UVa Course Catalog (Unofficial, Lou's List)
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These pages present data mined from the University of Virginia's student information system (SIS). I hope that you will find them useful. — Lou Bloomfield, Department of Physics
Public Health Sciences
PHS 2291Global Culture and Public Health (3)
This course considers the forces that influence the distribution of health and illness in different societies, with attention to increasing global interconnectedness. We will examine the roles of individuals, institutions, communities, corporations and states in improving public health, asking how effective public health and development efforts to improve global health have been and how they might be re-imagined.
Course was offered Fall 2012, Spring 2012
PHS 2559Topics in Public Health (1 - 6)
Topics in Public Health Sciences
PHS 2810West Indies Health Care: Disaster Preparedness, St Kitts & Nevis (3)
The participants in this course held in the West Indies, will study the fundamentals of emergency care and disaster preparedness through exploration of existing preparedness infrastructures in St. Kitts and Nevis.
PHS 3000TNon-Uva Transfer/Test Credit (3)
PHS 3050Fundamentals of Public Health (3)
Fall 2025
Public health is multidisciplinary, universally relevant, & constantly evolving. In this survey course, we learn about past & current public health issues & explore the core disciplines of public health through a combination of lectures & small group discussion of documentaries & case studies. We develop an appreciation of how public health knowledge relates to our lives & learn about career opportunities.
PHS 3090Health Care Economics (3)
Reviews principles of economics most relevant to analyzing changes in health care provision and applies those principles to current health care institutions and their performance, trends in health care service delivery, and methods of forecasting future trends. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
PHS 3095Health Policy in the United States - An Economic Perspective (3)
This course uses an economic perspective to analyze the health policies and institutions that shape the health care system in the US. The consequences of current health care policies on health outcomes are discussed. The processes through which health policies are developed, implemented, and evaluated are analyzed.
PHS 3102Introduction to Public Health Research: Population Data Analysis (3)
Fall 2025
This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge & skills needed to use population data to answer research questions. Students will utilize SPSS to access, evaluate, & interpret public health data. The course will give students an opportunity to generate hypotheses & variables to measure health problems. The course will also describe how the public health infrastructure is used to collect, process, maintain & disseminate data. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
PHS 3103Intro to Epidemiology:Case Studies on Hlthy Lifestyles & Disease Prevention (3)
This undergraduate course provides an introduction to basic epidemiology concepts, including measures of frequency & association, study design, & methodological issues such as confounding. Students will use case studies & team projects, as well as literature reviews, to examine strategies for promoting healthy behavior & lifestyles & addressing such public health challenges as obesity & tobacco abuse. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
Course was offered Spring 2019, Spring 2018, Spring 2017
PHS 3104Introduction to Epidemiology: Methodological and Ethical Considerations (3)
Fall 2025
This course is an introduction to epidemiology at the undergraduate level. Using epidemiology as a framework, class participants are challenged to engage more thoughtfully with many of the big issues facing the world today. The course emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and the scientific method, collaboration in teams, and ethical principles and reasoning in this process.
PHS 3130Introduction to Health Research Methods (3)
Fall 2025
Much of what we know about human health & health-related behavior is based on quant & qual research. This course involves students in the research process from start to finish, including formulating a research question; conducting a background literature review; choosing a study design; developing data collection tools; recruiting a study population; collecting data; assuring data quality; analyzing data; & interpreting & presenting results.
PHS 3186Comparative Health Care Systems (3)
Fall 2025
Provides a background for students who may be interested in learning about challenges & opportunities for improvement in health status for citizens in all countries. Although at the operational level, each national system is unique, there are common characteristics that permeate the design & structure of most health care delivery sectors. The major health reform activities occurring in developed & developing countries will be highlighted.
Course was offered Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021
PHS 3559Topics in Public Health (1 - 6)
Topics in Public Health Sciences
PHS 3620Built Environment & Health Impact (3)
Fall 2025
The planning & design of the built environment to promote public health & equity requires systems thinking & a trandisciplinary approach to research. Students will learn & apply collaborative research methods including scientific health literature review, diagramming concepts, & case study analysis to synthesize logic models as theoretical frameworks for projects & policy.
PHS 3818UVA in the Dominican Republic: Dominican Public Health (3)
Students will explore some of the basic tenets of global public health while experiencing the realities of life and public health during two weeks in the Dominican Republic. The course is comprised of 9 instructional modules. Course material will be enhanced through hands-on learning field trips and community service projects. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
PHS 3825Global Public Health: Challenges and Innovations (3)
Fall 2025
Undoubtedly, we've made important advances in global health, but there's still a long way to go. What factors determine health? What threats do we face today? What issues should we be working to change? We will explore these questions & more through a variety of interactive lectures & small group activities centered on 4 major themes: History & Trends, Determinants of Health, Culture, & Communication.
PHS 4016Human Factors Design for Community Health (3)
We will draw on approaches from public health, medical informatics, and human factors engineering to answer these questions. We will explore how to create interventions that are grounded in theoretical perspectives and field-based assessments of patients needs and preferences. Our ultimate goal will be to create interventions that are useful and usable by patients and that ultimately support self-management and improve health outcomes.
Course was offered Fall 2017, Fall 2016
PHS 4050Public Health Policy (3)
Fall 2025
Explores the legitimacy, design, & implementation of a variety of policies aiming to promote public health & reduce the social burden of disease & injury. Highlights the challenge posed by public health's pop-based perspective to traditional ind-centered, autonomy-driven approaches to bioethics & const. law. Other themes center on conflicts between PH & pub morality & the relationship between PH and social justice.
PHS 4559Topics in Public Health (1 - 6)
This course provides the opportunity to offer new topics in the subject of Public Health Sciences. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
PHS 4991Global Public Health Capstone (3)
Explores topics in global public health and the myriad of governmental and non-governmental entities whose goal is to address and resolve problems encountered in global public health and synthesizes the student's interdisciplinary studies in global public health, culminating in a Capstone Paper.
PHS 5000TPublic Health Sciences - Transfer Credit (1 - 6)
Graduate level course designed to allow transfer credit from other higher education institutions. This course requires PHS Steering Committee Approval for registration.
Course was offered Summer 2025, Summer 2024
PHS 5015Qualitative Methods for Community and Global Health (3)
Fall 2025
Designed to introduce undergrads to a graduate level coursework. This course advances methodological and cultural competency in the design and implementation of community health qualitative research investigations. Coursework provides opportunities to practice specific methodologies such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, case studies, and historiographies in accordance with standards of rigor (e.g., reliability, generalizability, validity). Prerequisites: Instructor Permission.
