UVa Course Catalog (Unofficial, Lou's List)
Complete Catalog of Courses for the Certificate in Leadership in Human Resources Management-Undergraduate    
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These pages present data mined from the University of Virginia's student information system (SIS). I hope that you will find them useful. — Lou Bloomfield, Department of Physics
Human Resources
HR 4005Talent Management (3)
Survey of individual (as opposed to systemic) topics in HR management. Topics include employee relations, job satisfaction, personnel selection and placement, job analysis and design, interviewing techniques, performance appraisal and training, and wage and salary administration.
HR 4010Management of Organizations (3)
Presents a broad view of management theories and principles. Topics include historical and current trends in management, how organizations plan and make decisions, leadership, and resource management.
HR 4020Human Resources Management (3)
Survey of individual (as opposed to systemic) topics in HR management. Topics include employee relations, job satisfaction, personnel selection and placement, job analysis and design, interviewing techniques, performance appraisal and training, and wage and salary administration.
HR 4030Organizational Change and Development (3)
Analyzes key concepts and theories in organizational behavior and organizational development. Focuses on students' development of the diagnostic skills necessary to effectively manage organizational change. Deals with specific issues such as downsizing, mergers and acquisitions, and the inclusion of an international workforce into a "new" corporate culture. Prerequisite: HR 4010 or with instructor permission or program director permission.
HR 4050Legal and Ethical Issues in Human Resources (3)
Addresses employment laws and issues, including the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1991, FLSA, ADA, FMLA, ERISA, selected immigration laws, affirmative action, sexual harassment, and other issues of gender and racial/ethnic equity. Also deals with business ethics issues as they relate to HR. Prerequisite: HR 4010 or HR 4020 or with instructor permission or program director permission.
HR 4070Employee Relations, Engagement and Advocacy (3)
Explores role of employee relations in an organization. Provides practical consulting skills for HR professional's role as business partner. Topics include policies and practicies governing workplace rules + conduct; gov. regulations impacting employment + compliance; and a range of concepts, practices and objectives arising from organization-employee relations. Prerequisite: HR 4010, HR 4020, or with instructor permission or program director permission.
HR 4080Compensation and Benefits (3)
Examines the theories, practices, and various methods of compensation, in the context of business strategy and culture. Assesses the role of compensation in workforce planning. Develops and provides opportunities to apply skills in administering compensation policies. Prerequisite: HR 4010, HR 4050, or with instructor permission or program director permission.
HR 4090Strategic Workforce Planning (3)
Addresses HR recruitment planning, recruiting, job placement, performance appraisal, and outplacement resulting from layoffs, downsizing, or firing. Prerequisite: HR 4010, HR 4020 or with instructor or program director permission
HR 4110Consulting Theory and Practice (3)
Prepares HR professionals to be more effective internal consultants, to do consultative selling of HR programs, and to work with outside agencies to meet their organization's needs.
Course was offered Spring 2011
HR 4130Financial Management (3)
Provides an understanding of finance, ranging from basic finance and its application to HR to more complex applications. Useful for HR professionals with little background in finance.
HR 4140Labor Relations (3)
Examines the National Labor Relations Act and addresses negotiation and conflict resolution, labor theory, labor history, and labor economics.
HR 4150Topics in Labor Economics (3)
Examines unemployment in the United States today: what causes it, why it persists, and what can be done about it; the impact of discrimination in labor markets, both from a theoretical and historical perspective; and the real effects of labor unions on the economy.
HR 5005Talent Management (3)
Explores the full body of knowledge of talent management and surveys the impact of the TM function and its influence upon organizations. Assesses the strategic impact of talent management and the labor force on organizations in the 21st century. Reviews challenges that senior leaders face in hiring top talent, and engaging, motivating and retaining the best employees.
HR 5010Research and Evaluation (3)
Explores the following: research rigor in education; research project design and theoretical foundations of the various traditions; data collection and analyses; assessment and evaluation principles; forecasts; mapping techniques; and optimizing informational databases accessible to the public.
HR 5020Staffing and Career Management (3)
Examines the processes and techniques that establish and govern the flow of interrelated organizational staffing activities. Includes case studies covering the latest staffing models and systems, economic conditions that impact staffing, laws and regulations, strategy and planning, measurement, job analysis, internal and external recruiting, and decision making.
HR 5030Strategic Compensation (3)
Explores strategic choices in managing compensation through a pay model that is based upon the foundational policy decisions of the compensation system, the means of compensation, and the objectives of the compensation. Includes strategic perspectives, internal consistency, external competitiveness, employee contributions, and administration of the pay system efficiently, equitably, and in compliance with the law.
HR 5040Organizational Performance Management (3)
Examines the influence of human performance elements (such as quality of work-life, rewards and recognition, job design, teambuilding, and participative management) on organizational performance.
HR 5050Organizational Change and Development (3)
Enables the student to understand the behavioral concepts and theories that form the foundation of organizational development, the process of change management, and the organizational development techniques and interventions designed to improve organization effectiveness. Explores such concepts and processes as power and influence, conflict, inter-group behavior, decision-making, and communication.
HR 5060Transformational Leadership in Human Resources Management (3)
Prepares leaders and managers to meet their organizations' simultaneous need for stability and change. Reviews the components of the leadership process (goals, leader, followers, and activities), and the psychological, behavioral, sociological, and cognitive underpinnings of leadership strategies.
HR 5070Strategic Human Capital Management (3)
Prepares graduate level students for more responsible human resources leadership positions as seen from the perspective of top management. Discusses strategic human resources functions and processes designed to develop an effective strategic human capital plan.
HR 5110Management Consulting:Theories and Practice (3)
Explores theoretical foundations of management consulting using a reasoned thought approach. Cultivates thinking in rational ways so that students can apply the principles and concepts of management consulting in the workplace. Topics include management consulting in the public and private sectors, how consulting works, the use of performance and management tools and techniques to build consulting skills.
HR 5112SHRM Learning System and Exam Preparation (3)
Prepares students for Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) industry certification exams (Certified Professional or Senior Certified Professional). Uses SHRM Body of Applied Skills and Knowledge (BASK), which defines standards for HR professionals globally. Enables students to better comprehend and apply HR topics. See SHRM for full certification requirements. Enrolled students receive partner price for SHRM Learning System and textbooks.
HR 5115Workforce Inclusion, Equity and Belonging (3)
Focuses on issues, challenges, and subtle dynamics that operate in cross-cultural organizations for which students learn to build functional and effective workplace relationships. Participants will learn to manage diversity as an asset to sustainable competitive advantage to achieve the strategic goals of the organization. A framework for the strategic management of diversity, equity, and inclusion will also be developed and discussed.
Course was offered Fall 2024, Summer 2023, Summer 2022
HR 5120Strategic Business Communications (3)
Emphasizes business communication in the workplace to assist human resource practitioners who are required to prepare briefings, verbal presentations, letters and memoranda for different audiences and levels of management within their organization. Focuses on direct, concise reader-oriented communications and helps participants develop a purpose, create powerful sentences, adjust tone, body language and clearly communicate ideas.