UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Complete Schedule of Classes for the Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education Department - Fall 2018
These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time
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I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics
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Education-Curriculum, Instruction, & Special Ed
 EDIS 2010Teaching as a Profession
Fall 2018  15175 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed 40 / 40Stephen PlaskonTu 6:30PM - 9:00PMMonroe Hall 134
Fall 2018  15319 002Lecture (3 Units)Open 30 / 40Rose SebastianTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMRuffner Hall 127
Fall 2018  15425 003Lecture (3 Units)Open 39 / 40Stanley TrentMoWe 2:00PM - 3:15PMRuffner Hall 137
Fall 2018  15443 004Lecture (3 Units)Closed 45 / 45Vivien ChabalengulaTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMDell 2 103
Fall 2018  15464 005Lecture (3 Units)Closed 45 / 45Vivien ChabalengulaTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMDell 2 103
 EDIS 2012Foundations of Early Childhood Education
Fall 2018  15759 1Lecture (3 Units)Open26 / 30Jennifer LoCasale-CrouchWe 3:30PM - 6:00PMRuffner Hall 173
 EDIS 2880Field Experience
Fall 2018  15457 1Practicum (1 Units)Closed 40 / 40Stephen PlaskonTBATBA
Fall 2018  15458 2Practicum (1 Units)Open 30 / 40Rose SebastianTBATBA
Fall 2018  15459 3Practicum (1 Units)Open 39 / 40Stanley TrentTBATBA
Fall 2018  15460 4Practicum (1 Units)Closed 45 / 45Vivien ChabalengulaTBATBA
Fall 2018  15461 5Practicum (1 Units)Closed 45 / 45Vivien ChabalengulaTBATBA
 EDIS 3012Mindfulness in Health and Human Development
Fall 2018  18663 1Lecture (3 Units)Closed30 / 28Patricia JenningsTh 4:20PM - 6:50PMMcLeod Hall 2010 - Science Ctr
 EDIS 3020The Exceptional Learner
Fall 2018  18664 1Lecture (3 Units)Open49 / 50Katherine Peeples+1We 6:30PM - 9:00PMDell 1 105
Fall 2018  20656 500Lecture (3 Units)Closed50 / 50Marie BlackMo 3:46AM - 3:48AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 3452Designing Games for Learning
Fall 2018  15691 1Lecture (3 Units)Closed50 / 50Faith Peddie+1TuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMContact Department
 EDIS 3881Field Experience: Elementary Education
Fall 2018  15328 001Practicum (1 Units)Closed 32 / 24Emma Peworchik+3MoWe 2:30PM - 3:45PMContact Department
Fall 2018  18665 002Practicum (1 Units)Open39 / 40Jeannie Pfautz+2TuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMRuffner Hall 137
 EDIS 4040Introduction to Psychoeducational Assessment
Fall 2018  20352 1Lecture (3 Units)Open19 / 25Marie BlackTu 6:30PM - 9:00PMRuffner Hall 179
 EDIS 4100Characteristics of Individuals with Emotional & Behavioral Disabilities
Fall 2018  18517 500Lecture (1 Units)Closed40 / 40Lysandra CookMo 12:06AM - 12:08AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 4110Characteristics of Individuals with Learning Disabilities
Fall 2018  18554 500Lecture (1 Units)Open21 / 40Lysandra CookMo 12:10AM - 12:12AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 4120Characteristics of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
Fall 2018  18555 500Lecture (1 Units)Open28 / 40Lysandra CookMo 12:14AM - 12:16AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 4210Introduction to Language Acquisition & Development
Fall 2018  20528 1Lecture (3 Units)Open17 / 40Stephen PlaskonTh 6:30PM - 9:00PMMonroe Hall 116
 EDIS 4881Field Experience: Elementary
Fall 2018  15224 001Practicum (1 Units)Open39 / 40Abigail KayserMo 2:15PM - 3:15PMRuffner Hall 237
Fall 2018  15435 002Practicum (1 Units)Open26 / 40Abigail KayserTu 12:45PM - 1:45PMRuffner Hall 179
 EDIS 4883Field Experience: Foreign Language Education
Fall 2018  15583 1Practicum (1 Units)Open 0 / 10Jennifer SurianoWe 2:00PM - 3:15PMContact Department
 EDIS 4884Field Experience:Mathematics Education