PHS 5050Environmental & Public Health Policy (3)
Fall 2025
Focus on interconnections between human health and the environment impacting individuals, communities and populations. Including ecological perspectives highlighting human health, animal health and ecosystem health. Use analytic frameworks to identify, evaluate and address environmental health concerns. Gain real world experience through field trips and interactions with environmental health professionals.
PHS 5052Mental Health, Law & Policy (3)
The Mental Health Law & Policy course explores historical and contemporary mental health law and policy in order to address several current areas of law and policy reform. A public health perspective is applied to issues traditionally viewed through an individual-centered, autonomy-driven lens. Topics are reviewed to introduce students to relevant issues, but are also explored through a public health ethics framework.
Course was offered Fall 2019, Fall 2018, Spring 2018
PHS 5060Program Planning and Evaluation (3)
Graduate level course designed for undergrads interested in Public Health. Principles & methods of evaluation in public health & health informatics. Covers evaluation paradigms, program planning, evaluation plan design, & use of evaluation findings. Frequent tools in evaluation (surveys, focus groups, & interviews) will be discussed in depth. Design & conduct an evaluation for an existing prog. in public health or application in hlth informatics.
PHS 5061Health Communication & Evaluation (3)
Focuses on the design, implementation, evaluation and critique of communication interventions designed to change behavior. Students will learn the basics of social marketing in public health & its application across a range of problems with an emphasis on issues in health contexts. Students will examine several theories & principles of health communication that are shared by other disciplines in public health, health care, & community development.
PHS 5070Introduction to Health Care Informatics (3)
Explores nature and functions of health informatics, the current state of the science, present and future applications, and major issues for research and development. Includes information processing and management, decision support, computer-based patient records and information systems, standards and codes, databases, outcomes research, and the generation and management of knowledge. Also surveys current developments in instructional technology. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
Course was offered Fall 2012, Fall 2011, Fall 2010, Fall 2009
PHS 5090Health Care Economics (3)
Reviews principles of economics most relevant to analyzing changes in health care provision and applies those principles to current health care institutions and their performance, trends in health care service delivery, and methods of forecasting future trends. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
PHS 5095Health Policy in the United States - An Economic Perspective (3)
This course uses an economic perspective to analyze the health policies and institutions that shape the health care system in the US. The consequences of current health care policies on health outcomes are discussed. The processes through which health policies are developed, implemented, and evaluated are analyzed.
Course was offered Spring 2015
PHS 5100Health Care Policy & Management (3)
Seminar to introduce undergraduates to graduate level work. Examines the evolution of the U.S. health care system from a health policy and health values perspective, with an emphasis on the current health system. Topics include issues surrounding the financing, organization, and delivery of health care, including acess, coverage, cost, and quality of health services. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
PHS 5103Epidemiologic Methods: Applications to Hlthy Lifestyles & Disease Prevention (3)
This course is an overview of the methods of epidemiologic research with a particular focus on healthy lifestyles and disease prevention/ management. Topics include epidemiological measures & data analysis, study designs, bias, statistical inference, effect modification, & prevention/screening with applications to addressing such public health challenges as physical inactivity, obesity, tobacco use, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
Course was offered Summer 2013
PHS 5130Introduction to Health Research Methods (3)
Much of what we know about human health & health-related behavior is based on quant & qual research. This course involves students in the research process from start to finish, including formulating a research question; conducting a background literature review; choosing a study design; developing data collection tools; recruiting a study population; collecting data; assuring data quality; analyzing data; & interpreting & presenting results.
Course was offered Spring 2014, Spring 2013
PHS 5184Global Health Policy & Practice (3)
The Policy & Practices in Global Health Course will enhance the students' understanding of the social, political, and economic context of common global health challenges and issues. The course will review case studies that review organizations' responses to global health challenges and their successes and failures.
Course was offered Summer 2014, Spring 2011, Spring 2010
PHS 5185Global Health Research Methodologies (1)
This course is designed to facilitate the development of interdisciplinary student research in a global context. Seminars are designed to support rigorous project development and respectful interactions. The projects addressed in this course are eligible to apply for funding from the Center for Global Health, the Community Based Undergraduate Research Grant, Jefferson Public Citizens Award and other sources.
Course was offered Fall 2017, Fall 2011
PHS 5187Public Health Advocacy & Community Organizing in South Africa (3)
The Movement for Change & Social Justice (MCSJ) has emerged from decades of acivism on the HIV/AIDS pandemic in S. Africa. This course will integrate students with MCSJ activists as they address emerging public health challenges for township residents. Students will learn historical & social context for public health advocacy in S. African townships, key case studies of social activism related to public health, & skills req for effective work.
Course was offered Summer 2023, Summer 2022, Summer 2021
PHS 5200U.S. Healthcare: Policy, Organization, and Administration (3)
Examines the U.S. health care system from health policy, health systems, and health administration perspectives, with an emphasis on current challenges facing the financing, administration, and delivery of health services. Using a case-based method, the course will employ lecture, discussion, and student-led group projects that encourage analysis of real-world scenarios in today's complex health and medical environments. May be open to undergraduates as PHS 5200 with instructor permission. Prerequisite: instructor permission.
PHS 5210Community Engagement for Research & Policy (1)
This course is designed to introduce undergrads to a graduate level course. It will expose students to community-based factors that influence the health of populations and individuals. The principal objective of the class is to provide the rationale for meaningful engagement of diverse communities and introduce effective strategies that will enhance research and policy protocols designed to improve health status. Prerequisites: Instructor Permission
Course was offered Fall 2010
PHS 5212Community Health Assessment and Strategic Planning (2)
This course will introduce ugrads to a grad level course. Concentrate on designing & completing comm hlth assessments & associated strategic planning to improve priority areas identified in these assessments. Emphasis will be on field work with local health departments. Students should be able to work independently as well as work well within multi-disciplinary groups. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
Course was offered Fall 2011
PHS 5213Community Health Assessment and Strategic Planning II (2)
Introduce undergraduate to graduate level work. This course builds on community health assessment strategies used in PHS 5212 to do fieldwork with local health departments. This course is open to student who were in PHS 5212 as wll as those who were not. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
Course was offered Spring 2012
PHS 5250Public Health Ethics: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (3)
This interdisciplinary seminar focuses on the ethical dimensions of the choices societies and individuals make when addressing threats to and responsibilities for the public's health. A range of philosophical theories and contemporary positions are examined to explore the complex concepts of "public" and "health." Investigated are the impact of various understandings of the public, not only as a numerical population that can be defined and measured, but also as a political group that operates under legally defined obligations and relationships, and as a "communal" public with diverse cultural and moral beliefs. The various methods and content of public health ethics, including utilitarian perspectives and the role of the Code of Ethics for public health professionals are also examined. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
Course was offered Spring 2015
PHS 5355Place Matters: A Seminar in Health Equity (3)
Students will explore concepts and principles of equity in health through the lens of addressing disparities in health and its determinants. Students will learn the extent and persistence of disparities in health across a range of medical conditions, and will discuss social determinants of health (and health disparities) in five key areas: econ. stability, educ., neighborhood & built environment, social and community context, health & health care.
