UVa Class Schedules (Unofficial, Lou's List v2.10)   New Features
Complete Schedule for the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department - Fall 2016
These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time
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I continue to maintain this list of classes, now with UVA support! -- Lou Bloomfield, Professor Emeritus of Physics
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Computer Engineering
 CPE 6890Industrial Applications
Fall 2016  20171 001Practicum (3 Units)Open14 / 30Joanne DuganTBATBA
 CPE 7993Independent Study
Fall 2016  17472 001Independent Study (1 Units)Open 20 / 30Joanne DuganTBATBA
Fall 2016  18071 002Independent Study (1 - 3 Units)Open 4 / 30Joanne DuganTBATBA
Fall 2016  21454 003Independent Study (0.5 Units)Open14 / 30Joanne DuganTBATBA
 CPE 7995Supervised Project Research
Fall 2016  17473 001Independent Study (1 - 3 Units)Open 0 / 30Joanne DuganTBATBA
 CPE 8897Graduate Teaching Instruction
Fall 2016  17474 001Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 4 / 30Joanne DuganTBATBA
 CPE 8999Non-Topical Research, Master's Thesis
Fall 2016  17475 001Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 1 / 30Joanne DuganTBATBA
 CPE 9897Graduate Teaching Instruction
Fall 2016  17476 001Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 1 / 30Joanne DuganTBATBA
 CPE 9999Non-Topical Research, Doctoral Dissertation
Fall 2016  17477 001Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 1 / 30Joanne DuganTBATBA
Fall 2016  18039 002Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 0 / 30Laura BarnesTBATBA
Electrical and Computer Engineering
 ECE 2066Science of Information: How the iPhone Works
Syllabus  16826 100Lecture (3 Units)Open46 / 75Daniel WellerMoWe 2:00PM - 3:15PMThornton Hall E303
Fall 2016  16828 101Laboratory (0 Units)Open25 / 30Daniel WellerTu 1:00PM - 1:50PMMechanical Engr Bldg 215
Fall 2016  16827 102Laboratory (0 Units)Open21 / 30Daniel WellerTu 2:00PM - 2:50PMMechanical Engr Bldg 215
 ECE 2330Digital Logic Design
Syllabus  19382 100Lecture (3 Units)Open122 / 135Joanne DuganMoWeFr 9:00AM - 9:50AMRice Hall 130
 BACS majors please note that this class does NOT count for the BACS major, not even as an elective.
Syllabus  19383 101Studio (0 Units)Open21 / 22Joanne DuganMo 3:30PM - 4:45PMOlsson Hall 011
Syllabus  19384 102Studio (0 Units)Open20 / 22Joanne DuganMo 5:00PM - 6:15PMOlsson Hall 011
Syllabus  19385 103Studio (0 Units)Closed22 / 22Joanne DuganTu 3:30PM - 4:45PMOlsson Hall 011
Syllabus  19386 104Studio (0 Units)Open20 / 22Joanne DuganTu 5:00PM - 6:15PMOlsson Hall 011
Syllabus  19387 105Studio (0 Units)Open12 / 22Joanne DuganTu 6:30PM - 7:45PMOlsson Hall 011
Syllabus  19388 106Studio (0 Units)Open19 / 22Joanne DuganWe 3:30PM - 4:45PMOlsson Hall 011
Syllabus  19389 107Studio (0 Units)Open8 / 22Joanne DuganWe 5:00PM - 6:15PMOlsson Hall 011
 ECE 2630ECE Fundamentals I
Fall 2016  16829 001Studio (4 Units)Closed71 / 70James Aylor+1MoWeFr 12:00PM - 1:50PMThornton Hall A120
 ECE 2660ECE Fundamentals II
Fall 2016  17876 001Studio (4 Units)Open 33 / 50Lloyd Harriott+1TuTh 11:00AM - 1:45PMThornton Hall A120
 ECE 3103Solid State Devices
Fall 2016  17897 001Lecture (3 Units)Open38 / 48Andreas BelingMoWeFr 1:00PM - 1:50PMThornton Hall E304
 ECE 3209Electromagnetic Fields
Fall 2016  17877 001Studio (4 Units)Open 51 / 65Robert WeikleMoWe 2:00PM - 4:45PMThornton Hall A120
 ECE 3430Introduction to Embedded Computer Systems
Syllabus  17878 001Studio (4 Units)Open 51 / 65Todd DelongMoWeFr 9:00AM - 10:50AMThornton Hall A120
 ECE 3660Microelectronic Circuits
Fall 2016  16830 001Lecture (4 Units)Open8 / 16Steven BowersTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMMechanical Engr Bldg 345
Fall 2016  17768 101Laboratory (0 Units)Open8 / 21Steven BowersWe 11:00AM - 1:30PMThornton Hall E225
 ECE 3750ECE Fundamentals III
Fall 2016  19392 001Studio (4 Units)Open52 / 60Andrea Vaccari+1TuTh 2:00PM - 4:45PMThornton Hall A120
 ECE 4209RF Circuit Design and Wireless Systems
Syllabus  17523 100Lecture (3 Units)Open25 / 28 (43 / 48)Nicolas BarkerMoWe 10:00AM - 10:50AMThornton Hall E304
Fall 2016  17524 101Laboratory (0 Units)Open11 / 14Nicolas BarkerTh 9:00AM - 11:00AMThornton Hall E225