Fall 2018  18666 1Practicum (1 Units)Open4 / 30Casedy ThomasTBATBA
 EDIS 4885Field Experience: Science Education
Fall 2018  15584 1Practicum (1 Units)Open 2 / 30Jennifer SurianoWe 2:00PM - 3:15PMContact Department
 EDIS 4886Field Experience:Social Studies Education
Fall 2018  15585 1Practicum (1 Units)Open 4 / 30Jennifer SurianoWe 2:00PM - 3:15PMRuffner Hall 237
 EDIS 4887Field Experience: Special Education
Fall 2018  15738 1Practicum (1 Units)Open7 / 10Abigail KayserMo 2:15PM - 3:15PMContact Department
Fall 2018  15781 2Practicum (1 Units)Open1 / 10Abigail KayserTu 12:45PM - 1:45PMContact Department
Fall 2018  18516 500Practicum (1 Units)Open 13 / 15Stephanie MoranoSa 12:00AM - 12:00AMNorthern Virginia Center
 EDIS 4995Directed Research
Fall 2018  15724 1Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open3 / 30Jennifer ChiuTBATBA
Fall 2018  21711 2Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open6 / 30Julia CohenTBATBA
Fall 2018  22284 3Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open1 / 30Stephanie MoranoTBATBA
 EDIS 5000The Exceptional Learner
Fall 2018  18518 500Lecture (3 Units)Open 26 / 69Sarah Benson+1Mo 12:02AM - 12:04AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 5010Curriculum and Instruction for Elementary and Special Education
Fall 2018  15176 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed38 / 35Jillian McGrawMo 3:30PM - 6:00PMRuffner Hall 237
Fall 2018  15466 002Lecture (3 Units)Closed35 / 35Julia CohenTu 3:30PM - 6:00PMRuffner Hall 177
 EDIS 5012Mindfulness for Teachers
Fall 2018  18590 500Lecture (3 Units)Open 8 / 20Patricia JenningsMo 12:18AM - 12:20AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 5020Foundations of Learning and Teaching
Fall 2018  15177 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 12 / 35Brian Kayser+1TuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMRuffner Hall 179
 EDIS 5025Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Fall 2018  18591 500Lecture (3 Units)Open 19 / 20Katie LoftinMo 12:22AM - 12:24AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 5030Designing Effective Learning Experiences and Environments
Fall 2018  18668 1Lecture (3 Units)Open 30 / 40Brian Kayser+1Fr 9:00AM - 12:00PMRuffner Hall 237
 EDIS 5040Psychoeducational Assessment
Fall 2018  15178 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 14 / 35Bryan CookMo 6:30PM - 9:00PMRuffner Hall 137
 EDIS 5041Behavior & Classroom Management
Fall 2018  19586 500Lecture (3 Units)Closed 27 / 27Lysandra CookMo 2:58AM - 3:00AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 5050Teaching Science in Secondary Schools I
Fall 2018  15184 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 15 / 25Alexis Rutt+1We 3:30PM - 6:00PMRuffner Hall 237
 EDIS 5055Models of Instruction
Fall 2018  15185 001Lecture (3 Units)Open9 / 25Susan MintzWe 3:30PM - 6:00PMRuffner Hall 179
 EDIS 5060Math Instruction for Special and Elementary Education
Fall 2018  18594 500Lecture (3 Units)Open 15 / 20Stephanie MoranoSa 9:00AM - 11:30AMNorthern Virginia Center
 EDIS 5070Designing Technologies for Teaching/Designing Tech-Enhanced Instruction
Fall 2018  18667 1Lecture (1 Units)Open 30 / 40Faith Peddie+2Fr 1:00PM - 1:50PMRuffner Hall 127
 EDIS 5100Characteristics of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Fall 2018  18595 500Lecture (1 Units)Open 20 / 30Lysandra CookMo 12:30AM - 12:32AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 5110Characteristics of Learning Disabilities
Fall 2018  18596 500Lecture (1 Units)Open 14 / 30Lysandra CookMo 12:34AM - 12:36AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 5120Characteristics of Intellectual Disabilities
Fall 2018  18622 500Lecture (1 Units)Open 16 / 30Lysandra CookMo 12:38AM - 12:40AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 5133Basic Principles of Applied Behavioral Analysis
