UVa Course Catalog (Unofficial, Lou's List)
Complete Catalog of Courses for the Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education Department    
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These pages present data mined from the University of Virginia's student information system (SIS). I hope that you will find them useful. — Lou Bloomfield, Department of Physics
Education-Curriculum, Instruction, & Special Ed
EDIS 2010Teaching as a Profession (4)
Fall 2025
Students examine key topics in PreK-12 education, including its historical, philosophical, and social foundations; legal, ethical, and professional aspects of teaching; and issues relating to curriculum, student diversity and sociopolitical dimensions of education. This course includes a required in-person practicum working with youth in local community and school contexts.
EDIS 2013Media Portrayals of Teachers and Teaching (3)
Portrayals of teachers are prevalent in popular media and loom large in our imaginations. As an exploration of teachers and teaching in popular media, this course will be equal parts delightful romp through nostalgic favorites AND deep, critical analysis of various media. We will consider the impact these portrayals have had - for better and for worse - on the profession itself.
Course was offered Spring 2025, Spring 2023
EDIS 2020Disability in the Media (3)
Although disability is a natural part of the human experience, it is colored by a history of fear, segregation, removal and even extermination. Media has always reflected and guided society, including representations of disability. This course explores the changing disability experience (from "stereotype" to "normalization") as depicted in film, literature, and other media.
EDIS 2021Inclusion in School and Community (3)
Fall 2025
The purpose of this course is to explore inclusion within schools and communities. Students will examine what it means to be disabled in America in three waves: being, becoming, and doing. In being, students will explore what it means to have a disability. In the becoming section, students will dive into exploration of what could be. In doing, students will work with an individual or group and explore what inclusion means for them.
Course was offered Fall 2024, Fall 2023
EDIS 2022Teaching Mindful Movement and Breathwork for Children and Youth (3)
Fall 2025
This course provides educators, counselors, and others the knowledge and skills to integrate breathwork and mindful movement into their work with children and youth. We will learn through cultivation of personal practice, micro-teaching, reflection, and examination of the research.
Course was offered Spring 2025, Spring 2024
EDIS 2200Designing Art, Music, and Games (3)
Fall 2025
Designing Digital Art, Music, and Games provides an introduction to design and creativity through use of computers to create art and music. The course also serves as an introduction to computational thinking - the art of developing a solution in a form that can be implemented by a computer.
EDIS 2600Introduction to Applied Behavioral Analysis (3)
Fall 2025
An intensive introduction to basic concepts of Applied Behavior Analysis. Provides an overview of the field's history, current trends, and future directions. Specific content covered includes (1) basic behavioral principles, (2) evidence-based instructional practices, (3) ethical issues associated, (4) operational definitions and measurement of behavior, (5) strategies to increase behavior, and (6) strategies to decrease behavior.
EDIS 2650Cultural Geography and the Physical World (3)
Fall 2025
Students will explore the discipline of geography, focusing on the relationship between people and places on earth (cultural and physical). Students will acquire an accurate spatial perspective of the world and apply that perspective to classroom and real-world situations. Students will understand the intricate connections between geography and other Social Studies disciplines with a broad focus on globalization and development.
Course was offered Spring 2025
EDIS 2800Understanding P-12 Educational Contexts (3)
Fall 2025
Students will identify, explore, and discuss education's defining issues and the complex context of the American education system. They will examine the foundations of American education to provide context for current issues including federal, state, and local policy contexts and the legal status of teachers and students. This course addresses the professional studies requirements for Foundations of Education and the Teaching Profession.
EDIS 2880Field Experience (1)
This initial lab experience is a co-requisite class with EDIS 2010. Experiences are provided for students to observe children in either a community or school context and to develop an understanding of essential evidence-based practices for effective teaching. Corequisite: EDIS 2010.
EDIS 2890Strategies for Academic Achievement (3)
Instruction in multiple strategies for analyzing, planning, and completing academic tasks. Guidance in appropriate application and adaptation of general procedures of study to requirements and materials of specific courses. Focus on continual implementation, refinement, and evaluation of strategies to ensure that study habits are effective and efficient. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
EDIS 2895Creating Your Path in Education and Human Development (1)
Fall 2025
This course will support students' transition through university life through the infusion of academic and personal development. Through exploration of concepts including personal asset reflection, opportunity and career development, collaboration with others, social-emotional learning, and strategies for academic coursework, you will be empowered to identify and practice the college- and career-readiness skills essential for long-term success.
EDIS 2910Beyond the Second Year: Academic Realities and Skills (3)
A three-credit course that will assist upper level students attain their academic goals at the University of Virginia. The class will address strategies for dealing with lenghty and complex readings, the analytical and evaluative skills of scholarship, methods of time mangement in academic pursuits and stress management.
EDIS 2920Debunking Classroom Myths (3)
Ever wonder why concepts are taught over and over and are still difficult to explain? This course explores misconceptions commonly learned in K-12 math, science, humanities, and social sciences. We investigate these ideas through the lens of students own experiences and what is known about how people learn. This course builds understanding of best practices in teaching and assessment through reading, discussion, reflection, and presentation.
EDIS 3011Classroom and Behavior Management (3)
Fall 2025
Provides students an understanding of the basic principles of human behavior and the application of those principles to teaching, positive behavior support, and the design of effective classrooms communities. Prepares teachers to work in multicultural general and special education settings with children of all ages from various background. Responsive approaches will value diversity, address issues of equity, and teach skills to support inclusion.
EDIS 3012Mindfulness in Health and Human Development (3)
Fall 2025
Mindfulness-based interventions promote physical and mental health and support cognitive and emotional developmental processes in individuals across the lifespan. Mindful awareness practices can support our ability to be fully present to the needs of others. This course introduces a variety of these practices and the research on their effects as a means to promoting well-being and building supportive relationships in professional settings.
EDIS 3013Beyond "Bad" Behavior: Supporting Positive Behavior in Early Childhood (3)
Fall 2025
Through this course, students will gain an in-depth understanding of self-regulation during early childhood and how this promotes children's success in school. We will focus on how adults serving in a teaching role support children's self-regulation development. Students will learn how to establish learning environments and implement practices that promote children's display of self-regulation in the areas of emotion, behavior, and cognition.
EDIS 3014Teaching Science in an Out of School Time Setting (3)
This course will examine science programs for children, comparing program designs, activities, evaluation methods, and impact on youth. Students will engage in science program activities in a learning-by-doing approach. The course will examine science programs in museums, competitions, festivals, and after school programs, among others. This course aims to provide students with a variety of different forms of out-of-school time science programs.
Course was offered Spring 2024, Spring 2023
EDIS 3015Introduction to Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (3)
Fall 2025
Introduction to curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Analyzing and modifying curricula to develop high-quality learning experiences. Strategies for creating effective assessments and theoretical underpinnings of assessment decisions. Ways of observing classrooms in light of theoretical principles and practical strategies. Strategies to ensure curricular, instructional, and assessment decisions are responsive to the needs of diverse students.
EDIS 3017Black Education: Theories, PreK-12 Pedagogy and Practice (3)
The purpose of this course is to introduce the range of educational contributions by Black people in U.S. PreK-12 contexts. Through an engagement with a variety of Black scholars, students will excavate the historical and contemporary teaching methods, theories, and pedagogical practices that Black people have employed to successfully educate themselves and cultivate learning opportunities in their communities.
Course was offered Fall 2023
EDIS 3020The Exceptional Learner (3)
Fall 2025
An introduction to the study of exceptional children & adults. Focuses on extending principles of learning and intellectual, socio-cultural, emotional, and physical development to persons with disabilities, as well as the gifted, autism, traumatic brain injury, ADD, and ADHD. Information on medical conditions which influence learning and development. Credit is not given for both EDIS 3020 and 5000. Master of Teaching students must take EDIS 5000
EDIS 3040Foundations of Early Childhood Development and Education (3)
Fall 2025
This course will explore key factors influencing early childhood development, highlighting contextual contributors (such as the role of family, community, culture, childcare/school, and policy) that shape early experiences. This will help you recognize the life-long consequences of contextual influences on young children's development and that multiple leverage points exist for creating a culturally responsive and nurturing environment for all.
EDIS 3045Mathematics in Early Childhood: Understand, Assess, and Support Development (3)
Fall 2025
This course is designed to increase students' knowledge of and ability to implement foundational and targeted instructional strategies aimed at promoting children's early mathematics skills in domains including numeracy, operations, geometry, patterning, and measurement. We will explore how to observe students' mathematics skills and how to collect meaningful information on children's mathematical thinking and use that to inform instruction.
EDIS 3050An Introduction to Design Through Making (3)
Fall 2025
This course will explore design as a creative problem-solving approach to making. Participants will be introduced to design tools and key maker education concepts through hands-on design studio projects, each highlighting a learner-centered approach to instruction. This course is also relevant for those seeking to learn creative applications of digital design and fabrication technologies.
EDIS 3060Poverty and the Young Child: Understanding Impacts in the US (3)
Fall 2025
This course provides students with a deep understanding of the nature, causes and consequences of poverty during the early childhood years in the United States. Students will explore mitigating factors that promote healthy child development, including the promotive role family support and practices play. Students will also examine the history of programs serving young children and critically analyze their impact.
EDIS 3221Introduction to Reading Foundations (3)
Fall 2025
Provides an introduction to theoretical foundations of how children learn to read and write as well the difficulties some children encounter as they progress in their literacy development. The course addresses basic components of effective literacy programs and instruction (e.g., concepts of print, fluency, phonological awareness, phonics, spelling, writing, comprehension, vocabulary) with attention to needs of diverse learners.
EDIS 3450Teaching with Technology (3)
This course provides an introduction to effective, standards-based methods of integrating technology into the classroom, focusing on approaches specific to each content area.
EDIS 3452Designing Games for Learning (3)
Fall 2025
What makes games so much fun? How can games be educational? The goal of this course is to understand how games can motivate, engage, and teach. In this course students will survey current approaches by playing a variety of games and develop understanding of game-based learning, motivation, and design thinking perspectives. Students will apply this understanding by designing a new educational game in a collaborative class project.
EDIS 3455Using Online Lessons for Inquiry Based Learning (1)
Students will explore online lessons through researching and evaluating teacher created lessons then create their own lesson that is age and curricular appropriate. Inquiry-based lesson plans are usually referred to as "faciliation plans," to help teachers remember their role as facilitator of learning, rather than fount of all wisdom. This helps teachers to structure lessons loosely to allow student questions to drive the learning process
EDIS 3460Introduction to English Learners (1)
Fall 2025
This one-credit course is for practicing educators and undergraduates wanting to learn about English Learners (Els) in today's classrooms. This course is an introductory-level consideration of the instructional opportunities and challenges presented by ELs. Participants explore their own language-learning as they consider what it means to learn a language. The course has four weeks of content; dates can include an orientation week and work time.
EDIS 3500Special Topics in Curriculum and Instruction (1 - 6)
Topical offerings in the subject of curriculum and instruction.
Course was offered Spring 2013, Fall 2012, Spring 2012
EDIS 3721Comprehension Strategies (1)
This one-credit course covers practical strategies for reading, writing, discussion, studying, and vocabulary in all content areas. The emphasis will be on learning a range of content and comprehension strategies that lead to greater engagement by student learners and more effective instruction by teachers. This course can be tailored to a specific group of teachers such as K-3 or for grades 4 and up.
EDIS 3725Preschool Children's Literature (1)
This course focuses on the study of various genres of literature appropriate for preschool and primary grade children. The course emphasizes criteria for selecting and interpreting quality material for children who are at different developmental levels. In addition, it explores the many ways that quality children's preschool literature can be used in the classroom.
EDIS 3881Field Experience: Elementary Education (1 - 6)
Fall 2025
Field-based practicum for preservice teachers seeking initial licensure. Students develop skills in fostering positive professional relationships with students, colleagues, and peers; designing and implementing individual, small group, and whole class instruction; and observing and reflecting on practice. This course meets the guidelines for state-approved teacher education programs in Virginia.
EDIS 3882Promoting College Readiness (Practicum) (1)
Field-based experience tutoring adolescent students enrolled in AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) programs in local schools. To participate in this field experience, in addition to the class meeting time, students will need to plan to allow for an additional 2-3 hour block of time between 9am-3pm on Tues, Wed, or Thurs to fulfill practicum requirement.
