UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Complete Schedule of Topics Courses for the College of Arts and Sciences - Summer 2023
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I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics
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 ANTH 2590Social and Cultural Anthropology
 Anthropology of Human Rights
Summer 2023  12310 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 3 / 30Sayantan Saha Roy MoTuWeThFr 10:30am - 12:45pmNew Cabell Hall 383
 ANTH 3590Social and Cultural Anthropology
 Cross Listed as GSVS 3110: Sustainable Communities
Website  12314 001Lecture (3 Units)Open12 / 20 (12 / 20)Tessa Farmer MoTuWeThFr 10:00am - 3:00pmContact Department
 ANTH 5589Selected Topics in Archaeology
 Jamestown Archaelogical Field School
Summer 2023  12595 001Lecture (1 - 6 Units)Permission8 / 30- MoTuWeThFr 8:00am - 5:00pmContact Department
 Monticello Archaelogical Field School
Summer 2023  12596 002Lecture (1 - 6 Units)Permission8 / 30Fraser Neiman MoTuWeThFr 8:00am - 5:00pmContact Department
 Poplar Forest Archaelogocial Field School
Summer 2023  12597 003Lecture (1 - 6 Units)Permission7 / 30Eric Proebsting MoTuWeThFr 8:00am - 5:00pmContact Department
History of Art
 ARTH 2559New Course in History of Art
 Performing Acts of Justice and Equity
 Performing Acts of Justice and Equity
Summer 2023  12307 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 4 / 15Eric Ramirez-Weaver MoTuWeThFr 10:30am - 12:45pmFayerweather Hall 208
 ARTH 3545Topics In 20th/21st Century Art
 Introduction to Spanish Art
Summer 2023  11860 502Lecture (3 - 4 Units)Permission 1 / 30- Mo 1:00am - 1:50amInternational Study Program
 ARTH 3591Art History Colloquium
 Global Photography: Decolonizing the Gaze
Summer 2023  12136 1Lecture (3 Units)Open 11 / 15Giulia Paoletti MoTuWeThFr 8:00am - 10:15am -
Studio Art
 ARTS 2580Special Topics in Sculpture
 Art and the Environment
Summer 2023  12290 001Discussion (3 Units)Open 12 / 15Conrad Cheung+1 06/24 Sa 10:30am - 12:45pmRuffin Hall 319
 Conrad Cheung+1MoTuWeThFr 10:30am - 12:45pmRuffin Hall 319
 ENGL 2599Special Topics
 The Contemporary Essay
 The Contemporary Essay
Summer 2023  12118 001SEM (3 Units)Open 14 / 18John Casteen MoTuWeThFr 3:30pm - 5:15pm -
 This course satisfies the Second Writing Requirement. Please contact John Casteen, jtc7y@virginia.edu, with any questions.
 ENGL 3540Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature
Summer 2023  12117 001Lecture (3 Units)Open14 / 20Andrew Stauffer MoTuWeThFr 10:30am - 12:45pm -
 ENGL 3559New Course in English Literature
 Diversity and Young Adult Literary Narratives
 Diversity and Young Adult Literary Narratives
Summer 2023  12120 001Lecture (3 Units)Open7 / 18Charity Fowler MoTuWeThFr 10:30am - 12:45pmBryan Hall 312
 The course’s theme will focus particularly upon the critical discussion of diversity and representation within texts consumed by younger readers. We will focus on narratives from marginalized voices (primarily racial and ethnic minorities and LGBTQ+ writers and content) and probably read a lot from banned book lists (which means we will probably delve into more intense and "adult" material than you expect from YA content. This isn't a Twilight, Hunger Games or Divergent class. Many of these works are being or have been pulled from high school libraries at one time or another. I'll provide any appropriate warnings as needed, but you can expect to be challenged by the material.
Writing and Rhetoric
 ENWR 1510Writing and Critical Inquiry
 Writing about Culture/Society
Summer 2023  10515 001SEM (3 Units)Open 11 / 15Eric Rawson MoTuWeThFr 10:30am - 12:45pm -
 ENWR 2520Special Topics in Writing
 Walking Nature, Writing Nature
Summer 2023  12130 001SEM (3 Units)Closed 11 / 16Cory Shaman MoTuWeThFr 3:30pm - 5:15pm -
 ENWR 3500Topics in Advanced Writing & Rhetoric
 Technical Communication
Summer 2023  12116 001SEM (3 Units)Open 3 / 16Kate Natishan MoTuWeThFr 1:00pm - 3:15pmBryan Hall 310
 This course satisfies the Second Writing Requirement.