Fall 2018  19706 500Practicum (3 Units)Open 9 / 30Einar Ingvarsson+1Mo 3:02AM - 3:04AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 5141IEP & Transition Planning
Fall 2018  20250 500Lecture (1 Units)Open 8 / 20Stacy DeanMo 3:14AM - 3:16AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 5160Behavior Analyst Practicum
Fall 2018  19707 500Practicum (3 Units)Open 7 / 20Youjia HuaMo 3:06AM - 3:08AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 5221Reading Development
Fall 2018  15179 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed45 / 40Emma Peworchik+1TuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMRuffner Hall 237
Fall 2018  18623 500Lecture (3 Units)Open 12 / 20Emily BowlingMo 12:42AM - 12:44AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 5235Dyslexia and the Classroom
Fall 2018  18624 500Lecture (1 Units)Closed 16 / 15Amanda Rawlins+1Mo 12:46AM - 12:48AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 5270Teaching Reading Writing to ELLs
Fall 2018  18625 500Lecture (3 Units)Open 13 / 15Karen FordMo 12:50AM - 12:52AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 5310Differentiating Reading Instruction
Fall 2018  15434 1Lecture (3 Units)Open 33 / 40Latisha HayesTuTh 8:00AM - 9:15AMRuffner Hall 237
 EDIS 5330Science in the Elementary School
Fall 2018  15180 001Lecture (3 Units)Open38 / 45Angela Skeeles-Worley+1TuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMRuffner Hall 237
Fall 2018  15681 002Lecture (3 Units)Open42 / 45Robert TaiTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMRuffner Hall 237
 EDIS 5340Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary School
Fall 2018  15181 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 32 / 35Katherine Cornett+1Th 3:30PM - 6:00PMRuffner Hall 137
 EDIS 5400Teaching English in Secondary Schools I
Fall 2018  15356 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 9 / 25Natasha HenyWe 3:30PM - 6:00PMDell 2 103
 EDIS 5409Children's Literature - Library Media Studies
Fall 2018  21223 500Lecture (3 Units)Open 14 / 20Diane SchnoorMo 3:50AM - 3:52AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 5410Young Adult Literature
Fall 2018  18626 500Lecture (3 Units)Open 16 / 18Gail LovetteMo 12:54AM - 12:56AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 5411Reading Tutoring Practicum
Fall 2018  15243 001Practicum (3 Units)Open4 / 40Latisha Hayes+1MoWe 3:30PM - 6:00PMRuffner Hall 177
 EDIS 5422Education Across Cultures
Fall 2018  18627 500Lecture (3 Units)Open 19 / 21Wendy AmatoMo 12:58AM - 1:00AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 5424Second Language Acquisition and ESL Methods
Fall 2018  18646 500Lecture (3 Units)Open 9 / 22April SalernoMo 1:06AM - 1:08AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 5440Applied Teaching with Technology
Fall 2018  15325 001Lecture (3 Units)Open2 / 15Glen BullMoWe 11:00AM - 11:50AMRuffner Hall 123
 EDIS 5450Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools I
Fall 2018  15182 001Lecture (3 Units)Open5 / 18Joe GarofaloWe 3:30PM - 6:00PMRuffner Hall 139
 EDIS 5470ESL Assessment and Curriculum Design
Fall 2018  18648 500Lecture (3 Units)Open 9 / 20April SalernoMo 1:14AM - 1:16AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 5480Second Language Acquisition and Modern Language Teaching Methods: PreK-12
Fall 2018  15183 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 3 / 16Ruth FerreeMo 3:30PM - 6:00PMRuffner Hall 125
 EDIS 5600Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary School I
Fall 2018  15186 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 14 / 30Stephanie van HoverWe 3:30PM - 6:00PMRuffner Hall 127
 EDIS 5650Cultural Geography
Fall 2018  18651 500Lecture (3 Units)Open 11 / 30Sara CranfordMo 1:22AM - 1:24AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 5710Content Area Reading
