Class 17320 EDIS 5422 - 500 (Lecture)
Cross-Cultural Education for Diverse Learners
Instructor Sara Cranford
Sara CranfordTBATBA
Other SIS Info
Enrollment: (Show Graph) 23 students (capacity 24)
Status: Open, Waitlist Available When Full
Units: 3
Meeting Dates: 01/19/2022 - 05/03/2022
Class Components: Lecture Required
Enrollment Requirements: Students in the Graduate Education Program or the Non-Graduate Education Program
Requirement Designation: None
Class Attributes: None
Grading: Graded
SIS Description: This course aims to help educators understand how to provide quality instruction for diverse learners in schools and classrooms that are becoming increasingly multicultural. In the course, students explore theories of culturally responsive/sustaining teaching and how they can be applied to help diverse learners (including but not limited to ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse students) feel valued and successful in classrooms.
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