PHS 5380Environmental Health: Principles and Practices (3)
Interdisciplinary approach to understanding, assessing, and controlling environmental factors that impact public health. Practical examples are used to help public health professionals understand how epidemiology, health surveillance, and exposure surveillance can be used to determine the potential for health problems that result from various environmental factors, and how monitoring and control techniques can reduce the impact of the environment on human health. Prerequisite:  Instructor permission.
PHS 5385Environmental Health: Epidemiologic Perspectives (3)
Seminar to introduce ugraduates to graduate level work. This course offers an intro to environmental health with a focus on environmental epidemiology. Through case studies on air, soil and water pollutants, students will examine concepts of study design, exposure assessment and issues of validity. Hands-on introduction to GIS.
Course was offered Fall 2015, Fall 2014, Fall 2013
PHS 5451Health Informatics for Quality and Safety (1)
This course will provide an overview of the intersection between health informatics and healthcare quality and safety. We will review advancements and opportunities in both the measurement of quality and safety as well as the development and implementation of informatics-based interventions. Much of the course will focus on topics like electronic health records, clinical decision support, and tools to support population health. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
Course was offered Spring 2016, Spring 2015
PHS 5470Health Care Leadership & Management (3)
Explore theories, concepts and methods for managing complex health care organizations; including leadership, governance, systems thinking, the role of teams and the challenges of change management. Explore concepts and methods for quality management. Cover basic topics in human resources and the financial management of health care organizations.
PHS 5500Special Topics in Public Health (3)
Special Topics courses in Public Health Sciences. Prerequisites: Instructor Permission
Course was offered Fall 2017, Spring 2016, Fall 2015
PHS 5559New Course in Public Health Sciences (1 - 4)
This course provides the opportunity to offer new topics in the subject of Public Health Sciences. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
PHS 5600Quantitative Data Analysis in Public Health (1)
Undergraduate level course primarily for 5 year BA/BS/MPH students, and others with Instructor consent. The course will introduce Public Health students to tools needed to utilize SPSS for quantitative data analysis. Instruction will include lectures, case study discussions and individual projects. Attendance, participation, a midterm exam and final presentation are required. Pre-requisites: Instructor Permission
Course was offered Fall 2011, Fall 2010, Spring 2010
PHS 5620Built Environment & Health Impact (3)
Fall 2025
The planning & design of the built environment to promote public health & equity requires systems thinking & a trandisciplinary approach to research. Students will learn & apply collaborative research methods including scientific health literature review, diagramming concepts, & case study analysis to synthesize logic models as theoretical frameworks for projects & policy. This graduate level course will have additional course requirements.
PHS 5621Health Impact Assessment (3)
Students learn the procedures, methods, and tools associated with Health Impact Assessment (HIA) and systematically judge the potential and unintended effects of a policy, plan, program, or project concerning the built environment of a community. Students will propose, develop & execute a rapid form of HIA. Assignments will reflect typical HIA tasks culminating in a final report as a deliverable to community stakeholders. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
PHS 5622Integrated Design & Health (1)
Explore the theory, methods, and practice of Integrated Design Innovation in Health. Students will engage current issues at the intersection of design & healthcare and learn the value of interdisciplinary collaboration. Guest speakers will survey topics including human centered design, evidence-based methods, ethichs & moral decision-making, experimentation & prototyping, & current models of IDI education & industry partnerships.
PHS 5630Healthy Appalachia: A Community-based Participatory Research Partnership (3)
This course will introduce undergrads to a graduate level course. It will examine the relationship between Appalachian culture, economic development, education and health in far Southwest Virginia and explore the process for the design and implementation for collaborative, community-based research. It will expose the student to the methodologies of community organizing, partnership development and community based research. Prerequisites: Instructor Permission.
PHS 5640Advanced Management Communication (3)
Develops writing and speaking skills while increasing student understanding of how managers communicate with diverse audiences. Covers communication with the public, investors, and employees. Special topics include media relations, communication ethics, and crisis communications. Practice for communication events such as speaking at a press conference, briefing a small group, telling professional anecdotes, and preparing for a media interview.
Course was offered Spring 2012, Spring 2011
PHS 5701Bench to Bedside: FDA & Regulatory/Translational Science Seminar (1)
Provides an overview of key background, issues & topical considerations in regulatory science & translational activities. It is aimed at graduate & post-graduate clinicians, researchers & public health students who have a desire to raise their understanding about the regulatory framework for the development of new products, as well as emerging trends in research & development of products to improve human health. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
PHS 5705Recent Advances in Public Health Genomics (3)
The course will cover human genetics and genomics, including the human/mammalian genome variation, determination of genomic variation on phenotype and disease risk, mapping and characterizing genetic variants on phenotype, determining the putative impact of genetic variants on gene expression (transcriptomics, epigenomics), the promise and implications of genome science on precision medicine and the ethical, legal & social implications. Prerequisites: BIOL 3010 or BIOL 4210 or instructor consent.
PHS 5810West Indies Health Care: Disaster Preparedness, St. Kitts & Nevis (3)
The participants in this course held in the West Indies, will study the fundamentals of emergency care and disaster preparedness through exploration of existing preparedness infrastructures in St. Kitts and Nevis.
PHS 5815Social Determinants of Child Health (3)
Participants will learn and apply the tenets of social determinants of child health as they explore and analyze child asthma challenges in St. Kitts and Nevis. Culturally respectful engagement will be emphasized in the assessment of existing resources and the development of community-based health education materials sensitive to the priorities of the indigenous people of St. Kitts and Nevis.