Fall 2018  18652 500Lecture (3 Units)Open 18 / 19Karen FordMo 1:26AM - 1:28AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 5730Diagnosis and Remediation I: Grades PreK-2
Fall 2018  15188 001Lecture (3 Units)Open10 / 14Jordan BuckropMo 6:30PM - 9:00PMRuffner Hall 125
Fall 2018  19316 500Lecture (3 Units)Open 11 / 20Carrie SimkinTu 4:30PM - 8:00PMNorthern Virginia Center
 StaffTu 4:30PM - 8:00PMNorthern Virginia Center
 StaffTu 4:30PM - 8:00PMBarcroft Elementary School
Fall 2018  19320 501Lecture (3 Units)Open 7 / 15Julie GrayWe 4:30PM - 8:00PMRichmond Regional Center
Fall 2018  19321 502Lecture (3 Units)Closed 20 / 20Susan Thacker-GwaltneyMo 1:34AM - 1:36AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 5820Assessment Of & For Learning
Fall 2018  19440 1Lecture (2 Units)Open 30 / 40Christina AmspaughTu 3:30PM - 6:00PMRuffner Hall 137
 EDIS 5830Languages and Literacies Across the Disciplines
Fall 2018  19454 1Lecture (2 Units)Open 30 / 40April SalernoTh 3:30PM - 6:00PMRuffner Hall 127
 EDIS 5852Content Area Seminar in English
Fall 2018  19455 1Seminar (3 Units)Open 9 / 18Natasha HenyMo 3:30PM - 6:00PMDell 1 104
 EDIS 5853Content Area Seminar: World Languages
Fall 2018  19456 1Seminar (3 Units)Open 2 / 20Ruth FerreeTu 6:30PM - 9:00PMContact Department
 EDIS 5855Content Area Seminar in Science
Fall 2018  19458 1Seminar (3 Units)Open 11 / 16Frackson Mumba+1We 6:30PM - 9:00PMRuffner Hall 123
 EDIS 5856Content Area Seminar in Social Studies
Fall 2018  19459 1Seminar (3 Units)Open 9 / 30Stephanie van Hover+1We 6:30PM - 9:00PMRuffner Hall 125
 EDIS 5858Content Area Seminar in English as a Second Language Education
Fall 2018  19460 1Seminar (3 Units)Open 2 / 30Ruth FerreeTu 6:30PM - 9:00PMContact Department
 EDIS 5862Clinical Experience in English Education
Fall 2018  19461 1Practicum (6 Units)Open 8 / 25Carly Dirghangi+1TBATBA
 EDIS 5863Clinical Experience in World Languages
Fall 2018  19466 1Practicum (6 Units)Open 1 / 20Ruth FerreeTBATBA
 EDIS 5865Clinical Experience in Science Education
Fall 2018  19468 1Practicum (6 Units)Open 11 / 25Frackson Mumba+1TBATBA
 EDIS 5866Clinical Experience in Social Studies Education
Fall 2018  19469 1Practicum (6 Units)Open 9 / 30Michael Gurlea+1TBATBA
 EDIS 5868Clinical Experience in English as a Second Language Education
Fall 2018  19470 1Practicum (6 Units)Open 1 / 20Ruth FerreeTBATBA
 EDIS 5870Seminar: Teaching Internship in Diverse Communities
Fall 2018  19326 500Seminar (3 Units)Open14 / 25Elisabeth CaseyWe 6:00PM - 8:30PMNorthern Virginia Center
Fall 2018  19333 501Seminar (3 Units)Open8 / 15Stephen GeyerTh 5:00PM - 7:30PMRichmond Regional Center
 StaffWe 5:00PM - 7:30PMRichmond Regional Center
 StaffTh 5:00PM - 7:30PMRichmond Regional Center
 StaffWe 5:00PM - 7:30PMRichmond Regional Center
Fall 2018  19338 502Seminar (3 Units)Open4 / 15Adria HoffmanWe 5:00PM - 7:30PMDiamond Springs Elem School
 EDIS 5871Seminar: Teaching Associateship - Elementary Education
Fall 2018  15225 001Seminar (3 Units)Closed36 / 35Alexa Quinn+1Tu 3:30PM - 6:00PMRuffner Hall 237
Fall 2018  15473 002Seminar (3 Units)Open6 / 31Judith PaulickTu 6:30PM - 9:00PMRuffner Hall 237
 EDIS 5872Seminar: Teaching Associateship - English Education
Fall 2018  15226 001Seminar (3 Units)Open8 / 20Jennifer Suriano+1We 6:30PM - 9:00PMRuffner Hall 173
 EDIS 5873Seminar: Teaching Associateship - Foreign Language
Fall 2018  15227 001Seminar (3 Units)Open5 / 15Ruth FerreeTu 6:30PM - 9:00PMRuffner Hall 125
 EDIS 5874Seminar: Teaching Associateship - Mathematics Education
Fall 2018  15228 001Seminar (3 Units)Open7 / 15Joe GarofaloTh 6:30PM - 9:00PMContact Department
 EDIS 5875Seminar: Teaching Associateship - Science Education
Fall 2018  15229 001Seminar (3 Units)Open7 / 20Frackson MumbaWe 6:30PM - 9:00PMRuffner Hall 237
 EDIS 5876Seminar: Teaching Associateship - Social Studies Education
Fall 2018  15230 001Seminar (3 Units)Open17 / 30Stephanie van HoverWe 6:30PM - 9:00PMRuffner Hall 177
