These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time
Interdisciplinary Studies |
INST 1550 | Interdisciplinary Studies-Student Initiated Courses |
| Superheroes in Society |
Spring 2016 16265 | 001 | Seminar (2 Units) | Closed | 20 / 20 | Ravynn Stringfield+1 | Mo 3:00PM - 4:50PM | Nau Hall 341 |
| Ethics of Organ Transplantatn |
Spring 2016 16268 | 002 | Seminar (1 Units) | Open | 21 / 22 | Bethany Bruno+1 | We 5:00PM - 5:50PM | New Cabell Hall 395 |
| Evolution of the Modern Sitcom |
Spring 2016 16270 | 003 | Seminar (2 Units) | Open | 24 / 30 | Conor Mettenburg+2 | Mo 4:00PM - 5:30PM | New Cabell Hall 485 |
| Mus Lit Narratives in Hip Hop |
Spring 2016 16273 | 004 | Seminar (3 Units) | Open | 17 / 20 | Alesha Cooper+1 | Tu 3:30PM - 6:00PM | New Cabell Hall 168 |
| Everyone's a Journalist |
| How you can create digital media |
Spring 2016 16279 | 005 | Seminar (2 Units) | Open | 14 / 20 | Julia Horowitz+2 | We 3:30PM - 5:20PM | Ruffner Hall 139 |
| Intro to Astrophotography |
Spring 2016 16282 | 006 | Seminar (2 Units) | Closed | 21 / 20 | Duy Nguyen+1 | Tu 4:00PM - 4:50PM | Astronomy Bldg 265 |
| If full, I encourage you to sign up for the waitlist! |
| Change by Design |
| From Ideas to Invetion |
Syllabus 16307 | 007 | Seminar (2 Units) | Open | 17 / 21 | Matthew Baron+2 | Mo 5:00PM - 6:50PM | Rice Hall 120 |
| UN Security Council |
Spring 2016 16326 | 008 | Seminar (2 Units) | Open | 15 / 18 | Todd Sechser+1 | Mo 4:00PM - 5:50PM | Nau Hall 141 |
INST 2500 | Interdisciplinary Studies International Residential College |
| Mindfulness Practices |
Syllabus 16112 | 001 | Seminar (1 Units) | Open | 14 / 16 | Sandra Seidel | Tu 6:30PM - 8:30PM | Mary Munford House |
Spring 2016 20937 | 002 | Seminar (1 Units) | Open | 11 / 16 | Samuel Green | We 6:30PM - 8:30PM | Mary Munford House |
INST 2550 | Interdisciplinary Studies Hereford College |
| Bill's Bugs |
Spring 2016 16348 | 003 | Seminar (1 - 3 Units) | Open | 5 / 12 | William Petri | Th 6:30PM - 7:30PM | Contact Department |
| Garden Party |
Spring 2016 16488 | 004 | Seminar (1 - 3 Units) | Open | 9 / 12 | Ethan Strickler | Tu 6:30PM - 8:00PM | New Cabell Hall 042 |
| Discovering Academic Research |
Spring 2016 16489 | 005 | Seminar (1 - 3 Units) | Open | 8 / 12 | Wendy Cohn | Mo 7:00PM - 8:30PM | New Cabell Hall 064 |
| Health Care for the Consumer |
Spring 2016 21192 | 006 | Lecture (1 Units) | Open | 4 / 12 | David Mellinger | We 7:15PM - 9:00PM | Contact Department |
INST 2570 | Interdisciplinary Studies Brown College |
| Course Design Practicum |
Spring 2016 16314 | 001 | Seminar (1 - 3 Units) | Open | 10 / 12 | Stephen Plaskon | Fr 3:00PM - 4:00PM | Brown Reading Room |
| Importance of Philosophy |
Spring 2016 16315 | 002 | Seminar (1 - 3 Units) | Open | 0 / 15 | Carl Trindle | Mo 4:00PM - 5:00PM | New Cabell Hall 044 |
INST 3150 | CavEd Pedagogy Seminar |
Spring 2016 16157 | 001 | Seminar (1 Units) | Open | 17 / 18 | Michael Palmer | Th 5:00PM - 5:50PM | New Cabell Hall 068 |
INST 3600 | The Best of UVA: A Collection of Unforgettable Lectures |
Spring 2016 21278 | 001 | Lecture (1 Units) | Open | 127 / 140 | Barry Condron | We 5:00PM - 6:15PM | Clark Hall 108 |
INST 4559 | New Course in Interdisciplinary Studies |
| 4th Year Lawn Seminar |
Spring 2016 21201 | 001 | Seminar (1 Units) | Open | 15 / 18 | Michael Lenox | Tu 4:00PM - 4:50PM | Contact Department |