These data were not obtained from SIS in real time and may be slightly out of date. MouseOver the enrollment to see Last Update Time
Creative Writing |
ENCW 2300 | Poetry Writing |
Spring 2019 11252 | 001 | WKS (3 Units) | Closed | 15 / 15 | Anna Tomlinson | MoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Bryan Hall 334 |
Spring 2019 11253 | 002 | WKS (3 Units) | Closed | 15 / 15 | Emily Nason | MoWeFr 11:00am - 11:50am | New Cabell Hall 115 |
Spring 2019 11254 | 003 | WKS (3 Units) | Closed | 15 / 15 | Caleb Nolen | TuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pm | Ruffner Hall 123 |
Spring 2019 11255 | 004 | WKS (3 Units) | Closed | 15 / 15 | Emily Lawson | MoWeFr 10:00am - 10:50am | Bryan Hall 330 |
Spring 2019 11656 | 005 | WKS (3 Units) | Closed | 15 / 15 | Bobby Elliott | TuTh 5:00pm - 6:15pm | New Cabell Hall 042 |
Spring 2019 18557 | 006 | WKS (3 Units) | Closed | 16 / 15 | Aimee Seu | TuTh 5:00pm - 6:15pm | Bryan Hall 328 |
Spring 2019 19745 | 007 | WKS (3 Units) | Open | 13 / 15 | Helena Chung | MoWeFr 9:00am - 9:50am | The Rotunda Room 152 |
ENCW 2530 | Introduction to Poetry Writing - Themed |
Spring 2019 18558 | 003 | WKS (3 Units) | Closed | 15 / 15 | Paul Guest | We 3:30pm - 6:00pm | Bryan Hall 330 |
ENCW 2600 | Fiction Writing |
Spring 2019 11256 | 001 | WKS (3 Units) | Closed | 15 / 15 | Juan Suarez Encalada | TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am | New Cabell Hall 594 |
Spring 2019 11257 | 002 | WKS (3 Units) | Closed | 15 / 15 | Piers Gelly | MoWe 6:00pm - 7:15pm | Bryan Hall 330 |
Spring 2019 11654 | 003 | WKS (3 Units) | Closed | 15 / 15 | Anna Martin-Beecher | TuTh 5:00pm - 6:15pm | Bryan Hall 235 |
Spring 2019 11655 | 004 | WKS (3 Units) | Closed | 16 / 15 | Katherine Rice | TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am | Bryan Hall 330 |
Spring 2019 12010 | 005 | WKS (3 Units) | Open | 14 / 15 | Cassie Davies | MoWe 6:00pm - 7:15pm | Bryan Hall 203 |
Spring 2019 13143 | 006 | WKS (3 Units) | Closed | 16 / 15 | Jessica Walker | MoWeFr 1:00pm - 1:50pm | Bryan Hall 312 |
Spring 2019 18559 | 007 | WKS (3 Units) | Closed | 15 / 15 | Robin Sarkin | MoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pm | Bryan Hall 332 |
ENCW 3310 | Intermediate Poetry Writing I |
Spring 2019 12529 | 001 | WKS (3 Units) | Open | 11 / 12 | Rita Dove | Tu 2:00pm - 4:30pm | Bryan Hall 312 |
Spring 2019 12530 | 002 | WKS (3 Units) | Closed | 12 / 12 | Debra Nystrom | Mo 2:00pm - 4:30pm | Dawson's Row 1 |
| Permission of instructor required. Apply by sending 4-5 poems (by Dec. 15) to |
ENCW 3350 | Intermediate Nonfiction Writing |
Spring 2019 18562 | 001 | WKS (3 Units) | Closed | 13 / 12 | Micheline Marcom | We 4:00pm - 6:30pm | New Cabell Hall 115 |
ENCW 3610 | Intermediate Fiction Writing |
Spring 2019 12531 | 001 | WKS (3 Units) | Open | 11 / 12 | Elizabeth Denton | Th 4:00pm - 6:30pm | Dawson's Row 1 |
Spring 2019 12532 | 002 | WKS (3 Units) | Closed | 13 / 12 | Bruce Holsinger | Tu 11:00am - 1:30pm | Dawson's Row 1 |
Spring 2019 12895 | 003 | WKS (3 Units) | Closed | 13 / 12 | Christopher Tilghman | We 2:00pm - 4:30pm | Nau Hall 141 |
ENCW 4810 | Advanced Fiction Writing I |
Spring 2019 12534 | 001 | WKS (3 Units) | Open | 10 / 12 | Elizabeth Denton | Tu 4:00pm - 6:30pm | Dawson's Row 1 |
ENCW 4993 | Independent Project in Creative Writing |
Spring 2019 20951 | 001 | IND (3 Units) | Closed | 1 / 1 | Gregory Orr | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2019 21182 | 002 | IND (3 Units) | Closed | 1 / 1 | Marlon Ross | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2019 21183 | 003 | IND (3 Units) | Closed | 2 / 1 | Elizabeth Denton | TBA | TBA |