EDIS 3887Field Experience: Special Education (1 - 6)
Fall 2025
Field-based practicum for preservice teachers seeking initial licensure. Students develop skills in fostering positive professional relationships with students, colleagues, and peers; designing and implementing individual, small group, and whole class instruction; and observing and reflecting on practice. This course meets the guidelines for state-approved teacher education programs in Virginia.
EDIS 3889Field Experience - Early Childhood Education (1 - 6)
Fall 2025
Field-based practicum for preservice teachers seeking initial licensure. Students develop skills in fostering positive professional relationships with students, colleagues, and peers; designing and implementing individual, small group, and whole class instruction; and observing and reflecting on practice. This course meets the guidelines for state-approved teacher education programs in Virginia.
EDIS 4012Advanced Mindfulness in Health and Human Development (3)
Students will continue to develop and refine their personal mindfulness practice, build upon their understanding of applications of mindfulness for cultivating their well-being and resilience, and for helping others. They will learn the pedagogy and teaching methods associated with mindfulness-based interventions that have been scientifically proven to promote physical and mental health and build skill in teaching and leading such practices.
Course was offered Spring 2020, Spring 2019
EDIS 4040Introduction to Psychoeducational Assessment (3)
Fall 2025
This course prepares individuals to administer, score, and interpret standard instruments; to use information procedures in the administration of assessments; and to interpret the combined results of psychological, sociological, medical, and educational assessments. Implications for use for assessment data will be discussed.
EDIS 4060Mathematics Instruction for Special Education (3)
Teaches special education teachers the Virginia Mathematics Standards of Learning (SOL) K-12 content strands: Number and Number Sense; Computation and Estimation; Measurement; Geometry: Probability and Statistics; and Patterns, Functions, and Algebra. This course also focuses on the mathematical adaptations through Problem Solving, Reasoning and Proof, Mathematical Communication, Mathematical Connections, and Representation.
EDIS 4100Characteristics of Individuals with Emotional & Behavioral Disabilities (1)
Fall 2025
This course explores the meaning and concepts associated with the field of emotional and behavioral disabilities, including the psychological and behavioral characteristics of individuals with emotional and behavioral disabilities. Topics include specific causes, assessment, and treatment of emotional and behavioral disabilities. Educational, psychological, historical, and medical implications are addressed.
EDIS 4110Characteristics of Individuals with Learning Disabilities (1)
Fall 2025
This course explores the meaning and concepts associated with the field of learning disabilities, including the psychological and behavioral characteristics of individuals with learning disabilities. Topics include specific causes, assessment, and treatment of learning disabilities and related disabilities. Educational, psychological, historical, and medical implications are addressed.
EDIS 4120Characteristics of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (1)
Fall 2025
This course explores the meaning and concepts associated with the field of learning disabilities, including the psychological and behavioral characteristics of individuals with learning disabilities. Topics include specific causes, assessment, and treatment of learning disabilities and related disabilities. Educational, psychological, historical, and medical implications are addressed.
EDIS 4140Instruction and Collaboration in Special Education (3)
Fall 2025
Presents cognitive and behavioral instructional approaches for teaching students with disabilities in a variety of service delivery options. Emphasis is given to collaborating and adapting instruction, assessment, and materials within inclusion and special education placements to support student achievement of the Virginia Standards of Learning.
Course was offered Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021
EDIS 4141IEP and Transition Planning (1)
This class focuses on the development of legally appropriate IEPs and their application to instructional planning. The course will also address transition planning and the strategies for assisting students with disabilities to move across the grades & from school to post-secondary placements.
Course was offered Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021
EDIS 4210Introduction to Language Acquisition & Development (3)
Fall 2025
This survey course provides an overview of the language acquisition and development process from both current and historical perspectives. Factoring influencing language acquisition and development will be explored.
EDIS 4230Reading and Writing Instruction for Special Education (3)
This course provides an examination of current reading and writing research and its implications for assessment and instruction for students with reading and writing disabilities. This course focuses on the assessment and diagnosis of reading and writing difficulties and instructional strategies for addressing literacy problems. Students will learn how to conduct literacy diagnoses, develop case reports, and develop programs based on assessment.
EDIS 4310Differentiating Reading Instruction (3)
Teachers consider their vital role in providing appropriate differentiated instruction for all learners, including English Language Learners and struggling readers. Students learn to administer, interpret and use literacy assessments to plan effective and comprehensive reading instruction for whole group, small group, and individuals for multilevel literacy classrooms.
EDIS 4320Mathematics in the Elementary School (3)
Teaches elementary teachers the Virginia Mathematics Standards of Learning content strands: Number and Number Sense; Computation and Estimation; Measurement; Geometry; Probability and Statistics; Patterns, Functions, and Algebra. This course focuses on the processes for planning, instructing, and assessing mathematics understanding, problem solving, reasoning and proof, mathematical communication, mathematical connections, and representation.
EDIS 4330Science in the Elementary School (2)
Fall 2025
Teaches elementary teachers fundamental science concepts in such areas related to scientific investigation as: reasoning & logic; force, motion, & energy; matter; life processes; living systems; interrelations in earth/space systems; earth patterns, cycles & change; & resources for teaching the Virginia Science Standards of Learning in PreK-6. Focuses on the planning, instruction, and assessment of science curriculum.
Course was offered Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021
EDIS 4340Talking the Talk: Supporting Language and Communication in Early Childhood (3)
This course examines language as a complex and dynamic system for the purposes of thought and communication, with a focus on development occurring between birth and age eight. This course also examines how practitioners may guide and shape this pivotal developmental process, using theory and science to inform educational and clinical practices for measuring and fostering early childhood language development in positive ways.
EDIS 4345Social Studies in the Elementary School (2)
Fall 2025
Designed to teach elementary teachers fundamental social studies concepts of United States history, Virginia Studies, civics, geography, and economics appropriate for meeting the Virginia Standards of Learning in grades PreK-6. The course also focuses on the planning, instruction, and assessment of social studies curriculum.
Course was offered Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021
EDIS 4350Interaction with Intention: Working with Young Children (3)
Fall 2025
Fostering children's development requires consistent and intentional high-quality interactions. In this course, we explore intentional teaching along five key themes: Building relationships, fostering curiosity, promoting talk, understanding behavior, and understanding strong emotions. This is a hands-on course where you'll get many opportunities to understand the types of interactions that support children's learning and development.
EDIS 4425Teaching Writing K-5 (1)
This course examines various components of establishing the Writer's Workshop in the classroom (Mini-Lessons, Conferring, Writing, Author's Chair, and Reflection). Students will learn how teachers and their students maneuver throughout the workshop approach to broaden knowledge about writing processes and become better writers.
EDIS 4720Word Study for the Classroom (3)
This course will present the stages of literacy development in terms of spelling, reading and writing. Participants will learn how to assess students spelling development, determine groups for instruction, and to design instruction for each spelling stage. The focus of this course will be implementing a developmental spelling curriculum in the classroom.
EDIS 4851Content Area Seminar - Elementary Language Arts (3)
Fall 2025
This seminar supports elementary teachers enrolled in the state-approved teacher education program. Designed to accompany the elementary clinical experience, this seminar provides opportunities for candidates to discuss and reflect on experiences in the clinical placement.
Course was offered Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021
EDIS 4857Content Area Seminar- Special Education (3)
This seminar supports special education teachers enrolled in the state-approved teacher education program. Designed to accompany the special education clinical experience, this seminar provides opportunities for candidates to discuss and reflect on experiences in the clinical placement.
EDIS 4859Content Area Seminar - Early Childhood Education (3)
This seminar supports early/primary teachers enrolled in the state-approved teacher education program. Designed to accompany the early childhood clinical experience, this seminar provides opportunities for candidates to discuss and reflect on experiences in the clinical placement.
EDIS 4861Clinical Experience in Elementary Education (1 - 6)
Fall 2025
Semester-long intensive clinical experience designed to develop skills in fostering relationships with students, colleagues, and peers; observing and reflecting on teaching and learning; and designing and implementing individual, small group, and whole group instruction. Designed to support elementary teachers enrolled in the state-approved teacher education program.
Course was offered Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021
EDIS 4867Clinical Experience in Special Education (1 - 6)
Fall 2025
Semester-long intensive clinical experience designed to develop skills in fostering relationships with students, colleagues, and peers; observing and reflecting on teaching and learning; and designing and implementing individual, small group, and whole group instruction. Designed to support special education teachers enrolled in the state-approved teacher education program.
Course was offered Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021
EDIS 4869Clinical Experience in Early Childhood Education (1 - 6)
Fall 2025
Semester-long intensive clinical experience designed to develop skills in fostering relationships with students, colleagues, and peers; observing and reflecting on teaching and learning; and designing and implementing individual, small group, and whole group instruction. Designed to support early/primary teachers enrolled in the state-approved teacher education program.
Course was offered Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021
EDIS 4871Seminar: Teaching Internship - Elementary (3)
Designed to accompany the teaching internship experience (i.e., student teaching). Focuses on special issues and concerns that grow out of that experience, including such topics as classroom management, parent-teacher conferences, and school-community relations. Seminar sections are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for the approved licensure program in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
EDIS 4877Seminar: Teaching Internship - Special Education (3)
Designed to accompany the teaching internship experience (i.e., student teaching). Focuses on special issues and concerns that grow out of that experience, including such topics as classroom management, parent-teacher conferences, and school-community relations. Seminar sections are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for the approved licensure program in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
EDIS 4878Field Experience: English as a Second Language (1)
Extensive experience in observing classrooms and in practice teaching using various instructional strategies. Classroom placements are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for the approved licensure program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program
EDIS 4881Teaching Internship - Elementary (1 - 12)
A required student teaching internship for pre-service teachers, this full-semester experience is supervised by clinical instructors from the public schools and university supervisors. Course sections are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for the approved licensure program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program.
EDIS 4882Field Experience: English Education (1)
Extensive experience in observing classrooms and in practice teaching using various instructional strategies. Classroom placements are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for the approved licensure program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program.
EDIS 4883Field Experience: Foreign Language Education (1)
Extensive experience in observing classrooms and in practice teaching using various instructional strategies. Classroom placements are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for the approved licensure program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program.
EDIS 4884Field Experience:Mathematics Education (1)
Extensive experience in observing classrooms and in practice teaching using various instructional strategies. Classroom placements are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for the approved licensure program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program.
EDIS 4885Field Experience: Science Education (1)
Extensive experience in observing classrooms and in practice teaching using various instructional strategies. Classroom placements are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for the approved licensure program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program.
EDIS 4886Field Experience:Social Studies Education (1)
Extensive experience in observing classrooms and in practice teaching using various instructional strategies. Classroom placements are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for the approved licensure program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program.
EDIS 4887Teaching Internship - Special Education (1 - 12)
A required student teaching internship for pre-service teachers, this full-semester experience is supervised by clinical instructors from the public schools and university supervisors. Course sections are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for the approved licensure program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program
EDIS 4888Field Experience: Early Childhood Special Education (1)
Extensive experience in observing classrooms and in practice teaching using various instructional strategies. Classroom placements are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for the approved licensure program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program.
EDIS 4889Field Experience: Health & Physical Education (1)
Extensive experience in observing classrooms and in practice teaching using various instructional strategies. Classroom placements are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for the approved licensure program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program.
EDIS 4993Independent Study (1 - 6)
Fall 2025
Independent study.
EDIS 4995Directed Research (1 - 6)
Fall 2025
Directed Research under supervision of faculty member.
EDIS 5000The Exceptional Learner (3)
Fall 2025
Introduction to the study of exceptional children and adults. Extends principles of learning and intellectual, socio-cultural, emotional, and physical development to persons with disabilities. Includes gifted, autism, TBI, dyslexia, ADHD and other medical conditions; historical, ethical, and legal aspects; application of federal/state regulatory requirements; identification, education, and evaluation of students with disabilities.
EDIS 5001Legal Foundations of Special Education (3)
Fall 2025
EDIS 5001 was originally developed as a potential course for the Special Education add-on endorsements in Virginia. For that reason, the course description used language from the licensure regulations. The course is not currently used for the add-on endorsements, and the current course description is very similar to the description for the licensure course: EDIS 5000. We are updating the EDIS 5001 course description to distinguish EDIS 5001 from EDIS 5000 and better reflect the purpose of the course.