Fall 2016  17525 102Laboratory (0 Units)Open4 / 10Nicolas BarkerFr 9:00AM - 11:00AMThornton Hall E225
Fall 2016  20362 103Laboratory (0 Units)Open6 / 14Nicolas BarkerFr 12:00PM - 2:00PMThornton Hall E225
Fall 2016  21603 104Laboratory (0 Units)Open4 / 10Nicolas BarkerTh 12:00PM - 2:00PMThornton Hall E225
 ECE 4440Embedded System Design
Fall 2016  17880 001Lecture (3 Units)Open51 / 60 (71 / 90)Harry PowellMoWe 8:30AM - 9:45AMThornton Hall E316
 ECE 4457Computer Networks
Fall 2016  16836 001Lecture (3 Units)Open42 / 46 (74 / 100)Malathi VeeraraghavanTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMThornton Hall E303
 ECE 4501Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
 Digital Image Processing
Fall 2016  17635 001Lecture (3 Units)Closed17 / 14 (37 / 48)Scott ActonTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMThornton Hall E304
 Optical Communication Devices
Syllabus  17903 002Lecture (3 Units)Closed2 / 2 (19 / 18)Andreas BelingTuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMThornton Hall C311
 ECE 4641Bioelectricity
Syllabus  17989 001Lecture (3 Units)Open3 / 15 (22 / 90)Brian HelmkeMoWe 12:30PM - 1:45PMBiomed Engr & Med Sci 1041
 ECE 4710Communications
Syllabus  16834 001Lecture (3 Units)Open12 / 16 (29 / 36)Stephen WilsonMoWeFr 11:00AM - 11:50AMThornton Hall E304
 ECE 4715Communication Systems Laboratory
Syllabus  16974 001Laboratory (1.5 Units)Open4 / 12Stephen WilsonMo 5:00PM - 8:00PMThornton Hall E225
 ECE 4850Linear Control Systems
Fall 2016  16831 001Lecture (3 Units)Open8 / 10 (27 / 40)Gang TaoTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMRice Hall 032
Fall 2016  17884 002Lecture (3 Units)Open 3 / 5Gang TaoTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMWeb-Based Course
 ECE 4855Control Laboratory
Fall 2016  16833 001Laboratory (1.5 Units)Open2 / 14Gang TaoTu 6:00PM - 9:00PMThornton Hall C123
Fall 2016  16832 002Laboratory (1.5 Units)Open0 / 10Gang TaoWe 3:30PM - 6:30PMThornton Hall C123
 ECE 4907Electrical Engineering Projects
Fall 2016  21605 001Independent Study (1 Units)Closed1 / 1Lloyd HarriottTBATBA
Fall 2016  21618 002Independent Study (1 - 3 Units)Open2 / 5Stephen WilsonTBATBA
Fall 2016  21641 003Independent Study (3 Units)Open1 / 5Mircea StanTBATBA
Fall 2016  21677 004Independent Study (3 Units)Open1 / 5Steven BowersTBATBA
Fall 2016  21713 005Independent Study (1 - 3 Units)Closed1 / 1Robert WeikleTBATBA
Fall 2016  21723 006Independent Study (1 - 3 Units)Open1 / 5Nathan SwamiTBATBA
 ECE 4908Electrical Engineering Projects
Fall 2016  20469 001Independent Study (3 Units)Open0 / 30Andreas BelingTBATBA
 ECE 4991MDE-Capstone Design
Fall 2016  17614 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 20 / 30 (71 / 90)Harry PowellMoWe 8:30AM - 9:45AMThornton Hall E316
 ECE 5241Optics and Lasers
Fall 2016  16837 001Lecture (3 Units)Open6 / 16Joe CampbellTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMThornton Hall D222
 ECE 5501Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
 Photonics I
Fall 2016  16979 001Lecture (3 Units)Open1 / 14 (6 / 28)Mool GuptaTuTh 5:00PM - 6:15PMRice Hall 032
 ECE 6163Solid State Devices
Fall 2016  16840 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 13 / 20Avik GhoshMoWe 12:30PM - 1:45PMThornton Hall D115
 ECE 6501Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
 Photonics I
Fall 2016  17378 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 5 / 14 (6 / 28)Mool GuptaTuTh 5:00PM - 6:15PMRice Hall 032
 Optical Communication Devices
Syllabus  17904 003Lecture (3 Units)Closed 17 / 16 (19 / 18)Andreas BelingTuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMThornton Hall C311
 Autonomous Mobile Robots
Syllabus  20299 004Lecture (3 Units)Open 16 / 20 (28 / 40)Nicola BezzoTuTh 5:00PM - 6:15PMOlsson Hall 009
 This is one of a set of 5 courses in "Robots & Society" that will be offered in the 16-17 academic year (a short description of all 5 courses is available on cpe.virginia.edu). See also "autonomous mobile robots" (SYS/ECE 6501/6581) and "Robots & Society" (STS 5500) for Fall 2016. The ECE and SYS classes with the same title are the same class; if one is full select the other.
