (1 - 6 Units)Open2 / 20Armando BolmeyTBATBA
Spring 2012  21791 004Lecture (1 - 6 Units)Open1 / 20Christopher ColvinTBATBA
 PHS 8999Non-Topical Research
Spring 2012  11432 001Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open9 / 20Ruth BernheimTBATBA

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