Class 14805 EDHS 4810 - 001 (Lecture)
Personal Adjustment and the Science of Happiness
Instructor Tim Rambo
Tim RamboTu 5:00pm - 7:30pmRidley Hall G004
Other SIS Info
Enrollment: (Show Graph) 77 students (capacity 80)
Status: Open, Waitlist Available When Full
Units: 3
Meeting Dates: 01/19/2022 - 05/03/2022
Class Components: Lecture Required
Enrollment Requirements: None
Requirement Designation: None
Class Attributes: None
Grading: Graded
SIS Description: What does it mean to be normal, well-adjusted or happy? Examine the common conception of how people adjust to life. What are appropriate ways of being, and what behaviors are abnormal or deviant? Learn factors that influence psychological adjustment in normal human development and the relationship between adjustment and personal happiness. Includes study, self-examination, mindfulness, personal projects and the science of creating happiness.
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