PHS 5818UVA in the Dominican Republic: Dominican Public Health (3)
Students will explore some of the basic tenets of global public health while experiencing the realities of life and public health during two weeks in the Dominican Republic. The course is comprised of 9 instructional modules. Course material will be enhanced through hands-on learning field trips and community service projects.
PHS 5819Preparing for Engagement - South African History, Culture, and Language (1)
This course introduces students to some of the critical South African historical and cultural contexts they will need to understand before engaging effectively in the summer program in Cape Town on community organizing and public health advocacy. Students will also be introduced to isiXhosa, the local language spoken by health activists and community members they will engage with in South Africa.
Course was offered Spring 2022
PHS 5820Social Movement Building and Community Organizing for Public Health Equity (3)
This course introduces students to health social movements and community organizing for health equity in South African communities. Students will get intensive exposure to South African culture, social life and politics and build skills required for effective public health advocacy. They will also learn about research, especially participatory action research techniques, used by health researchers and activists in South Africa. Prerequisite: PHS 5819
Course was offered Summer 2016, Summer 2015
PHS 5821Practicum in Public Health Advocacy (3)
This course provides experiential learning opportunities in community organizing, movement building, and public health advocacy. Students will be introduced to specific organizing skills that range from media engagement and report writing to the more sophisticated skills like facilitating dialogue across difference, mobilizing resources, and developing effective political strategies to influence policy. Prerequisite: PHS 5819
PHS 5825Global Public Health: Challenges and Innovations (3)
Fall 2025
This course is the graduate level offering of PHS 3825. Through interactive lectures & small group activities, we learn about important advances in global health, factors that determine health, current threats, & effective ways to implement change. In addition, as a graduate student, you will have numerous opportunities to demonstrate attainment of MPH foundational knowledge & competencies.
PHS 5840Human Subjects Research: Methodology, Ethics & Regulations (1)
Course will introduce undergrads to graduate level research & study. Explores methodological, ethical & regulatory issues in research involving human subjects. Responsible conduct of research, clinical research, hist. & phil. framework of research ethics, the role of IRB, informed consent, assessing risks & benefits, research involving vulnerable populations, protecting participant safety & privacy, comm. based research, & FDA research. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
Course was offered Spring 2015, Spring 2014, Spring 2013
PHS 5960Supervised Independent Research (1 - 6)
Fall 2025
Supervised Independent Research
PHS 6559New Course in Public Health Science (1 - 4)
This course provides the opportunity to offer new topics in the subject of Public Health Science.
Course was offered Spring 2020, Spring 2019
PHS 6600Quantitative Data Analysis in Public Health (1)
The course will introduce Public Health students to tools needed to utilize SPSS for quantitative data analysis. Instruction will include lectures, case study discussions and individual projects. Attendance, participation, a midterm exam and final presentation are required. Pre-requisites: Instructor Permission
PHS 6620Built Environment & Community Health (1)
An elective interdisciplinary Public Health and Planning Health course that explores the connections between the built environment and community health. The course teaches students about four main areas at the intersection of the built environment and comm. health: planning and public health foundations, natural and built environment, vulnerable populations and health disparities, health policy & global impacts. Prerequisites: Instructor Permission.
Course was offered Spring 2010
PHS 6630Healthy Appalachia: A Community-based Participatory Research Partnership (3)
This course will examine the relationship between Appalachian culture, economic development, education and health in far Southwest Virginia and explore the process for the design and implementation for collaborative, community-based research. It will expose the student to the methodologies of community organizing, partnership development and community based research. Prerequisites: Instructor Permission.
Course was offered Spring 2011, Spring 2010
PHS 7000Introduction to Biostatistics (3 - 4)
Fall 2025
Covers the fundamentals in medical statistics including descriptive statistics, estimation, hypothesis testing, precision, sample size, correlation, problems with categorization of continuous variables, multiple comparison problems, and interpreting of statistical results. Covers the basics of statistical software programming so that students can create, run, and debug programs. Prerequisites:  Graduate in PHS programs or instructor permission.
PHS 7001Introduction to Biostatistics II (3)
An illustration of the indications, limitations, assumptions, and appropriate applications of analytical methods in a variety of biomedical settings. Students will learn how to determine which analytic technique would be best suited for a variety of translational and clinical research, evaluation, and policy study designs. Prerequisite: Instructor permission;: PHS 7000.
PHS 7010Fundamentals of Epidemiology (3)
Fall 2025
Introduces the field of Epidemiology and the methods of epidemiologic research. Students learn how to interpret, critique, and conduct epidemiologic research, including formulating a research question, choosing a study design, collecting and analyzing data, controlling bias and confounding, and interpreting study results. May be open to undergraduates as PHS 5010 with instructor permission. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in the PHS program or instructor permission.
PHS 7011Epidemiologic Methods for Outcomes Research (3)
This course enriches and extends the fundamental principles of epidemiology introduced in PHS 7010. Students learn the assumptions necessary for causal inference and how to comprehensively consider multiple sources of bias using causal diagrams. These topics are covered in the context of randomized clinical trails, cohort studies, and case control studies with training in the analysis of data with binary, continuous, and time-to-event outcomes. Prerequisite PHS 7010
PHS 7015Qualitative Methods for Community and Global Health (3)
This course advances methodological and cultural competency in the design and implementation of community health qualitative research investigations. Coursework provides opportunities to practice specific methodologies such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, case studies, and historiographies in accordance with standards of rigor (e.g., reliability, generalizability, validity).
PHS 7016Human Factors Design for Community Health (3)
We will draw on approaches from public health, medical informatics, and human factors engineering to answer these questions. We will explore how to create interventions that are grounded in theoretical perspectives and field-based assessments of patients needs and preferences. Our ultimate goal will be to create interventions that are useful and usable by patients and that ultimately support self-management and improve health outcomes.
Course was offered Fall 2017, Fall 2016
PHS 7020Epidemiological and Translational Research (3)
This course lays the foundation of epidemiological and translational research. Focus is on core epidemiologic research methodology fundamental to biomed discovery process that integrates bench, bedside, and community partners in advancing PH. Topics include study design (clin trials & observational studies), epidemiologic data analysis, statistical and causal inference, and scientific validity. Entrepreneurship, legal & ethic issues in context. Prerequisites: PHS 7010 & Instructor Permission.
PHS 7031Health System Topics (2)
Course is based on the premise that contemporary healthcare space provides enormous opportunities and challenges and at the end of the course, students should have a greater understanding of this dynamic industry. Evolving care processes and practices are driving organizational transformations and cultural changes leading to major investments in health-related consulting and support services.