 EDIS 5877Seminar: Teaching Associateship - Special Education
Fall 2018  15231 001Seminar (3 Units)Open3 / 24Michael KennedyTu 6:30PM - 9:00PMDell 2 102
 EDIS 5881Teaching Internship: Elementary Education
Fall 2018  15233 001Seminar (6 - 12 Units)Open57 / 75Judith PaulickTBATBA
 EDIS 5882Teaching Internship: English Education
Fall 2018  15234 001Seminar (6 - 12 Units)Open12 / 25Carly Dirghangi+1TBATBA
 EDIS 5883Teaching Internship: Foreign Language Education
Fall 2018  15235 001Seminar (6 - 12 Units)Open5 / 15Ruth FerreeTBATBA
 EDIS 5884Teaching Internship: Mathematics Education
Fall 2018  15236 001Seminar (6 - 12 Units)Open7 / 15Joe GarofaloTBATBA
 EDIS 5885Teaching Internship: Science Education
Fall 2018  15237 001Seminar (6 - 12 Units)Open 9 / 20Frackson MumbaTBATBA
 EDIS 5886Teaching Internship: Social Studies Education
Fall 2018  15238 001Seminar (6 - 12 Units)Open 21 / 30Stephanie van HoverTBATBA
 EDIS 5887Teaching Internship: Special Education
Fall 2018  15239 001Seminar (3 - 12 Units)Open 3 / 30Michael KennedyTBATBA
 EDIS 5888Teaching Internship: English as a Second Langugage
Fall 2018  22473 1Practicum (6 - 12 Units)Open 1 / 30Ruth FerreeTBATBA
 EDIS 5889Teaching Internship: Health and Physical Education
Fall 2018  15240 001Seminar (6 - 12 Units)Open 1 / 7Barbara BoyceTBATBA
 EDIS 5993Independent Study
Fall 2018  15803 002Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open4 / 30Matthew WheelockTBATBA
Fall 2018  20641 015Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open1 / 30Frackson MumbaTBATBA
 EDIS 7000Introduction to Instructional Design
Fall 2018  19463 500Lecture (3 Units)Open 12 / 22Heather Tillberg WebbMo 1:46AM - 1:48AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 7010Computer Courseware Tools
Fall 2018  19464 500Lecture (3 Units)Open 11 / 30Ginger WatsonMo 1:46AM - 1:48AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 7072Performance Improvement
Fall 2018  19465 500Lecture (3 Units)Open 19 / 20Colleen O'Neil+1Mo 1:50AM - 1:52AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 7220Intro to the Gifted
Fall 2018  19486 500Lecture (3 Units)Closed 19 / 18Christina AmspaughMo 1:54AM - 1:56AMWeb-Based Course
Fall 2018  19487 501Lecture (3 Units)Closed 19 / 18Christina AmspaughMo 1:58AM - 2:00AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 7230Curriculum for the Gifted and Talented
Fall 2018  19488 500Lecture (3 Units)Open 9 / 18Cheryll AdamsMo 2:02AM - 2:04AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 7250Models and Strategies for Teaching the Gifted
Fall 2018  19489 500Lecture (3 Units)Open 17 / 18Rebecca HarrisonMo 2:06AM - 2:08AMWeb-Based Course
Fall 2018  21957 501Lecture (3 Units)Open 7 / 20Kimberley ChandlerMo 4:12AM - 4:14AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 7270Differentiation of Instruction for Gifted Learners
Fall 2018  19491 500Lecture (3 Units)Open 12 / 20Angela NovakMo 2:10AM - 2:12AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 7390Differentiating Instruction
Fall 2018  19493 500Lecture (3 Units)Open 19 / 22Emily Liebtag+1Mo 2:18AM - 2:20AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 7600Problems and Issues in Social Studies Education
Fall 2018  20529 1Lecture (3 Units)Open5 / 30Stephanie van HoverTBATBA
 EDIS 7700Foundations of Reading Instruction
Fall 2018  19494 500Lecture (3 Units)Open 13 / 15Karen FordMo 2:22AM - 2:24AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 7710Reading in the Content Areas
Fall 2018  19497 500Lecture (3 Units)Closed 20 / 20Charles HallMo 2:34AM - 2:36AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 7720Word Study: Language, Structures, and Phonics
Fall 2018  15468 1Lecture (3 Units)Open5 / 16Latisha HayesTu 3:30PM - 6:00PMRuffner Hall 125
Fall 2018  19500 501Lecture (3 Units)Open 15 / 18Ottilie AustinMo 3:30AM - 3:32AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 7751Literacy Leadership and Coaching
