Class 18887 EDLF 4606 - 1 (Lecture)
Schools & Society: Culture, Politics, & Globalization of Western Education
Instructor Rachel Wahl
Rachel WahlTuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pmRidley Hall 137
Other SIS Info
Enrollment: (Show Graph) 18 students (capacity 30)
Status: Open, Waitlist Available When Full
Units: 3
Meeting Dates: 01/19/2022 - 05/03/2022
Class Components: Lecture Required
Enrollment Requirements: None
Requirement Designation: None
Class Attributes: None
Grading: Graded
SIS Description: Is it inevitable that classrooms and schools look similar across the world? Why have modern education systems been adopted by societies with a diversity of local histories, cultures, and resources? This course examines the effort to increase access to modern Western schooling, explores countervailing conceptions of education, and considers what is gained and lost in modern schooling.
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