EDIS 5010Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment for Elementary Education (3)
Study of curriculum, instruction, and assessment with a focus on promoting student engagement and academic progress. Topics include the selection and use of curricula to develop high-quality learning experiences; the development of effective assessment practices; and how curricular, instructional, and assessment decisions can be responsive to the needs of diverse students in P-12 classrooms. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program.
EDIS 5011Classroom Management and Behavioral Assessment (3)
Fall 2025
This course develops an understanding and application of classroom and behavior management techniques, community building, and behavioral assessment. Introducing diverse approaches based upon behavioral, cognitive, affective, social and ecological theory and practice, the course supports professionally appropriate practices that promote positive redirection of behavior, development of social skills and self-management.
EDIS 5012Mindfulness for Teachers (3)
Fall 2025
Teaching is one of the most rewarding professions, but it can also be one of the most stressful. Mindfulness for Teachers will introduce students to a series of evidence-based practical skills that will help them cultivate the inner resources needed to support their students' social, emotional, and academic growth.
EDIS 5013Teaching Social and Emotional Learning (3)
Fall 2025
This course introduces the knowledge and skills to teach or supervise others to teach social and emotional learning (SEL) formally and informally including mindful awareness practices to students in preK-12 school settings. Reviewing the latest research, students will learn effective strategies for teaching SEL and mindfulness to children and teens.
EDIS 5014The Trauma Sensitive Classroom (3)
This course introduces knowledge and skills teachers need to support students exposed to chronic stress and trauma: the effects of trauma on body and mind; recognizing those effects; evidence-based practices to support healing, build resilience, and foster mindfulness and compassion in the classroom. Students will examine practices for meeting the needs of diverse populations (e.g., gifted learners, English learners, students with disabilities).
EDIS 5015Social and Emotional Learning (3)
Fall 2025
Social & Emotional Learning introduces current research on the social and emotional development of students and teachers in educational settings. It also presents students with the current theory underlying social and emotional learning (SEL) curriculum and programs and the empirical research on the efficacy of such programs.
EDIS 5020Foundations of Learning and Teaching (3)
We study instructional design, planning and delivery, assessments, and professional behavior for pre-service teachers in a secondary field. Planning standards-based lessons, shifting to a professional perspective of learning, and the ways to gather, analyze, and use data to measure academic progress, guide instructional content and delivery, and provide timely feedback are covered. Pre-requisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program
EDIS 5021Assessment and Instruction: Birth to Age Five (3)
This course covers the selection, administration, and interpretation of formal and informal assessments for children birth to 5 to document development, diagnose learning needs, and plan and modify curriculum and instruction. It also discusses instructional programming and service delivery. Restricted to ECSE students.
EDIS 5022Early Childhood Assessment & Instruction (3)
This course covers the selection, administration, and interpretation of formal and informal assessments for children birth to 5 to document development, diagnose learning needs, and plan and modify curriculum and instruction. It also discusses instructional programming and service delivery. Restricted to ECSE students.
Course was offered Spring 2017, Fall 2014, Fall 2012
EDIS 5023Mentoring Novice Teachers: Roles & Responsibilities (3)
This course explores the spaces in which teacher preparation and induction interact, specifically focusing on mentoring and coaching practices. Students will examine teacher recruitment, attrition, and retention, and anlyze measures of teacher quality and the impact of teacher induction. The course prepares students to serve as mentors by developing and practicing effective mentoring and observation skills
EDIS 5025Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (3)
Fall 2025
Learning science and educational research informs us about what should be happening in classrooms for both students and teachers. In this class, we will focus on professional knowledge--curriculum content, instructional design, instructional planning and delivery, and assessment for and of student learning so that a positive classroom learning environment can be established.
EDIS 5026Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment for CTE Educators (3)
This course is designed to help new CTE teachers plan and implement effective, engaging instruction. Students will use the state approved competencies and curriculum framework in VERSO to develop lesson plans, assessments, and instructional sequences. Emphasis will be placed on differentiated instruction and authentic performance-based assessments.
Course was offered Summer 2021, Summer 2020
EDIS 5030Designing Effective Learning Experiences and Environments (3)
Fall 2025
This class focuses on instruction, classroom management, behavioral management, and personalized curriculum techniques for establishing positive learning environments in secondary classrooms. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program; EDIS 5020.
EDIS 5035Effective Classroom Interactions Part I (3)
This course is focused on increasing early childhood teachers, knowledge about specific types of teacher-child interactions that promote the development of social/emotional, and self-regulatory skills. Teachers will practice using these interactions in their classroom with the goal of enhancing the supports they provide to children in their classrooms.
EDIS 5036Trends and Issues in Science Education (3)
This course offers participants an opportunity to explore pressing trends and issues central to science education stakeholders and students such as teaching and learning for scientific literacy, diversity and equity, science curriculum, and effects of emerging technologies on science teaching and learning. To gain a deeper understanding, we will draw upon applicable learning theories, science policies, and trending research in science education.
Course was offered Summer 2025, Fall 2021, Spring 2020
EDIS 5037Science Inquiry Models (3)
This course will address theoretical and practical underpinnings for a variety of inquiry models in science education. Specific focus will be on analyzing, evaluating, and developing inquiry based science learning experiences. Through reflection and interactions with peers, students will participate in action research to evaluate the effectiveness of various inquiry models in science education.
Course was offered Fall 2022
EDIS 5038Science Instruction Technologies (3)
This course will address the theoretical and practical underpinnings for integrating technology in science instruction and learning. Special emphasis will be on analyzing, evaluating, and developing technology integrated science learning environments. More focus will be on unique features that enhance concept understanding, inquiry process, virtual exploration and experimentation, and specific technologies for diverse learners and contexts.
Course was offered Summer 2022
EDIS 5039Science Curriculum Design for Diverse Learners/Settings (3)
This course examines the theory and evidence-based research on science curriculum design for diverse learners, and in formal and informal K-12 science learning settings. Participants will engage in analyzing and evaluating science-related curriculum products to investigate issues of learning affordances, relevance, and equity. Special focus will be on development of innovative science curriculum artifacts that address diverse learning needs.
Course was offered Spring 2022
EDIS 5040Assessment and Evaluation in Special Education (3)
Fall 2025
Prepares teachers of exceptional children to administer, score, and interpret several standard educational instruments; to use informal procedures in educational assessment; and to interpret the combined results of psychological, sociological, medical, and educational assessments as they apply to the development and evaluation of individualized educational plans.
EDIS 5041Behavior & Classroom Management (3)
Fall 2025
Examination of principles and applications of behavior analysis in education settings. Students learn fundamental concepts of human behavior as well as procedures for managing classroom behavior and routines for establishing positive learning environments.
EDIS 5049History of Science for Teachers (3)
The course is designed to increase pre-service science teachers' understanding of the history of science, the evolution and structure of biology, chemistry, physics and earth/environmental science disciplines, and pedagogical knowledge for planning and teaching history of science integrated science lessons in middle and high school classrooms.
EDIS 5050Teaching Science in Secondary Schools I (3)
Fall 2025
The first course in the "Teaching Science Sequence" addresses scientific literacy as a rationale and framework for secondary science instruction. Specific topics in science subject matter are developed along with teaching techniques, procedures and on-going professional development.
EDIS 5051Teaching Science in Secondary Schools II (3)
The second course in the "Teaching Science Sequence" addresses scientific inquiry, teaching process skills, safety, assessment, and evaluation. Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Education program; EDIS 5050.
EDIS 5053Science Education Leadership (3)
The era of cutting-edge scientific advances calls for a generation of science education leaders who can articulate, design and implement evidence-based and process-specific best practices for scientific literacy in formal and informal K-12 settings.This course will address theoretical and practical underpinnings for science education leadership in the context of curriculum, instruction, assessment, professional development, diversity and equity.
Course was offered Spring 2023
EDIS 5055Models of Instruction (3)
Each day more is known about how we learn. New information has identified instructional strategies and tasks that do not support student learning, and others that do. This class will explore, practice, and implement student-centered instructional models that are aligned with recent research and can increase student learning--all of which are appropriate for K-12 schools, higher education and workplace environments.
EDIS 5060Math Instruction for Special Education (3)
Fall 2025
Teaches special education preservice teachers the Virginia Mathematics Standards of Learning (SOL) K-12 content strands: Number and Number Sense; Computation and Estimation; Measurement; Geometry: Probability and Statistics; and Patterns, Functions, and Algebra. This course also focuses on the mathematical adaptations through Problem Solving, Reasoning and Proof, Mathematical Communication, Mathematical Connections, and Representation.
EDIS 5070Designing Technology - Enhanced Instruction (1)
Fall 2025
Teaching requires understanding of appropriate technologies and strategies for particular instructional problems. In this course, students evaluate technologies as part of designing instruction to make learning accessible, meaningful, and relevant for classrooms. Students will understand and apply practices to integrate technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge to create technology based solutions for instructional problems.
EDIS 5071Special Education Technology (1)
This course explores the use of instructional and assistive technology to enhance student progress and participation in academic areas. Theory, evaluation strategies, and what technology use looks like in reading, writing, mathematics, and everyday communication will be discussed.
EDIS 5075Online Teaching and Course Design (3)
Fall 2025
Instructional design and development of online courses within formal educational settings (for-credit higher education courses, virtual k-12 schools, professional credentialing) with regular and substantive interaction in a learning community. Develop assessments and weekly units of instruction inside of a learning management system. Online teaching in both asynchronous and synchronous settings. Discussion of current topics in distance education.
EDIS 5080Differentiating Instruction (3)
Fall 2025
Examines principles and practices necessary for addressing the learning needs of diverse student populations (including culturally and linguistically diverse students, gifted learners, English learners, students with disabilities) at all levels of schooling. Includes role of curriculum, on-going assessment, learning environment, and instructional strategies for addressing student readiness, interest, and learning profile.
EDIS 5100Characteristics of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (1)
This course presents the characteristics of children and adolescents with emotional and behavior disorders within the context of special education services. On completion of this course, students will have (1) knowledge of the origins and characteristics of the primary behavioral disorders, (2) procedures for identification and assessment, and (3) approaches of programming and instruction for ED/BD, autism and other related disabilities.
EDIS 5110Characteristics of Learning Disabilities (1)
Studies the meaning and concepts associated with the field of learning disabilities and the diverse characteristics of individuals with these disabilities. Includes the nature, causes, assessment, and treatment of learning disabilities and related disabilities such as ADHD, ADD, brain injury and others. Students are encouraged to take EDIS 3020 or 5000 prior to taking this course.
EDIS 5111Characteristics of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (1)
This course presents the characteristics of children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) within the context of special education services and comorbidity with other disabilities. Includes the nature, causes, assessment, and treatment of ADHD under the special education label of Other Health Impaired (OHI).
Course was offered Summer 2013, Summer 2011
EDIS 5120Characteristics of Intellectual Disabilities (1)
Designed to explore basic concepts/issues pertaining to persons with significant limitations in intelligence and adaptive behavior. While the course primarily explores the educational implications of having intellectual disabilities/mental retardation, the psychological, historical, and medical implications are also touched upon. Students are encouraged to take EDIS 3020 or 5000 prior to taking this course.
EDIS 5133Basic Principles of Applied Behavioral Analysis (3)
Fall 2025
The course will focus on the basic principles of ABA. The course will cover the characteristics, theories, basic definitions, principles, and processes of behavior analysis and basic behavior change techniques. Upon completion of this course, students are expected to have a solid knowledge base of the basic concepts, principles, and techniques of applied behavior analysis.
EDIS 5134Behavior Observations and Analysis (3)
This course is designed to provide skills, practice, and knowledge in advanced theory and methods of ABA. Emphasis will be placed on the theory, principles, procedures, and science of ABA. Analysis and design of advanced research models will be a major focus of this course; therefore, students must have knowledge and experience with research design.
EDIS 5135Behavioral Intervention (3)
The purpose of this course is to provide students with opportunities to build fluency with the basic principles of applied behavior analysis and the application of these principles to develop, implement, and evaluate programs of behavior change as they apply to children and youth with exceptional learning and behavior characteristics in classroom and community settings.
EDIS 5136Ethics and Professional Conduct of Behavior Analysts (3)
This course will familiarize the student with ethical issues and responsibilities of special educators and behavior analysts by leading organizations in the fields of education and mental health. Informed consent, due process, protection of confidentiality, and selection of least intrusive, least restrictive behavior change procedures will be presented and discussed within the context of case method.
