Class 15639 BME 3310 - 001 (Lecture)
Biomedical Systems Analysis and Design
Instructor Sepideh Dolatshahi
Sepideh DolatshahiTuTh 11:00am - 12:15pmBiomed Engr & Med Sci 1041
Other SIS Info
Enrollment: (Show Graph) 68 students (capacity 75)
Status: Open, Waitlist Available When Full
Units: 3
Meeting Dates: 08/23/2022 - 12/06/2022
Class Components: Lecture Required
Enrollment Requirements: None
Requirement Designation: None
Class Attributes: None
Grading: Graded
SIS Description: Presents the analytical tools used to model signals and linear systems. BME examples include multicompartment modeling of drug delivery, modeling of dynamic biomechanical systems and electrical circuit models of excitable cells. Topics: terminology for signals and systems, convolution, continuous time Fourier transforms, electrical circuits with applications to bioinstrumentation and biosystems modeling and applications of linear system theory. Prerequisite: APMA 2130, CS 1110, and PHYS 1425 or instructor permission.
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