UVa Course Catalog (Unofficial, Lou's List)
Catalog of Courses for Astronomy    
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These pages present data mined from the University of Virginia's student information system (SIS). I hope that you will find them useful. — Lou Bloomfield, Department of Physics
ASTR 1001TNon-UVA Transfer/Test Credit (1 - 4)
Transfer credit or test credit that is not equivalent to current UVA coursework. Contains content related to Artistic, Interpretive, and Philosophical Inquiry.
ASTR 1002TNon-UVA Transfer/Test Credit (1 - 4)
Transfer credit or test credit that is not equivalent to current UVA coursework. Contains content related to Cultures and Societies of the World.
ASTR 1003TNon-UVA Transfer/Test Credit (1 - 4)
Transfer credit or test credit that is not equivalent to current UVA coursework. Contains content related to Historical Perspectives.
ASTR 1004TNon-UVA Transfer/Test Credit (1 - 4)
Transfer credit or test credit that is not equivalent to current UVA coursework. Contains content related to Social and Economic Systems.
ASTR 1005TNon-UVA Transfer/Test Credit (1 - 4)
Transfer credit or test credit that is not equivalent to current UVA coursework. Contains content related to Chemical, Mathematical, and Physical Inquiry
ASTR 1006TNon-UVA Transfer/Test Credit (1 - 4)
Transfer credit or test credit that is not equivalent to current UVA coursework. Contains content related to Living Systems.
ASTR 1007TNon-UVA Transfer/Test Credit (1 - 4)
Transfer credit or test credit that is not equivalent to current UVA coursework. Contains content related to Science and Society
ASTR 1210Introduction to the Sky and Solar System (3)
Fall 2025
A study of the night sky primarily for non-science majors. Provides a brief history of astronomy through Newton. Topics include the properties of the sun, earth, moon, planets, asteroids, meteors and comets; origin and evolution of the solar system; life in the universe; and recent results from space missions and ground-based telescopes.
ASTR 1220Introduction to Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe (3)
Fall 2025
A study of stars, star formation, and evolution primarily for non-science majors. Topics include light, atoms, and modern observing technologies; origin of the chemical elements; supernovae, pulsars, neutron stars, and black holes; structure and evolution of our galaxy; nature of other galaxies; active galaxies and quasars; expanding universe, cosmology, the big bang, and the early universe.
ASTR 1230Introduction to Astronomical Observation (3)
An independent laboratory class for non-science majors, meeting at night, in which students learn how to observe the night sky, use a telescope, and take digital images of the sky. Students work individually or in small groups on observational projects that focus on the study of constellations, planets, stars, nebulae, and galaxies using binoculars, 8-inch telescopes, and imaging equipment at the department's student observatory.
ASTR 1250Alien Worlds (3)
Alien worlds orbiting other stars were the subject of speculation going back to ancient times, and were first detected in the 1990s. Today, thousands of extrasolar planets are known and show a remarkable diversity compared to our own solar system. This introductory astronomy course for non-science majors discusses the known exoplanets: how they are discovered, their orbits, physical properties, formation, evolution and fate.
ASTR 1260Threats from Outer Space (3)
This introductory astronomy course for non-science majors deals with harmful, or potentially harmful, astronomical phenomena such as asteroid/comet impacts, supernovae, gamma ray bursts, solar storms, cosmic rays, black holes, galaxy collisions, and the end of the universe. Physical principles will be used to evaluate the dangers involved.
ASTR 1270Unsolved Mysteries in the Universe (3)
An exploration of the unsolved mysteries in the universe and the limits of our knowledge for non-science majors. The class emphasizes the nature of scientific endeavor, and explores the boundaries between science, philosophy, and metaphysics. A number of thought provoking topics are discussed including the beginning and end of the universe, black holes, extraterrestrial life, the nature of time, dark matter and dark energy.
ASTR 1280The Origins of Almost Everything (3)
From ancient Babylon to modern cosmology, nearly every culture on Earth has stories and myths of creation. It is a universal human desire to understand from where we came. In this introductory astronomy class for non-science majors, students will explore the origins of the Universe, structure and galaxies, stars, planets and life. The course will use the content to illustrate the nature of science and scientific inquiry.
