UVa Course Catalog (Unofficial, Lou's List)
Complete Catalog of Courses for the Certificate in Procurement and Contracts Management-Graduate    
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These pages present data mined from the University of Virginia's student information system (SIS). I hope that you will find them useful. — Lou Bloomfield, Department of Physics
Procurement and Contracts Management
PC 4010Introduction to Federal Procurement (3)
Introduces the procurement and contracting processes, and explores fundamental principles and techniques in detail. Emphasis is on government procurement, but the course also provides an understanding of procurement methods and subcontracting in the private sector. Uses the FAR (Federal Acquisition Regulations) as a text.
PC 4020Contract Administration (3)
Covers the technical and fundamental procedures basic to contract administration. Examines both theory and practice, emphasizing enforcement of contract terms and conditions, cost overruns, change orders, disputes and appeals, financial analysis, contract authority and interpretation, production surveillance, quality assurances, and audit. Prerequisite: PC 4010.
PC 4030Cost and Price Analysis (3)
Covers the basic concepts in the analysis of contract price by cost-price analysis techniques, learning curve, weighted guidelines, profit objectives, and analysis of the IT systems environment. Prerequisite: PC 4010
PC 4040Government Contract Law (3)
Introduces government contract law, contract clauses and provisions, legal aspects associated with contracting, and administering contracts. Prerequisite: PC 4010.
PC 4050Negotiation of Contracts and Modifications (3)
Covers the techniques of negotiation. Focuses on the organization and operation of the procurement team, preparation and conduct of negotiations of contracts, and contract modifications by the team concept. Mock negotiations are conducted in class using case studies. Prerequisite: PC 4030.
PC 4060Management Principles for Procurement and Contracting (3)
A review of management theory and recent developments in management practices, focusing on the four modern schools of management theory: management process, quantitative, behavioral, and unified.
PC 4070Seminar in Procurement and Contracts Management (3)
A capstone course for advanced students in acquisition management designed to meld the content of individual procurement courses into a fuller understanding of policies, practices, and procedures. Includes current research and advances and offers opportunities to develop skills in the critical evaluation of theories and their application in solving problems. Prerequisite: Completion of all required courses.
PC 4080Principles of Law for Contract Performance (3)
Principles of Law for Contract Performance
PC 4090Contracting for Information Resources (3)
Illustrates how to structure and negotiate hardware and software contracts and clearly underlines the responsibilities of both the buyer and seller. Key contracting problems emphasized are reliability standards, acceptance testing, performance and measurement, quality control, maintenance, progress reports, and payments. Prerequisite: PC 4020.
Course was offered Fall 2011, Spring 2011, Spring 2010
PC 4120International Purchasing and Business Transactions (3)
Analyzes the basic regulations and principles of international procurement, organizational structure, financing, cooperative programs, supply-support arrangements, co-production, agreements, consortiums, research and development agreements, distribution systems, and analysis of current problems and trends. Prerequisite: PC 4010.
Course was offered Fall 2013, Spring 2012, Summer 2011
PC 4130Purchasing and Materials Management (3)
Surveys the principles of industrial purchasing and management of inventories, including determinations of requirements, pricing, source selection, inventory policy, and professional ethics.
PC 4150Grants: Federal, State, and Local (3)
Provides a foundation for understanding the administration of grants. The course is primarily concerned with grants by the federal government; the means by which it provides financial assistance to state and local units of government and the private (nonprofit) community; and the purposes for which such assistance are covered, including revenue sharing, concerns over federal interests in non-federal functions, impact upon intergovernmental relations, and others.
PC 4160Application for and Management of Federal Grants (3)
Furthers an understanding of the mechanics of applying for federal grants, the review process, and the administrative problems facing recipients of grants. Covers the specific application procedures of selected federal agencies and several grant programs. Reviews the pre-application process, requirements for state plans, coordinating requirements among planning units of governments, and environmental impact statements.
PC 4170International Business Negotiations (3)
Covers the differences between international and domestic business negotiations, including language, customs, religion, and political and legal systems, and other cultural consideration. Discusses the various strategies and tactics used in negotiations, and uses extensive role-playing with these techniques to develop recognition and countering skills. Prerequisite: PC 4020.
PC 4200Advanced Major ADP Systems Acquisition (3)
Covers the basics of systems acquisition; general policy; the major systems process; DSARC information requirements; integrated DSARC and PPBS process; fundamental management principles; concerns with the acquisition process; controlled decentralization and participatory management principles; acquisition/life cycle management; and software systems acquisition process. Prerequisite: PC 4020, 4090.
PC 4220Federal Government Contracting: A Contractor's Perspective (3)
Covers marketing and sales, pre-RFP work, RFP analysis, technical proposal preparation, management and cost proposal preparation, government site visits, audits, negotiations, contract start-up, performance, and contract shut-down.