EDIS 5137Explicit Instruction (3)
The purpose of the course is to introduce appropriate methodology for teaching academic skills to students with significant learning difficulties. The majority of the course deals with effective practices for designing and delivering academic instruction and independent work to students who do not learn optimally under current conditions within their general education classes.
Course was offered Fall 2019
EDIS 5138Advanced Topics in Applied Behavior Analysis (3)
Fall 2025
This course is designed to prepare students to sit for the certification exam sponsored by the BACB. The course covers the philosophical underpinnings of applied behavior analysis according to the fifth edition of the BACB's task list. Students are expected to learn about advanced concepts of behavior analysis, the theoretical foundations of behavior analysis, the history, and its development to the current applied behavior analysis.
Course was offered Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021
EDIS 5139Personnel Supervision and Management (3)
Fall 2025
This graduate-level 45-hour course is designed to prepare students to sit for the certification exam sponsored by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB). The course covers the personnel supervision and management according to the fifth edition of the BACB's task list. Students are expected to learn about personnel supervision, management, as well as selecting and implementing interventions.
Course was offered Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021
EDIS 5140Methods of Instruction and Collaboration in Special Education (3)
Fall 2025
This course presents instructional approaches for teaching students with disabilities in a variety of service delivery options. Emphasis is given to collaborating and adapting instruction, assessment, and materials within inclusion and special education placements to support student achievement of the Virginia Standards of Learning.
EDIS 5141IEP & Transition Planning (1)
Fall 2025
This class will focus on the development of legally appropriate IEPs and their application to instructional planning. The course will also address transition planning and the strategies for assisting students in sped to move across the grades & from school to post-secondary placements. This on-line class will include readings, cases, hands-on activities, & video analysis.
EDIS 5142IEP Development and Implementation (3)
This class will focus on the development of legally appropriate IEPs and their application to instructional planning. Students will gain knowledge of the eligibility process, as well as legal and regulatory requirements of IEP development and implementation..
EDIS 5143Transition Planning for Special Education (3)
Fall 2025
This course will address transition planning and the strategies for assisting students in special education to move across the grades and from school to postsecondary placements. Students will gain skills to prepare them to work with families and community agencies to provide successful student transitions throughout the educational experience.
EDIS 5144Understanding and Applying Research in Special Education (3)
This advanced course is designed for special education specialists seeking to enhance their skills in interpreting, evaluating, and applying research findings to improve educational practices for individuals with disabilities. The course aligns with the Council for Exceptional Children's Advanced Preparation Standards, with a particular focus on Standard 4: Research and Inquiry.
Course was offered Spring 2025
EDIS 5145Introduction to Single Case Research Design for Practitioners (3)
Fall 2025
This course offers an introduction to single case research design with a focus on applications for practitioners working in applied settings. Course foci include the history and logic underlying single case design; an introduction to planning and implementing single case research in applied contexts with an emphasis on practical and ethical considerations; and guidance for reading, interpreting, and evaluating single case research studies.
EDIS 5150Collaborative Teamwork (3)
Teaches strategies for building collaborative interdisciplinary teams in school and community settings for general and special educators as well as those in other disciplines. Content addresses team organization, stages of team development and building, teamwork skills, involving families, planning for inclusion, positive behavior support, transition, and team evaluation. Prerequisite/corequisite: EDIS 3020 or 5000.
EDIS 5160Behavior Analyst Practicum (3)
The purpose of practicum is to enhance students' training as scientist-practitioners by providing structured supervision and quality feedback regarding experiences in a clinical environment in which behavioral assessment and treatment is provided to children with various developmental and intellectual disabilities. The main objective of practicum is to offer multiple exemplars for generalization of concepts learned in graduate coursework.
Course was offered Fall 2018
EDIS 5171Social Issues Affecting Early Child, Children & Family (3)
This course is designed to help preservice teachers develop a personal framework for teaching and identify practices that will be used in the classroom. Strategies addressed include classroom management and community building practices, strategies for working with families, transition practices, and practices related to multi-cultural education.
EDIS 5175Issues in K-12 Education (3)
The purpose of this course is to identify, explore, and discuss some of education's defining issues. The first part of the course examines the foundation and history of American education in order to provide context for current issues in education. In the second part of the course, we will collaboratively explore a variety of current educational issues that directly impact K-12 classroom teachers.
EDIS 5176Contemporary Issues in Special Education (3)
This course examines critical issues in special education leadership, emphasizing evidence-based practices and data-informed decision making. Topics include disproportionality in identification, inclusive strategies, culturally responsive practices, and intervention methods. Students explore policy, assessment, and fostering positive school cultures. Participants develop skills in program analysis and improvement planning.
Course was offered Summer 2025, Spring 2025
EDIS 5210Introduction to Language Development (3)
An overview of the language acquisition and development process. This course surveys current and historical perspectives on language acquisition and development and explores those factors influencing language acquisition and development. This class is a VA-DOE approved course for use by those seeking endorsement as English as a Second Language (ESOL) teachers.
EDIS 5221Reading and Writing Foundations (3)
Fall 2025
This course addresses reading and writing development from emergent literacy through adolescent readers with attention to diverse needs of students. The course also addresses components of effective literacy programs (e.g., concepts of print, fluency, phonological awareness, phonics, spelling, writing, comprehension, vocabulary) and evidence-based practices for reading and writing instruction informed by assessment within an MTSS framework.
EDIS 5222Reading Development for Special Populations (3)
Participants will develop an understanding of the reading process and reading disabilities. Emphasis will be on the use of effective practices for primary, secondary, and tertiary instruction for children in the primary grades or older children with beginning reading skills. This course will include an examination of current reading theory and research and its implications for assessment, instruction, and intervention.
EDIS 5230Reading and Writing Instruction for Special Education (3)
This course provides an examination of current reading and writing research and its implications for assessment and instruction for students with reading and writing disabilities. This course focuses on the assessment and diagnosis of reading and writing difficulties and instructional strategies for addressing literacy problems. Students will learn how to conduct literacy diagnoses, develop case reports, and develop programs based on assessment.
EDIS 5235Evidence-Based Practice for Students with Dyslexia (1)
This course provides students with an understanding of developmental dyslexia. Students will learn the distinguishing characteristics of dyslexia, common assessment practices for sub-component skills related to dyslexia, and how Structured Literacy and its elements and principles meet the needs of students with dyslexia.
EDIS 5270Teaching Reading Writing to ELs (3)
This online course is designed for educators of children who are learning English as a second language. Theory is grounded in researched practices for teaching reading with an understanding of the challenges facing non-English native speakers.
EDIS 5300Language Arts Methods (3)
This course addresses the English language learner, writing instruction, and children's literature; literature-writing connections are emphasized. Students learn to identify language demands across elementary school subjects and tasks so they can design demand-matched instruction for all prek-6 students as they listen, speak, read, and write throughout the school day. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Elementary Program. Prerequisite: MT or PGMT elementary education
EDIS 5310Differentiating Reading Instruction (3)
Fall 2025
Pre-service teachers consider their vital role in providing appropriate differentiated instruction for all learners, including English Language Learners and struggling readers. Students learn to administer, interpret and use literacy assessments to plan effective and comprehensive reading instruction for whole group, small group, and individuals for multilevel literacy classrooms. Prerequisite: EDIS 5221, Reading Development.
EDIS 5320Mathematics in the Elementary School (3)
Fall 2025
Teaches elementary teachers the Virginia Mathematics Standards of Learning content strands: Number and Number Sense; Computation and Estimation; Measurement; Geometry; Probability and Statistics; Patterns, Functions, and Algebra. This course focuses on the processes for planning, instructing, and assessing mathematics understanding, problem solving, reasoning and proof, mathematical communication, mathematical connections, and representation.
EDIS 5330Science in the Elementary School (2)
Fall 2025
Designed to teach elementary pre-service teachers fundamental science concepts in such areas related to scientific investigation as: reasoning and logic; force, motion, and energy; matter; life processes; living systems; interrelations in earth/space systems; earth patterns, cycles and change; and appropriate resources for teaching the Virginia Science Standards of Learning in grades PreK-6. The course also focuses on the planning, instruction , and assessment of science curriculum.
EDIS 5340Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary School (2)
Designed to teach elementary pre-service teachers fundamental social studies concepts of United States history, Virginia Studies, civics, geography, and economics appropriate for meeting the Virginia Standards of Learning in grades PreK-6. The course also focuses on the planning, instruction, and assessment of social studies curriculum.
EDIS 5350Early Childhood Development and Education (3)
Students will examine the science of early child development, including theories and processes affecting physical, social-emotional, cognitive, and brain development. Remembering that every person has unique strengths and challenges, we will explore major influences of early childhood development emphasizing the role contextual contributors (such as family, community, culture, childcare/school, and policy) have on shaping early experiences.
EDIS 5360Early Language Development from Theory to Practice (3)
Students will examine language as a complex, dynamic system for thought and communication. An emphasis will be placed on development between birth and age eight. Students will consider how practitioners may guide and shape this pivotal developmental process, using theory and science to inform educational and clinical practices for measuring and fostering early childhood language development in positive ways.
EDIS 5370Intentional Interactions: Working with Young Children (3)
This course supports early childhood professionals in becoming more intentional in their interactions with children. Students will examine their own and their peers' practice to understand the quality of their interactions with children and how they can support children's learning and development. They will consider how individual, classroom, and other contextual factors may affect interactions and be better able to respond intentionally.
EDIS 5380Self-Regulation and School Success in Early Childhood (3)
Students will gain an understanding of self-regulation during early childhood and how this promotes children's success in school. Students will learn high-quality teaching practices that promote children's display of self-regulation in the areas of emotion, behavior, and cognition. Students will also explore contextual factors that influence children's development of self-regulation skills.
EDIS 5400Teaching English in Secondary Schools I (3)
Fall 2025
Students build knowledge of effective English instruction in the areas of reading, writing, oral discourse, language, and literature. Emphasis is on individualized instruction, developmentally appropriate learning objectives, authentic assessments, reflective writing processes, and integration of both media and technology. Students create lessons that include a variety of teaching methodologies. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education
EDIS 5401Teaching English in Secondary Schools II (3)
Translate theory & research into practice: design instructional units using a variety of best practices. Emphasis on individualized projects, developmentally appropriate learning objectives, authentic assessments, plus cooperative learning, creativity, reflection, media & technology integration. Critique & reinvent school textbooks for effective instruction; incorporate standards while delivering imaginative, relative learning.
EDIS 5409Children's Literature (3)
Fall 2025
This course focuses on the many genres of children's literature. Students will learn strategies for promoting reading for enjoyment and information, developing collections to support diverse learning needs, and collaborating to support literacy instruction. Students will evaluate literacy quality and learn a range of instructional techniques to support a literature curriculum.
EDIS 5410Young Adult Literature (3)
Fall 2025
Using Sims Bishops' (1990) mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors framework, students read, analyze, and discuss contemporary young adult literature (YAL) featuring marginalized viewpoints and identities. Students will collaborate around strategies to incorporate contemporary YAL into schools and evaluate the viewpoints present and absent in the titles they currently use with young adults.
EDIS 5411Reading Tutoring Practicum (3)
Designed to provide students the opportunity to (a) develop assessment skills, (b) interpret assessment data to consider instructional goals, and (c) build instructional skills through weekly tutoring sessions. An informal case-based approach is used in this practicum in which students gain hands-on experience in collaborative planning and receive supervisor feedback on implementation.
EDIS 5422Cross-Cultural Education for Diverse Learners (3)
Fall 2025
This course aims to help educators understand how to provide quality instruction for diverse learners in schools and classrooms that are becoming increasingly multicultural. In the course, students explore theories of culturally responsive/sustaining teaching and how they can be applied to help diverse learners (including but not limited to ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse students) feel valued and successful in classrooms.
EDIS 5423English Linguistics (3)
This course introduces the scientific study of language, exploring how linguistic insights can prepare teachers who work with preK-12 ELLs. It addresses the sounds of the language (phonetics and phonology), the structure of words/sentences (morphology and syntax) and how these features convey meaning (semantics and pragmatics). Students will apply this knowledge of language to the everyday use of English and its acquisition in school settings.