Course was offered Spring 2018
PHS 7034Food & Drug Law (3)
This course considers the Food & Drug Administration as a case study of an administrative agency that must combine law and science to regulate activities affecting public health and safety. Prerequisites: Instructor Permission.
Course was offered Spring 2010
PHS 7050Public Health Law, Ethics, & Policy (2)
Fall 2025
Required fall course for Community & Public Health track. Explores the legitimacy, design, and implementation of a variety of policies aiming to promote public health and reduce the social burden of disease and injury. Highlights the challenge posed by public health's population-based perspective to traditional individual-centered, autonomy-driven approaches to bioethics and constitutional law. Other themes center on conflicts between public health and public morality and the relationship between public health and social justice. Illustrative topics include mandatory immunization, screening and reporting of infectious diseases, prevention of lead poisoning, food safety, prevention of firearm injuries, airbags and seat belts, mandatory drug testing, syringe exchange programs, tobacco regulation, and restrictions on alcohol and tobacco advertising. May be open to undergraduates as PHS 5050 with instructor permission. Prerequisites:  Instructor permission.
PHS 7051Policy Development, Analysis, & Advocacy (3)
Fall 2025
Provides students with the opportunity to engage in the policy development & advocacy process. This includes defining & analyzing a policy issue, synthesizing info & data from numerous sources to generate policy options, examining the legal, ethical & other implications of potential policy options, understanding the preferences & perspectives of key stakeholders, & clearly communicating & advocating for policy options with different audiences.
PHS 7052Money, Medicine, & Morals: How Should Healthcare Businesses Behave? (3)
Should a hospital apologize for a doctor's mistake? What should a fertility clinic do with abandoned embryos? Can a pharmaceutical company be justified in quadrupling the price of a drug? In this course you will learn the values, norms, & methods that guide responsible decision-making in the business of heathcare & put that knowledge to use analyzing, critiquing, & debating various practical solutions to some current challenges.
Course was offered Fall 2019, Fall 2018
PHS 7053Health Law Survey (3)
This course is designed to provide a survey of the spectrum of topics generally considered part of "health law". It will introduce the various institutions and players involved in health care delivery and the legal relationships between those institutions at both the sate and federal level..
Course was offered Spring 2023
PHS 7054Legal Epidemiology: The Law & Social Science of Health Equity (3)
In this course, law & public health students will take an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the legal etiology of health inequity in the US. The class will explore ways in which law has been deployed historically as a factor to distribute disease & injury, & conversely how law might be useful to reverse or eradicate health inequities today.
PHS 7060Program Planning and Evaluation (3)
Fall 2025
Provides an overview of the principles and methods of evaluation in public health and health informatics. Covers evaluation paradigms, program planning, evaluation plan design, and use of evaluation findings. Frequent tools in evaluation (surveys, focus groups, and interviews) will be discussed in depth. Students will have the opportunity to design and conduct an evaluation for an existing program in public health or application in health informatics. May be open to undergraduates as PHS 5060 with instructor permission. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
PHS 7070Introduction to Health Care Informatics (3)
Explores nature and functions of health informatics, the current state of the science, present and future applications, and major issues for research and development. Includes information processing and management, decision support, computer-based patient records and information systems, standards and codes, databases, outcomes research, and the generation and management of knowledge. Also surveys current developments in instructional technology. May be open to undergraduates as PHS 5070 with instructor permission. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in the PHS program or instructor permission.
Course was offered Fall 2012, Fall 2011, Fall 2010, Fall 2009
PHS 7080International Health Policy (3)
Addresses the questions of what makes a good health system, how we know whether a health system is performing well, and what makes a health system fair through a comparison of the financing, delivery, and operation of health systems throughout the world. Focuses on differences both in health system performance (as measured by death, disability, morbidity, access, and patient satisfaction) and in health system inputs. May be open to undergraduates as PHS 5080 with instructor permission. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
PHS 7090Health Care Economics (3)
Fall 2025
Reviews principles of economics most relevant to analyzing changes in health care provision and applies those principles to current health care institutions and their performance, trends in health care service delivery, and methods of forecasting future trends. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in the PHS program or instructor permission.
PHS 7100Introduction to U.S. Health Care Policy & Systems (2)
Fall 2025
An introduction to the terminology, structure, & function of the U.S. health care system with an emphasis on the social, economic, & political forces that impact the organization, financing, & delivery of health & health care.
PHS 7102Health Care Policy Analysis and Evaluation (3)
This course is an exposure to the concepts, methods and problem areas addressed by health services research as a field of inquiry. The focus of the course will be on the development and critique of a healthcare policy paper. This course will involve discussion of the concepts, methods and problem areas addressed by health services research and develop a toolkit for healthcare policy analysis.
Course was offered Spring 2018, Spring 2017, Spring 2016
PHS 7110Health Survey Methods (3)
Covers the theory and practice of survey research. Topics include surveys as a scientific method; sampling theory; the construction, testing, and improvement of survey instruments; interviewer training; the organization of field work; coding and data quality control; data analysis; and the preparation of survey reports. Cross-listed as SOC 5110. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in the PHS program or instructor permission.
PHS 7120Comparative Effectiveness and Outcomes (3)
Introduces students to the techniques needed for the evaluation of health outcomes from the perspectives of the patient, the physician, the health care provider, and society. Presents measurement and evaluation of survival, functional status, quality of life, and health values. Evaluates the efficacy, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness of devices, interventions, and processes of care. Prerequisite: PHS 7000 and 7001 or instructor permission.
PHS 7125Outcomes Research & Quality Evaluation (3)
Reviews topics in health services research, outcomes research, & quality improvement methodologies. Major themes include observational research methods applied to assess to the efficacy, effectiveness, & cost-effectiveness of devices, interventions, & health care delivery systems, & the use of quality improvement methodologies to improve productivity, increase efficiency, & improve patient outcomes. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
Course was offered Summer 2012
PHS 7146Global Health Law & Policy (3)
This seminar will investigate the many and competing challenges to develop a standardized global health policy. Prerequisites: Instructor Permission
PHS 7170SAS and Data Management in Population Health (1)
Fall 2025
Explores the use of data in population health sciences incorporating cases from public health & health care practice. Covers the basics of loading data into SAS, manipulating variables, & generating output in a PC environment. Students will learn how to detect, diagnose, & correct mistakes. The course draws upon & integrates Biostatistics & Epidemiology. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
PHS 7175Geographic Analysis in Public Health (1)
Geographic information systems (GIS) is a technology with unique & valuable applications for policy makers, planners, practitioners, & managers in many fields, including public health & health care. GIS software & applications enable visualizing and analyzing health data in ways never before possible. This course provides hands-on experience using GIS software in the context of health applications.