ASTR 1290Black Holes (3)
Fall 2025
Black holes are stellar remnants that are so dense that nothing, not even light, can escape their gravitational pull. Nevertheless, systems that contain these "dark stars" are among the brightest sources in the universe. In this introductory course, aimed primarily at non-science majors, students will explore the seemingly paradoxical nature of black holes and evaluate the astronomical evidence for their existence.
ASTR 1510Seminar (1)
Primarily for first and second year students, taught on a voluntary basis by a faculty member. Topics vary.
ASTR 1559New Course in Astronomy (1 - 4)
New course in the subject of astronomy.
ASTR 1610Intro to Astronomical Research for Potential Astronomy/Astrophysics Majors (1)
For first- and second-year students considering Astronomy/Astronomy-Physics as a major, or current A/A-P majors. Faculty will present ongoing research to introduce students to both the subject matter and the required physical, mathematical, and computational background of contemporary astronomy research. Potential long-term undergraduate research projects will be emphasized.
ASTR 2110Introduction to Astrophysics I (3)
Fall 2025
Primarily for science majors. A thorough discussion of the basic concepts and methods of solar system, stellar, galactic, and extragalactic astronomy and astrophysics with an emphasis on physical principles. Prerequisite/corequisite: MATH 1210 or 1310, PHYS 1420 or 1425, or instructor permission; ASTR 2110 and 2120 form a sequence and should be taken in that order.
ASTR 2120Introduction to Astrophysics II (3)
Primarily for science majors. A thorough discussion of the basic concepts and methods of solar system, stellar, galactic, and extragalactic astronomy and astrophysics with an emphasis on physical principles. Prerequisite/corequisite: ASTR 2110, MATH 1210 or 1310, PHYS 1420 or 1425, or instructor permission; ASTR 2110 and 2120 form a sequence and should be taken in that order.
ASTR 2559New Course in Astronomy (1 - 4)
New Course in the subject of Astronomy.
ASTR 3130Observational Astronomy (4)
Primarily for science majors. A lecture and laboratory course that deals with basic observational techniques in astronomy. The laboratory section generally meets at night. Students use observational facilities at the McCormick and Fan Mountain Observatories. Additional work outside posted laboratory hours will be required to take advantage of clear skies.
ASTR 3150The Interstellar Medium: From Hydrogen to Humans (3)
Fall 2025
This course provides an overview of the origins of the elements through cosmic history. The course is taught chronologically, starting from the Big Bang and leading up to life as we know it. The course will cover a wide variety of topics, such as the formation of the first stars, galaxies, and the lifecycle of the interstellar medium. We will also study how material is re-incorporated into modern day stars, planets, and eventually life.
Course was offered Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022
ASTR 3410Archaeo-Astronomy (3)
Open to non-science students. Discussion of prescientific astronomy, including Mayan, Babylonian, and ancient Chinese astronomy, and the significance of relics such as Stonehenge. Discusses the usefulness of ancient records in the study of current astrophysical problems such as supernova outbursts. Uses current literature from several disciplines, including astronomy, archaeology, and anthropology. Prerequisite/corequisite: A 1000- or 2000-level ASTR course, or instructor permission.
ASTR 3420Life Beyond the Earth (3)
Open to non-science students. Studies the possibility of intelligent extraterrestrial life; methods and desirability of interstellar communication; prospects for humanity's colonization of space; interaction of space colonies; and the search for other civilizations. Prerequisite/corequisite: A 1000- or 2000-level ASTR course or instructor permission.
ASTR 3450Mission to Mars (3)
The next great adventure in space flight will be a human mission to Mars. In this course, we will explore how such a mission might take place. Topics will include the basics of spaceflight, spacecraft and rocket design, the history of human space exploration, its legacy and impact on the modern world, the current state of spaceflight, and new technologies that are being developed to make the mission possible.
ASTR 3460Development of Modern Astronomy (3)
The 20th Century saw a revolution in our study of the origin and evolution of the universe. It was a dynamic period with the opening of the electromagnetic spectrum and the transition to "Big Science." This course is a survey of the development of modern astrophysics, with an emphasis on the second half of the 20th Century. Prerequisite: A 1000- or 2000-level ASTR course or instructor permission.