EDIS 5424Second Language Acquisition (3)
Fall 2025
This course is for current and future teachers seeking to learn about second language acquisition (SLA) and how it relates to English learners. We learn existing theories of how students learn and acquire a second language, as well as individual, cultural, and contextual factors that influence language learning. We explore how theories about L1 learning are related to SLA theories and how L1s might or might not be reflected in school language.
EDIS 5425Teaching Writing (3)
This course examines writing development, assessment, and instruction that supports diverse learners. Participants will learn how to teach the domains of composing, written expression and mechanics. Participants will learn how to move through the writing process and provide instruction on planning, drafting, revising, and sharing a final product. This course explores narrative, descriptive, and explanative modes of written expression
EDIS 5428ESL Methods PreK-12 (3)
Fall 2025
This course is designed for current and future teachers seeking to learn how to instruct English learners. Students will explore the WIDA Essential Actions and ELD Standards, learn about various current and historical ESL instructional models, and will consider how the four language skills are taught within classrooms to ELs. Students will also learn about collaborative practice as ESL teachers working with grade-level or content-area teachers.
EDIS 5430Teaching Writing in the Secondary School (3)
Students study, practice, and evaluate theories and methods of writing and teaching writing. They prepare a personal writing project, criticize a writing program, or create a writing program for students.
Course was offered Fall 2010, Fall 2009
EDIS 5435Writing Across the Curriculum (3)
Designed to be a collaborative effort to explore writing as a process to discover how writing across the curriculum can enhance each discipline within our schools. Writing to learn using quick write strategies, learning logs, as well as, using technology will be considered. Focuses on ways to design and implement writing strategies across the curriculum within the framework of a writing workshop.
EDIS 5440Applied Teaching with Technology (3)
This course provides a semester-long internship with a teacher in a K-12 classroom coordinated with accompanying coursework in EDIS 5440. It provides an applied experience in developing a technology project in a classroom setting and addressing curricular standards through effective integration of educational technologies
EDIS 5450Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools I (3)
Fall 2025
Students analyze mathematical behavior and problem solving, examine the latest thinking regarding school mathematics, explore the uses of technology to enhance mathematics learning and teaching, and plan and teach mini-lessons demonstrating instructional competence. Emphasizes the understanding and application of Mathematics. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program or Instructor Permission.
EDIS 5451Teaching Mathematics in Secondary School II (3)
This course is a continuation of EDIS 5450, with a greater emphasis on instructional strategies and use of technology.
EDIS 5470ESL Assessment and Curriculum Design (3)
Fall 2025
The purpose of this course is to prepare teachers to work with students (K-12) for whom English is not their native language. Work will include examining instruments used to assess English proficiency and the interpretation of those assessments. The curriculum design aspect of the course will be based on a differentiation model and will include methods aimed at helping students gain English language skills necessary for success in general content areas. Discussions will include topics such as cultural differences in personal interactions, strategies for working with families, and effective strategies for facilitating the learning of English by speakers of other languages and dialects. Practical experience will be gained through observations and fieldwork in public schools. Projects will be assigned according to the age-level with which the teacher hopes to work.
EDIS 5480Second Language Acquisition and Modern Language Teaching Methods: PreK-12 (3)
Considers theory and research in second language acquisition; classroom instructional procedures that follow the National Standards, which incorporate interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes and foster successful communication in foreign languages; and selection of appropriate materials, realia, visuals, and media for instructional purposes. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program or Instructor Permission.
EDIS 5481Dual Language Methods (3)
Fall 2025
This course focuses on dual-language curriculum and instructional methods. Students will learn to serve multilingual students/families in culturally responsive ways aligned with SLA principles. It includes exploration of WIDA, and Virginia's SOLs and Early Learning & Development Standards. Students may also complete a dual-language practicum for endorsement.
Course was offered Spring 2024
EDIS 5490World Languages Teaching Methods (3)
This course explores instructional methods for teaching modern world languages (formerly called foreign languages), primarily in PK-12 settings. Topics include consideration of ACTFL standards, SLA, heritage language learners, the four language skills, culture, grammar, vocabulary, and teaching learners with disabilities.
EDIS 5500Selected Topics (1 - 6)
These are designed as pilot courses to meet new program area degree requirements, and changing needs in the field. Used also to offer experimental courses, and courses under development, these are announced and offered on a semester-to-semester basis. May be graded or S/U, depending on the instructor, and may be repeated.
EDIS 5559New Course in Curriculum, Instruction & Special Education (1 - 4)
This course provides the opportunity to offer a new topic in the subject area of curriculum, instruction and special education.
Course was offered Spring 2017
EDIS 5600Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary School I (3)
Fall 2025
A comprehensive overview of planning, implementing, and assessing social studies learning experiences in grades 6-12. This first course in the social studies methods sequence examines the following areas of social studies education through the lens of historical content: standards and accountability, curriculum/unit/lesson planning, engaging approaches for the teaching of history, assessment in the social studies and multiculturalism. Approaches to the infusion of technology into the social studies curriculum are also explored. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
EDIS 5601Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary School II (3)
A comprehensive overview of planning, implementing, and assessing social studies learning experiences in grades 6-12. Emphasis is placed on the relationship between educational theory and practical teaching techniques for the seccondary social studies classroom. This second course in the social studies methods sequence examines the following areas of socal studies education: assessment and grading; teaching government and civics; psychology; sociology; and economics. Prerequisite: EDIS 5600.
EDIS 5640Physical Geography (3)
Emphasizes the use of maps, map interpretation, and the study of climactic systems and physical forces on human activity.
EDIS 5650Cultural Geography (3)
Emphasizes concepts of cultural patterns and their influence on political and regional patterns of the world.
EDIS 5700Positive Behavior Support (3)
This course is designed specifically for teachers and other professionals working with individuals who have moderate to severe disabilities or with young children who have disabilities. The primary focus is upon the concepts and skills needed a) to design, implement, and evaluate behavior support programs which derive from functional behavioral assessment, b) to use effective teaching strategies to build relevant replacement skills and facilitate skill generalization and maintenance, d) to apply functional communication training, e) to incorporate prevention strategies, f) to improve the aspects of the student's environment that relate to the problem behavior, and g) to incorporate, as appropriate, safety plans. Prerequisite: EDIS 5000 and 7150.
EDIS 5710Reading and Writing Across the Content Areas (3)
Fall 2025
This course explores how students' language, experiences, and literacy development play a role in learning content material. Participants explore the nature and meaning of content literacy and what it means to learn through texts. Theoretical and foundational considerations will frame the exploration, modeling, and instructional practice of comprehension, academic and content vocabulary, and writing to learn strategies.
EDIS 5770Social, Emotional, and Counseling Issues in Talent Development (3)
Fall 2025
Designed for teachers, administrators, parents, and others who work to develop talent in diverse high potential learners. Investigates the social and emotional development and counseling issues of preK-12 learners, implications of similarities/differences between gifted and other students, characteristics of positive learning environments, and evidence-based strategies to support students in a variety of contexts.
EDIS 5780Teaching African American History (3)
This course explores African American history and the teaching of African American history from Ancestral Africa through the present day with a focus on critical perspectives and historiography. Teaching methods will focus on culturally competent teaching practices, critical inquiry and facilitating classroom discussions about race and history.
Course was offered Summer 2021
EDIS 5782The Role of Whiteness in Education (3)
The course will examine the notion of whiteness as a social, cultural, historical and political construction that has created power differentials and structural advantages for White Americans in schools and in the larger society.
Course was offered Spring 2021
EDIS 5784Transformative Practices in Special Ed: Identity, Disability, & Advocacy (3)
Fall 2025
This course examines the intersectionality of personal identity and ability in American education. Students explore the social construction of identity, studying historical contexts, current research, and legal mandates. Through critical analysis of dominant narratives and development of strategies for social justice in special education practices, students learn to implement equitable, research-based approaches in diverse educational settings.
Course was offered Fall 2024
EDIS 5786Introduction to Education and Diversity (3)
Intro to Education & Diversity focuses on diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI), and the ways in which it has been defined and treated in the American educational system, especially as it relates to students from historically under-served populations. We will analyze and discuss key topics within the context of the education system and larger society including legislation and educational policies.
Course was offered Summer 2021
EDIS 5800Understanding Educational Contexts (3)
This course provides an introduction to the foundations of education and the teaching profession. Course topics include the historical, philosophical, and sociological foundations underlying public education in the U.S; the legal status of teachers; contemporary issues in education; professionalism and ethical standards; and Virginia's guidelines for teacher evaluation.
EDIS 5810Instructional Methods for Teaching Multilingual Students in Secondary (3)
This course is designed for future secondary teachers enrolled in the one-year Master of Teaching Secondary Program who are seeking initial certification in the state of Virginia. This course aims to equip future teachers with an understanding of theories related to language learning and practical methods of teaching that promote the development of students' English language proficiency in the context of content-area learning.
Course was offered Summer 2019, Summer 2018
EDIS 5820Assessment Of and For Learning (3)
Fall 2025
This course is designed for teachers seeking initial certification. This course provides pre-service teachers with foundational knowledge of classroom assessment and data literacy, including types of assessment, assessment design and quality, and interpretation and use of assessment data. Students enrolling in this course must have successfully completed EDIS 5025 or a similar curriculum and instruction course.
EDIS 5830Languages and Literacies Across the Disciplines (3)
This course is designed for future secondary teachers enrolled in the one-year Master of Teaching Secondary Program who are seeking initial certification. This course explores how the languages and literacies of students influence teaching and learning in secondary classrooms of all disciplines.
EDIS 5840Clinical Experience in Adolescent Education (1)
The clinical experience is designed for future secondary teachers enrolled in the one-year master of Teaching Secondary Program. This clinical experience is aimed at developing professional communication skills in general and competencies for designing instruction to encourage communication with linguistically and culturally diverse populations.
Course was offered Summer 2019, Summer 2018
EDIS 5851Content Area Seminar - Elementary Language Arts (3)
Fall 2025
This seminar supports elementary teachers enrolled in the state-approved teacher education program. Designed to accompany the elementary clinical experience, this seminar provides opportunities for candidates to discuss and reflect on experiences in the clinical placement.
EDIS 5852Content Area Seminar in English (3)
Fall 2025
This seminar is designed for further secondary teachers enrolled in the one-year Master of Teaching Secondary Program who are seeking initial certification in the state of Virginia. Designed to accompany the 5862 Clinical Experience, this seminar provides opportunities to discuss, process, and reflect on experiences in the clinical placement.
EDIS 5853Content Area Seminar: World Languages (3)
This seminar is designed for further secondary teachers enrolled in the one-year Master of Teaching Secondary Program who are seeking initial certification in the state of Virginia. Designed to accompany the 5863 Clinical Experience, this seminar provides opportunities to discuss, process, and reflect on experiences in the clinical placement.
Course was offered Fall 2020, Fall 2019, Fall 2018
EDIS 5854Content Area Seminar in Mathematics (3)
Fall 2025
This seminar is designed for further secondary teachers enrolled in the one-year Master of Teaching Secondary Program who are seeking initial certification in the state of Virginia. Designed to accompany the 5864 Clinical Experience, this seminar provides opportunities to discuss, process, and reflect on experiences in the clinical placement.
EDIS 5855Content Area Seminar in Science (3)
Fall 2025
This seminar is designed for further secondary teachers enrolled in the one-year Master of Teaching Secondary Program who are seeking initial certification in the state of Virginia. Designed to accompany the 5865 Clinical Experience, this seminar provides opportunities to discuss, process, and reflect on experiences in the clinical placement.
EDIS 5856Content Area Seminar in Social Studies (3)
Fall 2025
This seminar is designed for further secondary teachers enrolled in the one-year Master of Teaching Secondary Program who are seeking initial certification in the state of Virginia. Designed to accompany the 5866 Clinical Experience, this seminar provides opportunities to discuss, process, and reflect on experiences in the clinical placement.
EDIS 5857Content Area Seminar - Special Education (3)
This seminar supports special education teachers enrolled in the state-approved teacher education program. Designed to accompany the special education clinical experience, this seminar provides opportunities for candidates to discuss and reflect on experiences in the clinical placement.
Course was offered Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020
EDIS 5858Content Area Seminar in English as a Second Language Education (3)
This seminar is designed for further secondary teachers enrolled in the one-year Master of Teaching Secondary Program who are seeking initial certification in the state of Virginia. Designed to accompany the 5866 Clinical Experience, this seminar provides opportunities to discuss, process, and reflect on experiences in the clinical placement.