Course was offered Fall 2011, Fall 2010
PHS 7180The Practice of Public Health I (1)
Fall 2025
This course addresses cross-cutting public health competencies in Communication, Professionalism, and Diversity and Culture, and includes sessions with public health officials in practice. The course also will focus on effective written and oral communication.
PHS 7181Research in Public Health (1)
Focuses on how to conduct public health research. Research in Practice students concentrate on quant & qual research methodologies for the collection, analysis & interpretation of data. Health Policy, Law & Ethics students concentrate on the analysis of health information & data relevant to policy issues and the evaluation of policy options. Students develop their culminating experience research protocols. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
Course was offered Spring 2014, Spring 2013, Spring 2010
PHS 7182Leadership in Public Health (2)
These seminars are sponsored by the Institute for Practical Ethics and Public Life (IPE), and are unique in that they include students from different professional and graduate schools and programs and are led by at least two faculty members from different professional schools or programs. These seminars use literature, plays, films, etc., as vehicles for exploring ethical concerns that arise in personal, professional, and public life.
Course was offered Summer 2025, Spring 2025, Spring 2018
PHS 7184Global Health Policy and Practice (3)
The Policy & Practices in Global Health Course will enhance the students' understanding of the social, political, and economic context of common global health challenges and issues. The course will review case studies that review organizations' responses to global health challenges and their successes and failures.
Course was offered Spring 2011, January 2011, Spring 2010
PHS 7185Global Health Research Methodologies (3)
A curriculum of practice approach will imbue within students the skills & methods of global health practitioners. Global health will take on the broadest definition to include not only medical practice by health professionals, but also the complex socio-technical system that affects public health worldwide. We will use the Water & Health in Limpopo (WHIL) Project as a study for a broader understanding of how this system works in the real world
Course was offered Fall 2011
PHS 7200Strategic Planning & Leadership in Public Health (3)
Fall 2025
Examines the U.S. health care system from health policy, health systems, and health administration perspectives, with an emphasis on current challenges facing the financing, administration, and delivery of health services. Using a case-based method, the course will employ lecture, discussion, and student-led group projects that encourage analysis of real-world scenarios in today's complex health and medical environments. May be open to undergraduates as PHS 5200 with instructor permission. Prerequisite: PHS 7090 and PHS 7100, or acceptable substitute in health policy, economics, or financing; or instructor permission.
PHS 7201Health Care Financial Management (3)
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the major players in the health care industry & the financial issues these players raise for HealthCare managers. Understand the function of financial management in HealthCare Organizations. Asses a HealthCare organization's financial condition & forecast its financial future. Understand "third party payer system", incentives created by different payment methods & their effect on provider risk.
PHS 7202Applied Economics for Policy Analysis & Strategic Planning (3)
Emphasis on hands-on experiences, equips students with key applied economic concepts & econometrics tools to empirically analyze observational health outcome & behavioral data to formulate/evaluate health policies and/or strategic plans for health-related orgs. Will use multiple regression methods to analyze cross-sectional & panel data & learn ways to address real world data noises to provide causal interpretation.
Course was offered Spring 2025, Spring 2024
PHS 7210Professionalism and Applied Practice Prep (1)
This course is designed to expose students to community-based factors that influence the health of populations and individuals. The principal objective of the class is to provide the rationale for meaningful engagement of diverse communities and introduce effective strategies that will enhance research and policy protocols designed to improve health status.
PHS 7212Community Health Assessment and Strategic Planning (2)
Concentrate on designing & completing comm hlth assessments & associated strategic planning to improve priority areas identified in these assessments. Emphasis will be on field work with local health departments. Students should be able to work independently as well as work well within multi-disciplinary groups. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
Course was offered Fall 2011
PHS 7213Community Health Assessment and Strategic Planning II (2)
This course builds on community health assessment strategies used in PHS 5212 to do fieldwork with local health departments. This course is open to student who were in PHS 5212 as wll as those who were not.
Course was offered Spring 2012
PHS 7214Applied Practice for Cancer Center Community Prevention (1)
The Applied Practice is a planned, supervised & evaluated work experience with an organization that contributes to the health of a community. Students apply skills learned in the program to a real-world setting & work toward achieving competencies. Placements are selected based on the interests & needs of the student. A min of 2 deliverables are required; placements may occur during an academic year, one semester or over summer.
Course was offered Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022
PHS 7215Peer Health Education for Emerging Adults (1)
Students will gain knowledge of effective peer health promotion strategies to prevent hazing and substance misuse among emerging adults and develop their communication, facilitation and presentation skills.
PHS 7216Workplace Health Promotion (1)
This course will examine the philosophy, rationale, & guidelines for developing health promotion programs in a worksite setting. The educational organizational, social & environment supports for behaviors conducive to positive health outcomes & improved work performance will be examined. Strategies that impact employee health along with theories of behavior change & human motivation will be discussed.
PHS 7250Public Health Ethics: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (3)
This interdisciplinary seminar focuses on the ethical dimensions of the choices societies and individuals make when addressing threats to and responsibilities for the public's health. A range of philosophical theories and contemporary positions are examined to explore the complex concepts of "public" and "health." Investigated are the impact of various understandings of the public, not only as a numerical population that can be defined and measured, but also as a political group that operates under legally defined obligations and relationships, and as a "communal" public with diverse cultural and moral beliefs. The various methods and content of public health ethics, including utilitarian perspectives and the role of the Code of Ethics for public health professionals are also examined. May be open to undergraduates as PHS 5250 with instructor permission. Prerequisite:  Instructor permission.
Course was offered Spring 2015
PHS 7251Health of the Public: Policy, Management & Leadership (3)
This course will examine the current health care and public health systems, with particular focus on the impact of evidence-based medicine and public health, qualify, and financing. Topics include the influence of medical and nonmedical determinants of health, and the impact of the changing practice of medicine on physicians and patients.
PHS 7310Clinical Trials Methodology (3)
Covers the design and analysis of Phase I-III clinical trials. Topics include choice of study population and endpoints, choice of study design and sample size estimation, randomization and masking, patient recruitment, data collection and quality control, data monitoring committees, data analysis, and the interpretation and reporting of results. Cross-listed as STAT 5310. Prerequisite: Instructor permission; PHS 7000 or equivalent.
