These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time
Public Health Sciences |
PHS 2050 | Introduction to Public Health |
Syllabus 14510 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Closed | 97 / 92 | Paige Hornsby | TuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PM | Claude Moore Nursing Educ G010 |
PHS 4050 | Public Health Law, Ethics & Policy |
Fall 2015 20430 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Closed | 48 / 20 (48 / 21) | Jessica Zarnegar | We 10:00AM - 12:30PM | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3181 |
PHS 5050 | Public Health Law, Ethics, & Policy |
Fall 2015 11122 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Closed | 0 / 0 (48 / 21) | Jessica Zarnegar | We 10:00AM - 12:30PM | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3181 |
PHS 5385 | Environmental Health: Epidemiologic Perspectives |
Fall 2015 15066 | 001 | Seminar (3 Units) | Closed | 2 / 2 | Kristen Wells | Th 2:00PM - 4:30PM | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3181 |
PHS 5500 | Special Topics in Public Health |
| Pub Hlth Comm |
Fall 2015 21573 | 001 | Seminar (3 Units) | Open | 16 / 20 | Vanessa Sturz | Fr 10:00AM - 12:30PM | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3181 |
PHS 5621 | Health Impact Assessment |
Fall 2015 20365 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Open | 7 / 10 | Schaeffer Somers | TuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PM | Claude Moore Nursing Educ G010 |
PHS 5960 | Supervised Independent Research |
Fall 2015 22005 | 001 | Independent Study (3 Units) | Closed | 1 / 1 | Cirle Warren | TBA | TBA |
Fall 2015 22098 | 002 | Independent Study (1 - 3 Units) | Open | 1 / 30 | Rupa Valdez | TBA | TBA |
PHS 7000 | Introduction to Biostatistics |
Fall 2015 13311 | 002 | Lecture (3 - 4 Units) | Closed | 48 / 30 | Timothy McMurry | TuTh 11:00AM - 12:30PM | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3181 |
PHS 7010 | Fundamentals of Epidemiology |
Fall 2015 11568 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Closed | 43 / 20 | Jean Eby | TuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AM | TBA |
PHS 7050 | Public Health Law, Ethics, & Policy |
Fall 2015 20426 | 001 | Lecture (2 Units) | Closed | 25 / 5 | Ruth Bernheim | We 3:00PM - 5:00PM | TBA |
PHS 7090 | Health Care Economics |
Fall 2015 14937 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Closed | 18 / 10 (20 / 15) | Tanya Wanchek | TuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PM | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3181 |
PHS 7100 | Health Care Policy and Management |
Fall 2015 11569 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Closed | 30 / 10 | Carolyn Engelhard | Tu 2:00PM - 4:30PM | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3181 |
PHS 7170 | Introduction to SAS |
Fall 2015 14559 | 001 | Lecture (1 Units) | Closed | 47 / 15 | Aaron Pannone | Th 8:30AM - 9:20AM | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3181 |
PHS 7210 | Community Engagement for Research and Policy |
Fall 2015 21811 | 001 | Lecture (1 Units) | Open | 0 / 20 | Aaron Pannone+1 | We 9:00AM - 9:50AM | TBA |
PHS 7365 | LEAN for Healthcare |
Fall 2015 20537 | 001 | Lecture (3 Units) | Open | 11 / 15 | Wendy Novicoff | Mo 2:30PM - 5:00PM | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3181 |
PHS 7385 | Environmental Health: Epidemiologic Perspectives |
Fall 2015 14570 | 001 | Seminar (2 Units) | Closed | 27 / 10 | Kristen Wells | Th 2:00PM - 3:30PM | TBA |
PHS 7450 | Database Design and Implementation |
Syllabus 14560 | 001 | Lecture (2 Units) | Closed | 23 / 12 | James Harrison+1 | We 10:00AM - 12:00PM | TBA |
PHS 7470 | Management and Quality in Health Care Organizations |
Fall 2015 21468 | 001 | Lecture (2 Units) | Closed | 30 / 15 | Armando Bolmey | We 1:00PM - 2:45PM | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3181 |
PHS 7559 | Special Topics in Public Health Science |
| GIS Practicum |
Fall 2015 21844 | 001 | Lecture (1 Units) | Open | 9 / 20 | Kristen Wells | Th 3:30PM - 4:30PM | Multistory (Old) Hospital |
PHS 8900 | Practicum/Field Placement |
Fall 2015 13824 | 001 | Practicum (1 - 3 Units) | Open | 17 / 30 | Paige Hornsby | TBA | TBA |
PHS 8930 | Culminating Experience |
Fall 2015 14057 | 001 | Practicum (1 - 3 Units) | Open | 8 / 30 | Paige Hornsby | We 9:00AM - 10:00AM | Multistory (Old) Hospital 3181 |
PHS 8950 | Supervised Clinical Research I |
Fall 2015 11124 | 001 | Independent Study (3 Units) | Open | 3 / 20 | Paul Targonski | TBA | TBA |
PHS 8960 | Supervised Independent Research I |
Fall 2015 11570 | 001 | Lecture (1 - 6 Units) | Open | 3 / 20 | Ruth Bernheim | TBA | TBA |
Fall 2015 21505 | 002 | Lecture (1 - 6 Units) | Open | 1 / 20 | Guofen Yan | TBA | TBA |
Fall 2015 21569 | 003 | Lecture (1 - 6 Units) | Open | 0 / 20 | Kristen Wells | TBA | TBA |
Fall 2015 21732 | 004 | Lecture (1 - 6 Units) | Open | 0 / 20 | Paul Targonski | TBA | TBA |
PHS 8999 | Non-Topical Research |
Fall 2015 11125 | 001 | Independent Study (1 - 12 Units) | Open | 4 / 20 | Ruth Bernheim | TBA | TBA |
Fall 2015 13866 | 002 | Independent Study (1 - 12 Units) | Open | 0 / 20 | Jean Eby | TBA | TBA |
Public Health Sciences Ethics |
PHSE 8960 | Supervised Independent Research |
Fall 2015 16111 | 001 | Independent Study (1 - 6 Units) | Open | 1 / 20 | Donna Chen | TBA | TBA |
Fall 2015 16112 | 002 | Independent Study (1 - 6 Units) | Open | 1 / 20 | Mary Marshall | TBA | TBA |