 Robots and Humans
Syllabus  21175 007Lecture (3 Units)Closed 31 / 23 (35 / 33)Joanne DuganTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMRice Hall 120
 This is one of a set of 5 courses in "Robots & Society" that will be offered in the 16-17 academic year (a short description of all 5 courses is available on cpe.virginia.edu). See also "autonomous mobile robots" (SYS/ECE 6581/6501) and "Robots & Society" (STS 5500) for Fall 2016. The ECE and SYS classes with the same title are the same class; if one is full select the other.
 RF Circuit Dsgn & Wireless Sys
Syllabus  17664 100Lecture (3 Units)Open 18 / 20 (43 / 48)Nicolas BarkerMoWe 10:00AM - 10:50AMThornton Hall E304
 Photonics I
Fall 2016  20818 501Lecture (3 Units)Open2 / 30Mool GuptaTuTh 5:00PM - 6:15PMWeb-Based Course
 ECE 6505Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar
Fall 2016  16929 001Seminar (1 Units)Open 44 / 94Farzad HassanzadehFr 2:00PM - 3:30PMThornton Hall E316
 ECE 6711Probability and Stochastic Processes
Fall 2016  17565 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 22 / 30Toby BergerTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMThornton Hall D222
 ECE 6713Communication Systems Engineering
Syllabus  17879 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 17 / 20 (29 / 36)Stephen WilsonMoWeFr 11:00AM - 11:50AMThornton Hall E304
 ECE 6782Digital Image Processing
Fall 2016  17613 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 20 / 33 (37 / 48)Scott ActonTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMThornton Hall E304
 ECE 6851Linear Automatic Control Systems
Fall 2016  17458 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 10 / 14 (27 / 40)Gang TaoTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMRice Hall 032
Fall 2016  21590 002Lecture (3 Units)Closed1 / 1Gang TaoTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMWeb-Based Course
 ECE 6852Linear State Space Control Systems
Fall 2016  16838 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 11 / 20 (15 / 40)Zongli LinMoWe 2:00PM - 3:15PMThornton Hall E304
 ECE 6993Independent Study
Fall 2016  17819 001Independent Study (1 - 3 Units)Open 0 / 30Nathan SwamiTBATBA
Fall 2016  20761 002Independent Study (1 - 3 Units)Open 2 / 30Stephen WilsonTBATBA
 ECE 6995Supervised Project Research
Fall 2016  18042 001Independent Study (3 - 6 Units)Open 1 / 30Gang TaoTBATBA
Fall 2016  18102 002Independent Study (3 - 6 Units)Open2 / 5Mircea StanTBATBA
 ECE 6996Supervised Graduate Teaching Experience
Fall 2016  17812 001Independent Study (3 Units)Open 10 / 30Stephen WilsonTBATBA
 ECE 7993Independent Study
Fall 2016  18011 001Independent Study (3 Units)Open 1 / 30Avik GhoshTBATBA
Fall 2016  18045 002Independent Study (3 Units)Open 0 / 30Benton CalhounTBATBA
Fall 2016  18077 003Independent Study (3 Units)Open 0 / 30Arthur LichtenbergerTBATBA
Fall 2016  20307 004Independent Study (3 Units)Open 2 / 30Robert WeikleTBATBA
 ECE 7995Supervised Project Research
Fall 2016  21624 001Independent Study (3 - 6 Units)Open1 / 30Avik GhoshTBATBA
Fall 2016  21765 002Independent Study (3 - 6 Units)Open1 / 30David EvansTBATBA
 ECE 8825Adaptive Control
Fall 2016  19394 001Lecture (3 Units)Open 10 / 30Gang TaoTuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMThornton Hall D115
 ECE 8897Graduate Teaching Instruction
Fall 2016  17818 001Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open8 / 30Stephen WilsonTBATBA
 ECE 8999Thesis
Fall 2016  16841 001Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 1 / 100Scott ActonTBATBA
Fall 2016  17013 002Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 3 / 30Maite Brandt-PearceTBATBA
Fall 2016  17073 003Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 2 / 30Gang TaoTBATBA
Fall 2016  17075 004Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 0 / 30Tatiana GlobusTBATBA
Fall 2016  17096 005Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 0 / 30Travis BlalockTBATBA
Fall 2016  17143 006Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 2 / 30Benton CalhounTBATBA
Fall 2016  17168 007Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 5 / 30John LachTBATBA
Fall 2016  17169 008Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 1 / 30Robert WeikleTBATBA
Fall 2016  17170 009Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 0 / 30Mool GuptaTBATBA
Fall 2016  17171 010Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 0 / 30Arthur LichtenbergerTBATBA
Fall 2016  17172 011Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 0 / 30Nathan SwamiTBATBA
Fall 2016  17257 012Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 0 / 30Joanne DuganTBATBA
Fall 2016  17258 013Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 0 / 30Michael GormanTBATBA
Fall 2016  17259 014Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 0 / 30Ronald WilliamsTBATBA
