Class 17304 EDIS 5012 - 500 (Lecture)
Mindfulness for Teachers
Instructor Tish Jennings, Pamela Nicholas-Stokes
Tish Jennings, Pamela Nicholas-StokesTBATBA
Other SIS Info
Enrollment: (Show Graph) 23 students (capacity 24)
Status: Open, Waitlist Available When Full
Units: 3
Meeting Dates: 01/19/2022 - 05/03/2022
Class Components: Lecture Required
Enrollment Requirements: Graduate Education
Requirement Designation: None
Class Attributes: None
Grading: Graded
SIS Description: Teaching is one of the most rewarding professions, but it can also be one of the most stressful. Mindfulness for Teachers will introduce students to a series of evidence-based practical skills that will help them cultivate the inner resources needed to support their students' social, emotional, and academic growth.
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