PC 4230The Project Manager and Managing the Project Team (3)
Introduces the fundamentals of project-team management, emphasizing the management of large-scale, technically complex projects. Covers the entire project life cycle, from selection and initiation to termination and close-out.
PC 4240Subcontract Management (3)
Surveys government policies and regulations addressing subcontracting and subcontract management. Intended for employees of companies that subcontract with government prime contractors and for government officials who seek a better understanding of subcontracting procedures under the Federal Acquisition Regulation.
Course was offered Spring 2012, Fall 2010, Fall 2009
PC 4260Source Selection (3)
Provides a comprehensive overview of the government policies and regulations that address the major procurement technique used by the government for purchases above the simplified acquisition threshold. The intent of the course is to discuss all phases of the source selection process from the inception of the requirement to the award of the contract and notification and debriefing of unsuccessful offers.
PC 4270Commercial Item Acquisition (1)
Commercial Item Acquisition
PC 4280Terms and Conditions (3)
Terms and Conditions
PC 5010Procurement Policy & Practices (3)
Covers all subchapters of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), providing an intensive review of practical technical, business and contractual issues that the government deals with in establishing and managing a federal contract. Topics include acquisition process, governmental acquisition plans, inspection and termination as well as some of the basics necessary for contracts and acquisition personnel.
PC 5020Advanced Cost and Price Analysis (3)
Covers basic contract types and how to determine the costs for each. Analyzes how businesses function financially and how pricing decisions are made for a specific commodity; market versus cost-based pricing decisions; methodologies used in the development of cost analysis studies; and life cycle costing.
PC 5040Advanced Contract Management (3)
Reinforces and increases knowledge of the principles of contract formation and administration. Major topics include: market research, acquisition and source selection planning, contract types and financing, RFPs, protests, subcontract administration, contract finance and debt collection, contract payments and prompt payments, termination, delays, quality assurance and changes, claims, and closeout.
PC 5050Seminar for Acquisition Personnel (3)
Surveys current research in the field of contract management and provides an opportunity to develop skill in critical evaluation of theories and their application in solving problems.
PC 5060Federal Acquisition Case Studies (3)
Provides a basic understanding of the laws and regulations that apply to federal government contracting. Analyzes case studies dealing with federal contracting. Emphasizes ethical considerations, as well as the current and anticipated regulations and policies affecting federal procurement.
PC 5070Services Contracting (3)
Examines the laws, regulations, and procedures that govern all stages of government services contracting, including planning, solicitation, proposal development, evaluation, and contract administration. Designed for both experienced and novice contract administrators. Covers the latest policies and regulations relating to services. Prerequisite: PC 5010.
PC 5080FAR Standards for Actions and Decisions (3)
Provides a detailed explanation, review, and analysis of many FAR standards and tests applied in successful contracting decisions. The standard apply to both government buying and industry selling business decisions. Prerequisite: PC 5010.
PC 5090Applications in Federal Governmentt Control (3)
Applications in Federal Governmentt Control
PC 5100Advanced Contracting by Negotiation (3)
Provides a detailed explanation of contracting by the negotiation method as provided in the current Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 15. Reviews the policy and procedures in contracting by negotiation.
PC 5110Construction Contracting (3)
Covers the fundamentals of contracts for construction, architect-engineering services, and two-phase design-build projects.
Course was offered Spring 2012, Fall 2010
PC 5120Electronic Commerce in Federal Acquisition (3)
Builds a foundation for the challenges facing the contracting professional during conversion to electronic commerce in the federal procurement system. Includes definitions; the engineering aspects of converting from a paper-driven system; productivity and re-engineering; authorizing statutes and regulations; surveys of currently available systems; FAR coverage; computer security; and the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for the future. Prerequisite: PC 4010.
PC 5130Advanced Services Contracting (3)
Provides the opportunity for intensive review and workshop experience in the current predominant policies and procedures of services contracting. Covers laws, regulations, policies, and procedures that are currently superior in influence, drawn from all stages of the services contracting acquisition cycle.
PC 5140Seminar in International Procurement (3)
Examines current issues in public and private international procurement. Reviews relevant international business issues. Each student will choose, with the approval of the instructor, a specific topic for research and writing. Prerequisite: PC 5010.
PC 5160Strategic Customer Relationship Management (3)
Explores how contractors obtain and retain federal customers with significant emphasis on: analysis, marketing, sales, proposals, and client retention strategies.
PC 5170Seminar in Government Contract Law and Analysis (3)
Introduces students to government contract law principles, contract clauses and provisions, and legal aspects associated with the complete life cycle of the federal contracting process. Familiarizes students with government contract law in contract formation, management, and administration and students will gain a deep understanding of the essential elements of federal procurement law and the role of the contracting professional.
PC 5200Advanced Subcontract Management (3)
Designed to cover the technical, business, and contractual issues surrounding subcontract management from both the prime contractor and subcontractor perspectives. Intended for both commercial and federal students. Covers the entire subcontract relationship from initiation through termination.