ASTR 3470Science and Controversy in Astronomy (3)
Fall 2025
Open to non-science students. Investigates controversial topics in science and pseudo-science from the astronomer's perspective. Analyzes methods of science and the nature of scientific evidence, and their implications for unresolved astrophysical problems. Topics include extraterrestrial life, UFO's, astrology, the Moon landing, and others.
ASTR 3480Introduction to Cosmology (3)
Fall 2025
Intended for STEM majors and non-STEM majors who are comfortable with some non-calculus math. Cosmology explores the origin and evolution of the Universe, including cosmic expansion, mapping the Universe, dark matter and dark energy, the birth and evolution of galaxies, the early universe, and the Big Bang. This course strikes a balance between richly illustrated description and a simplified quantitative exploration of the above topics.
ASTR 3490Galaxies (3)
Intended for STEM majors and non-STEM majors who are comfortable with some non-calculus math. The course explores the structure, properties, and history of galaxies. Topics include: the structure of galaxies; galaxy demographics; star motions and populations; nuclear black holes; galaxy interactions; dark matter halos; the distribution of the elements; and the formation and evolution of galaxies.
Course was offered Spring 2025
ASTR 3559New Course in Astronomy (1 - 4)
New course in the subject of astronomy.
Course was offered Spring 2010
ASTR 3880Planetary Astronomy (3)
Studies the origin and evolution of the bodies in the solar system, emphasizing the geology of the planets and satellites of the inner solar system and the satellites of the gaseous planets. Topics will include the interpretation of remote sensing data, the chemistry and dynamics of planetary atmospheres and their interactions with the planetary surfaces, and the role of impacts. Prerequisite: Introductory course in geosciences or astronomy.
ASTR 3881Planetary Astronomy Laboratory (1)
Optional one hour laboratory for students in ASTR 3880 that provides practical experience in accessing and analyzing data related to the origin and geology of solar system planetary bodies, including the Moon, Mars, and outer planet satellites.
ASTR 4140Research Methods in Astrophysics (3)
Primarily for astronomy/astrophysics majors. Students will be exposed to a research methods-intensive set of mini projects, with emphasis on current active areas of astrophysics research. The goal is to prepare students for research in astrophysics. Topics will include databases and database manipulation, astronomical surveys, statistics, space observatories and observation planning, intro to numerical simulations, and proposal writing.Prerequisites: ASTR 2110/2120 and PHYS 2660, or instructor permission.
ASTR 4460Physics of Compact Stars (3)
Fall 2025
The compact stars - white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes - are the end state of stellar evolution. The conditions in and around these objects are extreme as compared to terrestrial standards, and they are responsible for some of the most powerful and dynamic phenomena in the universe. This course introduces the physics of strong gravity and dense matter required to understand compact stars and their observational manifestations.
Course was offered Fall 2023
ASTR 4470Computational Astronomy (3)
Computational methods are widely applied in all areas of astrophysical research, including data analysis, instrumentation, and theory. This course covers advanced computing skills that optimize the scientific return from using increasingly complex code bases and sophisticated code development tools. Using Python, we introduce widely applicable numerical methods while training the students in the use of commonly used code development concepts.
Course was offered Spring 2024
ASTR 4559New Course in Astronomy (1 - 4)
New course in the subject of astronomy.
ASTR 4810Astrophysics (3)
Basic concepts in mechanics, statistical physics, atomic and nuclear structure, and radiative transfer are developed and applied to selected fundamental problems in the areas of stellar structure, stellar atmospheres, the interstellar medium, and extragalactic astrophysics. Prerequisite: ASTR 2110, 2120 (recommended); MATH 4220; PHYS 3210, 3310 (concurrent), 3340, 3430 (concurrent), 3650; or instructor permission.
ASTR 4993Tutorial (3)
Fall 2025
Independent study of a topic of special interest to the student under individual supervision by a faculty member. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
ASTR 4998Senior Thesis (3)
Fall 2025
May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
ASTR 5010Astrophysical Processes (3)
An introduction to the basic physics of astronomy and astrophysics organized around learning physical principles and applying them to astrophysical objects. Physics covered will be chosen from fluid mechanics, radiative transfer, statistical mechanics, classical and quantum radiation processes, and quantum mechanics of atomic and molecular structure. This graduate course will involve more complex and difficult assignments than ASTR 4810. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission.