PHS 7360Health Under the Influence: The Creation & Maintenance of Health Inequities (3)
Explores racial, ethnic, geographic & other health inequities in their socio-cultural, political-economic & historic contexts. Among the topics covered will be descriptions of disparities, socioeconomic & political determinants of health inequities & the impact of bias & prejudice on the health & well-being of marginalized communities. Centers around a population health perspective although readings will be interdisciplinary.
Course was offered Spring 2025, Spring 2024
PHS 7365LEAN for Healthcare (3)
This course will train participants to utilize Lean methodologies and tools that can help improve throughput and other performance measures in a healthcare setting. Lean is a leading process improvement methodology used to achieve significant improvements in quality, service, productivity, and customer satisfaction. It uses a variety of statistical tools and other skills, integrated with a standardized methodology, to measure, and analyze.
PHS 7370Simulation and Modeling for Quality and Research (3)
This course will provide an introduction to quantitative methods and their application to quality and research. Specific topics include statistical process control, queueing theory, simulation, and forecasting as applied to problems faced by health systems, including poor flow in outpatient clinics and insufficient staff for demand in the emergency department. An end-of-course project will incorporate methods learned throughout the semester.
PHS 7380Environmental Health: Principles and Practices (3)
Interdisciplinary approach to understanding, assessing, and controlling environmental factors that impact public health. Practical examples are used to help public health professionals understand how epidemiology, health surveillance, and exposure surveillance can be used to determine the potential for health problems that result from various environmental factors, and how monitoring and control techniques can reduce the impact of the environment on human health. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
PHS 7385Environmental Health: Epidemiologic Perspectives (3)
Fall 2025
This course offers an intro to environmental health with a focus on environmental epidemiology. Through case studies on air, soil and water pollutants, students will examine concepts of study design, exposure assessment and issues of validity. Provides hands-on introduction to GIS. At course completion, students will be prepared to critically review published literature and assist in the design and conduct of environmental health research.
PHS 7410Introduction to Data Science (3)
In this course students will utilize data science principles and skills to access, evaluate, and interpret public health data from large databases and draw inferences. Students will develop skills to formulate and answer research questions related to clinical research and health policy. The course will also explore how the publci health infrastructure collects, processes, maintains, and disseminates data.
PHS 7411Health Policy Analysis with Secondary Data (3)
Focuses on health policy analysis using secondary data. The course applies skills learned in biostatistics & epidemiology courses in order to conduct secondary data analyses. In particular, students will explore how public health infrastructure collects, processes, maintains, & disseminates data by learning about & accessing large datasets such as BRFSS and NHANES.
PHS 7440Bayesian Analysis (3)
Provides intro to Bayesian methods with emphasis on medeling and applications. The topics to be covered include methods for forming prior distributions such as conjugate and noninformative priors, derivation of posterior and predictive distributions and their moments, and development of Bayesian models including linear regression, generalized linear models and hierarchical models.
Course was offered Spring 2010
PHS 7450Biomedical & Health Informatics: Databases & Data Life Cycle (3)
Fall 2025
Public health & clinical data is utilized in myriad ways, from pop mngt to patient care, in support of quality improvement, biomedical investigation, medical educ. & much more. Covers topics in biomedical inform, electronic med records, clinical decision support, standards & interperability, org behavior, human factors, consumer informatics and more. Covers basics of relational databases & structured query language (SQL), provides hands-on exp.
PHS 7470Management and Quality in Health Care Organizations (2)
Fall 2025
Provides students with a comprehensive overview and in-depth review of the theories, major components and techniques for the management of health care organizations. Topics covered include organizational management, financial analyses, budgeting for operations and grants, principles and techniques for managing and leading effective teams, systems thinking concepts and methods and theories and methods for managing a quality organization.
PHS 7500Special Topics in Public Health (1 - 4)
Examination of topical issues and current problems and research in various areas of public health. Prerequisite:  Instructor permission.
PHS 7559Special Topics in Public Health Science (1 - 4)
This course provides the opportunity to offer new topics in the subject of Public Health Science. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
PHS 7610Health Promotion and Health Behavior (3)
Public Health is a multi-disciplinary field that attempts to help individuals and communities prevent illness and maintain and improve health. These health promotion activities are accomplished through the development of programs and policies and associated study of these activities. Although we recognize that there are many factors that impact individuals and population health outcomes, this course will explore the social and behavioral aspects of health as well as the relationship between health behavior and community, society and the environment. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
PHS 7615Population Health Promotion & Wellbeing (3)
This course focuses on health promotion & disease prevention across the lifespan to improve population health & well-being. Students will learn foundations of health promotion & will integrate methods of epidemiological & evaluation methods to plan & assess effective interventions. They will explore innovative approaches, strategies, & practices across systems to reduce health disparities, address determinants of health, & engage communities & stakeholders in creating environments for healthy living & wellness
PHS 7702Intersection of Trans & Reg: The FDA & Clinical Science (3)
Provides discussion of forces & events that have shaped the modern FDA & oversight of therapeutics (Drugs, Biologics & Devices), as well as how the FDA shaped clinical science. How science informs FDA & vice-versa to help better understand why FDA regulates the way it does. Case studies to discuss seminal events in FDA's evolution as well as its modern challenges as science & approaches to disease become increasingly complex.
Course was offered Summer 2018
PHS 7815Social Determinants of Child Health (3)
Participants will learn and apply the tenets of social determinants of child health as they explore and analyze child asthma challenges in St. Kitts and Nevis. Culturally respectful engagement will be emphasized in the assessment of existing resources and the development of community-based health education materials sensitive to the priorities of the indigenous people of St. Kitts and Nevis.
Course was offered Summer 2017
PHS 7820Proposal Writing for NIH Research Grants (3)
Highly interactive, participatory weekly seminar & workshop provides structured guidance & support over the semester for fellows or faculty who are committed to preparing a new application for an NIH research grant that is clinically oriented (i.e., not basic science). Students develop Specific Aims Section and Research Approach Section for an original research proposal in accordance with guidelines of the NIH. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission; Graduate Study Design or Epidemiology course; Graduate Statistics or Biostatists course; Research Problem and Study Purpose identified; Know literature well in research area
Course was offered Fall 2013, Fall 2012
PHS 7830Grant Writing and Presentation Skills (1)
This course is designed to provide an overview of grant writing with practical "How To" exercises to prepare the student to become successful in applying for funds to sponsor research and/or public health projects. As part of the course, the student will also become skillful in preparing oral and abstract presentations related to obtaining grants as well as disseminating results of research funded by grants.