Fall 2016  17260 015Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 0 / 30Malathi VeeraraghavanTBATBA
Fall 2016  17297 016Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 0 / 30Phineas MarshallTBATBA
Fall 2016  17301 017Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 2 / 30Zongli LinTBATBA
Fall 2016  17314 018Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 0 / 20Toby BergerTBATBA
Fall 2016  17405 019Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 0 / 30Joe CampbellTBATBA
Fall 2016  17486 020Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 1 / 30Mircea StanTBATBA
Fall 2016  17513 021Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 0 / 30John BeanTBATBA
Fall 2016  17678 022Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 0 / 30Lloyd HarriottTBATBA
Fall 2016  17679 023Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 1 / 30Stephen WilsonTBATBA
Fall 2016  17830 024Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 0 / 30Steven BowersTBATBA
Fall 2016  17831 025Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 0 / 30Daniel WellerTBATBA
Fall 2016  20470 026Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open1 / 30Andreas BelingTBATBA
Fall 2016  21653 027Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open2 / 30Nicolas BarkerTBATBA
Fall 2016  21685 028Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open1 / 30Richard BradleyTBATBA
 ECE 9999Dissertation
Fall 2016  16842 001Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open 5 / 100Scott ActonTBATBA
Fall 2016  17017 002Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open2 / 30Nicolas BarkerTBATBA
Fall 2016  17018 003Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open3 / 30Joe CampbellTBATBA
Fall 2016  17019 004Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Stephen WilsonTBATBA
Fall 2016  17056 005Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open8 / 30Mool GuptaTBATBA
Fall 2016  17074 006Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open6 / 30Nathan SwamiTBATBA
Fall 2016  17077 007Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open3 / 30Robert WeikleTBATBA
Fall 2016  17078 008Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open2 / 30Gang TaoTBATBA
Fall 2016  17079 009Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open5 / 30Maite Brandt-PearceTBATBA
Fall 2016  17093 010Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Lloyd HarriottTBATBA
Fall 2016  17094 011Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open4 / 30Avik GhoshTBATBA
Fall 2016  17095 012Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Travis BlalockTBATBA
Fall 2016  17135 013Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open1 / 30Arthur LichtenbergerTBATBA
Fall 2016  17142 014Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open10 / 30Benton CalhounTBATBA
Fall 2016  17157 015Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30John BeanTBATBA
Fall 2016  17158 016Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open2 / 30Toby BergerTBATBA
Fall 2016  17159 017Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Tatiana GlobusTBATBA
Fall 2016  17160 018Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Phineas MarshallTBATBA
Fall 2016  17161 019Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open4 / 30John LachTBATBA
Fall 2016  17162 020Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open9 / 30Mircea StanTBATBA
Fall 2016  17163 021Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open1 / 30Gang TaoTBATBA
Fall 2016  17164 022Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Archie HolmesTBATBA
Fall 2016  17166 023Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open5 / 30Zongli LinTBATBA
Fall 2016  17167 024Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Michael ReedTBATBA
Fall 2016  17173 025Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open4 / 30Malathi VeeraraghavanTBATBA
Fall 2016  17174 026Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Richard BradleyTBATBA
Fall 2016  17261 027Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Joanne DuganTBATBA
Fall 2016  17262 028Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30Michael GormanTBATBA
Fall 2016  17263 029Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open1 / 30Ronald WilliamsTBATBA
Fall 2016  17816 030Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open6 / 30Andreas BelingTBATBA
Fall 2016  17834 031Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open2 / 30Daniel WellerTBATBA
Fall 2016  17934 032Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open4 / 30Steven BowersTBATBA
Fall 2016  20708 033Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open0 / 30James AylorTBATBA
Fall 2016  21176 034Independent Study (1 - 12 Units)Open1 / 30Luke DahlTBATBA

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