UVa Course Catalog (Unofficial, Lou's List)
Catalog of Courses for Interdisciplinary Studies    
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These pages present data mined from the University of Virginia's student information system (SIS). I hope that you will find them useful. — Lou Bloomfield, Department of Physics
Interdisciplinary Studies
INST 150Student Initiated Echols Scholars Seminars (0)
With supervision of the Director of the Echols Program, and approval of the Dean's Office, acting for the Committee on Educational Programs, students may initiate a workshop in which they provide the instruction.
INST 900Summer Undergraduate Research (0)
For students doing approved undergraduate research in Summer Session
INST 1500Interdisciplinary Studies (0 - 3)
Individual faculty may teach these courses with the approval of the Dean's Office, which acts for the Committee on Education Policy and the Curriculum. A maximum of 3.0 credits count toward the B.A. or B.S. in the College. INST courses count as non-College credits.
INST 1550Interdisciplinary Studies-Student Initiated Courses (1 - 2)
With sponsorship and supervision by a faculty member and approval of the Dean's Office, acting for the Committee on Educational Programs and the Curriculum, students may initiate a course in which they provide the instruction. The grade is determined by the faculty member. These courses count as "outside the College." Students in the College may offer no more than 3.0 credits for the B.A. or B.S. Consult the INST course web page at http://www.uvastudentcouncil.com/student-services/initiatives/cavalier-education-program/ (copy and paste Web address into browser) for specific descriptions.
INST 1605History of Mr. Jefferson's University (1)
History of Mr. Jefferson's University
INST 2020Disability in Contemporary Society (1)
This course serves as an introduction to the disability rights movement and more broadly to how disability is experienced in contemporary society. Simultaneously it serves as a space for learning about and sharing resources for advocacy. In particular we will explore topics such as the conceptualizations of disability, the history of the disability civil rights movement, and disability in the context of social and professional participation.
Course was offered Spring 2022, Spring 2020
INST 2500Interdisciplinary Studies International Residential College (1)
Individual faculty and advanced graduate students may teach these courses with the approval of the Dean's Office, which acts for the Committee on Education Policy and the Curriculum. A maximum of 3.0 credits count toward the B.A. or B.S. in the College. INST courses count as non-College credits.
INST 2550Interdisciplinary Studies Hereford College (1)
Fall 2025
Individual faculty and advanced graduate students may teach these courses with the approval of the Dean's Office, which acts for the Committee on Education Policy and the Curriculum. A maximum of 3.0 credits count toward the B.A. or B.S. in the College. INST courses count as non-College credits.
INST 2559New Course in Interdisciplinary Studies (1 - 4)
This course provides the opportunity to offer a new topic in Interdisciplinary Studies.
INST 2570Interdisciplinary Studies Brown College (1)
Individual faculty and advanced graduate students may teach these courses with the approval of the Dean's Office, which acts for the Committee on Education Policy and the Curriculum. A maximum of 3.0 credits count toward the B.A. or B.S. in the College. INST courses count as non-College credits.
INST 2993Brown College Independent Study (1)
Brown College independent studies allow Brown students and faculty to work together on a topic of mutual interest. The primary goals are for students to explore topics and questions not regularly represented in standard UVA curricula as well as to bring Brown students and faculty together to foster common intellectual interests.
Course was offered Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2019
INST 3150CavEd Pedagogy Seminar (1)
Fall 2025
This pedagogy seminar will provide Cav Ed student instructors the theoretical underpinnings of teaching in higher education as well as practical advice on ways to implement the ideas explored. The class explores also specific challenges instructors face in the classroom. Prerequisites: Open to students who are teaching CavEd courses, admission by instructor permission
INST 3600The Best of UVA: A Collection of Unforgettable Lectures (1)
Fall 2025
The Best of UVA: A Collection of Unforgettable Lectures
INST 4200Lawn Seminar (1)
Being a responsible leader requires a broad interest and understanding of the world in all its facets: arts, science, literature, philosophy, history, politics, and current affairs. The Lawn Seminar is designed to empower students to pursue rigorous inquiry into contemporary issues using a foundation in the liberal arts. This seminar is modeled after the famous undergraduate liberal arts seminar lead by Earnest "Boots" Mead at the University.
INST 4559New Course in Interdisciplinary Studies (1 - 3)
New Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies
Course was offered Spring 2016, Spring 2015, Spring 2014
INST 4983Citizen Leaders Fellowship Practicum (1)
Citizen Leaders Fellowship Practicum is a short course paired with the year-long Citizen Leaders Fellowship. This course equips students with ethnographic and contemplative practices to develop their understanding of difference, belonging and ethical leadership. It also provides mentorship, support, and guidance as fellows design, implement, and assess a semester-long project based on their own vision for student flourishing.
Course was offered Spring 2025, Spring 2024
INST 4993Independent Study (1 - 3)
Faculty working with one or more students on independent projects that fit more easily in an interdisciplinary format than departmental lines of inquiry may use INST 4993 for this purpose. Both the instructor and the Office of the Dean of the College need to approve such an enrollment. These credits count as non-CLAS credits, i.e. not among the 102 liberal arts credits required for the B.A. or B.S. in the College.
Course was offered Summer 2016, Spring 2013, Fall 2010