EDIS 5859Content Area Seminar - Early Childhood Education (3)
This seminar supports early childhood and primary education teachers enrolled in the state-approved teacher education program. Designed to accompany the early childhood clinical experience, this seminar provides opportunities for candidates to discuss and reflect on experiences in the clinical placement.
EDIS 5861Clinical Experience in Elementary Education (1 - 6)
Fall 2025
Semester-long intensive clinical experience designed to develop skills in fostering relationships with students, colleagues, and peers; observing and reflecting on teaching and learning; and designing and implementing individual, small group, and whole group instruction. Designed to support elementary teachers enrolled in the state-approved teacher education program.
EDIS 5862Clinical Experience in English Education (6)
Fall 2025
Designed for future secondary teachers enrolled in the one-year Master of Teaching Secondary Program who are seeking initial certification in the State of VA. A semester long intensive clinical experience designed to develop skills in fostering positive professional relationships with adolescent students, colleagues, & peers; observing & reflecting on instruction; & designing & implementing individual, small group, & whole class instruction.
EDIS 5863Clinical Experience in World Languages (6)
Designed for future secondary teachers enrolled in the one-year Master of Teaching Secondary Program who are seeking initial certification in the State of VA. A semester long intensive clinical experience designed to develop skills in fostering positive professional relationships with adolescent students, colleagues, & peers; observing & reflecting on instruction; & designing & implementing individual, small group, & whole class instruction.
Course was offered Fall 2020, Fall 2019, Fall 2018
EDIS 5864Clinical Experience in Mathematics Education (6)
Fall 2025
Designed for future secondary teachers enrolled in the one-year Master of Teaching Secondary Program who are seeking initial certification in the State of VA. A semester long intensive clinical experience designed to develop skills in fostering positive professional relationships with adolescent students, colleagues, & peers; observing & reflecting on instruction; & designing & implementing individual, small group, & whole class instruction.
EDIS 5865Clinical Experience in Science Education (6)
Fall 2025
Designed for future secondary teachers enrolled in the one-year Master of Teaching Secondary Program who are seeking initial certification in the State of VA. A semester long intensive clinical experience designed to develop skills in fostering positive professional relationships with adolescent students, colleagues, & peers; observing & reflecting on instruction; & designing & implementing individual, small group, & whole class instruction.
EDIS 5866Clinical Experience in Social Studies Education (6)
Fall 2025
Designed for future secondary teachers enrolled in the one-year Master of Teaching Secondary Program who are seeking initial certification in the State of VA. A semester long intensive clinical experience designed to develop skills in fostering positive professional relationships with adolescent students, colleagues, & peers; observing & reflecting on instruction; & designing & implementing individual, small group, & whole class instruction.
EDIS 5867Clinical Experience in Special Education (1 - 6)
Fall 2025
Semester-long intensive clinical experience designed to develop skills in fostering relationships with students, colleagues, and peers; observing and reflecting on teaching and learning; and designing and implementing individual, small group, and whole group instruction. Designed to support special education teachers enrolled in the state-approved teacher education program.
EDIS 5868Clinical Experience in English as a Second Language Education (1 - 6)
Fall 2025
A semester-long clinical experience designed to develop skills in fostering positive professional relationships with students, colleagues, & peers; observing & reflecting on instruction; & designing & implementing individual, small group, & whole class instruction.
EDIS 5869Clinical Experience in Early Childhood Education (1 - 6)
Semester-long intensive clinical experience designed to develop skills in fostering relationships with students, colleagues, and peers; observing and reflecting on teaching and learning; and designing and implementing individual, small group, and whole group instruction. Designed to support special early/primary education teachers enrolled in the state-approved teacher education program.
EDIS 5870Seminar: Teaching Internship in Diverse Communities (3)
Fall 2025
This course serves as a co-requisite to the Teaching Internship in diverse and urban high needs communities. We will address topics such as behavior management, collaboration and communication with families, and school-community relations, while placing special focus on culturally responsive pedagogy, socio-economic diversity, inclusion and differentiation, as well as instructional practices for English Language Learners.
EDIS 5871Seminar: Teaching Internship - Elementary Education (3)
Designed to accompany the teaching internship (i.e., student teaching). Focuses on special issues and concerns that grow out of that experience, including classroom management, parent-teacher conferences, and school-community relations. Seminar sections are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for approved licensure programs in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
EDIS 5872Seminar: Teaching Internship: English Education (3)
Designed to accompany the teaching internship (i.e., student teaching). Focuses on special issues and concerns that grow out of that experience, including classroom management, parent-teacher conferences, and school-community relations. Seminar sections are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for approved licensure programs in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
EDIS 5873Seminar: Teaching Internship - Foreign Language (3)
Designed to accompany the teaching internship (i.e., student teaching). Focuses on special issues and concerns that grow out of that experience, including classroom management, parent-teacher conferences, and school-community relations. Seminar sections are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for approved licensure programs in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
EDIS 5874Seminar: Teaching Internship - Mathematics Education (3)
Designed to accompany the teaching internship (i.e., student teaching). Focuses on special issues and concerns that grow out of that experience, including classroom management, parent-teacher conferences, and school-community relations. Seminar sections are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for approved licensure programs in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
EDIS 5875Seminar: Teaching Internship - Science Education (3)
Designed to accompany the teaching internship (i.e., student teaching). Focuses on special issues and concerns that grow out of that experience, including classroom management, parent-teacher conferences, and school-community relations. Seminar sections are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for approved licensure programs in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
EDIS 5876Seminar: Teaching Internship - Social Studies Education (3)
Designed to accompany the teaching internship (i.e., student teaching). Focuses on special issues and concerns that grow out of that experience, including classroom management, parent-teacher conferences, and school-community relations. Seminar sections are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for approved licensure programs in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
EDIS 5877Seminar: Teaching Internship - Special Education (3)
Designed to accompany the teaching internship (i.e., student teaching). Focuses on special issues and concerns that grow out of that experience, including classroom management, parent-teacher conferences, and school-community relations. Seminar sections are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for approved licensure programs in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
EDIS 5878Seminar: Teaching Internship - ESL Education (3)
Designed to accompany the teaching internship experience (i.e., student teaching). Focuses on special issues and concerns that grow out of that experience, including such topics as classroom management, parent-teacher conferences, and school-community relations. Seminar sections are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for the approved licensure program in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
EDIS 5881Teaching Internship: Elementary Education (6 - 12)
A required student teaching internship for pre-service teachers, this full-semester experience is supervised by clinical instructors from the public schools and university supervisors. Course sections are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for the approved licensure program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program
EDIS 5882Teaching Internship: English Education (6 - 12)
A required student teaching internship for pre-service teachers, this full-semester experience is supervised by clinical instructors from the public schools and university supervisors. Course sections are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for the approved licensure program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program
EDIS 5883Teaching Internship: Foreign Language Education (6 - 12)
A required student teaching internship for pre-service teachers, this full-semester experience is supervised by clinical instructors from the public schools and university supervisors. Course sections are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for the approved licensure program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program
EDIS 5884Teaching Internship: Mathematics Education (6 - 12)
A required student teaching internship for pre-service teachers, this full-semester experience is supervised by clinical instructors from the public schools and university supervisors. Course sections are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for the approved licensure program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program
EDIS 5885Teaching Internship: Science Education (6 - 12)
A required student teaching internship for pre-service teachers, this full-semester experience is supervised by clinical instructors from the public schools and university supervisors. Course sections are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for the approved licensure program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program
EDIS 5886Teaching Internship: Social Studies Education (6 - 12)
A required student teaching internship for pre-service teachers, this full-semester experience is supervised by clinical instructors from the public schools and university supervisors. Course sections are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for the approved licensure program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program
EDIS 5887Teaching Internship: Special Education (3 - 12)
Fall 2025
A required student teaching internship for pre-service teachers, this full-semester experience is supervised by clinical instructors from the public schools and university supervisors. Course sections are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for the approved licensure program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program
EDIS 5888Teaching Internship: English as a Second Language (3 - 12)
Fall 2025
A required student teaching internship for pre-service teachers, this full-semester experience is supervised by clinical instructors from the public schools and university supervisors. Course sections are aligned with specific program/endorsement areas and meet the guidelines for the approved licensure program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program
EDIS 5890Workshop (1 - 3)
Special topics, offered as needed.
EDIS 5900Writing Institute: Central VA Writing Project (6)
This Invitational Institute is sponsored by the Central Virginia Writing Project and the National Writing Project. Prek-12 teachers who have taught for at least 3 years, and who teach in all subject areas, attend this 4-week, all-day Institute where they study themselves as writers and the teaching of writing. An emphasis on teachers as researchers prevails, and the participants engage in continuation experiences during the ensuing school years.
EDIS 5910Teaching Young Writers 6-12 (1 - 6)
This course runs in conjunction with the UVA Writers Workshop program. It involves reading relevant texts, attending workshops, assisting in labs, and teaching electives, as well as interacting with young writers and their original texts and discussing readings with other course participants. Instructor permission is required and experience in teaching writing to adolescents is recommended. Submit sample writing and sample lesson plan.
EDIS 5920Advanced Writing Institute: Central VA Writing Project (3)
This Invitational Advanced Institute is sponsored by the Central Virginia Writing Project and the National Writing Project. Teachers who have attended the CVWP Summer Writing Institute attend this 2-week, all-day Advanced Institute where they study the data they are collecting as teacher researchers, prepare presentations, create documents for publication, and plan for the continuation of their teacher research during the ensuing years. Prerequisites: EDIS 5900 Writing Institute.
EDIS 5985Internship (1 - 6)
Students apply academic experiences in professional and/or research settings; reflect and critically and constructively analyze experiences from multiple perspectives; and view the work as connecting course content authentic contexts. Students work as professionals with site supervisors and instructors to complete related assignments and relevant background research on the professional and academic resources available.
EDIS 5993Independent Study (1 - 6)
Fall 2025
Independent Study
EDIS 5995Independent Research (1 - 6)
Independent Research
EDIS 6200Principles of Curriculum Design (3)
Fall 2025
Laboratory course for students beginning to work on the development of curriculum and instructional programs. Application of curriculum design and evaluation principles to the development of a particular curriculum identified by the student.
EDIS 6220Assessment of Curriculum: K-12 (3)
Fall 2025
Studies the implications for curriculum and data collection techniques of K-12 schools. Specific attention is given to objectives, sequence, standards, and developments in each subject area.
EDIS 6710Reading and Writing Foundations for Diverse Learners (3)
Fall 2025
Reading comprehension and writing for meaning requires the development of many subcomponent skills. This course covers the fundamentals of reading and writing development from emergent literacy through adolescence. Students also learn evidence-based practices for reading and writing instruction informed by assessment within a multi-tiered systems of support framework.
EDIS 6720Understanding the Code: The Language Systems of Written English (3)
Fall 2025
Understanding the Code provides students with a deep understanding of the code and why building this knowledge across a child's reading development is crucial. Students learn how phoneme awareness and phonics lead to automatic word recognition, the influence of orthography, and how the meaning layer of language (i.e., morphology, syntax, semantics) supports decoding, spelling, and vocabulary.
EDIS 6730Diagnosis & Remediation I: Word-Based Assessment & Intervention (3)
Fall 2025
This course explores research evidence that describes key influences on word reading (e.g., phonological awareness, phonics, spelling, decoding,¿&¿fluency). Through a series of assignments to apply knowledge, students administer and interpret assessments of word-level skills and use assessment data to plan and implement lessons. Students reflect on and discuss various aspects of interventions targeting the sub-component skills of word reading.
Course was offered Fall 2024
EDIS 6740Diagnosis & Remediation II: Meaning-Based Assessment & Intervention (3)
The course begins with an overview of models of reading comprehension and research evidence that describes key influences on reading comprehension (e.g., oral language, decoding/fluency, vocabulary, text structure, and engagement/motivation). Through a series of assignments to apply knowledge, students administer and interpret assessments of language and reading comprehension and use assessment data to plan and implement lessons.
Course was offered Spring 2025
EDIS 6750Reading Development, Assessment, and Interventions with Special Populations (3)
Fall 2025
In this course, students apply their knowledge of typical literacy development to understand how reading and writing develop in diverse populations of students, including students with dyslexia, students with other disabilities (e.g., ADHD), English learners, and students who speak linguistic varieties of English. Evidence-based practices in screening, assessment, and instruction/intervention are discussed.