ASTR 5110Astronomical Techniques (4)
Fall 2025
Surveys modern techniques of radiation measurement, data analysis, and image processing, and their application to astrophysical problems, especially the physical properties of stars and galaxies. Relevant laboratory experiments and observations with the department's telescopes are included. Students are expected to develop a familiarity with programming and other basic computer skills if they do not already possess them. Prerequisite: ASTR 2110-2120; PHYS 3420, 3430 or instructor permission.
ASTR 5140Advanced Research Methods in Astrophysics (3)
Graduate students will be exposed to a research methods-intensive set of projects, with emphasis on current active areas of astrophysics research. The goal is to prepare students for research in astrophysics. Topics will include databases and database manipulation, astronomical surveys, statistics, space observatories and observation planning, intro to numerical simulations, and proposal writing.
ASTR 5260Introduction to Astrochemistry (3)
Fall 2025
This interdisciplinary course will introduce advanced undergraduates and graduates to molecules and their chemistry in different sources throughout the universe. Topics include gas-phase and grain-surface reactions, astronomical spectroscopy, laboratory experiments, and astrochemical modeling. Prerequisite: There are no formal prerequisites, but some knowledge of chemical kinetics, spectroscopy, and/or the interstellar medium will be helpful.
ASTR 5340Introductory Radio Astronomy (3)
Studies the fundamentals of measuring power and power spectra, antennas, interferometers, and radiometers. Topics include thermal radiation, synchrotron radiation, and line frequency radiation; and radio emission from the planets, sun, flare stars, pulsars, supernovae, interstellar gas, galaxies, and quasi-stellar sources.
ASTR 5350Introduction to Radio Astronomy Instrumentation (3)
An introduction to the instrumentation of radio astronomy. Discussion includes fundamentals of measuring radio signals, noise theory, basic radiometry, antennas, low noise electronics, coherent receivers, signal processing for continuum and spectral line studies, and arrays. Lecture material is supplemented by illustrative labs. Prerequisite: ASTR 5340 or Instructor permission.
ASTR 5420Interstellar Medium (3)
Studies the physics of the interstellar gas and grains, the distribution and dynamics of gas, and cosmic radiation and interstellar magnetic fields. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
ASTR 5430Stellar Astrophysics (3)
Studies observed properties and physics of stars including radiative transfer; stellar thermodynamics; convection; formation of spectra in atmospheres; equations of stellar structure; nuclear reactions; stellar evolution; and nucleosynthesis. Includes applicable numerical techniques. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
ASTR 5440Stellar Astrophysics (3)
Studies observed properties and physics of stars including radiative transfer; stellar thermodynamics; convection; formation of spectra in atmospheres; equations of stellar structure; nuclear reactions; stellar evolution; and nucleosynthesis. Includes applicable numerical techniques. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
Course was offered Spring 2014, Spring 2012, Spring 2010
ASTR 5450High Energy Astrophysics (3)
Introduces the physics of basic radiation mechanisms and particle acceleration processes that are important in high energy phenomena and space science. Discusses applications to pulsars, active galactic nuclei, radio galaxies, quasars, and supernovae. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
ASTR 5460Physics of Compact Stars (3)
Fall 2025
The compact stars - white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes - are the end state of stellar evolution. The conditions in and around these objects are extreme as compared to terrestrial standards, and they are responsible for some of the most powerful and dynamic phenomena in the universe. This course introduces the physics of strong gravity and dense matter required to understand compact stars and their observational manifestations.
Course was offered Fall 2023
ASTR 5470Computational Astrophysics (3)
Computational methods are widely applied in all areas of astrophysical research, including data analysis, instrumentation, and theory. This course covers advanced computing skills that optimize the scientific return from using increasingly complex code bases and sophisticated code development tools. Using Python, we introduce widely applicable numerical methods while training the students in the use of commonly used code development concepts.
Course was offered Spring 2024
ASTR 5480Cosmology (3)
Fall 2025
This course covers topics associated with cosmology, the branch of astrophysics dealing with the origin and evolution of the Universe. The course begins with a historical overview and then focuses on three main areas: expansion of the universe, the early universe, and large-scale structure.