Summer 2023  12609 002SEM (3 Units)Open 2 / 16Kate Natishan MoTuWeThFr 1:00pm - 3:15pm Web-Based Course
History-Latin American History
 HILA 3559New Course in Latin American History
 Revolution and Counterrevolution in Latin America
Summer 2023  12056 002Lecture (3 Units)Open 6 / 25Nicholas Scott+1 06/24 Sa 10:30am - 12:45pmNew Cabell Hall 489
 Nicholas Scott+1MoTuWeThFr 10:30am - 12:45pmNew Cabell Hall 489
History-General History
 HIST 3501Introductory History Workshop
 Digital Map History
Summer 2023  12330 001SEM (3 Units)Open 6 / 25S. Edelson MoTuWeThFr 10:30am - 12:45pmGibson Hall 141
Interdisciplinary Studies
 INST 1500Interdisciplinary Studies
Summer 2023  10588 001SEM (3 Units)Permission12 / 26Rachel Miller MoTuWeThFr 9:00am - 12:30pmNew Cabell Hall 132
Liberal Arts Seminar
 LASE 1510Topics in the Liberal Arts
 Jump Start: Making the Leap to UVA
Summer 2023  12415 001SEM (1 Units)Permission16 / 20Karlin Luedtke+1 MoTuWeTh 10:30am - 12:00pm Web-Based Course
 LASE 2500Launchpad
 Ethics in the Digital World
Summer 2023  12388 001SEM (2 Units)Permission15 / 30Alexander Wolfson MoWe 10:00am - 12:00pm Web-Based Course
 Talking and Listening with Presence
Summer 2023  12389 002SEM (2 Units)Permission10 / 30Tovah Close+1 MoWe 10:00am - 12:00pm Web-Based Course
 Societal Breakdown and Cultural Repair
Summer 2023  12390 003SEM (2 Units)Permission8 / 30Andrew Ferguson+1 MoWe 10:00am - 12:00pm Web-Based Course
 Introduction to GIS
Summer 2023  12393 004SEM (2 Units)Permission8 / 30Anastasia Dakouri-Hild+1 TuTh 10:00am - 12:00pm Web-Based Course
 Cloud Computing Fundamentals
Summer 2023  12394 005SEM (2 Units)Permission13 / 30Bryan Lewis TuTh 10:00am - 12:00pm Web-Based Course
 Intro to Complex Prob Solving
Summer 2023  12392 008SEM (2 Units)Permission34 / 40Barbara Higgins+1 MoWe 10:00am - 12:00pm Web-Based Course
 Aligning Professional Goals and Social Values
Summer 2023  12576 009SEM (1 - 6 Units)Permission13 / 30Mary Ruth Robinson TuTh 10:00am - 12:00pm Web-Based Course
 LASE 2510Topics in the Liberal Arts
 Introduction to Social Identity and the University
Summer 2023  10587 002SEM (3 Units)Permission46 / 50Jennifer LaFleur MoTuWeThFr 1:30pm - 3:45pmWilson Hall 325
 Introduction to Social Identity and the University
Summer 2023  12653 003SEM (3 Units)Permission22 / 25Creighton Coleman MoTuWeThFr 10:00am - 12:15pm Web-Based Course
Media Studies
 MDST 2508Topics in Media Practice
 Feature Writing
Summer 2023  12062 001SEM (3 Units)Open9 / 20Kate Sweeney MoTuWeThFr 10:30am - 12:45pm Wilson Hall 244
 MDST 3502Special Topics in Film Genre
 The Horror Film
Summer 2023  10357 1SEM (3 Units)Closed22 / 20Matthew Marshall MoTuWeThFr 3:00pm - 5:15pm Web-Based Course
 The Comedy Film: Make 'Em Laugh
Summer 2023  12064 002SEM (3 Units)Open15 / 20Matthew Marshall+1 06/24 Sa 3:00pm - 5:15pmWilson Hall 244
 Matthew Marshall+1MoTuWeThFr 3:00pm - 5:15pmWilson Hall 238
 MDST 3510Topics in Media Research
 Stars, Celebrity, and Fame
Summer 2023  12061 001SEM (3 Units)Open 13 / 20Keara Goin MoTuWeThFr 1:00pm - 3:15pm Web-Based Course
 OPEN TO ALL MAJORS Both asynchronous and synchronous options
 MUSI 2509Introduction to Topics in Music Studies