Course was offered Summer 2025, Fall 2024, Summer 2024
EDIS 6760Literacy Leadership and Coaching (3)
Fall 2025
This course examines the leadership role of the reading specialist/coach. Students develop skills to evaluate reading programs and utilize data at the school and district levels. Examining coaching approaches helps students consider how to work in partnership with colleagues for successful implementation of evidence-based practices.
Course was offered Spring 2025, Fall 2024
EDIS 6765Instructional Coaching (3)
Fall 2025
This course focuses on instructional coaching to enhance teaching practices of both novice and experienced teachers across a range of contexts. Students will examine key components of instructional coaching, models of instructional coaching, and considerations for navigating the educational landscape of various contexts for coaching.
Course was offered Spring 2025
EDIS 6770Practicum in Reading Intervention (3)
In this¿course, students¿will provide reading instruction for¿children¿with demonstrated reading difficulties. Students will¿engage in¿Structured¿Literacy intervention¿including¿data-based decision¿making¿&¿goal setting, explicit, systematic instruction, and cumulative practice. The main goal of the course is to apply evidence-based practice highlighted throughout¿the¿Reading program in a practicum including targeted instructional coaching.
Course was offered Summer 2025
EDIS 6800Creativity and Problem Solving (3)
Explores theories of creativity through study of creative people, the creative process, creative products, and creative "press" or those environmental conditions that support and facilitate creative production. Focuses on assessment of creativity, research related to creativity and its applications to education, environments conducive to the development of creativity, and heuristics designed to encourage creativity.
EDIS 6880Masters Comprehensive in Curriculum and Instruction (3)
Fall 2025
Educators must apply knowledge to enhance teaching practices and student learning. This culminating course explores the foundations of the M.Ed. C & I program pillars--curriculum, instruction, assessment, and diversity. We will examine the intersections of the pillars and learnings from the program coursework. The M.Ed. comprehensive (comp) exam is embedded within this course, and students must be in their final semester of coursework to enroll.
EDIS 6885Master's Comprehensive in Special Education (3)
Fall 2025
This capstone course requires students to integrate and apply knowledge acquired from previous coursework to address an authentic problem of practice in special education. Students will propose, design, and implement a solution to tackle the identified issue. This course will culminate in a comprehensive examination or equivalent project submission, demonstrating their readiness to contribute as leaders in special education.
Course was offered Summer 2025, Spring 2025
EDIS 6990Professional Capstone (2)
In this capstone course, pre-service teachers complete a professional project grounded in educational research and practice. This project serves as the culminating assignment for the graduate-level state-approved teacher education program.
EDIS 6991Professional Field Project (2)
EDIS 6991 serves as the framing course for the completion of the Curry Teaching Performance Assessment (CTPA), the culminating capstone project for the Secondary One-Year PGMT program. Additionally, EDIS 6991 explores the process of searching for and obtaining a job as a middle and/or high school teacher as well as issues of professional engagement in these settings.
EDIS 7000Introduction to Instructional Design (3)
Fall 2025
Instructional design offers substantial potential to improve learning in every domain. Students learn systematic methods for ID, explore the role of design, theory, & technology in addressing instructional problems, & build significant analytical & project management skills. For any discipline where creative approaches to knowledge construction and information transfer are critical.
EDIS 7010Instructional Technology (3)
Fall 2025
Using technology in instructional settings requires an understanding of the content, skill, or practice to be taught, relevant pedagogical knowledge, and an understanding of the technology and how the technology supports and/or augments learning in a specific context. In this course, students will develop and apply this technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) through their coursework.
EDIS 7020Computer Courseware Design (3)
This course is the second half of a two-course sequence. It provides an introduction to tools and technologies employed for instructional development. Courseware Design builds upon and extends these topics, including use of these tools to develop instructional projects. This sequence supports and complements other instructional technology courses such as Introduction to Instructional Design.
EDIS 7025Teachers as Leaders (3)
Fall 2025
Teacher leaders are expert in the complexities of teaching and leveraging this expertise to other school reform domains' mentoring, coaching, advocacy, community outreach, etc. By collectively establishing a positive school culture, teacher leaders build on strong pedagogical and cultural knowledge using a variety of interpersonal, instructional, and political skills to improve student learning in schools.
EDIS 7035Professional Knowledge (3)
The cognitive demands of teaching require a continuing cycle of professional learning. This cycle requires federal, state, district, and school attention and policies that align with what we know about adult and student learning. The study of high-quality professional development is crucial to strong schools and communities.
EDIS 7040Seminar in Instructional Technology (3)
There are four background segments of this course: history, current issues, specializations and competencies, and international perspectives. These four units have been designed to provide all IT majors with the requisite professional understanding of their discipline's heritage. Also included are units that guide the participants through the application of specific media to the instruction process. These include research on media, selection, utilization and evaluation, and the relevant characteristics of the media.
Course was offered Fall 2010
EDIS 7050Problems and Issues in Science Education (3)
Studies major curriculum and instructional problems and issues in science education from both historical and present day perspectives. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
EDIS 7070Multimedia Learning (3)
Learn how to evaluate existing and design new instructional materials for any learning environment based on understanding how people learn and process information. We will cover multimedia learning principles such as Mayer's, the underlying theories and research, and design principles like gestalt, figure/ground, and hierarchy. The course features a "rapid prototyping" process for revising and creating mterials throughout the class project
EDIS 7072Performance Improvement (3)
Fall 2025
In this class, we will learn about performance improvement, an extension of instructional design in which practitioners assess needs and gaps in human performance in organizations using tools like root cause analysis, then design interventions to address the gaps and plan on-going evaluation for continuous improvement. These skills are commonly used in for-profit, government/military, and non-profit industries and is growing in education
EDIS 7075Applying Learning Theories in STEM education (3)
The goal of this course is for students to understand and apply views on cognition, learning, and teaching to inform the design and research of technology-enhanced or STEM education learning activities and/or environments. This course is open to graduate students from any discipline that want to be able to understand and draw upon current perspectives of learning for technology-enhanced or STEM educational practice.
EDIS 7076Technology, Learning Systems, and Culture (3)
In Phaedrus, Socrates debated the value of a new technology, writing, in the Academy with his students under a plane tree near Athens. Designed to develop "reflective practitioners", this course is our virtual plane tree in which we will use systems theory and cultural studies to explore how context and technology shape each other and ethical considerations for the design, selection, and implemetation of educational innovations.
EDIS 7080Advanced Techniques of Teaching the Exceptional Individual (3)
Analyzes instructional approaches, strategies, and materials for advanced-level consultant and resource teachers in special education. Emphasizes the development of interactive skills among professionals in order to facilitate collaboration with general education. Prerequisite: instructor permission.
EDIS 7091Proseminar: Reading (1)
To be taken concurrently with EDIS 7850 Seminar (Reading), this one-credit pro-seminar is designed to prepare new doctoral students in reading and related literacy studies to be successful doctoral students. The hoops and hurdles of doctoral studies are demystified and faculty involved in current literacy research share their research agendas. Doctoral students at the end of their program are invited to share their experience and current research efforts. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in EDIS 7850.
EDIS 7220Intro to the Gifted (3)
Fall 2025
Overview of the field of gifted education including conceptions of giftedness, identification tools and processes, characteristics of gifted learners, programming options, curriculum and instruction, and evaluation for gifted learners- including historically under-represented students. Students will gain a foundation in the field of gifted education and appropriate educational responses to gifted learners to be built upon in subsequent courses.
EDIS 7230Curriculum for the Gifted and Talented (3)
Fall 2025
Designed to introduce students to modifying and creating appropriate and effective curriculum for gifted learners. Course participants will understand how to choose appropriate content, process and product outcomes and develop meaningful learning experiences that are rigorous, concept-based, open-ended, and tied to gifted learners experiences. Participants will explore and understand the process of curriculum design through multiple lenses.
EDIS 7250Models and Strategies for Teaching the Gifted (3)
Fall 2025
Students gain an understanding of models for delivering instruction and adapting teaching strategies for appropriately educating gifted students. Participants learn strategies that nurture the affective, creative, and cognitive needs of gifted learners; including those who are culturally and linguistically diverse, economically disadvantaged, highly gifted, or have special needs or disabilities (twice-exceptional learners).
EDIS 7270Differentiation of Instruction for Gifted Learners (3)
Educators develop skills in implementing the practices required to address the academic needs of gifted learners in contemporary classrooms. Participants develop and apply approaches to modifying curriculum and instructional practices to ensure that gifted learners are challenged across a range of disciplines. EDIS 7270 builds on the understandings and skills gained from the other 3 courses in the gifted endorsement series
EDIS 7310Childrens Literature (3)
This course focuses on the many genres of children's literature created for the PreK-6th grade child and the place of literature in the language arts program. Students learn to assess literacy quality; they also learn a range of instructional techniques designed to support a literature curriculum.
EDIS 7450Problems and Issues in Mathematics Education (3)
Studies major curriculum and instructional problems and issues in mathematics education from historical and present-day perspectives. Prerequisite: instructor permission.
Course was offered Fall 2012, Fall 2011, Fall 2010, Fall 2009
EDIS 7600Problems and Issues in Social Studies Education (3)
Discussion of the major curriculum and instructional problems and issues in social studies education. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
Course was offered Fall 2018
EDIS 7710Reading and Writing Across the Content Areas (3)
This course explores how students' language, experiences, and literacy development play a role in learning content material. Participants will explore the nature and meaning of content literacy and what it means to learn through texts. Theoretical and foundational considerations will frame the exploration, modeling, and instructional practice of comprehension, academic and content vocabulary, and writing to learn strategies.
EDIS 7730Reading Assessment & Data-Based Decision Making (2)
In this course, students will explore an assessment cycle consistent with current evidence-based practice of data-based decision making, including a cycle of screening, monitoring progress, administering targeted diagnostic assessments, and measuring progress with outcome measures. This work will be grounded within a multi-tiered systems of support framework.
EDIS 7750Effective Reading Programs (3)
Examines the organization and supervision of effective reading programs in the nested contexts of the classroom, the school, the school district, and beyond. The issue of organizational plans are discussed in relation to students' needs in literacy acquisition. Participants critically examine 'in place' reading programs and design their own plan for a reading program. Prerequisite: EDIS 7700.
EDIS 7805Past as Prologue: Examining Past Innovations to Envision the Future (3)
Can a modern innovation actually be old? This course examines key historical moments of innovation in teaching and learning -- from the Common Schools through modern EdTech -- with the goal of helping those who are interested in improving schools today become better prepared to do so by exploring the purpose, context, and legacy of similar efforts in the past.
EDIS 7812Educational Specialist Professional Portfolio (3)
This culminating course for the Ed.S. program will usher students through the process of designing and completing a final project that pulls together program course-work, personal context and professional goals. Students will have the opportunity reflect on the content learned throughout the program and apply leadership principles in the design of the final project. This course should be taken during the final semester of the program.
EDIS 7815Pro-seminar: Innovations in Education (3)
Interested in transforming education? This course explores a range of innovative efforts to improve education with the goal of preparing seminar students to envision and create innovations of their own that are grounded in theory, inspired by real-world examples, and infused with creativity. By the end of the seminar, you will have taken the first step by developing and pitching a transformative idea of your own.
EDIS 7825It Takes a Village: Family and Community Engagement to Support Learning (3)
Fall 2025
This course examines the various theories, frameworks, and practices that help to cultivate and sustain the engagement of families and communities in the educational development (social, emotional, and academic) of children and in the improvement of schools. We focus in particular on research-based examples of the role families and community can play with respect to teaching and learning in K12 schools.
Course was offered Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021
EDIS 7835Global Lessons: Insights from around the World (3)
Fall 2025
Educators, policymakers, and pundits point to Finland, Singapore, and other countries that produce high marks on international assessments as places to study and perhaps emulate. This course provides that opportunity. We study successful educational systems around the world to identify steps to improve education in our own contexts, wherever they may be.
Course was offered Fall 2024
EDIS 7840Discourse Analysis in Education (3)
This course provides an introduction to discourse analysis theory and methodology as they relate to classrooms and other educational settings. Readings will provide an overview of discourse analysis approaches used in educational research, with a particular focus on micro-ethnographic and conversation-analytic approaches. Fieldwork and hands-on analysis of discourse will form a significant portion of the course.