Course was offered Spring 2011
PHS 7831Grant Writing for Healthcare Program Evaluation (3)
Interactive workshop-type introduction to the process of developing & presenting an evaluation plan for evaluating public health programs. This may include a research idea for funding by an agency like the NIH or a healthcare focused quality assessment/control program assessment for within the public health department or healthcare organization.
Course was offered Fall 2016
PHS 7840Human Subjects Research: Methodology, Ethics & Regulations (1)
Explores methodological, ethical & regulatory issues in research involving human subjects. Responsible conduct of research, clinical research, historical & philisophical framework of research ethics, the role of IRB, informed consent, assessing risks & benefits, research involving vulnerable populations, protecting participant safety & privacy, comm. based research, FDA research, & research involving biological specimens. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
PHS 7950Statistical Bioinformatics in Medicine (3)
Provides an introduction to bioinformatics and discusses important topics in computational biology in medicine, particularly based on modern statistical computing approaches. Reviews state-of-the-art high-throughput biotechnologies, their applications in medicine, and analysis techniques. Requires active student participation in various discussions on the current topics in biotechnology and bioinformatics. Prerequisites: Instructor Permission
Course was offered Fall 2011, Fall 2009
PHS 8120Qualitative Research Methods (3)
This course introduces naturalistic and interpretive qualitative approaches to the systematic study of health-related phenomena. Epistomological principles that underlie interpretive and naturalistic research will be practically applied to research designs and IRB protocol development. Coursework provides opportunities to practice specific methodologies in accordance with standards of rigor (e.g., reliability, generalizability, validity). Prerequisite: Good standing as graduate student in the relevant program, Instructor Permission
Course was offered Fall 2014, Fall 2013, Fall 2012
PHS 8125Qualitative Data Analysis (3)
This course teaches students how to interpret qualitative data by applying systematic coding processes. Analyzing qualitative data involves reading through the interview or focus group transcripts and other data, developing codes, applying and revising those codes through an iterative review of data, and drawing connections between discrete pieces of data to determine research participant meaning. Prerequisite: PHS 8120, GNUR 8120, PHS 7015
PHS 8126Mental Health Policy Analysis (3)
Focuses on applying policy analysis skills in the context of public mental health issues. The application of mental health research to inform policy is addressed. Students will complete a policy analysis paper,& shorter writing assignments that evaluate an issue & brief policymakers. Mental health-specific considerations for IRB protocol development are reviewed. The course integrates a deep review of current public mental health issues.
Course was offered Spring 2020
PHS 8815Social Determinants of Child Health in St. Kitts (Field Placement) (3)
Participants will learn and apply the tenets of social determinants of child health as they explore and analyze child asthma challenges in St. Kitts and Nevis. Culturally respectful engagement will be emphasized in the assessment of existing resources and the development of community-based health education materials sensitive to the priorities of the indigenous people of St. Kitts and Nevis.
PHS 8821Practicum in Public Health Field Research/ South Africa (Field Placement) (3)
Students will participate each day in an ongoing, real-world research project. Projects will be highly multi-disciplinary & may include questions, theory & methods from anthropology, epidemiology, health systems, political science, sociology, gender studies, education psychology & dev. studies. If approved by MPH Director, course may be used in lieu of PHS 8900 for MPH Degree seeking students.
PHS 8880Integrative Learning RP Part 1 (1 - 3)
Fall 2025
Practicum associated with Methods Course for Research in Practice Concentration. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
PHS 8881Integrative Learning HP Part 1 (1 - 3)
Fall 2025
Practicum associated with Methods Course for Health Policy, Law & Ethics Concentration. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
PHS 8900Applied Practice Experience I (2)
Fall 2025
The Applied Practice is a planned, supervised & evaluated work experience with an organization that contributes to the health of a community. Students apply skills learned in the program to a real-world setting & work toward achieving competencies. Placements are selected based on the interests & needs of the student. A min of 100 hours is required; placements may occur during an academic year, one semester or over summer.
PHS 8901Applied Practice Experience II (1)
Fall 2025
The Applied Practice is a planned, supervised & evaluated work experience with an organization that contributes to the health of a community. Students apply skills learned in the program to a real-world setting & work toward achieving competencies. Placements are selected based on the interests & needs of the student. A min of 50 hours is required; placements may occur during an academic year, one semester or over summer.
PHS 8902Applied Practice Experience III (1)
Fall 2025
The Applied Practice is a planned, supervised & evaluated work experience with an organization that contributes to the health of a community. Students apply skills learned in the program to a real-world setting & work toward achieving competencies. Placements are selected based on the interests & needs of the student. A min of 50 hours is required; placements may occur during an academic year, one semester or over summer.
PHS 8910Topical Research (Thesis only) (5)
Topical Research Prerequisite:  Graduate standing in the PSH program.   
PHS 8930Integrative Learning Experience RP Part 2 (1 - 3)
Fall 2025
The culminating experience project should demonstrate application of knowledge acquired in the MPH program to a real-world public health issue. Students write a paper & create a poster for presentation describing their projects. Students also take a review test of basic material from the core public health disciplines & complete a competency self-assessment to obtain feedback on their progress & accomplishments achieved by the end of the program. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission.
PHS 8931Integrative Learning Experience HP Part 2 (1 - 3)
Fall 2025
The final project should demonstrate application of knowledge acquired in the MPH program to a real-world public health issue. Students write a paper & create a poster for presentation describing their projects. Students also take a review test of basic material from the core public health disciplines & complete a competency self-assesment to obtain feedback on their progress & accomplishments achieved by the end of the program.
PHS 8950Supervised Clinical Research I (1 - 3)
Fall 2025
Supervised Clinical Research
PHS 8951Supervised Clinical Research Using R (1 - 3)
Fall 2025
Introduce students to R, an open-source software environment for statistical computing & graphics & RStudio. Students will learn essential R concepts, how to access various R packages, & how to do data analysis & graphics in the R environment Prereqs: PHS 7000, PHS 7170.
PHS 8960Supervised Independent Research I (1 - 6)
Fall 2025
Supervised Independent Research
PHS 8998Non-Topical Research (1 - 12)
Non-Topical Research   
PHS 8999Non-Topical Research (1 - 12)
Fall 2025
Non-Topical Research