 Introduction to Sexuality, Disability, and Music
Summer 2023  12076 001SEM (3 Units)Open 7 / 15 (8 / 30)Fred Maus+1 06/24 Sa 1:00am - 3:15am Web-Based Course
 Fred Maus+1MoTuWeThFr 1:00pm - 3:15pmWeb-Based Course
 Intro to Business and Pleasure in Popular Music
  Intro to Business and Pleasure in Popular Music
Summer 2023  12078 002SEM (3 Units)Open 3 / 11 (5 / 30)Samuel Golter MoTuWeThFr 10:30am - 12:45pmNew Cabell Hall 364
 MUSI 3509Topics in Music Studies
 Sexuality and Disability in Music
Summer 2023  12077 001SEM (3 Units)Open 1 / 15 (8 / 30)Fred Maus+1 06/24 Sa 1:00am - 3:15am Web-Based Course
 Fred Maus+1MoTuWeThFr 1:00pm - 3:15pmWeb-Based Course
 Business and Pleasure in Popular Music
 Business and Pleasure in Popular Music
Summer 2023  12079 002SEM (3 Units)Open 2 / 15 (5 / 30)Samuel Golter MoTuWeThFr 10:30am - 12:45pmNew Cabell Hall 364
 MUSI 4545Computer Applications in Music
 Advanced Projects in Computers and Music
Summer 2023  12075 001Lecture (3 Units)Open26 / 30 (26 / 30)Matthew Burtner MoTuWeThFr 1:00pm - 3:15pm -
 Advanced Projects in Computers and Music
Summer 2023  12081 002Lecture (3 Units)Open1 / 15 (4 / 30)Matias Vilaplana Stark MoTuWeThFr 1:00pm - 3:15pmNew Cabell Hall 132
 PHIL 1510Introductory Philosophy Seminars
 Buddhism and the Self
Summer 2023  10361 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 0 / 20Zachary Veroneau MoTuWeThFr 10:30am - 12:45pmNew Cabell Hall 211
 Fake News & Philosophy
Summer 2023  10389 003Lecture (3 Units)Open 9 / 11Charles Oswald MoTuWeThFr 10:30am - 12:45pmCocke Hall 101
 Ethics in the Digital Age
Syllabus  12082 004Lecture (3 Units)Open5 / 20William Welchance MoTuWeThFr 1:00pm - 3:15pmCocke Hall 101
 What is Art?
Summer 2023  12083 005Lecture (3 Units)Open5 / 16Dakota Jones MoTuWeThFr 10:30am - 12:45pmNew Cabell Hall 489
 Environmental Ethics
Summer 2023  12608 006Lecture (3 Units)Open7 / 20Nikolina Cetic MoTuWeThFr 10:30am - 12:45pm Web-Based Course
Politics-American Politics
 PLAP 2500Special Topics in American Politics
 Campaign and Election Politics
Summer 2023  12353 001Lecture (3 Units)Permission17 / 18Carah Ong Whaley MoTuWeThFr 2:00pm - 4:15pmGibson Hall 241
 PLAP 3500Special Topics in American Politics
Summer 2023  12089 001Lecture (3 Units)Open18 / 20 (18 / 20)Samantha Koreman MoTuWeThFr 1:00pm - 3:15pmGibson Hall 142
Politics-Comparative Politics
 PLCP 2500Special Topics in Comparative Politics
 Populism and Protest Politics
Summer 2023  10410 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed 18 / 20Sally Bonsall MoTuWeThFr 1:00pm - 3:15pm Web-Based Course
Politics-Political Theory
 PLPT 3500Special Topics in Political Theory
 The Political Philosophy of William Shakespeare
Summer 2023  12085 002SEM (3 Units)Open17 / 20Ferdinand Flagstad+1 06/24 Sa 1:00pm - 3:15pm Web-Based Course
 Ferdinand Flagstad+1MoTuWeThFr 1:00pm - 3:15pmWeb-Based Course
 Ethics and Public Policy
Summer 2023  12302 004SEM (3 Units)Open18 / 20 (18 / 20)Samantha Koreman MoTuWeThFr 1:00pm - 3:15pmGibson Hall 142
 PSYC 2500Topics in Psychology
 Psychology of Misinformation
Summer 2023  12225 001SEM (3 Units)Closed48 / 50Hudson Golino TBA TBA

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