EDIS 7842Teaching English Learners: Theory, Policy, and Practice (3)
Fall 2025
This course is designed to provide you with an overview to key issues related to the education of linguistic minorities (labeled "English Learners," or "ELs") in K-12 settings in the United States. We will explore second language acquisition theory, language policy, pedagogical approaches, and the practices of ELs and their teachers.
EDIS 7850Seminar (3)
Course sections of this doctoral level seminar are aligned with special topics related to individual program areas. Students are advised to contact the program coordinator or their advisor for additional information on course content and scheduling.
EDIS 7851Theoretical Models of Reading Seminar (3)
Students learn about key theoetical orientations regarding various aspects of reading, such as comprehension, word recognition, affect, and others. Prerequisite: Admission to doctoral program or instructor consent.
Course was offered Fall 2015, Fall 2013, Fall 2011, Fall 2009
EDIS 7852Seminar: Reading Research (3)
Fall 2025
Students learn about major approaches to research and study exemplars of each. Students will learn to evaluate research reports on the basis of accepted standards for each approach. Prerequisite: Admission to doctoral program or instructor consent.
EDIS 7882Reading Seminar: Early Literacy Acquisition (3)
This seminar introduces students to current topics and issues concerning young childrens development of language and early literacy skills during the early childhood period that lay a foundation for later reading success.
Course was offered Spring 2018
EDIS 7883Reading Disabilities (3)
Focuses on current research on reading disabilities. Explores how theories of speech affect research in reading and writing and the history of resarch on Dyslexia and its subtypes. Implications for identification and intervention are discussed in light of the most recent research on response to intervention. Prerequisite: Background in reading, communication disorders, or special education.
EDIS 7886Comprehension of Text (3)
Explores what it means to comprehend a text and how the ability develops in children and adolescents. Examines comprehension theories from the perspectives of psychology, education, linguistics, and literacy theory. Participants also study the research on teaching reading comprehension to determine if schools can improve how students think and learn with texts.
Course was offered Fall 2016, Fall 2014, Fall 2012, Fall 2010
EDIS 7887Models of Reading (3)
Basic seminar in models and processes of reading. The wides possible range of reading models are considered, from those that emphasize processes of word recognition to those that encompass reader-response theory and postmodern perspectives. Each model is evaluated in turn, with the goal of synthesizing multiple perspectives in a final paper that reconciles conflicting views and focuses on instructional implications.
EDIS 7890Educational Entrepreneurship in Action-Practicum (3)
In this course you become an educational entrepreneur by designing and implementing an educational innovation for a school or similar setting that you choose. You will help your partner site identify a challenge, design an innovative approach to address that challenge, and test and refine your approach. In short: in this course you will design an innovation that could impact learners immediately and for years to come.
EDIS 7993Independent Study (1 - 6)
Fall 2025
Course permits students to work, under close faculty guidance, on an individual research project. Research done in this course may not be considered a part of thesis or dissertation work. Enrollment in this course should be limited to two three-credit registrations (six credits) at the doctorate level. Exceptions to this regulation should have the approval of the advisory committee and the dean of the School of Education.
EDIS 8000TNon-UVa Transfer/Test Credit (3)
EDIS 8020Readings and Research in Education of Exceptional Children (3)
Individual reading or research program for students majoring in the education of exceptional children. Areas of emphasis: behavior disordered (emotionally disturbed); learning disabled; mentally retarded; general special education; and special education administration and supervision. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
Course was offered Fall 2024, Fall 2019
EDIS 8040Problems in Special Education (3)
Analyzes contemporary research on exceptional children. Areas of emphasis: behavior disordered (emotionally disturbed); learning disabled; mentally retarded; general special education; and special education administration and supervision. No more than three credits may be taken in each subsection.
Course was offered Spring 2021, Spring 2020
EDIS 8060Advanced Instruction Seminar (3)
Fall 2025
Teaching and learning are highly complex and interactive processes occurring at the intersection of curriculum, instruction, and assessment. This course deeply explores instruction, the approaches and methods used to facilitate learning. After establishing a foundation of what is known about how people learn, we will consider how context, culture, and content should influence instructional decision making in terms of planning and implementation.
EDIS 8082Advanced Curriculum Seminar (3)
The field of curriculum studies seeks to understand the complex environments of teaching and learning within our society--to see beyond curriculum guides, standards, and lesson plans to make meaning of the lived experiences shared by students and teachers and to ascertain how decisions about what is and not taught are made, how teachers implement official knowledge, and how students respond.
EDIS 8084Advanced Assessment Seminar (3)
Fall 2025
This advanced assessment seminar is designed to enable students to build on existing strengths and to provide an opportunity for further in-depth study in the area of educational assessment. The course is intended to facilitate the development of students' learning focusing on experiences typically not provided in coursework, such as planning learning experiences for professionals.
EDIS 8090Seminar: Integrative Literature Reviews (3)
Presents methods for systematically integrating research literature, including searching extant studies, categorizing studies on the basis of their relevant characteristics, analyzing the resulting data, and preparing reports of reviews. Includes methods for both narrative reviews and meta-analyses.
EDIS 8191Teacher Evaluation Research (3)
This course examines major approaches to teacher evaluation in K-12 education including classroom observation instruments, teacher value-added measures, teacher portfolios, and student surveys. We will examine the current research base on each of these approaches, including evidence related to their reliability, validity, and fairness/bias. We will also address challenges to implementing each approach for use in summative teacher evaluation.
Course was offered Spring 2016
EDIS 8500Special Topics (1 - 6)
Special Topics
EDIS 8810Policy Perspectives on Teaching and Teacher Education (3)
This course examines questions about the nature of teacher quality and how policies affect teacher quality. We will ask how policies affect teachers as college students who could decide to enter teaching, as students enrolled in a preparation program or pathway, as graduates seeking initial teacher licensure, as licensed teachers seeking jobs, as novice teachers, as tenured teachers, or as teachers who could be rewarded, honored, or dismissed
EDIS 8820Curriculum: Advanced Seminar (3)
Study of the most significant recent developments in curricular concepts and patterns directed toward a deeper understanding of the theoretic base underlying them.
Course was offered Spring 2013, Spring 2011
EDIS 8850Doctoral Level Methods in Special Education (3)
This course gives an overview of methods for iinstructioning children with special needs in the public schools. Designed specifically for those doctoral students seeking licensure in school psychology, the course uses cases and video to address methods from a problem-solving format.
EDIS 8851Advanced Studies in Special Education Research and Issues (3)
Fall 2025
Advanced graduate students examine professional literature bearing on the nature, causes, asessment, and treatment of individuals with disabilities, particularly the literature related to special education and the issues that arise from differing perspectives on these topics. Topics (a: characteristics and issues; b: assessment and intervention) alternate annually; students may repeat the course one time.
EDIS 8852Conceptualizing Educational Research (3)
This seminar provides a forum for exchanging ideas about conducting educational research and evaluation. Students write and presnet research proposals.
EDIS 8853Seminar: Research Grant Writing (3)
This doctoral level seminar is designed to help students learn how to write proposals for research funding. The major course assignment is writing a mock research proposal using either the guidelines of the DoED's Institute of Education Sciences, the National Science Foundation, or the National Institutes of Health.
EDIS 8854Policy Issues in Teaching and Teacher Education (3 - 6)
This seminar engages graduate students in an intensive exploration of (1) the context for teaching and teacher education policy, (2) the diverse roles of various stakeholder groups and agencies, (3) the specific dimensions of policy on teaching and teacher education, and (4) current issues in teaching and teacher education policy. Specific sections may focus on particular topics in teacher education.
EDIS 8855Critical Race Theory and Education (3)
Fall 2025
In this course, we will use Critical Race theory and related theories to explore equity and access in the American educational system, especially as it relates to minoritized students from historically underserved backgrounds.
EDIS 8856Academic Pathways: Navigating Professional Roles and Responsibilities (3)
This seminar explores the multifaceted professional activities in higher education, including policies, service, course development, leadership in professional organizations, mentorship, faculty governance, teaching, promotion and tenure, and research. The seminar is designed to prepare students for careers in academia and other organizations by critically examining the complexities of faculty responsibilities and institutional structures.
EDIS 8970Field Study (3 - 6)
Fall 2025
In this student-driven, field-based course, students perform work at a school, district, or other educational setting to investigate and address a specific question, challenge, need, or interest of the partner organization. Students make informed analyses of the educational issues and present findings.
EDIS 8980Practicum (1 - 6)
Supervised experiences under the direction of Clinical Instructors and University Supervisors. . Experiences are designed to prepare students to manage and instruct individual children/adolescents and groups of children/adolescents representative of their respective area of emphasis. The experiences addressed are: Section 1: Early Childhood Developmental Risk; Section 2: Severe Disabilities; Section 3: Behavioral Disorders; Section 4: Learning Disabilities; Section 5: Mental Retardation
EDIS 8981Practicum: Special Education (1 - 6)
Practicum: Special Education
EDIS 8982Practicum: Curriculum & Instruction (1 - 12)
Practicum: Curriculum & Instruction
EDIS 8984Practicum: Reading Diagnostic Clinic (1 - 6)
Fall 2025
Practicum: Reading Diagnostic Clinic
EDIS 8987Masters Internship: Gifted (1 - 12)
Masters Internship: Gifted
EDIS 8998Masters Research Internship (1 - 12)
Fall 2025
Designed to give masters students experience conducting research in professional settings appropriate to their disciplines. Prerequisites: Permission of Advisor.
EDIS 8999Masters Thesis (1 - 6)
For master's research, taken under the supervision of a thesis director.
EDIS 9040Seminar in English & Literacy Education (3)
In a highly individualized venue, students develop the components of a dissertation proposal; a study rationale, literature review, and methodology for rigorous inquiry that will contribute to research, theory, and practice in English and literacy education. In this context, students also prepare themselves for comprehension exams.
Course was offered Spring 2024
EDIS 9450Readings and Research in Mathematics Education (3)
Students analyze research on a particular topic in the teaching or learning of mathematics and complete a project synthesizing, applying, or extending the research results.
EDIS 9650Readings and Research in Social Studies Education (3)
Explores and analyzes significant studies in social studies education. Consideration is also given to implications for needed research in this area.
EDIS 9740Internship in College Teaching or Supervision (1 - 6)
Fall 2025
Opportunities for experienced doctoral students to teach courses or partial courses at the University, or to supervise student teachers under the guidance of a faculty member.
EDIS 9810Curriculum and Instruction Capstone Proposal Seminar (3)
Fall 2025
This seminar is designed to support you as you draft and defend your C&I EdD Capstone proposal. This course does not focus on the introduction of new research methods but on the application of the research knowledge, understandings, and skills that you have learned as a doctoral student.
EDIS 9985Internship (1 - 12)
Students apply academic experiences in professional and/or research settings; reflect and critically and constructively analyze experiences from multiple perspectives; and view the work as connecting course content authentic contexts. Students work as professionals with site supervisors and instructors to complete related assignments and relevant background research on the professional and academic resources available.
EDIS 9991Ed.D. Research (1 - 12)
Fall 2025
Ed.D. Research conducted under the guidance of dissertation/capstone committee. 12 hours required for graduation. Permission of Instructor required.
EDIS 9993Independent Study (1 - 6)
Fall 2025
Under close guidance of a faculty member, students work on an area of particular interest that cannot be met by a regularly scheduled course. A plan of study should be signed by the faculty sponsor and filed in the student's permanent file in the Office of Student Affairs. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
EDIS 9995Independent Research (1 - 6)
Fall 2025
Permits students to work jointly with faculty or other students in cooperatively designing and executing research projects. The nature and scope of such projects are advanced beyond the master's level, and a plan of research should be signed and filed in the student's permanent file. Prerequisite: Advisor permission.
EDIS 9998Doctoral Research Apprenticeship (3 - 12)
Fall 2025
Designed to give doctoral students experience conducting research in professional settings appropriate to their disciplines. Prerequisites: Advisor Permission Required
EDIS 9999Doctoral Dissertation (3 - 12)
Fall 2025
Doctoral Dissertation Research completed under the guidance of dissertation committee. 12 hours is required for graduation. Permission of instructor required.