Fall 2018  21225 502Lecture (3 Units)Closed 20 / 20Ottilie AustinMo 3:54AM - 3:56AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 7810Assessment of Curriculum: K-12
Fall 2018  19504 500Lecture (3 Units)Closed 21 / 21Kelly HedrickMo 2:50AM - 2:52AMWeb-Based Course
Fall 2018  21777 501Lecture (3 Units)Open15 / 21Catherine Brighton+1Mo 4:08AM - 4:10AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 7852Seminar: Reading Research
Fall 2018  20866 1Seminar (3 Units)Open10 / 15Julia CohenMo 3:30PM - 6:00PMRuffner Hall 139
 EDIS 7993Independent Study
Fall 2018  15555 006Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open1 / 30Jennifer ChiuTBATBA
 EDIS 8800Principles of Curriculum Design
Fall 2018  15470 1Lecture (3 Units)Open5 / 30Victoria HobsonMo 6:30PM - 9:00PMRuffner Hall 173
 EDIS 8851Advanced Studies in Special Education Research and Issues
Fall 2018  21670 1Lecture (3 Units)Open5 / 30Michael KennedyTBATBA
 EDIS 8855Education and Diversity
Fall 2018  15739 1Lecture (3 Units)Open7 / 20Stanley TrentWe 3:30PM - 6:00PMDell 2 101
 EDIS 8982Practicum: Curriculum & Instruction
Fall 2018  15242 001Practicum (1 - 12 Units)Closed5 / 5Susan MintzTBATBA
 EDIS 8984Practicum: Reading Diagnostic Clinic
Fall 2018  15395 1Practicum (1 - 6 Units)Open2 / 30Latisha HayesFr 9:00AM - 3:00PMContact Department
 EDIS 8987Masters Internship: Gifted
Fall 2018  15545 1Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open2 / 30Christina AmspaughTBATBA
 EDIS 8998Masters Research Internship
Fall 2018  15559 1Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Stephanie MooreTBATBA
Fall 2018  15560 2Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Jennifer ChiuTBATBA
 EDIS 9740Internship in College Teaching or Supervision
Fall 2018  15757 003Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open1 / 30Natasha HenyTBATBA
Fall 2018  21946 004Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open1 / 30April SalernoTBATBA
Fall 2018  15625 016Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open2 / 30Julia CohenTBATBA
Fall 2018  19505 500Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open 0 / 5Adria HoffmanMo 2:54AM - 2:56AMWeb-Based Course
 EDIS 9991Ed.D. Research
Fall 2018  15340 001Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open10 / 30Susan MintzTBATBA
Fall 2018  15406 002Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open1 / 30Catherine BrightonTBATBA
Fall 2018  15440 003Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Stephanie van HoverTBATBA
Fall 2018  15441 004Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Patrice GrimesTBATBA
Fall 2018  15562 005Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Stephanie MooreTBATBA
Fall 2018  15563 006Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open1 / 30Jennifer ChiuTBATBA
Fall 2018  15778 007Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Peter YoungsTBATBA
Fall 2018  15764 008Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Ottilie AustinTBATBA
Fall 2018  15628 009Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open1 / 30Latisha HayesTBATBA
Fall 2018  15629 010Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Joe GarofaloTBATBA
Fall 2018  21501 012Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open1 / 30Tonya MoonTBATBA
 EDIS 9993Independent Study
Fall 2018  21728 003Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open2 / 30Latisha HayesTBATBA
Fall 2018  15782 005Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open1 / 30William TherrienTBATBA
Fall 2018  15643 006Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open1 / 15Peter YoungsTBATBA
Fall 2018  15707 012Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open0 / 30Patricia JenningsTBATBA
Fall 2018  15412 013Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open1 / 30Michael KennedyTBATBA
Fall 2018  15708 016Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open1 / 30Julia CohenTBATBA