ASTR 5559New Course in Astronomy (1 - 4)
New course in the subject of astronomy.
Course was offered Spring 2013, Spring 2012
ASTR 5610Galactic Structure and Stellar Populations (3)
Explores the structure and evolution of star clusters and galaxies, with emphasis on the kinematics, chemistry, ages, and spectral energy distributions of stellar populations. The course introduces fundamental tools of Galactic astronomy, including methods for assessing the size, shape, age, and dynamics of the Milky Way and other stellar systems, galaxy formation, interstellar gas and dust, dark matter, and the distance scale. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
ASTR 5630Extragalactic Astronomy (3)
This course provides an overview of extragalactic astronomy. Topics include both qualitative and quantitative discussion of various types of galaxy (ellipticals, spirals, dwarf, starburst); results from theory of stellar dynamics; groups and clusters of galaxies; active galaxies; high-redshift galaxies; galaxy evolution; the intergalactic medium; and dark matter. The course is intended for advanced undergraduate astrophysics majors and first and second year graduate students. Prerequisite: Physics and Math through PHYS 2610, MATH 3250 (or equivalent); ASTR 2110, 2120 (or equivalent).
ASTR 5640Extragalactic Astronomy II (3)
This course provides an overview of extragalactic astronomy. Topics include both a qualitative and quantitative discussion of star formation in galaxies, galaxy interactions and mergers, active galaxies and quasars, cosmology, structure formation in the universe, and galaxy formation and evolution. The course is intended for advanced undergraduate astrophysics majors and first and second year graduate students. Proposed: This course provides an overview of extragalactic astronomy. Topics include both a qualitative and quantitative discussion of star formation in galaxies, galaxy interactions and mergers, active galaxies and quasars, cosmology, structure formation in the universe, and galaxy formation and evolution. The course is intended for advanced undergraduate astrophysics majors and first and second year graduate students. Prerequisite: ASTR 5630 or Instructor Permission
Course was offered Spring 2013, Spring 2011
ASTR 6230Introduction to Astronomical Observation Concepts (3)
The subject matter of this course is the same as ASTR 1230. Students are offered special assignments and consultation on introductory concepts in observational astronomy related to education. Offered concurrently with undergraduate sections. Prerequisite: Curry School students; instructor permission.
ASTR 6340Astronomy Concepts in the Classroom (3)
A seminar-style class offered for graduate students in the School of Education and in-service teachers seeking credit towards (re) certification. In addition to astronomy content, students will learn effective astronomy lessons. Prerequisite: instructor permission
ASTR 6420Life Beyond the Earth Concepts (3)
The subject matter of this course is the same as ASTR 3420. Students are offered special reading assignments and consultation on extraterrestrial life concepts related to education. Offered concurrently with undergraduate sections. Prerequisite: Curry School students; instructor permission.
ASTR 6470Science and Controversy Concepts (3)
The subject matter of this course is the same as ASTR 3470. Students are offered special reading assignments and consultation on science and pseudoscience concepts related to education. Offered concurrently with undergraduate sections. Prerequisite: Curry School students; instructor permission.
Course was offered Fall 2011
ASTR 6480Introduction to Cosmology Concepts (3)
The subject matter of this course is the same as ASTR 3480. Students are offered special reading assignments and consultation on cosmology concepts related to education. Offered concurrently with undergraduate sections. Prerequisite: Curry School students; instructor permission.
ASTR 6559New course in Astronomy (1 - 4)
New course in the subject of Astronomy.
ASTR 7559New Course in Astronomy (1 - 4)
New Course in the subject of astronomy.
ASTR 8500Current Astronomical Topics (1)
UVa staff and guest speakers discuss current research problems.
ASTR 8559New Course in Astronomy. (1 - 4)
New Course in the subject of Astronomy.
ASTR 9559New Course in Astronomy (1 - 4)
New course in the subject of Astronomy.
ASTR 9995Supervised Research (1 - 12)
Fall 2025
Under supervision, the student undertakes or assists with a current research problem. This course may be repeated for credit.
ASTR 9999Non-Topical Research (1 - 12)
Fall 2025
For doctoral dissertation, taken under the supervision of a dissertation director.