ENCW 5310 | Advanced Poetry Writing II |
| Advanced Poetry Writing Workshop (grad/undergrad) with Emphasis on Form |
Spring 2019 20115 | 001 | WKS (3 Units) | Closed | 12 / 12 | Debra Nystrom | We 2:00pm - 4:30pm | Dawson's Row 1 |
| Permission of instructor required. Apply by sending 4-5 poems (by Dec. 15) to |
ENCW 7310 | MFA Poetry Workshop |
Spring 2019 12536 | 001 | WKS (3 Units) | Closed | 10 / 10 | Rita Dove | Mo 2:00pm - 4:30pm | Home of the Instructor |
ENCW 7610 | MFA Fiction Workshop |
Spring 2019 19880 | 001 | WKS (3 Units) | Open | 10 / 12 | Christopher Tilghman | Mo 2:00pm - 4:30pm | Bryan Hall 233 |
ENCW 8999 | MFA Non-Topical Research |
Spring 2019 13301 | 001 | IND (1 - 12 Units) | Open | 4 / 25 | Christopher Tilghman | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2019 13302 | 002 | IND (1 - 12 Units) | Open | 3 / 25 | Jane Alison | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2019 13303 | 003 | IND (1 - 12 Units) | Open | 1 / 25 | Jeffery Allen | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2019 13304 | 004 | IND (1 - 12 Units) | Open | 0 / 25 | John Casey | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2019 13305 | 005 | IND (1 - 12 Units) | Open | 1 / 25 | Gregory Orr | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2019 13306 | 006 | IND (1 - 12 Units) | Open | 2 / 25 | Rita Dove | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2019 13307 | 007 | IND (1 - 12 Units) | Open | 3 / 25 | Lisa Spaar | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2019 13308 | 008 | IND (1 - 12 Units) | Open | 1 / 25 | Debra Nystrom | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2019 13309 | 009 | IND (1 - 12 Units) | Open | 3 / 25 | Paul Guest | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2019 13310 | 010 | IND (1 - 12 Units) | Open | 8 / 25 | James Livingood | TBA | TBA |
Spring 2019 20173 | 011 | IND (1 - 12 Units) | Open | 3 / 25 | Micheline Marcom | TBA | TBA |
Literary Prose |
ENLP 4550 | Topics in Literary Prose |
| Mythos, Modernity, and Inventing Reality |
Spring 2019 12897 | 001 | SEM (3 Units) | Closed | 13 / 12 | Micheline Marcom | Th 3:30pm - 6:00pm | Bryan Hall 330 |
ENLP 4720 | Area Program in Literary Prose Thesis Course |
Spring 2019 12894 | 001 | SEM (3 Units) | Closed | 11 / 10 | Jane Alison | Mo 3:30pm - 6:00pm | Bryan Hall 203 |
English-Pedagogy |
ENPG 8800 | Pedagogy Seminar |
Spring 2019 13731 | 001 | SEM (1 - 3 Units) | Open | 10 / 12 | James Livingood | We 12:00pm - 12:50pm | Bryan Hall 330 |
English-Poetry Writing |
ENPW 4820 | Poetry Program Poetics |
Spring 2019 12524 | 001 | SEM (3 Units) | Open | 13 / 15 | Gregory Orr | Mo 2:00pm - 4:30pm | New Cabell Hall 315 |
ENPW 4920 | Poetry Capstone |
| ENPW 4920 Poetry Program Capstone Project |
Spring 2019 12525 | 001 | SEM (3 Units) | Closed | 10 / 10 | Lisa Spaar | TBA | TBA |
English-Special Topics in Literature |
ENSP 3300 | Desktop Publishing |
Spring 2019 13738 | 001 | SEM (3 Units) | Open | 17 / 18 | James Livingood | MoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pm | New Cabell Hall 191 |
| This course requires students to rent Adobe InDesign software for most of the semester. |
ENSP 5559 | New Course in Special Topics In Literature |
| Creative Nonfiction: Explorations Inward and Out |
Spring 2019 18694 | 001 | SEM (3 Units) | Closed | 14 / 14 | Jane Alison | We 3:30pm - 6:00pm | Bryan Hall 203 |
Spring 2019 18695 | 002 | SEM (3 Units) | Open | 10 / 14 | Gregory Orr | Tu 2:30pm - 5:00pm | Bryan Hall 233 |