Fall 2018  15810 017Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open1 / 30Natasha HenyTBATBA
Fall 2018  22287 018Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open1 / 30Bryan CookTBATBA
Fall 2018  22310 019Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open1 / 30Stephanie MoranoTBATBA
 EDIS 9995Independent Research
Fall 2018  15417 008Independent Study (1 - 6 Units)Open0 / 30Catherine BrightonTBATBA
 EDIS 9998Doctoral Research Apprenticeship
Fall 2018  15316 002Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Susan MintzTBATBA
Fall 2018  15699 005Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open3 / 30William TherrienTBATBA
Fall 2018  15622 006Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Stanley TrentTBATBA
Fall 2018  15385 007Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open1 / 30Robert TaiTBATBA
Fall 2018  15774 008Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open1 / 30Frackson MumbaTBATBA
Fall 2018  15365 009Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Jennifer ChiuTBATBA
Fall 2018  15366 010Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 5Stephanie MooreTBATBA
Fall 2018  15375 011Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Robert BerryTBATBA
Fall 2018  15414 012Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Carolyn CallahanTBATBA
Fall 2018  15436 016Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Catherine BrightonTBATBA
Fall 2018  15575 018Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open2 / 30Julia CohenTBATBA
Fall 2018  15695 019Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open2 / 30Stephanie van HoverTBATBA
Fall 2018  15706 020Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open1 / 30Patricia JenningsTBATBA
Fall 2018  15710 021Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Peter YoungsTBATBA
Fall 2018  15711 022Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Michael KennedyTBATBA
 EDIS 9999Doctoral Dissertation
Fall 2018  15191 001Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 100Joe GarofaloTBATBA
Fall 2018  15789 002Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open1 / 30Patricia JenningsTBATBA
Fall 2018  15263 003Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open1 / 30Robert BerryTBATBA
Fall 2018  15264 004Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Patrice GrimesTBATBA
Fall 2018  15265 005Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 100Susan MintzTBATBA
Fall 2018  21244 006Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open1 / 30Frackson MumbaTBATBA
Fall 2018  15266 007Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open1 / 100Stephanie van HoverTBATBA
Fall 2018  21841 008Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open1 / 30Julia CohenTBATBA
Fall 2018  15267 009Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 100Stanley TrentTBATBA
Fall 2018  15641 011Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open2 / 30William TherrienTBATBA
Fall 2018  15299 013Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Catherine BradshawTBATBA
Fall 2018  15769 014Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open4 / 30Peter YoungsTBATBA
Fall 2018  15331 021Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Stephen PlaskonTBATBA
Fall 2018  15334 022Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open1 / 30Robert TaiTBATBA
Fall 2018  15627 024Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open1 / 30Michael KennedyTBATBA
Fall 2018  15350 025Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open3 / 30Jennifer ChiuTBATBA
Fall 2018  15400 027Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Carolyn CallahanTBATBA
Fall 2018  15536 028Independent Study (3 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Catherine BrightonTBATBA

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