UVa Course Catalog (Unofficial, Lou's List)
Complete Catalog for the Medieval Studies Program    
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These pages present data mined from the University of Virginia's student information system (SIS). I hope that you will find them useful. — Lou Bloomfield, Department of Physics
Architectural History
ARH 4591Undergraduate Seminar in the History of Architecture (3)
Fall 2024
Research seminar in select topics in architectural history.
History of Art
ARTH 1503Art and the Premodern World (3)
Fall 2024
This course will train students to understand and critically evaluate comparative, premodern, global cultures.
ARTH 2861East Asian Art (3 - 4)
Fall 2024
Introduces the artistic traditions of China, Korea, and Japan, from prehistoric times to the modern era. Surveys major monuments and the fundamental concepts behind their creation, and examines artistic form in relation to society, individuals, technology, and ideas.
ARTH 4591Undergraduate Seminar in the History of Art (3)
Fall 2024
Subject varies with the instructor, who may decide to focus attention either on a particular period, artist, or theme, or on the broader question of the aims and methods of art history. Subject is announced prior to each registration period. Representative subjects include the life and art of Pompeii, Roman painting and mosaics, history and connoisseurship of baroque prints, art and politics in revolutionary Europe, Picasso and painting, and problems in American art and culture. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
ENGL 3275History of Drama I: Ancient Greece to the Renaissance (3)
Fall 2024
This course begins in ancient Athens with the birth of tragedy and comedy, moving from there to the Latin tradition, both pagan and Christian, before settling into the European vernaculars, both medieval and modern.
Course was offered Fall 2023
ENGL 3510Studies in Medieval Literature (3)
Fall 2024
Topics vary. For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.engl.virginia.edu/courses.
FREN 5011Old French (1)
Fall 2024
Basic introduction to reading Old French, with consideration of its main dialects (Île-de-France, Picard, Anglo-Norman) and paleographical issues. May be taken in conjunction with FREN 5100 or independently. Taught in English.  Prerequisite:  Reading knowledge of modern French.
FREN 5510Topics in Medieval Literature (3)
Fall 2024
Topics may include genres (romance, poetry, hagiography, chanson de geste, allegory), themes (love, war, nature), single authors (Chrétien de Troyes, Machaut) and cultural and literary issues (gender, religion, authorship, rewritings).
FREN 8510Seminar in Medieval Literature (3)
Fall 2024
Topics may include genres (romance, poetry, hagiography, chanson de geste, allegory), themes (love, war, nature), single authors (Chrétien de Troyes, Machaut) and cultural and literary issues (gender, religion, authorship, rewritings).
German in Translation
GETR 3464Medieval Stories of Love and Adventure (3)
Fall 2024
This course traces the lineage and shapes of the Arthurian legend as witnessed in medieval literature and modern adaptations, including film and television ("Games of Thrones," "Star Wars," etc.) The aim is familiarity with the story of King Arthur and his court, as well as an ability to appreciate the permutations of the legend in all forms of media.
History-European History
HIEU 2071Early Modern Europe and the World (3)
Fall 2024
European history, from the Reformation to Napoleon, in global perspective.
HIEU 2559New Course in European History (1 - 4)
Fall 2024
This course provides the opportunity to offer a new topic in the subject area of European History.
Japanese in Translation
JPTR 3010Survey of Traditional Japanese Literature (3)
Fall 2024
This course provides an introduction to Japanese literature from earliest times through to the nineteenth century. We will read selections from representative texts and genres, including myth, poetry, prose fiction, memoir literature, drama, and works of criticism. No knowledge of Japanese culture or language is required.
Middle Eastern Studies
MEST 3492The Afro-Arabs and Africans of the Middle East and North Africa (3)
Fall 2024
This course offers an in-depth historical, philological, and socio-cultural exploration into the representation of the Afro-Arab and the African as depicted across a wide range of Arabic and Islamicate chronicles, saints' lives, and (mainly) folk epics, among sundry other genres. In the course of the semester, special attention will be given to significant moments in the history of Afro-Arab and Arab-African encounters.
Course was offered Fall 2023, Fall 2021
Politics-Political Theory
PLPT 3010Ancient and Medieval Political Theory (3)
Fall 2024
Western Political Theory from Plato to the Reformation. Among authors covered are Plato, Aristotle, Epictetus, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, and Martin Luther. For the medieval period, central themes are natural law, allegorical interpretation of Scripture, and the origins of modern liberal political theory.
Religion-General Religion
RELG 2820Jerusalem (3)
This course traces the history of Jerusalem with a focus on its significance in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. How has Jerusalem been experienced and interpreted as sacred within these religious communities? How have they expressed their attachments to this contested space from antiquity to modern times? Discussion will be rooted in primary texts from Jewish, Christian, and Muslim sources, with attention to their historical context.
RELG 3559New Course in Religious Studies (3)
Fall 2024
This course provides the opportunity to offer a new course in the subject of Religious Studies.